Exemplo n.º 1
def model3(data_df):
    copy = data_df.copy()
    result = detect_anoms.detect_anoms(copy,
    index = np.where(copy.timestamp.isin(result['anoms']))
    return index[0]
Exemplo n.º 2
def detect_vec(df,
    Anomaly Detection Using Seasonal Hybrid ESD Test
    A technique for detecting anomalies in seasonal univariate time series where the input is a
    series of observations.
    x: Time series as a column data frame, list, or vector, where the column consists of
    the observations.
    max_anoms: Maximum number of anomalies that S-H-ESD will detect as a percentage of the
    direction: Directionality of the anomalies to be detected. Options are: ('pos' | 'neg' | 'both').
    alpha: The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies.
    period: Defines the number of observations in a single period, and used during seasonal
    only_last: Find and report anomalies only within the last period in the time series.
    threshold: Only report positive going anoms above the threshold specified. Options are: ('None' | 'med_max' | 'p95' | 'p99').
    e_value: Add an additional column to the anoms output containing the expected value.
    longterm_period: Defines the number of observations for which the trend can be considered
    flat. The value should be an integer multiple of the number of observations in a single period.
    This increases anom detection efficacy for time series that are greater than a month.
    plot: (Currently unsupported) A flag indicating if a plot with both the time series and the estimated anoms,
    indicated by circles, should also be returned.
    y_log: Apply log scaling to the y-axis. This helps with viewing plots that have extremely
    large positive anomalies relative to the rest of the data.
    xlabel: X-axis label to be added to the output plot.
    ylabel: Y-axis label to be added to the output plot.
    'longterm_period' This option should be set when the input time series is longer than a month.
    The option enables the approach described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal (2014).
    'threshold' Filter all negative anomalies and those anomalies whose magnitude is smaller
    than one of the specified thresholds which include: the median
    of the daily max values (med_max), the 95th percentile of the daily max values (p95), and the
    99th percentile of the daily max values (p99).
    'title' Title for the output plot.
    'verbose' Enable debug messages
    The returned value is a dictionary with the following components:
      anoms: Data frame containing index, values, and optionally expected values.
      plot: A graphical object if plotting was requested by the user. The plot contains
    the estimated anomalies annotated on the input time series.

    if (isinstance(df, DataFrame) and len(df.columns) == 1
            and df.iloc[:, 0].applymap(np.isreal).all(1)):
        d = {'timestamp': range(len(df.iloc[:, 0])), 'value': df.iloc[:, 0]}
        df = DataFrame(d, index=d['timestamp'])
    elif isinstance(df, Series):
        d = {'timestamp': range(len(df)), 'value': df}
        df = DataFrame(d, index=d['timestamp'])
        raise ValueError(("data must be a single data frame, "
                          "list, or vector that holds numeric values."))

    if max_anoms >= 0.5:
        length = len(df.value)
        raise ValueError(("max_anoms must be less than 50% of "
                          "the data points (max_anoms =%f data_points =%s).") %
                         (round(max_anoms * length, 0), length))

    if not direction in ['pos', 'neg', 'both']:
        raise ValueError("direction options are: pos | neg | both.")

    if not (0.01 <= alpha or alpha <= 0.1):
        if verbose:
            import warnings
            warnings.warn(("alpha is the statistical signifigance, "
                           "and is usually between 0.01 and 0.1"))

    if not period:
        raise ValueError(("Period must be set to the number "
                          "of data points in a single period"))

    if not isinstance(only_last, bool):
        raise ValueError("only_last must be a boolean")

    if not threshold in [None, 'med_max', 'p95', 'p99']:
        raise ValueError("threshold options are: None | med_max | p95 | p99")

    if not isinstance(e_value, bool):
        raise ValueError("e_value must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(plot, bool):
        raise ValueError("plot must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(y_log, bool):
        raise ValueError("y_log must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(xlabel, str):
        raise ValueError("xlabel must be a string")

    if not isinstance(ylabel, str):
        raise ValueError("ylabel must be a string")

    if title and not isinstance(title, str):
        raise ValueError("title must be a string")

    if not title:
        title = ''
        title = title + " : "

    # -- Main analysis: Perform S-H-ESD

    num_obs = len(df.value)

    clamp = (1 / float(num_obs))
    if max_anoms < clamp:
        max_anoms = clamp

    # -- Setup for longterm time series

    # If longterm is enabled, break the data into subset
    # data frames and store in all_data,

    if longterm_period:
        all_data = []
        for j in range(0, len(df.timestamp), longterm_period):
            start_index = df.timestamp.iget(j)
            end_index = min((start_index + longterm_period), num_obs)
            if (end_index - start_index) == longterm_period:
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp >= start_index)
                            & (df.timestamp <= end_index)]
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp >= (num_obs - longterm_period))
                            & (df.timestamp <= num_obs)]
        all_data = [df]

    # Create empty data frames to store all anoms and
    # seasonal+trend component from decomposition
    all_anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])
    seasonal_plus_trend = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

    # Detect anomalies on all data (either entire data in one-pass,
    # or in 2 week blocks if longterm=TRUE)
    for i in range(len(all_data)):
        directions = {
            'pos': Direction(True, True),
            'neg': Direction(True, False),
            'both': Direction(False, True)
        anomaly_direction = directions[direction]

        s_h_esd_timestamps = detect_anoms(

        # store decomposed components in local variable and
        # overwrite s_h_esd_timestamps to contain only the anom timestamps
        data_decomp = s_h_esd_timestamps['stl']
        s_h_esd_timestamps = s_h_esd_timestamps['anoms']

