Exemplo n.º 1
def associate_psds_to_segments(opt, fd_segments, gwstrain, flen, delta_f, flow,
                               dyn_range_factor=1., precision=None):
    """Generate a set of overlapping PSDs covering the data in GWstrain.
    Then associate these PSDs with the appropriate segment in strain_segments.

    opt : object
        Result of parsing the CLI with OptionParser, or any object with the
        required attributes (psd_model, psd_file, asd_file, psd_estimation,
        psd_segment_length, psd_segment_stride, psd_inverse_length, psd_output).
    fd_segments : StrainSegments.fourier_segments() object
        The fourier transforms of the various analysis segments. The psd
        attribute of each segment is updated to point to the appropriate PSD.
    gwstrain : Strain object
        The timeseries of raw data on which to estimate PSDs.
    flen : int
        The length in samples of the output PSDs.
    delta_f : float
        The frequency step of the output PSDs.
    flow: float
        The low frequncy cutoff to use when calculating the PSD.
    dyn_range_factor : {1, float}
        For PSDs taken from models or text files, if `dyn_range_factor` is
        not None, then the PSD is multiplied by `dyn_range_factor` ** 2.
    precision : str, choices (None,'single','double')
        If not specified, or specified as None, the precision of the returned
        PSD will match the precision of the data, if measuring a PSD, or will
        match the default precision of the model if using an analytical PSD.
        If 'single' the PSD will be converted to float32, if not already in
        that precision. If 'double' the PSD will be converted to float64, if
        not already in that precision.
    psds_and_times = generate_overlapping_psds(opt, gwstrain, flen, delta_f,
                                       flow, dyn_range_factor=dyn_range_factor,

    for fd_segment in fd_segments:
        best_psd = None
        psd_overlap = 0
        inp_seg = segments.segment(fd_segment.seg_slice.start,
        for start_idx, end_idx, psd in psds_and_times:
            psd_seg = segments.segment(start_idx, end_idx)
            if psd_seg.intersects(inp_seg):
                curr_overlap = abs(inp_seg & psd_seg)
                if curr_overlap > psd_overlap:
                    psd_overlap = curr_overlap
                    best_psd = psd
        if best_psd is None:
            err_msg = "No PSDs found intersecting segment!"
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
        fd_segment.psd = best_psd
Exemplo n.º 2
        def pad_and_truncate(row_start, row_end):
            tmp = segmentlist([segment(row_start + start_pad, row_end + end_pad)])
            # No coalesce needed as a list with a single segment is already coalesced
            tmp &= search_span_list

            # The intersection is guaranteed to be non-empty if the row passed match()
            # PR 2969: The above comment is incorrect.  Negative padding may cause
            # an empty intersection.
            if len(tmp) == 0:
                return segment(0,0)
                return tmp[0]
Exemplo n.º 3
def build_segment_list_one(engine, gps_start_time, gps_end_time, ifo, segment_name, version = None, start_pad = 0, end_pad = 0):
    """Builds a list of segments satisfying the given criteria """
    seg_result = segmentlist([])
    sum_result = segmentlist([])

    # Is there any way to get segment and segement summary in one query?
    # Maybe some sort of outer join where we keep track of which segment
    # summaries we've already seen.
    sql = "SELECT segment_summary.start_time, segment_summary.end_time "
    sql += "FROM segment_definer, segment_summary "
    sql += "WHERE segment_summary.segment_def_id = segment_definer.segment_def_id "
    sql += "AND   segment_definer.ifos = '%s' " % ifo
    if engine.__class__ == query_engine.LdbdQueryEngine:
       sql += "AND segment_summary.segment_def_cdb = segment_definer.creator_db "
    sql += "AND   segment_definer.name = '%s' " % segment_name
    sql += "AND   segment_definer.version = %s " % version
    sql += "AND NOT (%s > segment_summary.end_time OR segment_summary.start_time > %s)" % (gps_start_time, gps_end_time)

    rows = engine.query(sql)

    for sum_start_time, sum_end_time in rows:
        sum_start_time = (sum_start_time < gps_start_time) and gps_start_time or sum_start_time
        sum_end_time = (sum_end_time > gps_end_time) and gps_end_time or sum_end_time

        sum_result |= segmentlist([segment(sum_start_time, sum_end_time)])

    # We can't use queries paramaterized with ? since the ldbd protocol doesn't support it...
    sql = "SELECT segment.start_time + %d, segment.end_time + %d " % (start_pad, end_pad)
    sql += "FROM segment, segment_definer "
    sql += "WHERE segment.segment_def_id = segment_definer.segment_def_id "

    if engine.__class__ == query_engine.LdbdQueryEngine:
       sql += "AND segment.segment_def_cdb = segment_definer.creator_db "
    sql += "AND   segment_definer.ifos = '%s' " % ifo
    sql += "AND   segment_definer.name = '%s' " % segment_name
    sql += "AND   segment_definer.version = %s " % version
    sql += "AND NOT (%s > segment.end_time OR segment.start_time > %s)" % (gps_start_time, gps_end_time)

    rows = engine.query(sql)
    for seg_start_time, seg_end_time in rows:
        seg_start_time = (seg_start_time < gps_start_time) and gps_start_time or seg_start_time
        seg_end_time = (seg_end_time > gps_end_time) and gps_end_time or seg_end_time

        seg_result |= segmentlist([segment(seg_start_time, seg_end_time)])


    return sum_result, seg_result
Exemplo n.º 4
	def from_T050017(cls, url, coltype = LIGOTimeGPS):
		Parse a URL in the style of T050017-00 into a CacheEntry.
		The T050017-00 file name format is, essentially,



		>>> c = CacheEntry.from_T050017("file://localhost/data/node144/frames/S5/strain-L2/LLO/L-L1_RDS_C03_L2-8365/L-L1_RDS_C03_L2-836562330-83.gwf")
		>>> c.observatory
		>>> c.host
		>>> os.path.basename(c.path)
		match = cls._url_regex.search(url)
		if not match:
			raise ValueError("could not convert %s to CacheEntry" % repr(url))
		observatory = match.group("obs")
		description = match.group("dsc")
		start = match.group("strt")
		duration = match.group("dur")
		if start == "-" and duration == "-":
			# no segment information
			segment = None
			segment = segments.segment(coltype(start), coltype(start) + coltype(duration))
		return cls(observatory, description, segment, url)
Exemplo n.º 5
def expand_version_number(engine, segdef):
    ifo, name, version, start_time, end_time, start_pad, end_pad = segdef

    if version != '*':
        return [segdef]

    # Start looking at the full interval
    intervals = segmentlist([segment(start_time, end_time)])

    # Find the maximum version number
    sql  = "SELECT max(version) FROM segment_definer "
    sql += "WHERE  segment_definer.ifos = '%s' " % ifo
    sql += "AND   segment_definer.name = '%s' " % name

    rows    = engine.query(sql)
        version = len(rows[0]) and rows[0][0] or 1
        version = None

    results = []

    while version > 0:
        for interval in intervals:
            segs = query_segments(engine, 'segment_summary', [(ifo, name, version, interval[0], interval[1], 0, 0)])

            for seg in segs[0]:
                results.append( (ifo, name, version, seg[0], seg[1], 0, 0) )

        intervals -= segs[0]

        version -= 1

    return results
Exemplo n.º 6
def find_segments(doc, key, use_segment_table = True):
    key_pieces = key.split(':')
    while len(key_pieces) < 3:

    filter_func = lambda x: str(x.ifos) == key_pieces[0] and (str(x.name) == key_pieces[1] or key_pieces[1] == '*') and (str(x.version) == key_pieces[2] or key_pieces[2] == '*') 

    # Find all segment definers matching the critieria
    seg_def_table = table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SegmentDefTable.tableName)
    seg_defs      = filter(filter_func, seg_def_table)
    seg_def_ids   = map(lambda x: str(x.segment_def_id), seg_defs)

    # Find all segments belonging to those definers
    if use_segment_table:
        seg_table     = table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SegmentTable.tableName)
        seg_entries   = filter(lambda x: str(x.segment_def_id) in seg_def_ids, seg_table)
        seg_sum_table = table.get_table(doc, lsctables.SegmentSumTable.tableName)
        seg_entries   = filter(lambda x: str(x.segment_def_id) in seg_def_ids, seg_sum_table)

    # Combine into a segmentlist
    ret = segmentlist(map(lambda x: segment(x.start_time, x.end_time), seg_entries))


    return ret
Exemplo n.º 7
def from_bitstream(bitstream, start, dt, minlen=1):
	Convert consecutive True values in a bit stream (boolean-castable
	iterable) to a stream of segments. Require minlen consecutive True
	samples to comprise a segment.


