Exemplo n.º 1
class CosAngle(SinAngle):
    r"""A cosine distribution. This is the same thing as a sine distribution,
    but with the domain shifted to `[-pi/2, pi/2]`. See SinAngle for more

    \**params :
        The keyword arguments should provide the names of parameters and
        (optionally) their corresponding bounds, as either
        `boundaries.Bounds` instances or tuples. The bounds must be
        in [-0.5, 0.5]. These are converted to radians for storage.
        None may also be passed; in that case, the domain bounds will be used.

    Class Attributes
    name : 'cos_angle'
        The name of this distribution.

    params : list of strings
        The list of parameter names.
    bounds : dict
        A dictionary of the parameter names and their bounds, in radians.
    name = 'cos_angle'
    _func = numpy.sin
    _dfunc = numpy.cos
    _arcfunc = numpy.arcsin
    _domain = boundaries.Bounds(-numpy.pi / 2.,
                                numpy.pi / 2.,
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, **params):

        # save distribution parameters as dict
        # calculate the norm and exponential norm ahead of time
        # and save to self._norm, self._lognorm, and self._expnorm
        self._bounds = {}
        self._mean = {}
        self._var = {}
        self._norm = {}
        self._lognorm = {}
        self._expnorm = {}
        # pull out specified means, variance
        mean_args = [p for p in params if p.endswith('_mean')]
        var_args = [p for p in params if p.endswith('_var')]
        self._mean = dict([[p[:-5], params.pop(p)] for p in mean_args])
        self._var = dict([[p[:-4], params.pop(p)] for p in var_args])
        # if any param is set to None, make its bounds -inf, inf
        for param in params:
            if params[param] is None:
                # Bounds defaults to -inf, inf
                params[param] = boundaries.Bounds()
        # initialize the bounds
        super(Gaussian, self).__init__(**params)

        # check that there are no params in mean/var that are not in params
        missing = set(self._mean.keys()) - set(params.keys())
        if any(missing):
            raise ValueError("means provided for unknow params {}".format(
                ', '.join(missing)))
        missing = set(self._var.keys()) - set(params.keys())
        if any(missing):
            raise ValueError("vars provided for unknow params {}".format(
                ', '.join(missing)))
        # set default mean/var for params not specified
            dict([[p, 0.] for p in params if p not in self._mean]))
        self._var.update(dict([[p, 1.] for p in params if p not in self._var]))

        # compute norms
        for p, bnds in self._bounds.items():
            sigmasq = self._var[p]
            mu = self._mean[p]
            a, b = bnds
            invnorm = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(b, loc=mu, scale=sigmasq**0.5) \
                    - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(a, loc=mu, scale=sigmasq**0.5)
            invnorm *= numpy.sqrt(2 * numpy.pi * sigmasq)
            self._norm[p] = 1. / invnorm
            self._lognorm[p] = numpy.log(self._norm[p])
            self._expnorm[p] = -1. / (2 * sigmasq)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, **params):
     # convert input bounds to Bounds class, if necessary
     for param, bnds in params.items():
         if not isinstance(bnds, boundaries.Bounds):
             params[param] = boundaries.Bounds(bnds[0], bnds[1])
         # warn the user about reflected boundaries
         if isinstance(
                 boundaries.Bounds) and (bnds.min.name == 'reflected'
                                         or bnds.max.name == 'reflected'):
             warnings.warn("Param {} has one or more ".format(param) +
                           "reflected boundaries. Reflected boundaries "
                           "can cause issues when used in an MCMC.")
     self._bounds = params
     self._params = sorted(params.keys())
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, **params):
     for p, bnds in params.items():
         if bnds is None:
             bnds = self._domain
         elif isinstance(bnds, boundaries.Bounds):
             # convert to radians
             bnds._min = bnds._min.__class__(bnds._min * numpy.pi)
             bnds._max = bnds._max.__class__(bnds._max * numpy.pi)
             # create a Bounds instance from the given tuple
             bnds = boundaries.Bounds(bnds[0] * numpy.pi,
                                      bnds[1] * numpy.pi)
         # check that the bounds are in the domain
         if bnds.min < self._domain.min or bnds.max > self._domain.max:
             raise ValueError("bounds must be in [{x},{y}); "
                              "got [{a},{b})".format(
                                  x=self._domain.min / numpy.pi,
                                  y=self._domain.max / numpy.pi,
                                  a=bnds.min / numpy.pi,
                                  b=bnds.max / numpy.pi))
         # update
         params[p] = bnds
     super(UniformAngle, self).__init__(**params)
Exemplo n.º 5
class SinAngle(UniformAngle):
    r"""A sine distribution; the pdf of each parameter `\theta` is given by:

