Exemplo n.º 1
def parse_bibfile(bibfilename: str, encoding: str) -> "BibliographyData":
    """Parse *bibfilename* with given *encoding*, and return parsed data."""
    parser = Parser(encoding)
    logger.info("parsing bibtex file {0}... ".format(bibfilename), nonl=True)
    logger.info("parsed {0} entries".format(len(parser.data.entries)))
    return parser.data
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse_bibtex(app):
    # load bibtex path
    if not app.config.bibtex_path:
        raise SphinxWarning('No BibTeX path specified.')

    if os.path.isabs(app.config.bibtex_path):
        filepath = app.config.bibtex_path
        filepath = os.path.join(app.confdir, app.config.bibtex_path)

    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        raise SphinxWarning("BibTeX file (%s) does not exists." % filepath)

    app.env.bibtex_path = filepath

    # parse bib
    parser = BibtexParser()

        data = parser.parse_file(filepath)
    except PybtexError as ex:
        raise SphinxWarning(ex)

    app.env.bibtex_entries = data.entries

    # latex reconfiguration
    filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]
    app.config.latex_elements.setdefault('footer', '')
    app.config.latex_elements['footer'] += "\\bibliography{%s}" % filename
Exemplo n.º 3
    def run(self):

        style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', self.options.get('style', 'unsrt'))()
        parser = Parser()

        # Sort the publication entries by year reversed
        data = sorted(parser.parse_file(self.arguments[0]).entries.items(),
                      key=lambda e: e[1].fields['year'], reverse=True)
        _, entries = zip(*data)

        html = '<div class = "publication-list">\n'
        cur_year = None

        for entry in entries:
            # print a year title when year changes
            if entry.fields['year'] != cur_year:
                if cur_year is not None:  # not first year group
                    html += '</ul>'
                cur_year = entry.fields['year']
                html += '<h3>{}</h3>\n<ul>'.format(cur_year)

            html += '<li class = "publication">{}</li>'.format(

        if len(entries) != 0:  # publication list is nonempty
            html += '</ul>'

        html += '</div>'

        return [nodes.raw('', html, format='html'), ]
Exemplo n.º 4
def parse_bibtex(app):
    # load bibtex path
    if not app.config.bibtex_path:
        raise SphinxWarning('No BibTeX path specified.')

    if os.path.isabs(app.config.bibtex_path):
        filepath = app.config.bibtex_path
        filepath = os.path.join(app.confdir, app.config.bibtex_path)

    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        raise SphinxWarning("BibTeX file (%s) does not exists." % filepath)

    app.env.bibtex_path = filepath

    # parse bib
    parser = BibtexParser()

        data = parser.parse_file(filepath)
    except PybtexError as ex:
        raise SphinxWarning(ex)

    app.env.bibtex_entries = data.entries

    # latex reconfiguration
    filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]
    app.config.latex_elements.setdefault('footer', '')
    app.config.latex_elements['footer'] += "\\bibliography{%s}" % filename
Exemplo n.º 5
def load_citekey(citekey, bibfile=BIBFILE):
    """ Get the info corresponding to specific citekey
    from bibfile.
    parser = Parser()
    bib_data = parser.parse_file(bibfile)
    entry = bib_data.entries[citekey]
    return entry
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: macros.py Projeto: aaren/web
def load_citekey(citekey, bibfile=BIBFILE):
    """ Get the info corresponding to specific citekey
    from bibfile.
    parser = Parser()
    bib_data = parser.parse_file(bibfile)
    entry = bib_data.entries[citekey]
    return entry
Exemplo n.º 7
    def run(self):

        style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', self.options.get('style', 'unsrt'))()
        bibtex_dir = self.options.get('bibtex_dir', 'bibtex')
        highlight_author = self.options.get('highlight_author', None)

        parser = Parser()

