Exemplo n.º 1
def update_warehouse_info(original_wh_id, wh_id, wh_name, wh_street, wh_state,
                          wh_zip, wh_country):
    if original_wh_id != wh_id:
        a = dcur.execute(
            select warehouse_id
            from warehouse.warehouses
            where warehouse_id = %s;
            """, [wh_id])
        a = dcur.fetchall()
        if a:
            return True

    a = dcur.execute(
        update warehouse.warehouses
        set warehouse_id = trim(%s),
        warehouse_name = trim(%s),
        warehouse_street_address = trim(%s),
        warehouse_state = trim(%s),
        warehouse_zip = trim(%s),
        warehouse_country = trim(%s)
        where warehouse_id = %s;
        """, [
            wh_id, wh_name, wh_street, wh_state, wh_zip, wh_country,
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_base_amazon_data(schema_name):
    if schema_name == "amazon_coins":
        a = dcur.execute(
            select item_sku, 'coin', quantity
            from {0}.template;

    elif schema_name == "amazon_entertainment_collectibles":
        a = dcur.execute(
            select item_sku, 'coin', limited_edition_quantity
            from {0}.template;
    elif schema_name == "amazon_food_service_and_jan_san":

        a = dcur.execute(
            select sku, "product-name", "number-of-items"
            from {0}.template;

        a = dcur.execute(
            select item_sku, item_name, quantity
            from {0}.template;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 3
def select_warehouse_list():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select warehouse_id, warehouse_name, warehouse_type
        from warehouse.warehouses;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 4
def select_valid_filetypes():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select file_type
        from orders.valid_file_type;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 5
def select_company_product_candidates(order_id):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select sku, marketplace_sku, product_name
        from marketplace.msku_marketplace mmm
        join marketplace.msku_sku
        using (marketplace_sku)
        left join product.descriptions
        using (sku)
        where exists
        (select *
        from orders.market_orders
        where marketplace = mmm.marketplace
        and internal_order_id = %s::int)
        and not exists
        (select *
        from orders.market_order_skus
        where marketplace_sku = mmm.marketplace_sku
        and internal_order_id = %s::int)
        and not exists
        (select *
        from orders.shipto_marketplace_skus
        where marketplace_sku = mmm.marketplace_sku);
        """, [order_id, order_id])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 6
def select_valid_mskus():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select marketplace_sku
        from marketplace.msku_sku;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 7
def update_pickingloc_info(wh, plid, old_plname, new_plname, upc):
    if old_plname != new_plname:
        a = dcur.execute(
            select *
            from warehouse.picking_locations wpp
            where exists
            (select *
            from warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
            where picking_location_id = wpp.picking_location_id
            and warehouse_id = %s)
            and picking_location_name = %s;
            """, [wh, new_plname])
        a = dcur.fetchall()
        if a:
            return True

    a = dcur.execute(
        update warehouse.picking_locations
        set picking_location_name = %(plname)s,
        upc = %(upc)s::bigint
        where picking_location_id = %(plid)s::int;
        """, {"plname": new_plname,
              "upc": upc,
              "plid": plid})
Exemplo n.º 8
def insert_picking_location(d):
        a = dcur.execute(
            select *
            from warehouse.picking_locations wpp
            where exists
            (select *
            from warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
            where picking_location_id = wpp.picking_location_id
            and warehouse_id = %(wh)s)
            and picking_location_name = %(plname)s;
            """, d)
        a = dcur.fetchall()
        if a:
            return True

        if d["upc"] == "":
            d["upc"] = None
        a = dcur.execute(
            with new_plid (picking_location_id) as
                (insert into warehouse.picking_locations
                     (picking_location_name, upc)
                 values(%(plname)s, %(upc)s::bigint)
                 returning picking_location_id)
            insert into warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
                (warehouse_id, picking_location_id)
            select %(wh)s, picking_location_id
            from new_plid;
            """, d)
Exemplo n.º 9
def update_user(original_username, username, real_name, utype, urole):
    if original_username != username:
        a = dcur.execute(
            select user_name
            from users.users
            where user_name = %(username)s;
            """, {"username": username})
        a = dcur.fetchall()
        if a:
            return True

    if utype == "":
        utype = None

    a = dcur.execute(
        select users.update_user(%(original_username)s, 
        %(username)s, %(real_name)s, %(user_type)s, %(user_role)s);
        """, {
            "original_username": original_username,
            "username": username,
            "real_name": real_name,
            "user_type": utype,
            "user_role": urole
Exemplo n.º 10
def select_users():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select user_name, person_name, user_type, user_role
        from users.users;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 11
def insert_new_user(username, password, real_name, utype, urole):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select user_name
        from users.users
        where user_name = %(username)s;
        """, {"username": username})
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    if a:
        return True

