Exemplo n.º 1
def get_pha_data(arg, make_copy=True, use_background=False):
    get_pha_data( filename [, make_copy=True [, use_background=False]])

    get_pha_data( PHACrate [, make_copy=True [, use_background=False]])
    filename = ''
    close_dataset = False
    if type(arg) == str:
        phadataset = open_crate_dataset(arg, pycrates.phacratedataset.PHACrateDataset)

        if pycrates.is_pha(phadataset) != 1:
            raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "PHACrateDataset obj")

        filename = arg
        close_dataset = True

    elif pycrates.is_pha(arg) == 1:
        phadataset = arg
        filename = arg.get_filename()

        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "PHACrateDataset obj")

    pha = _get_crate_by_blockname(phadataset, "SPECTRUM")

    if pha is None:
        pha = phadataset.get_crate(phadataset.get_current_crate())
        if (pha.get_key('HDUCLAS1').value == 'SPECTRUM' or
            pha.get_key('HDUCLAS2').value == 'SPECTRUM'):
            pha = phadataset.get_crate(1)
            if (pha.get_key('HDUCLAS1').value == 'SPECTRUM' or
                pha.get_key('HDUCLAS2').value == 'SPECTRUM'):
                # If background maybe better to go on to next block?
                pha = None

    if use_background:

        # Used to read BKGs found in an additional block of
        # Chandra Level 3 PHA files
        for ii in range(phadataset.get_ncrates()):
            block = phadataset.get_crate(ii+1)
            hduclas2 = block.get_key('HDUCLAS2')
            if hduclas2 is not None and hduclas2.value == 'BKG':
                pha = block

    if pha is None or pha.get_colnames() is None:
        raise IOErr('filenotfound', arg)


    keys_or_cols = ['BACKSCAL','BACKSCUP','BACKSCDN','AREASCAL']

    datasets = []

    # Calling phadataset.is_pha_type1() is unreliable when
    # both TYPE:I and TYPE:II keywords are in the header.
    # Here, I instead test for a column, SPEC_NUM, that can
    # *only* be present in Type II. SMD 05/15/13
    if _try_col(pha, 'SPEC_NUM') is None:
        data = {}

        # Keywords
        data['exposure'] = _try_key(pha, 'EXPOSURE', SherpaFloat)
        #data['poisserr'] = _try_key(pha, 'POISSERR', bool)
        data['backfile'] = _try_key(pha, 'BACKFILE')
        data['arffile']  = _try_key(pha, 'ANCRFILE')
        data['rmffile']  = _try_key(pha, 'RESPFILE')

        # Keywords or columns
        for name in keys_or_cols:
            key = name.lower()
            data[key] = _try_key(pha, name, SherpaFloat)
            if data[key] is None:
                data[key] = _try_col(pha, name, make_copy)

        data['header'] = _get_meta_data(pha)
        for key in keys:
            except KeyError:

        # Columns

        if not pha.column_exists('CHANNEL'):
            raise IOErr('reqcol', 'CHANNEL', filename)

        data['channel'] = _require_col(pha, 'CHANNEL', make_copy, fix_type=True)
        # Make sure channel numbers, not indices
        if int(data['channel'][0]) == 0 or pha.get_column('CHANNEL').get_tlmin() == 0:
            data['channel'] = data['channel']+1

        data['counts'] = None
        if pha.column_exists('COUNTS'):
            data['counts'] = _require_col(pha, 'COUNTS', make_copy, fix_type=True)
            if not pha.column_exists('RATE'):
                raise IOErr('reqcol', 'COUNTS or RATE', filename)
            data['counts'] = _require_col(pha, 'RATE', make_copy, fix_type=True)*data['exposure']

        data['staterror']       = _try_col(pha, 'STAT_ERR', make_copy)
        data['syserror']        = _try_col(pha, 'SYS_ERR', make_copy)
        data['background_up']   = _try_col(pha, 'BACKGROUND_UP', make_copy, fix_type=True)
        data['background_down'] = _try_col(pha, 'BACKGROUND_DOWN', make_copy, fix_type=True)
        data['bin_lo']          = _try_col(pha, 'BIN_LO', make_copy,fix_type=True)
        data['bin_hi']          = _try_col(pha, 'BIN_HI', make_copy,fix_type=True)
        data['grouping']        = _try_col(pha, 'GROUPING', make_copy)
        data['quality']         = _try_col(pha, 'QUALITY', make_copy)


