Exemplo n.º 1
    def check_variables(self, model):
        Check variables in variable list against rhs
        Be lenient with size check if the variable in model.variables is broadcasted, or
        a concatenation
        (if broadcasted, variable is a multiplication with a vector of ones)
        for rhs_var in model.rhs.keys():
            if rhs_var.name in model.variables.keys():
                var = model.variables[rhs_var.name]

                different_shapes = not np.array_equal(model.rhs[rhs_var].shape,

                not_concatenation = not isinstance(var, pybamm.Concatenation)

                not_mult_by_one_vec = not (isinstance(
                    (pybamm.Multiplication, pybamm.MatrixMultiplication)) and
                                           (pybamm.is_matrix_one(var.left) or

                if different_shapes and not_concatenation and not_mult_by_one_vec:
                    raise pybamm.ModelError(
                        "variable and its eqn must have the same shape after "
                        "discretisation but variable.shape = "
                        "{} and rhs.shape = {} for variable '{}'. ".format(
                            var.shape, model.rhs[rhs_var].shape, var))
Exemplo n.º 2
def simplified_multiplication(left, right):
    left, right = simplify_elementwise_binary_broadcasts(left, right)

    # Check for Concatenations and Broadcasts
    out = simplified_binary_broadcast_concatenation(left, right,
    if out is not None:
        return out

    # simplify multiply by scalar zero, being careful about shape
    if pybamm.is_scalar_zero(left):
        return pybamm.zeros_like(right)
    if pybamm.is_scalar_zero(right):
        return pybamm.zeros_like(left)

    # if one of the children is a zero matrix, we have to be careful about shapes
    if pybamm.is_matrix_zero(left) or pybamm.is_matrix_zero(right):
        return pybamm.zeros_like(pybamm.Multiplication(left, right))

    # anything multiplied by a scalar one returns itself
    if pybamm.is_scalar_one(left):
        return right
    if pybamm.is_scalar_one(right):
        return left

    # anything multiplied by a scalar negative one returns negative itself
    if pybamm.is_scalar_minus_one(left):
        return -right
    if pybamm.is_scalar_minus_one(right):
        return -left

    # anything multiplied by a matrix one returns itself if
    # - the shapes are the same
    # - both left and right evaluate on edges, or both evaluate on nodes, in all
    # dimensions
    # (and possibly more generally, but not implemented here)
        if left.shape_for_testing == right.shape_for_testing and all(
                left.evaluates_on_edges(dim) == right.evaluates_on_edges(dim)
                for dim in ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary"]):
            if pybamm.is_matrix_one(left):
                return right
            elif pybamm.is_matrix_one(right):
                return left
            # also check for negative one
            if pybamm.is_matrix_minus_one(left):
                return -right
            elif pybamm.is_matrix_minus_one(right):
                return -left

    except NotImplementedError:

    # Return constant if both sides are constant
    if left.is_constant() and right.is_constant():
        return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(pybamm.Multiplication(left, right))

    # Simplify (B @ c) * a to (a * B) @ c if (a * B) is constant
    # This is a common construction that appears from discretisation of spatial
    # operators
    if (isinstance(left, MatrixMultiplication) and left.left.is_constant()
            and right.is_constant()
            and not (right.ndim_for_testing == 2
                     and right.shape_for_testing[1] > 1)):
        l_left, l_right = left.orphans
        new_left = right * l_left
        # Special hack for the case where l_left is a matrix one
        # because of weird domain errors otherwise
        if new_left == right and isinstance(right, pybamm.Array):
            new_left = right.new_copy()
        # be careful about domains to avoid weird errors
        new_mul = new_left @ l_right
        # Keep the domain of the old left
        return new_mul

    elif isinstance(left, Multiplication) and right.is_constant():
        # Simplify (a * b) * c to (a * c) * b if (a * c) is constant
        if left.left.is_constant():
            l_left, l_right = left.orphans
            new_left = l_left * right
            return new_left * l_right
        # Simplify (a * b) * c to a * (b * c) if (b * c) is constant
        elif left.right.is_constant():
            l_left, l_right = left.orphans
            new_right = l_right * right
            return l_left * new_right
    elif isinstance(left, Division) and right.is_constant():
        # Simplify (a / b) * c to a * (c / b) if (c / b) is constant
        if left.right.is_constant():
            l_left, l_right = left.orphans
            new_right = right / l_right
            return l_left * new_right