    a = dcur.execute(
        insert into users.users (user_name, password, person_name,
                user_type, user_role)
        values (trim(%(user_name)s), %(password)s, 
        trim(%(person_name)s), trim(%(user_type)s), 
        """, {
            "user_name": username,
            "password": password,
            "person_name": real_name,
            "user_type": utype,
            "user_role": urole
Exemplo n.º 12
def select_valid_marketplaces():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select marketplace
        from marketplace.valid_markeplace;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 13
def sku_upcs():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select image
        from product.image_gallery
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 14
def insert_picking_location(d):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select warehouse_id, warehouse_name, picking_location_name
        from warehouse.warehouses
        join warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
        join warehouse.picking_locations
        where warehouse_id = %(wh)s
        and picking_location_name = %(picking-location)s;
        """, d)
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    if a:
        ploc = d["picking-location"]
        whname = a[0]["warehouse_name"]
        return "{0} already exists in {1} warehouse".format(ploc, whname)

        a = dcur.execute(
            with new_picking_location (new_location_id) as
	    (insert into warehouse.picking_locations
	    (picking_location_name, sku, qty)
	    values (%(picking-location)s, %(sku)s, %(upc)s::int)
	    returning picking_location_id
            insert into warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
	    (warehouse_id, picking_location_id)
            select %(wh)s, new_location_id
            from new_picking_location;
            """, d)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 15
def insert_picking_location(d):
    a = dcur.execute(
            select *
            from warehouse.picking_locations wpp
            where exists
            (select *
            from warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
            where picking_location_id = wpp.picking_location_id
            and warehouse_id = %(wh)s)
            and picking_location_name = %(plname)s;
            """, d)
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    if a:
        return True

    if d["upc"] == "":
        d["upc"] = None

    a = dcur.execute(
            with new_plid (picking_location_id) as
                (insert into warehouse.picking_locations
                     (picking_location_name, upc)
                 values(%(plname)s, %(upc)s::bigint)
                 returning picking_location_id)
            insert into warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
                (warehouse_id, picking_location_id)
            select %(wh)s, picking_location_id
            from new_plid;
            """, d)
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: users.py Projeto: dt1/itemhut
def insert_new_user(username, password, real_name,  utype, urole):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select user_name
        from users.users
        where user_name = %(username)s;
        """, {"username": username})
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    if a:
        return True

    a = dcur.execute(
        insert into users.users (user_name, password, person_name,
                user_type, user_role)
        values (trim(%(user_name)s), %(password)s, 
        trim(%(person_name)s), trim(%(user_type)s), 
        """, {"user_name": username,
              "password" :password,
              "person_name": real_name,
              "user_type": utype,
              "user_role": urole})
Exemplo n.º 17
def select_pallet_locations(wh):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select pallet_location_id, pallet_location_name, pallet_id,
        string_agg(sku || '/' || upc || ' cases(' || case_qty || ')', ';;'),
	string_agg(sku || '(' || (case_qty * piece_qty * box_qty)::varchar || ')', ';;')
        from warehouse.warehouses
        join warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        using (warehouse_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_locations
        using (pallet_location_id)
        left join warehouse.pallet_palletloc
        using (pallet_location_id)
        left join warehouse.pallet_case
        using (pallet_id)
	left join warehouse.case_box
        using (case_id)
        left join warehouse.boxes
        using (box_id)
        left join product.sku_upc
        using (upc)
        where warehouse_id = %s
        group by pallet_location_id, pallet_location_name, pallet_id
        order by pallet_location_id;
        """, [wh])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: tools.py Projeto: dt1/itemhut
def select_all_images():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select array_agg(sku) sku_list, image
        from product.image_gallery ig
        left join product.images im
        on (ig.image = im.main_image
        or ig.image = im.image_one
        or ig.image = im.image_two
        or ig.image = im.image_three
        or ig.image = im.image_four
        or ig.image = im.image_five
        or ig.image = im.image_six
        or ig.image = im.image_seven
        or ig.image = im.image_eight
        or ig.image = im.image_nine
        or ig.image = im.image_ten
        or ig.image = im.image_eleven
        or ig.image = im.image_twelve
        or ig.image = im.swatch_image)
        group by image
        order by image;       
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 19
def select_warehouse_types():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select warehouse_type
        from warehouse.valid_warehouse_types;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: users.py Projeto: dt1/itemhut
def update_user(original_username, username, real_name, utype,
    if original_username != username:
        a = dcur.execute(
            select user_name
            from users.users
            where user_name = %(username)s;
            """, {"username": username})
        a = dcur.fetchall()
        if a:
            return True

