Exemplo n.º 1
def density(dataset, salinity, temperature, pressure):
    """Calculate in-situ density.

    This function calculated in-situ density from absolute salinity and
    conservative temperature, using the `gsw.rho` function. Returns a new
    sequence with the data.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    selection = sequence[salinity.name, temperature.name, pressure.name]
    rows = [tuple(row) for row in selection]
    data = np.rec.fromrecords(rows,
                              names=['salinity', 'temperature', 'pressure'])
    rho = gsw.rho(data['salinity'], data['temperature'], data['pressure'])

    out = SequenceType("result")
    out['rho'] = BaseType("rho", units="kg/m**3")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rho.reshape(-1, 1), names=['rho'])
    return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def mean(dataset, var, axis=0):
    """Calculate the mean of an array along a given axis.

    The input variable should be either a ``GridType`` or ``BaseType``. The
    function will return an object of the same type with the mean applied.

    if not isinstance(var, (GridType, BaseType)):
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "mean" should be used on an array or grid.')

    axis = int(axis)
    dims = tuple(dim for i, dim in enumerate(var.dimensions) if i != axis)

    # process basetype
    if isinstance(var, BaseType):
        return BaseType(name=var.name,
                        data=np.mean(var.data[:], axis=axis),

    # process grid
    out = GridType(name=var.name, attributes=var.attributes)
    out[var.array.name] = BaseType(name=var.array.name,
                                   data=np.mean(var.array.data[:], axis=axis),
    for dim in dims:
        out[dim] = BaseType(name=dim,
                            dimensions=(dim, ),
    return out
Exemplo n.º 3
def mean(dataset, var, axis=0):
    Version 1.0

    Calculates the mean of an array along a given axis.

    axis = int(axis)
    dims = tuple(dim for i, dim in enumerate(var.dimensions) if i != axis)

    if isinstance(var, BaseType):
        return BaseType(name=var.name,
                        data=np.mean(var.data[:], axis=axis),

    elif isinstance(var, GridType):
        out = GridType(name=var.name, attributes=var.attributes)
        out[var.array.name] = BaseType(name=var.array.name,
        for dim in dims:
            out[dim] = BaseType(name=dim,
                                dimensions=(dim, ),
        return out
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "mean" should be used on an array or grid.')
Exemplo n.º 4
def bounds(dataset, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, tmin, tmax):
    r"""Bound a sequence in space and time.

    This function is used by GrADS to access Sequences, eg:

        http://server.example.com/dataset.dods?sequence& \

    We assume the dataset has only a single Sequence, which will be returned
    modified in place.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        break  # get first sequence
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    for child in sequence.children():
        if child.attributes.get('axis', '').lower() == 'x':
            if xmin == xmax:
                sequence.data = sequence[child == xmin].data
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= xmin) & (child <= xmax)].data
        elif child.attributes.get('axis', '').lower() == 'y':
            if ymin == ymax:
                sequence.data = sequence[child == ymin].data
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= ymin) & (child <= ymax)].data
        elif child.attributes.get('axis', '').lower() == 'z':
            if zmin == zmax:
                sequence.data = sequence[child == zmin].data
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= zmin) & (child <= zmax)].data
        elif child.attributes.get('axis', '').lower() == 't':
            start = datetime.strptime(tmin, '%HZ%d%b%Y')
            end = datetime.strptime(tmax, '%HZ%d%b%Y')
            units = child.attributes.get('units', 'seconds since 1970-01-01')

            # if start and end are equal, add the step
            if start == end and 'grads_step' in child.attributes:
                dt = parse_step(child.attributes['grads_step'])
                end = start + dt
                tmin = coards.format(start, units)
                tmax = coards.format(end, units)
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= tmin) & (child < tmax)].data
                tmin = coards.format(start, units)
                tmax = coards.format(end, units)
                sequence.data = sequence[
                    (child >= tmin) & (child <= tmax)].data

    return sequence
Exemplo n.º 5
def apply_projection(projection, dataset):
    """Apply a given projection to a dataset.

    This function builds and returns a new dataset by adding those variables
    that were requested on the projection.

    out = DatasetType(name=dataset.name, attributes=dataset.attributes)

    # first collect all the variables
    for p in projection:
        target, template = out, dataset
        for i, (name, slice_) in enumerate(p):
            candidate = template[name]

            # add variable to target
            if isinstance(candidate, StructureType):
                if name not in target.keys():
                    if i < len(p) - 1:
                        # if there are more children to add we need to clear
                        # the candidate so it has only explicitly added
                        # children; also, Grids are degenerated into Structures
                        if isinstance(candidate, GridType):
                            candidate = StructureType(candidate.name,
                        candidate._keys = []
                    target[name] = candidate
                target, template = target[name], template[name]
                target[name] = candidate

    # fix sequence data to include only variables that are in the sequence
    for seq in walk(out, SequenceType):
        seq.data = get_var(dataset, seq.id)[tuple(seq.keys())].data

    # apply slices
    for p in projection:
        target = out
        for name, slice_ in p:
            target, parent = target[name], target

            if slice_:
                if isinstance(target, BaseType):
                    target.data = target[slice_]
                elif isinstance(target, SequenceType):
                    parent[name] = target[slice_[0]]
                elif isinstance(target, GridType):
                    parent[name] = target[slice_]
                    raise ConstraintExpressionError("Invalid projection!")

    return out
Exemplo n.º 6
def fix_shorthand(projection, dataset):
    Fix shorthand notation in the projection.