        # Sort the publication entries by year reversed
        data = sorted(parser.parse_file(self.arguments[0]).entries.items(),
                      key=lambda e: e[1].fields['year'], reverse=True)

        html = '<div class = "publication-list">\n'
        cur_year = None

        if bibtex_dir:  # create the bibtex dir if the option is set
                os.mkdir(os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, bibtex_dir)))
            except OSError:  # probably because the dir already exists

        for label, entry in data:
            # print a year title when year changes
            if entry.fields['year'] != cur_year:
                if cur_year is not None:  # not first year group
                    html += '</ul>'
                cur_year = entry.fields['year']
                html += '<h3>{}</h3>\n<ul>'.format(cur_year)

            pub_html = list(style.format_entries((entry,)))[0].text.render_as('html')
            if highlight_author:  # highlight an author (usually oneself)
                pub_html = pub_html.replace(highlight_author,
                                            '<strong>{}</strong>'.format(highlight_author), 1)
            html += '<li class = "publication">' + pub_html

            extra_links = ""
            if bibtex_dir:  # write bib files to bibtex_dir for downloading
                bib_link = '{}/{}.bib'.format(bibtex_dir, label)
                bib_data = BibliographyData(dict({label: entry}))
                bib_data.to_file('/'.join([self.output_folder, bib_link]), 'bibtex')
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">bibtex</a>] '.format(bib_link)

            if 'pdf' in entry.fields:  # the link to the pdf file
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">pdf</a>] '.format(entry.fields['pdf'])

            if extra_links:
                html += '<br/>' + extra_links

            html += '</li>'

        if len(data) != 0:  # publication list is nonempty
            html += '</ul>'

        html += '</div>'

        return [nodes.raw('', html, format='html'), ]
Exemplo n.º 8
    def setUp(self):

        curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        parser = BibtexParser()
        self.entries = \
            parser.parse_file(os.path.join(curdir, 'testdata', 'bibtex.bib')).entries

        self.style = Style(os.path.join(curdir, 'styles'), 'apa')
Exemplo n.º 9
    def run(self):

        bibtex_dir = self.options.get('bibtex_dir', 'bibtex')
        detail_page_dir = self.options.get('detail_page_dir', 'papers')
        highlight_authors = self.options.get('highlight_author', None)
        if highlight_authors:
            highlight_authors = highlight_authors.split(';')
        style = Style(self.site.config['BASE_URL'] +
                      detail_page_dir if detail_page_dir else None)

        parser = Parser()

        # Sort the publication entries by year reversed
        data = sorted(parser.parse_file(self.arguments[0]).entries.items(),
                      key=lambda e: e[1].fields['year'],

        html = '<div class="publication-list">\n'
        cur_year = None

        if bibtex_dir:  # create the bibtex dir if the option is set
                os.makedirs(os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, bibtex_dir)))
            except OSError:  # probably because the dir already exists

        if detail_page_dir:  # create the detail page dir if the option is set
                    os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, detail_page_dir)))
            except OSError:  # probably because the dir already exists

        for label, entry in data:
            # print a year title when year changes
            if entry.fields['year'] != cur_year:
                if cur_year is not None:  # not first year group
                    html += '</ul>'
                cur_year = entry.fields['year']
                html += '<h3>{}</h3>\n<ul>'.format(cur_year)

            entry.label = label  # Pass label to the style.
            pub_html = list(style.format_entries(
                (entry, )))[0].text.render_as('html')
            if highlight_authors:  # highlight one of several authors (usually oneself)
                for highlight_author in highlight_authors:
                    pub_html = pub_html.replace(
                        '<strong>{}</strong>'.format(highlight_author), 1)
            html += '<li class="publication" style="padding-bottom: 1em;">' + pub_html

            extra_links = ""

            if 'fulltext' in entry.fields:  # the link to the full text, usually a link to the pdf file
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">full text</a>] '.format(

            bibtex_fields = dict(entry.fields)
            # Collect and remove custom links (fields starting with "customlink")
            custom_links = dict()
            for key, value in bibtex_fields.items():
                if key.startswith('customlink'):
                    custom_links[key[len('customlink'):]] = value
            # custom fields (custom links)
            for key, value in custom_links.items():
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">{}</a>] '.format(value, key)

