Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_sobject_by_filename(my, filename):
        '''extract the code from the filename'''

        # EP01A_15_sometext.aiff
        # we can restrict the extension to aiff|mp3 if required in the future
        p = re.compile("(\w+)_(\d+)_(\w+).(\w+)")
        m = p.match(filename)
        if not m:
            return None
        groups = m.groups() 
        episode_code = "%s" % groups[0]
        line = groups[1]
        # verify the code
        from pyasm.prod.biz import Episode
        episode = Episode.get_by_code(episode_code)
        if not episode or not line:
            return None

        from pyasm.flash.biz import FinalWave
        wav = FinalWave.get(episode_code, line)
        if not wav:
            wav = FinalWave.create(episode_code, line)

        return wav
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_sobject_by_filename(my, filename):
        '''extract the code from the filename'''

        # EP01A_sometext.aiff
        # we can restrict the extension to aiff|mp3 if required in the future
        p = re.compile("(\w+)_(\w+).(\w+)")
        m = p.match(filename)
        if not m:
            return None
        groups = m.groups() 
        episode_code = "%s" % groups[0]
        # verify the code
        from pyasm.prod.biz import Episode
        episode = Episode.get_by_code(episode_code)
        if not episode:
            return None

        from pyasm.flash.biz import NatPause
        nat = NatPause.get_by_episode_code(episode_code)
        if not nat:
            nat = NatPause.create(episode_code)

        return nat
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_sobject_by_filename(my, filename):
        '''extract the code from the filename'''

        # EP01A_15_sometext.aiff
        # we can restrict the extension to aiff|mp3 if required in the future
        p = re.compile("(\w+)_(\d+)_(\w+).(\w+)")
        m = p.match(filename)
        if not m:
            return None
        groups = m.groups()
        episode_code = "%s" % groups[0]
        line = groups[1]
        # verify the code
        from pyasm.prod.biz import Episode
        episode = Episode.get_by_code(episode_code)
        if not episode or not line:
            return None

        from pyasm.flash.biz import FinalWave
        wav = FinalWave.get(episode_code, line)
        if not wav:
            wav = FinalWave.create(episode_code, line)

        return wav
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_sobject_by_filename(my, filename):
        '''extract the code from the filename'''

        # EP01A_sometext.aiff
        # we can restrict the extension to aiff|mp3 if required in the future
        p = re.compile("(\w+)_(\w+).(\w+)")
        m = p.match(filename)
        if not m:
            return None
        groups = m.groups()
        episode_code = "%s" % groups[0]

        # verify the code
        from pyasm.prod.biz import Episode
        episode = Episode.get_by_code(episode_code)
        if not episode:
            return None

        from pyasm.flash.biz import NatPause
        nat = NatPause.get_by_episode_code(episode_code)
        if not nat:
            nat = NatPause.create(episode_code)

        return nat
Exemplo n.º 5
class Usage(Exception):
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

if __name__ == '__main__':
    my_login = '******'
    batch = Batch(login_code=my_login)

    project_code = Project.get_project_code()
    args = sys.argv[1:]

        if len(args) != 1:
            raise Usage("A single episode code is expected.")
        seq = Episode.get_by_code(args[0])
        if not seq:
            raise Usage("The episode code [%s] has not been registered for "\
                "project [%s] in TACTIC. Please Insert it in the Episodes tab first." %(args[0], project_code))
    except Usage, e:
        print e.msg

    command = AddFlashShotCmd(seq.get_code())

Exemplo n.º 6
    def init(self):

        thumb_cache = {}
        div = DivWdg()

        # get all of the shots
        filter_div = DivWdg(css='filter_box')
        unit = 'an Episode'
        filter = shot_container = None
        search_columns = []
        # pick the navigator depending on what project type
        if Project.get().get_type() == 'flash':
            # these navigators will have their empty option removed
            # and should have a different name so that if the user
            # comees from a tab with the same navigator, it won't
            # use the previous empty value if chosen
            filter = EpisodeFilterWdg('unique_episode_code')
            # set a default value which is used if there is nothing
            # stored in wdg_settings
            filter.set_option('default', SelectWdg.NONE_MODE)
            episode_code = filter.get_value()
            episode = Episode.get_by_code(episode_code)
            shot_container = episode
            search_columns = ['code', 'description', 'episode_code']
        elif Project.get().get_type() == 'prod':
            filter = SequenceFilterWdg('unique_sequence_code')
            filter.set_option('default', SelectWdg.NONE_MODE)
            epi_code, seq_code = filter.get_value()
            seq = Sequence.get_by_code(seq_code)
            shot_container = seq
            unit = 'a Sequence'
            search_columns = ['code', 'description', 'sequence_code']
        # name the empty option properly at least
            '-- Select %s --' % unit)


        search_filter = SearchFilterWdg(columns=search_columns)
        search_filter_value = search_filter.get_value()

        if not shot_container and not search_filter_value:

        search = Search(Shot.SEARCH_TYPE)
        if shot_container:
            key = shot_container.get_foreign_key()
            code = shot_container.get_code()
            search.add_filter(key, code)
        if search_filter_value:
        shots = search.get_sobjects()

        table = TableWdg(Shot.SEARCH_TYPE, 'layout_summary')
Exemplo n.º 7
    def init(my):

        thumb_cache = {}
        div = DivWdg()

        # get all of the shots
        filter_div = DivWdg(css='filter_box')
        unit = 'an Episode'
        filter = shot_container = None
        search_columns = []
        # pick the navigator depending on what project type
        if Project.get().get_type() == 'flash':
            # these navigators will have their empty option removed
            # and should have a different name so that if the user
            # comees from a tab with the same navigator, it won't 
            # use the previous empty value if chosen
            filter = EpisodeFilterWdg('unique_episode_code')
            # set a default value which is used if there is nothing
            # stored in wdg_settings
            filter.set_option('default', SelectWdg.NONE_MODE)
            episode_code = filter.get_value()
            episode = Episode.get_by_code(episode_code)
            shot_container = episode
            search_columns = ['code', 'description', 'episode_code']
        elif Project.get().get_type() == 'prod':
            filter = SequenceFilterWdg('unique_sequence_code')
            filter.set_option('default', SelectWdg.NONE_MODE)
            epi_code, seq_code = filter.get_value()
            seq = Sequence.get_by_code(seq_code)
            shot_container = seq
            unit = 'a Sequence'
            search_columns = ['code', 'description', 'sequence_code'] 
        # name the empty option properly at least
            '-- Select %s --' % unit)


        search_filter = SearchFilterWdg(columns=search_columns)
        search_filter_value = search_filter.get_value()

        if not shot_container and not search_filter_value:
        search = Search(Shot.SEARCH_TYPE)
        if shot_container:
            key = shot_container.get_foreign_key()
            code = shot_container.get_code()
        if search_filter_value:
        shots = search.get_sobjects()

        table = TableWdg(Shot.SEARCH_TYPE, 'layout_summary')