    Some clients request variables by their name, not by the id. This is called
    the "shorthand notation", and it has to be fixed.

    out = []
    for var in projection:
        if len(var) == 1 and var[0][0] not in dataset.keys():
            token, slice_ = var.pop(0)
            for child in walk(dataset):
                if token == child.name:
                    if var: raise ConstraintExpressionError(
                            'Ambiguous shorthand notation request: %s' % token)
                    var = [(parent, ()) for parent in
                            child.id.split('.')[:-1]] + [(token, slice_)]
    return out
Exemplo n.º 7
def fix_shn(projection, dataset):
    Fix shorthand notation for variables.
    Shorthand notation is the syntax some clients use to retrieve data
    using the variable name instead of its fully qualified id.

    Here ``projection`` is a list as returned by ``parse_qs``.

    out = []
    for var in projection:
        if len(var) == 1 and var[0][0] not in dataset:
            token, slice_ = var.pop(0)
            for child in walk(dataset):
                if token == child.name:
                    if var:
                        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
                            "Ambiguous shorthand notation request: %s" % token)
                    var = [(parent, ()) for parent in child.id.split('.')[:-1]
                           ] + [(token, slice_)]
    return out
Exemplo n.º 8
def parse_hyperslab(hyperslab):
    """Parse a hyperslab, returning a Python tuple of slices."""
    exprs = [expr for expr in hyperslab[1:-1].split('][') if expr]

    out = []
    for expr in exprs:
        tokens = list(map(int, expr.split(':')))
        start = tokens[0]
        step = 1

        if len(tokens) == 1:
            stop = start + 1
        elif len(tokens) == 2:
            stop = tokens[1] + 1
        elif len(tokens) == 3:
            step = tokens[1]
            stop = tokens[2] + 1
            raise ConstraintExpressionError("Invalid hyperslab %s" % hyperslab)

        out.append(slice(start, stop, step))

    return tuple(out)
Exemplo n.º 9
def build_filter(expression, template):
    """Return a filter function based on a comparison expression."""
    id1, op, id2 = re.split('(<=|>=|!=|=~|>|<|=)', str(expression), 1)

    # calculate the column index were filtering and how deep it is
        id1 = id1[len(template.id) + 1:]
        target = template
        for level, token in enumerate(id1.split(".")):
            parent1 = target.id
            keys = getattr(target, "_original_keys", target._keys)
            col = keys.index(token)
            target = target[token]
        a = operator.itemgetter(col)
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Invalid constraint expression: "{expression}" '
            '("{id}" is not a valid variable)'.format(expression=expression,

    # if we're comparing two variables they must be on the same sequence, so
    # ``parent1`` must be equal to ``parent2``
    if id2.rsplit(".", 1)[0] == parent1:  # parent2 == parent1
        keys = getattr(template, "_original_keys", template._keys)
        col = keys.index(id2.split(".")[-1])
        b = operator.itemgetter(col)
            value = ast.literal_eval(id2)

            def b(row):
                return value
            raise ConstraintExpressionError(
                'Invalid constraint expression: "{expression}" '
                '("{id}" is not valid)'.format(expression=expression, id=id2))

    op = {
        '<': operator.lt,
        '>': operator.gt,
        '!=': operator.ne,
        '=': operator.eq,
        '>=': operator.ge,
        '<=': operator.le,
        '=~': lambda a, b: re.match(b, a),

    # if the filtering is applied in the outermost sequence we can simply pass
    # a filter, and ignore the map
    if level == 0:

        def f(row):
            return op(a(row), b(row))

        def m(row):
            return row

    # if the filtering is applied to a nested sequence we actually need to map
    # the outer data so that the inner data is filtered
        f = bool

        def recurse(row, tokens, target):
            token = tokens.pop(0)

            # return the filtered inner data
            if not tokens:
                return [col for col in row if op(a(col), b(col))]

            # navigate inside the sequence
            col = target.keys().index(token)
            target = target[col]

            # modify data in place; we need to convert tuple to list
            row = list(row)
            row[col] = recurse(row[col], tokens, target)
            return tuple(row)

        def m(row):
            tokens = id1.split(".")
            return recurse(row, tokens, template)

    return f, m
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __or__(self, other):
     raise ConstraintExpressionError(
         "OR constraints not allowed in the Opendap specification.")