Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_addition(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     npc.assert_equal(p + p, p)
     m = sym.Monomial(x)
     npc.assert_equal(m + p, sym.Polynomial(1 * x))
     npc.assert_equal(p + m, sym.Polynomial(1 * x))
     npc.assert_equal(p + 0, p)
     npc.assert_equal(0 + p, p)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_subtraction(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     npc.assert_equal(p - p, p)
     m = sym.Monomial(x)
     npc.assert_equal(m - p, sym.Polynomial(1 * x))
     npc.assert_equal(p - m, sym.Polynomial(-1 * x))
     npc.assert_equal(p - 0, p)
     npc.assert_equal(0 - p, -p)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_hash(self):
     p1 = sym.Polynomial(x * x, [x])
     p2 = sym.Polynomial(x * x, [x])
     npc.assert_equal(p1, p2)
     self.assertEqual(hash(p1), hash(p2))
     p1 += 1
     npc.assert_not_equal(p1, p2)
     self.assertNotEqual(hash(p1), hash(p2))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_multiplication(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     npc.assert_equal(p * p, p)
     m = sym.Monomial(x)
     npc.assert_equal(m * p, p)
     npc.assert_equal(p * m, p)
     npc.assert_equal(p * 0, p)
     npc.assert_equal(0 * p, p)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_asserts_autodiff(self):
     # Test only scalar; other cases are handled by above test case.
     a = AutoDiffXd(1., [1., 0.])
     b = AutoDiffXd(1., [0., 1.])
     c = AutoDiffXd(2., [3., 4.])
     npc.assert_equal(a, a)
     npc.assert_not_equal(a, b)
     npc.assert_not_equal(a, c)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_jacobian(self):
        e = 5 * x ** 2 + 4 * y ** 2 + 8 * x * y
        p = sym.Polynomial(e, [x, y])                  # p = 5x² + 4y² + 8xy
        p_dx = sym.Polynomial(10 * x + 8 * y, [x, y])  # ∂p/∂x = 10x + 8y
        p_dy = sym.Polynomial(8 * y + 8 * x, [x, y])   # ∂p/∂y =  8y + 8x

        J = p.Jacobian([x, y])
        npc.assert_equal(J[0], p_dx)
        npc.assert_equal(J[1], p_dy)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_comparison(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     npc.assert_equal(p, p)
     self.assertIsInstance(p == p, sym.Formula)
     self.assertEqual(p == p, sym.Formula.True_())
     q = sym.Polynomial(sym.Expression(10))
     npc.assert_not_equal(p, q)
     self.assertIsInstance(p != q, sym.Formula)
     self.assertEqual(p != q, sym.Formula.True_())
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_asserts_symbolic(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     e = x + y
     npc.assert_equal(x, x)
     npc.assert_equal(x, "x")
     npc.assert_not_equal(x, y)
     npc.assert_equal(e, x + y)
     npc.assert_equal(e, "(x + y)")
     npc.assert_not_equal(e, x - y)
     npc.assert_not_equal(e, "(x - y)")
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_asserts_builtin(self):
     a = 1.
     b = 0.
     # Scalar.
     npc.assert_equal(a, a)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         npc.assert_equal(a, b)
     npc.assert_not_equal(a, b)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         npc.assert_not_equal(a, a)
     # Array.
     A = np.array([a, a])
     C = np.array([1., 2.])
     npc.assert_equal(A, a)
     npc.assert_equal(C, C)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         npc.assert_equal(A, b)
     npc.assert_not_equal(A, A + [0, 0.1])
     npc.assert_not_equal(A, b)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         npc.assert_not_equal(C, C)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_array_api(self):
     a = AD(1, [1., 0])
     b = AD(2, [0, 1.])
     x = np.array([a, b])
     self.assertEqual(x.dtype, object)
     # Idempotent check.
     npc.assert_equal(x, x)
     # Conversion.
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         # Avoid implicit coercion, as this will imply information loss.
         xf = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.float)
         xf[:] = x
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         # We could define `__float__` to allow this, but then that will
         # enable implicit coercion, which we should avoid.
         xf = x.astype(dtype=np.float)
     # Presently, does not convert.
     x = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=AD)
     self.assertFalse(isinstance(x[0, 0], AD))
     x = np.eye(3).astype(AD)
     self.assertFalse(isinstance(x[0, 0], AD))
     # Test implicit conversion.
         autodiff_vector_pass_through([1, 2]),  # int
         [AD(1., []), AD(2., [])])
         autodiff_vector_pass_through([1., 2.]),  # float
         [AD(1., []), AD(2., [])])
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_linear_algebra(self):
        a_scalar = AD(1, [1., 0])
        b_scalar = AD(2, [0, 1.])
        A = np.array([[a_scalar, a_scalar]])
        B = np.array([[b_scalar, b_scalar]]).T
        C = np.dot(A, B)
        npc.assert_equal(C, [[AD(4, [4., 2])]])

