def main(): st.sidebar.image(logo, use_column_width=True) page = st.sidebar.selectbox("Escolha uma Análise", [ HOME, MODELS, DATA, PAGE_CASE_DEATH_NUMBER_BR, CUM_DEATH_CART, PAGE_GLOBAL_CASES, MAPA, CREDITOS ]) if page == HOME: st.header("Analisando a Pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil") st.markdown( """Neste site buscamos trazer até você os números da epidemia, a medida que se revelam, mas também um olhar analítico, capaz de desvelar a dinâmica do processo de transmissão do vírus SARS-Cov-2 por meio de modelos matemáticos, análises estatísticas e visualização de informação. Pelo *painel à esquerda* você pode ***navegar entre nossas análises***, as quais estaremos atualizando constantemente daqui para frente. ## Outros Recursos de Interesse Vamos compilar aqui também outras fontes de informação de confiança para que você possa se manter atualizado com os últimos resultados científicos sobre a Pandemia. * Canal [A Matemática das Epidemias]( * Grupo MAVE: [Métodos Analíticos em Vigilância Epidemiológica]( ## Fontes de Dados As sguintes fontes de dados foram usadas neste projeto: * []( Dados de incidência e mortalidade no Brasil * [Johns Hopkins CSSE]( Dados de incidência e mortalidade globais. ## Softwares opensource Várias bibliotecas opensource foram utilizadas na construção deste dashboard: * [Streamlit]( Web framework voltada para ciência de dados. * [Epimodels]( Biblioteca de modelos matemáticos para simulação de epidemias. """) data = dashboard_data.get_data() elif page == MODELS: st.title("Explore a dinâmica da COVID-19") st.sidebar.markdown("### Parâmetros do modelo") chi = st.sidebar.slider('χ, Fração de quarentenados', 0.0, 1.0, 0.76) phi = st.sidebar.slider('φ, Taxa de Hospitalização', 0.0, 0.5, 0.005) beta = st.sidebar.slider('β, Taxa de transmissão', 0.0, 1.0, 0.6) rho = st.sidebar.slider('ρ, Taxa de alta dos hospitalizados:', 0.0, 1.0, 0.12) delta = st.sidebar.slider('δ, Taxa de recuperação de Sintomáticos:', 0.0, 1.0, 0.1) gamma = st.sidebar.slider('γ, Taxa de recuperação de Assintomáticos:', 0.0, 1.0, 0.05) alpha = st.sidebar.slider('α, Taxa de incubação', 0.0, 10.0, .37) mu = st.sidebar.slider('μ, Taxa de mortalidade pela COVID-19', 0.0, 1.0, .01) p = st.slider('Fração de assintomáticos:', 0.0, 1.0, 0.63) q = st.slider('Dia de início da Quarentena:', 1, 165, 35) r = st.slider('duração em dias da Quarentena:', 0, 200, 80) N = st.number_input('População em Risco:', value=102.3e6, max_value=200e6, step=1e6) st.markdown( f"""$R_0={(beta * (1-chi)*(p*(phi+delta)+(1-p)*gamma)) / (gamma*(delta+phi)):.2f}$, durante a quarentena.   $R_0={(beta * (1-0)*(p*(phi+delta)+(1-p)*gamma)) / (gamma*(delta+phi)):.2f}$, fora da quarentena.""" ) params = { 'chi': chi, 'phi': phi, 'beta': beta, 'rho': rho, 'delta': delta, 'gamma': gamma, 'alpha': alpha, 'mu': mu, 'p': p, 'q': q, 'r': r } traces = pd.DataFrame(data=seqiahr_model(params=params)).rename( columns=COLUMNS) final_traces = dashboard_models.prepare_model_data( traces, VARIABLES, COLUMNS, N) # Dataframes Hospitalizacoes = traces['Hospitalizações Acumuladas'] Hosp_t = traces['Hospitalizados'] Mortes = traces['Mortes Acumuladas'] Infectados = traces['Infectados'] Recuperados = traces['Recuperados'] # Valores pico_infectados = Infectados.iloc[Infectados.idxmax()] pico_hosp = Hosp_t.iloc[Hosp_t.idxmax()] pico_mortes = Mortes.iloc[Mortes.diff().idxmax()] Hospitalizacoes_totais = Hospitalizacoes.iloc[-1] mortes_totais = Mortes.iloc[-1] inf_tot = N - Recuperados.iloc[-1] - mortes_totais stats = pd.DataFrame(data={ 'Pico': [ hp.intword(pico_infectados * N), hp.intword(pico_hosp * N), hp.intword(pico_mortes * N) ], 'Total': [ hp.intword(inf_tot), hp.intword(Hospitalizacoes_totais * N), hp.intword(mortes_totais * N) ] }, index=['Infecções', 'Hospitalizações', 'Mortes']) st.markdown(f"""### Números importantes da simulação""") st.dataframe(stats) st.markdown( f"""O pico das hospitalizações ocorrerá após {Hosp_t.idxmax()} dias""" ) st.markdown( f"""O pico das Mortes ocorrerá após {Mortes.diff().idxmax()} dias""" ) dashboard_models.plot_model(final_traces, q, r) st.markdown('''### Comparando Projeções e Dados Podemos agora comparar nossa série simulada de Hospitalizações acumuladas com o número de casos acumulados de notificações oficiais. ''') ofs = st.number_input("Atraso no início da notificação (dias)", value=0, min_value=0, max_value=90, step=1) st.markdown( 'Na caixa acima, você pode mover lateralmente a curva, Assumindo que os primeiro caso ' 'notificado não corresponde ao início da transmissão') dashboard_models.plot_predictions(ofs, final_traces, dias=365) st.markdown('### Formulação do modelo') st.write(r""" $\frac{dS}{dt}=-\lambda[(1-\chi) S]$ $\frac{dE}{dt}= \lambda [(1-\chi) S] -\alpha E$ $\frac{dI}{dt}= (1-p)\alpha E - \delta I -\phi I$ $\frac{dA}{dt}= p\alpha E - \gamma A$ $\frac{dH}{dt}= \phi I -(\rho+\mu) H$ $\frac{dR}{dt}= \delta I + \rho H+\gamma A$ $\lambda=\beta(I+A)$ $\mathcal{R}_0 = \frac{\beta(1-\chi)( p (\phi + \delta) +(1-p)\gamma)}{\gamma(\delta + \phi)}$ """) elif page == DATA: st.title('Probabilidade de Epidemia por Município ao Longo do tempo') @st.cache def read_video(): with open('dashboard/video_prob.mp4', 'rb') as v: video = return video st.markdown(r'''## Descrição da modelagem: Os municípios brasileiros são conectados por uma malha de transporte muito bem desenvolvida e através desta, cidadãs e cidadãos viajam diariamente entre as cidades para trabalhar, estudar e realizar outras atividades. Considerando o fluxo de indivíduos (infectados) que chega em um município em um determinado dia, caso este município ainda não estejam em transmissão comunitária, podemos calcular a probabilidade de uma epidemia se estabelecer. Esta probabilidade é dada por esta fórmula: $$P_{epi}=1-\left(\frac{1}{R_0}\right)^{I_0}$$, onde $I_0$ é o número de infectados chegando diáriamente no município. Neste cenário usamos um $R_0=2.5$. ''') elif page == PAGE_CASE_DEATH_NUMBER_BR: st.title(PAGE_CASE_DEATH_NUMBER_BR) x_variable = "date" y_variable = "Casos Confirmados" y_variable2 = "Mortes Acumuladas" data = dashboard_data.get_data() ufs = sorted(list(data.state.drop_duplicates().values)) uf_option = st.multiselect("Selecione o Estado", ufs) city_options = None if uf_option: cities = dashboard_data.get_city_list(data, uf_option) city_options = st.multiselect("Selecione os Municípios", cities) is_log = st.checkbox('Escala Logarítmica', value=False) region_name, data_uf_confirmed = dashboard_data.get_data_uf( data, uf_option, city_options, y_variable) region_name, data_uf_deaths = dashboard_data.get_data_uf( data, uf_option, city_options, y_variable2) figure = dashboard_data.plot_series(data_uf_confirmed, x_variable, y_variable, region_name, is_log) figure = dashboard_data.add_series(figure, data_uf_deaths, x_variable, y_variable2, region_name, is_log) st.plotly_chart(figure) st.markdown( "**Fonte**: [](") st.markdown(r"""## Evolução da Letalidade por Estado Brasileiro No gráfico abaixo, podemos ver como a letalidade(Fração dos casos confirmados que foi a óbito) está evoluindo com o tempo em cada estado. É importante lembrar que estes números não representam todas as mortes por COVID-19 no país, pois apenas as mortes de casos testados e confirmados são efetivamente contadas como mortes oficiais pela COVID-19. Devido à escassez de testes e recomendações sobre quem deve ser testado, existe um viés nestas estimativas. Na figura abaixo o eixo vertical representa a letalidade: $\frac{mortes}{casos}$, o eixo Horizontal representa o número total de casos. O tamanho dos círculos representa o número total de mortes em cada estado. Este gráfico é mais fácil de ser estudado em tela cheia. clicando na legenda é possível "ligar" e "desligar" a visualização dos estados individualmente, para facilitar a visualização dos demais. Passando o mouse por sobre os circulos, podemos ler os valores da letalidade e da data a que corresponde. """) dashboard_data.plot_scatter_CFR(data) st.markdown('''## Excesso de Mortes por Estado Abaixo, exploramos o excesso de mortalidade nos estados que a COVID-19 representa, quando comparada à média dos últimos 10 anos de mortes por doenças respiratórias. ''') uf_option2 = st.selectbox("Selecione o Estado", ufs) viral = st.checkbox( "Apenas Mortalidade por pneumonia viral? Desmarque para comparar com o total de mortes respiratórias", value=True) dashboard_data.plot_excess_deaths(data, uf_option2, viral) elif page == CUM_DEATH_CART: st.title(CUM_DEATH_CART) x_variable = "date" y_variable = "deaths_covid19" y_variable2 = "Mortes Acumuladas" data = dashboard_data.get_data_from_source( dashboard_data.BRASIL_IO_CART, usecols=None, rename_cols=None) data2 = dashboard_data.get_data() ufs = sorted(list(data.state.drop_duplicates().values)) uf_option = st.multiselect("Selecione o Estado", ufs) is_log = st.checkbox('Escala Logarítmica', value=False) city_options = None # get data region_name, data_uf = dashboard_data.get_data_cart( data, uf_option, y_variable) region_name, data_uf_deaths = dashboard_data.get_data_uf( data2, uf_option, city_options, y_variable2) # Plota mortes dos cartorios fig = dashboard_data.plot_series( data_uf, x_variable, y_variable, region_name, is_log, label='Mortes registradas em Cartório') fig = dashboard_data.add_series(fig, data_uf_deaths, x_variable, y_variable2, region_name, is_log, "Mortes Oficiais") st.plotly_chart(fig) st.markdown( "**Fonte**: [](" ) elif page == MAPA: # Precisa refatorar st.title("Distribuição Geográfica de Casos") cases = dashboard_data.get_data() estados = dashboard_data.load_lat_long() estados['casos'] = 0 cases = cases[cases.place_type != 'state'].groupby(['date', 'state']).sum() cases.reset_index(inplace=True) for i, row in estados.iterrows(): if row.Estados in list(cases.state): estados.loc[estados.Estados == row.Estados, 'casos'] += \ cases[(cases.state == row.Estados) & (cases.is_last)]['Casos Confirmados'].iloc[0] midpoint = (np.average(estados["Latitude"]), np.average(estados["Longitude"])) layer = pdk.Layer("ColumnLayer", data=estados, get_position=["Longitude", "Latitude"], get_elevation=['casos'], auto_highlight=True, radius=50000, elevation_scale=300, get_color=[100, 255, 100, 255], pickable=True, extruded=True, coverage=1) view_state = pdk.ViewState( longitude=midpoint[1], latitude=midpoint[0], zoom=3, pitch=20., ) mapbox_style = 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9' mapbox_key = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiZmNjb2VsaG8iLCJhIjoiY2s4c293dzc3MGJodzNmcGEweTgxdGpudyJ9.UmSRs3e4EqTOte6jYWoaxg' st.write( pdk.Deck( map_style=mapbox_style, mapbox_key=mapbox_key, initial_view_state=view_state, layers=[layer], tooltip={ "html": "<b>Estado:</b> {Estados}<br><b>Número de casos:</b> {casos}", "style": { "color": "white" } }, )) st.markdown( "**Fonte**: [](") elif page == PAGE_GLOBAL_CASES: st.title(PAGE_GLOBAL_CASES) x_variable = "Data" y_variable = "Casos" global_cases = dashboard_data.get_global_cases() \ .drop(["Province/State", "Lat", "Long"], axis="columns") melted_global_cases = pd.melt(global_cases, id_vars=["País/Região"], var_name=x_variable, value_name=y_variable) melted_global_cases["Data"] = pd.to_datetime( melted_global_cases["Data"]) countries = dashboard_data.get_countries_list(melted_global_cases) countries_options = st.multiselect("Selecione os Países", countries) region_name, countries_data = dashboard_data.get_countries_data( melted_global_cases, countries_options) is_log = st.checkbox('Escala Logarítmica', value=False) fig = dashboard_data.plot_series(countries_data, x_variable, y_variable, region_name, is_log) st.plotly_chart(fig) st.markdown( "**Fonte**: [Johns Hopkins CSSE](" ) elif page == CREDITOS: st.markdown(open('dashboard/', 'r').read())
df = pd.read_json(S2_LAYER_DATA) # Define a layer to display on a map layer = pdk.Layer( "S2Layer", df, pickable=True, wireframe=False, filled=True, extruded=True, elevation_scale=1000, getS2Token="token", get_fill_color="[value * 255, (1 - value) * 255, (1 - value) * 128]", get_elevation="value", ) # Set the viewport location view_state = pdk.ViewState(latitude=37.7749295, longitude=-122.4194155, zoom=11, bearing=0, pitch=45) # Render r = pdk.Deck( layers=[layer], initial_view_state=view_state, tooltip={"text": "{token} value: {value}"}, ) r.to_html("s2_layer.html")
return z df_line['coordinates'] = coordinate_dummy df_line['color'] = df_line['line_name'].apply(make_color) df_line['weight'] = df_line['line_name'].apply(take_weight) #Render line_layer = pdk.Layer( 'PathLayer', df_line, get_path='coordinates', get_width='weight', get_color='[color[0],color[1],color[2]]', ) point_layer = pdk.Layer('ScatterplotLayer', df_merge, get_position='[X좌표,Y좌표]', get_radius=20, get_fill_color='[255,255,255]', pickable=True, auto_highlight=True) center = [126.9825876, 37.5377887] view_state = pdk.ViewState(longitude=center[0], latitude=center[1], zoom=10) r = pdk.Deck(layers=[line_layer, point_layer], initial_view_state=view_state) r.to_html("bus_line_data_visulation.html")
""" BitmapLayer =========== A 1906 Britton & Rey's map of San Francisco's 1906 fire, overlaid on an interactive map of San Francisco. """ import pydeck # Map of San Francisco from 1906 IMG_URL = '""' BOUNDS = [ [-122.52690000000051, 37.70313158980733], [-122.52690000000051, 37.816395657523195], [-122.34604834372873, 37.816134829424335], [-122.34656848822227, 37.70339041384273], ] bitmap_layer = pydeck.Layer("BitmapLayer", data=None, image=IMG_URL, bounds=BOUNDS, opacity=0.7) view_state = pydeck.ViewState(latitude=37.7576171, longitude=-122.5776844, zoom=10, bearing=-45, pitch=60,) r = pydeck.Deck(bitmap_layer, initial_view_state=view_state, map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9",) r.to_html("bitmap_layer.html", notebook_display=False)
pdk.Layer( "HeatmapLayer", data=data, opacity=0.9, get_position=["lon", "lat"], aggregation=pdk.types.String("MEAN"), color_range=[[240, 249, 232], [204, 235, 197], [168, 221, 181], [123, 204, 196], [67, 162, 202], [8, 104, 172]], threshold=1, pickable=True, ) ], initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState(latitude=40.720589, longitude=-73.856084, zoom=8, min_zoom=5, max_zoom=15, pitch=40.5, bearing=-27.36), tooltip={"text": "Concetration of pickups"})) #slider st.subheader('Map of pickups by hour') hour_filter = st.slider('Select hour', 0, 23, 17) #mapa layer = pdk.Layer( "GridLayer", data[data['date/time'].dt.hour == hour_filter][['lon', 'lat']].dropna(), pickable=True, extruded=True, cell_size=200,
def sl(): b ="Select Batch:", ["First Batch", "Second Batch"]) if b == "First Batch": b = "F" else: b = "S" try: for x in range(0, 10, 1): dfd1 = pd.read_csv("{}Bdetails-{}.csv".format(b, x)) dfm1 = pd.read_csv(f"{b}BdelivMap-{x}.csv") #dfm2=pd.read_csv(f"SBdelivMap-{x}.csv") #print(dfd1,dfd2,dfm1,dfm2) print(dfd1) for index, a in dfd1.iterrows(): for index2, y in enumerate(a): if index2 == 1: print(y, index2) if index == 0: st.write(f"Route #{a[index2]}") if index == 1: st.write(f"Total cost: ${a[index2]}") if index == 2: st.write("Total hours: {}".format(a[index2])) if index == 3: st.write("Route: {}".format(a[index2])) df = dfm1 view = pdk.ViewState(latitude=df["from_lat"].mean(), longitude=df["from_lon"].mean(), pitch=20, zoom=9) arc_layer = pdk.Layer("ArcLayer", data=df, get_source_position=["from_lon", "from_lat"], get_target_position=["to_lon", "to_lat"], get_width=5, get_tilt=15, get_source_color=[255, 165, 0, 80], get_target_color=[128, 0, 128, 80]) column_layer = pdk.Layer( "ColumnLayer", data=df, get_position=["from_lon", "from_lat"], get_elevation="Cases", elevation_scale=2, radius=250, pickable=True, auto_highlight=True, ) tooltip = { "html": "<b>{Name}</b> Rev: <b>${Rev}</b> Cases:{Cases} Flavors: Celebrate-{Cel} Dream-{Dre} Achieve:{Ach}", "style": { "background": "grey", "color": "white", "font-family": '"Helvetica Neue", Arial', "z-index": "10000" } } arc_layer_map = pdk.Deck( map_style='mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10', layers=[arc_layer, column_layer], initial_view_state=view, mapbox_key=mbapi, tooltip=tooltip) arc_layer_map.to_html("First_Batch_Sales_Map.html") data = df.to_dict() print(data) st.pydeck_chart(arc_layer_map) except: pass
