def test_ntf_butt_bp8_vs_legacy(self):
     # Compute q0 in two ways
     ir = impulse_response(self.hz, db=80)
     ntf1 = ntf_fir_weighting(self.order, self.hz, show_progress=False)
     q0 = q0_from_filter_ir(self.order, ir)
     ntf2 = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0, show_progress=False)
     mf1 = quantization_noise_gain(ntf1, self.hz)
     mf2 = quantization_noise_gain(ntf2, self.hz)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(mf2, mf1, rtol=1e-7)
     mf3 = quantization_noise_gain_by_conv(ntf1, self.hz)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(mf3, mf1, rtol=5e-6)
 def test_ntf_butt_bp8_vs_legacy(self):
     # Compute q0 in two ways
     ir = impulse_response(self.hz, db=80)
     ntf1 = ntf_fir_weighting(self.order, self.hz, show_progress=False)
     q0 = q0_from_filter_ir(self.order, ir)
     ntf2 = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0, show_progress=False)
     mf1 = quantization_noise_gain(ntf1, self.hz)
     mf2 = quantization_noise_gain(ntf2, self.hz)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(mf2, mf1, rtol=1e-7)
     mf3 = quantization_noise_gain_by_conv(ntf1, self.hz)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(mf3, mf1, rtol=5e-6)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_q0_butt_lp3(self):
        # Generate filter.
        # 3rd order lowpass filter
        # Freq. passed to butterworth is normalized between 0 and 1
        # where 1 is the Nyquist frequency
        B = 400.
        OSR = 256
        fphi = B * OSR * 2
        w0 = 2 * B / fphi
        hz = signal.butter(3, w0, 'lowpass', output='zpk')
        # Order
        P = 12
        # Compute q0 in two ways
        ir = impulse_response(hz, db=80)

        q0_ir = q0_from_filter_ir(P, ir)
        q0_mr = q0_weighting(P, hz)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(q0_ir, q0_mr, atol=1E-7, rtol=1E-5)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_butt_bp8_ir(self):
     # Generate filter.
     # 8th order bandpass filter
     # Freq. passed to butterworth is normalized between 0 and 1
     # where 1 is the Nyquist frequency
     fsig = 1000.
     B = 400.
     OSR = 64
     fphi = B * OSR * 2
     w0 = 2 * fsig / fphi
     B0 = 2 * B / fphi
     w1 = (np.sqrt(B0**2 + 4 * w0**2) - B0) / 2
     w2 = (np.sqrt(B0**2 + 4 * w0**2) + B0) / 2
     hz = signal.butter(4, [w1, w2], 'bandpass', output='zpk')
     ir = impulse_response(hz, db=80)
     ff = np.logspace(np.log10(w0 / 4), np.log10(w0 * 4), 100)
     vv1 = evalTF(hz, np.exp(2j * np.pi * ff))
     vv2 = evalTF((ir, [1]), np.exp(2j * np.pi * ff))
     np.testing.assert_allclose(db(vv1 / vv2),
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_q0_butt_bp8(self):
        # Generate filter.
        # 8th order bandpass filter
        # Freq. passed to butterworth is normalized between 0 and 1
        # where 1 is the Nyquist frequency
        fsig = 1000.
        B = 400.
        OSR = 64
        fphi = B * OSR * 2
        w0 = 2 * fsig / fphi
        B0 = 2 * B / fphi
        w1 = (np.sqrt(B0**2 + 4 * w0**2) - B0) / 2
        w2 = (np.sqrt(B0**2 + 4 * w0**2) + B0) / 2
        hz = signal.butter(4, [w1, w2], 'bandpass', output='zpk')
        # Order
        P = 20
        # Compute q0 in two ways
        ir = impulse_response(hz, db=80)

        q0_ir = q0_from_filter_ir(P, ir)
        q0_mr = q0_weighting(P, hz)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(q0_ir, q0_mr, atol=1E-7, rtol=1E-5)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_fir_ir(self):
     fir = np.asarray([1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125])
     zpk = (np.roots(fir), np.zeros(4), 1)
     ir = impulse_response(zpk, db=80)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(fir, ir)
Exemplo n.º 7
plt.semilogx(ff, dbv(np.abs(yyz0043)), 'b', label='$\sigma=0.043$')
plt.semilogx(ff, dbv(np.abs(yyz02)), 'r', label='$\sigma=0.2$')
plt.semilogx(ff, dbv(np.abs(yyz06)), 'g', label='$\sigma=0.6$')
plt.xlabel('$f$ [Hz]')
plt.suptitle("Magnitude response of motor linearized model")

# Compute optimal and benchmark NTFs
hz0043_ir = impulse_response(hz0043)
hz02_ir = impulse_response(hz02)
hz06_ir = impulse_response(hz06)
q0_0043 = q0_from_filter_ir(P, hz0043_ir)
ntf0043 = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0_0043)
q0_02 = q0_from_filter_ir(P, hz02_ir)
ntf02 = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0_02)
q0_06 = q0_from_filter_ir(P, hz06_ir)
ntf06 = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0_06)
delsig_ntf = synthesizeNTF(DELSIG_P, OSR, 3, 1.5, 0)

