Exemplo n.º 1
    def traverse_commits(self) -> Generator[Commit, None, None]:
        Analyze all the specified commits (all of them by default), returning
        a generator of commits.
        for path_repo in self._conf.get('path_to_repos'):
            # if it is a remote repo, clone it first in a temporary folder!
            if self._is_remote(path_repo):
                if self._conf.get('clone_repo_to'):
                    clone_folder = str(Path(self._conf.get('clone_repo_to')))
                    if not os.path.isdir(clone_folder):
                        raise Exception(
                            "Not a directory: {0}".format(clone_folder))
                    path_repo = self._clone_remote_repos(
                        clone_folder, path_repo)
                    tmp_folder = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
                    path_repo = self._clone_remote_repos(
                        tmp_folder.name, path_repo)

            git_repo = GitRepository(path_repo, self._conf)
            self._conf.set_value("git_repo", git_repo)

            logger.info('Analyzing git repository in %s', git_repo.path)

            # Get the commits that modified the filepath. In this case, we can not use
            # git rev-list since it doesn't have the option --follow, necessary to follow
            # the renames. Hence, we manually call git log instead
            if self._conf.get('filepath') is not None:

            # Gets only the commits that are tagged
            if self._conf.get('only_releases'):

            # Build the arguments to pass to git rev-list.
            rev, kwargs = self._conf.build_args()

            # Iterate over all the commits returned by git rev-list
            for commit in git_repo.get_list_commits(rev, **kwargs):
                logger.info('Commit #%s in %s from %s', commit.hash,
                            commit.committer_date, commit.author.name)

                if self._conf.is_commit_filtered(commit):
                    logger.info('Commit #%s filtered', commit.hash)

                yield commit

            # cleaning, this is necessary since GitPython issues on memory leaks
            self._conf.set_value("git_repo", None)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def traverse_commits(self) -> Generator[Commit, None, None]:
        Analyze all the specified commits (all of them by default), returning
        a generator of commits.
        for path_repo in self._conf.get('path_to_repos'):
            if self._is_remote(path_repo):
                path_repo = self._clone_remote_repos(self._clone_folder(),

            git_repo = GitRepository(path_repo, self._conf)
            # saving the GitRepository object for further use
            self._conf.set_value("git_repo", git_repo)

            # when multiple repos are given in input, this variable will serve as a reminder
            # of which one we are currently analyzing
            self._conf.set_value('path_to_repo', path_repo)

            # checking that the filters are set correctly

            logger.info('Analyzing git repository in %s', git_repo.path)

            # Get the commits that modified the filepath. In this case, we can not use
            # git rev-list since it doesn't have the option --follow, necessary to follow
            # the renames. Hence, we manually call git log instead
            if self._conf.get('filepath') is not None:

            # Gets only the commits that are tagged
            if self._conf.get('only_releases'):

            # Build the arguments to pass to git rev-list.
            rev, kwargs = self._conf.build_args()

            # Iterate over all the commits returned by git rev-list
            for commit in git_repo.get_list_commits(rev, **kwargs):
                logger.info('Commit #%s in %s from %s', commit.hash,
                            commit.committer_date, commit.author.name)

                if self._conf.is_commit_filtered(commit):
                    logger.info('Commit #%s filtered', commit.hash)

                yield commit

            # cleaning, this is necessary since GitPython issues on memory leaks
            self._conf.set_value("git_repo", None)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def traverse_commits(self) -> Generator[Commit, None, None]:
        Analyze all the specified commits (all of them by default), returning
        a generator of commits.
        for path_repo in self._conf.get('path_to_repos'):
            # if it is a remote repo, clone it first in a temporary folder!
            if self._is_remote(path_repo):
                if self._conf.get('clone_repo_to'):
                    clone_folder = str(Path(self._conf.get('clone_repo_to')))
                    if not os.path.isdir(clone_folder):
                        raise Exception("Not a directory: " \
                    path_repo = self._clone_remote_repos(
                        clone_folder, path_repo)
                    tmp_folder = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
                    path_repo = self._clone_remote_repos(
                        tmp_folder.name, path_repo)

