Exemplo n.º 1
def get_top_layers(layer_name, pydot_graph):
    # type: (str, pydot.Dot) -> List[XLayer]
    Retrieve the top layers for the given layer and pydot graph
    ! We have to handle graphs with and without blob layers in between
    node = pydot_graph.get_node(pydot.quote_if_necessary(layer_name))[0]
    P = node.get('LayerParameter')

    top_layers = []
    if len(P.tops) == 1 and P.name in P.tops:
            node = pydot_graph.get_node(
                pydot.quote_if_necessary(layer_name + '_blob'))[0]
            P = node.get('LayerParameter')
        except Exception as e:
            print("Tops", P.tops)
            print("P", P.name)
            raise e
    for top_name in P.tops:
            top_node = pydot_graph.get_node(
        except Exception as e:
            print("Tops", P.tops)
            print("P", P.name)
            raise e

    return top_layers
Exemplo n.º 2
    def visualize(self, outputfile):
        # type: () -> None
        """ Visualize this xgraph using pydot """
            from . import pydot_tools
            import pydot
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError("XGraph functionality depends on the 'pydot'"
                              " package. Please make sure that Pydot is"
                              " installed before trying to visualize XGraphs")

        pdg = pydot.Dot(self.get_name(), graph_type='digraph', rankdir='BT')

        cm_idx = 1
        target_to_cm = {}
        for X in self.get_layers():
            pydot_attrs = copy.copy(pydot_tools.LAYER_STYLE_DEFAULT)

            if 'Input' in X.type:
                pydot_attrs["shape"] = "oval"
                pydot_attrs["fillcolor"] = self.cm[0]

            if X.target != 'cpu':
                if X.target not in target_to_cm:
                    target_to_cm[X.target] = cm_idx
                    if cm_idx < (len(self.cm) - 1):
                        cm_idx += 1
                pydot_attrs["fillcolor"] = self.cm[target_to_cm[X.target]]

            # Add '-pdg' to fix issues of pydot with names with format
            #   '[...]:0' where ':0' gets removed
            node = pydot.Node(pydot.quote_if_necessary(X.name + '-pdg'),


            for b in X.bottoms:
                src_nodes = pdg.get_node(pydot.quote_if_necessary(b + '-pdg'))

                if len(src_nodes) == 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Pydot could not find layer with name: {}".format(b))
                assert len(src_nodes) == 1

                src_node = src_nodes[0]

                edge_label = b + "->" + X.name
                # logger.debug("--Add bottom edge: {}".format(edge_label))
                pdg.add_edge(pydot.Edge(src_node, node, label=edge_label))

        pydot_tools.visualize(pdg, outputfile)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, src, dst, attr):
        obj_dict = dict()
        obj_dict[ 'attributes' ] = attr
        obj_dict[ 'type' ] = 'edge'
        obj_dict[ 'parent_graph' ] = None
        obj_dict[ 'parent_edge_list' ] = None
        obj_dict[ 'sequence' ] = None
        if isinstance(src, Node):
            src = src.get_name()
        if isinstance(dst, Node):
            dst = dst.get_name()
        points = ( quote_if_necessary( src) , quote_if_necessary( dst) )
        obj_dict['points'] = points

        Edge.__init__(self, src, dst, obj_dict)
Exemplo n.º 4
	def dot_string(self):
		edge = []

		# the order in which attributes are appended is important for pacopt
		# therefore the pydot library could not be used, excuse the following hacks
		attr_list = ['label', 'debug']
		edge_attr = []

		for attr in attr_list:
			if attr in self.obj_dict['attributes']:
				value = self.obj_dict['attributes'][attr]
				if value == '':
					value = '""'
				if value is not None:
					edge_attr.append('%s=%s' % (attr, pydot.quote_if_necessary(value)))

		edge_attr = ', '.join(edge_attr)

		if edge_attr:
			edge.append('[' + edge_attr + ']')

		return ''.join(edge) + ';'
Exemplo n.º 5
def remove_node(pydot_graph, node_name, bottom_Xs, top_Xs):
    # type: (pydot.Dot, str, List[XLayer], List[XLayer]) -> pydot.Dot
    Remove a node from the provided pydot graph