    if utype == "":
        utype = None

    a = dcur.execute(
        select users.update_user(%(original_username)s, 
        %(username)s, %(real_name)s, %(user_type)s, %(user_role)s);
        """, {"original_username": original_username,
              "username": username,
              "real_name": real_name,
              "user_type": utype,
              "user_role": urole})
Exemplo n.º 21
def sku_types():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select sku_type
        from product.sku_types;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 22
def add_contact(d):
    a = dcur.execute(
        with new_contact (contact_id) as
            (insert into company.contacts (contact_name,
                  contact_position, contact_phone, contact_phone2, 
             values (%(contact-name)s, %(position)s, %(phone-one)s, 
        %(phone-two)s, %(email)s)
             returning (company_contact_id))
        insert into company.company_contact (company_id, 
        select %(cid)s, contact_id
        from new_contact
        returning company_contact_id;
        """, d)
    a = dcur.fetchall()

    a = dcur.execute(

    return a
Exemplo n.º 23
def select_all_running_inventory():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select sku, upc, coalesce(total1, 0) + coalesce(total2, 0)
        (select sku, upc, qty total1
        from warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
        join warehouse.picking_locations
        using (picking_location_id)
        join product.sku_upc
        using (upc)) t1

	full join

        (select sku, upc, sum(box_qty * piece_qty * case_qty) total2
        from warehouse.warehouses
        join warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        using (warehouse_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_locations
        using (pallet_location_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_palletloc
        using (pallet_location_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_case
        using (pallet_id)
        join warehouse.case_box
        using (case_id)
        join warehouse.boxes
        using (box_id)
        join product.sku_upc
        using (upc)
        group by sku, upc) t2
        using (sku, upc);
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 24
def insert_pallet_location(wh, pl_name):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select *
        from warehouse.pallet_locations
        join warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        using (pallet_location_id)
        where pallet_location_name = trim(%(plname)s)
        and warehouse_id = %(wh)s;
        """, {"plname": pl_name,
              "wh": wh})
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    if a:
        return True

    a = dcur.execute(
        with new_loc (pallet_location_id) as
	    (insert into warehouse.pallet_locations
	     values (%(plname)s)
	     returning pallet_location_id
        insert into warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
                    (warehouse_id, pallet_location_id)
        select %(wh)s, pallet_location_id
        from new_loc;
        """, {"plname": pl_name,
              "wh": wh})
Exemplo n.º 25
def running_inventory(wh):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select sku, upc,
        sum(coalesce(box_qty * piece_qty * case_qty, 0)
            + coalesce(qty, 0))
        from warehouse.warehouses
        join warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        using (warehouse_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_locations
        using (pallet_location_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_palletloc
        using (pallet_location_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_case
        using (pallet_id)
        join warehouse.case_box
        using (case_id)
        join warehouse.boxes
        using (box_id)
        join product.sku_upc
        using (upc)
        right join warehouse.picking_locations
        using (upc)
        where warehouse_id = %s
        group by sku, upc;
        """, [wh])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 26
def select_all_running_inventory():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select sku, upc, coalesce(total1, 0) + coalesce(total2, 0)
        (select sku, upc, qty total1
        from warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
        join warehouse.picking_locations
        using (picking_location_id)
        join product.sku_upc
        using (upc)) t1

