Exemplo n.º 1
    def item(self, i_index: cat_variant) -> DrawingDimension:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func Item(CATVariant iIndex) As DrawingDimension
                |     Returns a drawing dimension using its index or its name from the
                |     DrawingDimensions collection.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iIndex
                |             The index or the name of the drawing dimension to retrieve from the
                |             collection of drawing dimensions. As a numerics, this index is the rank of the
                |             drawing dimension in the collection. The index of the first drawing dimension
                |             in the collection is 1, and the index of the last drawing dimension is Count.
                |             As a string, it is the name you assigned to the drawing dimension using the
                |         AnyObject.Name property or when creating it using the Add method.
                |     Returns:
                |         The retrieved drawing dimension 
                |     Example:
                |           This example retrieves in ThisDrawingDimension the second drawing
                |           dimension,
                |          and in ThatDrawingDimension the drawing dimension
                |          named
                |          MyDimension in the drawing dimension collection of the active
                |          view.
                |          Dim MyView As DrawingView
                |          Set MyView  = MySheet.Views.ActiveView
                |          Dim ThisDrawingDimension As DrawingDimension
                |          Set ThisDrawingDimension = MyView.Dimensions.Item(2)
                |          Dim ThatDrawingDimension As DrawingDimension
                |          Set ThatDrawingDimension = MyView.Dimensions.Item("MyDimension")

        :param cat_variant i_index:
        :return: DrawingDimension
        :rtype: DrawingDimension
        return DrawingDimension(self.drawing_dimensions.Item(i_index))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add(self, i_type_dim: int, i_geom_elem: tuple, i_pt_coord_elem: tuple,
            i_line_rep: int) -> DrawingDimension:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func Add(CatDimType iTypeDim,
                | CATSafeArrayVariant iGeomElem,
                | CATSafeArrayVariant iPtCoordElem,
                | CatDimLineRep iLineRep) As DrawingDimension
                |     Creates a drawing dimension and adds it to the DrawingDimensions
                |     collection.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iTypeDim
                |             Dimension type 
                |         iGeomElem
                |             Parent geometrical element(s) of dimension 
                |         iPtCoordElem
                |             Array of pointers on the selection points of each element of
                |             iGeomElem 
                |         iLineRep
                |             Basic representation mode 
                |     Returns:
                |         The created drawing dimension 
                | Example:
                |     The following example creates a drawing angle dimension between two lines
                |     and a partial curvilinear length dimension on an ellipse and retrieved in
                |     MyDimension1 and MyDimension2 in the drawing view collection of the MyView
                |     drawing view. This view belongs to the drawing view collection of the drawing
                |     sheet
                |      Dim MyView As DrawingView
                |      Set MyView = MySheet.Views.ActiveView
                |      Dim Fact2D  As Factory2D
                |      Set Fact2D = MyView.Factory2D
                |      Dim Line1 As Line2D
                |      Dim Line2 As Line2D
                |      Set Line1 = Fact2D.CreateLine(50, 10, 150, 10)
                |      Set Line2 = Fact2D.CreateLine(50, 10, 120, 100)
                |      Dim Ellipse1 As Ellipse2D
                |      Set Ellipse1 = Fact2D.CreateEllipse(-40, 100, 120, 180,120,90,0, 3)
                |      Dim Point1 As Point2D
                |      Dim Point2 As Point2D
                |      Set Point1 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(-10,190)
                |      Set Point2 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(-120,90)
                |      Dim iType As catDimType
                |      iType = catDimAngle
                |      Dim myElements1(1)
                |      myElements1(1) = Array(Line1,Line2)
                |      Dim selpoints(3)
                |      selpoints(3) = Array(150, 10, 120, 100)
                |      Dim MyDimension1 As DrawingDimension
                |      Set MyDimension1 = MyView.Dimensions.Add(iType, myElements1(1), selpoints(3),catDimAuto)
                |      iType = catDimLengthCurvilinear
                |      Dim myElements2(2)
                |      myElements2(2) = Array(Point1,Point2,Ellipse1)
                |      selpoints(3) = Array(0, 0, 0, 0)
                |      Dim MyDimension2 As DrawingDimension
                |      Set MyDimension2 = MyView.Dimensions.Add(iType, myElements2(1), selpoints(3),catDimOffset)