            git_repo = GitRepository(path_repo, self._conf)
            self._conf.set_value("git_repo", git_repo)

            logger.info('Analyzing git repository in %s', git_repo.path)

            if self._conf.get('filepath') is not None:

            if self._conf.get('only_releases'):

            for commit in git_repo.get_list_commits(
                    not self._conf.get('reversed_order')):
                logger.info('Commit #%s in %s from %s', commit.hash,
                            commit.committer_date, commit.author.name)

                if self._conf.is_commit_filtered(commit):
                    logger.info('Commit #%s filtered', commit.hash)

                yield commit

            # cleaning
            self._conf.set_value("git_repo", None)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _prep_repo(self,
                   path_repo: str) -> Generator[GitRepository, None, None]:
        local_path_repo = path_repo
        if self._is_remote(path_repo):
            local_path_repo = self._clone_remote_repo(self._clone_folder(),
        local_path_repo = str(Path(local_path_repo).expanduser().resolve())

        # when multiple repos are given in input, this variable will serve as a reminder
        # of which one we are currently analyzing
        self._conf.set_value('path_to_repo', local_path_repo)

        git_repo = GitRepository(local_path_repo, self._conf)
        # saving the GitRepository object for further use
        self._conf.set_value("git_repo", git_repo)

        # checking that the filters are set correctly
        yield git_repo

        # cleaning, this is necessary since GitPython issues on memory leaks
        self._conf.set_value("git_repo", None)

        # delete the temporary directory if created
        if self._is_remote(path_repo) and self._cleanup is True:
            assert self._tmp_dir is not None
            except PermissionError:
                # on Windows, Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 are not able to delete
                # git directories because of read-only files. This is now fixed
                # in python 3.8. In this case, we need to use an
                # onerror callback to clear the read-only bit.
                # see https://docs.python.org/3/library/shutil.html?highlight=shutil#rmtree-example
                def _remove_readonly(func, path, _):
                    os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE)

                shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_dir.name, onerror=_remove_readonly)
class RepositoryMining:
    This is the main class of PyDriller, responsible for running the study.

    def __init__(self, path_to_repo: Union[str, List[str]],
                 single: str = None,
                 since: datetime = None, to: datetime = None,
                 from_commit: str = None, to_commit: str = None,
                 from_tag: str = None, to_tag: str = None,
                 include_refs: bool = False,
                 include_remotes: bool = False,
                 only_in_branch: str = None,
                 only_modifications_with_file_types: List[str] = None,
                 only_no_merge: bool = False,
                 only_authors: List[str] = None,
                 only_commits: List[str] = None,
                 only_releases: bool = False,
                 filepath: str = None,
                 histogram_diff: bool = False,
                 skip_whitespaces: bool = False,
                 clone_repo_to: str = None,
                 order: str = None):
        Init a repository mining. The only required parameter is
        "path_to_repo": to analyze a single repo, pass the absolute path to
        the repo; if you need to analyze more repos, pass a list of absolute

        Furthermore, PyDriller supports local and remote repositories: if
        you pass a path to a repo, PyDriller will run the study on that
        repo; if you pass an URL, PyDriller will clone the repo in a
        temporary folder, run the study, and delete the temporary folder.

        :param Union[str,List[str]] path_to_repo: absolute path (or list of
            absolute paths) to the repository(ies) to analyze
        :param str single: hash of a single commit to analyze
        :param datetime since: starting date
        :param datetime to: ending date
        :param str from_commit: starting commit (only if `since` is None)
        :param str to_commit: ending commit (only if `to` is None)
        :param str from_tag: starting the analysis from specified tag (only
            if `since` and `from_commit` are None)
        :param str to_tag: ending the analysis from specified tag (only if
            `to` and `to_commit` are None)
        :param bool include_refs: whether to include refs and HEAD in commit analysis
        :param bool include_remotes: whether to include remote commits in analysis
        :param str only_in_branch: only commits in this branch will be analyzed
        :param List[str] only_modifications_with_file_types: only
            modifications with that file types will be analyzed
        :param bool only_no_merge: if True, merges will not be analyzed
        :param List[str] only_authors: only commits of these authors will be
            analyzed (the check is done on the username, NOT the email)
        :param List[str] only_commits: only these commits will be analyzed
        :param bool only_releases: analyze only tagged commits
        :param bool histogram_diff: add the "--histogram" option when asking for the diff
        :param bool skip_whitespaces: add the "-w" option when asking for the diff
        :param bool clone_repo_to: if the repo under analysis is remote, clone the repo to the specified directory
        :param str filepath: only commits that modified this file will be analyzed
        :param str order: order of commits. It can be one of: 'date-order',
            'author-date-order', 'topo-order', or 'reverse'. Default is reverse.
        file_modification_set = (
            None if only_modifications_with_file_types is None
            else set(only_modifications_with_file_types)
        commit_set = (
            None if only_commits is None
            else set(only_commits)