def clustercentroids(): kmeans=load('modelos/clustering.joblib') df1,_=obtencionCoords() df1.columns=["Lat","Lon"] df1cpy=df1.iloc[:,[0,1]] y_pred= kmeans.predict(df1.iloc[:,0:2].values) plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) df1['pred_class']=y_pred colores=["yellowgreen","teal","purple","blue"] for c, samples in df1.groupby("pred_class"):#clase 0 todas las de la clase cero, clase 1, la c es una agrupacion plt.scatter(x=samples.iloc[:,0],y=samples.iloc[:,1],label="Numero de nodo: "+str(c+1),c=colores[c])#estoy seleccionando la columna comleta de dos plt.legend() plt.grid(True)#con cuadricula listc=list() C = kmeans.cluster_centers_ #el modelo ya me calcula los centoides de los datos plt.scatter(C[:, 0], C[:, 1], marker='*', s=500,c=colores) for i in range(kmeans.n_clusters): listc.append([C[i,0],C[i,1]]) dfc=pd.DataFrame(listc,columns=["lat","lon"])#se guardan latitudes y longitudes, sustituyendo a df2 #print(listc) layers2= pdk.Layer( 'ScatterplotLayer',#puntos, es para emergencias data=df1cpy,#aqui obtengo datos de lat y lon get_position='[Lon, Lat]', get_color='[100, 230, 0, 160]', get_radius=2, ) layers1= pdk.Layer( 'HexagonLayer',#puntos en forma de hexagono, es para nodos data=dfc,#aqui obtengo datos de lat y lon get_position='[lon, lat]', radius=3, elevation_scale=4, elevation_range=[0, 10], pickable=True, extruded=True, auto_highlight=True, coverage=1 ) view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=20.63494981128319,#lat y lon inicial longitude=-103.40648023281342, zoom=16, pitch=40.5, bearing=-27.36 ) # Render #print(df1cpy) r = pdk.Deck(layers=[layers1,layers2], initial_view_state=view_state) r.to_html('templates/centroides.html') #plt.imshow(background, alpha = 0.15) plt.savefig("centroides.png") plt.clf() plt.close() dfi.export(dfc,"coordenadascentroides.png") return render_template('centroides.html')
layer = pdk.Layer( "GreatCircleLayer", df, pickable=True, get_stroke_width=12, get_source_position="from.coordinates", get_target_position="to.coordinates", get_source_color=[64, 255, 0], get_target_color=[0, 128, 200], auto_highlight=True, ) # Set the viewport location view_state = pdk.ViewState(latitude=50, longitude=-40, zoom=1, bearing=0, pitch=0) # Render r = pdk.Deck( layers=[layer], initial_view_state=view_state, ) r.picking_radius = 10 app = dash.Dash(__name__) app.layout = html.Div( dash_deck.DeckGL( r.to_json(),
def testPyDeckMap(self, longitude=-0.1252, latitude=51.5315): rows = st.slider('Number of data points', min_value=10000, max_value=50000, step=5000, value=10000, key=2) spread = st.slider('Spread', min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, step=0.01, value=0.25, key=2) spread /= 10 # randn generates a standard normal distribution array of shape (D0, D1, . Dn) with mean=0 and sd=1 # randn(1000, 2) generates a 1000 rows x 2 cols array of normally distributed data points df_map = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(rows, 2) * [spread, spread] + [longitude, latitude], columns=['longitude', 'latitude']) COLOUR_RANGE = [[29, 53, 87], [69, 123, 157], [168, 218, 220], [241, 250, 238], [239, 35, 60], [217, 4, 41]] test_success_outcome = False try: # HexagonLayer bins its data points within each hex shape bucket st.pydeck_chart( pdk.Deck( map_style='mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9', initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState(latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, zoom=10, pitch=55), layers=[ pdk.Layer(type='HexagonLayer', data=df_map, color_range=COLOUR_RANGE, get_position=['longitude', 'latitude'], radius=200, elevation_scale=4, elevation_range=[0, 1000], pickable=True, extruded=True, opacity=0.8, stroked=False, filled=True), pdk.Layer(type='ScatterplotLayer', data=df_map, get_position=['longitude', 'latitude'], get_color=[0, 121, 63, 160], get_radius=200), ], )) test_success_outcome = True except: st.warning('Can\'t display map with supplied settings') st.write('First Longitude = %.4f, First Latitude = %.4f' % (df_map['longitude'].iloc[0], df_map['latitude'].iloc[0])) self.assertTrue(test_success_outcome == True)
st.write( f"The {option_nn} neighbours for {map_data.geography_name[0]} {option_gra} " + f"are: {other_neighbours} and {map_data.geography_name[n_neighbours]}." + f" {noise_warning}") st.write(f"The features to find the neighbours are {list(cols_for_metric)}.") # %% ### Making the plots st.pydeck_chart( pdk.Deck( map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=np.median(map_data.lati), longitude=np.median(map_data.long), zoom=5, pitch=5, ), layers=[ pdk.Layer( "ScatterplotLayer", data=map_data, get_position=["long", "lati"], get_color=[f"lati =={map_data.lati[0]}? 255: 0", 30, 200, 150], # auto_highlight=True, get_radius=3000, # seems not to scale automatically # pickable=True ), ], ))
def show_map(data, stat, region=None, date=None): st.header('Color maps') if not date: date = max([max(data[key]['Date']) for key in data.keys()]) # Custom color scale ( -> Sequential Single-Hue) breaks = [.0, .2, .4, .6, .8, 1] color_range = [ # 6-class Blues [255, 255, 255], [198, 219, 239], [158, 202, 225], [107, 174, 214], [49, 130, 189], [8, 81, 156], # # 6-class Purples (For reference) # [242,240,247], # [218,218,235], # [188,189,220], # [158,154,200], # [117,107,177], # [84,39,143], ] def color_scale(val): for i, b in enumerate(breaks): if val <= b: return color_range[i] return color_range[i] def elevation_scale(val, scale): for i, b in enumerate(breaks): if val <= b: return i * scale def set_nan(val): if np.isnan(val): return -1 else: return val stat_text = { 'infections': ['Infections', 'Casualties'], 'vaccines': ['Administered', 'Fully Vaccinated'] } for key, stat_key in stat.items(): if key == 'infections': st.subheader('Infections') elif key == 'vaccines': st.subheader('Vaccines') st.write( f'* Color depths: {stat_text[key][0]} \n* Elevation: {stat_text[key][1]}' ) stat_tot = sum(['Tot' in stat_keys for stat_keys in stat_key]) # Load in the JSON data if region and region != 'Worldwide' and stat_tot == 0: src_geo = 'data/geojson/' + region + '.json' else: src_geo = 'data/geojson/countries.json' json_geo = pd.read_json(src_geo) df = pd.DataFrame() # Parse the geometry out in Pandas df["coordinates"] = json_geo["features"].apply( lambda row: row["geometry"]["coordinates"]) df["name"] = json_geo["features"].apply( lambda row: row["properties"]["name"]) df["adm0_a3"] = json_geo["features"].apply( lambda row: row["properties"]["adm0_a3"]) df["admin"] = json_geo["features"].apply( lambda row: row["properties"]["admin"]) df['param'] = f"{str.title(key)} {sorted(set(val[1] for val in read_columns[key].values() if val[0] in stat_key))[0]}" df['stat_text0'] = stat_text[key][0] df['stat_text1'] = stat_text[key][1] stat_key = [ stat_keys[1:] if stat_keys[0] == 'r' else stat_keys for stat_keys in stat_key ] filtered_data = data[key].loc[ data[key]['Date'] == date, ['adm0_a3', 'Province/State', 'lat', 'lon'] + stat_key] if not region or region == 'Worldwide' or stat_tot > 0: filtered_data = filtered_data.groupby( ['adm0_a3'])[['lat', 'lon'] + stat_key].mean() df = pd.merge(df, filtered_data, how='inner', left_on=['adm0_a3'], right_on=['adm0_a3']) df['name'] = 'N/A' if region and region != 'Worldwide': zoom = 3 else: zoom = 1 else: filtered_data = filtered_data.loc[ filtered_data['adm0_a3'] == region, ['adm0_a3', 'Province/State', 'lat', 'lon'] + stat_key] df = pd.merge(df, filtered_data, how='inner', left_on=['name', 'adm0_a3'], right_on=['Province/State', 'adm0_a3']) zoom = 3 # Moved to # df.loc[df[stat_keys[0]]<0,stat_keys[0]] = 0 # df.loc[df[stat_keys[1]]<0,stat_keys[1]] = 0 # df[stat_keys[0]] = df[stat_keys[0]].apply(set_nan) # df[stat_keys[1]] = df[stat_keys[1]].apply(set_nan) df['fill_color'] = (df[stat_key[0]] / df[stat_key[0]].max()).replace( np.nan, 0).apply(color_scale) df['elevation'] = (df[stat_key[1]] / df[stat_key[1]].max()).replace( np.nan, 0).apply(lambda x: elevation_scale(x, 1e4)) df.rename(columns={ stat_key[0]: 'stat_0', stat_key[1]: 'stat_1' }, inplace=True) if not region or region == 'Worldwide': lat = df.loc[(df['lat'] != 0) & (df['lon'] != 0), 'lat'].mean(skipna=True) lon = df.loc[(df['lat'] != 0) & (df['lon'] != 0), 'lon'].mean(skipna=True) else: lat = df.loc[(df['adm0_a3'] == region) & (df['lat'] != 0) & (df['lon'] != 0), 'lat'].mean(skipna=True) lon = df.loc[(df['adm0_a3'] == region) & (df['lat'] != 0) & (df['lon'] != 0), 'lon'].mean(skipna=True) view_state = pdk.ViewState( latitude= lat, #df.loc[(df['lat'] != 0) & (df['lon'] != 0),'lat'].mean(skipna=True), longitude= lon, #df.loc[(df['lat'] != 0) & (df['lon'] != 0),'lon'].mean(skipna=True), # bearings=15, # pitch=45, zoom=zoom) polygon_layer = pdk.Layer( "PolygonLayer", df, id="geojson", opacity=0.2, stroked=False, get_polygon="coordinates", filled=True, get_elevation='elevation', # elevation_scale=1e5, # elevation_range=[0,100], extruded=True, # wireframe=True, get_fill_color='fill_color', get_line_color=[255, 255, 255], auto_highlight=True, pickable=True, ) tooltip = { "html": "<b>Country/Region:</b> {admin} <br /><b>Province/State:</b> {name} <br /><b>Type:</b> {param}<br /><b>{stat_text0}:</b> {stat_0} <br /><b>{stat_text1}:</b> {stat_1}" } r = pdk.Deck( layers=[polygon_layer], initial_view_state=view_state, map_style='light', tooltip=tooltip, ) # return r st.pydeck_chart(r, use_container_width=True)
