Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_component(self, i_reference_product: Product) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func AddComponent(Product iReferenceProduct) As Product
                |     Creates a component and adds it to the Products collection. A component is
                |     a Product object created from another Product object used as
                |     reference.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iReferenceProduct
                |             The product used as reference
                |     Example:
                |           The following example creates the SpareWheel component
                |           from
                |          the reference product FrontRightWheel and adds the
                |          component
                |          to the ToolKits collection.
                |          Dim SpareWheel As Product
                |          Set SpareWheel = ToolKits.AddComponent(FrontRightWheel)

        :param Product i_reference_product:
        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product
        return Product(
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_all_children(self, product=None, level=0):
        """Loops through the product and determine if item is part or product. If product was found, the function is executed again.

            product (com_object): Contains the part or product class.
            level (int): Provides information about the level of the respective part or product in
                         the structure tree.

        if not product:
            product = self.active_file
            self.add_children(level, product, "CATPart") if product.is_catpart(
            ) else self.add_children(level, product, "CATProduct")

        level += 1

        for i in range(product.count_children()):
            self.count_item += 1
            item = product.get_child(i)
            if item.is_catpart():
                sub_item = Part(item.product)
                self.add_children(level, sub_item, "CATPart")

            elif item.is_catproduct():
                sub_item = Product(item.product)
                self.add_children(level, sub_item, "CATProduct")
                self.set_all_children(sub_item, level)

Exemplo n.º 3
    def first_product(self) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384)
                | o Property FirstProduct() As Product (Read Only)
                |     Returns the product belonging to the first group that realizes the minimum
                |     distance.
                |     Example:
                |              This example retrieves the first product involved in the
                |              NewDistance Distance.
                |             Dim AProduct As Product
                |             Set AProduct = NewDistance.FirstProduct

        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product

        return Product(self.distance.FirstProduct)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def product(self) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445)
                | o Property Product() As Product (Read Only)
                |     Returns the root product.
                |     Example:
                |           This example retrieves the root product of the
                |           MyProductDoc
                |          ProductDocument in RootProduct.
                |          Dim RootProduct As Product
                |          Set RootProduct = MyProductDoc.Product

        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product

        return Product(self.product_document.Product)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def item_invert(self, i_index: cat_variant) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384))
                | o Func ItemInvert(CATVariant iIndex) As Product
                |     Returns a terminal node product which cannot be extracted from the group
                |     using its index.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iIndex
                |             The index of the product in the group. The index of the first
                |             product is 1, and the index of the last product is CountExtract.
                |     Returns:
                |         The retrieved product 
                |     Example:
                |              This example retrieves in ThisProduct the ninth product which
                |              cannot be extracted from 
                |             the NewGroup group.
                |             Dim ThisProduct As Group
                |             Set ThisProduct = NewGroup.ItemInvert(9)

        :param cat_variant i_index:
        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product
        return Product(self.group.ItemInvert(i_index))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def second_product(self) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384)
                | o Property SecondProduct() As Product (Read Only)
                |     Returns the product belonging to the second group that realizes the minimum
                |     distance.
                |     Example:
                |              This example retrieves the coordinates in the NewDistance
                |              Distance.
                |             Dim AProduct As Product
                |             Set AProduct = NewDistance.SecondProduct

        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product

        return Product(self.distance.SecondProduct)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def add_new_product(self, i_part_number: str) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func AddNewProduct(CATBSTR iPartNumber) As Product
                |     Creates a Product reference object. This creates a Product reference object
                |     and the associated component by specifying its type and adds it to the Products
                |     collection.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iPartNumber
                |             The part number of the product to be created and added to the to
                |             the collection
                |     Example:
                |           The following example creates the Engine product
                |          and adds the created component to the PowerTrains
                |          collection.
                |          Dim Engine As Product
                |          Set Engine = PowerTrains.AddNewProduct(V6Engine)

        :param str i_part_number:
        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product
        return Product(self.products.AddNewProduct(i_part_number))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_move():
    with CATIADocHandler(cat_product) as caa:
        product = caa.document.product()


        transformation = (1.000, 0, 0, 0, 0.707, 0.707, 0, -0.707, 0.707,
                          10.000, 20.000, 30.000)

