Exemplo n.º 1
def run_sampling(args):
    topology = "Native.pdb"
    ticadim = 10
    num_sample_frames = 10000

    fn = args.file  # file name
    wn = args.weights  # weights name

    weights = np.loadtxt(wn)
    weights = weights / np.sum(weights)
    # first time
    time1 = time.clock()
    feat = coor.featurizer(topology)
    X1 = coor.load(fn, feat, stride=1)
    # time for loading
    time2 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to load a file" % ((time2 - time1) / 60.0)
    sampled_frames = np.zeros((num_sample_frames, np.shape(X1)[1]))

    selected_frames = np.random.choice(np.shape(X1)[0], size=num_sample_frames, replace=True, p=weights)
    time3 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to select new frames" % ((time3 - time2) / 60.0)
    for i in range(num_sample_frames):
        # print np.shape(sampled_frames)
        # print np.shape(X1)
        sampled_frames[i, :] = X1[selected_frames[i], :]
    time4 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to load the new frames" % ((time4 - time3) / 60.0)
    for j in sampled_frames:
        for i in j:
            if i == 0:
                print "ERROR, distance too short, something not written"
                f = open("log.txt", "w")
                f.write("ERROR, distance too short, something not written")
    time5 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to go through the debug check" % ((time5 - time4) / 60.0)
    tica_obj = coor.tica(sampled_frames, stride=1, lag=1, dim=ticadim)
    time6 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to calculate the tica_object" % ((time6 - time5) / 60.0)
    outputs = tica_obj.get_output()[0]
    eigen = tica_obj.eigenvalues
    time7 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to get the output of the tica_object" % ((time7 - time6) / 60.0)
    print "saving files"
    np.savetxt("output.dat", outputs)
    np.savetxt("eigenvalues.dat", eigen)
    print "files saved"
    time8 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to write the output files" % ((time8 - time7) / 60.0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_analysis(args):
    feat = coor.featurizer(args.topfile)
    feat.add_distances(tmeth.generate_pairs(args.range[0],args.range[1], args.step_size, args.cut_value))
    traj = coor.load(args.traj_file, feat, stride=args.stride)
    tica_obj = coor.tica(traj, stride=1, lag=args.lag, dim=args.ticadim)
    outputs = tica_obj.get_output()[0]
    eigen = tica_obj.eigenvalues
    np.savetxt("%s_output_raw.dat"%args.title, outputs)
    np.savetxt("%s_eigenvalues_raw.dat"%args.title, eigen)
    tmeth.plot_eigen_series(eigen, args.title, time_scale=args.time_step*args.stride)
    tmeth.plot_output(outputs, args.title, time_scale=args.time_step*args.stride)
Exemplo n.º 3
def pyemma_feat(args):
    irow, featurizer_name, tops, indices = args
    i, row = irow
    traj, top = row['traj_fn'], tops[row['top_fn']]
    feat = featurizer(top)
        adder = getattr(feat, featurizer_name)
        adder(indexes=indices, cossin=True)
        feat_traj = np.squeeze(source(traj, features=feat).get_output(),
        return i, feat_traj
    except AttributeError:
        print("pyEMMA doesn't have {} as a featurizer".format(featurizer_name))
def msmbuilder_to_pyemma(msmbuilder_dih_featurizer,trajectory):
    ''' accepts an msmbuilder.featurizer.DihedralFeaturizer object + a trajectory (containing the topology
    this featurizer will be applied to) and spits out an equivalent PyEMMA featurizer '''

    all_indices = []
    for dih_type in msmbuilder_dih_featurizer.types:
        func = getattr(md, 'compute_%s' % dih_type)
        indices,_ = func(trajectory)

    indices = np.vstack(all_indices)
    sincos = msmbuilder_dih_featurizer.sincos

    pyemma_feat = coor.featurizer(trajectory.topology)

    return pyemma_feat
def sasa_per_res(chain=0):
    ''' Salvent acessable surfase area per residue '''
    def calc_sasa(traj, chain=0, featurizer=None):
        small_traj = traj.atom_slice(
            atom_indices=featurizer.select(f'chainid == {chain}'))
        res = md.shrake_rupley(small_traj,
        return res