        # Type 2 PHA file support
        data = {}
        num = pha.get_nrows()

        # Keywords
        exposure = _try_key(pha, 'EXPOSURE', SherpaFloat)
        #poisserr = _try_key(pha, 'POISSERR', bool)
        backfile = _try_key(pha, 'BACKFILE')
        arffile  = _try_key(pha, 'ANCRFILE')
        rmffile  = _try_key(pha, 'RESPFILE')

        # Keywords or columns
        backscal = _try_key_list(pha, 'BACKSCAL', num)
        if backscal is None:
            backscal = _try_col_list(pha, 'BACKSCAL', num, make_copy)

        backscup = _try_key_list(pha, 'BACKSCUP', num)
        if backscup is None:
            backscup = _try_col_list(pha, 'BACKSCUP', num, make_copy)

        backscdn = _try_key_list(pha, 'BACKSCDN', num)
        if backscdn is None:
            backscdn = _try_col_list(pha, 'BACKSCDN', num, make_copy)

        areascal = _try_key_list(pha, 'AREASCAL', num)
        if areascal is None:
            areascal = _try_col_list(pha, 'AREASCAL', num, make_copy)

        # Columns

        if not pha.column_exists('CHANNEL'):
            raise IOErr('reqcol', 'CHANNEL', filename)

        channel         = _require_col_list(pha, 'CHANNEL', num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        # Make sure channel numbers, not indices
        for ii in range(num):
            if int(channel[ii][0]) == 0:
                channel[ii] += 1

        counts = None
        if pha.column_exists('COUNTS'):
            counts      = _require_col_list(pha, 'COUNTS', num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
            if not pha.column_exists('RATE'):
                raise IOErr('reqcol', 'COUNTS or RATE', filename)
            counts      = _require_col_list(pha, 'RATE', num, make_copy, fix_type=True) * exposure

        staterror       = _try_col_list(pha, 'STAT_ERR', num, make_copy)
        syserror        = _try_col_list(pha, 'SYS_ERR', num, make_copy)
        background_up   = _try_col_list(pha, 'BACKGROUND_UP', num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        background_down = _try_col_list(pha, 'BACKGROUND_DOWN', num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        bin_lo          = _try_col_list(pha, 'BIN_LO', num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        bin_hi          = _try_col_list(pha, 'BIN_HI', num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        grouping        = _try_col_list(pha, 'GROUPING', num, make_copy)
        quality         = _try_col_list(pha, 'QUALITY', num, make_copy)

        orders = _try_key_list(pha, 'TG_M', num)
        if orders is None:
            orders = _try_col_list(pha, 'TG_M', num, make_copy)

        parts = _try_key_list(pha, 'TG_PART', num)
        if parts is None:
            parts = _try_col_list(pha, 'TG_PART', num, make_copy)

        specnums = _try_col_list(pha, 'SPEC_NUM', num, make_copy)
        srcids   = _try_col_list(pha, 'TG_SRCID', num, make_copy)

        # Iterate over all rows of channels, counts, errors, etc
        # Populate a list of dictionaries containing individual dataset info
        for (bscal, bscup, bscdn, arsc, chan, cnt, staterr, syserr,
             backup, backdown, binlo, binhi, grp, qual, ordr, prt,
             specnum, srcid
             ) in izip(backscal, backscup, backscdn, areascal, channel,
                       counts, staterror, syserror, background_up,
                       background_down, bin_lo, bin_hi, grouping, quality,
                       orders, parts, specnums, srcids):

            data = {}

            data['exposure'] = exposure
            #data['poisserr'] = poisserr
            data['backfile'] = backfile
            data['arffile']  = arffile
            data['rmffile']  = rmffile

            data['backscal'] = bscal
            data['backscup'] = bscup
            data['backscdn'] = bscdn
            data['areascal'] = arsc