        # move the first child in parent.
        product = product.get_products()[0]


        assert ((520.8333333333333, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 677.0833333333264,
                 -156.24999999999818, 0.0, -156.24999999999818,
                 677.0833333333264) == product.analyze.get_inertia())
Exemplo n.º 9
    def item(self, i_index: cat_variant) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func Item(CATVariant iIndex) As Product
                |     Returns a product from its index in the Products
                |     collection.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iIndex
                |             The index of the product to retrieve in the collection of products.
                |             This index can either be the rank of the product in the collection or the name
                |             you assign to the product. As a numerics, this index is the rank of the product
                |             in the collection. The index of the first product in the collection is 1, and
                |             the index of the last product is Count. As a string, it is the name you
                |             assigned to the product using the
                |         AnyObject.Name property
                |     Returns:
                |         The retrieved product
                |     Example:
                |           The following example returns in ThisProduct the third
                |           product,
                |          and in ThatProduct the product named
                |          Wheel in the CarParts product collection.
                |          Dim ThisProduct As Product
                |          Set ThisProduct = CarParts.Item(3)
                |          Dim ThatProduct As Product
                |          Set ThatProduct = CarParts.Item("Wheel")

        :param cat_variant i_index:
        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product
        return Product(self.products.Item(i_index))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def product(self) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384)
                | o Property Product() As Product (Read Only)
                |     Returns the root Product object from the current part
                |     document.
                |     Example:
                |         The following example retrieves in RootProd the root Product object of
                |         the active document, assumed to be a part document:
                |          Set RootProd = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Part

        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product

        return Product(self.part_document.Product)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def replace_component(self, i_old_component: Product, i_file_path: str,
                          i_multi_instances: bool) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func ReplaceComponent(Product iOldComponent,
                | CATBSTR iFilePath,
                | boolean iMultiInstances) As Product
                |     Creates a component which replace the given one.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iOldComponent
                |             The component which will be replaced
                |         iFilePath
                |             the document to replace with
                |         iMultiInstances
                |             Parameter to set to True if all instances are to be replaced, or to
                |             False otherwise. Returns the component replacing
                |             iOldComponent
                |             Note:
                |             Part Number conflict will be resolved
                |             automatically.

        :param Product i_old_component:
        :param str i_file_path:
        :param bool i_multi_instances:
        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product
        return Product(
                                           i_file_path, i_multi_instances))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def get_product(self, i_index: cat_variant) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384))
                | o Func GetProduct(CATVariant iIndex) As Product
                |     Returns a Product using its index or its name in the
                |     FixTogether.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iIndex
                |             The index or the name of the Product to retrieve. As a numerics,
                |             this index is the rank of the Product in the products of the FixTogether. The
                |             index of the first Product is 1, and the index of the last Product is
                |             ProductsCount. As a string, it is the name you assigned to the Product using
                |             the 
                |         AnyObject.Name property. 
                |     Returns:
                |         The retrieved Product 
                |     Example:
                |         This example retrieves in thisProduct the fifth Product and in
                |         thatProduct the Product named myProduct in the products of the
                |         FixTogether.
                |          Dim thisProduct As Product
                |          Set thisProduct = myFixTogether.GetProduct(5)
                |          Dim thatProduct As Product
                |          Set thatProduct = myFixTogether.GetProduct("myProduct")

        :param cat_variant i_index:
        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product
        return Product(self.fix_together.GetProduct(i_index))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def add_external_component(self,
                               i_product_document: 'Document') -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func AddExternalComponent(Document iProductDocument) As
                | Product
                |     Creates a component from the root product of another ProductDocument
                |     object. This root product is used as a reference to create the component. The
                |     component is added to the Products collection.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iProductDocument
                |             The product document whose root object is to be used as reference
                |             to create the component
                |     Example:
                |           The following example creates the GearBox component
                |           by
                |          referencing the GearBoxDocument and adds it
                |          to the PowerTrains collection.
                |          Dim GearBox As Product
                |          Set GearBox = PowerTrains.AddExternalComponent(GearBoxDocument)