# Plot the NTFs
nyz0043 = evalTF(ntf0043, np.exp(2j * np.pi * ff / fphi))
nyz02 = evalTF(ntf02, np.exp(2j * np.pi * ff / fphi))
nyz06 = evalTF(ntf06, np.exp(2j * np.pi * ff / fphi))
delsig_ny = evalTF(delsig_ntf, np.exp(2j * np.pi * ff / fphi))
Exemplo n.º 8
w02 = 2*fsig2/fphi
B02 = 2*B2/fphi
w12 = (np.sqrt(B02**2+4*w02**2)-B02)/2
w22 = (np.sqrt(B02**2+4*w02**2)+B02)/2
hz2 = sp.signal.butter(2, [w12, w22], 'bandpass', output='zpk')
hz1_ab = sp.signal.zpk2tf(*hz1)
hz2_ab = sp.signal.zpk2tf(*hz2)
hz_ab_d = np.polymul(hz1_ab[1], hz2_ab[1])
hz_ab_n1 = np.polymul(hz1_ab[0], hz2_ab[1])
hz_ab_n2 = np.polymul(hz2_ab[0], hz1_ab[1])
hz_ab_n = np.polyadd(hz_ab_n1, hz_ab_n2)
hz = sp.signal.tf2zpk(hz_ab_n, hz_ab_d)

# Compute impulse response
print("...computing impulse response of filter")
hz_ir = impulse_response(hz, db=60)

# Compute the optimal NTF
print("... computing optimal NTF")
q0 = q0_from_filter_ir(order, hz_ir)
ntf_opti = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0, H_inf=H_inf)

# Determine freq values for which plots are created
fmin = 10**np.ceil(np.log10(10))
fmax = 10**np.floor(np.log10(fphi/2))
ff = np.logspace(np.log10(fmin), np.log10(fmax), 1000)

# Compute frequency response data
resp_filt = np.abs(evalTF(hz, np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*ff/fphi)))
resp_opti = np.abs(evalTF(ntf_opti, np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*ff/fphi)))
Exemplo n.º 9
# FIR Order for optimal NTF
order = 12
# Signal amplitude
A = 0.4

# Generate filter. Transfer function is normalized to be 0dB in pass band
# As an example, take cutoff freq at twice the top of the signal band to avoid
# attenuation when the input signal is close to it.
print("...generating filter")
# Care: in butter the cut of frequency is specified as a number from 0 to 1
# where 1 is fphi/2, not fphi
hz = sp.signal.butter(1, 2 * (2 * B) / fphi, btype='low')

# Compute impulse response
print("...computing impulse response of filter")
hz_ir = impulse_response(hz, db=60)

# Compute the optimal NTF
print("... computing optimal NTF")
q0 = q0_from_filter_ir(order, hz_ir)
ntf_opti = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0, H_inf=H_inf)

# Compute an NTF with DELSIG, for comparison
print("... computing delsig NTF")
ntf_delsig = synthesizeNTF(4, OSR, 3, H_inf, 0)

# Determine freq values for which plots are created
fmin = 10**np.ceil(np.log10(2 * B / OSR))
fmax = 10**np.floor(np.log10(fphi / 2))
ff = np.logspace(np.log10(fmin), np.log10(fmax), 1000)
Exemplo n.º 10
plt.semilogx(ff, dbv(np.abs(yyz0043)), 'b', label='$\sigma=0.043$')
plt.semilogx(ff, dbv(np.abs(yyz02)), 'r', label='$\sigma=0.2$')
plt.semilogx(ff, dbv(np.abs(yyz06)), 'g', label='$\sigma=0.6$')
plt.xlabel('$f$ [Hz]')
plt.suptitle("Magnitude response of motor linearized model")

# Compute optimal and benchmark NTFs
hz0043_ir = impulse_response(hz0043)
hz02_ir = impulse_response(hz02)
hz06_ir = impulse_response(hz06)
q0_0043 = q0_from_filter_ir(P, hz0043_ir)
ntf0043 = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0_0043)
q0_02 = q0_from_filter_ir(P, hz02_ir)
ntf02 = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0_02)
q0_06 = q0_from_filter_ir(P, hz06_ir)
ntf06 = ntf_fir_from_q0(q0_06)
delsig_ntf = synthesizeNTF(DELSIG_P, OSR, 3, 1.5, 0)

# Plot the NTFs
nyz0043 = evalTF(ntf0043, np.exp(2j*np.pi*ff/fphi))
nyz02 = evalTF(ntf02, np.exp(2j*np.pi*ff/fphi))
nyz06 = evalTF(ntf06, np.exp(2j*np.pi*ff/fphi))
delsig_ny = evalTF(delsig_ntf, np.exp(2j*np.pi*ff/fphi))