    featurizer = coor.featurizer(pdb)
                               dim=int(featurizer.topology.n_residues / 2),
    return featurizer
def filtered_ca_distances_larger(chain=0):
    ''' Pairwize filtered carbon alpha distances defined in filter_distances_01.py'''
    dist_indsA = np.load(
    dist_indsB = np.load(
    featurizer = coor.featurizer(pdb)
    if chain == 0:
    elif chain == 1:
        raise ValueError("chain must be 0 or 1")
    return featurizer
def run_sampling(args):
    topology = args.topfile
    ticadim = 10
    num_sample_frames = 10000
    tica_lag_time = 5
    fn = args.filedir  # file name
    wn = args.weights  # weights name

    weights = np.loadtxt(wn)
    weights = weights / np.sum(weights)
    # first time
    time1 = time.clock()
    feat = coor.featurizer(topology)
    feat.add_distances(tmeth.generate_pairs(5, 288, 4, 4))
    selected_frames = np.random.choice(args.number_traj, size=num_sample_frames, replace=True, p=weights)

    selected_files = []
    for i in selected_frames:
        selected_files.append("%s/traj%d.xtc" % (fn, i))
    time2 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to select new frames" % ((time2 - time1) / 60.0)
    sampled_frames = coor.load(selected_files, feat, stride=10)

    time3 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to load the new frames" % ((time3 - time2) / 60.0)

    tica_obj = coor.tica(sampled_frames, stride=1, lag=tica_lag_time, dim=ticadim)
    time4 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to calculate the tica_object" % ((time4 - time3) / 60.0)
    all_outputs = tica_obj.get_output()[0]
    for i in xrange(num_sample_frames - 1):
        outputs = tica_obj.get_output()[i + 1]
        all_outputs = np.append(all_outputs, outputs, axis=0)
    eigen = tica_obj.eigenvalues
    print "saving files"
    np.savetxt("output.dat", all_outputs)
    np.savetxt("eigenvalues.dat", eigen)
    np.savetxt("selected_frames.dat", selected_frames)
    print "files saved"
    time5 = time.clock()
    print "Took %f minutes to write the output files" % ((time5 - time4) / 60.0)
Exemplo n.º 8
trajfile = './traj/2F4K-0-protein_all.dcd'
topology = './traj/2F4K-0-protein_fixed_noH.pdb'

# define features to be used to input to TICA calculation

import pyemma.coordinates as coor
import itertools

traj = md.load(topology)
print('trajectory objects = ' + str(traj))
print('topology object    = ' + str(traj.topology))

# define a featurizer
feat = coor.featurizer(topology)

# define basis functions: heavy-atom contact distances, heavy atom coordinates, all torsions
print('define basis functions: heavy-atom contact distances, heavy atom coordinates, all torsions, inverse distances')

featurizer = coor.featurizer(topology)
featurizer.add_residue_mindist(residue_pairs='all', scheme='closest-heavy')
indx = md.compute_chi2(traj)[0]
featurizer.add_dihedrals(indx, cossin=True)
indx = md.compute_chi3(traj)[0]
featurizer.add_dihedrals(indx, cossin=True)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def featurelize(self):
      feature = coordinates.featurizer(self.topologyfile)
      self.src.featurizer = feature
def ca_distances_skip5(chain=0):
    ''' Pairwise distances between every 5th carbon alpha '''
    featurizer = coor.featurizer(pdb)
    skip5 = featurizer.select(f'name == CA and chainid == {chain}')[::5]
    return featurizer
Exemplo n.º 11
as_list = [
    84, 85, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122,
    125, 126, 129, 130, 376, 378, 379, 390, 394, 409, 410, 432, 433, 434, 435,
    459, 460, 461, 462, 464, 465, 466, 468, 469, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527,
    528, 530, 538, 541, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 567
atoms_list = [
    atom.index for atom in mdtraj_top.atoms if atom.name == 'CA'
    if int(str(atom.residue)[3:]) in as_list

# PyEmma Part - TICA, clustering and MSM
top = 'stripped_adduct.prmtop'
trajs = ('test_size.nc')

feat = coor.featurizer(top)
feat.add_contacts(indices=atoms_list, threshold=1)

# Conducting TICA
inp = coor.source(trajs, feat)
t0 = perf_counter()
tica_obj = coor.tica(inp, lag=500, var_cutoff=0.9, kinetic_map=True, stride=1)
t1 = perf_counter()
print(f"Time elapsed: {round(t1-t0)} s")