        options = {
            "git_repo": None,
            "path_to_repo": path_to_repo,
            "from_commit": from_commit,
            "to_commit": to_commit,
            "from_tag": from_tag,
            "to_tag": to_tag,
            "since": since,
            "to": to,
            "single": single,
            "include_refs": include_refs,
            "include_remotes": include_remotes,
            "only_in_branch": only_in_branch,
            "only_modifications_with_file_types": file_modification_set,
            "only_no_merge": only_no_merge,
            "only_authors": only_authors,
            "only_commits": commit_set,
            "only_releases": only_releases,
            "skip_whitespaces": skip_whitespaces,
            "filepath": filepath,
            "filepath_commits": None,
            "tagged_commits": None,
            "histogram": histogram_diff,
            "clone_repo_to": clone_repo_to,
            "order": order
        self._conf = Conf(options)

        # If the user provides a directory where to clone the repositories,
        # make sure we do not delete the directory after the study completes
        self._cleanup = False if clone_repo_to is not None else True

    def _is_remote(repo: str) -> bool:
        return repo.startswith("git@") or repo.startswith("https://")

    def _clone_remote_repo(self, tmp_folder: str, repo: str) -> str:
        repo_folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, self._get_repo_name_from_url(repo))
        logger.info("Cloning %s in temporary folder %s", repo, repo_folder)
        Repo.clone_from(url=repo, to_path=repo_folder)

        return repo_folder

    def _clone_folder(self) -> str:
        if self._conf.get('clone_repo_to'):
            clone_folder = str(Path(self._conf.get('clone_repo_to')))
            if not os.path.isdir(clone_folder):
                raise Exception("Not a directory: {0}".format(clone_folder))
            # Save the temporary directory so we can clean it up later
            self._tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
            clone_folder = self._tmp_dir.name
        return clone_folder

    def _prep_repo(self, path_repo: str) -> Generator[GitRepository, None, None]:
        local_path_repo = path_repo
        if self._is_remote(path_repo):
            local_path_repo = self._clone_remote_repo(self._clone_folder(), path_repo)
        local_path_repo = str(Path(local_path_repo).expanduser().resolve())

        # when multiple repos are given in input, this variable will serve as a reminder
        # of which one we are currently analyzing
        self._conf.set_value('path_to_repo', local_path_repo)

        self.git_repo = GitRepository(local_path_repo, self._conf)
        # saving the GitRepository object for further use
        self._conf.set_value("git_repo", self.git_repo)

        # checking that the filters are set correctly
        yield self.git_repo

        # cleaning, this is necessary since GitPython issues on memory leaks
        self._conf.set_value("git_repo", None)
        self.git_repo = None  # type: ignore

        # delete the temporary directory if created
        if self._is_remote(path_repo) and self._cleanup is True:
            assert self._tmp_dir is not None
            except PermissionError:
                # on Windows, Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 are not able to delete
                # git directories because of read-only files.
                # In this case, just ignore the errors.
                shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_dir.name, ignore_errors=True)

    def traverse_commits(self) -> Generator[Commit, None, None]:
        Analyze all the specified commits (all of them by default), returning
        a generator of commits.
        for path_repo in self._conf.get('path_to_repos'):
            with self._prep_repo(path_repo=path_repo) as git_repo:
                logger.info('Analyzing git repository in %s', git_repo.path)