	>>> list(from_bitstream((True, True, False, True, False), 0, 1))
	[segment(0, 2), segment(3, 4)]
	>>> list(from_bitstream([[], [[]], [[]], [], []], 1013968613, 0.125))
	[segment(1013968613.125, 1013968613.375)]
    bitstream = iter(bitstream)
    i = 0
    while 1:
        if bitstream.next():
            # found start of True block; find the end
            j = i + 1
                while bitstream.next():
                    j += 1
            finally:  # make sure StopIteration doesn't kill final segment
                if j - i >= minlen:
                    yield segments.segment(start + i * dt, start + j * dt)
            i = j  # advance to end of block
        i += 1
Exemplo n.º 8
def fromtama(file, coltype=lal.LIGOTimeGPS):
	Read a segmentlist from the file object file containing TAMA
	locked-segments data.  Parsing stops on the first line that cannot
	be parsed (which is consumed).  The segmentlist will be created
	with segments whose boundaries are of type coltype, which should
	raise ValueError if it cannot convert its string argument.

	NOTE:  TAMA locked-segments files contain non-integer start and end
	times, so the default column type is set to LIGOTimeGPS.

	NOTE:  the output is a segmentlist as described by the file;  if
	the segments in the input file are not coalesced or out of order,
	then thusly shall be the output of this function.  It is
	recommended that this function's output be coalesced before use.
    segmentpat = re.compile(
    l = segments.segmentlist()
    for line in file:
            [tokens] = segmentpat.findall(line)
            l.append(segments.segment(map(coltype, tokens[0:2])))
        except ValueError:
    return l
Exemplo n.º 9
def segmentlist_range(start, stop, period):
	Analogous to Python's range() builtin, this generator yields a
	sequence of continuous adjacent segments each of length "period"
	with the first starting at "start" and the last ending not after
	"stop".  Note that the segments generated do not form a coalesced
	list (they are not disjoint).  start, stop, and period can be any
	objects which support basic arithmetic operations.


	>>> from pycbc_glue.segments import *
	>>> segmentlist(segmentlist_range(0, 15, 5))
	[segment(0, 5), segment(5, 10), segment(10, 15)]
	>>> segmentlist(segmentlist_range('', 'xxx', 'x'))
	[segment('', 'x'), segment('x', 'xx'), segment('xx', 'xxx')]
    n = 1
    b = start
    while True:
        a, b = b, start + n * period
        if b > stop:
        yield segments.segment(a, b)
        n += 1
Exemplo n.º 10
def fromfilenames(filenames, coltype=int):
	Return a segmentlist describing the intervals spanned by the files
	whose names are given in the list filenames.  The segmentlist is
	constructed by parsing the file names, and the boundaries of each
	segment are coerced to type coltype.

	The file names are parsed using a generalization of the format
	described in Technical Note LIGO-T010150-00-E, which allows the
	start time and duration appearing in the file name to be

	NOTE:  the output is a segmentlist as described by the file names;
	if the file names are not in time order, or describe overlaping
	segments, then thusly shall be the output of this function.  It is
	recommended that this function's output be coalesced before use.
    pattern = re.compile(r"-([\d.]+)-([\d.]+)\.[\w_+#]+\Z")
    l = segments.segmentlist()
    for name in filenames:
        [(s, d)] = pattern.findall(name.strip().rstrip(".gz"))
        s = coltype(s)
        d = coltype(d)
        l.append(segments.segment(s, s + d))
    return l
Exemplo n.º 11
def legacy_get_valid_times(self):
    Return the length of data that the tmpltbank job will need to read and
    the part of that data that the template bank is valid for. In the case
    of lalapps_tmpltbank the following options are needed to set this up
    and will be used by the Executable to figure this out:

    * --pad-data (seconds, amount of data used to pad the analysis region.
      This is needed as some data will be corrupted from the data
      conditioning process)

    * --segment-length (sample points, length of each analysis segment)

    * --sample-rate (Hz, number of sample points per second. The data will
      be resampled to this value if necessary

    * --number-of-segments (Number of analysis segments, note that
      overlapping segments are used for PSD estimation, so every data
      point will appear in two segments, except the first
      segment-length/4 and last segment-length/4 points.)

    dataLength : float (seconds)
        The length of data that the job will need
    validChunk : glue.glue.segments.segment
        The start and end of the dataLength that is valid for the template
    # Read in needed options. This will fail if options not present
    # It will search relevant sub-sections for the option, so this can be
    # set differently for each ifo.
    padData = int(self.get_opt('pad-data'))
    segmentLength = float(self.get_opt('segment-length'))
    sampleRate = float(self.get_opt('sample-rate'))
    numSegments = int(self.get_opt('number-of-segments'))

    # Calculate total valid duration
    analysisDur = int(segmentLength / sampleRate) * (numSegments + 1) / 2
    if (segmentLength % sampleRate):
        errString = "In tmpltbank, when running lalapps_tmpltbank "
        errString += "segment-length must be a multiple of sample-rate."
        raise ValueError(errString)
    # Set the segments
    dataLength = analysisDur + 2 * padData
    validStart = padData
    validEnd = analysisDur + padData
    # If this is inspiral we lose segment-length/4 on start and end
    if self.name == 'inspiral':
        # Don't think inspiral will do well if segmentLength/4 is not
        # an integer
        validStart = validStart + int(segmentLength / (sampleRate * 4))
        validEnd = validEnd - int(segmentLength / (sampleRate * 4))
    validChunk = segments.segment([validStart, validEnd])

    return [dataLength], [validChunk]
Exemplo n.º 12
def from_range_strings(ranges, boundtype=int):
	Parse a list of ranges expressed as strings in the form "value" or
	"first:last" into an equivalent pycbc_glue.segments.segmentlist.  In the
	latter case, an empty string for "first" and(or) "last" indicates a
	(semi)infinite range.  A typical use for this function is in
	parsing command line options or entries in configuration files.

	NOTE:  the output is a segmentlist as described by the strings;  if
	the segments in the input file are not coalesced or out of order,
	then thusly shall be the output of this function.  It is
	recommended that this function's output be coalesced before use.


	>>> text = "0:10,35,100:"
	>>> from_range_strings(text.split(","))
	[segment(0, 10), segment(35, 35), segment(100, infinity)]
    # preallocate segmentlist
    segs = segments.segmentlist([None] * len(ranges))

    # iterate over strings
    for i, range in enumerate(ranges):
        parts = range.split(":")
        if len(parts) == 1:
            parts = boundtype(parts[0])
            segs[i] = segments.segment(parts, parts)
        if len(parts) != 2:
            raise ValueError(range)
        if parts[0] == "":
            parts[0] = segments.NegInfinity
            parts[0] = boundtype(parts[0])
        if parts[1] == "":
            parts[1] = segments.PosInfinity
            parts[1] = boundtype(parts[1])
        segs[i] = segments.segment(parts[0], parts[1])

    # success
    return segs
Exemplo n.º 13
    def create_node(self, coinc_files, tags=None):
        if tags is None:
            tags = []
        segs = coinc_files.get_times_covered_by_files()
        seg = segments.segment(segs[0][0], segs[-1][1])

        node = Node(self)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--coinc-files', coinc_files)
        node.new_output_file_opt(seg, '.hdf', '--output-file', tags=tags)
        return node
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_segment_summary_times(scienceFile, segmentName):
    This function will find the times for which the segment_summary is set
    for the flag given by segmentName.

    scienceFile : SegFile
        The segment file that we want to use to determine this.
    segmentName : string
        The DQ flag to search for times in the segment_summary table.

    summSegList : glue.segments.segmentlist
        The times that are covered in the segment summary table.
    # Parse the segmentName
    segmentName = segmentName.split(':')
    if not len(segmentName) in [2, 3]:
        raise ValueError("Invalid channel name %s." % (segmentName))
    ifo = segmentName[0]
    channel = segmentName[1]
    version = ''
    if len(segmentName) == 3:
        version = int(segmentName[2])

    # Load the filename
    xmldoc = utils.load_filename(

    # Get the segment_def_id for the segmentName
    segmentDefTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_definer")
    for entry in segmentDefTable:
        if (entry.ifos == ifo) and (entry.name == channel):
            if len(segmentName) == 2 or (entry.version == version):
                segDefID = entry.segment_def_id
        raise ValueError("Cannot find channel %s in segment_definer table."\