            # Remove some fields for the publicly available BibTeX file since they are mostly only
            # used by this plugin.
            for field_to_remove in ('abstract', 'fulltext'):
                if field_to_remove in bibtex_fields:
                    del bibtex_fields[field_to_remove]
            # Prepare for the bib file. Note detail_page_dir may need bib_data later.
            bibtex_entry = Entry(entry.type, bibtex_fields, entry.persons)
            bib_data = BibliographyData(dict({label: bibtex_entry}))
            bib_string = bib_data.to_string('bibtex')
            extra_links += '''
            [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="
            (function(target, id) {{
              if ($('#' + id).css('display') == 'block')
                $('#' + id).hide('fast');
                $('#' + id).show('fast');
            }})(this, '{}');">BibTeX&#x25BC;</a>]
            '''.format('bibtex-' + label)
            if bibtex_dir:  # write bib files to bibtex_dir for downloading
                bib_link = '{}/{}.bib'.format(bibtex_dir, label)
                bib_data.to_file('/'.join([self.output_folder, bib_link]),

            if extra_links or detail_page_dir or 'abstract' in entry.fields:
                html += '<br>'

            # Add the abstract link.
            if 'abstract' in entry.fields:
                html += '''
                [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="
                (function(target, id) {{
                  if ($('#' + id).css('display') == 'block')
                  $('#' + id).hide('fast');
                  $('#' + id).show('fast');
                }})(this, '{}');">abstract&#x25BC;</a>] '''.format(
                    'abstract-' + label)

            display_none = '<div id="{}" style="display:none"><pre>{}</pre></div>'
            bibtex_display = display_none.format('bibtex-' + label, bib_string)

            abstract_text = str(LaTeXParser(entry.fields['abstract']).parse()
                                ) if 'abstract' in entry.fields else ''
            if detail_page_dir:  # render the details page of a paper
                page_url = '/'.join((detail_page_dir, label + '.html'))
                html += '[<a href="{}">details</a>] '.format(
                    self.site.config['BASE_URL'] + page_url)
                context = {
                    'title': str(LaTeXParser(entry.fields['title']).parse()),
                    'abstract': abstract_text,
                    'bibtex': bib_data.to_string('bibtex'),
                    'bibtex_link': '/' + bib_link if bibtex_dir else '',
                    'default_lang': self.site.config['DEFAULT_LANG'],
                    'label': label,
                    'lang': self.site.config['DEFAULT_LANG'],
                    'permalink': self.site.config['SITE_URL'] + page_url,
                    'reference': pub_html,
                    'extra_links': extra_links + bibtex_display

                if 'fulltext' in entry.fields and entry.fields[
                    context['pdf'] = entry.fields['fulltext']

                    os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, detail_page_dir,
                                      label + '.html')),

            html += extra_links

            # Add the hidden abstract and bibtex.
            if 'abstract' in entry.fields:
                html += '''
                <div id="{}" class="publication-abstract" style="display:none">
                '''.format('abstract-' + label, abstract_text)
            html += bibtex_display
            html += '</li>'

        if len(data) != 0:  # publication list is nonempty
            html += '</ul>'

        html += '</div>'

        return [
            nodes.raw('', html, format='html'),
Exemplo n.º 10
    def run(self):

        style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting',
                            self.options.get('style', 'unsrt'))()
        bibtex_dir = self.options.get('bibtex_dir', 'bibtex')
        detail_page_dir = self.options.get('detail_page_dir', 'papers')
        highlight_authors = self.options.get('highlight_author', None)
        if highlight_authors:
            highlight_authors = highlight_authors.split(';')

        parser = Parser()

        # Sort the publication entries by year reversed
        data = sorted(parser.parse_file(self.arguments[0]).entries.items(),
                      key=lambda e: e[1].fields['year'],

        html = '<div class="publication-list">\n'
        cur_year = None

        if bibtex_dir:  # create the bibtex dir if the option is set
                os.mkdir(os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, bibtex_dir)))
            except OSError:  # probably because the dir already exists

        if detail_page_dir:  # create the detail page dir if the option is set
                    os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, detail_page_dir)))
            except OSError:  # probably because the dir already exists

        for label, entry in data:
            # print a year title when year changes
            if entry.fields['year'] != cur_year:
                if cur_year is not None:  # not first year group
                    html += '</ul>'
                cur_year = entry.fields['year']
                html += '<h3>{}</h3>\n<ul>'.format(cur_year)