        # -- Step 3: Use detected anomaly timestamps to
        # extract the actual anomalies (timestamp and value) from the data
        if s_h_esd_timestamps:
            anoms = all_data[i][all_data[i].timestamp.isin(s_h_esd_timestamps)]
            anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

        # Filter the anomalies using one of the thresholding
        # functions if applicable
        if threshold:
            # Calculate daily max values
            if isinstance(all_data[i].index[0], np.int64):
                group = all_data[i].timestamp.map(lambda t: t / period)
                group = all_data[i]['timestamp'].apply(
                    lambda t: int(t / period))
            periodic_maxes = df.groupby(group).aggregate(np.max).value

            # Calculate the threshold set by the user
            if threshold == 'med_max':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.median()
            elif threshold == 'p95':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.95)
            elif threshold == 'p99':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.99)

            # Remove any anoms below the threshold
            anoms = anoms[anoms.value >= thresh]

        all_anoms = all_anoms.append(anoms)
        seasonal_plus_trend = seasonal_plus_trend.append(data_decomp)

    # Cleanup potential duplicates
    except TypeError:

    # -- If only_last was set by the user, create subset of
    # the data that represent the most recent period
    if only_last:
        d = {
            'timestamp': df.timestamp.iloc[-period:],
            'value': df.value.iloc[-period:]
        x_subset_single_period = DataFrame(d, index=d['timestamp'])
        past_obs = period * 7
        if num_obs < past_obs:
            past_obs = num_obs - period
        # When plotting anoms for the last period only we only show
        # the previous 7 periods of data
        d = {
            'timestamp': df.timestamp.iloc[-past_obs:-period],
            'value': df.value.iloc[-past_obs:-period]
        x_subset_previous = DataFrame(d, index=d['timestamp'])
        all_anoms = all_anoms[
            all_anoms.timestamp >= x_subset_single_period.timestamp.iget(0)]
        num_obs = len(x_subset_single_period.value)

    # Calculate number of anomalies as a percentage
    anom_pct = (len(df.value) / float(num_obs)) * 100

    if anom_pct == 0:
        return {"anoms": None, "plot": None}

    # The original R implementation handles plotting here.
    # Plotting is currently not implemented.
    # if plot:
    #     plot_something()

    all_anoms.index = all_anoms.timestamp

    if e_value:
        d = {
        d = {'timestamp': all_anoms.timestamp, 'anoms': all_anoms.value}
    anoms = DataFrame(d, index=d['timestamp'].index)

    return {'anoms': anoms, 'plot': None}
Exemplo n.º 3
def detect_ts(df,
    Anomaly Detection Using Seasonal Hybrid ESD Test
    A technique for detecting anomalies in seasonal univariate time series where the input is a
    series of <timestamp, value> pairs.


    x: Time series as a two column data frame where the first column consists of the
    timestamps and the second column consists of the observations.

    max_anoms: Maximum number of anomalies that S-H-ESD will detect as a percentage of the

    direction: Directionality of the anomalies to be detected. Options are: ('pos' | 'neg' | 'both').

    alpha: The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies.

    only_last: Find and report anomalies only within the last day or hr in the time series. Options: (None | 'day' | 'hr')

    threshold: Only report positive going anoms above the threshold specified. Options are: (None | 'med_max' | 'p95' | 'p99')

    e_value: Add an additional column to the anoms output containing the expected value.

    longterm: Increase anom detection efficacy for time series that are greater than a month.

    See Details below.
    piecewise_median_period_weeks: The piecewise median time window as described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal (2014). Defaults to 2.

    plot: (Currently unsupported) A flag indicating if a plot with both the time series and the estimated anoms,
    indicated by circles, should also be returned.

    y_log: Apply log scaling to the y-axis. This helps with viewing plots that have extremely
    large positive anomalies relative to the rest of the data.

    xlabel: X-axis label to be added to the output plot.
    ylabel: Y-axis label to be added to the output plot.


    'longterm' This option should be set when the input time series is longer than a month.
    The option enables the approach described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal (2014).
    'threshold' Filter all negative anomalies and those anomalies whose magnitude is smaller
    than one of the specified thresholds which include: the median
    of the daily max values (med_max), the 95th percentile of the daily max values (p95), and the
    99th percentile of the daily max values (p99).
    'title' Title for the output plot.
    'verbose' Enable debug messages

    The returned value is a dictionary with the following components:
      anoms: Data frame containing timestamps, values, and optionally expected values.
      plot: A graphical object if plotting was requested by the user. The plot contains
      the estimated anomalies annotated on the input time series

    if not isinstance(df, DataFrame):
        raise ValueError("data must be a single data frame.")
        if len(list(df)) != 2 or not df.iloc[:, 1].map(np.isreal).all():
            raise ValueError(("data must be a 2 column data.frame, with the"
                              "first column being a set of timestamps, and "
                              "the second coloumn being numeric values."))

        if (not (df.dtypes[0].type is np.datetime64)
                and not (df.dtypes[0].type is np.int64)):
            df = format_timestamp(df)

    if list(df) != ["timestamp", "value"]:
        df.columns = ["timestamp", "value"]