Exemplo n.º 12
# Load reference topology

print('loading reference topology...')
reference_pdb_filename = 'reference.pdb'
reference_trajectory = os.path.join(source_directory, 'run0-clone0.h5')
traj = md.load(reference_trajectory)

# Initialize featurizer

print('Initializing backbone torsions featurizer...')
featurizer = coor.featurizer(reference_pdb_filename)

# Define coordinates source

trajectory_files = glob(os.path.join(source_directory, '*0.h5'))
coordinates_source = coor.source(trajectory_files, featurizer)
print("There are %d frames total in %d trajectories." %

# Do tICA
Exemplo n.º 13
import numpy as np

    import pyemma
    import pyemma.coordinates as coor
    print "pyemma not imported!"
import mdtraj as md
import time
import analysis_scripts.plot_package as pltpkg

if __name__ == "__main__":
    topology = "firstframe.pdb"
    feat = coor.featurizer(topology)

    pairs = np.array([[79, 492]])


    print feat.describe()
    files_list = []
    for i in np.arange(0, 10, 1):
        files_list.append("ww_2-protein-00%d.dcd" % i)
    for i in np.arange(10, 50, 1):
        files_list.append("ww_2-protein-0%d.dcd" % i)

    output = coor.load(files_list, features=feat)

    print np.shape(output)
def get_pMHC_featurizer(feat_type, top): #, peptide_residues, system_residues):

    featurizer = coor.featurizer(top)

    peptide_residues = []
    system_residues = np.arange(top.n_residues)
    #new_system_residues = []
    for resi in system_residues:
        if len(top.top.select("chainid == 1 and resi == " + str(resi))) > 0: peptide_residues.append(resi)
        #elif len(top.top.select("chainid == 0 and resi == " + str(resi))) > 0 and (resi < 45 or (resi >= 95 and resi <= 120) ): new_system_residues.append(resi)
        #elif len(top.top.select("chainid == 0 and resi == " + str(resi))) > 0: new_system_residues.append(resi)
    #system_residues = new_system_residues

    if feat_type == 'pep_to_MHC':
        residue_pairs = []
        for peptide_residue in peptide_residues:
            for residue in system_residues:
                if peptide_residue == residue: continue
                residue_pairs.append([peptide_residue, residue])
        featurizer.add_residue_mindist(residue_pairs=np.array(residue_pairs), scheme='closest-heavy')

    elif feat_type == 'pep_to_MHC_ca':
        residue_pairs = []
        for peptide_residue in peptide_residues:
            for residue in system_residues:
                if peptide_residue == residue: continue
                residue_pairs.append([peptide_residue, residue])
        featurizer.add_residue_mindist(residue_pairs=np.array(residue_pairs), scheme='ca')

    elif feat_type == 'pep_bb_ca_torsions':
        resi_str = "resi " + str(peptide_residues[0]) + " to " + str(peptide_residues[-1])
        featurizer.add_backbone_torsions(selstr=resi_str, cossin=True)
        featurizer.add_sidechain_torsions(selstr=resi_str, cossin=True)

    elif feat_type == 'pep_bb_torsions':
        resi_str = "resi " + str(peptide_residues[0]) + " to " + str(peptide_residues[-1])
        featurizer.add_backbone_torsions(selstr=resi_str, cossin=True)

    elif feat_type == 'pep_bb_ca':
        resi_str = "resi " + str(peptide_residues[0]) + " to " + str(peptide_residues[-1])
        bb_ca_str = resi_str + " and backbone and name == 'CA'"
        bb_ca_indices = top.top.select(bb_ca_str)

    elif feat_type == 'pep_bb_torsions_and_ca':
        resi_str = "resi " + str(peptide_residues[0]) + " to " + str(peptide_residues[-1])
        featurizer.add_backbone_torsions(selstr=resi_str, cossin=True)
        bb_ca_str = resi_str + " and backbone and name == 'CA'"
        bb_ca_indices = top.top.select(bb_ca_str)

    elif feat_type == 'sasa':
        featurizer.add_custom_func(get_sasa, len(system_residues))

        print("Featurizer type not recognized")

    print("Number of atoms:", top.n_atoms)
    print("Number of residues:", top.n_residues)
    print("Number of features:", featurizer.dimension())

    return featurizer
Exemplo n.º 15
# Load reference topology

print ('loading reference topology...')
reference_pdb_filename = 'reference.pdb'
reference_trajectory = os.path.join(source_directory, 'run0-clone0.h5')
traj = md.load(reference_trajectory)

