Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_plugin_data(self, reldir):

        manifest_path = "%s/%s/manifest.xml" % (self.base_dir, reldir)
        xml = Xml()
        node = xml.get_node("manifest/data")
        data = xml.get_node_values_of_children(node)

        return data
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_plugin_data(my, reldir):

        manifest_path = "%s/%s/manifest.xml" % (my.base_dir, reldir)
        xml = Xml()
        node = xml.get_node("manifest/data")
        data = xml.get_node_values_of_children(node)

        return data
Exemplo n.º 3
class Package(Command):
    def __init__(self, search_key, context, package):
        self.search_key = search_key
        self.context = context
        self.package = package

        self.package_xml = Xml()

        super(Package, self).__init__()

    def execute(self):

        from tactic_client_lib import TacticServerStub
        server = TacticServerStub.get(protocol='local')

        # create a new snapshot
        snapshot = server.create_snapshot(self.search_key, self.context)

        # get all of the file_types

        file_nodes = self.package_xml.get_nodes("package/file_type")

        count = 0

        for file_node in file_nodes:
            name = self.package_xml.get_attribute(file_node, "name")

            values = self.package_xml.get_node_values_of_children(file_node)
            expression = values.get("expression")
            dir_naming = values.get("dir_naming")
            file_naming = values.get("file_naming")

            files = Search.eval(expression)

            for file in files:
                file_type = "%s%s" % (name, count)
                    # FIXME: the assumed action is to checkin

                    # What if we just wished to copy?  Can we run the files
                    # through a naming convention filter?

                    count += 1
                except Exception as e:
                    print "WARNING: ", str(e)
Exemplo n.º 4
class Package(Command):

    def __init__(self, search_key, context, package):
        self.search_key = search_key
        self.context = context
        self.package = package

        self.package_xml = Xml()

        super(Package, self).__init__()


    def execute(self):

        from tactic_client_lib import TacticServerStub
        server = TacticServerStub.get(protocol='local')

        # create a new snapshot
        snapshot = server.create_snapshot(self.search_key, self.context)

        # get all of the file_types

        file_nodes = self.package_xml.get_nodes("package/file_type")

        count = 0

        for file_node in file_nodes:
            name = self.package_xml.get_attribute(file_node, "name")

            values = self.package_xml.get_node_values_of_children(file_node)
            expression = values.get("expression")
            dir_naming = values.get("dir_naming")
            file_naming = values.get("file_naming")

            files =  Search.eval(expression)

            for file in files:
                file_type = "%s%s" % (name, count)
                    # FIXME: the assumed action is to checkin
                    server.add_file(snapshot, file, file_type=file_type, mode='copy', dir_naming=dir_naming, file_naming=file_naming)

                    # What if we just wished to copy?  Can we run the files
                    # through a naming convention filter?

                    count += 1
                except Exception as e:
                    print "WARNING: ", str(e)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_plugins_data(self, plugin_type=None):

        plugins_data = {}
        for root, dirnames, basenames in os.walk(self.base_dir):
            # for windows
            root = root.replace("\\", "/")
            reldir = root.replace(self.base_dir + "/", "")
            if "manifest.xml" in basenames:

                manifest_path = "%s/manifest.xml" % root
                xml = Xml()

                node = xml.get_node("manifest/data")
                data = xml.get_node_values_of_children(node)

                if plugin_type and not data.get("type") == plugin_type:

                plugins_data[reldir] = data

        return plugins_data
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_plugins_data(my, plugin_type=None):

        plugins_data = {}
        for root, dirnames, basenames in os.walk(my.base_dir):

            reldir = root.replace(my.base_dir + "/", "")

            if "manifest.xml" in basenames:

                manifest_path = "%s/manifest.xml" % root
                xml = Xml()

                node = xml.get_node("manifest/data")
                data = xml.get_node_values_of_children(node)

                if plugin_type and not data.get("type") == plugin_type:

                plugins_data[reldir] = data

        return plugins_data
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_widget_from_hash(cls, hash, return_none=False, force_no_index=False, kwargs={}):

        from pyasm.web import DivWdg
        if hash.startswith("//"):
            use_top = False
            hash = hash[1:]
            use_top = True

        import re
        p = re.compile("^/(\w+)")
        m = p.search(hash)
        if not m:
            if return_none:
                return None
            print "Cannot parse hash[%s]" % hash
            return DivWdg("Cannot parse hash [%s]" % hash)
        key = m.groups()[0]