            data['channel']         = chan
            data['counts']          = cnt
            data['staterror']       = staterr
            data['syserror']        = syserr
            data['background_up']   = backup
            data['background_down'] = backdown
            data['bin_lo']          = binlo
            data['bin_hi']          = binhi
            data['grouping']        = grp
            data['quality']         = qual
            data['header']            = _get_meta_data(pha)
            data['header']['TG_M']     = ordr
            data['header']['TG_PART']  = prt
            data['header']['SPEC_NUM'] = specnum
            data['header']['TG_SRCID'] = srcid

            for key in keys:
                except KeyError:


    if close_dataset:
    return datasets, filename
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_pha_data(arg, make_copy=True, use_background=False):
    get_pha_data( filename [, make_copy=True [, use_background=False]])

    get_pha_data( PHACrate [, make_copy=True [, use_background=False]])
    filename = ''
    close_dataset = False
    if type(arg) == str:
        phadataset = open_crate_dataset(
            arg, pycrates.phacratedataset.PHACrateDataset)

        if pycrates.is_pha(phadataset) != 1:
            raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "PHACrateDataset obj")

        filename = arg
        close_dataset = True

    elif pycrates.is_pha(arg) == 1:
        phadataset = arg
        filename = arg.get_filename()
        make_copy = False

        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "PHACrateDataset obj")

    pha = _get_crate_by_blockname(phadataset, "SPECTRUM")

    if pha is None:
        pha = phadataset.get_crate(phadataset.get_current_crate())
        if (pha.get_key('HDUCLAS1').value == 'SPECTRUM'
                or pha.get_key('HDUCLAS2').value == 'SPECTRUM'):
            pha = phadataset.get_crate(1)
            if (pha.get_key('HDUCLAS1').value == 'SPECTRUM'
                    or pha.get_key('HDUCLAS2').value == 'SPECTRUM'):
                # If background maybe better to go on to next block?
                pha = None

    if use_background:

        # Used to read BKGs found in an additional block of
        # Chandra Level 3 PHA files
        for ii in range(phadataset.get_ncrates()):
            block = phadataset.get_crate(ii + 1)
            hduclas2 = block.get_key('HDUCLAS2')
            if hduclas2 is not None and hduclas2.value == 'BKG':
                pha = block

    if pha is None or pha.get_colnames() is None:
        raise IOErr('filenotfound', arg)

    keys = [

    keys_or_cols = ['BACKSCAL', 'BACKSCUP', 'BACKSCDN', 'AREASCAL']

    datasets = []

    # Calling phadataset.is_pha_type1() is unreliable when
    # both TYPE:I and TYPE:II keywords are in the header.
    # Here, I instead test for a column, SPEC_NUM, that can
    # *only* be present in Type II. SMD 05/15/13
    if _try_col(pha, 'SPEC_NUM') is None:
        data = {}

        # Keywords
        data['exposure'] = _try_key(pha, 'EXPOSURE', SherpaFloat)
        # data['poisserr'] = _try_key(pha, 'POISSERR', bool)
        data['backfile'] = _try_key(pha, 'BACKFILE')
        data['arffile'] = _try_key(pha, 'ANCRFILE')
        data['rmffile'] = _try_key(pha, 'RESPFILE')

        # Keywords or columns
        for name in keys_or_cols:
            key = name.lower()
            data[key] = _try_key(pha, name, SherpaFloat)
            if data[key] is None:
                data[key] = _try_col(pha, name, make_copy)

        data['header'] = _get_meta_data(pha)
        for key in keys:
            except KeyError:

        # Columns

        if not pha.column_exists('CHANNEL'):
            raise IOErr('reqcol', 'CHANNEL', filename)

        data['channel'] = _require_col(pha,
        # Make sure channel numbers, not indices
        if int(data['channel'][0]) == 0 or pha.get_column(
                'CHANNEL').get_tlmin() == 0:
            data['channel'] = data['channel'] + 1

        data['counts'] = None
        if pha.column_exists('COUNTS'):
            data['counts'] = _require_col(pha,
            if not pha.column_exists('RATE'):
                raise IOErr('reqcol', 'COUNTS or RATE', filename)
            data['counts'] = _require_col(
                pha, 'RATE', make_copy, fix_type=True) * data['exposure']