        # `matmul` not supported for `dtype=object` (#11332). `np.dot` should
        # be used instead.
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            C2 = np.matmul(A, B)

        # Type mixing
        Bf = np.array([[2., 2]]).T
        C2 = np.dot(A, Bf)  # Leverages implicit casting.
        npc.assert_equal(C2, [[AD(4, [4., 0])]])

        # Other methods.
        X = np.array([[a_scalar, b_scalar], [b_scalar, a_scalar]])
        npc.assert_equal(np.trace(X), AD(2, [2., 0]))

        # `inv` is a ufunc that we must implement, if possible. However, given
        # that this is currently `dtype=object`, it would be extremely unwise
        # to do so. See #8116 for alternative.
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            Y = np.linalg.inv(X)

        # Use workaround for inverse. For now, just check values.
        X_float = npc.to_float(X)
        Xinv_float = np.linalg.inv(X_float)
        Xinv = drake_math.inv(X)
        np.testing.assert_equal(npc.to_float(Xinv), Xinv_float)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_addition_assignment(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     p += p
     npc.assert_equal(p, sym.Polynomial())
     p += sym.Monomial(x)
     npc.assert_equal(p, sym.Polynomial(1 * x))
     p += 3
     npc.assert_equal(p, sym.Polynomial(3 + 1 * x))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_subtraction_assignment(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     p -= p
     npc.assert_equal(p, sym.Polynomial())
     p -= sym.Monomial(x)
     npc.assert_equal(p, sym.Polynomial(-1 * x))
     p -= 3
     npc.assert_equal(p, sym.Polynomial(-1 * x - 3))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_multiplication_assignment(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     p *= p
     npc.assert_equal(p, sym.Polynomial())
     p *= sym.Monomial(x)
     npc.assert_equal(p, sym.Polynomial())
     p *= 3
     npc.assert_equal(p, sym.Polynomial())
Exemplo n.º 15
    def check_angle_axis(self, T):
        AngleAxis = mut.AngleAxis_[T]
        value_identity = AngleAxis.Identity()
        self.assertEqual(npc.resolve_type(value_identity.angle()), T)
        npc.assert_float_equal(value_identity.angle(), 0.)
        npc.assert_float_equal(value_identity.axis(), [1., 0, 0])

        # Construct with rotation matrix.
        R = np.array([
            [0., 1, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 1]])
        value = AngleAxis(rotation=R)
        npc.assert_float_allclose(value.rotation(), R)
        npc.assert_float_allclose(copy.copy(value).rotation(), R)
        npc.assert_float_allclose(value.inverse().rotation(), R.T)
            value.multiply(value.inverse()).rotation(), np.eye(3))
        if six.PY3:
                eval("value @ value.inverse()").rotation(), np.eye(3))
        npc.assert_float_equal(value.rotation(), np.eye(3))

        # Construct with quaternion.
        Quaternion = mut.Quaternion_[T]
        q = Quaternion(R)
        value = AngleAxis(quaternion=q)
            value.quaternion().wxyz(), npc.to_float(q.wxyz()))
        npc.assert_float_equal(value.quaternion().wxyz(), [1., 0, 0, 0])

