Exemplo n.º 1
 def find(cls, id):
     with dwms_db.cursor() as c:
         c.execute('SELECT task_name FROM develop_task WHERE id = %s', (id,))
         row = c.fetchone()
         if row is None:
             return None
         return DevelopTask(**row)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def find_by_server_name(cls, server_name):
     with dwms_db.cursor() as c:
         c.execute('SELECT id, server_name, host, port, username, password FROM server' \
                   ' WHERE server_name = %s AND status = %s AND server_type = %s LIMIT 1',
                   (server_name, cls.STATUS_ONLINE, cls.SERVER_TYPE_ETL))
         row = c.fetchone()
         if row is None:
             return None
         return Server(**row)