                # Get the commits that modified the filepath. In this case, we can not use
                # git rev-list since it doesn't have the option --follow, necessary to follow
                # the renames. Hence, we manually call git log instead
                if self._conf.get('filepath') is not None:
                    self._conf.set_value('filepath_commits', git_repo.get_commits_modified_file(self._conf.get('filepath')))

                # Gets only the commits that are tagged
                if self._conf.get('only_releases'):
                    self._conf.set_value('tagged_commits', git_repo.get_tagged_commits())

                # Build the arguments to pass to git rev-list.
                rev, kwargs = self._conf.build_args()

                # Iterate over all the commits returned by git rev-list
                for commit in git_repo.get_list_commits(rev, **kwargs):
                    logger.info('Commit #%s in %s from %s', commit.hash, commit.committer_date, commit.author.name)

                    if self._conf.is_commit_filtered(commit):
                        logger.info('Commit #%s filtered', commit.hash)

                    yield commit

    def _get_repo_name_from_url(url: str) -> str:
        last_slash_index = url.rfind("/")
        last_suffix_index = url.rfind(".git")
        if last_suffix_index < 0:
            last_suffix_index = len(url)

        if last_slash_index < 0 or last_suffix_index <= last_slash_index:
            raise Exception("Badly formatted url {}".format(url))

        return url[last_slash_index + 1:last_suffix_index]
def repo(path):
    gr = GitRepository(path)
    yield gr
Exemplo n.º 7
def repo(request):
    gr = GitRepository(request.param)
    yield gr
Exemplo n.º 8
def repo():
    path = "test-repos/dmm-test-repo"
    gr = GitRepository(path)
    yield gr
Exemplo n.º 9
    def traverse_commits(self) -> Generator[Commit, None, None]:
        Analyze all the specified commits (all of them by default), returning
        a generator of commits.
        for path_repo in self._conf.get('path_to_repos'):
            local_path_repo = path_repo
            if self._is_remote(path_repo):
                local_path_repo = self._clone_remote_repo(
                    self._clone_folder(), path_repo)

            # Get absolute path
            local_path_repo = str(Path(local_path_repo).expanduser().resolve())

            # when multiple repos are given in input, this variable will serve as a reminder
            # of which one we are currently analyzing
            self._conf.set_value('path_to_repo', local_path_repo)

            git_repo = GitRepository(local_path_repo, self._conf)
            # saving the GitRepository object for further use
            self._conf.set_value("git_repo", git_repo)

            # checking that the filters are set correctly

            logger.info('Analyzing git repository in %s', git_repo.path)

            # Get the commits that modified the filepath. In this case, we can not use
            # git rev-list since it doesn't have the option --follow, necessary to follow
            # the renames. Hence, we manually call git log instead
            if self._conf.get('filepath') is not None:

            # Gets only the commits that are tagged
            if self._conf.get('only_releases'):

            # Build the arguments to pass to git rev-list.
            rev, kwargs = self._conf.build_args()

            # Iterate over all the commits returned by git rev-list
            for commit in git_repo.get_list_commits(rev, **kwargs):
                logger.info('Commit #%s in %s from %s', commit.hash,
                            commit.committer_date, commit.author.name)

                if self._conf.is_commit_filtered(commit):
                    logger.info('Commit #%s filtered', commit.hash)

                yield commit

            # cleaning, this is necessary since GitPython issues on memory leaks
            self._conf.set_value("git_repo", None)

            # delete the temporary directory if created
            if self._is_remote(path_repo) and self._cleanup is True:
                assert self._tmp_dir is not None
                except PermissionError:
                    # on Windows, Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 are not able to delete
                    # git directories because of read-only files. This is now fixed
                    # in python 3.8. In this case, we need to use an
                    # onerror callback to clear the read-only bit.
                    # see https://docs.python.org/3/library/shutil.html?highlight=shutil#rmtree-example
                    def remove_readonly(func, path, _):
                        os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE)

                    shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_dir.name, onerror=remove_readonly)