    # Sanity check all input parameters
    if maximum_anomalies > 0.49:
        length = len(df.value)
        raise ValueError(
            ("max_anoms must be less than 50% of "
             "the data points (max_anoms={0}, data_points={1}).".format(
                 round(maximum_anomalies * length, 0), length)))

    if not direction in ['pos', 'neg', 'both']:
        raise ValueError("direction options are: pos | neg | both.")

    if not (0.01 <= alpha or alpha <= 0.1):
        if verbose:
                "alpha is the statistical signifigance, and is usually between 0.01 and 0.1"

    if only_last and not only_last in ['day', 'hr']:
        raise ValueError("only_last must be either 'day' or 'hr'")

    if not threshold in [None, 'med_max', 'p95', 'p99']:
        raise ValueError("threshold options are: None | med_max | p95 | p99")

    if not isinstance(e_value, bool):
        raise ValueError("e_value must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(long_term, bool):
        raise ValueError("longterm must be a boolean")

    if piecewise_median_period_weeks < 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "piecewise_median_period_weeks must be at greater than 2 weeks")

    if not isinstance(plot, bool):
        raise ValueError("plot must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(y_log, bool):
        raise ValueError("y_log must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(x_axis_label, str):
        raise ValueError("xlabel must be a string")

    if not isinstance(y_axis_label, str):
        raise ValueError("ylabel must be a string")

    if title and not isinstance(title, str):
        raise ValueError("title must be a string")

    if not title:
        title = ''
        title = title + " : "

    gran = get_gran(df)

    if gran == "day":
        num_days_per_line = 7
        if isinstance(only_last, str) and only_last == 'hr':
            only_last = 'day'
        num_days_per_line = 1

    if gran == 'sec':
        df.timestamp = date_format(df.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00")
        df = format_timestamp(df.groupby('timestamp').aggregate(np.sum))

    # if the data is daily, then we need to bump
    # the period to weekly to get multiple examples
    gran_period = {'min': 1440, 'hr': 24, 'day': 7}
    period = gran_period.get(gran)
    if not period:
        raise ValueError(
            '{} granularity detected. This is currently not supported.'.format(
    num_obs = len(df.value)

    clamp = (1 / float(num_obs))
    if maximum_anomalies < clamp:
        maximum_anomalies = clamp

    if long_term:
        if gran == "day":
            num_obs_in_period = period * piecewise_median_period_weeks + 1
            num_days_in_period = 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks + 1
            num_obs_in_period = period * 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks
            num_days_in_period = 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks

        last_date = df.timestamp.iloc[-1]

        all_data = []

        for j in range(0, len(df.timestamp), num_obs_in_period):
            start_date = df.timestamp.iloc[j]
            end_date = min(
                start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=num_obs_in_period),

            # if there is at least 14 days left, subset it,
            # otherwise subset last_date - 14days
            if (end_date - start_date).days == num_days_in_period:
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp >= start_date)
                            & (df.timestamp < end_date)]
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp > (
                    last_date - datetime.timedelta(days=num_days_in_period)))
                            & (df.timestamp <= last_date)]
        all_data = [df]

    all_anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])
    seasonal_plus_trend = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

    # Detect anomalies on all data (either entire data in one-pass,
    # or in 2 week blocks if longterm=TRUE)
    for i in range(len(all_data)):
        directions = {
            'pos': Direction(True, True),
            'neg': Direction(True, False),
            'both': Direction(False, True)
        anomaly_direction = directions[direction]

        # detect_anoms actually performs the anomaly detection and
        # returns the results in a list containing the anomalies
        # as well as the decomposed components of the time series
        # for further analysis.

        s_h_esd_timestamps = detect_anoms(

        # store decomposed components in local variable and overwrite
        # s_h_esd_timestamps to contain only the anom timestamps
        data_decomp = s_h_esd_timestamps['stl']
        s_h_esd_timestamps = s_h_esd_timestamps['anoms']

        # -- Step 3: Use detected anomaly timestamps to extract the actual
        # anomalies (timestamp and value) from the data
        if s_h_esd_timestamps:
            anoms = all_data[i][all_data[i].timestamp.isin(s_h_esd_timestamps)]
            anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

        # Filter the anomalies using one of the thresholding functions if applicable
        if threshold:
            # Calculate daily max values
            periodic_maxes = df.groupby(df.timestamp.map(

            # Calculate the threshold set by the user
            if threshold == 'med_max':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.median()
            elif threshold == 'p95':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.95)
            elif threshold == 'p99':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.99)

            # Remove any anoms below the threshold
            anoms = anoms[anoms.value >= thresh]

        all_anoms = all_anoms.append(anoms)
        seasonal_plus_trend = seasonal_plus_trend.append(data_decomp)

    # Cleanup potential duplicates
    except TypeError:

    # -- If only_last was set by the user,
    # create subset of the data that represent the most recent day
    if only_last:
        start_date = df.timestamp.iloc[-1] - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
        start_anoms = df.timestamp.iloc[-1] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        if gran is "day":
            breaks = 3 * 12
            num_days_per_line = 7
            if only_last == 'day':
                breaks = 12
                start_date = df.timestamp.iloc[-1] - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
                # truncate to days
                start_date = datetime.date(start_date.year, start_date.month,
                start_anoms = (df.timestamp.iloc[-1] -
                breaks = 3