        # Test setters.
        value = AngleAxis(value_identity)
        value.set_angle(np.pi / 4)
        v = normalize(np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]))
        if T != Expression:
            with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
                value.set_axis([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        npc.assert_float_equal(value.angle(), np.pi / 4)
        npc.assert_float_equal(value.axis(), v)

        # Test symmetry based on accessors.
        # N.B. `Eigen::AngleAxis` does not disambiguate by restricting internal
        # angles and axes to a half-plane.
        angle = np.pi / 6
        axis = normalize([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
        value = AngleAxis(angle=angle, axis=axis)
        value_sym = AngleAxis(angle=-angle, axis=-axis)
        npc.assert_equal(value.rotation(), value_sym.rotation())
        npc.assert_equal(value.angle(), -value_sym.angle())
        npc.assert_equal(value.axis(), -value_sym.axis())
Exemplo n.º 16
def check_logical(func, a, b, expected):
    # Checks logical operations, with broadcasting, checking that `a` and `b`
    # (of type `T`) have compatible logical operators when the left or right
    # operands are `float`s. Specifically, tests:
    # - f(T, T)
    # - f(T, float)
    # - f(float, T)
    npc.assert_equal(func(a, b), expected)
    af = npc.to_float(a)
    bf = npc.to_float(b)
    npc.assert_equal(func(a, bf), expected)
    npc.assert_equal(func(af, b), expected)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_expand(self):
     ex = 2 * (x + y)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(ex, "(2 * (x + y))")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(ex.Expand(), "(2 * x + 2 * y)")
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_remove_terms_with_small_coefficients(self):
     e = 3 * x + 1e-12 * y
     p = sym.Polynomial(e, [x, y])
     q = p.RemoveTermsWithSmallCoefficients(1e-6)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(q.ToExpression(), 3 * x)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_subtraction(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial(0.0, [x])
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p - p, p)
     m = sym.Monomial(x)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(m - p, sym.Polynomial(1 * x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p - m, sym.Polynomial(-1 * x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p - 0, p)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(0 - p, -p)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x - p, sym.Polynomial(x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p - x, sym.Polynomial(-x))
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_to_expression(self):
     m = sym.Monomial(x, 3) * sym.Monomial(y)  # m = x³y
     e = m.ToExpression()
     npc.assert_equal(e, "(pow(x, 3) * y)")
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_simplify(self):
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(0 * (x + y), "0")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x + y - x - y, "0")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x / x - 1, "0")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x / x, "1")
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_non_method_jacobian(self):
     # Jacobian([x * cos(y), x * sin(y), x ** 2], [x, y]) returns
     # the following 3x2 matrix:
     #  = |cos(y)   -x * sin(y)|
     #    |sin(y)    x * cos(y)|
     #    | 2 * x             0|
     J = sym.Jacobian([x * sym.cos(y), x * sym.sin(y), x**2], [x, y])
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(J[0, 0], sym.cos(y))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(J[1, 0], sym.sin(y))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(J[2, 0], 2 * x)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(J[0, 1], -x * sym.sin(y))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(J[1, 1], x * sym.cos(y))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(J[2, 1], sym.Expression(0))
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_differentiate(self):
     e = x * x
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(e.Differentiate(x), 2 * x)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_constructor_expression(self):
     e = 2 * x + 3 * y
     p = sym.Polynomial(e)
     npc.assert_equal(p.ToExpression(), e)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_substitute_with_dict(self):
     e = x + y
     env = {x: x + 2, y: y + 3}
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(e.Substitute(env), x + y + 5)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_str(self):
     m1 = sym.Monomial(x, 2)
     npc.assert_equal(m1, "x^2")
     m2 = m1 * sym.Monomial(y)
     npc.assert_equal(m2, "x^2 * y")
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_monomial_to_coefficient_map(self):
     m = sym.Monomial(x, 2)
     e = a * (x ** 2)
     p = sym.Polynomial(e, [x])
     the_map = p.monomial_to_coefficient_map()
     npc.assert_equal(the_map[m], a)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_differentiate(self):
     e = a * (x ** 2)
     p = sym.Polynomial(e, [x])  # p = ax²
     result = p.Differentiate(x)  # = 2ax
     npc.assert_equal(result.ToExpression(), 2 * a * x)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_add_product(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     m = sym.Monomial(x)
     p.AddProduct(sym.Expression(3), m)  # p += 3 * x
     npc.assert_equal(p.ToExpression(), 3 * x)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_simplify(self):
     npc.assert_equal(0 * (x + y), "0")
     npc.assert_equal(x + y - x - y, "0")
     npc.assert_equal(x / x - 1, "0")
     npc.assert_equal(x / x, "1")
Exemplo n.º 31
 def test_constructor_maptype(self):
     m = {sym.Monomial(x): sym.Expression(3),
          sym.Monomial(y): sym.Expression(2)}  # 3x + 2y
     p = sym.Polynomial(m)
     expected = 3 * x + 2 * y
     npc.assert_equal(p.ToExpression(), expected)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def test_str(self):
     m1 = sym.Monomial(x, 2)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(m1, "x^2")
     m2 = m1 * sym.Monomial(y)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(m2, "x^2 * y")
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_relational_operators(self):
        # Variable rop float
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x >= 1, "(x >= 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x > 1, "(x > 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x <= 1, "(x <= 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x < 1, "(x < 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x == 1, "(x == 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x != 1, "(x != 1)")

