Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, host=Options.coordinator_host,
        # type: (Text, int, int, bool, bool, bool) -> None
        # Coordinator args
        self.host = host  # type: Text
        self.port_v1 = port_v1  # type: int
        self._base_uri_v1 = CoordConsts.SVC_CFG_WORK_MGR  # type: str
        self.port_v2 = port_v2  # type: int
        self._base_uri_v2 = CoordConsts.SVC_CFG_WORK_MGR2  # type: str
        self.ssl = ssl  # type: bool
        self.verify_ssl_certs = verify_ssl_certs  # type: bool

        # Session args
        self.api_key = CoordConsts.DEFAULT_API_KEY  # type: str
        self.network = None  # type: Optional[str]
        self.snapshot = None  # type: Optional[str]

        # Objects to hold and manage questions and asserts
        self.q = Questions(self)
        self.asserts = Asserts(self)

        # Additional worker args
        self.additional_args = {}  # type: Dict

        self.elapsed_delay = 5  # type: int
        self.stale_timeout = 5  # type: int
        self.enable_diagnostics = True  # type: bool

        # Auto-load question templates
        if load_questions:
Exemplo n.º 2
class Session(object):
    """Keeps session configuration needed to connect to a Batfish server.

    :ivar host: The host of the batfish service
    :ivar port_v1: The port batfish service is running on (9997 by default)
    :ivar port_v2: The additional port of batfish service (9996 by default)
    :ivar ssl: Whether to use SSL when connecting to Batfish (False by default)
    :ivar api_key: Your API key
    def __init__(self,
        # type: (Text, int, int, bool, bool, bool) -> None
        # Coordinator args
        self.host = host  # type: Text
        self.port_v1 = port_v1  # type: int
        self._base_uri_v1 = CoordConsts.SVC_CFG_WORK_MGR  # type: str
        self.port_v2 = port_v2  # type: int
        self._base_uri_v2 = CoordConsts.SVC_CFG_WORK_MGR2  # type: str
        self.ssl = ssl  # type: bool
        self.verify_ssl_certs = verify_ssl_certs  # type: bool

        # Session args
        self.api_key = CoordConsts.DEFAULT_API_KEY  # type: str
        self.network = None  # type: Optional[str]
        self.snapshot = None  # type: Optional[str]

        # Objects to hold and manage questions and asserts
        self.q = Questions(self)
        self.asserts = Asserts(self)

        # Additional worker args
        self.additional_args = {}  # type: Dict

        self.elapsed_delay = 5  # type: int
        self.stale_timeout = 5  # type: int
        self.enable_diagnostics = True  # type: bool

        # Auto-load question templates
        if load_questions:

    # Support old property names
    @property  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new additional_args field instead")
    def additionalArgs(self):
        return self.additional_args

    @additionalArgs.setter  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new additional_args field instead")
    def additionalArgs(self, val):
        self.additional_args = val

    @property  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new api_key field instead")
    def apiKey(self):
        return self.api_key

    @apiKey.setter  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new api_key field instead")
    def apiKey(self, val):
        self.api_key = val

    @property  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new snapshot field instead")
    def baseSnapshot(self):
        return self.snapshot

    @baseSnapshot.setter  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new snapshot field instead")
    def baseSnapshot(self, val):
        self.snapshot = val

    @property  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new host field instead")
    def coordinatorHost(self):
        return self.host

    @coordinatorHost.setter  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new host field instead")
    def coordinatorHost(self, val):
        self.host = val

    @property  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new port_v1 field instead")
    def coordinatorPort(self):
        return self.port_v1

    @coordinatorPort.setter  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new port_v1 field instead")
    def coordinatorPort(self, val):
        self.port_v1 = val

    @property  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new port_v2 field instead")
    def coordinatorPort2(self):
        return self.port_v2

    @coordinatorPort2.setter  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new port_v2 field instead")
    def coordinatorPort2(self, val):
        self.port_v2 = val

    @property  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new ssl field instead")
    def useSsl(self):
        return self.ssl

    @useSsl.setter  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new ssl field instead")
    def useSsl(self, val):
        self.ssl = val

    @property  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new verify_ssl_certs field instead")
    def verifySslCerts(self):
        return self.verify_ssl_certs