        p(\theta) = \frac{\sin \theta}{\cos\theta_0 - \cos\theta_1}, \theta_0 \leq \theta < \theta_1,

    and 0 otherwise. Here, :math:`\theta_0, \theta_1` are the bounds of the

    The domain of this distribution is `[0, pi]`. This is accomplished by
    putting hard boundaries at `[0, pi]`. Bounds may be provided to further
    limit the range for which the pdf has support.  As with `UniformAngle`,
    these are initizliaed as multiples of pi, while the stored bounds are in

    \**params :
        The keyword arguments should provide the names of parameters and
        (optionally) their corresponding bounds, as either
        `boundaries.Bounds` instances or tuples. The bounds must be
        in [0,1]. These are converted to radians for storage. None may also
        be passed; in that case, the domain bounds will be used.

    Class Attributes
    name : 'sin_angle'
        The name of this distribution.

    params : list of strings
        The list of parameter names.
    bounds : dict
        A dictionary of the parameter names and their bounds, in radians.
    name = 'sin_angle'
    _func = numpy.cos
    _dfunc = numpy.sin
    _arcfunc = numpy.arccos
    # _domain applies the reflection off of 0, pi
    _domain = boundaries.Bounds(0,

    def _pdf(self, **kwargs):
        """Returns the pdf at the given values. The keyword arguments must
        contain all of parameters in self's params. Unrecognized arguments are
        if kwargs not in self:
            return 0.
        return self._norm * \
            self._dfunc(numpy.array([kwargs[p] for p in self._params])).prod()

    def _logpdf(self, **kwargs):
        """Returns the log of the pdf at the given values. The keyword
        arguments must contain all of parameters in self's params. Unrecognized
        arguments are ignored.
        if kwargs not in self:
            return -numpy.inf
        return self._lognorm + \
                numpy.array([kwargs[p] for p in self._params]))).sum()

    def rvs(self, size=1, param=None):
        """Gives a set of random values drawn from this distribution.

        size : {1, int}
            The number of values to generate; default is 1.
        param : {None, string}
            If provided, will just return values for the given parameter.
            Otherwise, returns random values for each parameter.

        structured array
            The random values in a numpy structured array. If a param was
            specified, the array will only have an element corresponding to the
            given parameter. Otherwise, the array will have an element for each
            parameter in self's params.
        if param is not None:
            dtype = [(param, float)]
            dtype = [(p, float) for p in self.params]
        arr = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=dtype)
        for (p, _) in dtype:
            arr[p] = self._arcfunc(
        return arr
Exemplo n.º 6
class UniformAngle(Uniform):
    """A uniform distribution in which the dependent variable is cyclic between
    Bounds may be provided to limit the range for which the pdf has support.
    If provided, the parameter bounds are initialized as multiples of pi,
    while the stored bounds are in radians.

    \**params :
        The keyword arguments should provide the names of parameters and
        (optionally) their corresponding bounds, as either
        `boundaries.Bounds` instances or tuples. The bounds must be
        in [0,2). These are converted to radians for storage. None may also
        be passed; in that case, the domain bounds will be used.

    Class Attributes
    name : 'uniform_angle'
        The name of this distribution.

    params : list of strings
        The list of parameter names.
    bounds : dict
        A dictionary of the parameter names and their bounds, in radians.

    For more information, see Uniform.
    name = 'uniform_angle'
    # _domain is a bounds instance used apply the cyclic conditions; this is
    # applied first, before any bounds specified in the initialization are used
    _domain = boundaries.Bounds(0., 2 * numpy.pi, cyclic=True)