        # subset the last days worth of data
        x_subset_single_day = df[df.timestamp > start_anoms]
        # When plotting anoms for the last day only
        # we only show the previous weeks data
        x_subset_week = df[(df.timestamp <= start_anoms)
                           & (df.timestamp > start_date)]
        if len(all_anoms) > 0:
            all_anoms = all_anoms[
                all_anoms.timestamp >= x_subset_single_day.timestamp.iloc[0]]
        num_obs = len(x_subset_single_day.value)

    # Calculate number of anomalies as a percentage
    anom_pct = (len(df.value) / float(num_obs)) * 100

    if anom_pct == 0:
        return {"anoms": None, "plot": None}

    # The original R implementation handles plotting here.
    # Plotting is currently not implemented in this version.
    # if plot:
    #     plot_something()

    all_anoms.index = all_anoms.timestamp

    if e_value:
        d = {
        d = {'timestamp': all_anoms.timestamp, 'anoms': all_anoms.value}
    anoms = DataFrame(d, index=d['timestamp'].index)

    return {'anoms': anoms, 'plot': None}
Exemplo n.º 4
def detect_ts(df, max_anoms=0.10, direction='pos', alpha=0.05, threshold=None, e_value=False, longterm=False,
              piecewise_median_period_weeks=2, granularity='day', verbose=False, inplace=True):
    Anomaly Detection Using Seasonal Hybrid ESD Test
    A technique for detecting anomalies in seasonal univariate time series where the input is a
    series of <timestamp, value> pairs.


    x: Time series as a two column data frame where the first column consists of the integer UTC Unix
    timestamps and the second column consists of the observations.

    max_anoms: Maximum number of anomalies that S-H-ESD will detect as a percentage of the

    direction: Directionality of the anomalies to be detected. Options are: ('pos' | 'neg' | 'both').

    alpha: The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies.

    only_last: Find and report anomalies only within the last day or hr in the time series. Options: (None | 'day' | 'hr')

    threshold: Only report positive going anoms above the threshold specified. Options are: (None | 'med_max' | 'p95' | 'p99')

    e_value: Add an additional column to the anoms output containing the expected value.

    longterm: Increase anom detection efficacy for time series that are greater than a month.

    See Details below.
    piecewise_median_period_weeks: The piecewise median time window as described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal
    (2014). Defaults to 2.


    'longterm' This option should be set when the input time series is longer than a month.
    The option enables the approach described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal (2014).
    'threshold' Filter all negative anomalies and those anomalies whose magnitude is smaller
    than one of the specified thresholds which include: the median
    of the daily max values (med_max), the 95th percentile of the daily max values (p95), and the
    99th percentile of the daily max values (p99).

    The returned value is a dictionary with the following components:
      anoms: Data frame containing timestamps, values, and optionally expected values.
      plot: A graphical object if plotting was requested by the user. The plot contains
      the estimated anomalies annotated on the input time series

    if not isinstance(df, DataFrame):
        raise ValueError("data must be a single data frame.")
        if len(df.columns) != 2 or not df.iloc[:, 1].map(np.isreal).all():
            raise ValueError('''data must be a 2 column data.frame, with the first column being a set of timestamps, and
                                the second coloumn being numeric values.''')

        if not (df.dtypes[0].type is np.float64) and not (df.dtypes[0].type is np.int64):
            raise ValueError('''The input timestamp column must be a float or integer of the unix timestamp, not date
                                time columns, date strings or pd.TimeStamp columns.''')

    if not inplace:
        df = copy.deepcopy(df)

    # change the column names in place, rather than copying the entire dataset, but save the headers to replace them.
    orig_header = df.columns.values
    df.rename(columns={df.columns.values[0]: "timestamp", df.columns.values[1]: "value"}, inplace=True)

    # Sanity check all input parameters
    if max_anoms > 0.49:
        length = len(df.value)
        raise ValueError("max_anoms must be less than 50%% of the data points (max_anoms =%f data_points =%s)." % (round(max_anoms * length, 0), length))

    if direction not in ['pos', 'neg', 'both']:
        raise ValueError("direction options are: pos | neg | both.")

    if not (0.01 <= alpha or alpha <= 0.1):
        if verbose:
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("alpha is the statistical signifigance, and is usually between 0.01 and 0.1")

    if threshold not in [None, 'med_max', 'p95', 'p99']:
        raise ValueError("threshold options are: None | med_max | p95 | p99")

    if not isinstance(e_value, bool):
        raise ValueError("e_value must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(longterm, bool):
        raise ValueError("longterm must be a boolean")

    if piecewise_median_period_weeks < 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "piecewise_median_period_weeks must be at greater than 2 weeks")

    # if the data is daily, then we need to bump the period to weekly to get multiple examples
    gran = granularity
    gran_period = {
        'ms': 60000,
        'sec': 3600,
        'min': 1440,
        'hr': 24,
        'day': 7
    period = gran_period.get(gran)
    if not period:
        raise ValueError('%s granularity detected. This is currently not supported.' % (gran, ))