# Parse the geometry out in Pandas df = pd.DataFrame() df["coordinates"] = sig_geo.apply(lambda row: row["coordinates"][0]) df["SIG_CD"] = sig_prop.apply(lambda row: row["SIG_CD"]) df['SIG_CD'] = df['SIG_CD'].astype(int) df["SIG_ENG_NM"] = sig_prop.apply(lambda row: row["SIG_ENG_NM"]) df["SIG_KOR_NM"] = sig_prop.apply(lambda row: row["SIG_KOR_NM"]) return aptdeal_wide, df aptdeal_wide, df = load_data() view_state = pdk.ViewState( **{ "latitude": 37.5642135, "longitude": 127.0016985, "zoom": 9, "maxZoom": 14, "pitch": 60, "bearing": 0 }) COLOR_RANGE = [ [65, 182, 196], [127, 205, 187], [199, 233, 180], [237, 248, 177], [255, 255, 204], [255, 237, 160], [254, 217, 118], [254, 178, 76], [253, 141, 60], [252, 78, 42],
"HexagonLayer", data=data, get_position="[lng, lat]", auto_highlight=True, elevation_scale=50, pickable=True, elevation_range=[0, 3000], extruded=True, coverage=1, ) # Set the viewport location view_state = pdk.ViewState(longitude=-1.415, latitude=52.2323, zoom=6, min_zoom=5, max_zoom=15, pitch=40.5, bearing=-27.36) # Combined all of it and render a viewport r = pdk.Deck( map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", layers=[layer], initial_view_state=view_state, tooltip={ "html": "<b>Elevation Value:</b> {elevationValue}", "style": { "color": "white" } },
) if chart == '地図': sel_country = result.loc[idx, 'country'] result['color_idx'] = 0 result.loc[result['country'] == sel_country, 'color_idx'] = 1 result['color'] = result['color_idx'].map(lambda x : COLOR_LIST[x]) geo = result[['country', 'lat', 'lon', 'color']] geo['cnt'] = geo['country'].map( geo = geo.drop_duplicates(subset='country') st.pydeck_chart(pdk.Deck( map_style='mapbox://styles/hiromu/ckfqgnutx0rbm19o703uqrdjf', initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=0, longitude=0, zoom=1 ), layers=[ pdk.Layer( "ScatterplotLayer", data=geo, get_position=['lon', 'lat'], pickable=True, opacity=0.8, stroked=True, filled=True, get_fill_color='color', get_line_color=[0, 0, 0], get_radius='cnt', radius_scale=100000,
data=caminos_data, stroked=False, filled=True, extruded=True, wireframe=True, get_line_color=[255, 0, 0], ) line_layer = pdk.Layer("LineLayer", data=merged_data[['InputLoc', 'TargetLoc']], get_width=100, get_source_position="InputLoc", get_target_position="TargetLoc", highlight_color=[255, 255, 0], pickable=True) # Set the viewport location view_state = pdk.ViewState(longitude=node_data['lon'].mean(), latitude=node_data['lat'].mean(), zoom=7, min_zoom=1, max_zoom=20, pitch=40.5, bearing=-27.36) layers = [nodes_layer, line_layer] # Combined all of it and render a viewport r = pdk.Deck(map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", layers=layers, initial_view_state=view_state) st.dataframe(edge_data) # Same as st.write(df) st.pydeck_chart(r)
def main(): st.button("Re-run") #set up layout st.title("Welcome to the pag3") st.markdown("Coming soon ... Sign up [here]() to get notified.") #### MAP OPEN-STREET MAP ##### df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000, 2) / [50, 50] + [37.76, -122.4], columns=['lat', 'lon']) # #### GRAPH-VISUAL ##### import graphviz as graphviz # Create a graphlib graph object graph = graphviz.Digraph() graph.edge('run', 'intr') graph.edge('intr', 'runbl') graph.edge('runbl', 'run') graph.edge('run', 'kernel') graph.edge('kernel', 'zombie') graph.edge('kernel', 'sleep') graph.edge('kernel', 'runmem') graph.edge('sleep', 'swap') graph.edge('swap', 'runswap') graph.edge('runswap', 'new') graph.edge('runswap', 'runmem') graph.edge('new', 'runmem') graph.edge('sleep', 'runmem') st.graphviz_chart(graph) # ### SINGLE-TABLE #### st.subheader('DATAFRAME') df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(50, 20), columns=('col %d' % i for i in range(20))) st.dataframe(df) # Same as st.write(df) ### SINGLE-TABLE - yellowMAX #### st.subheader('DATAFRAME WITH MAX UNDERLIANED') df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 20), columns=('col %d' % i for i in range(20))) st.dataframe( ### STATIC TABLE #### #Display a static table. ''' This differs from st.dataframe in that the table in this case is static: its entire contents are laid out directly on the page.''' st.subheader('TABLE') df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 5), columns=('col %d' % i for i in range(5))) st.table(df) ### LINE CHART #### st.subheader('LINE CHART') chart_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(20, 3), columns=['a', 'b', 'c']) st.line_chart(chart_data) ### LINE CHART AREA#### st.subheader('LINE CHART AREA') chart_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(20, 3), columns=['a', 'b', 'c']) st.area_chart(chart_data) #### BAR-CHART ##### st.subheader('BAR CHART') chart_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(50, 3), columns=["a", "b", "c"]) st.bar_chart(chart_data) #### HISTOGRAM-MATPLOTLIB ##### import matplotlib.pyplot as plt st.subheader('HISTOGRAM MATPLOTLIB') arr = np.random.normal(1, 1, size=100) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(arr, bins=20) st.pyplot(fig) #### scatter-ALTAIR ##### st.subheader('SCATTER ALTAIR') import altair as alt df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(200, 3), columns=['a', 'b', 'c']) c = alt.Chart(df).mark_circle().encode(x='a', y='b', size='c', color='c', tooltip=['a', 'b', 'c']) st.altair_chart(c, use_container_width=True) #### PLOTLY ######### st.subheader('PLOTLY DIAGRAM') import plotly.figure_factory as ff # Add histogram data x1 = np.random.randn(200) - 2 x2 = np.random.randn(200) x3 = np.random.randn(200) + 2 # Group data together hist_data = [x1, x2, x3] group_labels = ['Group 1', 'Group 2', 'Group 3'] # Create distplot with custom bin_size fig = ff.create_distplot(hist_data, group_labels, bin_size=[.1, .25, .5]) # Plot! st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) #### BOKEH ######### st.subheader('BOKEH') from bokeh.plotting import figure x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [6, 7, 2, 4, 5] p = figure(title='simple line example', x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y') p.line(x, y, line_width=2) st.bokeh_chart(p, use_container_width=True) #### Plotly 2 ################ import as px from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import plotly.graph_objects as go from numpy import random pts = 50 x1 = np.arange(pts) y1 = np.random.rand(pts) y2 = np.random.rand(pts) y3 = (x1 / pts)**2 fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x1, y=y1, mode='markers', name='markers'), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x1, y=y2, mode='markers', name='markers2'), row=1, col=2) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x1, y=y3, mode='lines', name='lines'), row=1, col=2) fig.update_layout(height=300, width=800, title_text="Side By Side Subplots") st.plotly_chart(fig) #### exagonbar-3d ########################################### st.subheader('exagon bar-3d') import pydeck as pdk df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000, 2) / [50, 50] + [37.76, -122.4], columns=['lat', 'lon']) st.pydeck_chart( pdk.Deck( map_style='mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9', initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=37.76, longitude=-122.4, zoom=11, pitch=50, ), layers=[ pdk.Layer( 'HexagonLayer', data=df, get_position='[lon, lat]', radius=200, elevation_scale=4, elevation_range=[0, 1000], pickable=True, extruded=True, ), pdk.Layer( 'ScatterplotLayer', data=df, get_position='[lon, lat]', get_color='[200, 30, 0, 160]', get_radius=200, ), ], )) #### exagonbar-3d ACCIDENT ########################################### UK_ACCIDENTS_DATA = ( '' '') # Define a layer to display on a map layer = pdk.Layer('HexagonLayer', UK_ACCIDENTS_DATA, get_position=['lng', 'lat'], auto_highlight=True, elevation_scale=50, pickable=True, elevation_range=[0, 3000], extruded=True, coverage=1) # Set the viewport location view_state = pdk.ViewState(longitude=-1.415, latitude=52.2323, zoom=6, min_zoom=5, max_zoom=15, pitch=40.5, bearing=-27.36) # Render st.pydeck_chart(pdk.Deck(layers=[layer], initial_view_state=view_state)) #### one-image ########################################### st.subheader('one-image from URL') from PIL import Image #image ='images/cat.jpg') image = '' st.image(image, use_column_width=True) #### more-images########################################### st.subheader('more-images') col1, col2, col3 = st.beta_columns(3) with col1: st.header("A cat") st.image("", use_column_width=True) with col2: st.header("A dog") st.image("", use_column_width=True) with col3: st.header("An owl") st.image("", use_column_width=True) #### display -code ########################################### st.subheader('display code') with st.echo(): st.write('This code will be printed') show_footer()