    def __init__(self, **params):
        for p, bnds in params.items():
            if bnds is None:
                bnds = self._domain
            elif isinstance(bnds, boundaries.Bounds):
                # convert to radians
                bnds._min = bnds._min.__class__(bnds._min * numpy.pi)
                bnds._max = bnds._max.__class__(bnds._max * numpy.pi)
                # create a Bounds instance from the given tuple
                bnds = boundaries.Bounds(bnds[0] * numpy.pi,
                                         bnds[1] * numpy.pi)
            # check that the bounds are in the domain
            if bnds.min < self._domain.min or bnds.max > self._domain.max:
                raise ValueError("bounds must be in [{x},{y}); "
                                 "got [{a},{b})".format(
                                     x=self._domain.min / numpy.pi,
                                     y=self._domain.max / numpy.pi,
                                     a=bnds.min / numpy.pi,
                                     b=bnds.max / numpy.pi))
            # update
            params[p] = bnds
        super(UniformAngle, self).__init__(**params)

    def apply_boundary_conditions(self, **kwargs):
        """Maps values to be in [0, 2pi) (the domain) first, before applying
        any additional boundary conditions.

        \**kwargs :
            The keyword args should be the name of a parameter and value to
            apply its boundary conditions to. The arguments need not include
            all of the parameters in self.

            A dictionary of the parameter names and the conditioned values.
        # map values to be within the domain
        kwargs = dict([[p, self._domain.apply_conditions(val)]
                       for p, val in kwargs.items()])
        # now apply additional conditions
        return super(UniformAngle, self).apply_boundary_conditions(**kwargs)

    def from_config(cls, cp, section, variable_args):
        """Returns a distribution based on a configuration file. The parameters
        for the distribution are retrieved from the section titled
        "[`section`-`variable_args`]" in the config file.

        cp : pycbc.workflow.WorkflowConfigParser
            A parsed configuration file that contains the distribution
        section : str
            Name of the section in the configuration file.
        variable_args : str
            The names of the parameters for this distribution, separated by
            `prior.VARARGS_DELIM`. These must appear in the "tag" part
            of the section header.

            A distribution instance from the pycbc.inference.prior module.
        return _bounded_from_config(cls,
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_param_bounds_from_config(cp, section, tag, param):
    """Gets bounds for the given parameter from a section in a config file.

    Minimum and maximum values for bounds are specified by adding
    `min-{param}` and `max-{param}` options, where `{param}` is the name of
    the paramter. The types of boundary (open, closed, or reflected) to create
    may also be specified by adding options `bytime-min-{param}` and
    `btype-max-{param}`. Cyclic conditions can be adding option
    `cyclic-{param}`. If no `btype` arguments are provided, the
    left bound will be closed and the right open.

    For example, the following will create right-open bounds for parameter

    .. code::
        min-foo = -1
        max-foo = 1

    This would make the boundaries cyclic:

    .. code::
        min-foo = -1
        max-foo = 1
        cyclic-foo =

    For more details on boundary types and their meaning, see

    If the parameter is not found in the section will just return None (in
    this case, all `btype` and `cyclic` arguments are ignored for that
    parameter).  If bounds are specified, both a minimum and maximum must be
    provided, else a Value or Type Error will be raised.

    cp : ConfigParser instance
        The config file.
    section : str
        The name of the section.
    tag : str
        Any tag in the section name. The full section name searched for in
        the config file is `{section}(-{tag})`.
    param : str
        The name of the parameter to retrieve bounds for.

    bounds : {Bounds instance | None}
        If bounds were provided, a `boundaries.Bounds` instance
        representing the bounds. Otherwise, `None`.
        minbnd = float(cp.get_opt_tag(section, 'min-' + param, tag))
    except Error:
        minbnd = None
        maxbnd = float(cp.get_opt_tag(section, 'max-' + param, tag))
    except Error:
        maxbnd = None
    if minbnd is None and maxbnd is None:
        bnds = None
    elif minbnd is None or maxbnd is None:
        raise ValueError("if specifying bounds for %s, " % (param) +
                         "you must provide both a minimum and a maximum")
        bndargs = {'min_bound': minbnd, 'max_bound': maxbnd}
        # try to get  any other conditions, if provided
            minbtype = cp.get_opt_tag(section, 'btype-min-{}'.format(param),
        except Error:
            minbtype = 'closed'
            maxbtype = cp.get_opt_tag(section, 'btype-max-{}'.format(param),
        except Error:
            maxbtype = 'open'
        bndargs.update({'btype_min': minbtype, 'btype_max': maxbtype})
        cyclic = cp.has_option_tag(section, 'cyclic-{}'.format(param), tag)
        bndargs.update({'cyclic': cyclic})
        bnds = boundaries.Bounds(**bndargs)
    return bnds