    # Get the segmentlist corresponding to this segmentName in segment_summary
    segmentSummTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_summary")
    summSegList = segments.segmentlist([])
    for entry in segmentSummTable:
        if entry.segment_def_id == segDefID:
            segment = segments.segment(entry.start_time, entry.end_time)

    return summSegList
Exemplo n.º 15
    def create_node(self, coinc_files, tags=None):
        if tags is None:
            tags = []
        segs = coinc_files.get_times_covered_by_files()
        seg = segments.segment(segs[0][0], segs[-1][1])

        node = Node(self)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--coinc-files', coinc_files)
        node.new_output_file_opt(seg, '.hdf', '--output-file', tags=tags)
        return node
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_segment_summary_times(scienceFile, segmentName):
    This function will find the times for which the segment_summary is set
    for the flag given by segmentName.

    scienceFile : SegFile
        The segment file that we want to use to determine this.
    segmentName : string
        The DQ flag to search for times in the segment_summary table.

    summSegList : glue.segments.segmentlist
        The times that are covered in the segment summary table.
    # Parse the segmentName
    segmentName = segmentName.split(':')
    if not len(segmentName) in [2,3]:
        raise ValueError("Invalid channel name %s." %(segmentName))
    ifo = segmentName[0]
    channel = segmentName[1]
    version = ''
    if len(segmentName) == 3:
        version = int(segmentName[2])

    # Load the filename
    xmldoc = utils.load_filename(scienceFile.cache_entry.path,

    # Get the segment_def_id for the segmentName
    segmentDefTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_definer")
    for entry in segmentDefTable:
        if (entry.ifos == ifo) and (entry.name == channel):
            if len(segmentName) == 2 or (entry.version==version):
                segDefID = entry.segment_def_id
        raise ValueError("Cannot find channel %s in segment_definer table."\

    # Get the segmentlist corresponding to this segmentName in segment_summary
    segmentSummTable = table.get_table(xmldoc, "segment_summary")
    summSegList = segments.segmentlist([])
    for entry in segmentSummTable:
        if entry.segment_def_id == segDefID:
            segment = segments.segment(entry.start_time, entry.end_time)

    return summSegList
Exemplo n.º 17
    def create_node(self, zerolag, full_data, injfull, fullinj, tags=None):
        if tags is None:
            tags = []
        segs = zerolag.get_times_covered_by_files()
        seg = segments.segment(segs[0][0], segs[-1][1])

        node = Node(self)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--zero-lag-coincs', zerolag)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--full-data-background', full_data)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--mixed-coincs-inj-full', injfull)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--mixed-coincs-full-inj', fullinj)
        node.new_output_file_opt(seg, '.hdf', '--output-file', tags=tags)
        return node
Exemplo n.º 18
    def create_node(self, zerolag, full_data, injfull, fullinj, tags=None):
        if tags is None:
            tags = []
        segs = zerolag.get_times_covered_by_files()
        seg = segments.segment(segs[0][0], segs[-1][1])

        node = Node(self)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--zero-lag-coincs', zerolag)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--full-data-background', full_data)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--mixed-coincs-inj-full', injfull)
        node.add_input_list_opt('--mixed-coincs-full-inj', fullinj)
        node.new_output_file_opt(seg, '.hdf', '--output-file', tags=tags)
        return node
Exemplo n.º 19
    def get_valid_times(self):
        pad_data = int(self.get_opt('pad-data'))
        if self.has_opt('analyse-segment-end'):
            safety = 1
            deadtime = int(self.get_opt('segment-duration')) / 2
            spec_len = int(self.get_opt('inverse-spec-length')) / 2
            valid_start = self.data_seg[0] + deadtime - spec_len + pad_data \
                    - safety
            valid_end = self.data_seg[1] - spec_len - pad_data - safety
            overlap = int(self.get_opt('segment-duration')) / 4
            valid_start = self.data_seg[0] + overlap + pad_data
            valid_end = self.data_seg[1] - overlap - pad_data

        return self.data_seg, segments.segment(valid_start, valid_end)
Exemplo n.º 20
def S2playground(extent):
	Return a segmentlist identifying the S2 playground times within the
	interval defined by the segment extent.


	>>> from pycbc_glue import segments
	>>> S2playground(segments.segment(874000000, 874010000))
	[segment(874000013, 874000613), segment(874006383, 874006983)]
    lo = int(extent[0])
    lo -= (lo - 729273613) % 6370
    hi = int(extent[1]) + 1
    return segments.segmentlist(
        segments.segment(t, t + 600)
        for t in range(lo, hi, 6370)) & segments.segmentlist([extent])
Exemplo n.º 21
 def create_node(self, trig_files, bank_file, stat_files, veto_file,
                 veto_name, template_str, tags=None):
     if tags is None:
         tags = []
     segs = trig_files.get_times_covered_by_files()
     seg = segments.segment(segs[0][0], segs[-1][1])
     node = Node(self)
     node.add_input_opt('--template-bank', bank_file)
     node.add_input_list_opt('--trigger-files', trig_files)
     if len(stat_files) > 0:
         node.add_input_list_opt('--statistic-files', stat_files)
     if veto_file is not None:
         node.add_input_opt('--veto-files', veto_file)
         node.add_opt('--segment-name', veto_name)
     node.add_opt('--template-fraction-range', template_str)
     node.new_output_file_opt(seg, '.hdf', '--output-file', tags=tags)
     return node
Exemplo n.º 22
def columns_from_file_list(file_list, columns, ifo, start, end):
    """ Return columns of information stored in single detector trigger
    file_list_file : string
        pickle file containing the list of single detector
    ifo : string
        The ifo to return triggers for.
    columns : list of strings
        The list of columns to read from the trigger files.
    start : int
        The start time to get triggers from
    end : int
        The end time to get triggers from
    trigger_dict : dict
        A dictionary of column vectors with column names as keys.
    file_list = file_list.find_output_with_ifo(ifo)
    file_list = file_list.find_all_output_in_range(ifo, segment(start, end))

    trig_dict = {}
    for trig_file in file_list:
        f = h5py.File(trig_file.storage_path, 'r')

        time = f['end_time'][:]
        pick = numpy.logical_and(time < end, time > start)
        pick_loc = numpy.where(pick)[0]

        for col in columns:
            if col not in trig_dict:
                trig_dict[col] = []
            trig_dict[col] = numpy.concatenate(
                [trig_dict[col], f[col][:][pick_loc]])

    return trig_dict
Exemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self,
     if tags is None:
         tags = []
     super(LegacyCohPTFInspiralExecutable, self).__init__(cp,
     self.injection_file = injection_file
     self.data_seg = segments.segment(int(cp.get('workflow', 'start-time')),
                                      int(cp.get('workflow', 'end-time')))
     self.num_threads = 1
Exemplo n.º 24
def columns_from_file_list(file_list, columns, ifo, start, end):
    """ Return columns of information stored in single detector trigger
    file_list_file : string
        pickle file containing the list of single detector
    ifo : string
        The ifo to return triggers for.
    columns : list of strings
        The list of columns to read from the trigger files.
    start : int
        The start time to get triggers from
    end : int
        The end time to get triggers from
    trigger_dict : dict
        A dictionary of column vectors with column names as keys.
    file_list = file_list.find_output_with_ifo(ifo)
    file_list = file_list.find_all_output_in_range(ifo, segment(start, end))
    trig_dict = {}
    for trig_file in file_list:
        f = h5py.File(trig_file.storage_path, 'r')
        time = f['end_time'][:]
        pick = numpy.logical_and(time < end, time > start)
        pick_loc = numpy.where(pick)[0]
        for col in columns:
            if col not in trig_dict:
                trig_dict[col] = []
            trig_dict[col] = numpy.concatenate([trig_dict[col], f[col][:][pick_loc]])         
    return trig_dict
Exemplo n.º 25
 def create_node(self,
     if tags is None:
         tags = []
     segs = trig_files.get_times_covered_by_files()
     seg = segments.segment(segs[0][0], segs[-1][1])
     node = Node(self)
     node.add_input_opt('--template-bank', bank_file)
     node.add_input_list_opt('--trigger-files', trig_files)
     if len(stat_files) > 0:
         node.add_input_list_opt('--statistic-files', stat_files)
     if veto_file is not None:
         node.add_input_opt('--veto-files', veto_file)
         node.add_opt('--segment-name', veto_name)
     node.add_opt('--template-fraction-range', template_str)
     node.new_output_file_opt(seg, '.hdf', '--output-file', tags=tags)
     return node
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Intialize a CacheEntry object.  The arguments can take two
		forms:  a single string argument, which is interpreted and
		parsed as a line from a LAL cache file, or four arguments
		used to explicitly initialize the observatory, description,
		segment and URL in that order.  When parsing a single line
		of text from a LAL cache, an optional key-word argument
		"coltype" can be provided to set the type the start and
		durations are parsed as.  The default is