        # guest user should never be able to see admin site
        if key != 'login':
            security = Environment.get_security()
            login = security.get_user_name()
            if login == "guest" and key == 'admin':
                from pyasm.widget import Error403Wdg
                return Error403Wdg().get_buffer_display()

        sobject = cls._get_predefined_url(key, hash)

        # look up the url
        if not sobject:
            search = Search("config/url")
            search.add_filter("url", "/%s/%%"%key, "like")
            search.add_filter("url", "/%s"%key)
            sobject = search.get_sobject()

        if not sobject:
            if return_none:
                return None
            return DivWdg("No Widget found for hash [%s]" % hash)

        config = sobject.get_value("widget")
        config = config.replace('&','&')

        url = sobject.get_value("url")
        url = url.strip()

        # update the config value with expressions
        options = Common.extract_dict(hash, url)
        for name, value in options.items():
            config = config.replace("{%s}" % name, value)

        xml = Xml()

        use_index, use_admin, use_sidebar = cls._get_flags(xml, sobject, force_no_index, kwargs)

        if use_admin:
            # use admin
            from tactic.ui.app import PageNavContainerWdg
            top = PageNavContainerWdg( hash=hash, use_sidebar=use_sidebar )
            return top.get_buffer_display()

        elif use_index:

            # check if there is an index
            search = Search("config/url")
            search.add_filter("url", "/index")
            index = search.get_sobject()
            # just use admin if no index page is found
            if not index:
                from tactic.ui.app import PageNavContainerWdg
                top = PageNavContainerWdg( hash=hash, use_sidebar=use_sidebar )
                return top.get_buffer_display()
            config = index.get_value("widget")
            xml = Xml()
            node = xml.get_node("element/display")


            class_name = xml.get_value("element/display/@class")
            if class_name:
                options['class_name'] = class_name

            # this passes the hash value to the index widget
            # which must handle it accordingly
            options['hash'] = hash
            top = cls.build_widget(options)

            return top.get_buffer_display()

        # process the options and then build the widget from the xml

        options = Common.extract_dict(hash, url)
        for name, value in kwargs.items():
            options[name] = value

        node = xml.get_node("element/display")

        class_name = xml.get_value("element/display/@class")
        if class_name:
            options['class_name'] = class_name

        widget = cls.build_widget(options)

        name = hash.lstrip("/")
        name = name.replace("/", " ")

        return widget
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_widget_from_hash(cls, hash, return_none=False, force_no_index=False, kwargs={}):

        from pyasm.web import DivWdg
        if hash.startswith("//"):
            use_top = False
            hash = hash[1:]
            use_top = True

        import re
        p = re.compile("^/(\w+)")
        m = p.search(hash)
        if not m:
            if return_none:
                return None
            print "Cannot parse hash[%s]" % hash
            return DivWdg("Cannot parse hash [%s]" % hash)
        key = m.groups()[0]

        # guest user should never be able to see admin site
        if key != 'login':
            security = Environment.get_security()
            login = security.get_user_name()
            if login == "guest" and key == 'admin':
                from pyasm.widget import WebLoginWdg
                # HACK: if the guest access is full, the the outer form
                # is not defined ... force it in here.  This is because the
                # top used it TopWdg and not TitleTopWdg
                div = DivWdg()
                div.add("<form id='form' name='form' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n")
                web_login_wdg = WebLoginWdg().get_buffer_display()
                return div

        sobject = cls._get_predefined_url(key, hash)

