Exemplo n.º 1
def find_video_configuration_at(file, stbl_pos=None):
    # STBL.STSD.[AVC1 | HEC1 | HVC1].[AVCC | HVCC]
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(find_headers_at(file, {b"stbl"}, stbl_pos))
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(
        find_headers_at(file, {b"stsd"}, pos + header_size))
    header_size += (
        1 +  # version (fullbox): 1 bytes
        3 +  # flags (fullbox): 24 bits
        4)  # entry_count: uint32
    __c1 = next(
        find_headers_at(file, {b"avc1", b"hec1", b"hvc1"}, pos + header_size),

    if __c1 is None:
        return None

    pos, _, _, header_size = __c1

    _vcC_offset = (
        header_size + 6 +  # reserved: 48 bits
        2 +  # data_reference_index: uint16
        2 +  # pre_defined: 16 bits
        2 +  # reserved: 16 bits
        12 +  # pre_defined: 96 bits
        2 +  # width: uint16
        2 +  # height: uint16
        4 +  # horizresolution: 2 * uint16
        4 +  # vertresolution: 2 * uint16
        4 +  # reserved: 32 bits
        2 +  # frame_count: uint16
        32 +  # compressorname: 32 bytes
        2 +  # depth: uint16
        2)  # pre_defined: 16 bits

    return next(find_headers_at(file, {b"avcC", b"hvcC"}, pos + _vcC_offset))
Exemplo n.º 2
def find_sample_table_at(file, trak_pos=None):
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(find_headers_at(file, {b"trak"}, trak_pos))
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(
        find_headers_at(file, {b"mdia"}, pos + header_size))
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(
        find_headers_at(file, {b"minf"}, pos + header_size))
    return next(find_headers_at(file, {b"stbl"}, pos + header_size))
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_name_at(file, trak_pos=None):
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(find_headers_at(file, {b"trak"}, trak_pos))
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(find_headers_at(file, {b"mdia"}, pos + header_size))
    pos, box_size, _, header_size = next(find_headers_at(file, {b"hdlr"}, pos + header_size))
    name_offset = (header_size +
                   1 +  # version (fullbox): 1 bytes
                   3 +  # flag (fullbox)s: 24 bits
                   4 +  # pre_defined: uint32
                   4 +  # handler_type: 4 bytes
                   12)  # reserved0: 3 * 32 bits
    file.seek(pos + name_offset)
    return file.read(box_size - name_offset)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_chunk_offset_at(file, stbl_pos=None):
    # STBL.[STCO | CO64]
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(find_headers_at(file, {b"stbl"}, stbl_pos))
    pos, box_size, box_type, header_size = \
        next(find_headers_at(file, {b"stco", b"co64"}, pos + header_size))
    header_size += (
        1 +  # version (fullbox): 1 bytes
        3)  # flags (fullbox): 24 bits

    file.seek(pos + header_size + 4)  # entry_count: uint32
    co_buf = file.read(box_size - header_size - 4)  # entry_count: uint32
    co = np.frombuffer(
        np.dtype(">u4") if box_type == b"stco" else np.dtype(">u8"))
    return co, co_buf
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_find_headers_at():
    creation_time = utils.to_mp4_time(datetime(2019, 9, 15, 0, 0, 0))
    modification_time = utils.to_mp4_time(datetime(2019, 9, 16, 0, 0, 0))

    samples_sizes = [198297, 127477, 192476]
    samples_offset = 10
    trak = utils.make_trak(creation_time, modification_time, samples_sizes,

    tkhd = trak.boxes[0]
    tkhd.track_id = 1
    tkhd.width = [512, 0]
    tkhd.height = [512, 0]


    buffer = io.BytesIO(bytes(trak))
    for (pos, box_size, box_type, header_size), \
        box in zip(utils.find_headers_at(buffer, {b'tkhd', b'mdia'},
                   utils.find_boxes(trak.boxes, {b'tkhd', b'mdia'})):
        assert pos < buffer.tell()
        assert box_size == box.header.box_size
        assert box_type == box.header.type
        if isinstance(box.header, hd_def.FullBoxHeader):
            assert header_size + 4 == box.header.header_size
            assert header_size == box.header.header_size
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_sample_size_at(file, stbl_pos=None):
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(find_headers_at(file, {b"stbl"}, stbl_pos))
    pos, box_size, box_type, header_size = \
        next(find_headers_at(file, {b"stsz"}, pos + header_size))
    header_size += (1 +     # version (fullbox): 1 bytes
                    3)      # flags (fullbox): 24 bits

    stsz_buf = file.read(box_size)
    sample_size = int.from_bytes(stsz_buf[header_size:header_size + 4], "big")
    if sample_size > 0:
        sz_buf = stsz_buf[header_size:header_size + 4]
        sz_buf = stsz_buf[header_size +
                          4 +   # sample_size: uint32
                          4:]   # sample_count: uint32
    sz = np.frombuffer(sz_buf, np.dtype(">u4"))

    return sz, sz_buf
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_shape_at(file, trak_pos=None):
    pos, _, _, header_size = next(find_headers_at(file, {b"trak"}, trak_pos))
    pos, box_size, _, header_size = next(find_headers_at(file, {b"tkhd"}, pos + header_size))
    box_buf = file.read(box_size)
    box_version = box_buf[header_size + 0]  # version (fullbox): uint8
    shape_offset = (header_size +
                    1 +     # version (fullbox): uint8
                    3 +     # flags (fullbox): 24 bits
                    8 +     # creation_time: uint64
                    8 +     # modification_time: uint64
                    4 +     # track_id: uint32
                    4 +     # reserved0: 32 bits
                    8 +     # duration: uint64

                    8 +     # reserved1: 2 * 32 bits

                    2 +     # layer: uint16
                    2 +     # alternate_group: uint16
                    2 +     # volume: 2 * uint8

                    2 +     # reserved2: 16 bits

                    36)     # matrix: 9 * uint32

    if box_version != 1:
        shape_offset += ((4 - 8) +  # creation_time: uint32
                         (4 - 8) +  # modification_time: uint32
                         (4 - 4) +  # track_id: uint32
                         (4 - 4) +  # reserved0: 32 bi32
                         (4 - 8))   # duration: uint32

    width_offset = shape_offset
    height_offset = shape_offset + 4    # width: 2 * uint16
    # Read only integer parts of width and height
    # (width and height are uint16.uint16 floats)
    width = int.from_bytes(box_buf[width_offset:width_offset + 2], "big")
    height = int.from_bytes(box_buf[height_offset:height_offset + 2], "big")
    return width, height