    # now convert the timestamp column into a proper timestamp
    df['timestamp'] = df['timestamp'].map(lambda x: datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x))

    num_obs = len(df.value)

    clamp = (1 / float(num_obs))
    if max_anoms < clamp:
        max_anoms = clamp

    if longterm:
        if gran == "day":
            num_obs_in_period = period * piecewise_median_period_weeks + 1
            num_days_in_period = 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks + 1
            num_obs_in_period = period * 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks
            num_days_in_period = 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks

        last_date = df.timestamp.iloc[-1]

        all_data = []

        for j in range(0, len(df.timestamp), num_obs_in_period):
            start_date = df.timestamp.iloc[j]
            end_date = min(start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=num_obs_in_period), df.timestamp.iloc[-1])

            # if there is at least 14 days left, subset it, otherwise subset last_date - 14days
            if (end_date - start_date).days == num_days_in_period:
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp >= start_date) & (df.timestamp < end_date)]
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp > (last_date - datetime.timedelta(days=num_days_in_period))) & (df.timestamp <= last_date)]
        all_data = [df]

    all_anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])
    seasonal_plus_trend = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

    # Detect anomalies on all data (either entire data in one-pass, or in 2 week blocks if longterm=TRUE)
    for i in range(len(all_data)):
        directions = {
            'pos': Direction(True, True),
            'neg': Direction(True, False),
            'both': Direction(False, True)
        anomaly_direction = directions[direction]

        # detect_anoms actually performs the anomaly detection and returns the result in a list containing the anomalies
        # as well as the decomposed components of the time series for further analysis.

        s_h_esd_timestamps = detect_anoms(all_data[i],
        if s_h_esd_timestamps is None:
            return {
                'anoms': DataFrame(columns=["timestamp", "anoms"])

        # store decomposed comps in local variable and overwrite s_h_esd_timestamps to contain only the anom timestamps
        data_decomp = s_h_esd_timestamps['stl']
        s_h_esd_timestamps = s_h_esd_timestamps['anoms']

        # -- Step 3: Use detected anomaly timestamps to extract the actual anomalies (timestamp and value) from the data
        if s_h_esd_timestamps:
            anoms = all_data[i][all_data[i].timestamp.isin(s_h_esd_timestamps)]
            anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

        # Filter the anomalies using one of the thresholding functions if applicable
        if threshold:
            # Calculate daily max values
            periodic_maxes = df.groupby(df.timestamp.map(Timestamp.date)).aggregate(np.max).value

            # Calculate the threshold set by the user
            thresh = 0.5
            if threshold == 'med_max':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.median()
            elif threshold == 'p95':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.95)
            elif threshold == 'p99':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.99)

            # Remove any anoms below the threshold
            anoms = anoms[anoms.value >= thresh]

        all_anoms = all_anoms.append(anoms)
        seasonal_plus_trend = seasonal_plus_trend.append(data_decomp)

    # Cleanup potential duplicates
    except TypeError:

    # Calculate number of anomalies as a percentage
    anom_pct = (len(df.value) / float(num_obs)) * 100

    # name the columns back
    df.rename(columns={"timestamp": orig_header[0], "value": orig_header[1]}, inplace=True)

    if anom_pct == 0:
        return {"anoms": None}

    all_anoms.index = all_anoms.timestamp

    if e_value:
        d = {
            'timestamp': all_anoms.timestamp,
            'anoms': all_anoms.value,
            'expected_value': seasonal_plus_trend[
        d = {
            'timestamp': all_anoms.timestamp,
            'anoms': all_anoms.value

    anoms = DataFrame(d, index=d['timestamp'].index)

    # convert timestamps back to unix time
    anoms['timestamp'] = anoms['timestamp'].astype(np.int64)
    anoms['timestamp'] = anoms['timestamp'].map(lambda x: x * 10e-10)

    return {'anoms': anoms}
Exemplo n.º 5
def detect_ts(df, max_anoms=0.10, direction='pos', alpha=0.05, threshold=None, e_value=False, longterm=False,
              piecewise_median_period_weeks=2, granularity='day', verbose=False, inplace=True):
    Anomaly Detection Using Seasonal Hybrid ESD Test
    A technique for detecting anomalies in seasonal univariate time series where the input is a
    series of <timestamp, value> pairs.


    df: Time series as a two column data frame where the first column consists of the integer UTC Unix
    timestamps and the second column consists of the observations.

    max_anoms: Maximum number of anomalies that S-H-ESD will detect as a percentage of the

    direction: Directionality of the anomalies to be detected. Options are: ('pos' | 'neg' | 'both').

    alpha: The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies.

    threshold: Only report positive going anoms above the threshold specified. Options are: (None | 'med_max' | 'p95' | 'p99')

    e_value: Add an additional column to the anoms output containing the expected value.

    longterm: Increase anom detection efficacy for time series that are greater than a month.

    See Details below.
    piecewise_median_period_weeks: The piecewise median time window as described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal
    (2014). Defaults to 2.

    granularity: The granularity of the time series. Options are: ( 'ms' | 'sec' | 'min' | 'hr' | 'day' )

    verbose: Enables verbose mode

    inplace: Changes the dataframe in place


    'longterm' This option should be set when the input time series is longer than a month.
    The option enables the approach described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal (2014).
    'threshold' Filter all negative anomalies and those anomalies whose magnitude is smaller
    than one of the specified thresholds which include: the median
    of the daily max values (med_max), the 95th percentile of the daily max values (p95), and the
    99th percentile of the daily max values (p99).