def app(): st.title('Recoverd') engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://alex:test123@db:3306/airflowcovid") recover = pd.read_sql_table('recoverd', engine) dfrecover = recover.copy() dfrecover['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(dfrecover['Date']) max_date = max(dfrecover['Date']) min_date = min(dfrecover['Date']) description = "The following page will provide you with information about the recoverd cases around the world. This data has been gathered and display from " + str(min_date) + " to " + str(max_date) + " to give you a better knowledge of the information you're presented with." group_by_country_and_date = dfrecover.groupby(['Country', 'Date'])['Recovered'].sum().reset_index() group_by_super = dfrecover.groupby(['Country', 'Date', 'Lat', 'Lon'])['Recovered'].sum().reset_index() group_by_super["Lon"] = pd.to_numeric(group_by_super["Lon"], downcast="float") group_by_super["Lat"] = pd.to_numeric(group_by_super["Lat"], downcast="float") total_cases = dfrecover[dfrecover['Date'] == max_date] total_cases.rename(columns = {'Recovered': 'Total_Cases'}, inplace = True) group_by_country_total = total_cases.groupby(['Country'])['Total_Cases'].sum() # FRONT-END st.write(description) st.subheader('Raw Data') st.write(dfrecover) st.subheader('Total Recovered by ' + str(max_date)) st.dataframe(group_by_country_total) st.subheader('Top 10 countries with more recovered cases by date') hour_selected = st.date_input(label="Select a Date", value=dfrecover['Date'].min(), min_value=dfrecover['Date'].min(), max_value=dfrecover['Date'].max()) df_filter_date = dfrecover[dfrecover['Date'] == hour_selected.isoformat()] df_filter_date.rename(columns = {'Recovered': 'Total_Cases'}, inplace = True) group_by_country_date = df_filter_date.groupby(['Country'])['Total_Cases'].sum().reset_index() group_by_country_date.sort_values(by=['Total_Cases'], ascending=False, inplace = True) a = group_by_country_date.head(10) s = alt.Chart(a).mark_bar().encode( alt.X('Country'), alt.Y('Total_Cases') ) st.altair_chart(s, use_container_width=True) st.subheader('Historical data by country') countries_sel = st.multiselect( 'Select a Contry', dfrecover['Country'].unique()) if len(countries_sel) > 0: filter_his_by_country = group_by_country_and_date[group_by_country_and_date.Country.isin(countries_sel)] q = alt.Chart(filter_his_by_country).mark_line().encode( x='Date', y='Recovered', color='Country', strokeDash='Country', ) st.altair_chart(q, use_container_width=True) st.subheader('Historical Map') # 2020-11-04 00:00:00 a = pd.date_range(start=min_date,end=max_date) fin = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=['fecha']) fin.insert(0, 'ID', range(0, len(fin))) x = st.slider('Drag Date', min_value=0, max_value=len(fin), value=1) filterd = fin[fin['ID'] == x]['fecha'] st.write(filterd.iloc[0]) group_by_super_date = group_by_super[group_by_super['Date'] == filterd.iloc[0]] # Set viewport for the deckgl map view = pdk.ViewState(latitude=0, longitude=0, zoom=0.2,) # Create the scatter plot layer covidLayer = pdk.Layer( "ScatterplotLayer", group_by_super_date[['Recovered','Lat','Lon']], get_position=['Lon', 'Lat'], get_radius='Recovered', # Radius is given in meters get_fill_color=[252, 136, 3], get_line_color=[255,0,0], pickable=False, opacity=0.3, stroked=True, filled=True, radius_scale=10, radius_min_pixels=2, radius_max_pixels=25, line_width_min_pixels=1 ) # Create the map r = pdk.Deck( layers=[covidLayer], initial_view_state=view, map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10" ) map = st.pydeck_chart(r)
list(dogs.keys())) #Initial estimate for duration depends on dog breed duration = st.number_input('How much time (minutes) do you have for this walk?', step = 5, value = 10 * int(1.2 * dogs[temp][0])) if duration > 60: st.write('This is a long walk! It might take a while to route...') #Estimate for walking speed depends on dog breed #Vary by ~20% depending on dog height walking_rate = set_walking_rate(80 - (15/14)*(14-dogs[temp][1])) #m/min #If we want to avoid busy streets, we adjust the edge weights later avoid_busy_streets = st.checkbox('Keep me away from busy streets', value=False, key=1) submit = st.button('Calculate route - Go!', key=1) if not submit: st.pydeck_chart(pdk.Deck( map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState(latitude = 42.358, longitude = -71.085, zoom=11))) else: if select=='Going out for a walk': with st.spinner('Routing...'): source_to_source(G, gdf_nodes, gdf_edges, input1, walking_rate*duration, False, avoid_busy_streets) elif select=='Take me to a park': with st.spinner('Routing...'): source_to_source(G, gdf_nodes, gdf_edges, input1, walking_rate*duration, True, avoid_busy_streets) else: with st.spinner('Routing...'): source_to_dest(G, gdf_nodes, gdf_edges, input1, input2, walking_rate*duration, walking_rate, avoid_busy_streets)
"" ) custom_layer = pydeck.Layer( "LabeledGeoJsonLayer", data=DATA_URL, filled=False, billboard=False, get_line_color=[180, 180, 180], get_label="", get_label_size=200000, get_label_color=[0, 255, 255], label_size_units='"meters"', line_width_min_pixels=1, ) view_state = pydeck.ViewState(latitude=0, longitude=0, zoom=1) r = pydeck.Deck(custom_layer, initial_view_state=view_state, map_provider=None) external_scripts = [{ "src": "" }] app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_scripts=external_scripts) app.layout = html.Div(dash_deck.DeckGL(r.to_json(), id="deck-gl")) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run_server(debug=True)
def source_to_source(G, gdf_nodes, gdf_edges, s, dist, to_park, avoid_streets): #Inputs: Graph, nodes, edges, source, distance to walk, to_park bool = route to park, avoid_streets bool = avoid busy roads #Set default source to Insight Offices if s == '': #No address, default to Insight st.write('Source address not found, defaulting to Insight Offices') s = '280 Summer St Boston' start_location = ox.geo_utils.geocode(s) else: try: start_location = ox.geo_utils.geocode(s + ' Boston') except: #No address found, default to Insight st.write('Source address not found, defaulting to Insight Offices') s = '280 Summer St Boston' start_location = ox.geo_utils.geocode(s) #Get coordinates from start address and snap to node start_coords = (start_location[0], start_location[1]) start_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, start_coords) #Calculate new edge weights tree_counts = {} road_safety = {} lengths = {} for row in gdf_edges.itertuples(): u = getattr(row,'u') v = getattr(row,'v') key = getattr(row, 'key') tree_count = getattr(row, 'trees') safety_score = getattr(row, 'safety') length = getattr(row, 'length') tree_counts[(u,v,key)] = tree_count road_safety[(u,v,key)] = safety_score lengths[(u,v,key)] = length #Optimized attribute is a weighted combo of normal length, tree counts, and road safety. #Larger value is worse optimized = {} for key in lengths.keys(): temp = int(lengths[key]) temp += int(250/int(max(1,tree_counts[key]))) if avoid_streets: temp += int(100*(road_safety[key])) optimized[key] = temp #Generate new edge attributes - depending on user prefs nx.set_edge_attributes(G, optimized, 'optimized') if to_park: #Get coords of park and path to it parks = pd.read_csv('data/parks.csv') midpoint, park_index = find_park(G, parks, start_node, start_location, dist) #Get path to park path = nx.shortest_path(G, start_node, midpoint, weight = 'optimized') #Display name of park on the map text_layer = make_textlayer(get_text_df(parks.iloc[park_index]['Name'], (parks.iloc[park_index]['lat'], parks.iloc[park_index]['lon'])), '[0,0,0]') else: #Get coords of midpoint nodes midpoints = find_midpoint(G, start_node, dist) #Get path to midpoint path = nx.shortest_path(G, start_node, midpoints[0], weight = 'optimized') if len(midpoints) > 1: path.append(midpoints[1]) if len(midpoints) > 2: path.append(midpoints[2]) #Dummy code because we are not outputting text text_layer = make_textlayer(get_text_df('', start_coords), '[255,255,255]') #Step 3: Adjust edge weights to penalize backtracking for node in range(-1+len(path)): G[path[node]][path[node+1]][0]['optimized'] += 