    @verifySslCerts.setter  # type: ignore
    @deprecated(reason="Use the new verify_ssl_certs field instead")
    def verifySslCerts(self, val):
        self.verify_ssl_certs = val

    def get_session_types(cls):
        # type: () -> Dict[str, Callable]
        """Get a dict of possible session types mapping their names to session classes."""
        return {
            entry_point.name: entry_point.load()
            for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(

    def get(cls, type_='bf', **params):
        # type: (str, **Any) -> Session
        """Instantiate and return a Session object of the specified type with the specified params."""
        sessions = cls.get_session_types()
        session_module = sessions.get(type_)
        if session_module is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid session type. Specified type '{}' does not match any registered session type: {}"
                .format(type_, sessions.keys()))
        session = session_module(**params)  # type: Session
        return session

    def delete_network(self, name):
        # type: (str) -> None
        Delete network by name.

        :param name: name of the network to delete
        :type name: str
        if name is None:
            raise ValueError('Network to be deleted must be supplied')
        json_data = workhelper.get_data_delete_network(self, name)
        resthelper.get_json_response(self, CoordConsts.SVC_RSC_DEL_NETWORK,

    def delete_node_role_dimension(self, dimension):
        # type: (str) -> None
        Deletes the definition of the given role dimension for the active network.

        :param dimension: name of the dimension to delete
        :type dimension: str
        restv2helper.delete_node_role_dimension(self, dimension)

    def delete_reference_book(self, name):
        # type: (str) -> None
        Deletes the reference book with the specified name for the active network.

        :param name: name of the reference book to delete
        :type name: str
        restv2helper.delete_reference_book(self, name)

    def delete_snapshot(self, name):
        # type: (str) -> None
        Delete specified snapshot from current network.

        :param name: name of the snapshot to delete
        :type name: str
        if name is None:
            raise ValueError('Snapshot to be deleted must be supplied')
        json_data = workhelper.get_data_delete_snapshot(self, name)
        resthelper.get_json_response(self, CoordConsts.SVC_RSC_DEL_SNAPSHOT,

    def extract_facts(self, nodes='/.*/', output_directory=None):
        # type: (Text, Optional[Text]) -> Dict[Text, Any]
        Extract and return a dictionary of facts about the specified nodes on the current network snapshot.

        If an output directory is specified, facts for each node will be written to a separate YAML file in that directory.

        :param nodes: `NodeSpecifier <https://github.com/batfish/batfish/blob/master/questions/Parameters.md#node-specifier>`_, specifying which nodes to extract facts for.
        :type nodes: Text
        :param output_directory: path to directory to write facts to
        :type output_directory: Text
        :return: facts about the specified nodes on the current network snapshot
        :rtype: dict
        facts = get_facts(self, nodes)
        if output_directory:
            if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
            if os.path.isfile(output_directory):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Cannot write facts to file, must be a directory: {}'.
            write_facts(output_directory, facts)
        return facts

    def fork_snapshot(self,
        # type: (str, Optional[str], bool, Optional[List[Interface]], Optional[List[str]], Optional[List[Interface]], Optional[List[str]], Optional[str], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[str]
        Copy an existing snapshot and deactivate or reactivate specified interfaces, nodes, and links on the copy.

        :param base_name: name of the snapshot to copy
        :type base_name: str
        :param name: name of the snapshot to initialize
        :type name: str
        :param overwrite: whether or not to overwrite an existing snapshot with the
            same name
        :type overwrite: bool
        :param deactivate_interfaces: list of interfaces to deactivate in new snapshot
        :type deactivate_interfaces: list[Interface]
        :param deactivate_nodes: list of names of nodes to deactivate in new snapshot
        :type deactivate_nodes: list[str]
        :param restore_interfaces: list of interfaces to reactivate
        :type restore_interfaces: list[Interface]
        :param restore_nodes: list of names of nodes to reactivate
        :type restore_nodes: list[str]
        :param add_files: path to zip file or directory containing files to add
        :type add_files: str
        :param extra_args: extra arguments to be passed to the parse command.
        :type extra_args: dict