    The returned value is a dictionary with the following components:
      anoms: Data frame containing timestamps, values, and optionally expected values.
      plot: A graphical object if plotting was requested by the user. The plot contains
      the estimated anomalies annotated on the input time series

    if not isinstance(df, DataFrame):
        raise ValueError("data must be a single data frame.")
        if len(df.columns) != 2 or not df.iloc[:, 1].map(np.isreal).all():
            raise ValueError('''data must be a 2 column data.frame, with the first column being a set of timestamps, and
                                the second coloumn being numeric values.''')

        if not (df.dtypes[0].type is np.float64) and not (df.dtypes[0].type is np.int64):
            raise ValueError('''The input timestamp column must be a float or integer of the unix timestamp, not date
                                time columns, date strings or pd.TimeStamp columns.''')

    if not inplace:
        df = copy.deepcopy(df)

    # change the column names in place, rather than copying the entire dataset, but save the headers to replace them.
    orig_header = df.columns.values
    df.rename(columns={df.columns.values[0]: "timestamp", df.columns.values[1]: "value"}, inplace=True)

    # Sanity check all input parameters
    if max_anoms > 0.49:
        length = len(df.value)
        raise ValueError("max_anoms must be less than 50%% of the data points (max_anoms =%f data_points =%s)." % (round(max_anoms * length, 0), length))

    if direction not in ['pos', 'neg', 'both']:
        raise ValueError("direction options are: pos | neg | both.")

    if not (0.01 <= alpha or alpha <= 0.1):
        if verbose:
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("alpha is the statistical signifigance, and is usually between 0.01 and 0.1")

    if threshold not in [None, 'med_max', 'p95', 'p99']:
        raise ValueError("threshold options are: None | med_max | p95 | p99")

    if not isinstance(e_value, bool):
        raise ValueError("e_value must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(longterm, bool):
        raise ValueError("longterm must be a boolean")

    if piecewise_median_period_weeks < 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "piecewise_median_period_weeks must be at greater than 2 weeks")

    # if the data is daily, then we need to bump the period to weekly to get multiple examples
    gran = granularity
    gran_period = {
        'ms': 60000,
        'sec': 3600,
        'min': 1440,
        'hr': 24,
        'day': 7
    period = gran_period.get(gran)
    if not period:
        raise ValueError('%s granularity detected. This is currently not supported.' % (gran, ))

    # now convert the timestamp column into a proper timestamp
    df['timestamp'] = df['timestamp'].map(lambda x: datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x))

    num_obs = len(df.value)

    clamp = (1 / float(num_obs))
    if max_anoms < clamp:
        max_anoms = clamp

    if longterm:
        if gran == "day":
            num_obs_in_period = period * piecewise_median_period_weeks + 1
            num_days_in_period = 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks + 1
            num_obs_in_period = period * 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks
            num_days_in_period = 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks

        last_date = df.timestamp.iget(-1)

        all_data = []

        for j in range(0, len(df.timestamp), num_obs_in_period):
            start_date = df.timestamp.iget(j)
            end_date = min(start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=num_obs_in_period), df.timestamp.iget(-1))

            # if there is at least 14 days left, subset it, otherwise subset last_date - 14days
            if (end_date - start_date).days == num_days_in_period:
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp >= start_date) & (df.timestamp < end_date)]
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp > (last_date - datetime.timedelta(days=num_days_in_period))) & (df.timestamp <= last_date)]
        all_data = [df]

    all_anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])
    seasonal_plus_trend = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

    # Detect anomalies on all data (either entire data in one-pass, or in 2 week blocks if longterm=TRUE)
    for i in range(len(all_data)):
        directions = {
            'pos': Direction(True, True),
            'neg': Direction(True, False),
            'both': Direction(False, True)
        anomaly_direction = directions[direction]

        # detect_anoms actually performs the anomaly detection and returns the result in a list containing the anomalies
        # as well as the decomposed components of the time series for further analysis.

        s_h_esd_timestamps = detect_anoms(all_data[i],
        if s_h_esd_timestamps is None:
            return {
                'anoms': DataFrame(columns=["timestamp", "anoms"])

        # store decomposed comps in local variable and overwrite s_h_esd_timestamps to contain only the anom timestamps
        data_decomp = s_h_esd_timestamps['stl']
        s_h_esd_timestamps = s_h_esd_timestamps['anoms']

        # -- Step 3: Use detected anomaly timestamps to extract the actual anomalies (timestamp and value) from the data
        if s_h_esd_timestamps:
            anoms = all_data[i][all_data[i].timestamp.isin(s_h_esd_timestamps)]
            anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

        # Filter the anomalies using one of the thresholding functions if applicable
        if threshold:
            # Calculate daily max values
            periodic_maxes = df.groupby(df.timestamp.map(Timestamp.date)).aggregate(np.max).value

            # Calculate the threshold set by the user
            thresh = 0.5
            if threshold == 'med_max':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.median()
            elif threshold == 'p95':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.95)
            elif threshold == 'p99':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.99)

            # Remove any anoms below the threshold
            anoms = anoms[anoms.value >= thresh]

        all_anoms = all_anoms.append(anoms)
        seasonal_plus_trend = seasonal_plus_trend.append(data_decomp)

