Exemplo n.º 1
def array_to_meta_thrift_struct(array, name, format):
    type = array.dtype.kind
    slice = name
    l = len(array.shape)

    # initial load, compute slice
    if format == '%':
        if l > 2:
            slice += '[0]' * (l - 2)
            for r in range(l - 2):
                array = array[0]
        if type == 'f':
            format = '.5f'
        elif type == 'i' or type == 'u':
            format = 'd'
            format = 's'
        format = format.replace('%', '')

    l = len(array.shape)
    reslice = ""
    if l > 2:
        raise ExceedingArrayDimensionsException
    elif l == 1:
        # special case with 1D arrays arr[i, :] - row, but arr[:, i] - column with equal shape and ndim
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16837946/numpy-a-2-rows-1-column-file-loadtxt-returns-1row-2-columns
        # explanation: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15165170/how-do-i-maintain-row-column-orientation-of-vectors-in-numpy?rq=1
        # we use kind of a hack - get information about memory from C_CONTIGUOUS
        is_row = array.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']

        if is_row:
            rows = 1
            cols = len(array)
            if cols < len(array):
                reslice = '[0:%s]' % (cols)
            array = array[0:cols]
            cols = 1
            rows = len(array)
            if rows < len(array):
                reslice = '[0:%s]' % (rows)
            array = array[0:rows]
    elif l == 2:
        rows = array.shape[-2]
        cols = array.shape[-1]
        if cols < array.shape[-1] or rows < array.shape[-2]:
            reslice = '[0:%s, 0:%s]' % (rows, cols)
        array = array[0:rows, 0:cols]

    # avoid slice duplication
    if not slice.endswith(reslice):
        slice += reslice

    bounds = (0, 0)
    if type in NUMPY_NUMERIC_TYPES and array.size != 0:
        bounds = (array.min(), array.max())
    array_chunk = GetArrayResponse()
    array_chunk.slice = slice
    array_chunk.rows = rows
    array_chunk.cols = cols
    array_chunk.format = "%" + format
    array_chunk.type = type
    array_chunk.max = "%s" % bounds[1]
    array_chunk.min = "%s" % bounds[0]
    return array, array_chunk, rows, cols, format
Exemplo n.º 2
def dataframe_to_thrift_struct(df, name, roffset, coffset, rows, cols, format):
    :type df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
    :type name: str
    :type coffset: int
    :type roffset: int
    :type rows: int
    :type cols: int
    :type format: str

    original_df = df
    dim = len(df.axes)
    num_rows = df.shape[0]
    num_cols = df.shape[1] if dim > 1 else 1
    array_chunk = GetArrayResponse()
    array_chunk.slice = name
    array_chunk.rows = num_rows
    array_chunk.cols = num_cols
    array_chunk.type = ""
    array_chunk.max = "0"
    array_chunk.min = "0"
    format = format.replace("%", "")
    if not format:
        if num_rows > 0 and num_cols == 1:  # series or data frame with one column
                kind = df.dtype.kind
            except AttributeError:
                    kind = df.dtypes[0].kind
                except (IndexError, KeyError):
                    kind = "O"
            format = array_default_format(kind)
            format = array_default_format(DEFAULT_DF_FORMAT)
    array_chunk.format = "%" + format

    if (rows, cols) == (-1, -1):
        rows, cols = num_rows, num_cols

    elif (rows, cols) == (0, 0):
        # return header only
        r = min(num_rows, DATAFRAME_HEADER_LOAD_MAX_SIZE)
        c = min(num_cols, DATAFRAME_HEADER_LOAD_MAX_SIZE)
        array_chunk.headers = header_data_to_thrift_struct(r, c, [""] * num_cols, [(0, 0)] * num_cols, lambda x: DEFAULT_DF_FORMAT, original_df, dim)
        array_chunk.data = array_data_to_thrift_struct(rows, cols, None, format)
        return array_chunk

