class VariableModel(BaseModel): """This represents a variable definition with values and labels""" name: str = pyField(..., description="Name of the variable.") description: str = pyField(None, description="Description of the variable.") unit: str = pyField( ..., description="The unit of the variable.", examples=[{ "unit": "m" }, { "unit": "NDVI" }, { "unit": "Watt" }]) values: List[Union[float, int]] = pyField( ..., description="The variable values that must be numeric.", examples=[{ "values": [1, 2, 3] }]) labels: List[str] = pyField(..., description="Label for each variable value.", examples=[{ "labels": ["a", "b", "c"] }])
class VariablesCollectionModel(BaseModel): """A collection of variables that all have the same size""" name: str = pyField(..., description="Name of the variables collection.") size: List[int] = pyField( ..., description="The size of the variables collection. Each variable of " "this collection must have the same size. The size of " "the variable can be mutli-dimensional. However, variables are stored " "as one dimensional arrays and must be " "re-shaped in the multi-dimensional form for processing.", examples=[{ "size": [100] }, { "size": [3, 3, 3] }]) number_of_variables: int = pyField( ..., description="The number of variables in this collection.") variables: List[VariableModel] = pyField( ..., description="A list of variables with the same size.")
class FTGField(BaseRepoModel): field_type: str subfields: FTGSubfields = pyField(default_factory=FTGSubfields) field_annotation: FTGFieldAnnotation = pyField(default_factory=FTGFieldAnnotation) @classmethod def from_resource(cls, resource: t.Type[Field]) -> 'FTGField': safe_mod = resource.__module__.split('.')[0].replace('_', '').lower() ftg_field = cls(fieldType = resource._RESOURCE_ID) for p in resource._SUB_FIELDS: ftg_field.subfields.subfield.append( FTGSubfield( name=to_camel(, type=field_type_str(p.field_type) ) ) return ftg_field
class FTGPatch(BaseRepoModel): """ FTG Patch """ stitches_version: str = '0.6' field_additions: t.List[FTGFieldAddition] = pyField(default_factory=list)
class FTGFieldAnnotation(BaseRepoModel): max_serialized_size_bytes: t.Any = pyField(default_factory=default_mssb) nested_types: dict = pyField(default_factory=dict)
class FTGSubfields(BaseRepoModel): subfield: t.List[FTGSubfield] = pyField(default_factory=list)