            pub_html = list(style.format_entries(
                (entry, )))[0].text.render_as('html')
            if highlight_authors:  # highlight one of several authors (usually oneself)
                for highlight_author in highlight_authors:
                    pub_html = pub_html.replace(
                        '<strong>{}</strong>'.format(highlight_author), 1)
            html += '<li class="publication" style="padding-bottom: 1em;">' + pub_html

            extra_links = ""
            bibtex_fields = dict(entry.fields)
            # Remove some fields for the publicly available BibTeX file since they are mostly only
            # used by this plugin.
            for field_to_remove in ('abstract', 'fulltext'):
                if field_to_remove in bibtex_fields:
                    del bibtex_fields[field_to_remove]
            bibtex_entry = Entry(entry.type, bibtex_fields, entry.persons)
            # detail_page_dir may need bib_data later
            bib_data = BibliographyData(dict({label: bibtex_entry}))
            if bibtex_dir:  # write bib files to bibtex_dir for downloading
                bib_link = '{}/{}.bib'.format(bibtex_dir, label)
                bib_data.to_file('/'.join([self.output_folder, bib_link]),
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">BibTeX</a>] '.format(
                    self.site.config['BASE_URL'] + bib_link)

            if 'fulltext' in entry.fields:  # the link to the full text, usually a link to the pdf file
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">full text</a>] '.format(

            if extra_links or detail_page_dir:
                html += '<br>'
            html += extra_links

            if detail_page_dir:  # render the details page of a paper
                page_url = '/'.join((detail_page_dir, label + '.html'))
                html += ' [<a href="{}">abstract and details</a>]'.format(
                    self.site.config['BASE_URL'] + page_url)
                context = {
                    if 'abstract' in entry.fields else '',
                    '/' + bib_link if bibtex_dir else '',
                    self.site.config['SITE_URL'] + page_url,

                if 'fulltext' in entry.fields and entry.fields[
                    context['pdf'] = entry.fields['fulltext']

                    os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, detail_page_dir,
                                      label + '.html')),

            html += '</li>'

        if len(data) != 0:  # publication list is nonempty
            html += '</ul>'

        html += '</div>'

        return [
            nodes.raw('', html, format='html'),
Exemplo n.º 11
        return ""

BIBFILE = 'cs.bib'

jfile = open('journal.text', 'w')
cfile = open('conf.text', 'w')

cfile_selected = open('conf_selected.text', 'w')
cfile_selected2 = open('conf_selected2.text', 'w')

cfile_other = open('conf_other.text', 'w')

parser = Parser()
bib_data = parser.parse_file(BIBFILE)
bib_sorted = sorted(bib_data.entries.items(), key=cmp_to_key(sort_list_cmp))

jnumber = 0
jyear = 9999
print_jyear = 0

cnumber = 0
cyear = 9999
print_cyear = 0

cnumber_select = 0
cyear_select = 9999
print_cyear_select = 0

cnumber_select2 = 0
Exemplo n.º 12
    def run(self):

        style = find_plugin('pybtex.style.formatting', self.options.get('style', 'unsrt'))()
        bibtex_dir = self.options.get('bibtex_dir', 'bibtex')
        detail_page_dir = self.options.get('detail_page_dir', 'papers')
        highlight_author = self.options.get('highlight_author', None)

        parser = Parser()

        # Sort the publication entries by year reversed
        data = sorted(parser.parse_file(self.arguments[0]).entries.items(),
                      key=lambda e: e[1].fields['year'], reverse=True)

        html = '<div class = "publication-list">\n'
        cur_year = None

        if bibtex_dir:  # create the bibtex dir if the option is set
                os.mkdir(os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, bibtex_dir)))
            except OSError:  # probably because the dir already exists

        if detail_page_dir:  # create the detail page dir if the option is set
                os.mkdir(os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, detail_page_dir)))
            except OSError:  # probably because the dir already exists

        for label, entry in data:
            # print a year title when year changes
            if entry.fields['year'] != cur_year:
                if cur_year is not None:  # not first year group
                    html += '</ul>'
                cur_year = entry.fields['year']
                html += '<h3>{}</h3>\n<ul>'.format(cur_year)