    rows = min(rows, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)
    cols = min(cols, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE, num_cols)
    # need to precompute column bounds here before slicing!
    col_bounds = [None] * cols
    dtypes = [None] * cols
    if dim > 1:
        for col in range(cols):
            dtype = df.dtypes.iloc[coffset + col].kind
            dtypes[col] = dtype
            if dtype in NUMPY_NUMERIC_TYPES and df.size != 0:
                cvalues = df.iloc[:, coffset + col]
                bounds = (cvalues.min(), cvalues.max())
                bounds = (0, 0)
            col_bounds[col] = bounds
        dtype = df.dtype.kind
        dtypes[0] = dtype
        col_bounds[0] = (df.min(), df.max()) if dtype in NUMPY_NUMERIC_TYPES and df.size != 0 else (0, 0)

    df = df.iloc[roffset: roffset + rows, coffset: coffset + cols] if dim > 1 else df.iloc[roffset: roffset + rows]
    rows = df.shape[0]
    cols = df.shape[1] if dim > 1 else 1

    def col_to_format(c):
        return get_column_formatter_by_type(format, dtypes[c])

    iat = df.iat if dim == 1 or len(df.columns.unique()) == len(df.columns) else df.iloc

    def formatted_row_elements(row):
        return get_formatted_row_elements(row, iat, dim, cols, format, dtypes)

    array_chunk.headers = header_data_to_thrift_struct(rows, cols, dtypes, col_bounds, col_to_format, df, dim)
    array_chunk.data = array_data_to_thrift_struct(rows, cols, formatted_row_elements, format)
    return array_chunk
def dataframe_to_thrift_struct(df, name, roffset, coffset, rows, cols, format):
    :type df: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
    :type name: str
    :type coffset: int
    :type roffset: int
    :type rows: int
    :type cols: int
    :type format: str

    dim = len(df.axes)
    num_rows = df.shape[0]
    num_cols = df.shape[1] if dim > 1 else 1
    array_chunk = GetArrayResponse()
    array_chunk.slice = name
    array_chunk.rows = num_rows
    array_chunk.cols = num_cols
    array_chunk.type = ""
    array_chunk.max = "0"
    array_chunk.min = "0"
    format = format.replace("%", "")
    if not format:
        if num_rows > 0 and num_cols == 1:  # series or data frame with one column
                kind = df.dtype.kind
            except AttributeError:
                    kind = df.dtypes[0].kind
                except IndexError:
                    kind = "O"
            format = array_default_format(kind)
            format = array_default_format("f")
    array_chunk.format = "%" + format

    if (rows, cols) == (-1, -1):
        rows, cols = num_rows, num_cols

    rows = min(rows, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE)
    cols = min(cols, MAXIMUM_ARRAY_SIZE, num_cols)
    # need to precompute column bounds here before slicing!
    col_bounds = [None] * cols
    dtypes = [None] * cols
    if dim > 1:
        for col in range(cols):
            dtype = df.dtypes.iloc[coffset + col].kind
            dtypes[col] = dtype
            if dtype in NUMPY_NUMERIC_TYPES:
                cvalues = df.iloc[:, coffset + col]
                bounds = (cvalues.min(), cvalues.max())
                bounds = (0, 0)
            col_bounds[col] = bounds
        dtype = df.dtype.kind
        dtypes[0] = dtype
        col_bounds[0] = (df.min(), df.max()) if dtype in NUMPY_NUMERIC_TYPES else (0, 0)

    df = df.iloc[roffset: roffset + rows, coffset: coffset + cols] if dim > 1 else df.iloc[roffset: roffset + rows]
    rows = df.shape[0]
    cols = df.shape[1] if dim > 1 else 1

    def col_to_format(c):
        return format if dtypes[c] in NUMPY_NUMERIC_TYPES and format else array_default_format(dtypes[c])

    iat = df.iat if dim == 1 or len(df.columns.unique()) == len(df.columns) else df.iloc

    array_chunk.headers = header_data_to_thrift_struct(rows, cols, dtypes, col_bounds, col_to_format, df, dim)
    array_chunk.data = array_data_to_thrift_struct(rows, cols,
                                                   lambda r: (("%" + col_to_format(c)) % (iat[r, c] if dim > 1 else iat[r])
                                                              for c in range(cols)), format)
    return array_chunk