        # look up the url
        if not sobject:
            search = Search("config/url")
            search.add_filter("url", "/%s/%%"%key, "like")
            search.add_filter("url", "/%s"%key)
            sobject = search.get_sobject()

        if not sobject:
            if return_none:
                return None
            return DivWdg("No Widget found for hash [%s]" % hash)

        config = sobject.get_value("widget")
        config = config.replace('&','&amp;')

        url = sobject.get_value("url")
        url = url.strip()

        # update the config value with expressions
        options = Common.extract_dict(hash, url)
        for name, value in options.items():
            config = config.replace("{%s}" % name, value)

        xml = Xml()

        use_index, use_admin, use_sidebar = cls._get_flags(xml, sobject, force_no_index, kwargs)

        # add the admin bar
        security = Environment.get_security()
        is_admin = security.check_access("builtin", "view_site_admin", "allow")

        if is_admin and use_admin:
            # use admin
            from tactic.ui.app import PageNavContainerWdg
            top = PageNavContainerWdg( hash=hash, use_sidebar=use_sidebar )
            return top.get_buffer_display()

        elif use_index:

            # check if there is an index
            search = Search("config/url")
            search.add_filter("url", "/index")
            index = search.get_sobject()
            # just use admin if no index page is found
            if not index:
                from tactic.ui.app import PageNavContainerWdg
                top = PageNavContainerWdg( hash=hash, use_sidebar=use_sidebar )
                return top.get_buffer_display()
            config = index.get_value("widget")
            xml = Xml()
            node = xml.get_node("element/display")


            class_name = xml.get_value("element/display/@class")
            if class_name:
                options['class_name'] = class_name

            # this passes the hash value to the index widget
            # which must handle it accordingly
            options['hash'] = hash
            top = cls.build_widget(options)

            return top.get_buffer_display()

        # process the options and then build the widget from the xml

        options = Common.extract_dict(hash, url)
        for name, value in kwargs.items():
            options[name] = value

        node = xml.get_node("element/display")

        class_name = xml.get_value("element/display/@class")
        if class_name:
            options['class_name'] = class_name

        widget = cls.build_widget(options)

        name = hash.lstrip("/")
        name_array = name.split("/")
        if name_array:
            name_end = name_array[-1]
            name_end = name_end.replace("_", " ")

        return widget
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_widget_from_hashXX(cls, hash, return_none=False, force_no_index=False, kwargs={}):

        from pyasm.web import DivWdg
        if hash.startswith("//"):
            use_top = False
            hash = hash[1:]
            use_top = True

        import re
        p = re.compile("^/(\w+)")
        m = p.search(hash)
        if not m:
            print "Cannot parse hash[%s]" % hash
            return DivWdg("Cannot parse hash [%s]" % hash)
        key = m.groups()[0]

        # add some predefined ones
        if key == "link":
            expression = "/link/{link}"
            options = Common.extract_dict(hash, expression)

            # This is the standard way of communicating through main interface
            # It uses the link keyword to draw the main widget
            if use_top:
                top_class_name = WebEnvironment.get_top_class_name()
                kwargs = {
                    "link": options.get("link")
                top_class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.HashPanelWdg'
                kwargs = {
                    "hash": hash.replace("/link", "/tab")

            widget = Common.create_from_class_path(top_class_name, [], kwargs) 
            return widget

            #expression = "/link/{link}"
            #options = Common.extract_dict(hash, expression)
            #return cls.build_widget(options)

        elif key == 'tab':
            # this is called by PageNav
            expression = "/tab/{link}"
            options = Common.extract_dict(hash, expression)
            link = options.get("link")

            # test link security
            project_code = Project.get_project_code()
            security = Environment.get_security()
            link = options.get("link")
            keys = [
                    { "element": link },
                    { "element": "*" },
                    { "element": link, "project": project_code },
                    { "element": "*", "project": project_code }
            if not security.check_access("link", keys, "allow", default="deny"):
                widget = DivWdg()
                widget.add_color("color", "color")
                widget.add_color("background", "background3")
                widget.add_style("width: 600px")
                widget.add_style("height: 200px")
                widget.add_style("margin: 50px auto")
                widget.add_style("text-align: center")