    # Simplify a * (B @ c) to (a * B) @ c if (a * B) is constant
    if (isinstance(right, MatrixMultiplication) and right.left.is_constant()
            and left.is_constant()
            and not (left.ndim_for_testing == 2
                     and left.shape_for_testing[1] > 1)):
        r_left, r_right = right.orphans
        new_left = left * r_left
        # Special hack for the case where r_left is a matrix one
        # because of weird domain errors otherwise
        if new_left == left and isinstance(left, pybamm.Array):
            new_left = left.new_copy()
        # be careful about domains to avoid weird errors
        new_mul = new_left @ r_right
        # Keep the domain of the old right
        return new_mul

    elif isinstance(right, Multiplication) and left.is_constant():
        # Simplify a * (b * c) to (a * b) * c if (a * b) is constant
        if right.left.is_constant():
            r_left, r_right = right.orphans
            new_left = left * r_left
            return new_left * r_right
        # Simplify a * (b * c) to (a * c) * b if (a * c) is constant
        elif right.right.is_constant():
            r_left, r_right = right.orphans
            new_left = left * r_right
            return new_left * r_left
    elif isinstance(right, Division) and left.is_constant():
        # Simplify a * (b / c) to (a / c) * b if (a / c) is constant
        if right.right.is_constant():
            r_left, r_right = right.orphans
            new_left = left / r_right
            return new_left * r_left

    # Simplify a * (b + c) to (a * b) + (a * c) if (a * b) or (a * c) is constant
    # This is a common construction that appears from discretisation of spatial
    # operators
    # Also do this for cases like a * (b @ c + d) where (a * b) is constant
    elif isinstance(right, Addition):
        mul_classes = (
        if (right.left.is_constant() or right.right.is_constant()
                or (isinstance(right.left, mul_classes)
                    and right.left.left.is_constant())
                or (isinstance(right.right, mul_classes)
                    and right.right.left.is_constant())):
            r_left, r_right = right.orphans
            if (r_left.domain == right.domain
                    or r_left.domain == []) and (r_right.domain == right.domain
                                                 or r_right.domain == []):
                return (left * r_left) + (left * r_right)

    # Negation simplifications
    if isinstance(left, pybamm.Negate) and right.is_constant():
        # Simplify (-a) * b to a * (-b) if (-b) is constant
        return left.orphans[0] * (-right)
    elif isinstance(right, pybamm.Negate) and left.is_constant():
        # Simplify a * (-b) to (-a) * b if (-a) is constant
        return (-left) * right.orphans[0]

    return pybamm.Multiplication(left, right)
Exemplo n.º 3
def simplified_division(left, right):
    left, right = simplify_elementwise_binary_broadcasts(left, right)

    # Check for Concatenations and Broadcasts
    out = simplified_binary_broadcast_concatenation(left, right,
    if out is not None:
        return out

    # zero divided by anything returns zero (being careful about shape)
    if pybamm.is_scalar_zero(left):
        return pybamm.zeros_like(right)

    # matrix zero divided by anything returns matrix zero (i.e. itself)
    if pybamm.is_matrix_zero(left):
        return pybamm.zeros_like(pybamm.Division(left, right))

    # anything divided by zero raises error
    if pybamm.is_scalar_zero(right):
        raise ZeroDivisionError

    # anything divided by one is itself
    if pybamm.is_scalar_one(right):
        return left

    # a symbol divided by itself is 1s of the same shape
    if left.id == right.id:
        return pybamm.ones_like(left)

    # anything multiplied by a matrix one returns itself if
    # - the shapes are the same
    # - both left and right evaluate on edges, or both evaluate on nodes, in all
    # dimensions
    # (and possibly more generally, but not implemented here)
        if left.shape_for_testing == right.shape_for_testing and all(
                left.evaluates_on_edges(dim) == right.evaluates_on_edges(dim)
                for dim in ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary"]):
            if pybamm.is_matrix_one(right):
                return left
            # also check for negative one
            if pybamm.is_matrix_minus_one(right):
                return -left

    except NotImplementedError:

    # Return constant if both sides are constant
    if left.is_constant() and right.is_constant():
        return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(pybamm.Division(left, right))

    # Simplify (B @ c) / a to (B / a) @ c if (B / a) is constant
    # This is a common construction that appears from discretisation of averages
    elif isinstance(left, MatrixMultiplication) and right.is_constant():
        l_left, l_right = left.orphans
        new_left = l_left / right
        if new_left.is_constant():
            # be careful about domains to avoid weird errors
            new_division = new_left @ l_right
            # Keep the domain of the old left
            return new_division

    if isinstance(left, Multiplication):
        # Simplify (a * b) / c to (a / c) * b if (a / c) is constant
        if left.left.is_constant():
            l_left, l_right = left.orphans
            new_left = l_left / right
            if new_left.is_constant():
                return new_left * l_right
        # Simplify (a * b) / c to a * (b / c) if (b / c) is constant
        elif left.right.is_constant():
            l_left, l_right = left.orphans
            new_right = l_right / right
            if new_right.is_constant():
                return l_left * new_right

    # Negation simplifications
    elif isinstance(left, pybamm.Negate) and right.is_constant():
        # Simplify (-a) / b to a / (-b) if (-b) is constant
        return left.orphans[0] / (-right)
    elif isinstance(right, pybamm.Negate) and left.is_constant():
        # Simplify a / (-b) to (-a) / b if (-a) is constant
        return (-left) / right.orphans[0]

    return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(pybamm.Division(left, right))