        # float rop Variable
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(1 < y, "(y > 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(1 <= y, "(y >= 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(1 > y, "(y < 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(1 >= y, "(y <= 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(1 == y, "(y == 1)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(1 != y, "(y != 1)")

        # Variable rop Variable
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x < y, "(x < y)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x <= y, "(x <= y)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x > y, "(x > y)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x >= y, "(x >= y)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x == y, "(x == y)")
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(x != y, "(x != y)")
Exemplo n.º 34
 def test_default_constructor(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p.ToExpression(), sym.Expression())
Exemplo n.º 35
 def test_method_jacobian(self):
     # (x * cos(y)).Jacobian([x, y]) returns [cos(y), -x * sin(y)].
     J = (x * sym.cos(y)).Jacobian([x, y])
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(J[0], sym.cos(y))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(J[1], -x * sym.sin(y))
Exemplo n.º 36
 def test_monomial_to_coefficient_map(self):
     m = sym.Monomial(x, 2)
     e = a * (x**2)
     p = sym.Polynomial(e, [x])
     the_map = p.monomial_to_coefficient_map()
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(the_map[m], a)
Exemplo n.º 37
 def test_substitute_with_pair(self):
     e = x + y
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(e.Substitute(x, x + 5), x + y + 5)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(e.Substitute(y, z), x + z)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(e.Substitute(y, 3), x + 3)
Exemplo n.º 38
 def test_remove_terms_with_small_coefficients(self):
     e = 3 * x + 1e-12 * y
     p = sym.Polynomial(e, [x, y])
     q = p.RemoveTermsWithSmallCoefficients(1e-6)
     npc.assert_equal(q.ToExpression(), 3 * x)
Exemplo n.º 39
 def test_copy(self):
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(copy.copy(e_x), e_x)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(copy.deepcopy(e_x), e_x)
Exemplo n.º 40
 def test_expand(self):
     ex = 2 * (x + y)
     npc.assert_equal(ex, "(2 * (x + y))")
     npc.assert_equal(ex.Expand(), "(2 * x + 2 * y)")
Exemplo n.º 41
 def test_to_expression(self):
     m = sym.Monomial(x, 3) * sym.Monomial(y)  # m = x³y
     e = m.ToExpression()
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(e, "(pow(x, 3) * y)")
Exemplo n.º 42
 def test_pow(self):
     e = a * (x ** 2)
     p = sym.Polynomial(e, [x])  # p = ax²
     p = pow(p, 2)  # p = a²x⁴
     npc.assert_equal(p.ToExpression(), (a ** 2) * (x ** 4))
Exemplo n.º 43
 def test_constructor_expression(self):
     e = 2 * x + 3 * y
     p = sym.Polynomial(e)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p.ToExpression(), e)
Exemplo n.º 44
 def test_pow(self):
     e = a * (x**2)
     p = sym.Polynomial(e, [x])  # p = ax²
     p = pow(p, 2)  # p = a²x⁴
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p.ToExpression(), (a**2) * (x**4))
Exemplo n.º 45
 def test_differentiate(self):
     e = a * (x**2)
     p = sym.Polynomial(e, [x])  # p = ax²
     result = p.Differentiate(x)  # = 2ax
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(result.ToExpression(), 2 * a * x)
Exemplo n.º 46
def _assert_equal(test, a, b):
    if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a, b)
        test.assertEqual(a, b)
Exemplo n.º 47
 def test_add_product(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     m = sym.Monomial(x)
     p.AddProduct(sym.Expression(3), m)  # p += 3 * x
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p.ToExpression(), 3 * x)
Exemplo n.º 48
    def _check_algebra(self, algebra):
        a_scalar = AD(1, [1., 0])
        b_scalar = AD(2, [0, 1.])
        c_scalar = AD(0, [1., 0])
        d_scalar = AD(1, [0, 1.])
        a, b, c, d = map(
            algebra.to_algebra, (a_scalar, b_scalar, c_scalar, d_scalar))