	full join

        (select sku, upc, sum(box_qty * piece_qty * case_qty) total2
        from warehouse.warehouses
        join warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        using (warehouse_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_locations
        using (pallet_location_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_palletloc
        using (pallet_location_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_case
        using (pallet_id)
        join warehouse.case_box
        using (case_id)
        join warehouse.boxes
        using (box_id)
        join product.sku_upc
        using (upc)
        group by sku, upc) t2
        using (sku, upc);
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 27
def generate_pallet_id(wh):
    a = dcur.execute(
        with new_pl (pallet_location_id) as
	      (insert into warehouse.pallet_locations
	       values ('staged')
	       returning pallet_location_id)
             new_pallet (pallet_id) as
	       (insert into warehouse.pallets (pallet_id)
		values (default)
	        returning pallet_id)
              new_wh_palletloc as
                (insert into warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
		     (warehouse_id, pallet_location_id)
	         select %s, pallet_location_id
	         from new_pl)
        insert into warehouse.pallet_palletloc
             (pallet_location_id, pallet_id)
        select pallet_location_id, pallet_id
        from new_pl, new_pallet
        returning pallet_id;
        """, [wh])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    a = dcur.execute(
    return a
Exemplo n.º 28
def select_pallet_locations(wh):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select pallet_location_id, pallet_location_name, pallet_id,
        string_agg(sku || '/' || upc || ' cases(' || case_qty || ')', ';;'),
	string_agg(sku || '(' || (case_qty * piece_qty * box_qty)::varchar || ')', ';;')
        from warehouse.warehouses
        join warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        using (warehouse_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_locations
        using (pallet_location_id)
        left join warehouse.pallet_palletloc
        using (pallet_location_id)
        left join warehouse.pallet_case
        using (pallet_id)
	left join warehouse.case_box
        using (case_id)
        left join warehouse.boxes
        using (box_id)
        left join product.sku_upc
        using (upc)
        where warehouse_id = %s
        group by pallet_location_id, pallet_location_name, pallet_id
        order by pallet_location_id;
        """, [wh])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 29
def insert_picking_location(d):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select warehouse_id, warehouse_name, picking_location_name
        from warehouse.warehouses
        join warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
        join warehouse.picking_locations
        where warehouse_id = %(wh)s
        and picking_location_name = %(picking-location)s;
        """, d)
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    if a:
        ploc = d["picking-location"]
        whname = a[0]["warehouse_name"]
        return "{0} already exists in {1} warehouse".format(ploc, whname)

        a = dcur.execute(
            with new_picking_location (new_location_id) as
	    (insert into warehouse.picking_locations
	    (picking_location_name, sku, qty)
	    values (%(picking-location)s, %(sku)s, %(upc)s::int)
	    returning picking_location_id
            insert into warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
	    (warehouse_id, picking_location_id)
            select %(wh)s, new_location_id
            from new_picking_location;
            """, d)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 30
def update_palletloc_name(plid, pl_name, wh):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select *
        from warehouse.pallet_locations
        join warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        using (pallet_location_id)
        where pallet_location_name = trim(%(plname)s)
        and warehouse_id = %(wh)s;
        """, {
            "plname": pl_name,
            "wh": wh
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    if a:
        return True

    a = dcur.execute(
        update warehouse.pallet_locations
        set pallet_location_name = %(plname)s
        where pallet_location_id = %s(plid)::int;
        """, {
            "plname": pl_name,
            "plid": plid
Exemplo n.º 31
def select_valid_usertypes():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select user_type
        from users.valid_user_types;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 32
def running_inventory(wh):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select sku, upc,
        sum(coalesce(box_qty * piece_qty * case_qty, 0)
            + coalesce(qty, 0))
        from warehouse.warehouses
        join warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        using (warehouse_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_locations
        using (pallet_location_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_palletloc
        using (pallet_location_id)
        join warehouse.pallet_case
        using (pallet_id)
        join warehouse.case_box
        using (case_id)
        join warehouse.boxes
        using (box_id)
        join product.sku_upc
        using (upc)
        right join warehouse.picking_locations
        using (upc)
        where warehouse_id = %s
        group by sku, upc;
        """, [wh])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 33
def update_pickingloc_info(wh, plid, old_plname, new_plname, upc):
    if old_plname != new_plname:
        a = dcur.execute(
            select *
            from warehouse.picking_locations wpp
            where exists
            (select *
            from warehouse.warehouse_picking_loc
            where picking_location_id = wpp.picking_location_id
            and warehouse_id = %s)
            and picking_location_name = %s;
            """, [wh, new_plname])
        a = dcur.fetchall()
        if a:
            return True

    a = dcur.execute(
        update warehouse.picking_locations
        set picking_location_name = %(plname)s,
        upc = %(upc)s::bigint
        where picking_location_id = %(plid)s::int;
        """, {
            "plname": new_plname,
            "upc": upc,
            "plid": plid
Exemplo n.º 34
def generate_pallet_id(wh):
    a = dcur.execute(
        with new_pl (pallet_location_id) as
	      (insert into warehouse.pallet_locations
	       values ('staged')
	       returning pallet_location_id)
             new_pallet (pallet_id) as
	       (insert into warehouse.pallets (pallet_id)
		values (default)
	        returning pallet_id)
              new_wh_palletloc as
                (insert into warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
		     (warehouse_id, pallet_location_id)
	         select %s, pallet_location_id
	         from new_pl)
        insert into warehouse.pallet_palletloc
             (pallet_location_id, pallet_id)
        select pallet_location_id, pallet_id
        from new_pl, new_pallet
        returning pallet_id;
        """, [wh])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    a = dcur.execute("""
    return a
Exemplo n.º 35
def insert_pallet_location(wh, pl_name):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select *
        from warehouse.pallet_locations
        join warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        using (pallet_location_id)
        where pallet_location_name = trim(%(plname)s)
        and warehouse_id = %(wh)s;
        """, {
            "plname": pl_name,
            "wh": wh
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    if a:
        return True