        data['staterror'] = _try_col(pha, 'STAT_ERR', make_copy)
        data['syserror'] = _try_col(pha, 'SYS_ERR', make_copy)
        data['background_up'] = _try_col(pha,
        data['background_down'] = _try_col(pha,
        data['bin_lo'] = _try_col(pha, 'BIN_LO', make_copy, fix_type=True)
        data['bin_hi'] = _try_col(pha, 'BIN_HI', make_copy, fix_type=True)
        data['grouping'] = _try_col(pha, 'GROUPING', make_copy)
        data['quality'] = _try_col(pha, 'QUALITY', make_copy)


        # Type 2 PHA file support
        data = {}
        num = pha.get_nrows()

        # Keywords
        exposure = _try_key(pha, 'EXPOSURE', SherpaFloat)
        # poisserr = _try_key(pha, 'POISSERR', bool)
        backfile = _try_key(pha, 'BACKFILE')
        arffile = _try_key(pha, 'ANCRFILE')
        rmffile = _try_key(pha, 'RESPFILE')

        # Keywords or columns
        backscal = _try_key_list(pha, 'BACKSCAL', num)
        if backscal is None:
            backscal = _try_col_list(pha, 'BACKSCAL', num, make_copy)

        backscup = _try_key_list(pha, 'BACKSCUP', num)
        if backscup is None:
            backscup = _try_col_list(pha, 'BACKSCUP', num, make_copy)

        backscdn = _try_key_list(pha, 'BACKSCDN', num)
        if backscdn is None:
            backscdn = _try_col_list(pha, 'BACKSCDN', num, make_copy)

        areascal = _try_key_list(pha, 'AREASCAL', num)
        if areascal is None:
            areascal = _try_col_list(pha, 'AREASCAL', num, make_copy)

        # Columns

        if not pha.column_exists('CHANNEL'):
            raise IOErr('reqcol', 'CHANNEL', filename)

        channel = _require_col_list(pha,
        # Make sure channel numbers, not indices
        for ii in range(num):
            if int(channel[ii][0]) == 0:
                channel[ii] += 1

        counts = None
        if pha.column_exists('COUNTS'):
            counts = _require_col_list(pha,
            if not pha.column_exists('RATE'):
                raise IOErr('reqcol', 'COUNTS or RATE', filename)
            counts = _require_col_list(
                pha, 'RATE', num, make_copy, fix_type=True) * exposure

        staterror = _try_col_list(pha, 'STAT_ERR', num, make_copy)
        syserror = _try_col_list(pha, 'SYS_ERR', num, make_copy)
        background_up = _try_col_list(pha,
        background_down = _try_col_list(pha,
        bin_lo = _try_col_list(pha, 'BIN_LO', num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        bin_hi = _try_col_list(pha, 'BIN_HI', num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        grouping = _try_col_list(pha, 'GROUPING', num, make_copy)
        quality = _try_col_list(pha, 'QUALITY', num, make_copy)

        orders = _try_key_list(pha, 'TG_M', num)
        if orders is None:
            orders = _try_col_list(pha, 'TG_M', num, make_copy)

        parts = _try_key_list(pha, 'TG_PART', num)
        if parts is None:
            parts = _try_col_list(pha, 'TG_PART', num, make_copy)

        specnums = _try_col_list(pha, 'SPEC_NUM', num, make_copy)
        srcids = _try_col_list(pha, 'TG_SRCID', num, make_copy)

        # Iterate over all rows of channels, counts, errors, etc
        # Populate a list of dictionaries containing individual dataset info
        for (bscal, bscup, bscdn, arsc, chan, cnt, staterr, syserr, backup,
             backdown, binlo, binhi, grp, qual, ordr, prt, specnum,
             srcid) in izip(backscal, backscup, backscdn, areascal, channel,
                            counts, staterror, syserror, background_up,
                            background_down, bin_lo, bin_hi, grouping, quality,
                            orders, parts, specnums, srcids):

            data = {}

            data['exposure'] = exposure
            # data['poisserr'] = poisserr
            data['backfile'] = backfile
            data['arffile'] = arffile
            data['rmffile'] = rmffile