        # Arithmetic
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(-a, AD(-1, [-1., 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a + b, AD(3, [1, 1]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a + 1, AD(2, [1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(1 + a, AD(2, [1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a - b, AD(-1, [1, -1]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a - 1, AD(0, [1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(1 - a, AD(0, [-1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a * b, AD(2, [2, 1]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a * 2, AD(2, [2, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(2 * a, AD(2, [2, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a / b, AD(1./2, [1./2, -1./4]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a / 2, AD(0.5, [0.5, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(2 / a, AD(2, [-2, 0]))
        # Logical
        check_logical(lambda x, y: x == y, a, a, True)
        check_logical(algebra.eq, a, a, True)
        check_logical(lambda x, y: x != y, a, a, False)
        check_logical(algebra.ne, a, a, False)
        check_logical(lambda x, y: x < y, a, b, True)
        check_logical(algebra.lt, a, b, True)
        check_logical(lambda x, y: x <= y, a, b, True)
        check_logical(algebra.le, a, b, True)
        check_logical(lambda x, y: x > y, a, b, False)
        check_logical(algebra.gt, a, b, False)
        check_logical(lambda x, y: x >= y, a, b, False)
        check_logical(algebra.ge, a, b, False)
        # Additional math
        # - See `math_overloads_test` for scalar overloads.
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(a**2, AD(1, [2., 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.log(a), AD(0, [1., 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.abs(-a), AD(1, [1., 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.exp(a), AD(np.e, [np.e, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.sqrt(a), AD(1, [0.5, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.pow(a, 2), AD(1, [2., 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.pow(a, 0.5), AD(1, [0.5, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.sin(c), AD(0, [1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.cos(c), AD(1, [0, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.tan(c), AD(0, [1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.arcsin(c), AD(0, [1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.arccos(c), AD(np.pi / 2, [-1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.arctan2(c, d), AD(0, [1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.sinh(c), AD(0, [1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.cosh(c), AD(1, [0, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.tanh(c), AD(0, [1, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.min(a, b), a_scalar)
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(algebra.max(a, b), b_scalar)
        # Because `ceil` and `floor` return `double`, we have to special case
        # this comparison since the matrix is `dtype=object`, even though the
        # elements are all doubles. We must cast it to float.
        # N.B. This would be fixed if we registered a UFunc for these
        # methods, so NumPy would have already returned a `float` array.
        ceil_a = algebra.ceil(a)
        floor_a = algebra.floor(a)
        if isinstance(algebra, VectorizedAlgebra):
            self.assertEqual(ceil_a.dtype, object)
            self.assertIsInstance(ceil_a[0], float)
            ceil_a = ceil_a.astype(float)
            floor_a = floor_a.astype(float)
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(ceil_a, a_scalar.value())
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(floor_a, a_scalar.value())
        # Return value so it can be inspected.
        return a
Exemplo n.º 49
 def test_addition(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial(0.0, [x])
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p + p, p)