300 #Step 4: Get new route back if to_park: route_back = nx.shortest_path(G, start_node, midpoint, weight = 'optimized') else: route_back = nx.shortest_path(G, start_node, midpoints[len(midpoints)-1], weight = 'optimized') #Step 5: Reset edge weights for node in range(-1+len(path)): G[path[node]][path[node+1]][0]['optimized'] -= 300 #Step 6: Plot route loop1_start_lat, loop1_start_lon, loop1_dest_lat, loop1_dest_lon = nodes_to_lats_lons(gdf_nodes, path) loop2_start_lat, loop2_start_lon, loop2_dest_lat, loop2_dest_lon = nodes_to_lats_lons(gdf_nodes, route_back) #This finds the bounds of the final map to show based on the paths min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = get_map_bounds(gdf_nodes, path, route_back) #Find the average lat/long to center the map center_x = 0.5*(max_x + min_x) center_y = 0.5*(max_y + min_y) #Move coordinates into dfs loop1_df = pd.DataFrame({'startlat':loop1_start_lat, 'startlon':loop1_start_lon, 'destlat': loop1_dest_lat, 'destlon':loop1_dest_lon}) loop2_df = pd.DataFrame({'startlat':loop2_start_lat, 'startlon':loop2_start_lon, 'destlat': loop2_dest_lat, 'destlon':loop2_dest_lon}) #Add map marker icon at start start_node_df = get_node_df(start_location) outbound_layer = make_linelayer(loop1_df, '[150,150,220]') inbound_layer = make_linelayer(loop2_df, '[220,50,50]') icon_layer = make_iconlayer(start_node_df) st.pydeck_chart(pdk.Deck( map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState(latitude = center_y, longitude = center_x, zoom = 13, max_zoom = 15, min_zoom = 12), layers=[text_layer, outbound_layer, inbound_layer, icon_layer])) st.write('From your location, take the blue path to the turnaround point. Then return via the red path.') return
def write(): st.subheader("Data Cleaning") df = pd.read_csv('data/ljubljana_categories.csv', sep=',') # Drop location duplicates st.success( 'If multiple rows have the same GPS coordinates, only the last one is kept.' ) # Renaming id column df.columns = df.columns.str.lower() df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['latitude', 'longitude'], keep='last') df = df.reset_index(drop=True) # Adding a distance df_d = df.assign(distance=0) for i in range(len(df_d) - 1): j = i + 1 df_d.loc[j, 'distance'] = round( distance((df_d.latitude[i], df_d.longitude[i]), (df_d.latitude[j], df_d.longitude[j])) * 1000, 2) # Filtering for min. and max. distances st.subheader('Plausibility tests') data_points = len(df_d) slide_max = int(df_d['distance'].max()) + 10 dist = st.slider( 'Select a range of plausible distances beween observations to be included: ', 0, slide_max, (0, 200)) df_d = df_d[(df_d['distance'] >= dist[0]) & (df_d['distance'] <= dist[1])] filtered_points = len(df_d) message = 'Minimum distance is ' + str(dist[0]) + ' meters and maximum distance is ' + str(dist[1]) + ' meters. Your data are reduced by: ' + \ str(round(100 * (1 - filtered_points / data_points), 2)) + \ ' %. Using the slider, you can change these values and see the effect in the table below. There are ' + \ str(filtered_points) + ' data rows now.' st.success(message) # Display DataFrame df_d = df_d.reset_index(drop=True) st.dataframe(df_d[[ 'time', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'distance', 'sats', 'precision', 'category' ]].style.background_gradient(subset=['distance', 'precision'], cmap='Blues')) # Safe new data frame st.markdown(get_table_download_link(df_d), unsafe_allow_html=True) # Pairwise Viz st.subheader("Pairwise comparison of mapping data") fig2 = plt.subplots() fig2 = sns.pairplot( df_d[['latitude', 'longitude', 'rawtime', 'category', 'distance']], markers=["o", "s", "D", "*"]) # hue='Category' st.pyplot(fig2) # Use of categories col1, col2 = st.beta_columns(2)'This bar chart shows the usage frequency per category.') cat = df_d[['category']].groupby(['category']).size() catSeries = pd.Series([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) catSeries = catSeries[1:6] for x in cat.index: catSeries[x] = cat[x] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax = sns.barplot(x=catSeries.index, y=catSeries) col1.pyplot(fig) # GPS quality 'This bar chart indicates the quality of your GPS coordinates. 5+ is good.' ) satDistribution = df_d.groupby( df_d['sats']).size().sort_values(ascending=False) satNum = list(satDistribution.keys()) satFreq = list(satDistribution) fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax2 = sns.barplot(x=satNum, y=satFreq) col2.pyplot(fig2) # category coloring # tracks_d = categories.assign(Distance=0) df_d['color'] = "" df_d['color'] = df_d['color'].astype('object') cat_color = { 1: [0, 0, 255, 250], # Blue 2: [255, 0, 0, 250], # Red 3: [0, 255, 0, 250], # Green 4: [255, 106, 0, 250], # Orange 5: [0, 88, 0, 250] # Dark Green } for i in range(len(df_d)):[i, 'color'] = cat_color[[i, 'category']] st.subheader("Data Map") "... let's draw maps! You can choose the size of markers (4-12 is recommended) and the map's background." ) marker = st.number_input('Marker Size: ', min_value=2, value=8) MapColor = { "Dark": 'mapbox://styles/innodesign/ckl128luk027z17mwftpdxyg1', "Light": 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8', } map_col ="Map Background: ", list(MapColor.keys())) data = df_d[['latitude', 'longitude', 'color']] midpoint = (np.average(data['latitude']), np.average(data['longitude']))'Centre coordinates of the map: ' + str(round(midpoint[0], 4)) + ' and ' + str(round(midpoint[1], 4))) components.html(""" <h4 style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif">Color coding of categories:</h4> <ul style="font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(219, 213, 213)"> <li style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255); list-style: none; background-color: rgb(219, 213, 213)"> Category 1: Blue</li> <li style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0); list-style: none; background-color: rgb(219, 213, 213)">Category 2: Red</li> <li style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0); list-style: none; background-color: rgb(219, 213, 213)">Category 3: Green</li> <li style="color: rgb(255, 106, 0); list-style: none; background-color: rgb(219, 213, 213)">Category 4: Orange</li> <li style="color: rgb(0, 88, 0); list-style: none; background-color: rgb(219, 213, 213)">Category 5: Dark Green</li> <li style="color: rgb(219, 213, 213); list-style: none; background-color: rgb(219, 213, 213)"..<li> </ul> """, height=180) st.pydeck_chart( pdk.Deck( # map_style='mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9', # map_style='mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8', map_style=MapColor[map_col], initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=midpoint[0], longitude=midpoint[1], zoom=13, pitch=0, ), layers=pdk.Layer( "ScatterplotLayer", # type='HexagonLayer' / ScatterplotLayer / PointCloudLayer, data=data, get_position='[longitude, latitude]', elevation_scale=4, get_fill_color='color', get_radius=marker, opacity=0.5, filled=True))) 'The heatmap below gives an impression of those areas, where most observations have been mapped. The more you zoom in, the more fine grained the aggregation becomes.' ) st.pydeck_chart( pdk.Deck(map_style=MapColor[map_col], initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=midpoint[0], longitude=midpoint[1], zoom=13, pitch=0, ), layers=pdk.Layer( "HeatmapLayer", data=data, get_position='[longitude, latitude]', get_fill_color='color', opacity=0.9, aggregation='MEAN', )))