        :return: name of initialized snapshot or None if the call fails
        :rtype: Optional[str]
        ss_name = self._fork_snapshot(
        assert isinstance(
            ss_name, six.string_types)  # Guaranteed since background=False
        return ss_name

    def _fork_snapshot(self,
        # type: (str, Optional[str], bool, bool, Optional[List[Interface]], Optional[List[str]], Optional[List[Interface]], Optional[List[str]], Optional[str], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Union[str, Dict, None]

        if name is None:
            name = Options.default_snapshot_prefix + get_uuid()

        if name in self.list_snapshots():
            if overwrite:
                raise ValueError(
                    'A snapshot named '
                    ' already exists in network '
                    '. '
                    'Use overwrite = True if you want to overwrite the '
                    'existing snapshot'.format(name, self.network))

        encoded_file = None
        if add_files is not None:
            file_to_send = add_files
            if os.path.isdir(add_files):
                temp_zip_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
                zip_dir(add_files, temp_zip_file)
                file_to_send = temp_zip_file.name

            if os.path.isfile(file_to_send):
                with open(file_to_send, "rb") as f:
                    encoded_file = base64.b64encode(f.read()).decode('ascii')

        json_data = {
            "snapshotBase": base_name,
            "snapshotNew": name,
            "deactivateInterfaces": deactivate_interfaces,
            "deactivateNodes": deactivate_nodes,
            "restoreInterfaces": restore_interfaces,
            "restoreNodes": restore_nodes,
            "zipFile": encoded_file
        restv2helper.fork_snapshot(self, json_data)

        return self._parse_snapshot(name, background, extra_args)

    def generate_dataplane(self, snapshot=None, extra_args=None):
        # type: (Optional[str], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> str
        Generates the data plane for the supplied snapshot. If no snapshot is specified, uses the last snapshot initialized.

        :param snapshot: name of the snapshot to generate dataplane for
        :type snapshot: str
        :param extra_args: extra arguments to be passed to Batfish
        :type extra_args: dict
        snapshot = self.get_snapshot(snapshot)

        work_item = workhelper.get_workitem_generate_dataplane(self, snapshot)
        answer_dict = workhelper.execute(work_item,
        return str(answer_dict["status"].value)

    def get_answer(self, question, snapshot, reference_snapshot=None):
        # type: (str, str, Optional[str]) -> Answer
        Get the answer for a previously asked question.

        :param question: the unique identifier of the previously asked question
        :type question: str
        :param snapshot: name of the snapshot the question was run on
        :type snapshot: str
        :param reference_snapshot: if present, gets the answer for a differential question asked against the specified reference snapshot
        :type reference_snapshot: str
        :return: answer to the specified question
        :rtype: :py:class:`Answer`
        params = {
            'snapshot': snapshot,
            'referenceSnapshot': reference_snapshot,
        ans = restv2helper.get_answer(self, question, params)
        if is_table_ans(ans):
            return TableAnswer(ans)
            return Answer(ans)

    def get_base_url(self):
        # type: () -> str
        """Generate the base URL for connecting to Batfish coordinator."""
        protocol = "https" if self.ssl else "http"
        return '{0}://{1}:{2}{3}'.format(protocol, self.host, self.port_v1,

    def get_base_url2(self):
        # type: () -> str
        """Generate the base URL for V2 of the coordinator APIs."""
        protocol = "https" if self.ssl else "http"
        return '{0}://{1}:{2}{3}'.format(protocol, self.host, self.port_v2,

    def get_info(self):
        # type: () -> Dict[str, Any]
        """Get basic info about the Batfish service (including name, version, ...)."""
        return resthelper.get_json_response(self, '', useHttpGet=True)

    def get_node_role_dimension(self, dimension, inferred=False):
        # type: (str, bool) -> NodeRoleDimension
        Returns the definition of the given node role dimension for the active network or inferred definition for the active snapshot.

        :param dimension: name of the node role dimension to fetch
        :type dimension: str
        :param inferred: whether or not to fetch active snapshot's inferred node role dimension
        :type inferred: bool

        :return: the definition of the given node role dimension for the active network, or inferred definition for the active snapshot if inferred=True.
        :rtype: :class:`~pybatfish.datamodel.referencelibrary.NodeRoleDimension`
        if inferred:
            return NodeRoleDimension.from_dict(
                    self, dimension))
        return NodeRoleDimension.from_dict(
            restv2helper.get_node_role_dimension(self, dimension))

    def get_node_roles(self, inferred=False):
        # type: (bool) -> NodeRolesData
        Returns the definitions of node roles for the active network or inferred roles for the active snapshot.

        :param inferred: whether or not to fetch the active snapshot's inferred node roles
        :type inferred: bool

        :return: the definitions of node roles for the active network, or inferred definitions for the active snapshot if inferred=True.
        :rtype: :class:`~pybatfish.datamodel.referencelibrary.NodeRolesData`
        if inferred:
            return NodeRolesData.from_dict(
        return NodeRolesData.from_dict(restv2helper.get_node_roles(self))

    def get_reference_book(self, name):
        # type: (str) -> ReferenceBook
        Returns the specified reference book for the active network.