     m = sym.Monomial(x)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(m + p, sym.Polynomial(1 * x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p + m, sym.Polynomial(1 * x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p + 0, p)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(0 + p, p)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x + p, sym.Polynomial(x) + p)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p + x, p + sym.Polynomial(x))
Exemplo n.º 50
 def test_unary_operators(self):
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(+x, "x")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(-x, "(-1 * x)")
Exemplo n.º 51
 def test_multiplication(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial(0.0, [x])
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p * p, p)
     m = sym.Monomial(x)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(m * p, p)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p * m, p)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p * 0, p)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(0 * p, p)
         sym.Polynomial(x) * x, sym.Polynomial(x * x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x * sym.Polynomial(x),
                                sym.Polynomial(x * x))
Exemplo n.º 52
 def test_functions_with_float(self):
     # TODO(eric.cousineau): Use concrete values once vectorized methods are
     # supported.
     v_x = 1.0
     v_y = 1.0
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.abs(v_x), np.abs(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_not_equal(sym.abs(v_x), 0.5 * np.abs(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.abs(v_x), np.abs(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.abs(v_x), np.abs(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.exp(v_x), np.exp(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.sqrt(v_x), np.sqrt(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.pow(v_x, v_y), v_x**v_y)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.sin(v_x), np.sin(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.cos(v_x), np.cos(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.tan(v_x), np.tan(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.asin(v_x), np.arcsin(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.acos(v_x), np.arccos(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.atan(v_x), np.arctan(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.atan2(v_x, v_y), np.arctan2(v_x, v_y))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.sinh(v_x), np.sinh(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.cosh(v_x), np.cosh(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.tanh(v_x), np.tanh(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.min(v_x, v_y), min(v_x, v_y))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.max(v_x, v_y), max(v_x, v_y))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.ceil(v_x), np.ceil(v_x))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(sym.floor(v_x), np.floor(v_x))
             sym.Expression(v_x) > sym.Expression(v_y), v_x, v_y),
         v_x if v_x > v_y else v_y)
Exemplo n.º 53
 def test_division(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial(x * x + x)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(p / 2,
                                sym.Polynomial(1 / 2 * x * x + 1 / 2 * x))
Exemplo n.º 54
 def test_default_constructor(self):
     p = sym.Polynomial()
     npc.assert_equal(p.ToExpression(), sym.Expression())
Exemplo n.º 55
 def test_pow(self):
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x**2, "pow(x, 2)")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x**y, "pow(x, y)")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal((x + 1)**(y - 1), "pow((1 + x), (-1 + y))")
Exemplo n.º 56
 def test_matrix_substitute_with_substitution(self):
     m = np.array([[x + y, x * y]])
     env = {x: x + 2, y:  y + 3}
     substituted = sym.Substitute(m, env)
     npc.assert_equal(substituted[0, 0], m[0, 0].Substitute(env))
     npc.assert_equal(substituted[0, 1], m[0, 1].Substitute(env))
Exemplo n.º 57
    def test_rotation_matrix(self, T):
        # - Constructors.
        RotationMatrix = mut.RotationMatrix_[T]
        AngleAxis = AngleAxis_[T]
        Quaternion = Quaternion_[T]
        RollPitchYaw = mut.RollPitchYaw_[T]