def source_to_dest(G, gdf_nodes, gdf_edges, s, e, dist, pace, avoid_streets): #Inputs: Graph, nodes, edges, source, end, distance to walk, pace = speed, w2 bool = avoid busy roads if s == '': #No address, default to Insight st.write('Source address not found, defaulting to Insight Offices') s = '280 Summer St Boston' start_location = ox.geo_utils.geocode(s) else: try: start_location = ox.geo_utils.geocode(s + ' Boston') except: #No address found, default to Insight st.write('Source address not found, defaulting to Insight Offices') s = '280 Summer St Boston' start_location = ox.geo_utils.geocode(s) if e == '': #No address, default to Fenway Park st.write('Destination address not found, defaulting to Fenway Park') e = 'Fenway Park Boston' end_location = ox.geo_utils.geocode(e) else: try: end_location = ox.geo_utils.geocode(e + ' Boston') except: #No address found, default to Insight st.write('Destination address not found, defaulting to Fenway Park') e = 'Fenway Park Boston' end_location = ox.geo_utils.geocode(e) #Get coordinates from addresses start_coords = (start_location[0], start_location[1]) end_coords = (end_location[0], end_location[1]) #Snap addresses to graph nodes start_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, start_coords) end_node = ox.get_nearest_node(G, end_coords) #Calculate new edge weights tree_counts = {} road_safety = {} lengths = {} for row in gdf_edges.itertuples(): u = getattr(row,'u') v = getattr(row,'v') key = getattr(row, 'key') tree_count = getattr(row, 'trees') safety_score = getattr(row, 'safety') length = getattr(row, 'length') tree_counts[(u,v,key)] = tree_count road_safety[(u,v,key)] = safety_score lengths[(u,v,key)] = length #We need to make sure that dist is at least the length of the shortest path min_dist = nx.shortest_path_length(G, start_node, end_node, weight = 'length') if dist < min_dist: st.write('This walk will probably take a bit longer - approximately ' + str(int(min_dist/pace)) + ' minutes total.') #We are in a rush, take the shortest path optimized_route = nx.shortest_path(G, start_node, end_node, weight = 'length') #Optimized attribute is a weighted combo of normal length, tree counts, and road safety. #Larger value is worse elif dist < 1.3*min_dist: #We have some extra time, length term still important optimized = {} for key in lengths.keys(): temp = int(lengths[key]) temp += int(250/int(max(1,tree_counts[key]))) if avoid_streets: temp += int(100*(road_safety[key])) optimized[key] = temp #Generate new edge attribute nx.set_edge_attributes(G, optimized, 'optimized') #Path of nodes optimized_route = nx.shortest_path(G, start_node, end_node, weight = 'optimized') else: #dist > 1.3*min_dist opt_dist = nx.shortest_path_length(G, start_node, end_node, weight = 'optimized') if dist > 1.3*opt_dist: st.write('You can take your time! The walk should only take approximately ' + str(int(opt_dist/pace)) + ' minutes.') #We have a lot of extra time, let trees/safety terms dominate optimized = {} for key in lengths.keys(): temp = 0.2*int(lengths[key]) temp += int(250/int(max(1,tree_counts[key]))) if avoid_streets: temp += int(100*(road_safety[key])) optimized[key] = temp #Generate new edge attributes nx.set_edge_attributes(G, optimized, 'optimized') #Path of nodes optimized_route = nx.shortest_path(G, start_node, end_node, weight = 'optimized') shortest_route = nx.shortest_path(G, start_node, end_node, weight = 'length') short_start_lat, short_start_lon, short_dest_lat, short_dest_lon = nodes_to_lats_lons(gdf_nodes, shortest_route) short_df = pd.DataFrame({'startlat':short_start_lat, 'startlon':short_start_lon, 'destlat': short_dest_lat, 'destlon':short_dest_lon}) short_layer = make_linelayer(short_df, '[200,200,200]') #This finds the bounds of the final map to show based on the paths min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = get_map_bounds(gdf_nodes, shortest_route, optimized_route) #These are lists of origin/destination coords of the paths that the routes take opt_start_lat, opt_start_lon, opt_dest_lat, opt_dest_lon = nodes_to_lats_lons(gdf_nodes, optimized_route) #Find the average lat/long to center the map center_x = 0.5*(max_x + min_x) center_y = 0.5*(max_y + min_y) #Move coordinates into dfs opt_df = pd.DataFrame({'startlat':opt_start_lat, 'startlon':opt_start_lon, 'destlat': opt_dest_lat, 'destlon':opt_dest_lon}) start_node_df = get_node_df(start_location) icon_layer = make_iconlayer(start_node_df) optimized_layer = make_linelayer(opt_df, '[50,220,50]') st.pydeck_chart(pdk.Deck( map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState(latitude = center_y, longitude = center_x, zoom=13, max_zoom = 15, min_zoom = 12), layers=[short_layer, optimized_layer, icon_layer])) st.write('From your location, take the green path to your destination. The gray path (if present) is the quickest path.') return
hour_selected = st.date_input("Seleccione fecha", data['Fecha'].min(), data['Fecha'].min(), data['Fecha'].max()) paises = st.multiselect('¿Qué países es?', df['Pais'].unique()) st.write("""Gráfica de casos confirmados de coronavirus en el mundo """) mostrar = data[data[DATE_TIME] == hour_selected.isoformat()] if len(paises) > 0: mostrar = mostrar[mostrar.Pais.isin(paises)] # Set viewport for the deckgl map view = pdk.ViewState( latitude=0, longitude=0, zoom=0.2, ) # Create the scatter plot layer covidLayer = pdk.Layer("ScatterplotLayer", data=mostrar[['Casos', 'lat', 'lon']], pickable=False, opacity=0.3, stroked=True, filled=True, radius_scale=10, radius_min_pixels=2, radius_max_pixels=25, line_width_min_pixels=1, get_position=["lon", "lat"],
nn = pd.DataFrame(nodos, columns=['lat']) dato = pd.read_csv('region.csv', encoding="latin1") df = (dato) df = df.fillna(0) # elimina los nan st.title("Grafo y Arbol region 10") st.markdown("Grafo") st.pydeck_chart( pdk.Deck( map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=-41.46852167033, longitude=-72.960548400879, zoom=8, pitch=40, ), layers=[ pdk.Layer( "HexagonLayer", df, get_position="[lon, lat]", radius=300, elevation_scale=40, elevation_range=[200, 1000], pickable=True, extruded=True, ), pdk.Layer( "LineLayer",
"color": [255, 255, 255], "intensity": 1.0 } lighting_effect = { "@@type": "LightingEffect", "shadowColor": [0, 0, 0, 0.5], "ambientLight": ambient_light, "directionalLights": [sunlight], } view_state = pydeck.ViewState( **{ "latitude": 49.254, "longitude": -123.13, "zoom": 11, "maxZoom": 16, "pitch": 45, "bearing": 0 }) LAND_COVER = [[[-123.0, 49.196], [-123.0, 49.324], [-123.306, 49.324], [-123.306, 49.196]]] polygon_layer = pydeck.Layer( "PolygonLayer", LAND_COVER, stroked=False, # processes the data as a flat longitude-latitude pair get_polygon="-", get_fill_color=[0, 0, 0, 20],
# AWS Open Data Terrain Tiles TERRAIN_IMAGE = '"{z}/{x}/{y}.png"' # Define how to parse elevation tiles ELEVATION_DECODER = { "rScaler": 256, "gScaler": 1, "bScaler": 1 / 256, "offset": -32768 } SURFACE_IMAGE = '"{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}@2x.png?access_token={}"'.format( MAPBOX_API_KEY) terrain_layer = pdk.Layer("TerrainLayer", data=None, elevation_decoder=ELEVATION_DECODER, texture=SURFACE_IMAGE, elevation_data=TERRAIN_IMAGE) view_state = pdk.ViewState(latitude=46.24, longitude=-122.18, zoom=11.5, bearing=140, pitch=60) r = pdk.Deck(terrain_layer, initial_view_state=view_state) r.to_html("terrain_layer.html")
# this map shows all the trips done from the user #it take the starting point and the end point, it does not show the route but just the distance from start to end #represented with the arc df_id = df[[ 'start_latitude', 'start_longitude', 'end_latitude', 'end_longitude' ]] midpoint = (np.average(df_id["end_latitude"]), np.average(df_id["end_longitude"])) #mapbox used for the arc plot map st.pydeck_chart( pdk.Deck(map_style='mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9', initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=midpoint[0], longitude=midpoint[1], zoom=11, pitch=50, ), layers=[ pdk.Layer( "ArcLayer", data=df_id, get_source_position="[start_longitude, start_latitude]", get_target_position="[end_longitude, end_latitude]", get_source_color=[0, 30, 87, 160], get_target_color=[0, 30, 190, 160]) ])) #This section of the first part contains a map that shows the costumer engagement # Data is taken from the csv files # What the code does, is that it takes all the costumer engagement from all the days they have been active
"ArcLayer", data=df, get_width="S000 * 2", get_source_position=["lng_h", "lat_h"], get_target_position=["lng_w", "lat_w"], get_tilt=15, get_source_color=RED_RGB, get_target_color=GREEN_RGB, pickable=True, auto_highlight=True, ) view_state = pdk.ViewState( latitude=37.7576171, longitude=-122.5776844, bearing=45, pitch=50, zoom=8, ) TOOLTIP_TEXT = { "html": "{S000} jobs <br /> Home of commuter in red; work location in green" } r = pdk.Deck( arc_layer, initial_view_state=view_state, mapbox_key=mapbox_api_token, ) app = dash.Dash(__name__)