    # Cleanup potential duplicates
    except TypeError:

    # Calculate number of anomalies as a percentage
    anom_pct = (len(df.value) / float(num_obs)) * 100

    # name the columns back
    df.rename(columns={"timestamp": orig_header[0], "value": orig_header[1]}, inplace=True)

    if anom_pct == 0:
        return {"anoms": None}

    all_anoms.index = all_anoms.timestamp

    if e_value:
        d = {
            'timestamp': all_anoms.timestamp,
            'anoms': all_anoms.value,
            'expected_value': seasonal_plus_trend[
        d = {
            'timestamp': all_anoms.timestamp,
            'anoms': all_anoms.value

    anoms = DataFrame(d, index=d['timestamp'].index)

    # convert timestamps back to unix time
    anoms['timestamp'] = anoms['timestamp'].astype(np.int64)
    anoms['timestamp'] = anoms['timestamp'].map(lambda x: x * 10e-10)

    return {'anoms': anoms}
def detect_ts(df, maximum_anomalies=0.10, direction='pos',
              alpha=0.05, only_last=None, threshold=None,
              e_value=False, long_term=False,
              piecewise_median_period_weeks=2, plot=False,
              y_log=False, x_axis_label ='', y_axis_label ='count',
              title=None, verbose=False):

    Anomaly Detection Using Seasonal Hybrid ESD Test
    A technique for detecting anomalies in seasonal univariate time series where the input is a
    series of <timestamp, value> pairs.


    x: Time series as a two column data frame where the first column consists of the
    timestamps and the second column consists of the observations.

    max_anoms: Maximum number of anomalies that S-H-ESD will detect as a percentage of the

    direction: Directionality of the anomalies to be detected. Options are: ('pos' | 'neg' | 'both').

    alpha: The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies.

    only_last: Find and report anomalies only within the last day or hr in the time series. Options: (None | 'day' | 'hr')

    threshold: Only report positive going anoms above the threshold specified. Options are: (None | 'med_max' | 'p95' | 'p99')

    e_value: Add an additional column to the anoms output containing the expected value.

    longterm: Increase anom detection efficacy for time series that are greater than a month.

    See Details below.
    piecewise_median_period_weeks: The piecewise median time window as described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal (2014). Defaults to 2.

    plot: (Currently unsupported) A flag indicating if a plot with both the time series and the estimated anoms,
    indicated by circles, should also be returned.

    y_log: Apply log scaling to the y-axis. This helps with viewing plots that have extremely
    large positive anomalies relative to the rest of the data.

    xlabel: X-axis label to be added to the output plot.
    ylabel: Y-axis label to be added to the output plot.


    'longterm' This option should be set when the input time series is longer than a month.
    The option enables the approach described in Vallis, Hochenbaum, and Kejariwal (2014).
    'threshold' Filter all negative anomalies and those anomalies whose magnitude is smaller
    than one of the specified thresholds which include: the median
    of the daily max values (med_max), the 95th percentile of the daily max values (p95), and the
    99th percentile of the daily max values (p99).
    'title' Title for the output plot.
    'verbose' Enable debug messages

    The returned value is a dictionary with the following components:
      anoms: Data frame containing timestamps, values, and optionally expected values.
      plot: A graphical object if plotting was requested by the user. The plot contains
      the estimated anomalies annotated on the input time series

    if not isinstance(df, DataFrame):
        raise ValueError("data must be a single data frame.")
        if len(list(df)) != 2 or not df.iloc[:, 1].map(np.isreal).all():
            raise ValueError(("data must be a 2 column data.frame, with the"
                              "first column being a set of timestamps, and "
                              "the second coloumn being numeric values."))

        if (not (df.dtypes[0].type is np.datetime64)
            and not (df.dtypes[0].type is np.int64)):
            df = format_timestamp(df)

    if list(df) != ["timestamp", "value"]:
        df.columns = ["timestamp", "value"]

    # Sanity check all input parameters
    if maximum_anomalies > 0.49:
        length = len(df.value)
        raise ValueError(
            ("max_anoms must be less than 50% of "
             "the data points (max_anoms={0}, data_points={1})."
             .format(round(maximum_anomalies * length, 0), length)))

    if not direction in ['pos', 'neg', 'both']:
        raise ValueError("direction options are: pos | neg | both.")

    if not (0.01 <= alpha or alpha <= 0.1):
        if verbose:
            warnings.warn("alpha is the statistical signifigance, and is usually between 0.01 and 0.1")

    if only_last and not only_last in ['day', 'hr']:
        raise ValueError("only_last must be either 'day' or 'hr'")

    if not threshold in [None, 'med_max', 'p95', 'p99']:
        raise ValueError("threshold options are: None | med_max | p95 | p99")

    if not isinstance(e_value, bool):
        raise ValueError("e_value must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(long_term, bool):
        raise ValueError("longterm must be a boolean")

    if piecewise_median_period_weeks < 2:
        raise ValueError("piecewise_median_period_weeks must be at greater than 2 weeks")

    if not isinstance(plot, bool):
        raise ValueError("plot must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(y_log, bool):
        raise ValueError("y_log must be a boolean")

    if not isinstance(x_axis_label, str):
        raise ValueError("xlabel must be a string")

    if not isinstance(y_axis_label, str):
        raise ValueError("ylabel must be a string")

    if title and not isinstance(title, str):
        raise ValueError("title must be a string")

    if not title:
        title = ''
        title = title + " : "

    gran = get_gran(df)

    if gran == "day":
        num_days_per_line = 7
        if isinstance(only_last, str) and only_last == 'hr':
            only_last = 'day'
        num_days_per_line = 1

    if gran == 'sec':
        df.timestamp = date_format(df.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00")
        df = format_timestamp(df.groupby('timestamp').aggregate(np.sum))