        R = RotationMatrix()
                RotationMatrix(other=R).matrix(), np.eye(3))
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(copy.copy(R).matrix(), np.eye(3))
                RotationMatrix.Identity().matrix(), np.eye(3))
        R = RotationMatrix(R=np.eye(3))
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        R = RotationMatrix(quaternion=Quaternion.Identity())
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        R = RotationMatrix(theta_lambda=AngleAxis(angle=0, axis=[0, 0, 1]))
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        R = RotationMatrix(rpy=RollPitchYaw(rpy=[0, 0, 0]))
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        # One axis RotationMatrices
        R = RotationMatrix.MakeXRotation(theta=0)
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        R = RotationMatrix.MakeYRotation(theta=0)
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        R = RotationMatrix.MakeZRotation(theta=0)
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        # TODO(eric.cousineau): #11575, remove the conditional.
        if T == float:
            numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.row(index=0), [1., 0., 0.])
            numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.col(index=0), [1., 0., 0.])
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        # - Cast.
        self.check_cast(mut.RotationMatrix_, T)
        # - Nontrivial quaternion.
        q = Quaternion(wxyz=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
        R = RotationMatrix(quaternion=q)
        q_R = R.ToQuaternion()
            q.wxyz(), numpy_compare.to_float(q_R.wxyz()))
        # - Conversion to AngleAxis
        angle_axis = R.ToAngleAxis()
        self.assertIsInstance(angle_axis, AngleAxis)
        R_AngleAxis = RotationMatrix(angle_axis)
        R_I = R.inverse().multiply(R_AngleAxis)
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(R_I.IsIdentityToInternalTolerance(), True)
        # - Inverse, transpose, projection
        R_I = R.inverse().multiply(R)
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R_I.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal((R.inverse() @ R).matrix(), np.eye(3))
        R_T = R.transpose().multiply(R)
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R_T.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        R_P = RotationMatrix.ProjectToRotationMatrix(M=2*np.eye(3))
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R_P.matrix(), np.eye(3))
        # - Multiplication.
        R_AB = RotationMatrix([
            [0., 1, 0],
            [-1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 1]])
        v_B = [10, 20, 30]
        v_A = [20., -10., 30]
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R_AB.multiply(v_B=v_B), v_A)
        # N.B. Remember that this takes ndarray[3, n], NOT ndarray[n, 3]!
        vlist_B = np.array([v_B, v_B]).T
        vlist_A = np.array([v_A, v_A]).T
        numpy_compare.assert_float_equal(R_AB.multiply(v_B=vlist_B), vlist_A)
        # Matrix checks
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(R.IsValid(), True)
        R = RotationMatrix()
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(R.IsExactlyIdentity(), True)
        numpy_compare.assert_equal(R.IsIdentityToInternalTolerance(), True)
        # Test pickling.
        assert_pickle(self, R_AB, RotationMatrix.matrix, T=T)
Exemplo n.º 58
 def test_matrix_substitute_with_variable_and_expression(self):
     m = np.array([[x + y, x * y]])
     substituted = sym.Substitute(m, x, 3.0)
     npc.assert_equal(substituted[0, 0], m[0, 0].Substitute(x, 3.0))
     npc.assert_equal(substituted[0, 1], m[0, 1].Substitute(x, 3.0))
Exemplo n.º 59
 def test_scalar_api(self):
     a = AD(1, [1., 0])
     self.assertEqual(a.value(), 1.)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(a.derivatives(), [1., 0])
     self.assertEqual(str(a), "AD{1.0, nderiv=2}")
     self.assertEqual(repr(a), "<AutoDiffXd 1.0 nderiv=2>")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(a, a)
     # Test construction from `float` and `int`.
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(AD(1), AD(1., []))
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(AD(1.), AD(1., []))
     # Test implicit conversion.
         autodiff_scalar_pass_through(1),  # int
         AD(1., []))
         autodiff_scalar_pass_through(1.),  # float
         AD(1., []))
     # Test multi-element pass-through.
     x = np.array([AD(1.), AD(2.), AD(3.)])
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(autodiff_vector_pass_through(x), x)
     # Ensure fixed-size vectors are correctly converted (#9886).
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(autodiff_vector3_pass_through(x), x)
     # Ensure we can copy.
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(copy.copy(a), a)
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(copy.deepcopy(a), a)
     # Ensure that we can pickle.
     assert_pickle(self, a, lambda x: x)
Exemplo n.º 60
 def test_division(self):
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x / y, "(x / y)")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(x / 1, "x")
     numpy_compare.assert_equal(1 / x, "(1 / x)")