            pub_html = list(style.format_entries((entry,)))[0].text.render_as('html')
            if highlight_author:  # highlight an author (usually oneself)
                pub_html = pub_html.replace(highlight_author,
                                            '<strong>{}</strong>'.format(highlight_author), 1)
            html += '<li class = "publication">' + pub_html

            extra_links = ""
            bib_data = BibliographyData(dict({label: entry}))  # detail_page_dir may need it later
            if bibtex_dir:  # write bib files to bibtex_dir for downloading
                bib_link = '{}/{}.bib'.format(bibtex_dir, label)
                bib_data.to_file('/'.join([self.output_folder, bib_link]), 'bibtex')
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">BibTeX</a>] '.format(
                    self.site.config['BASE_URL'] + bib_link)

            if 'fulltext' in entry.fields:  # the link to the full text, usually a link to the pdf file
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">full text</a>] '.format(entry.fields['fulltext'])

            if extra_links or detail_page_dir:
                html += '<br>'
            html += extra_links

            if detail_page_dir:  # render the details page of a paper
                page_url = '/'.join((detail_page_dir, label + '.html'))
                html += ' [<a href="{}">abstract and details</a>]'.format(
                    self.site.config['BASE_URL'] + page_url)
                context = {
                    'title': process_bibtex_string(entry.fields['title']),
                    'abstract': process_bibtex_string(entry.fields['abstract']) if 'abstract' in entry.fields else '',
                    'bibtex': bib_data.to_string('bibtex'),
                    'bibtex_link': '/' + bib_link if bibtex_dir else '',
                    'default_lang': self.site.config['DEFAULT_LANG'],
                    'label': label,
                    'lang': self.site.config['DEFAULT_LANG'],
                    'permalink': self.site.config['SITE_URL'] + page_url,
                    'reference': pub_html,
                    'extra_links': extra_links

                if 'fulltext' in entry.fields and entry.fields['fulltext'].endswith('.pdf'):
                    context['pdf'] = entry.fields['fulltext']

                    os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, detail_page_dir, label + '.html')),

            html += '</li>'

        if len(data) != 0:  # publication list is nonempty
            html += '</ul>'

        html += '</div>'

        return [nodes.raw('', html, format='html'), ]
    def run(self):

        bibtex_dir = self.options.get('bibtex_dir', 'bibtex')
        detail_page_dir = self.options.get('detail_page_dir', 'papers')
        highlight_authors = self.options.get('highlight_author', None)
        if highlight_authors:
            highlight_authors = highlight_authors.split(';')
        style = Style(self.site.config['BASE_URL'] + detail_page_dir if detail_page_dir else None)

        all_entries = []
        labels = set()
        for a in self.arguments:
            parser = Parser()
            for item in parser.parse_file(a).entries.items():
                if item[0] in labels:  # duplicated entries
                        ("publication_list: BibTeX entries with duplicated labels are found. "
                         "Only the first occurrence will be used."))
        # Sort the publication entries by year reversed
        data = sorted(all_entries, key=lambda e: e[1].fields['year'], reverse=True)

        html = '<div class="publication-list">\n'
        cur_year = None

        if bibtex_dir:  # create the bibtex dir if the option is set
                os.makedirs(os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, bibtex_dir)))
            except OSError:  # probably because the dir already exists

        if detail_page_dir:  # create the detail page dir if the option is set
                os.makedirs(os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, detail_page_dir)))
            except OSError:  # probably because the dir already exists

        for label, entry in data:
            # print a year title when year changes
            if entry.fields['year'] != cur_year:
                if cur_year is not None:  # not first year group
                    html += '</ul>'
                cur_year = entry.fields['year']
                html += '<h3>{}</h3>\n<ul>'.format(cur_year)