		>>> c = CacheEntry("H1", "S5", segments.segment(815901601, 815902177.5), "file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml")
		>>> print c.segment
		[815901601 ... 815902177.5)
		>>> print str(c)
		H1 S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml
		>>> c = CacheEntry("H1 S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml")
		>>> print c.segment
		[815901601 ... 815902177.5)
		>>> print CacheEntry("H1 S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml", coltype = float).segment
		[815901601.0 ... 815902177.5)

		See also the .from_T050017() class method for an
		alternative initialization mechanism.
        if len(args) == 1:
            # parse line of text as an entry in a cache file
            match = self._regex.search(args[0])
                match = match.groupdict()
            except AttributeError:
                raise ValueError("could not convert %s to CacheEntry" %
            self.observatory = match["obs"]
            self.description = match["dsc"]
            start = match["strt"]
            duration = match["dur"]
            coltype = kwargs.pop("coltype", LIGOTimeGPS)
            if start == "-" and duration == "-":
                # no segment information
                self.segment = None
                start = coltype(start)
                self.segment = segments.segment(start,
                                                start + coltype(duration))
            self.url = match["url"]
            if kwargs:
                raise TypeError("unrecognized keyword arguments: %s" %
                                ", ".join(kwargs))
        elif len(args) == 4:
            # parse arguments as observatory, description,
            # segment, url
            if kwargs:
                raise TypeError("invalid arguments: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs))
            self.observatory, self.description, self.segment, self.url = args
            raise TypeError("invalid arguments: %s" % args)

        # "-" indicates an empty column
        if self.observatory == "-":
            self.observatory = None
        if self.description == "-":
            self.description = None
Exemplo n.º 27
def start_end_to_segments(start, end):
    return segmentlist([segment(s, e) for s, e in zip(start, end)])
Exemplo n.º 28
def start_end_to_segments(start, end):
    return segmentlist([segment(s, e) for s, e in zip(start, end)])
Exemplo n.º 29
def run_datafind_instance(cp, outputDir, connection, observatory, frameType,
                          startTime, endTime, ifo, tags=None):
    This function will query the datafind server once to find frames between
    the specified times for the specified frame type and observatory.

    cp : ConfigParser instance
        Source for any kwargs that should be sent to the datafind module
    outputDir : Output cache files will be written here. We also write the
        commands for reproducing what is done in this function to this
    connection : datafind connection object
        Initialized through the glue.datafind module, this is the open
        connection to the datafind server.
    observatory : string
        The observatory to query frames for. Ex. 'H', 'L' or 'V'.  NB: not
        'H1', 'L1', 'V1' which denote interferometers.
    frameType : string
        The frame type to query for.
    startTime : int
        Integer start time to query the datafind server for frames.
    endTime : int
        Integer end time to query the datafind server for frames.
    ifo : string
        The interferometer to use for naming output. Ex. 'H1', 'L1', 'V1'.
        Maybe this could be merged with the observatory string, but this
        could cause issues if running on old 'H2' and 'H1' data.
    tags : list of string, optional (default=None)
        Use this to specify tags. This can be used if this module is being
        called more than once to give call specific configuration (by setting
        options in [workflow-datafind-${TAG}] rather than [workflow-datafind]).
        This is also used to tag the Files returned by the class to uniqueify
        the Files and uniquify the actual filename.
        FIXME: Filenames may not be unique with current codes!

    dfCache : glue.lal.Cache instance
       The glue.lal.Cache representation of the call to the datafind
       server and the returned frame files.
    cacheFile : pycbc.workflow.core.File
        Cache file listing all of the datafind output files for use later in the pipeline.

    if tags is None:
        tags = []

    seg = segments.segment([startTime, endTime])
    # Take the datafind kwargs from config (usually urltype=file is
    # given).
    dfKwargs = {}
    # By default ignore missing frames, this case is dealt with outside of here
    dfKwargs['on_gaps'] = 'ignore'
    if cp.has_section("datafind"):
        for item, value in cp.items("datafind"):
            dfKwargs[item] = value
    for tag in tags:
        if cp.has_section('datafind-%s' %(tag)):
            for item, value in cp.items("datafind-%s" %(tag)):
                dfKwargs[item] = value

    # It is useful to print the corresponding command to the logs
    # directory to check if this was expected.
    log_datafind_command(observatory, frameType, startTime, endTime,
                         os.path.join(outputDir,'logs'), **dfKwargs)
    logging.debug("Asking datafind server for frames.")
    dfCache = connection.find_frame_urls(observatory, frameType,
                                        startTime, endTime, **dfKwargs)
    logging.debug("Frames returned")
    # workflow format output file
    cache_file = File(ifo, 'DATAFIND', seg, extension='lcf',
                      directory=outputDir, tags=tags)
    cache_file.PFN(cache_file.cache_entry.path, site='local')

    dfCache.ifo = ifo
    # Dump output to file
    fP = open(cache_file.storage_path, "w")
    # FIXME: CANNOT use dfCache.tofile because it will print 815901601.00000
    #        as a gps time which is incompatible with the lal cache format
    #        (and the C codes) which demand an integer.
    for entry in dfCache:
        start = str(int(entry.segment[0]))
        duration = str(int(abs(entry.segment)))
        print("%s %s %s %s %s" \
              % (entry.observatory, entry.description, start, duration, entry.url), file=fP)
        entry.segment = segments.segment(int(entry.segment[0]), int(entry.segment[1]))

    return dfCache, cache_file
Exemplo n.º 30
def run_datafind_instance(cp,
    This function will query the datafind server once to find frames between
    the specified times for the specified frame type and observatory.

    cp : ConfigParser instance
        Source for any kwargs that should be sent to the datafind module
    outputDir : Output cache files will be written here. We also write the
        commands for reproducing what is done in this function to this
    connection : datafind connection object
        Initialized through the glue.datafind module, this is the open
        connection to the datafind server.
    observatory : string
        The observatory to query frames for. Ex. 'H', 'L' or 'V'.  NB: not
        'H1', 'L1', 'V1' which denote interferometers.
    frameType : string
        The frame type to query for.
    startTime : int
        Integer start time to query the datafind server for frames.
    endTime : int
        Integer end time to query the datafind server for frames.
    ifo : string
        The interferometer to use for naming output. Ex. 'H1', 'L1', 'V1'.
        Maybe this could be merged with the observatory string, but this
        could cause issues if running on old 'H2' and 'H1' data.
    tags : list of string, optional (default=None)
        Use this to specify tags. This can be used if this module is being
        called more than once to give call specific configuration (by setting
        options in [workflow-datafind-${TAG}] rather than [workflow-datafind]).
        This is also used to tag the Files returned by the class to uniqueify
        the Files and uniquify the actual filename.
        FIXME: Filenames may not be unique with current codes!

    dfCache : glue.lal.Cache instance
       The glue.lal.Cache representation of the call to the datafind
       server and the returned frame files.
    cacheFile : pycbc.workflow.core.File
        Cache file listing all of the datafind output files for use later in the pipeline.

    if tags is None:
        tags = []

    seg = segments.segment([startTime, endTime])
    # Take the datafind kwargs from config (usually urltype=file is
    # given).
    dfKwargs = {}
    # By default ignore missing frames, this case is dealt with outside of here
    dfKwargs['on_gaps'] = 'ignore'
    if cp.has_section("datafind"):
        for item, value in cp.items("datafind"):
            dfKwargs[item] = value
    for tag in tags:
        if cp.has_section('datafind-%s' % (tag)):
            for item, value in cp.items("datafind-%s" % (tag)):
                dfKwargs[item] = value