    TODO: test
    if not (len(bottom_Xs) == 1 or len(top_Xs) == 1):
        raise ValueError("Undefined behaviour: can't remove a node if"
                         " there are multiple bottom nodes and multiple"
                         " top nodes")

    node_name_q = pydot.quote_if_necessary(node_name)

    for bX in bottom_Xs:
        b_q = pydot.quote_if_necessary(bX.name)
        pydot_graph.del_edge(b_q, node_name_q)

        for tX in top_Xs:
            t_q = pydot.quote_if_necessary(tX.name)
            edge = pydot.Edge(b_q,
                              label="{}->ID->{}".format(bX.name, tX.name))

        new_tops = [([bXt] if bXt != node_name else [tX.name for tX in top_Xs])
                    for bXt in bX.tops]
        # flatten
        new_tops = [e for sl in new_tops for e in sl]
        bX.tops = new_tops

    for tX in top_Xs:
        t_q = pydot.quote_if_necessary(tX.name)
        pydot_graph.del_edge(node_name_q, t_q)

        new_bottoms = [
            ([tXb] if tXb != node_name else [bX.name for bX in bottom_Xs])
            for tXb in tX.bottoms
        # flatten
        new_bottoms = [e for sl in new_bottoms for e in sl]
        tX.bottoms = new_bottoms

    return pydot_graph
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_bottom_layers(layer_name, pydot_graph):
    # type: (str, pydot.Dot) -> List[XLayer]
    Retrieve the bottom layers for the given layer and pydot graph
    node = pydot_graph.get_node(pydot.quote_if_necessary(layer_name))[0]
    P = node.get('LayerParameter')

    bottom_layers = []
    for bottom_name in P.bottoms:
            bottom_node = pydot_graph.get_node(
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    return bottom_layers
Exemplo n.º 7
def insert_node(pydot_graph, node_name, node, bottom_Xs, top_Xs):
    # type: (pydot.Dot, str, pydot.Node, List[XLayer], List[XLayer])
    #   -> pydot.Dot
    Insert a node in the provided pydot graph

    TODO: test
    if not (len(bottom_Xs) == 1 and len(top_Xs) == 1):
        raise ValueError("Undefined behaviour: can't insert a node if"
                         " there are multiple bottom nodes or multiple"
                         " top nodes")

    n_q = pydot.quote_if_necessary(node_name)

    # for bX in bottom_Xs:
    bX = bottom_Xs[0]
    b_q = pydot.quote_if_necessary(bX.name)

    edge = pydot.Edge(b_q, n_q, label="{}->{}".format(bX.name, node_name))

    # for tX in top_Xs:
    tX = top_Xs[0]
    t_q = pydot.quote_if_necessary(tX.name)
    pydot_graph.del_edge(b_q, t_q)

    new_tops = [(bXt if bXt != tX.name else node_name) for bXt in bX.tops]
    bX.tops = new_tops

    # for tX in top_Xs:
    edge = pydot.Edge(n_q, t_q, label="{}->{}".format(node_name, tX.name))
    new_bottoms = [(tXb if tXb != bX.name else node_name)
                   for tXb in tX.bottoms]
    tX.bottoms = new_bottoms

    return pydot_graph
Exemplo n.º 8
 def compute_ignore_nodes(self, nodes, graph):
     ignore = set()
     stk = nodes[:]
     while len(stk) > 0:
         node_name = stk.pop()
         g_node = graph.get_node(pydot.quote_if_necessary(node_name))
         if len(g_node) > 0:
             g_node = g_node[0]
             params = g_node.get('LayerParameter')
             if params.bottoms is not None:
                 stk += [inp for inp in params.bottoms if inp not in ignore]
     return ignore
Exemplo n.º 9
	def compute_ignore_nodes(self, nodes, graph) :
		ignore = set()
		stk = nodes[:]
		while len(stk) > 0 :
			node_name = stk.pop()
			g_node = graph.get_node(pydot.quote_if_necessary(node_name))
			if len(g_node) == 0 : continue
			g_node = g_node[0]
			params = g_node.get('LayerParameter')
			if params.bottoms == None : continue
			for inp in params.bottoms :
				if inp not in ignore :
		return ignore
Exemplo n.º 10
    def draw_tree(self,

        :param highlighted_concepts:
        :param tree:
        :return: A Pydot object
        if tree is None:
            tree = self.tree

        if colors is None:
            colors = default_colors

        p = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(tree)

        if highlighted_concepts:
            if not isinstance(highlighted_concepts[0], (list, tuple)):
                highlighted_concepts = [highlighted_concepts]