            entry.label = label  # Pass label to the style.
            pub_html = list(style.format_entries((entry,)))[0].text.render_as('html')
            if highlight_authors:  # highlight one of several authors (usually oneself)
                for highlight_author in highlight_authors:
                    # We need to replace all occurrence of space except for the last one with
                    # &nbsp;, since pybtex does it for all authors
                    count = highlight_author.count(' ') - 1
                    pub_html = pub_html.replace(
                        highlight_author.strip().replace(' ', '&nbsp;', count),
                        '<strong>{}</strong>'.format(highlight_author), 1)
            html += '<li class="publication" style="padding-bottom: 1em;">' + pub_html

            extra_links = ""

            if 'fulltext' in entry.fields:  # the link to the full text, usually a link to the pdf file
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">full text</a>] '.format(entry.fields['fulltext'])

            bibtex_fields = dict(entry.fields)
            # Collect and remove custom links (fields starting with "customlink")
            custom_links = dict()
            for key, value in bibtex_fields.items():
                if key.startswith('customlink'):
                    custom_links[key[len('customlink'):]] = value
            # custom fields (custom links)
            for key, value in custom_links.items():
                extra_links += '[<a href="{}">{}</a>] '.format(value, key)

            # Remove some fields for the publicly available BibTeX file since they are mostly only
            # used by this plugin.
            for field_to_remove in ('abstract', 'fulltext'):
                if field_to_remove in bibtex_fields:
                    del bibtex_fields[field_to_remove]
            # Prepare for the bib file. Note detail_page_dir may need bib_data later.
            bibtex_entry = Entry(entry.type, bibtex_fields, entry.persons)
            bib_data = BibliographyData(dict({label: bibtex_entry}))
            bib_string = bib_data.to_string('bibtex')
            extra_links += '''
            [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="
            (function(target, id) {{
              if ($('#' + id).css('display') == 'block')
                $('#' + id).hide('fast');
                $('#' + id).show('fast');
            }})(this, '{}');">BibTeX&#x25BC;</a>]
            '''.format('bibtex-' + label)
            if bibtex_dir:  # write bib files to bibtex_dir for downloading
                bib_link = '{}/{}.bib'.format(bibtex_dir, label)
                bib_data.to_file('/'.join([self.output_folder, bib_link]), 'bibtex')

            if extra_links or detail_page_dir or 'abstract' in entry.fields:
                html += '<br>'

            # Add the abstract link.
            if 'abstract' in entry.fields:
                html += '''
                [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="
                (function(target, id) {{
                  if ($('#' + id).css('display') == 'block')
                  $('#' + id).hide('fast');
                  $('#' + id).show('fast');
                }})(this, '{}');">abstract&#x25BC;</a>] '''.format('abstract-' + label)

            display_none = '<div id="{}" style="display:none"><pre>{}</pre></div>'
            bibtex_display = display_none.format(
                'bibtex-' + label, bib_string)

            abstract_text = str(
                LaTeXParser(entry.fields['abstract']).parse()) if 'abstract' in entry.fields else ''
            if detail_page_dir:  # render the details page of a paper
                page_url = '/'.join((detail_page_dir, label + '.html'))
                html += '[<a href="{}">details</a>] '.format(
                    self.site.config['BASE_URL'] + page_url)
                context = {
                    'title': str(LaTeXParser(entry.fields['title']).parse()),
                    'abstract': abstract_text,
                    'bibtex': bib_data.to_string('bibtex'),
                    'bibtex_link': '/' + bib_link if bibtex_dir else '',
                    'default_lang': self.site.config['DEFAULT_LANG'],
                    'label': label,
                    'lang': self.site.config['DEFAULT_LANG'],
                    'permalink': self.site.config['SITE_URL'] + page_url,
                    'reference': pub_html,
                    'extra_links': extra_links + bibtex_display

                if 'fulltext' in entry.fields:
                    context['pdf'] = entry.fields['fulltext']

                    os.path.sep.join((self.output_folder, detail_page_dir, label + '.html')),

            html += extra_links

            # Add the hidden abstract and bibtex.
            if 'abstract' in entry.fields:
                html += '''
                <div id="{}" class="publication-abstract" style="display:none">
                '''.format('abstract-' + label, abstract_text)
            html += bibtex_display
            html += '</li>'

        if len(data) != 0:  # publication list is nonempty
            html += '</ul>'

        html += '</div>'

        return [nodes.raw('', html, format='html'), ]