Exemplo n.º 1
def density(dataset, salinity, temperature, pressure):
    """Calculate in-situ density.

    This function calculated in-situ density from absolute salinity and
    conservative temperature, using the `gsw.rho` function. Returns a new
    sequence with the data.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    selection = sequence[salinity.name, temperature.name, pressure.name]
    rows = [tuple(row) for row in selection]
    data = np.rec.fromrecords(rows,
                              names=['salinity', 'temperature', 'pressure'])
    rho = gsw.rho(data['salinity'], data['temperature'], data['pressure'])

    out = SequenceType("result")
    out['rho'] = BaseType("rho", units="kg/m**3")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rho.reshape(-1, 1), names=['rho'])
    return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def metadata_index_responder(sesh, network, climo=False):
    '''The function creates a pydap csv response which lists variable metadata out of the database. It returns an generator for the contents of the file
    :param sesh: database session
    :type sesh: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session
    :param network: Name of the network for which variables should be listed
    :type network: str
    :rtype: generator
    maxlen = 256
    if climo:
        climo_filt = or_(Variable.cell_method.like('%within%'), Variable.cell_method.like('%over%'))
        climo_filt = not_(or_(Variable.cell_method.like('%within%'), Variable.cell_method.like('%over%')))

    rv = sesh.query(Variable).join(Network).filter(Network.name == network).filter(climo_filt)
    a = np.array([(var.name, var.standard_name, var.cell_method, var.unit) for var in rv],
                 dtype=np.dtype({'names': ['variable', 'standard_name', 'cell_method', 'unit'],
                                 'formats':[(str, maxlen), (str, maxlen), (str, maxlen), (str, maxlen)]})
    dst = DatasetType('Variable metadata')
    seq = SequenceType('variables')
    seq['variable']      = BaseType('variable')
    seq['standard_name'] = BaseType('standard_name', reference='http://llnl.gov/')
    seq['cell_method']   = BaseType('cell_method', reference='http://llnl.gov/')
    seq['unit']          = BaseType('unit')
    seq.data = a
    dst['variables'] = seq
    responder = BaseHandler(dst)
    environ = {'PATH_INFO': '/variables.foo.ascii', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'}
    return responder(environ, null_start_response)
Exemplo n.º 3
def density(dataset, salinity, temperature, pressure):
    """Calculate in-situ density.

    This function calculated in-situ density from absolute salinity and
    conservative temperature, using the `gsw.rho` function. Returns a new
    sequence with the data.

    # find sequence
    for sequence in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
        raise ConstraintExpressionError(
            'Function "bounds" should be used on a Sequence.')

    selection = sequence[salinity.name, temperature.name, pressure.name]
    rows = [tuple(row) for row in selection]
    data = np.rec.fromrecords(
        rows, names=['salinity', 'temperature', 'pressure'])
    rho = gsw.rho(data['salinity'], data['temperature'], data['pressure'])

    out = SequenceType("result")
    out['rho'] = BaseType("rho", units="kg/m**3")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rho.reshape(-1, 1), names=['rho'])
    return out
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_regexp(self):
        sequence = SequenceType("sequence")
        sequence["name"] = BaseType("name")
        sequence.data = IterData([
            ("John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"),
        ], sequence)

        filtered = sequence[ConstraintExpression('sequence.name=~"J.*"')]
        self.assertEqual(list(filtered.iterdata()), [("John", )])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_regexp(self):
        sequence = SequenceType("sequence")
        sequence["name"] = BaseType("name")
        sequence.data = IterData([
            ("John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"),
        ], sequence)

        filtered = sequence[ConstraintExpression('sequence.name=~"J.*"')]
        self.assertEqual(list(filtered.iterdata()), [("John",)])
Exemplo n.º 6
def nested_object(nested_data):
        name = 'nameless'
        dataset = DatasetType(name)
        seq = dataset['nested'] = SequenceType('nested')
        for var in ['a', 'b', 'c']:
            seq[var] = BaseType(var)
        seq['d'] = SequenceType('d')
        for var in ['e', 'f', 'g']:
            seq['d'][var] = BaseType(var)