            # Give a color to each group of nodes
            color_dict = {}
            for i, concept_list in enumerate(highlighted_concepts):
                highlighted_nodes = [c.descriptor for c in concept_list]
                for node in highlighted_nodes:
                    # quote_if_necessary is required to handle names in the same
                    # way as pydot
                    color_dict[quote_if_necessary(node)] = colors[i %

            for node in p.get_nodes():
                if node.obj_dict['name'] in color_dict:
        width = 18
        if viz:
            svg_bytes = p.create_svg()
            soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(svg_bytes, 'xml')
            width = float(soup.svg.attrs['width'][:-2]) * 1.35
            height = float(soup.svg.attrs['height'][:-2]) * 1.4
                    opts=dict(title=title, width=width, height=height))
        return p
Exemplo n.º 11
    def node_id(self, p):
        Construct unique node-id for the given particle

        if not p: return ''

        ## construct some unique name
        nid = '%s:%s:#%d' % (p.name(), p.hex_id(), p.key())
        ## container
        cnt = p.parent()
        if cnt:
            r = cnt.registry()
            if r: nid = '%s:%s:#%d' % (p.name(), r.identifier(), p.key())
        ## massage the name:
        return pydot.quote_if_necessary(nid)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def add_tree(self, p):

        nid = self.node_id(p)
        if nid in self._nodes: return nid

        # create new node
        label = pydot.quote_if_necessary(p.name())
        node = pydot.Node(name=nid, label=label, **node_attributes)


        for c in p.children():
            nidc = self.add_tree(c)  ## NB: recursion here
            edge = nid, nidc
            if not edge in self._edges:
                    *edge, **edge_attributes))  ## create edge

        return nid
Exemplo n.º 13
 def node_id ( self , p ) :                
     if not p  : return ''
     nid = '%s:%s:#%d/%d' % ( p.name () , p.hex_id() , p.barcode() , p.status() ) 
     return pydot.quote_if_necessary( nid ) 
Exemplo n.º 14
    def doLayout(self):
        dc = wx.ClientDC(self)

