Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_params_for_capacity(self):
     Tests that the parameters that are generated for a given
     capacity and probability are correct given known sane values.
     # From http://hur.st/bloomfilter?n=1e6&p=1e-4
     bytes, k = cBloom.params_for_capacity(1e6, 1e-4)
     assert bytes - cBloom.extra_buffer() == round(19170117 / 8.0)
     assert k == 14  # Parameters uses the ceiling instead of rounding
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_swap(self):
        Swaps the mmap files from one implementation to another,
        check that things work. Start with cBloom, then pyBloom.
        bytes, k = cBloom.params_for_capacity(2e4, 1e-3)
        bitmap = Bitmap(bytes, "testswap1.mmap")
        bf1 = cBloom(bitmap, k)
        [bf1.add("foo%d" % x) for x in xrange(20000)]

        # Make a new bitmap
        bitmap = Bitmap(bytes, "testswap1.mmap")
        bf2 = pyBloom(bitmap, 50)
        assert len(bf2) == 20000  # Should reload size and k
        assert bf2.k_num == k

        # Check all the entries
        assert all([bf2.__contains__("foo%d" % x) for x in xrange(20000)])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_equality_2(self):
        Tests that the two implementation generate matching mmaps
        bytes, k = cBloom.params_for_capacity(2e4, 1e-3)
        bitmap = Bitmap(bytes, "testcompatc2.mmap")
        bf1 = cBloom(bitmap, k)
        [bf1.add("foo%d" % x) for x in xrange(20000)]

        # Make a new bitmap
        bitmap = Bitmap(bytes, "testcompatpy2.mmap")
        bf2 = pyBloom(bitmap, k)
        [bf2.add("foo%d" % x) for x in xrange(20000)]

        # Check the lengths
        assert len(bf1) == len(bf2)

        # Compare the mmap files
        self.compare_files("testcompatc2.mmap", "testcompatpy2.mmap")