            data['backscal'] = bscal
            data['backscup'] = bscup
            data['backscdn'] = bscdn
            data['areascal'] = arsc

            data['channel'] = chan
            data['counts'] = cnt
            data['staterror'] = staterr
            data['syserror'] = syserr
            data['background_up'] = backup
            data['background_down'] = backdown
            data['bin_lo'] = binlo
            data['bin_hi'] = binhi
            data['grouping'] = grp
            data['quality'] = qual
            data['header'] = _get_meta_data(pha)
            data['header']['TG_M'] = ordr
            data['header']['TG_PART'] = prt
            data['header']['SPEC_NUM'] = specnum
            data['header']['TG_SRCID'] = srcid

            for key in keys:
                except KeyError:


    if close_dataset:
    return datasets, filename
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_pha_data(arg, make_copy=True, use_background=False):
    get_pha_data( filename [, make_copy=True [, use_background=False]])

    get_pha_data( PHACrate [, make_copy=True [, use_background=False]])
    filename = ''
    if type(arg) == str:
        #pha = pycrates.read_pha(arg, use_background)
        pha = _open_crate(pycrates.PHACrate, [arg, use_background])

        filename = arg

        # Make a copy of the data, since we don't know that pycrates will
        # do something sensible wrt reference counting
    elif pycrates.is_pha(arg) == pycrates.dmSUCCESS:
        pha = arg
        filename = arg.get_filename()
        raise IOErr('badfile', arg, "PHACrate obj")

    if pha is None or pha.get_colnames() is None:
        raise IOErr('filenotfound', arg)


    datasets = []
    if (pha.pha1_type_flag or
        (not pha.pha1_type_flag and len(pha.spec_num.get_values())==1)):
        data = {}

        # Keywords
        data['exposure'] = _try_key(pha.exposure, SherpaFloat)
        #data['poisserr'] = _try_key(pha.poisserr, bool)
        data['backfile'] = _try_key(pha.backfile_key)
        data['arffile']  = _try_key(pha.ancrfile_key)
        data['rmffile']  = _try_key(pha.respfile_key)

        # Keywords or columns
        data['backscal'] = _try_key(pha.backscal_key, SherpaFloat)
        if data['backscal'] is None:
            data['backscal'] = _try_col(pha.backscal, make_copy)

        data['backscup'] = _try_key(pha.backscup_key, SherpaFloat)
        if data['backscup'] is None:
            data['backscup'] = _try_col(pha.backscup, make_copy)

        data['backscdn'] = _try_key(pha.backscdn_key, SherpaFloat)
        if data['backscdn'] is None:
            data['backscdn'] = _try_col(pha.backscdn, make_copy)

        data['areascal'] = _try_key(pha.areascal_key, SherpaFloat)
        if data['areascal'] is None:
            data['areascal'] = _try_col(pha.areascal, make_copy)

        data['header']            = _get_meta_data(pha)

        for key in keys:
            except KeyError:

        # Columns

        if pha.channel is None:
            raise IOErr('reqcol', 'CHANNEL', filename)

        data['channel']         = _require_col(pha.channel, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        # Make sure channel numbers, not indices
        if pha.channel.get_tlmin() == 0:
            data['channel'] = data['channel']+1
        data['counts'] = None
        if pha.counts is not None:
            data['counts'] = _require_col(pha.counts, make_copy, fix_type=True)
            if pha.rate is None:
                raise IOErr('reqcol', 'COUNTS or RATE', filename)
            data['counts'] = _require_col(pha.rate, make_copy, fix_type=True)*data['exposure']
        data['staterror']       = _try_col(pha.stat_err, make_copy)
        data['syserror']        = _try_col(pha.sys_err, make_copy)
        data['background_up']   = _try_col(pha.background_up, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        data['background_down'] = _try_col(pha.background_down, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        data['bin_lo']          = _try_col(pha.bin_lo, make_copy,fix_type=True)
        data['bin_hi']          = _try_col(pha.bin_hi, make_copy,fix_type=True)
        data['grouping']        = _try_col(pha.grouping, make_copy)
        data['quality']         = _try_col(pha.quality, make_copy)


