Exemplo n.º 1
import pyck

domain = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0]
h = 0.02
smoothingKernelFunc = 2
speedsound = 1
density = 1
shearmodulus = 1
bulkmodulus = 1
# Create a packer, see packers directory for options
cubic = pyck.CubicPacker([10.0, 10.0, 10.0], h)
# pack = pyck.Pack(cubic); # do not create the cubic packer in this
# function call as it will be destroyed, blame SWIG developers
pack = pyck.StructuredPack(cubic)

# Create some shapes, see shapes directory for options and reference
# First argument is always a tag for these particles
# Mapping operations are applied sequentially
tri = pyck.TriPrism(1, [1.5, 3.0, 0.0], [3, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], 2)

# Map the shapes and generate the pack
# pack.AddShape(cube); # As with creating the cubic packer, do not create the shapes within the function call here
# pack.AddShape(sphere);

# Create a new model from the pack
model = pyck.Model(pack)

# Create a new field of n-dimensional integers
# Arguments are CreateIntField(label,dimensions)
Exemplo n.º 2
import pyck

domain = [100.0, 100.0, 500.0]
h = domain[0] / 100
smoothingKernelFunc = 2
speedsound = 1
density = 1
shearmodulus = 1
bulkmodulus = 1
# Create a packer, see packers directory for options
Hcp = pyck.HcpPacker(domain, h)
pack = pyck.StructuredPack(Hcp)

tibia_min = [154.2328, 204.0634, -853.9525]  # Read from the tibia STL file
tibia_max = [226.9384, 268.8318, -468.3400]
tibia_len = [
    tibia_max[0] - tibia_min[0], tibia_max[1] - tibia_min[1],
    tibia_max[2] - tibia_min[2]
tibia_center = [
    tibia_min[0] + tibia_len[0] / 2, tibia_min[1] + tibia_len[1] / 2,
    tibia_min[2] + tibia_len[2] / 2
tibia_scale = 1
tibia_len[0] = tibia_len[0] * tibia_scale
tibia_len[1] = tibia_len[1] * tibia_scale
tibia_len[2] = tibia_len[2] * tibia_scale

tibia_dcenter = [domain[0] / 2, domain[1] / 2, domain[2] / 2]
tibia_translation = [
    tibia_dcenter[0] - tibia_center[0], tibia_dcenter[1] - tibia_center[1],