    # It is useful to print the corresponding command to the logs
    # directory to check if this was expected.
    log_datafind_command(observatory, frameType, startTime, endTime,
                         os.path.join(outputDir, 'logs'), **dfKwargs)
    logging.debug("Asking datafind server for frames.")
    dfCache = connection.find_frame_urls(observatory, frameType, startTime,
                                         endTime, **dfKwargs)
    logging.debug("Frames returned")
    # workflow format output file
    cache_file = File(ifo,
    cache_file.PFN(cache_file.cache_entry.path, site='local')

    dfCache.ifo = ifo
    # Dump output to file
    fP = open(cache_file.storage_path, "w")
    # FIXME: CANNOT use dfCache.tofile because it will print 815901601.00000
    #        as a gps time which is incompatible with the lal cache format
    #        (and the C codes) which demand an integer.
    for entry in dfCache:
        start = str(int(entry.segment[0]))
        duration = str(int(abs(entry.segment)))
        print("%s %s %s %s %s" \
              % (entry.observatory, entry.description, start, duration, entry.url), file=fP)
        entry.segment = segments.segment(int(entry.segment[0]),

    return dfCache, cache_file
Exemplo n.º 31
def make_grb_segments_plot(wkflow, science_segs, trigger_time, trigger_name,
                           out_dir, coherent_seg=None, fail_criterion=None):
    ifos = wkflow.ifos
    if len(science_segs.keys()) == 0:
        extent = segments.segment(int(wkflow.cp.get("workflow", "start-time")),
                                  int(wkflow.cp.get("workflow", "end-time")))
        pltpad = [science_segs.extent_all()[1] - trigger_time,
                  trigger_time - science_segs.extent_all()[0]]
        extent = segments.segmentlist([science_segs.extent_all(),
            segments.segment(trigger_time - pltpad[0],
                             trigger_time + pltpad[1])]).extent()

    ifo_colors = {}
    for ifo in ifos:
        ifo_colors[ifo] = ifo_color(ifo)
        if ifo not in science_segs.keys():
            science_segs[ifo] = segments.segmentlist([])

    # Make plot
    fig, subs = plt.subplots(len(ifos), sharey=True)
    plt.xticks(rotation=20, ha='right')
    for sub, ifo in zip(subs, ifos):
        for seg in science_segs[ifo]:
            sub.add_patch(Rectangle((seg[0], 0.1), abs(seg), 0.8,
                                    facecolor=ifo_colors[ifo], edgecolor='none'))
        if coherent_seg:
            if len(science_segs[ifo]) > 0 and \
                    coherent_seg in science_segs[ifo]:
                sub.plot([trigger_time, trigger_time], [0, 1], '-',
                sub.add_patch(Rectangle((coherent_seg[0], 0),
                                        abs(coherent_seg), 1, alpha=0.5,
                                        facecolor='orange', edgecolor='none'))
                sub.plot([trigger_time, trigger_time], [0, 1], ':',
                sub.plot([coherent_seg[0], coherent_seg[0]], [0, 1], '--',
                         c='orange', alpha=0.5)
                sub.plot([coherent_seg[1], coherent_seg[1]], [0, 1], '--',
                         c='orange', alpha=0.5)
            sub.plot([trigger_time, trigger_time], [0, 1], ':k')
        if fail_criterion:
            if len(science_segs[ifo]) > 0:
                style_str = '--'
                style_str = '-'
            sub.plot([fail_criterion[0], fail_criterion[0]], [0, 1], style_str,
                     c='black', alpha=0.5)
            sub.plot([fail_criterion[1], fail_criterion[1]], [0, 1], style_str,
                     c='black', alpha=0.5)

        sub.set_ylabel(ifo, rotation=45)
        sub.set_ylim([0, 1])
        sub.set_xlim([float(extent[0]), float(extent[1])])
        if sub is subs[-1]:
            sub.tick_params(labelsize=10, pad=1)

    xmin, xmax = fig.axes[-1].get_xaxis().get_view_interval()
    ymin, _ = fig.axes[-1].get_yaxis().get_view_interval()
    fig.axes[-1].add_artist(Line2D((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymin), color='black',
    fig.axes[-1].set_xlabel('GPS Time')

    fig.axes[0].set_title('Science Segments for GRB%s' % trigger_name)
    plot_name = 'GRB%s_segments.png' % trigger_name
    plot_url = 'file://localhost%s/%s' % (out_dir, plot_name)
    fig.savefig('%s/%s' % (out_dir, plot_name))

    return [ifos, plot_name, extent, plot_url]
Exemplo n.º 32
 def matches(row):
     return ( row[0].strip() == ifo and row[1] == name and int(row[2]) == int(version)
              and search_span.intersects(segment(row[3] + start_pad, row[4] + start_pad)) )
Exemplo n.º 33
def get_coh_PTF_files(cp, ifos, run_dir, bank_veto=False, summary_files=False):
    Retrieve files needed to run coh_PTF jobs within a PyGRB workflow

    cp : pycbc.workflow.configuration.WorkflowConfigParser object
    The parsed configuration options of a pycbc.workflow.core.Workflow.

    ifos : str
    String containing the analysis interferometer IDs.

    run_dir : str
    The run directory, destination for retrieved files.

    bank_veto : Boolean
    If true, will retrieve the bank_veto_bank.xml file.

    summary_files : Boolean
    If true, will retrieve the summary page style files.

    file_list : pycbc.workflow.FileList object
    A FileList containing the retrieved files.
    if os.getenv("LAL_SRC") is None:
        raise ValueError("The environment variable LAL_SRC must be set to a "
                         "location containing the file lalsuite.git")
        lalDir = os.getenv("LAL_SRC")
        sci_seg = segments.segment(int(cp.get("workflow", "start-time")),
                                   int(cp.get("workflow", "end-time")))
        file_list = FileList([])

        # Bank veto
        if bank_veto:
            shutil.copy("%s/lalapps/src/ring/coh_PTF_config_files/" \
                        "bank_veto_bank.xml" % lalDir, "%s" % run_dir)
            bank_veto_url = "file://localhost%s/bank_veto_bank.xml" % run_dir
            bank_veto = File(ifos, "bank_veto_bank", sci_seg,
            bank_veto.PFN(bank_veto.cache_entry.path, site="local")

        if summary_files:
            # summary.js file
            shutil.copy("%s/lalapps/src/ring/coh_PTF_config_files/" \
                        "coh_PTF_html_summary.js" % lalDir, "%s" % run_dir)
            summary_js_url = "file://localhost%s/coh_PTF_html_summary.js" \
                             % run_dir
            summary_js = File(ifos, "coh_PTF_html_summary_js", sci_seg,
            summary_js.PFN(summary_js.cache_entry.path, site="local")

            # summary.css file
            shutil.copy("%s/lalapps/src/ring/coh_PTF_config_files/" \
                        "coh_PTF_html_summary.css" % lalDir, "%s" % run_dir)
            summary_css_url = "file://localhost%s/coh_PTF_html_summary.css" \
                              % run_dir
            summary_css = File(ifos, "coh_PTF_html_summary_css", sci_seg,
            summary_css.PFN(summary_css.cache_entry.path, site="local")

        return file_list
Exemplo n.º 34
	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Intialize a CacheEntry object.  The arguments can take two
		forms:  a single string argument, which is interpreted and
		parsed as a line from a LAL cache file, or four arguments
		used to explicitly initialize the observatory, description,
		segment and URL in that order.  When parsing a single line
		of text from a LAL cache, an optional key-word argument
		"coltype" can be provided to set the type the start and
		durations are parsed as.  The default is


		>>> c = CacheEntry("H1", "S5", segments.segment(815901601, 815902177.5), "file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml")
		>>> print c.segment
		[815901601 ... 815902177.5)
		>>> print str(c)
		H1 S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml
		>>> c = CacheEntry("H1 S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml")
		>>> print c.segment
		[815901601 ... 815902177.5)
		>>> print CacheEntry("H1 S5 815901601 576.5 file://localhost/home/kipp/tmp/1/H1-815901601-576.xml", coltype = float).segment
		[815901601.0 ... 815902177.5)

		See also the .from_T050017() class method for an
		alternative initialization mechanism.
		if len(args) == 1:
			# parse line of text as an entry in a cache file
			match = self._regex.search(args[0])
				match = match.groupdict()
			except AttributeError:
				raise ValueError("could not convert %s to CacheEntry" % repr(args[0]))
			self.observatory = match["obs"]
			self.description = match["dsc"]
			start = match["strt"]
			duration = match["dur"]
			coltype = kwargs.pop("coltype", LIGOTimeGPS)
			if start == "-" and duration == "-":
				# no segment information
				self.segment = None
				start = coltype(start)
				self.segment = segments.segment(start, start + coltype(duration))
			self.url = match["url"]
			if kwargs:
				raise TypeError("unrecognized keyword arguments: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs))
		elif len(args) == 4:
			# parse arguments as observatory, description,
			# segment, url
			if kwargs:
				raise TypeError("invalid arguments: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs))
			self.observatory, self.description, self.segment, self.url = args
			raise TypeError("invalid arguments: %s" % args)