        nested = IterData(nested_data, seq)
        return nested
Exemplo n.º 7
def sequence_example():
    """Create a standard sequence from the DAP spec."""
    example = SequenceType("example")
    example["index"] = BaseType("index")
    example["temperature"] = BaseType("temperature")
    example["site"] = BaseType("site")
    example.data = np.rec.fromrecords([
        (10, 15.2, "Diamond_St"),
        (11, 13.1, 'Blacktail_Loop'),
        (12, 13.3, 'Platinum_St'),
        (13, 12.1, 'Kodiak_Trail')], names=list(example.keys()))
    return example
Exemplo n.º 8
def sequence_example():
    """Create a standard sequence from the DAP spec."""
    example = SequenceType("example")
    example["index"] = BaseType("index")
    example["temperature"] = BaseType("temperature")
    example["site"] = BaseType("site")
    example.data = np.rec.fromrecords([
        (10, 15.2, "Diamond_St"),
        (11, 13.1, 'Blacktail_Loop'),
        (12, 13.3, 'Platinum_St'),
        (13, 12.1, 'Kodiak_Trail')], names=list(example.keys()))
    return example
def sequence_type_data():
    Simple sequence test data
    data = [(10, 15.2, 'Diamond_St'), (11, 13.1, 'Blacktail_Loop'),
            (12, 13.3, 'Platinum_St'), (13, 12.1, 'Kodiak_Trail')]
    dtype = [('index', '<i4'), ('temperature', '<f8'), ('station', 'S40')]
    seq = SequenceType('sequence')
    seq['index'] = BaseType('index')
    seq['temperature'] = BaseType('temperature')
    seq['station'] = BaseType('station')
    seq.data = np.array(data, dtype=dtype)
    return seq
Exemplo n.º 10
    def sequence(self):
        """Parse a DAS sequence, returning a ``SequenceType``."""
        sequence = SequenceType('nameless')

        while not self.peek('}'):
            var = self.declaration()
            sequence[var.name] = var

        sequence.name = quote(self.consume('[^;]+'))

        return sequence
Exemplo n.º 11
    def sequence(self):
        """Parse a DAS sequence, returning a ``SequenceType``."""
        sequence = SequenceType('nameless')

        while not self.peek('}'):
            var = self.declaration()
            sequence[var.name] = var

        sequence.name = quote(self.consume('[^;]+'))

        return sequence
Exemplo n.º 12
    def handle_dds(self, coverage, dataset, fields):
        cov = coverage
        seq = SequenceType('data')

        for name in fields:
            # Strip the data. from the field

            if name.startswith('data.'):
                name = name[5:]

            if re.match(r'.*_[a-z0-9]{32}', name):
                continue  # Let's not do this
                context = coverage.get_parameter_context(name)
                attrs = self.get_attrs(cov, name)

                #grid[name] = BaseType(name=name, type=self.dap_type(context), attributes=attrs, dimensions=(time_name,), shape=(coverage.num_timesteps,))
                seq[name] = BaseType(name=name,
                                     shape=(coverage.num_timesteps(), ))
                #grid[cov.temporal_parameter_name] = time_base
            except Exception:
                log.exception('Problem reading cov %s', str(cov))
        dataset['data'] = seq
        return dataset
Exemplo n.º 13
def sequence_type_data():
    Simple sequence test data
    data = [(10, 15.2, 'Diamond_St'),
            (11, 13.1, 'Blacktail_Loop'),
            (12, 13.3, 'Platinum_St'),
            (13, 12.1, 'Kodiak_Trail')]
    dtype = [('index', '<i4'),
             ('temperature', '<f8'),
             ('station', 'S40')]
    seq = SequenceType('sequence')
    seq['index'] = BaseType('index')
    seq['temperature'] = BaseType('temperature')
    seq['station'] = BaseType('station')
    seq.data = np.array(data, dtype=dtype)
    return seq
Exemplo n.º 14
def double(dataset, var):
    """A dummy function that doubles a value.

    The value must be in a sequence. Return a new sequence with the value

    # sequence is the first variable
    sequence = next(dataset.children())

    # get a single variable and double its value
    selection = sequence[var.name]
    rows = [(value * 2, ) for value in selection]

    # create output sequence
    out = SequenceType("result")
    out["double"] = BaseType("double")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rows, names=["double"])

    return out
Exemplo n.º 15
def simple_object(simple_array):
    # add sequence and children for each column
    name = 'nameless'
    dataset = DatasetType(name)
    seq = dataset['sequence'] = SequenceType('sequence')
    for var in simple_array.dtype.names:
        seq[var] = BaseType(var)

    obj = IterData([(0, 1, 10.), (1, 2, 20.), (2, 3, 30.), (3, 4, 40.),
                    (4, 5, 50.), (5, 6, 60.), (6, 7, 70.), (7, 8, 80.)], seq)
    return obj
Exemplo n.º 16
def double(dataset, var):
    """A dummy function that doubles a value.

    The value must be in a sequence. Return a new sequence with the value

    # sequence is the first variable
    sequence = next(dataset.children())

    # get a single variable and double its value
    selection = sequence[var.name]
    rows = [(value*2,) for value in selection]