        :param name: name of the reference book to fetch
        :type name: str
        return ReferenceBook.from_dict(
            restv2helper.get_reference_book(self, name))

    def get_reference_library(self):
        # type: () -> ReferenceLibrary
        """Returns the reference library for the active network."""
        return ReferenceLibrary.from_dict(

    def get_snapshot(self, snapshot=None):
        # type: (Optional[Union[str, Text]]) -> str
        Get the specified or active snapshot name.

        :param snapshot: if specified, this name is returned instead of active snapshot
        :type snapshot: str or Text

        :return: name of the active snapshot, or the specified snapshot if applicable
        :rtype: str

        :raises ValueError: if there is no active snapshot and no snapshot was specified
        if snapshot is not None:
            return str(snapshot)
        elif self.snapshot is not None:
            return self.snapshot
            raise ValueError(
                "snapshot must be either provided or set using "
                "set_snapshot (e.g. bf_session.set_snapshot('NAME')")

    def get_url(self, resource):
        # type: (str) -> str
        Get URL for the specified resource.

        :param resource: URI of the requested resource
        :type resource: str
        return '{0}/{1}'.format(self.get_base_url(), resource)

    def get_work_status(self, work_item):
        """Get the status for the specified work item."""
        return get_work_status(work_item, self)

    def init_snapshot(self,
        # type: (str, Optional[str], bool, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> str
        Initialize a new snapshot.

        :param upload: path to the snapshot zip or directory
        :type upload: str
        :param name: name of the snapshot to initialize
        :type name: str
        :param overwrite: whether or not to overwrite an existing snapshot with the
           same name
        :type overwrite: bool
        :param extra_args: extra arguments to be passed to the parse command
        :type extra_args: dict

        :return: name of initialized snapshot
        :rtype: str
        ss_name = self._init_snapshot(upload,
        assert isinstance(
            ss_name, six.string_types)  # Guaranteed since background=False
        return ss_name

    def init_snapshot_from_text(self,
        # type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str], bool, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> str
        Initialize a snapshot of a single configuration file with given text.

        When `platform=None` the file contains the given text, unmodified. This
        means that the file text must indicate the platform of the vendor to
        Batfish, which is usually learned from headers that devices add in
        "show run"::

            boot nxos bootflash:nxos.7.0.3.I4.7.bin   (Cisco NX-OS)
            ! boot system flash:/vEOS-lab.swi         (Arista EOS)
            #TMSH-VERSION: 1.0                        (F5 Big-IP)
            !! IOS XR Configuration 5.2.4             (Cisco IOS XR)

        Alternately, you may supply the name of the platform in the `platform`

        As usual, the hostname of the node will be parsed from the configuration
        text itself, and if not present Batfish will default to the provided

        :param text: the contents of the file.
        :type text: str
        :param filename: name of the configuration file created, 'config' by
        :type filename: str
        :param snapshot_name: name of the snapshot to initialize
        :type snapshot_name: str
        :param platform: the RANCID router.db name for the device platform,
            i.e., "cisco-nx", "arista", "f5", or "cisco-xr" for above examples.
            See https://www.shrubbery.net/rancid/man/router.db.5.html
        :type platform: str
        :param overwrite: whether or not to overwrite an existing snapshot with
           the same name.
        :type overwrite: bool
        :param extra_args: extra arguments to be passed to the parse command
        :type extra_args: dict

        :return: name of initialized snapshot
        :rtype: str
        if six.PY2:
            from backports.tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
            from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

        if filename is None:
            filename = 'config'

        with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='_batfish_temp.') as dirname:
            _create_single_file_zip(dirname, text, filename, platform)
            ss_name = self._init_snapshot(dirname,
            assert isinstance(
                ss_name, six.string_types)  # Guaranteed since background=False
            return ss_name

    def _init_snapshot(self,
        # type: (str, Optional[str], bool, bool, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Union[str, Dict[str, str]]
        if self.network is None:

        if name is None:
            name = Options.default_snapshot_prefix + get_uuid()

        if name in self.list_snapshots():
            if overwrite:
                raise ValueError(
                    'A snapshot named '
                    ' already exists in network '
                    '. '
                    'Use overwrite = True if you want to overwrite the '
                    'existing snapshot'.format(name, self.network))

        file_to_send = upload
        tmp_file_name = None  # type: Optional[Text]
        if os.path.isdir(upload):
            # delete=False because we re-open for reading
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as temp_zip_file:
                zip_dir(upload, temp_zip_file)
                tmp_file_name = file_to_send = temp_zip_file.name

        with open(file_to_send, 'rb') as fd:
            json_data = workhelper.get_data_upload_snapshot(self, name, fd)