        :param int i_type_dim:
        :param tuple i_geom_elem:
        :param tuple i_pt_coord_elem:
        :param int i_line_rep:
        :return: DrawingDimension
        :rtype: DrawingDimension
        return DrawingDimension(
            self.drawing_dimensions.Add(i_type_dim, i_geom_elem,
                                        i_pt_coord_elem, i_line_rep))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __getitem__(self, n: int) -> DrawingDimension:
        if (n + 1) > self.count:
            raise StopIteration

        return DrawingDimension(self.drawing_dimensions.item(n + 1))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def add2(self, i_type_dim: int, i_geom_elem: tuple, i_pt_coord_elem: tuple,
             i_ldc_ref_elem: cat_variant,
             i_ldc_ref_angle: int) -> DrawingDimension:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func Add2(CatDimType iTypeDim,
                | CATSafeArrayVariant iGeomElem,
                | CATSafeArrayVariant iPtCoordElem,
                | CATVariant iLDCRefElem,
                | long iLDCRefAngle) As DrawingDimension
                |     Creates a drawing dimension along a direction and adds it to the
                |     DrawingDimensions collection.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iTypeDim
                |             Dimension type (available types : catDimDistance, catDimLength, catDimRadiusTangent and
                |             catDimDiameterTangent)
                |         iGeomElem
                |             Parent geometrical element(s) of dimension
                |         iPtCoordElem
                |             Array of pointers on the selection points of each element of
                |             iGeomElem 
                |         iLDCRefElem
                |             Reference geometrical element for the direction of the dimension
                |             line .iLDCRefElem can be null: in this case, the view is the reference element
                |         iLDCRefAngle
                |             Angle between the reference element and the direction of the
                |             dimension line 
                |     Returns:
                |         The created drawing dimension (The property CATDimLineRep of the
                |         dimension line of the created dimension is set to catDimUserDefined)
                | Example:
                |     The following example creates a drawing distance dimension between two
                |     points along the direction of a line and retrieved in MyDimension in the
                |     drawing view collection of the MyView drawing view. This view belongs to the
                |     drawing view collection of the drawing sheet
                |      Dim MyView As DrawingView
                |      Set MyView = MySheet.Views.ActiveView
                |      Dim Fact2D  As Factory2D
                |      Set Fact2D = MyView.Factory2D
                |      Dim Point1 As Point2D
                |      Dim Point2 As Point2D
                |      Set Point1 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(40, 230)
                |      Set Point2 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(80, 210)
                |      Dim Line1 As Line2D
                |      Set Line1 = Fact2D.CreateLine(50, 10, 150, 10)
                |      Dim iType As catDimType
                |      iType = catDimDistance
                |      Dim myElements(1)
                |      myElements(1) = Array(Point1,Point2)
                |      Dim selpoints(3)
                |      selpoints(3) = Array(0, 0, 0, 0)
                |      Dim MyDimension As DrawingDimension
                |      Set MyDimension = MyView.Dimensions.Add2(iType, myElements(1), selpoints(3), Line1, 0)

        :param int i_type_dim:
        :param tuple i_geom_elem:
        :param tuple i_pt_coord_elem:
        :param CATVariant i_ldc_ref_elem:
        :param int i_ldc_ref_angle:
        :return: DrawingDimension
        :rtype: DrawingDimension
        return DrawingDimension(
            self.drawing_dimensions.Add2(i_type_dim, i_geom_elem,
                                         i_pt_coord_elem, i_ldc_ref_elem,