    # create output sequence
    out = SequenceType("result")
    out["double"] = BaseType("double")
    out.data = np.rec.fromrecords(rows, names=["double"])

    return out
Exemplo n.º 17
    def setUp(self):
        """Create a flat IterData."""
        template = SequenceType("a")
        template["b"] = BaseType("b")
        template["c"] = BaseType("c")
        template["d"] = BaseType("d")
        self.data = IterData([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)], template)

        self.array = np.array(
                (1, 2, 3),
                (4, 5, 6),
            ], names=["b", "c", "d"]))
Exemplo n.º 18
 def get_dataset(self, cov, fields, slices, selectors, dataset, response):
     seq = SequenceType('data')
     bitmask = self.get_bitmask(cov, fields, slices, selectors)
     if self.is_too_large(bitmask, len(fields)):
         log.error('Client request too large. \nFields: %s\nSelectors: %s',
                   fields, selectors)
     for name in fields:
         # Strip the data. from the field
         if name.startswith('data.'):
             name = name[5:]
         pc = cov.get_parameter_context(name)
         if re.match(r'.*_[a-z0-9]{32}', name):
             continue  # Let's not do this
             data = self.get_data(cov, name, bitmask)
             attrs = self.get_attrs(cov, name)
             if isinstance(pc.param_type, QuantityType):
                 data, dtype = self.filter_data(data)
                 seq[name] = self.make_series(response, name, data, attrs,
             elif isinstance(pc.param_type, ConstantType):
                 data, dtype = self.filter_data(data)
                 seq[name] = self.make_series(response, name, data, attrs,
             elif isinstance(pc.param_type, ConstantRangeType):
                 #start = time.time()
                 #convert to string
                     #scalar case
                     if data.shape == (2, ):
                         data = np.atleast_1d('_'.join(
                             [str(data[0]), str(data[1])]))
                         for i, d in enumerate(data):
                             f = [str(d[0]), str(d[1])]
                             data[i] = '_'.join(f)
                 except Exception, e:
                     data = np.asanyarray(['None' for d in data])
                 seq[name] = self.make_series(response, name, data, attrs,
             elif isinstance(pc.param_type, BooleanType):
                 data, dtype = self.filter_data(data)
                 seq[name] = self.make_series(response, name, data, attrs,
             elif isinstance(pc.param_type, CategoryType):
                 data, dtype = self.filter_data(data)
                 #start = time.time()
                 seq[name] = self.make_series(response, name, data, attrs,
Exemplo n.º 19
def _make_model(with_attributes=False, with_data=False):
    def maybe(attributes):
        return attributes if with_attributes else None

    model = DatasetType(
        attributes=maybe(attributes('ds', 1))
    model['sequence_name'] = SequenceType(
        attributes=maybe(attributes('seq', 2))
    for name in ['a', 'b', 'c']:
        model['sequence_name'][name] = BaseType(
            attributes=maybe(attributes(name, 2))
    return model
Exemplo n.º 20
def simple_sequence_dataset(metadata, data):
    @brief Create a simple dap dataset object from dictionary content
    See test_daptools to see the input structure
    # Convert metadata and data to a dap dataset
    ds = DatasetType(name=metadata['DataSet Name'])
    sequence = SequenceType(name='sequence')
    for varname, atts in metadata['variables'].items():

        var = BaseType(name=varname, \
                data=data[varname], \
                shape=(len(data[varname]),), \
                #dimensions=(varname,), \
                type=Int32, \

        sequence[varname] = var
    ds[sequence.name] = sequence
    return ds
Exemplo n.º 21
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict
    from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from pydap.model import (DatasetType, BaseType, SequenceType, GridType,
from pydap.handlers.lib import IterData
from pydap.client import open_file

# A very simple sequence: flat and with no strings. This sequence can be mapped
# directly to a Numpy structured array, and can be easily encoded and decoded
# in the DAP spec.
VerySimpleSequence = DatasetType("VerySimpleSequence")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"] = SequenceType("sequence")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["byte"] = BaseType("byte")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["int"] = BaseType("int")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["float"] = BaseType("float")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"].data = np.array([
    (0, 1, 10.),
    (1, 2, 20.),
    (2, 3, 30.),
    (3, 4, 40.),
    (4, 5, 50.),
    (5, 6, 60.),
    (6, 7, 70.),
    (7, 8, 80.),
                                               dtype=[('byte', 'b'),
                                                      ('int', 'i4'),
Exemplo n.º 22
import numpy as np

from pydap.model import (DatasetType, BaseType,
                         SequenceType, GridType, StructureType)
from pydap.handlers.lib import IterData
from pydap.client import open_file

from collections import OrderedDict

# A very simple sequence: flat and with no strings. This sequence can be mapped
# directly to a Numpy structured array, and can be easily encoded and decoded
# in the DAP spec.
VerySimpleSequence = DatasetType("VerySimpleSequence")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"] = SequenceType("sequence")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["byte"] = BaseType("byte")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["int"] = BaseType("int")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"]["float"] = BaseType("float")
VerySimpleSequence["sequence"].data = np.array([
    (0, 1, 10.),
    (1, 2, 20.),
    (2, 3, 30.),
    (3, 4, 40.),
    (4, 5, 50.),
    (5, 6, 60.),
    (6, 7, 70.),
    (7, 8, 80.),
    ], dtype=[('byte', 'b'), ('int', 'i4'), ('float', 'f4')])