    # if the data is daily, then we need to bump
    # the period to weekly to get multiple examples
    gran_period = {
        'min': 1440,
        'hr': 24,
        'day': 7
    period = gran_period.get(gran)
    if not period:
        raise ValueError('{} granularity detected. This is currently not supported.'.format(gran))
    num_obs = len(df.value)

    clamp = (1 / float(num_obs))
    if maximum_anomalies < clamp:
        maximum_anomalies = clamp

    if long_term:
        if gran == "day":
            num_obs_in_period = period * piecewise_median_period_weeks + 1
            num_days_in_period = 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks + 1
            num_obs_in_period = period * 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks
            num_days_in_period = 7 * piecewise_median_period_weeks

        last_date = df.timestamp.iloc[-1]

        all_data = []

        for j in range(0, len(df.timestamp), num_obs_in_period):
            start_date = df.timestamp.iloc[j]
            end_date = min(start_date
                           + datetime.timedelta(days=num_obs_in_period),

            # if there is at least 14 days left, subset it,
            # otherwise subset last_date - 14days
            if (end_date - start_date).days == num_days_in_period:
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp >= start_date)
                            & (df.timestamp < end_date)]
                sub_df = df[(df.timestamp >
                             (last_date - datetime.timedelta(days=num_days_in_period)))
                            & (df.timestamp <= last_date)]
        all_data = [df]

    all_anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])
    seasonal_plus_trend = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

    # Detect anomalies on all data (either entire data in one-pass,
    # or in 2 week blocks if longterm=TRUE)
    for i in range(len(all_data)):
        directions = {
            'pos': Direction(True, True),
            'neg': Direction(True, False),
            'both': Direction(False, True)
        anomaly_direction = directions[direction]

        # detect_anoms actually performs the anomaly detection and
        # returns the results in a list containing the anomalies
        # as well as the decomposed components of the time series
        # for further analysis.

        s_h_esd_timestamps = detect_anoms(all_data[i], k=maximum_anomalies, alpha=alpha,

        # store decomposed components in local variable and overwrite
        # s_h_esd_timestamps to contain only the anom timestamps
        data_decomp = s_h_esd_timestamps['stl']
        s_h_esd_timestamps = s_h_esd_timestamps['anoms']

        # -- Step 3: Use detected anomaly timestamps to extract the actual
        # anomalies (timestamp and value) from the data
        if s_h_esd_timestamps:
            anoms = all_data[i][all_data[i].timestamp.isin(s_h_esd_timestamps)]
            anoms = DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'value'])

        # Filter the anomalies using one of the thresholding functions if applicable
        if threshold:
            # Calculate daily max values
            periodic_maxes = df.groupby(

            # Calculate the threshold set by the user
            if threshold == 'med_max':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.median()
            elif threshold == 'p95':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.95)
            elif threshold == 'p99':
                thresh = periodic_maxes.quantile(.99)

            # Remove any anoms below the threshold
            anoms = anoms[anoms.value >= thresh]

        all_anoms = all_anoms.append(anoms)
        seasonal_plus_trend = seasonal_plus_trend.append(data_decomp)

    # Cleanup potential duplicates
    except TypeError:

    # -- If only_last was set by the user,
    # create subset of the data that represent the most recent day
    if only_last:
        start_date = df.timestamp.iloc[-1] - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
        start_anoms = df.timestamp.iloc[-1] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        if gran is "day":
            breaks = 3 * 12
            num_days_per_line = 7
            if only_last == 'day':
                breaks = 12
                start_date = df.timestamp.iloc[-1] - datetime.timedelta(days=2)
                # truncate to days
                start_date = datetime.date(start_date.year,
                                           start_date.month, start_date.day)
                start_anoms = (df.timestamp.iloc[-1]
                               - datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
                breaks = 3

        # subset the last days worth of data
        x_subset_single_day = df[df.timestamp > start_anoms]
        # When plotting anoms for the last day only
        # we only show the previous weeks data
        x_subset_week = df[(df.timestamp <= start_anoms)
                           & (df.timestamp > start_date)]
        if len(all_anoms) > 0:
            all_anoms = all_anoms[all_anoms.timestamp >=
        num_obs = len(x_subset_single_day.value)

    # Calculate number of anomalies as a percentage
    anom_pct = (len(df.value) / float(num_obs)) * 100

    if anom_pct == 0:
        return {
            "anoms": None,
            "plot": None

    # The original R implementation handles plotting here.
    # Plotting is currently not implemented in this version.
    # if plot:
    #     plot_something()

    all_anoms.index = all_anoms.timestamp

    if e_value:
        d = {
            'timestamp': all_anoms.timestamp,
            'anoms': all_anoms.value,
            'expected_value': seasonal_plus_trend[
        d = {
            'timestamp': all_anoms.timestamp,
            'anoms': all_anoms.value
    anoms = DataFrame(d, index=d['timestamp'].index)

    return {
        'anoms': anoms,
        'plot': None