                widget.add("This link [%s] either does not exist or you are not permitted to see it" % link)
                return widget

            from tactic.ui.panel import SideBarBookmarkMenuWdg
            personal = False
            if '.' in link:
                personal = True

            config = SideBarBookmarkMenuWdg.get_config("SideBarWdg", link, personal=personal)
            options = config.get_display_options(link)

            class_name = options.get("class_name")
            widget_key = options.get("widget_key")
            if widget_key:
                class_name = WidgetClassHandler().get_display_handler(widget_key)
            elif not class_name:
                class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg'
            widget = Common.create_from_class_path(class_name, [], options) 

            return widget

        # these show only the widget without a top
        elif key == "encoded":
            expression = "/encoded/{encoded}"
            options = Common.extract_dict(hash, expression)
            encoded = options['encoded']
            import json, binascii
            data = json.loads( binascii.unhexlify(encoded) )
            class_name = data[0]
            args = data[1]
            kwargs = data[2]

            widget = Common.create_from_class_path(class_name, args, kwargs) 
            return cls.build_widget(options)
            if key == "top":
                kwargs["use_index"] = True
                sobject = None
                # look up the url
                search = Search("config/url")
                search.add_filter("url", "/%s/%%"%key, "like")
                search.add_filter("url", "/%s"%key)
                sobject = search.get_sobject()

                if not sobject:
                    if return_none:
                        return None
                    return DivWdg("No Widget found for hash [%s]" % hash)

                config = sobject.get_value("widget")
                xml = Xml()

            use_index = kwargs.get("use_index")
            if use_index in [True, 'true']:
                use_index = True
            elif use_index in [False, 'false']:
                use_index = False

            use_admin = kwargs.get("use_admin")
            if use_admin in [True, 'true']:
                use_admin = True
            elif use_admin in [False, 'false']:
                use_admin = False

            use_sidebar = kwargs.get("use_sidebar")
            if use_sidebar in [False, 'false']:
                use_sidebar = False
            elif use_admin in [True, 'true']:
                use_sidebar = True

            if use_index is not None or use_admin is not None:

            elif force_no_index in [True, 'true']:
                use_index = False
                use_index = sobject.get_value("index", no_exception=True)
                if not use_index:
                    use_index = xml.get_value("/element/@index");
                    if use_index in ['true', True]:
                        use_index = True

                use_admin = sobject.get_value("admin", no_exception=True)
                if not use_admin:
                    use_admin = xml.get_value("/element/@admin");
                    if use_admin in ['true', True]:
                        use_admin = True

                    use_sidebar = xml.get_value("/element/@sidebar");
                    if use_sidebar in ['false', False]:
                        use_sidebar = False

            if use_index or use_admin:
                # check if there is an index
                search = Search("config/url")
                search.add_filter("url", "/index")
                index = search.get_sobject()

                if not index or use_admin:
                    # use admin
                    from tactic.ui.app import PageNavContainerWdg
                    top = PageNavContainerWdg( hash=hash, use_sidebar=use_sidebar )

                    config = index.get_value("widget")
                    xml = Xml()
                    node = xml.get_node("element/display")

                    options = {}

                    class_name = xml.get_value("element/display/@class")
                    if class_name:
                        options['class_name'] = class_name

                    # this passes the hash value to the index widget
                    # which must handle it accordingly
                    if key == "top":
                        hash = hash.replace("/top", "/tab")
                    options['hash'] = hash
                    top = cls.build_widget(options)

                return top.get_buffer_display()

            # build the widget
            if key == "top":
                class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.HashPanelWdg'
                options = {
                    "hash": hash.replace("/link", "/tab"),
                    "class_name": class_name
                url = sobject.get_value("url")
                url = url.strip()

                options = Common.extract_dict(hash, url)
                for name, value in kwargs.items():
                    options[name] = value

                node = xml.get_node("element/display")

                class_name = xml.get_value("element/display/@class")
                if class_name:
                    options['class_name'] = class_name

            widget = cls.build_widget(options)

            name = hash.lstrip("/")
            name = name.replace("/", " ")

            return widget