        # Type 2 PHA file support
        data = {}
        num = pha.spec_num.get_nsets()

        # Keywords
        exposure = _try_key(pha.exposure, SherpaFloat)
        #poisserr = _try_key(pha.poisserr, bool)
        backfile = _try_key(pha.backfile_key)
        arffile  = _try_key(pha.ancrfile_key)
        rmffile  = _try_key(pha.respfile_key)

        # Keywords or columns
        backscal = _try_key_list(pha.backscal_key, num)
        if pha.backscal_key is None:
            backscal = _try_col_list(pha.backscal, num, make_copy)

        backscup = _try_key_list(pha.backscup_key, num)
        if pha.backscup_key is None:
            backscup = _try_col_list(pha.backscup, num, make_copy)

        backscdn = _try_key_list(pha.backscdn_key, num)
        if pha.backscdn_key is None:
            backscdn = _try_col_list(pha.backscdn, num, make_copy)

        areascal = _try_key_list(pha.areascal_key, num)
        if pha.areascal_key is None:
            areascal = _try_col_list(pha.areascal, num, make_copy)

        # Columns

        if pha.channel is None:
            raise IOErr('reqcol', 'CHANNEL', filename)

        channel         = _require_col_list(pha.channel, num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        counts = None
        if pha.counts is not None:
            counts      = _require_col_list(pha.counts, num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
            if pha.rate is None:
                raise IOErr('reqcol', 'COUNTS or RATE', filename)
            counts      = _require_col_list(pha.rate, num, make_copy, fix_type=True) * exposure
        staterror       = _try_col_list(pha.stat_err, num, make_copy)
        syserror        = _try_col_list(pha.sys_err, num, make_copy)
        background_up   = _try_col_list(pha.background_up, num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        background_down = _try_col_list(pha.background_down, num, make_copy, fix_type=True)
        bin_lo          = _try_col_list(pha.bin_lo, num, make_copy,
        bin_hi          = _try_col_list(pha.bin_hi, num, make_copy,
        grouping        = _try_col_list(pha.grouping, num, make_copy)
        quality         = _try_col_list(pha.quality, num, make_copy) 

        orders          = _try_key_list(pha.tg_m_key,num)
        if pha.tg_m_key is None:
            orders      = _try_col_list(pha.tg_m, num, make_copy)

        parts           = _try_key_list(pha.tg_part_key,num)
        if pha.tg_part_key is None:
            parts       = _try_col_list(pha.tg_part, num, make_copy)

        specnums        = _try_col_list(pha.spec_num, num, make_copy)
        srcids          = _try_col_list(pha.tg_srcid, num, make_copy)

        # Iterate over all rows of channels, counts, errors, etc
        # Populate a list of dictionaries containing individual dataset info
        for (bscal, bscup, bscdn, arsc, chan, cnt, staterr, syserr,
             backup, backdown, binlo, binhi, grp, qual, ordr, prt,
             specnum, srcid
             ) in izip(backscal, backscup, backscdn, areascal, channel,
                       counts, staterror, syserror, background_up,
                       background_down, bin_lo, bin_hi, grouping, quality,
                       orders, parts, specnums, srcids):

            data = {}

            data['exposure'] = exposure
            #data['poisserr'] = poisserr
            data['backfile'] = backfile
            data['arffile']  = arffile
            data['rmffile']  = rmffile

            data['backscal'] = bscal
            data['backscup'] = bscup
            data['backscdn'] = bscdn
            data['areascal'] = arsc

            data['channel']         = chan
            data['counts']          = cnt
            data['staterror']       = staterr
            data['syserror']        = syserr
            data['background_up']   = backup
            data['background_down'] = backdown
            data['bin_lo']          = binlo
            data['bin_hi']          = binhi
            data['grouping']        = grp
            data['quality']         = qual
            data['header']            = _get_meta_data(pha)
            data['header']['TG_M']     = ordr
            data['header']['TG_PART']  = prt
            data['header']['SPEC_NUM'] = specnum
            data['header']['TG_SRCID'] = srcid

            for key in keys:
                except KeyError:


    return datasets, filename