Exemplo n.º 1
if 2 != len(sys.argv):
    print usageLine

# Grab the first argument.  (Not argv[0], that's the command name.)
arg1 = int(sys.argv[1])

# range() is a little unintuitive, to me.  range(0, 256) excludes 256, meaning
# it includes numbers 0 - 255, inclusive.
if not arg1 in range(0, 256):
    print usageLine

# Get the i2c bus number, then create a blinkm object with that bus number.
bus = GFDITools.guessBus()
blinkm = BlinkM(bus=bus)

# Issue the command to the I2C
blinkm.go_to(arg1, arg1, arg1)


# BlinkM makes some scripts available, which flash the lights in various
# patterns.  They're included here in commented form.  Copy lines as needed, or
# uncomment the whole block if you want to throw a rave.
raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
print "STARTUP\n"
def Execute_Action_Button(root):

	# conditionally import BlinkM
	if (Config.i2c_demo()):
		from pyblinkm import BlinkM, Scripts
	# find the interface object type

        objectServerID = root.find("./OBJECTSERVERID").text
        objectName = root.find("./OBJECTNAME").text
        objectFlags = root.find("./OBJECTFLAGS").text

        validate = Validate.checkForValidate(root)

        if (Config.debug()):
		print "VALIDATE=%s" % validate

        outgoingXMLData = BuildResponse.buildHeader(root)

        if (Config.debug()):
        	print("objectServerID = %s" % objectServerID)

	# we have the objectServerID so now we can choose the correct
	# program

	# FB-1 just does a toggle from on to off from the button name 

	if (objectServerID == "FB-1"):	
		# do a toggle

                #check for validate request
                if (validate == "YES"):
                        outgoingXMLData += Validate.buildValidateResponse("YES")
                        outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildFooter()

                        return outgoingXMLData

		responseData = "XXX"

		lowername = objectName.lower()

		if (lowername.count(" off") > 0):
			lowername = lowername.replace(" off", " on")
			responseData = lowername.title()
		elif (lowername.count(" on") > 0):
			lowername = lowername.replace(" on", " off")
			responseData = lowername.title()
			responseData = objectName
                outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildResponse(responseData)

	# B-1 does a toggle on a BlinkM module on I2C bus address 0xb (11)

	elif (objectServerID == "B-1"):	
		# do a toggle

                #check for validate request
                if (validate == "YES"):
                        outgoingXMLData += Validate.buildValidateResponse("YES")
                        outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildFooter()

                        return outgoingXMLData

		if (Config.debug()):
			print "Config.i2c_demo=%i" % Config.i2c_demo()

		if (Config.i2c_demo()):

			blinkm = BlinkM(1,0xb)

                		blinkm.go_to(0, 0, 255)
                		blinkm.go_to(0, 255, 0)
				responseData = "OK"

        		except IOError as e:
                		print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
				responseData = "FAILED"
                		print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]

		responseData = "OK"

                outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildResponse(responseData)

                # invalid RaspiConnect Code
                outgoingXMLData += Validate.buildValidateResponse("NO")

        outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildFooter()
        if (Config.debug()):
        	print outgoingXMLData

	return outgoingXMLData

# End of ExecuteActionButton.py
Exemplo n.º 3
def Generate_Remote_WebView(root, LOCALURL):

       	if (Config.i2c_demo()):
		from pyblinkm import BlinkM, Scripts

	objectServerID = root.find("./OBJECTSERVERID").text
        objectFlags = root.find("./OBJECTFLAGS").text
	validate = Validate.checkForValidate(root) 

        if (Config.debug()):
		print "VALIDATE=%s" % validate

	outgoingXMLData = BuildResponse.buildHeader(root)

	if (objectServerID == "W-1"):
		#check for validate request
		if (validate == "YES"):
			outgoingXMLData += Validate.buildValidateResponse("YES")
			outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildFooter()

			return outgoingXMLData
		# normal response requested	
		responseData = ""

		# check to see if i2c_demo is turned on
		if (Config.i2c_demo()):
        		if (Config.debug()):
				print "Config.i2c_demo passed as True" 

			# Yes, it is on

			# Initialise the BMP085 and use STANDARD mode (default value)
			# bmp = BMP085(0x77, debug=True)
			# bmp = BMP085(0x77)
			# To specify a different operating mode, uncomment one of the following:
			# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 0)  # ULTRALOWPOWER Mode
			# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 1)  # STANDARD Mode
			# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 2)  # HIRES Mode
			bmp = BMP085(0x77, 3)  # ULTRAHIRES Mode
			count = 0
			exceptionCount = 0
			exceptionCountBMP = 0
			blinkm = BlinkM(1,0xc)
				temp = bmp.readTemperature()
				pressure = bmp.readPressure()
				altitude = bmp.readAltitude()
				tempData = "%.2f C" % temp
				pressureData = "%.2f hPa" % (pressure / 100.0)

			except IOError as e:
    				exceptionCountBMP = exceptionCountBMP + 1	
				print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
    				exceptionCountBMP = exceptionCountBMP + 1	
    				print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]

		else:    # now set some values for display since we don't have i2C
			tempData = "xx.x C (no i2c enabled)" 
			pressureData = "xxxx.x hPa (no i2c enabled)" 