        # intermediate fix: we need the new pydot version for this to
        # work, but this will not work with python 2.5.x, so 
        # we keep the old version (including the need for pygraphviz)
        # side-by-side to the new version. Note that we do only check
        # for the python version, and not for the platform or else
        # as python 2.5.x on a windows platform will most likely fail
        # to do the layout in any case
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 6:
            # create a graph on the level of pydot
            G = pydot.Graph("G", graph_type='digraph', strict=False)
            for nd in self.shapes.keys(): #iterate over all shapes
                shp = self.shapes[nd]
                # dot does not accept all names, so we escape the
                # name using pydots routines for that
                nd = pydot.quote_if_necessary(nd) 
                # add a node, specify outer rectangle as bounding box to respect
                # during the layout, use fixedsize to state this cleanly 
                # we convert from pixels to inches, as dotty seems to do
                # all layouts in inches, for whatever reason
                node = pydot.Node(str(nd), shape='box', fixedsize='true', width=str(shp.GetWidth()/72), height=str(shp.GetHeight()/72))
                # add this node to the set of nodes on the pydot graph
            # now create some edges in this graph
            for ed in self.graph.edges[:]:
                # note that we changed the name of the nodes during the
                # upper loop, and this is what we have to respect here:
                # convert/escape any name correctly
                # we try to recover this node from the pydot graph using its
                # escaped name
                nd_from = G.get_node( pydot.quote_if_necessary(str(ed.getFrom()[0].name)) )
                nd_to   = G.get_node( pydot.quote_if_necessary(str(ed.getTo()[0].name)) )
                # can be a list-type in case we have more than one node
                # having the same name (how can that happen?
                # we ignore this case, as here this is probably an error
                # so just progress with the node when we have a non
                # list type for either the source or the sink of this edge
                if type(nd_from) is not ListType and type(nd_to) is not ListType:
                    Aedge = pydot.Edge(nd_from, nd_to)
            # ok, done, do the layout now
                # create a temp file, but do not delete it (we need
                # its file name), sidenode: the delete=False option is new
                # to python 2.6, it will not work with python 2.5.x
                fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
                fd.close() # does not delete it, so the file name is still ok
                fd_name = fd.name
                # same here for the output file
                fd_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
                fd_out_name = fd_out.name                   
                # get the dot executable from the cached set of
                # dotty executables
                dot_exe = self.dot["dot"]
                if dot_exe <> None:
                    # construct command line, using dot as output format
                    # again (we need the position and not much more)
                    dot_exe = dot_exe + " -Tdot -o "+fd_out_name+" "+fd_name
                    # execute
                    # re-parse the file again, overwrite old graph
                    G = pydot.graph_from_dot_file(fd_out_name)                
                # cleanup
                # cleanup
            except IOError:
                print "I/O error on layout. Aborting."
            # if the above failed, we might not be here (have to test that)
            # if it did not fail, we have a bounding box
            # G.get_bb() will deliver "x,y,w,h" as a string, including the
            # quotes, that is why we strip them first (tail and head)
            bb = string.split(string.strip(G.get_bb(),'\"'), ',', 4)
            # w,h are in bb[2] and bb[3] respectively
            self.ResizePane(int(bb[2]), int(bb[3]))
            # now set the positions for all the nodes we have
            for nd in G.get_node_list()[:]:
                # get pos attrib
                # for some reason, we can get a Node object as nd, which
                # is not a regular node of our graph. Is this internal to
                # pydot or a parsing error? However, we just check whether
                # we got a "pos" attrib as a result of the dot exec
                pos = nd.get('pos')
                if pos <> None:
                    # yes, this is the string "x,y" (including quotes)
                    a = string.split( string.strip(pos, '\"'), ',', 2)
                    # move from (0,0) to their layout position
                    # note the shift in the y-component related to bb[3] (ymax)
                    # move seems to be an absolute API, so not translate
                        # we now need the name in the graph. here, we
                        # rely on the quote escaping done by pydot...
                        # maybe there is a method to "unescape" a name again?
                        # could be the source of an error
                        nd_name = string.strip(nd.get_name(), '\"')
                        # can fail when we did not hit the right name
                        # note that we have to "flip" the y coordinate,
                        # as dotty doe not only calc in inch, but also from 
                        # bottom to top
                        self.shapes[nd_name].Move(dc, int(a[0]), int(bb[3])-int(a[1]), display=False)
                    except KeyError:
                            print "key error: node ["+str(nd)+"] not found in shapes?"     
        else: # python 2.5.x
            import pygraphviz as pgv        
            # create an empty graph first
            G = pgv.AGraph(directed=True,strict=True)
            for nd in self.shapes.keys():
                shp = self.shapes[nd]
                ANd = G.get_node(str(nd))
                ANd.attr['shape'] = 'box'
                ANd.attr['fixedsize'] = 'true'
                ANd.attr['width']  = str(shp.GetWidth()/72)
                ANd.attr['height'] = str(shp.GetHeight()/72)
            for ed in self.graph.edges[:]:
                Aedge = G.add_edge( str(ed.getFrom()[0].name), str(ed.getTo()[0].name) )
            except IOError:
                print "I/O error on layout. Aborting."
            # dotty seems to layout as American, as can get:
            # y points up, node sizes are in inches and so on
            # assumed is a 72dot per inch scaling
            # so what we need it to 
            # - 'flip' the nodes (we layout from top to bottom)
            # - recenter the graph (we need the bb for that)
            # unfortunately, pygraphviz does not seem to offer the
            # bb property of the graph (it IS written to the dot!)
            # so we iterate over all nodes and use the max of the
            # x and y vars (related to border, not to center) as
            # an approximate of the bounding box we will have for
            # the graph
            xmax, ymax = 0,0
            for nd in G.nodes():
                pos = nd.attr['pos']
                w   = (float(nd.attr['width'])  * 72) / 2 # in inch, calc 72dots per inch, calculated from center
                h   = (float(nd.attr['height']) * 72) / 2 # in inch, calc 72dots per inch, calculated from center
                a = string.split(pos,',',2)
                xmax = max(int(a[0])+w, xmax)
                ymax = max(int(a[1])+h, ymax)    
            # resize canvas
            self.ResizePane(xmax, ymax)
            for nd in G.nodes():
                pos = nd.attr['pos']
                a = string.split(pos,',',2)
                # move from (0,0) to their layout position
                # note the shift in the y-component related to ymax
                # move seems to be an absolute API, so not translate
                    self.shapes[nd].Move(dc, int(a[0]), ymax-int(a[1]))
                except KeyError:
                    print "key error: node ["+str(nd)+"] not found in shapes?"
def escape(s):
    """Escape a string so it can be use in a dot label."""
    return pydot.quote_if_necessary(s).replace('<','\\<').replace('>', '\\>').replace("'", "\\'")
Exemplo n.º 16
    def EG_to_string(self, indent=0, root_graph=None):
        """Returns a string representation of the graph in dot language.
        This version try to make string looking better than to_string().
        idt = ' ' * (4 + indent)
        graph = list()

        if root_graph is None:
            root_graph = self

        if root_graph != root_graph.get_parent_graph():
            graph.append(' ' * indent)

        if root_graph.obj_dict.get('strict', None) is not None:
            if root_graph == root_graph.get_parent_graph(
            ) and root_graph.obj_dict['strict']:
                graph.append('strict ')