def monta_estados(taxa_mortalidade): df = load_data_brasil_io() states = df['state'].sort_values(ascending=True).unique() if states is not None: state = st.sidebar.selectbox('Qual o estado você deseja visualizar?', states) dados_estado =df[(df['state'] == state)&(df['place_type']=='state')] dados_estado_cities =df[(df['state'] == state)&(df['place_type'] != 'state')] st.subheader(f"Dados de COVID em {state}") dados_estado_plot = dados_estado[['date', 'confirmed', 'deaths']].sort_values(by=['date'], ascending=True) dados_estado_plot.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) dados_estado_plot.set_index(['date'], inplace=True) hoje = dados_estado[dados_estado['is_last']] hoje.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) dia_atual = hoje['date'].dt.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')[0] confirmados = hoje['confirmed'][0] mortes = hoje['deaths'][0] quantidade_estimada = (100 * mortes / taxa_mortalidade).astype(int) taxa = round(hoje['death_rate'][0] * 10000) / 100 st.markdown(f"O estado de **{state}** teve até o dia **{dia_atual}** " f"um total de **{confirmados}** casos confirmados e" f" **{mortes}** mortes com uma taxa de mortalidade de **{taxa}%**.") if mortes > 0: st.markdown(f"Com base na taxa de mortalidade de outros países (**{taxa_mortalidade}%** dos infectados) " f"a quantidade estimada de infectados seria de **{quantidade_estimada}** para a quantidade de mortos atual.") #st.line_chart(dados_estado_plot) data_state = get_map_state(state) data_cities = get_map_city(state) view = get_view(state) slide = st.slider('Semana epidemiológica', 0, 255, 1 ) dia_atual_mapa = dados_estado_cities[dados_estado_cities.is_last==True] st.write( dia_atual_mapa) for feature in data_cities['features']: id_city = feature['id'] dados =dia_atual_mapa[dia_atual_mapa.city_ibge_code == id_city].reset_index().T.rename(columns={0: 'dados'}) feature['properties'] = dados.to_dict() # m = folium.Map(location=[45.5236, -122.6750]) # html = m.get_root().render() # st.markdown(html.encode('utf8'),False) #st.write(data_cities) # Set the viewport location view_state = pdk.ViewState( longitude=view[1], latitude=view[0], zoom=6, min_zoom=1, max_zoom=60, pitch=50,#40.5, bearing=0)#-27.36 geojson = pdk.Layer( 'GeoJsonLayer', data_state, opacity=1, #stroked=False, filled=True, #extruded=True, #wireframe=True, get_fill_color=[255, 255, 255], get_line_color=[100, 100, 90], #pickable=True ) geojson2 = pdk.Layer( 'GeoJsonLayer', data_cities, opacity=0.8, stroked=False, filled=True, extruded=True, wireframe=True, get_elevation='properties.dados.deaths*1000', get_fill_color='[255/2, properties.dados.confirmed , 255]', get_line_color=[0, slide, 255], pickable=True ) max_val=1000 min_val=0 # Combined all of it and render a viewport r = pdk.Deck(layers=[geojson,geojson2], tooltip={"html": f"<b>Color Value:</b> {state}", "style": {"color": "white"}}, initial_view_state=view_state, height=800, width=800, map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", mapbox_key='pk.eyJ1IjoidGVvcmlhIiwiYSI6ImNqODRpNWJrNjA5dGIyd3FoMnZ6am13NjcifQ.OgxGf081lfoKQAOhlYh1Tg' ) st.pydeck_chart(r) dados_estado_melt = pd.melt( dados_estado[['date', 'confirmed', 'deaths']], id_vars=['date'], value_vars=['confirmed', 'deaths']) df = dados_estado_melt.groupby(["date", 'variable']).sum().reset_index() fig = px.line(df, x="date", y="value", color='variable') fig.update_layout(title=f'Casos de Covid em {state}', xaxis_title='Data', yaxis_title='Número de casos') st.plotly_chart(fig) # # """This app demonstrates the use of the awesome []() framework for visual # exploratory data analysis of large datasets. # # is now (as of Streamlit v. 0.53) supported via the # [`st.pydeck_chart`]( # function. # # We use data from the # [Global Power Plant Database]( to # illustrate the locations, fuel types and capacities of the worlds power plants. # """ # # # import pathlib # # import pandas as pd # import pydeck as pdk # import streamlit as st # # POWER_PLANT_PATH = ( # pathlib.Path.cwd() / "gallery/global_power_plant_database/global_power_plant_database.csv" # ) # # POWER_PLANT_URL = ( # "" # "gallery/global_power_plant_database/global_power_plant_database.csv" # ) # # LATITUDE_COLUMN = "latitude" # LONGITUDE_COLUMN = "longitude" # # LOCATIONS = { # "Orsted Copenhagen HQ": {"latitude": 55.676098, "longitude": 12.568337}, # "Orsted Boston": {"latitude": 2.361145, "longitude": -71.057083}, # } # ORSTED_CPH_HQ = LOCATIONS["Orsted Copenhagen HQ"] # # FUEL_COLORS = { # "Oil": "black", # "Solar": "green", # "Gas": "black", # "Other": "gray", # "Hydro": "blue", # "Coal": "black", # "Petcoke": "black", # "Biomass": "green", # "Waste": "green", # "Cogeneration": "gray", # "Storage": "orange", # "Wind": "green", # } # # COLORS_R = {"black": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0, "orange": 255, "gray": 128} # # COLORS_G = {"black": 0, "green": 128, "blue": 0, "orange": 165, "gray": 128} # # COLORS_B = {"black": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 255, "orange": 0, "gray": 128} # # # class ViewStateComponent: # """Component to let the user set the initial view state to for example Copenhagen or Boston""" # # def __init__(self): # self.latitude = ORSTED_CPH_HQ["latitude"] # self.longitude = ORSTED_CPH_HQ["longitude"] # self.zoom = 1 # self.pitch = 40.0 # # def edit_view(self): # """Lets the user edit the attributes""" # location = st.sidebar.selectbox("Location", options=list(LOCATIONS.keys()), index=0) # self.latitude = LOCATIONS[location]["latitude"] # self.longitude = LOCATIONS[location]["longitude"] # # self.zoom = st.sidebar.slider("Zoom", min_value=0, max_value=20, value=self.zoom) # self.pitch = st.sidebar.slider( # "Pitch", min_value=0.0, max_value=100.0, value=self.pitch, step=10.0 # ) # # @property # def view_state(self) -> pdk.ViewState: # """The ViewState according to the attributes # # Returns: # pdk.ViewState -- [description] # """ # return pdk.ViewState( # longitude=self.longitude, # latitude=self.latitude, # zoom=self.zoom, # min_zoom=0, # max_zoom=15, # pitch=self.pitch, # # bearing=-27.36, # ) # # # class GlobalPowerPlantDatabaseApp: # """The main app showing the Global Power Plant Database""" # # def __init__(self): # self.view_state_component = ViewStateComponent() # = self.get_data() # self.show_data = False # # @staticmethod # @st.cache # def get_data() -> pd.DataFrame: # """The Global Power Plant data # # Returns: # pd.DataFrame -- The Global Power Plant data cleaned and transformed # """ # try: # data = pd.read_csv(POWER_PLANT_PATH) # except FileNotFoundError: # data = pd.read_csv(POWER_PLANT_URL) # # # Clean # data.primary_fuel = data.primary_fuel.fillna("NA") # data.capacity_mw = data.capacity_mw.fillna(1) # # # Transform # data["primary_fuel_color"] = # data["primary_fuel_color"] = data["primary_fuel_color"].fillna("gray") # data["color_r"] = data["primary_fuel_color"].map(COLORS_R) # data["color_g"] = data["primary_fuel_color"].map(COLORS_G) # data["color_b"] = data["primary_fuel_color"].map(COLORS_B) # data["color_a"] = 140 # # return data[ # [ # "capacity_mw", # LATITUDE_COLUMN, # LONGITUDE_COLUMN, # "primary_fuel_color", # "color_r", # "color_g", # "color_b", # "color_a", # ] # ] # # def _scatter_plotter_layer(self): # return pdk.Layer( # "ScatterplotLayer", #, # get_position=[LONGITUDE_COLUMN, LATITUDE_COLUMN], # get_fill_color="[color_r, color_g, color_b, color_a]", # get_radius="capacity_mw*10", # pickable=True, # opacity=0.8, # stroked=False, # filled=True, # wireframe=True, # ) # # def _deck(self): # return pdk.Deck( # map_style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", # initial_view_state=self.view_state_component.view_state, # layers=[self._scatter_plotter_layer()], # tooltip={"html": "<b>Color Value:</b> {primary_fuel}", "style": {"color": "white"}}, # ) # # def view(self): # """Main view of the app""" # # self.view_state_component.edit_view() # Does not work # st.write(__doc__) # # st.pydeck_chart(self._deck()) # # st.write( # """The maps shows the power plant # # - **location** by latitude, longitude coordinates # - **fuel type** by color and # - **capacity in MW** by bubble size # """ # ) # st.json(FUEL_COLORS) # # st.write( # """Unfortunately **tooltips are not supported**. And there are also other issues. # See # # - [Issue 984]( # - [Issue 985](""" # ) # # # APP = GlobalPowerPlantDatabaseApp() # APP.view()
sns.barplot(x='y/m', y='price', data=df) st.write(fig) = pd.to_datetime( ano_selecionado = st.sidebar.slider("Selecione um ano", 2014, 2015) df_selected = df[ == ano_selecionado] st.subheader('Mapa da cidade de Seattle') # st.pydeck_chart(pdk.Deck( initial_view_state=pdk.ViewState( latitude=47.608013, longitude=-122.335167, zoom=7.5, min_zoom=3, max_zoom=15, pitch=40.5, bearing=-27.36 ), layers=[ pdk.Layer( 'HexagonLayer', data=df_selected[['lat', 'lon']], # df get_position='[lon,lat]', radius=150, auto_highlight=True, elevation_scale=25, pickable=False, # Interfere na manipulação do mapa. elevation_range=[0, 3000], extruded=True,