        # Cleanup tmp file if we made one
        if tmp_file_name is not None:
            except (OSError, IOError):
                # If we can't delete the file for some reason, let it be,
                # no need to crash initialization

        return self._parse_snapshot(name, background, extra_args)

    def list_networks(self):
        # type: () -> List[str]
        List networks the session's API key can access.

        :return: network names
        :rtype: list
        json_data = workhelper.get_data_list_networks(self)
        json_response = resthelper.get_json_response(
            self, CoordConsts.SVC_RSC_LIST_NETWORKS, json_data)

        return list(map(str, json_response['networklist']))

    def list_incomplete_works(self):
        # type: () -> Dict[str, Any]
        Get pending work that is incomplete.

        :return: JSON dictionary of question name to question object
        :rtype: dict
        json_data = workhelper.get_data_list_incomplete_work(self)
        response = resthelper.get_json_response(
            self, CoordConsts.SVC_RSC_LIST_INCOMPLETE_WORK, json_data)
        return response

    def list_snapshots(self, verbose=False):
        # type: (bool) -> Union[List[str], List[Dict[str,Any]]]
        List snapshots for the current network.

        :param verbose: If true, return the full output of Batfish, including
            snapshot metadata.
        :type verbose: bool

        :return: snapshot names or the full JSON response containing snapshots
            and metadata (if `verbose=True`)
        :rtype: list
        return restv2helper.list_snapshots(self, verbose)

    def put_reference_book(self, book):
        # type: (ReferenceBook) -> None
        Put a reference book in the active network.

        If a book with the same name exists, it is overwritten.

        :param book: The ReferenceBook object to add
        :type book: :class:`~pybatfish.datamodel.referencelibrary.ReferenceBook`
        restv2helper.put_reference_book(self, book)

    def put_node_role_dimension(self, dimension):
        # type: (NodeRoleDimension) -> None
        Put a role dimension in the active network.

        Overwrites the old dimension if one of the same name already exists.

        Individual roles within the dimension must have a valid (java) regex.
        The node list within those roles, if present, is ignored by the server.

        :param dimension: The NodeRoleDimension object for the dimension to add
        :type dimension: :class:`~pybatfish.datamodel.referencelibrary.NodeRoleDimension`
        if dimension.type == "AUTO":
            raise ValueError("Cannot put a dimension of type AUTO")
        restv2helper.put_node_role_dimension(self, dimension)

    def put_node_roles(self, node_roles_data):
        # type: (NodeRolesData) -> None
        Writes the definitions of node roles for the active network. Completely replaces any existing definitions.

        :param node_roles_data: node roles definitions to add to the active network
        :type node_roles_data: :class:`~pybatfish.datamodel.referencelibrary.NodeRolesData`
        restv2helper.put_node_roles(self, node_roles_data)

    def set_network(self, name=None, prefix=Options.default_network_prefix):
        # type: (str, str) -> str
        Configure the network used for analysis.

        :param name: name of the network to set. If `None`, a name will be generated
        :type name: str
        :param prefix: prefix to prepend to auto-generated network names if name is empty
        :type name: str

        :return: name of the configured network
        :rtype: str
        :raises BatfishException: if configuration fails
        if name is None:
            name = prefix + get_uuid()
        validate_name(name, "network")

            net = restv2helper.get_network(self, name)
            self.network = str(net['name'])
            return self.network
        except HTTPError as e:
            if e.response.status_code != 404:
                raise BatfishException('Unknown error accessing network', e)

        json_data = workhelper.get_data_init_network(self, name)
        json_response = resthelper.get_json_response(
            self, CoordConsts.SVC_RSC_INIT_NETWORK, json_data)

        network_name = json_response.get(CoordConsts.SVC_KEY_NETWORK_NAME)
        if network_name is None:
            raise BatfishException(
                "Network initialization failed. Server response: {}".format(

        self.network = str(network_name)
        return self.network

    def set_snapshot(self, name=None, index=None):
        # type: (Optional[str], Optional[int]) -> str
        Set the current snapshot by name or index.