        if root_graph.obj_dict['name'] == '':
                '%s %s {\n' %
                (root_graph.obj_dict['type'], root_graph.obj_dict['name']))

        for attr in root_graph.obj_dict['attributes'].keys():
            if root_graph.obj_dict['attributes'].get(attr, None) is not None:
                graph.append(idt + '%s=' % attr)
                val = root_graph.obj_dict['attributes'].get(attr)

        edges_done = set()

        edge_obj_dicts = list()
        for e in root_graph.obj_dict['edges'].values():

        if edge_obj_dicts:
            edge_src_set, edge_dst_set = zip(
                *[obj['points'] for obj in edge_obj_dicts])
            edge_src_set, edge_dst_set = set(edge_src_set), set(edge_dst_set)
            edge_src_set, edge_dst_set = set(), set()

        node_obj_dicts = list()
        for e in root_graph.obj_dict['nodes'].values():

        sgraph_obj_dicts = list()
        for sg in root_graph.obj_dict['subgraphs'].values():

        obj_list = [
            (obj['sequence'], obj)
            for obj in (edge_obj_dicts + node_obj_dicts + sgraph_obj_dicts)

        for _, obj in obj_list:
            if obj['type'] == 'node':
                node = pydot.Node(obj_dict=obj)
                if root_graph.obj_dict.get('suppress_disconnected', False):
                    if (node.get_name() not in edge_src_set
                            and node.get_name() not in edge_dst_set):

                    DEUtils.smart_indent(node.to_string(), idt) + '\n')

            elif obj['type'] == 'edge':
                edge = pydot.Edge(obj_dict=obj)
                if root_graph.obj_dict.get('simplify',
                                           False) and edge in edges_done:

                    DEUtils.smart_indent(edge.to_string(), idt) + '\n')


                sgraph = pydot.Subgraph(obj_dict=obj)
                sg_str = self.EG_to_string(indent + 4, sgraph)
                graph.append(sg_str + '\n')

        if root_graph != root_graph.get_parent_graph():
            graph.append(' ' * indent)


        return ''.join(graph)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def EG_to_string(self, indent=0, root_graph=None):
        """Returns a string representation of the graph in dot language.
        This version try to make string looking better than to_string().
        idt = " " * (4 + indent)
        graph = list()

        if root_graph is None:
            root_graph = self

        if root_graph != root_graph.get_parent_graph():
            graph.append(" " * indent)

        if root_graph.obj_dict.get("strict", None) is not None:
            if root_graph == root_graph.get_parent_graph() and root_graph.obj_dict["strict"]:
                graph.append("strict ")

        if root_graph.obj_dict["name"] == "":
            graph.append("%s %s {\n" % (root_graph.obj_dict["type"], root_graph.obj_dict["name"]))

        for attr in root_graph.obj_dict["attributes"].keys():
            if root_graph.obj_dict["attributes"].get(attr, None) is not None:
                graph.append(idt + "%s=" % attr)
                val = root_graph.obj_dict["attributes"].get(attr)

        edges_done = set()

        edge_obj_dicts = list()
        for e in root_graph.obj_dict["edges"].values():

        if edge_obj_dicts:
            edge_src_set, edge_dst_set = zip(*[obj["points"] for obj in edge_obj_dicts])
            edge_src_set, edge_dst_set = set(edge_src_set), set(edge_dst_set)
            edge_src_set, edge_dst_set = set(), set()

        node_obj_dicts = list()
        for e in root_graph.obj_dict["nodes"].values():

        sgraph_obj_dicts = list()
        for sg in root_graph.obj_dict["subgraphs"].values():

        obj_list = [(obj["sequence"], obj) for obj in (edge_obj_dicts + node_obj_dicts + sgraph_obj_dicts)]

        for _, obj in obj_list:
            if obj["type"] == "node":
                node = pydot.Node(obj_dict=obj)
                if root_graph.obj_dict.get("suppress_disconnected", False):
                    if node.get_name() not in edge_src_set and node.get_name() not in edge_dst_set:

                graph.append(DEUtils.smart_indent(node.to_string(), idt) + "\n")

            elif obj["type"] == "edge":
                edge = pydot.Edge(obj_dict=obj)
                if root_graph.obj_dict.get("simplify", False) and edge in edges_done:

                graph.append(DEUtils.smart_indent(edge.to_string(), idt) + "\n")


                sgraph = pydot.Subgraph(obj_dict=obj)
                sg_str = self.EG_to_string(indent + 4, sgraph)
                graph.append(sg_str + "\n")

        if root_graph != root_graph.get_parent_graph():
            graph.append(" " * indent)


        return "".join(graph)