		# "-" indicates an empty column
		if self.observatory == "-":
			self.observatory = None
		if self.description == "-":
			self.description = None
Exemplo n.º 35
    def find_frame_urls(self, site, frametype, gpsstart, gpsend,
                        match=None, urltype=None, on_gaps="warn"):
        """Find the framefiles for the given type in the [start, end) interval

        @param site:
            single-character name of site to match
        @param frametype:
            name of frametype to match
        @param gpsstart:
            integer GPS start time of query
        @param gpsend:
            integer GPS end time of query
        @param match:
            regular expression to match against
        @param urltype:
            file scheme to search for (e.g. 'file')
        @param on_gaps:
            what to do when the requested frame isn't found, one of:
                - C{'warn'} (default): print a warning,
                - C{'error'}: raise an L{RuntimeError}, or
                - C{'ignore'}: do nothing

        @type       site: L{str}
        @type  frametype: L{str}
        @type   gpsstart: L{int}
        @type     gpsend: L{int}
        @type      match: L{str}
        @type    urltype: L{str}
        @type    on_gaps: L{str}

        @returns: L{Cache<pycbc_glue.lal.Cache>}

        @raises RuntimeError: if gaps are found and C{on_gaps='error'}
        if on_gaps not in ("warn", "error", "ignore"):
            raise ValueError("on_gaps must be 'warn', 'error', or 'ignore'.")
        url = ("%s/gwf/%s/%s/%s,%s"
               % (_url_prefix, site, frametype, gpsstart, gpsend))
        # if a URL type is specified append it to the path
        if urltype:
            url += "/%s" % urltype
        # request JSON output
        url += ".json"
        # append a regex if input
        if match:
            url += "?match=%s" % match
        # make query
        response = self._requestresponse("GET", url)
        urllist  = decode(response.read())

        out = lal.Cache([lal.CacheEntry.from_T050017(x,
                         coltype=self.LIGOTimeGPSType) for x in urllist])

        if on_gaps == "ignore":
            return out
            span    = segments.segment(gpsstart, gpsend)
            seglist = segments.segmentlist(e.segment for e in out).coalesce()
            missing = (segments.segmentlist([span]) - seglist).coalesce()
            if span in seglist:
                return out
                msg = "Missing segments: \n%s" % "\n".join(map(str, missing))
                if on_gaps=="warn":
                    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)
                    return out
                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 36
def vote(seglists, n):
	Given a sequence of segmentlists, returns the intervals during
	which at least n of them intersect.  The input segmentlists must be
	coalesced, the output is coalesced.


	>>> from pycbc_glue.segments import *
	>>> w = segmentlist([segment(0, 15)])
	>>> x = segmentlist([segment(5, 20)])
	>>> y = segmentlist([segment(10, 25)])
	>>> z = segmentlist([segment(15, 30)])
	>>> vote((w, x, y, z), 3)
	[segment(10, 20)]

	The sequence of segmentlists is only iterated over once, and the
	segmentlists within it are only iterated over once;  they can all
	be generators.  If there are a total of N segments in M segment
	lists and the final result has L segments the algorithm is O(N M) +
    # check for no-op

    if n < 1:
        return segments.segmentlist()

    # digest the segmentlists into an ordered sequence of off-on and
    # on-off transitions with the vote count for each transition
    # FIXME:  this generator is declared locally for now, is it useful
    # as a stand-alone generator?

    def pop_min(l):
        # remove and return the smallest value from a list
        val = min(l)
        for i in xrange(len(l) - 1, -1, -1):
            if l[i] is val:
                return l.pop(i)
        assert False  # cannot get here

    def vote_generator(seglists):
        queue = []
        for seglist in seglists:
            segiter = iter(seglist)
                seg = segiter.next()
            except StopIteration:
            # put them in so that the smallest boundary is
            # closest to the end of the list
            queue.append((seg[1], -1, segiter))
            queue.append((seg[0], +1, None))
        if not queue:
        bound = queue[-1][0]
        votes = 0
        while queue:
            this_bound, delta, segiter = pop_min(queue)
            if this_bound == bound:
                votes += delta
                yield bound, votes
                bound = this_bound
                votes = delta
            if segiter is not None:
                    seg = segiter.next()
                except StopIteration:
                queue.append((seg[1], -1, segiter))
                queue.append((seg[0], +1, None))
        yield bound, votes

    # compute the cumulative sum of votes, and assemble a segmentlist
    # from the intervals when the vote count is equal to or greater
    # than n

    result = segments.segmentlist()
    votes = 0
    for bound, delta in vote_generator(seglists):
        if delta > 0 and n - delta <= votes < n:
            start = bound
        elif delta < 0 and n <= votes < n - delta:
            result.append(segments.segment(start, bound))
            del start  # detect stops that aren't preceded by starts
        votes += delta
    assert votes == 0  # detect failed cumulative sum

    return result
Exemplo n.º 37
def make_grb_segments_plot(wkflow,

    ifos = wkflow.ifos
    if len(science_segs.keys()) == 0:
        extent = segments.segment(int(wkflow.cp.get("workflow", "start-time")),
                                  int(wkflow.cp.get("workflow", "end-time")))
        pltpad = [
            science_segs.extent_all()[1] - trigger_time,
            trigger_time - science_segs.extent_all()[0]
        extent = segments.segmentlist([
            segments.segment(trigger_time - pltpad[0],
                             trigger_time + pltpad[1])

    ifo_colors = {}
    for ifo in ifos:
        ifo_colors[ifo] = ifo_color(ifo)
        if ifo not in science_segs.keys():
            science_segs[ifo] = segments.segmentlist([])

    # Make plot
    fig, subs = plt.subplots(len(ifos), sharey=True)
    plt.xticks(rotation=20, ha='right')
    for sub, ifo in zip(subs, ifos):
        for seg in science_segs[ifo]:
                Rectangle((seg[0], 0.1),
        if coherent_seg:
            if len(science_segs[ifo]) > 0 and \
                    coherent_seg in science_segs[ifo]:
                sub.plot([trigger_time, trigger_time], [0, 1], '-', c='orange')
                    Rectangle((coherent_seg[0], 0),
                sub.plot([trigger_time, trigger_time], [0, 1], ':', c='orange')
                sub.plot([coherent_seg[0], coherent_seg[0]], [0, 1],
                sub.plot([coherent_seg[1], coherent_seg[1]], [0, 1],
            sub.plot([trigger_time, trigger_time], [0, 1], ':k')
        if fail_criterion:
            if len(science_segs[ifo]) > 0:
                style_str = '--'
                style_str = '-'
            sub.plot([fail_criterion[0], fail_criterion[0]], [0, 1],
            sub.plot([fail_criterion[1], fail_criterion[1]], [0, 1],

        sub.set_ylabel(ifo, rotation=45)
        sub.set_ylim([0, 1])
        sub.set_xlim([float(extent[0]), float(extent[1])])
        if sub is subs[-1]:
            sub.tick_params(labelsize=10, pad=1)

    xmin, xmax = fig.axes[-1].get_xaxis().get_view_interval()
    ymin, _ = fig.axes[-1].get_yaxis().get_view_interval()
        Line2D((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymin), color='black', linewidth=2))
    fig.axes[-1].set_xlabel('GPS Time')

    fig.axes[0].set_title('Science Segments for GRB%s' % trigger_name)

    plot_name = 'GRB%s_segments.png' % trigger_name
    plot_url = 'file://localhost%s/%s' % (out_dir, plot_name)
    fig.savefig('%s/%s' % (out_dir, plot_name))

    return [ifos, plot_name, extent, plot_url]
Exemplo n.º 38
def coalesce_seg(database, start_time, end_time):
  ret = 0            #assume execution successufl

    st = int(start_time)
    et = int(end_time)
    db = str(database.strip())
    # Set up environment and get needed values
    # Set up connection to the database
    dbconn = DB2.connect(dsn=db, uid='', pwd='', autoCommit=True)
    curs = dbconn.cursor()

