Exemplo n.º 1
def test_subset_exact():
    """Plugin.match = api.Exact works as expected"""

    count = {"#": 0}

    class MyPlugin(api.InstancePlugin):
        families = ["a", "b"]
        match = api.Exact

        def process(self, instance):
            count["#"] += 1

    context = api.Context()

    context.create_instance("not_included_1", families=["a"])
    context.create_instance("not_included_1", families=["x"])
    context.create_instance("not_included_3", families=["a", "b", "c"])
    instance = context.create_instance("included_1", families=["a", "b"])

    # Discard the solo-family member, which defaults to `default`.
    # When using multiple families, it is common not to bother modifying `family`,
    # and in the future this member needn't be there at all and may/should be
    # removed. But till then, for complete clarity, it might be worth removing
    # this explicitly during the creation of instances if instead choosing to
    # use the `families` key.

    util.publish(context, plugins=[MyPlugin])

    assert_equals(count["#"], 1)

    instances = logic.instances_by_plugin(context, MyPlugin)
    assert_equals(list(i.name for i in instances), ["included_1"])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_subset_match():
    """Plugin.match = api.Subset works as expected"""

    count = {"#": 0}

    class MyPlugin(api.InstancePlugin):
        families = ["a", "b"]
        match = api.Subset

        def process(self, instance):
            count["#"] += 1

    context = api.Context()

    context.create_instance("not_included_1", families=["a"])
    context.create_instance("not_included_1", families=["x"])
    context.create_instance("included_1", families=["a", "b"])
    context.create_instance("included_2", families=["a", "b", "c"])

    util.publish(context, plugins=[MyPlugin])

    assert_equals(count["#"], 2)

    instances = logic.instances_by_plugin(context, MyPlugin)
    assert_equals(list(i.name for i in instances), ["included_1", "included_2"])
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_environment_host_registration():
    """Host registration from PYBLISH_HOSTS works"""

    count = {"#": 0}
    hosts = ["test1", "test2"]

    # Test single hosts
    class SingleHostCollector(api.ContextPlugin):
        order = api.CollectorOrder
        host = hosts[0]

        def process(self, context):
            count["#"] += 1


    context = api.Context()

    os.environ["PYBLISH_HOSTS"] = "test1"

    assert count["#"] == 1, count

    # Test multiple hosts

    class MultipleHostsCollector(api.ContextPlugin):
        order = api.CollectorOrder
        host = hosts

        def process(self, context):
            count["#"] += 10


    context = api.Context()

    os.environ["PYBLISH_HOSTS"] = os.pathsep.join(hosts)

    assert count["#"] == 11, count
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_modify_context_during_CVEI():
    """Custom logic made possible via convenience members"""

    count = {"#": 0}

    class MyCollector(api.ContextPlugin):
        order = api.CollectorOrder

        def process(self, context):
            camera = context.create_instance("MyCamera")
            model = context.create_instance("MyModel")

            camera.data["family"] = "camera"
            model.data["family"] = "model"

            count["#"] += 1

    class MyValidator(api.InstancePlugin):
        order = api.ValidatorOrder

        def process(self, instance):
            count["#"] += 10


    context = api.Context()

    assert count["#"] == 0, count


    assert count["#"] == 1, count

    context[:] = filter(lambda i: i.data["family"] == "camera", context)


    # Only model remains
    assert count["#"] == 11, count

    # No further processing occurs.

    assert count["#"] == 11, count
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_extracted_traceback_contains_correct_backtrace():

    context = api.Context()
    context.create_instance('test instance')

    plugins = api.discover()
    plugins = [p for p in plugins if p.__name__ in
               ('FailingExplicitPlugin', 'FailingImplicitPlugin')]
    util.publish(context, plugins)

    for result in context.data['results']:
        assert result["error"].traceback[0] == plugins[0].__module__
        formatted_tb = result['error'].formatted_traceback
        assert formatted_tb.startswith('Traceback (most recent call last):\n')
        assert formatted_tb.endswith('\nException: A test exception\n')
        assert 'File "{0}",'.format(plugins[0].__module__) in formatted_tb
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_iterator():
    """Iterator skips inactive plug-ins and instances"""

    count = {"#": 0}

    class MyCollector(api.ContextPlugin):
        order = api.CollectorOrder

        def process(self, context):
            inactive = context.create_instance("Inactive")
            active = context.create_instance("Active")

            inactive.data["publish"] = False
            active.data["publish"] = True

            count["#"] += 1

    class MyValidatorA(api.InstancePlugin):
        order = api.ValidatorOrder
        active = False

        def process(self, instance):
            count["#"] += 10

    class MyValidatorB(api.InstancePlugin):
        order = api.ValidatorOrder

        def process(self, instance):
            count["#"] += 100

    context = api.Context()
    plugins = [MyCollector, MyValidatorA, MyValidatorB]

    assert count["#"] == 0, count

    for Plugin, instance in logic.Iterator(plugins, context):
        assert instance.name != "Inactive" if instance else True
        assert Plugin.__name__ != "MyValidatorA"

        plugin.process(Plugin, context, instance)

    # Collector runs once, one Validator runs once
    assert count["#"] == 101, count
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_iterator_with_explicit_targets():
    """Iterator skips non-targeted plug-ins"""

    count = {"#": 0}

    class MyCollectorA(api.ContextPlugin):
        order = api.CollectorOrder
        targets = ["studio"]

        def process(self, context):
            count["#"] += 1

    class MyCollectorB(api.ContextPlugin):
        order = api.CollectorOrder

        def process(self, context):
            count["#"] += 10

    class MyCollectorC(api.ContextPlugin):
        order = api.CollectorOrder
        targets = ["studio"]

        def process(self, context):
            count["#"] += 100

    context = api.Context()
    plugins = [MyCollectorA, MyCollectorB, MyCollectorC]

    assert count["#"] == 0, count

    for Plugin, instance in logic.Iterator(
        plugins, context, targets=["studio"]
        assert Plugin.__name__ != "MyCollectorB"

        plugin.process(Plugin, context, instance)

    # Collector runs once, one Validator runs once
    assert count["#"] == 101, count