    a = dcur.execute(
        with new_loc (pallet_location_id) as
	    (insert into warehouse.pallet_locations
	     values (%(plname)s)
	     returning pallet_location_id
        insert into warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
                    (warehouse_id, pallet_location_id)
        select %(wh)s, pallet_location_id
        from new_loc;
        """, {
            "plname": pl_name,
            "wh": wh
Exemplo n.º 36
def sku_upcs():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select image
        from product.image_gallery
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 37
def select_image_gallery():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select image
        from product.image_gallery
        order by image;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 38
def select_all_incoming_orders():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select incoming_order_id, invoice, vendor_id, order_date,
        eta, completed
        from incoming.orders
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 39
def sku_types():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select sku_type
        from product.sku_types;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 40
Arquivo: users.py Projeto: dt1/itemhut
def select_valid_usertypes():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select user_type
        from users.valid_user_types;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 41
def select_salesteam_list():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select user_name, person_name
        from users.users
        where user_type = 'sales';
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 42
Arquivo: users.py Projeto: dt1/itemhut
def select_users():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select user_name, person_name, user_type, user_role
        from users.users;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 43
def get_amazon_valid_arrays(schema_name, table_name):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select *
        from {0}.{1};
        """.format(schema_name, table_name))
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 44
def select_valid_roles():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select user_role
        from users.valid_user_roles
        where user_role <> 'original admin';
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 45
def valid_warehouses():
    a = dcur.execute("""
        select warehouse_id, warehouse_name, warehouse_type
        from warehouse.warehouses
        order by warehouse_name;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 46
def select_sku_kits(sku):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select child_sku, child_sku_qty
        from product.kits
        where master_sku = %s;
        """, [sku])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 47
def select_image_gallery():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select image
        from product.image_gallery
        order by image;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 48
Arquivo: users.py Projeto: dt1/itemhut
def select_valid_roles():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select user_role
        from users.valid_user_roles
        where user_role <> 'original admin';
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 49
Arquivo: users.py Projeto: dt1/itemhut
def select_user_info(uid):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select user_name, person_name, user_type, user_role
        from users.users
        where user_name = %(user_id)s;
        """, {"user_id" : uid})
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 50
def select_palletloc_name(plid):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select pallet_location_name
        from warehouse.pallet_locations
        where pallet_location_id = %(plid)s::int;
        """, {"plid": plid})
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 51
Arquivo: login.py Projeto: dt1/itemhut
def select_user_password_role(username):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select password, user_role
        from users.users
        where user_name = %(username)s;
        """, {"username": username})
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 52
def select_picking_location_info(pid):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select picking_location_name, upc, qty
        from warehouse.picking_locations
        where picking_location_id = %s::int;
        """, [pid])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 53
def valid_warehouses():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select warehouse_id, warehouse_name, warehouse_type
        from warehouse.warehouses
        order by warehouse_name;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 54
def select_vendor_contact_info(contact_id):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select contact_id, name, title, phone, alt_phone, email
        from vendor.contacts
        where contact_id = %s;
        """, [contact_id])
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 55
def get_upcs():
    a = dcur.execute(
        select upc
        from product.sku_upc
        where upc is not null;
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    res = [i[0] for i in a]
    return res
Exemplo n.º 56
def select_contact(cnid):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select company_contact_id, contact_name, contact_position, 
        contact_phone, contact_phone2, contact_email
        from company.contacts
        where company_contact_id = %(cnid)s::int;
        """, {"cnid": cnid})
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a
Exemplo n.º 57
def select_palletlocs_list(wh):
    a = dcur.execute(
        select pallet_location_id, pallet_location_name
        from warehouse.warehouse_pallet_loc
        join warehouse.pallet_locations
        using (pallet_location_id)
        where warehouse_id = %(wh_id)s;
        """, {"wh_id": wh})
    a = dcur.fetchall()
    return a