    # create a new process_id
    sql = "select hex(GENERATE_UNIQUE()) from sysibm.sysdummy1"
    hex_procid = curs.fetchone()[0]
    process_id = 'x' + '\'' + hex_procid + '\''

    # determine the local creator_db
    creator_db = int(curs.fetchone()[0])

    # prepare values for the new row to be inserted into the process table
    program = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
    node = socket.gethostname()
    username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
    unix_procid = os.getpid()
    proc_start_time = gpstime.GpsSecondsFromPyUTC(time.time())
    end_time = None
    jobid = 0
    domain = 'coalesce_local'

    # insert new row into process table
    sql = "INSERT INTO process "
    sql += "(program, is_online, node, username, unix_procid, start_time, jobid, domain, process_id, creator_db) "
    sql += "VALUES ('%s', 0, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s',%s, %d)" % (program, node, username, unix_procid, proc_start_time, jobid, domain, process_id, creator_db)

    # get the BLOB process_id for later reference
    sql = "SELECT BLOB(process_id) from process where hex(process_id)='%s' " % hex_procid
    blob_procid = curs.fetchone()[0]

    #                                Main
    # Algorithm:
    # 1. Find distinct version 1 segment type from segment_summary table witnin start_time, end_time range 
    # 2. Find segments and intervals to coalesce
    # 3. Coalesce segments and intervals
    # 4. Insert coaleseced segments back in to the database
    # 5. Delete uncoalesced segments and intervals from the database

    # 1. Find distinct segment types matching our criteria from segment_summary within the specified time range
    sql  = "SELECT distinct(hex(segment_summary.segment_def_id)) FROM segment_summary, segment_definer, process "
    sql += "WHERE segment_summary.segment_def_id=segment_definer.segment_def_id "
    sql += "AND segment_summary.segment_def_cdb=segment_definer.creator_db "
    sql += "AND segment_summary.process_id=process.process_id "
    sql += "AND segment_summary.creator_db=process.creator_db "
    # Removed next line so that all segments are coalesced: this will be slower up front but faster for queries and the long run
    #sql += "AND ((segment_definer.name like 'DMT-%' and segment_definer.version=1) or (process.ifos='V1' and process.program='SegOnline')) "
    sql += "AND segment_summary.start_time <=%d " % et
    sql += "AND segment_summary.end_time >= %d " % st
    def_ids = curs.fetchall()
    if not def_ids:
      data_existence = 0
      data_existence = 1

    # loop in the segment types to fetch, coalesce, insert and delete
    for d in def_ids:
      # get the BLOB segment_def_id for later use 
      sql = "SELECT BLOB(segment_def_id), ifos, name, version, creator_db " 
      sql += "FROM segment_definer " 
      sql += "WHERE hex(segment_def_id) = '%s' " % d[0]

      result = curs.fetchone()
      blob_defid = result[0]
      ifos = result[1].strip() 
      name = result[2]
      ver = result[3]
      def_cdb = result[4]

      # 2. Find segments and intervals to coalesce
      # get the segment start_time, end_time to coalesce, and according primary key to delete
        curs.execute("drop view seg_view")
      sql = "CREATE view seg_view (st,et,seg_id) AS "
      sql += "SELECT start_time,end_time, segment_id from segment "
      sql += "WHERE hex(segment_def_id) = '%s' " % d[0]
      sql += "AND segment.start_time <=%d " % et
      sql += "AND segment.end_time >= %d " % st
      print >> sys.stdout, ("Selecting segments to coalesce for %s version:%d %s ... " % (ifos,ver, name))

      curs.execute("SELECT st,et from seg_view")
      seg_bf_cos = curs.fetchall()   # get the segments to coalesce

      # get the summary start_time, end_time to coalesce, and according primary key to delete
        curs.execute("drop view sum_view")
      sql = "CREATE view sum_view (st,et,sum_id) AS "
      sql += "SELECT start_time,end_time, segment_sum_id from segment_summary "
      sql += "WHERE hex(segment_def_id) = '%s' " % d[0]
      sql += "AND segment_summary.start_time <=%d " % et
      sql += "AND segment_summary.end_time >= %d " % st

      curs.execute("SELECT st,et from sum_view")
      sum_bf_cos = curs.fetchall()   # get the summarys to coalesce

      # 3. Coalesce segments and intervals
      print >> sys.stdout, "Coalescing segments ... "
      segs = segments.segmentlist([]) 
      sums = segments.segmentlist([]) 
      for bf in seg_bf_cos:
        seg = segments.segment(int(bf[0]), int(bf[1]))
      for bf in sum_bf_cos:
        sum = segments.segment(int(bf[0]), int(bf[1]))


      # 4. Insert coaleseced segments back in to the database
      # insert coalesced segs into segment table
      insert_list = []
      for s in segs:
        # generate unique id for insertion
        curs.execute("VALUES BLOB(GENERATE_UNIQUE())")
        prim_id = curs.fetchone()[0]
        # generate a list of values to insert using executemany()
        insert_list.append((prim_id, creator_db, s[0], s[1], blob_defid, def_cdb, blob_procid))

      sql = "INSERT INTO segment "
      sql += "(segment_id, creator_db, start_time, end_time, segment_def_id, segment_def_cdb, process_id) "
      sql += "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "
      print >> sys.stdout, "Inserting coalesced segments back in ... "
      curs.executemany(sql, insert_list)

      # insert coalesced sums into segment_summary table
      insert_list = []
      for s in sums:
        # generate unique id for insertion
        curs.execute("VALUES BLOB(GENERATE_UNIQUE())")
        prim_id = curs.fetchone()[0]
        # generate a list of values to insert using executemany()
        insert_list.append((prim_id, creator_db, s[0], s[1], blob_defid, def_cdb, blob_procid))
      sql = "INSERT INTO segment_summary "
      sql += "(segment_sum_id, creator_db, start_time, end_time, segment_def_id, segment_def_cdb, process_id) "
      sql += "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "
      curs.executemany(sql, insert_list)

      # 5. Delete uncoalesced segments and intervals from the database
      print >> sys.stdout, "Deleting un-coaleseced segments ... "
      print >> sys.stdout 
      sql = "DELETE FROM segment "
      sql += "WHERE segment_id in (select seg_id from seg_view) "
      sql += "AND process_id != %s " % process_id

      sql = "DELETE FROM segment_summary "
      sql += "WHERE segment_sum_id in (select sum_id from sum_view) "
      sql += "AND process_id != %s " % process_id

    # update end_time in process table
    sql = "update process set end_time=%d where hex(process_id)='%s' " % (gpstime.GpsSecondsFromPyUTC(time.time()),hex_procid)
      curs.execute("drop view seg_view")
      curs.execute("drop view sum_view")

  except Exception,e:
    ret = str(e)
    print >> sys.stdout, ("%s" % ret)
Exemplo n.º 39
def get_coh_PTF_files(cp, ifos, run_dir, bank_veto=False, summary_files=False):
    Retrieve files needed to run coh_PTF jobs within a PyGRB workflow

    cp : pycbc.workflow.configuration.WorkflowConfigParser object
    The parsed configuration options of a pycbc.workflow.core.Workflow.

    ifos : str
    String containing the analysis interferometer IDs.

    run_dir : str
    The run directory, destination for retrieved files.

    bank_veto : Boolean
    If true, will retrieve the bank_veto_bank.xml file.

    summary_files : Boolean
    If true, will retrieve the summary page style files.

    file_list : pycbc.workflow.FileList object
    A FileList containing the retrieved files.
    if os.getenv("LAL_SRC") is None:
        raise ValueError("The environment variable LAL_SRC must be set to a "
                         "location containing the file lalsuite.git")
        lalDir = os.getenv("LAL_SRC")
        sci_seg = segments.segment(int(cp.get("workflow", "start-time")),
                                   int(cp.get("workflow", "end-time")))
        file_list = FileList([])

        # Bank veto
        if bank_veto:
            shutil.copy("%s/lalapps/src/ring/coh_PTF_config_files/" \
                        "bank_veto_bank.xml" % lalDir, "%s" % run_dir)
            bank_veto_url = "file://localhost%s/bank_veto_bank.xml" % run_dir
            bank_veto = File(ifos, "bank_veto_bank", sci_seg,
            bank_veto.PFN(bank_veto.cache_entry.path, site="local")

        if summary_files:
            # summary.js file
            shutil.copy("%s/lalapps/src/ring/coh_PTF_config_files/" \
                        "coh_PTF_html_summary.js" % lalDir, "%s" % run_dir)
            summary_js_url = "file://localhost%s/coh_PTF_html_summary.js" \
                             % run_dir
            summary_js = File(ifos, "coh_PTF_html_summary_js", sci_seg,
            summary_js.PFN(summary_js.cache_entry.path, site="local")