        :param name: name of the snapshot to set as the current snapshot
        :type name: str
        :param index: set the current snapshot to the ``index``-th most recent snapshot
        :type index: int

        :return: the name of the successfully set snapshot
        :rtype: str
        if name is None and index is None:
            raise ValueError('One of name and index must be set')
        if name is not None and index is not None:
            raise ValueError('Only one of name and index can be set')

        snapshots = self.list_snapshots()

        # Index specified, simply give the ith snapshot
        if index is not None:
            if not (-len(snapshots) <= index < len(snapshots)):
                raise IndexError("Server has only {} snapshots: {}".format(
                    len(snapshots), snapshots))
            self.snapshot = str(snapshots[index])

        # Name specified, make sure it exists.
            assert name is not None  # type-hint to Python
            if name not in snapshots:
                raise ValueError('No snapshot named '
                                 ' was found in network '
                                 ': {}'.format(name, self.network, snapshots))
            self.snapshot = name

        logging.getLogger(__name__).info("Default snapshot is now set to %s",
        return self.snapshot

    def upload_diagnostics(self,
        # type: (bool, str, Optional[str]) -> str
        Fetch, anonymize, and optionally upload snapshot diagnostics information.

        This runs a series of diagnostic questions on the current snapshot
        (including collecting parsing and conversion information).

        The information collected is anonymized with
        `Netconan <https://github.com/intentionet/netconan>`_ which either
        anonymizes passwords and IP addresses (default) or uses the settings in
        the provided `netconan_config`.

        The anonymous information is then either saved locally (if `dry_run` is
        True) or uploaded to Batfish developers (if `dry_run` is False).  The
        uploaded information will be accessible only to Batfish developers and will
        be used to help diagnose any issues you encounter.

        If `contact_info` is supplied (e.g. email address), Batfish developers may
        contact you if they have follow-up questions or to update you when the
        issues you encountered are resolved.

        :param dry_run: if True, upload is skipped and the anonymized files will be stored locally for review. If False, anonymized files will be uploaded to the Batfish developers
        :type dry_run: bool
        :param netconan_config: path to Netconan configuration file
        :type netconan_config: str
        :param contact_info: optional contact info associated with this upload
        :type contact_info: str
        :return: location of anonymized files (local directory if doing dry run, otherwise upload ID)
        :rtype: str
        metadata = {}
        if contact_info:
            metadata['contact_info'] = contact_info
        return upload_diagnostics(self,

    def validate_facts(self, expected_facts):
        # type: (Text) -> Dict[Text, Any]
        Return a dictionary of mismatched facts between the loaded expected facts and the actual facts.

        :param expected_facts: path to directory to read expected fact YAML files from
        :type expected_facts: Text
        :return: facts about the specified nodes on the current network snapshot
        :rtype: dict
        actual_facts = get_facts(self)
        expected_facts_ = load_facts(expected_facts)
        return validate_facts(expected_facts_, actual_facts)

    def _check_network(self):
        """Check if current network is set."""
        if self.network is None:
            raise ValueError("Network is not set")

    def _check_snapshot(self):
        """Check if current snapshot (and network) is set."""
        if self.snapshot is None:
            raise ValueError("Snapshot is not set")

    def _parse_snapshot(self, name, background, extra_args):
        # type: (str, bool, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Union[str, Dict[str, str]]
        Parse specified snapshot.

        :param name: name of the snapshot to initialize
        :type name: str
        :param background: whether or not to run the task in the background
        :type background: bool
        :param extra_args: extra arguments to be passed to the parse command.
        :type extra_args: dict

        :return: name of initialized snapshot, or JSON dictionary of task status if background=True
        :rtype: Union[str, Dict]
        work_item = workhelper.get_workitem_parse(self, name)
        answer_dict = workhelper.execute(work_item,
        if background:
            self.snapshot = name
            return answer_dict

        status = WorkStatusCode(answer_dict["status"])

        if status != WorkStatusCode.TERMINATEDNORMALLY:
            init_log = restv2helper.get_work_log(self, name, work_item.id)
            raise BatfishException(
                'Initializing snapshot {ss} failed with status {status}\n{log}'
                .format(ss=name, status=status, log=init_log))
            self.snapshot = name
                "Default snapshot is now set to %s", self.snapshot)
            if self.enable_diagnostics:

            return self.snapshot