		# read an HTML template into aw string		
		with open ("./Templates/W-1.html", "r") as myfile:
    			responseData += myfile.read().replace('\n', '')
		# replace the URL so it will point to static
		responseData = responseData.replace("XXX", LOCALURL) 

		# now replace the AAA, BBB, etc with the right data
		responseData = responseData.replace("AAA", subprocess.check_output(["date", ""], shell=True))	

		# split uptime at first blank, then at first ,
		uptimeString = subprocess.check_output(["uptime", ""])	
		uptimeType = uptimeString.split(",")
		uptimeCount = len(uptimeType)

		if (uptimeCount == 6):
			# over 24 hours
			uptimeSplit = uptimeString.split(",")
			uptimeSplit = uptimeSplit[0]+uptimeSplit[1]
			uptimeSplit = uptimeSplit.split(" ", 1)
			uptimeData = uptimeSplit[1]
			# under 24 hours
			uptimeSplit = uptimeString.split(" ", 2)
			uptimeSplit = uptimeSplit[2].split(",", 1)
			uptimeData = uptimeSplit[0]

		responseData = responseData.replace("BBB", uptimeData)	

		usersString = subprocess.check_output(["who", "-q"], shell=False, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,)	
		responseData = responseData.replace("CCC", usersString)	

		freeString = subprocess.check_output(["free", "-mh"])	
		freeSplit = freeString.split("cache: ", 1)
		freeSplit = freeSplit[1].split("       ", 2)
		freeSplit = freeSplit[2].split("\nSwap:", 1)
		freeData = freeSplit[0]

		responseData = responseData.replace("DDD", freeData)	
		responseData = responseData.replace("EEE", tempData)	
		responseData = responseData.replace("FFF", pressureData)	

		output = subprocess.check_output(["cat", "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"])
		cpuTemp = "%3.2f C" % (float(output)/1000.0)
		responseData = responseData.replace("GGG", cpuTemp)	

			freeString = subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", "eth0"])	
			freeSplit = freeString.split("inet addr:", 1)
			if (len(freeSplit) > 1):
				freeSplit = freeSplit[1].split(" ", 1)
				freeData = freeSplit[0]
				freeData = ""

			freeData = ""

		responseData = responseData.replace("HHH", freeData)	
		responseData = responseData.replace("III", Config.localURL())
		# responseData = responseData.replace("III", "'your external address here'")

		responseData = responseData.replace("JJJ", Config.version_number())

		# read latest data from ST-1 SendText control on RasPiConnect 

			with open ("./local/ST-1.txt", "r") as myfile:
    				sendTextData = myfile.read().replace('\n', '')
   		except IOError:
			sendTextData = ""

		responseData = responseData.replace("KKK", sendTextData)


		# check to see if i2c_demo is turned on
		if (Config.i2c_demo()):

               			blinkm.go_to(255, 0, 0)
               			blinkm.go_to(0, 255, 0)
       			except IOError as e:
                		exceptionCount = exceptionCount + 1
                		print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)
                		exceptionCount = exceptionCount + 1
                		print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
		#responseData += subprocess.check_output(["cat", "/proc/cpuinfo"])
		#responseData += subprocess.check_output(["cat", "/proc/meminfo"])
		outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildResponse(responseData)

        	if (Config.debug()):
			print outgoingXMLData	
	elif (objectServerID == "W-2"):
		#check for validate request
		if (validate == "YES"):
			outgoingXMLData += Validate.buildValidateResponse("YES")
			outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildFooter()

			return outgoingXMLData
		# normal response requested	

		imageName = "RovioImage.jpg"	

		responseData = "<html><head>"
		responseData += "<title></title><style>body,html,iframe{margin:0;padding:0;}</style>"
		responseData += "</head>"
		responseData += "<body><img src=\""
 		responseData += LOCALURL 
 		responseData += "static/"
		responseData += imageName
		responseData += "\" type=\"jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"300\">"
		responseData += "<BR>Picture<BR>"

		responseData +="</body>"
		responseData += "</html>"
		outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildResponse(responseData)

        	if (Config.debug()):
			print outgoingXMLData	

		# invalid RaspiConnect Code
		outgoingXMLData += Validate.buildValidateResponse("NO")	

	outgoingXMLData += BuildResponse.buildFooter()

	return outgoingXMLData

# End of ExecuteWebView.py