            # summary.css file
            shutil.copy("%s/lalapps/src/ring/coh_PTF_config_files/" \
                        "coh_PTF_html_summary.css" % lalDir, "%s" % run_dir)
            summary_css_url = "file://localhost%s/coh_PTF_html_summary.css" \
                              % run_dir
            summary_css = File(ifos, "coh_PTF_html_summary_css", sci_seg,
            summary_css.PFN(summary_css.cache_entry.path, site="local")

        return file_list
Exemplo n.º 40
def query_segments(engine, table, segdefs):
    # each segdef is a list containing:
    #     ifo, name, version, start_time, end_time, start_pad, end_pad

    # The trivial case: if there's nothing to do, return no time
    if len(segdefs) == 0:
        return [ segmentlist([]) ]

    # For the sake of efficiency we query the database for all the segdefs at once
    # This constructs a clause that looks for one
    def make_clause(table, segdef):
        ifo, name, version, start_time, end_time, start_pad, end_pad = segdef

        sql = " (segment_definer.ifos = '%s' " % ifo
        sql += "AND segment_definer.name = '%s' " % name
        sql += "AND segment_definer.version = %s " % version
        sql += "AND NOT (%d > %s.end_time OR %s.start_time > %d)) " % (start_time, table, table, end_time)

        return sql

    clauses = [make_clause(table, segdef) for segdef in segdefs]

    sql  = 'SELECT segment_definer.ifos, segment_definer.name, segment_definer.version, '
    sql += ' %s.start_time, %s.end_time ' % (table, table)
    sql += ' FROM segment_definer, %s '   % table
    sql += ' WHERE %s.segment_def_id = segment_definer.segment_def_id AND ' % table

    if engine.__class__ == query_engine.LdbdQueryEngine:
        sql += " %s.segment_def_cdb = segment_definer.creator_db AND " % table
    sql += '( ' + ' OR '.join(clauses) + ' )'

    rows = engine.query(sql)

    # The result of a query will be rows of the form
    #    ifo, name, version, start_time, end_time
    # We want to associate each returned row with the segdef it belongs to so that
    # we can apply the correct padding.
    # If segdefs were uniquely spcified by (ifo, name, version) this would
    # be easy, but it may happen that we're looking for the same segment definer
    # at multiple disjoint times.  In particular this can happen if the user
    # didn't specify a version number; in that case we might have version 2
    # of some flag defined over multiple disjoint segment_definers.
    results = []

    for segdef in segdefs:
        ifo, name, version, start_time, end_time, start_pad, end_pad = segdef

        search_span      = segment(start_time, end_time)
        search_span_list = segmentlist([search_span])

        # See whether the row belongs to the current segdef.  Name, ifo and version must match
        # and the padded segment must overlap with the range of the segdef.
        def matches(row):
            return ( row[0].strip() == ifo and row[1] == name and int(row[2]) == int(version)
                     and search_span.intersects(segment(row[3] + start_pad, row[4] + start_pad)) )

        # Add the padding.  Segments may extend beyond the time of interest, chop off the excess.
        def pad_and_truncate(row_start, row_end):
            tmp = segmentlist([segment(row_start + start_pad, row_end + end_pad)])
            # No coalesce needed as a list with a single segment is already coalesced
            tmp &= search_span_list

            # The intersection is guaranteed to be non-empty if the row passed match()
            # PR 2969: The above comment is incorrect.  Negative padding may cause
            # an empty intersection.
            if len(tmp) == 0:
                return segment(0,0)
                return tmp[0]

        # Build a segment list from the returned segments, padded and trunctated.  The segments will
        # not necessarily be disjoint, if the padding crosses gaps.  They are also not gauranteed to
        # be in order, since there's no ORDER BY in the query.  So the list needs to be coalesced
        # before arithmatic can be done with it.
        result  = segmentlist( [pad_and_truncate(row[3], row[4]) for row in rows if matches(row)] ).coalesce()

        # This is not needed: since each of the segments are constrained to be within the search
        # span the whole list must be as well.
        # result &= search_span_list

    return results
Exemplo n.º 41
def associate_psds_to_segments(opt,
    """Generate a set of overlapping PSDs covering the data in GWstrain.
    Then associate these PSDs with the appropriate segment in strain_segments.

    opt : object
        Result of parsing the CLI with OptionParser, or any object with the
        required attributes (psd_model, psd_file, asd_file, psd_estimation,
        psd_segment_length, psd_segment_stride, psd_inverse_length, psd_output).
    fd_segments : StrainSegments.fourier_segments() object
        The fourier transforms of the various analysis segments. The psd
        attribute of each segment is updated to point to the appropriate PSD.
    gwstrain : Strain object
        The timeseries of raw data on which to estimate PSDs.
    flen : int
        The length in samples of the output PSDs.
    delta_f : float
        The frequency step of the output PSDs.
    flow: float
        The low frequncy cutoff to use when calculating the PSD.
    dyn_range_factor : {1, float}
        For PSDs taken from models or text files, if `dyn_range_factor` is
        not None, then the PSD is multiplied by `dyn_range_factor` ** 2.
    precision : str, choices (None,'single','double')
        If not specified, or specified as None, the precision of the returned
        PSD will match the precision of the data, if measuring a PSD, or will
        match the default precision of the model if using an analytical PSD.
        If 'single' the PSD will be converted to float32, if not already in
        that precision. If 'double' the PSD will be converted to float64, if
        not already in that precision.
    psds_and_times = generate_overlapping_psds(

    for fd_segment in fd_segments:
        best_psd = None
        psd_overlap = 0
        inp_seg = segments.segment(fd_segment.seg_slice.start,
        for start_idx, end_idx, psd in psds_and_times:
            psd_seg = segments.segment(start_idx, end_idx)
            if psd_seg.intersects(inp_seg):
                curr_overlap = abs(inp_seg & psd_seg)
                if curr_overlap > psd_overlap:
                    psd_overlap = curr_overlap
                    best_psd = psd
        if best_psd is None:
            err_msg = "No PSDs found intersecting segment!"
            raise ValueError(err_msg)
        fd_segment.psd = best_psd
Exemplo n.º 42
    def find_frame_urls(self,
        """Find the framefiles for the given type in the [start, end) interval

        @param site:
            single-character name of site to match
        @param frametype:
            name of frametype to match
        @param gpsstart:
            integer GPS start time of query
        @param gpsend:
            integer GPS end time of query
        @param match:
            regular expression to match against
        @param urltype:
            file scheme to search for (e.g. 'file')
        @param on_gaps:
            what to do when the requested frame isn't found, one of:
                - C{'warn'} (default): print a warning,
                - C{'error'}: raise an L{RuntimeError}, or
                - C{'ignore'}: do nothing

        @type       site: L{str}
        @type  frametype: L{str}
        @type   gpsstart: L{int}
        @type     gpsend: L{int}
        @type      match: L{str}
        @type    urltype: L{str}
        @type    on_gaps: L{str}

        @returns: L{Cache<pycbc_glue.lal.Cache>}

        @raises RuntimeError: if gaps are found and C{on_gaps='error'}
        if on_gaps not in ("warn", "error", "ignore"):
            raise ValueError("on_gaps must be 'warn', 'error', or 'ignore'.")
        url = ("%s/gwf/%s/%s/%s,%s" %
               (_url_prefix, site, frametype, gpsstart, gpsend))
        # if a URL type is specified append it to the path
        if urltype:
            url += "/%s" % urltype
        # request JSON output
        url += ".json"
        # append a regex if input
        if match:
            url += "?match=%s" % match
        # make query
        response = self._requestresponse("GET", url)
        urllist = decode(response.read())

        out = lal.Cache([
            lal.CacheEntry.from_T050017(x, coltype=self.LIGOTimeGPSType)
            for x in urllist

        if on_gaps == "ignore":
            return out
            span = segments.segment(gpsstart, gpsend)
            seglist = segments.segmentlist(e.segment for e in out).coalesce()
            missing = (segments.segmentlist([span]) - seglist).coalesce()
            if span in seglist:
                return out
                msg = "Missing segments: \n%s" % "\n".join(map(str, missing))
                if on_gaps == "warn":
                    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)
                    return out
                    raise RuntimeError(msg)