        :param Document i_product_document:
        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product
        return Product(
Exemplo n.º 14
    def add_new_component(self, i_documen_type: str,
                          i_part_number: str) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func AddNewComponent(CATBSTR iDocumenType,
                | CATBSTR iPartNumber) As Product
                |     Creates a component from the root product of a new ProductDocument object.
                |     This root product is used as a reference to create the component. The component
                |     is added to the Products collection.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iProductDocument
                |             The product document whose root object is to be used as reference
                |             to create the component
                |     Example:
                |           The following example creates the GearBox component
                |           by
                |          referencing the GearBoxDocument and adds it
                |          to the PowerTrains collection.
                |          Dim GearBox As Product
                |          Set GearBox = PowerTrains.AddNewComponent(GearBoxDocument, "A120-253X-7")

        :param str i_documen_type:
        :param str i_part_number:
        :return: Product
        return Product(
            self.products.AddNewComponent(i_documen_type, i_part_number))
Exemplo n.º 15
    def second_product(self) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384)
                | o Property SecondProduct() As Product (Read Only)
                |     Returns the second product involved in the conflict.
                |     Example:
                |              This example retrieves the second product involved in the
                |              NewConflict Conflict.
                |             Dim aProduct As Product
                |             Set aProduct = NewConflict.SecondProduct

        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product

        return Product(self.conflict.SecondProduct)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def replace_product(self, i_old_component: Product,
                        i_new_reference: Product,
                        i_multi_instances: bool) -> Product:
        .. note::
            :class: toggle

            CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-06-11 12:40:47.360445))
                | o Func ReplaceProduct(Product iOldComponent,
                | Product iNewReference,
                | boolean iMultiInstances) As Product
                |     Creates a component which replace the given one.
                |     Parameters:
                |         iOldComponent
                |             The component which will be replaced
                |         iNewReference
                |             the reference whom the old copmponent will be reconnected
                |         iMultiInstances
                |             Parameter to set to True if all instances are to be replaced, or to
                |             False otherwise. Returns the component replacing
                |             iOldComponent

        :param Product i_old_component:
        :param Product i_new_reference:
        :param bool i_multi_instances:
        :return: Product
        :rtype: Product
        return Product(
Exemplo n.º 17
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..\\pycatia'))

from pycatia import catia
from pycatia.enumeration.enumeration_types import cat_work_mode_type
from pycatia.product_structure_interfaces.product import Product

caa = catia()
documents = caa.documents

document = caa.active_document
product = document.product()

# Change the work mode to Design Mode.
# This is useful for CATIA configurations that work with a cache otherwise methods on children may fail
# due to the document not being loaded.

# Transformation matrix (45 degrees-rotation around the x axis and a translation).
transformation = (1.000, 0, 0, 0, 0.707, 0.707, 0, -0.707, 0.707, 10.000,
                  20.000, 30.000)

# activates default shape on all children.

# move the first child in parent.
product = product.products[0]
move = product.move.apply(transformation)
Exemplo n.º 18
    Move the first child in product.


from pycatia import catia
from pycatia.enumeration.enumeration_types import cat_work_mode_type
from pycatia.product_structure_interfaces.product import Product

caa = catia()
documents = caa.documents

document = caa.active_document
product = document.product()

# Change the work mode to Design Mode.
# This is useful for CATIA configurations that work with a cache otherwise methods on children may fail
# due to the document not being loaded.

# Transformation matrix (45 degrees-rotation around the x axis and a translation).
transformation = (1.000, 0, 0, 0, 0.707, 0.707, 0, -0.707, 0.707, 10.000,
                  20.000, 30.000)

# activates default shape on all children.

# move the first child in parent.
product = product.get_products()[0]
move = product.move.apply(transformation)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def product(self):
        :return: :class:`Product()`

        return Product(self.document.Product)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __getitem__(self, n: int) -> Product:
        if (n + 1) > self.count:
            raise StopIteration

        return Product(self.products.item(n + 1))