# Initialize featurizer

print('Initializing backbone torsions featurizer...')
featurizer = coor.featurizer(reference_pdb_filename)

# Define coordinates source

trajectory_files = glob(os.path.join(source_directory, '*0.h5'))
coordinates_source = coor.source(trajectory_files,featurizer)
print("There are %d frames total in %d trajectories." % (coordinates_source.n_frames_total(), coordinates_source.number_of_trajectories()))

# Do tICA

import numpy as np
import pickle
from util.plot_structure_util import plot_vmd_cylinder_from_inds, plot_pymol_cylinder_from_inds

dis_cutoff = 1.0
std_cutoff = 0.035
outfile = 'filtered_distance_featurization_01/filtered_dis_ind_10_035_more'
save = True
plot = 'all'  # should be all, pymol, vmd, or none

traj_num = [f'{i:04d}' for i in range(100)] 
traj_path = '../DESRES-Trajectory_sarscov2-10880334-no-water-no-ion-glueCA/sarscov2-10880334-no-water-no-ion-glueCA/sarscov2-10880334-no-water-no-ion-glueCA-'
traj_list = [ traj_path + str(i) + '.dcd' for i in traj_num]

pdb = '../DESRES_protease_chainid.pdb'
feat = coor.featurizer(pdb)
feat.add_distances(feat.pairs(feat.select('name == CA and chainid == 0'), excluded_neighbors=3))
traj = coor.load(traj_list, feat, stride=5)
traj_cat = np.concatenate(traj)

feat1 = coor.featurizer(pdb)
feat1.add_distances(feat1.pairs(feat1.select('name == CA and chainid == 1'), excluded_neighbors=3))
traj1 = coor.load(traj_list, feat, stride=5)
traj_cat1 = np.concatenate(traj)

traj_cat_pair = np.concatenate((traj_cat, traj_cat1), axis=0)

min_dist = traj_cat_pair.min(axis=0)
std_dist = traj_cat_pair.std(axis=0)

new_dists = np.where((min_dist < dis_cutoff) & (std_dist > std_cutoff))[0]
import pyemma.coordinates as coor
import numpy as np
import pickle
from util.plot_structure_util import plot_vmd_cylinder_from_inds, plot_pymol_cylinder_from_inds

dis_cutoff = 1.2
std_cutoff = 0.03
outfile = 'filtered_distance_featurization_01/filtered_dis_ind_12_03'
save = True
plot = 'all'  # should be all, pymol, vmd, or none

traj_num = [f'{i:04d}' for i in range(100)] 
traj_path = '../DESRES-Trajectory_sarscov2-10880334-no-water-no-ion-glueCA/sarscov2-10880334-no-water-no-ion-glueCA/sarscov2-10880334-no-water-no-ion-glueCA-'
traj_list = [ traj_path + str(i) + '.dcd' for i in traj_num]

feat = coor.featurizer('../DESRES_protease_chainid.pdb')
feat.add_distances(feat.pairs(feat.select('name == CA and chainid == 0'), excluded_neighbors=3))
traj = coor.load(traj_list, feat, stride=5)
traj_cat = np.concatenate(traj)

feat1 = coor.featurizer('../DESRES_protease_chainid.pdb')
feat1.add_distances(feat1.pairs(feat1.select('name == CA and chainid == 1'), excluded_neighbors=3))
traj1 = coor.load(traj_list, feat, stride=5)
traj_cat1 = np.concatenate(traj)

traj_cat_pair = np.concatenate((traj_cat, traj_cat1), axis=0)

min_dist = traj_cat_pair.min(axis=0)
std_dist = traj_cat_pair.std(axis=0)

new_dists = np.where((min_dist < dis_cutoff) & (std_dist > std_cutoff))[0]
Exemplo n.º 18
    Rspine_res = np.array([],dtype=np.int64)
    for res in Rspine:
        atom_select = top.select(res)
        res_select = convert_atom_list_to_resid(atom_select,top)
        Rspine_res = np.append(Rspine_res, res_select )


    print('Final Features Dimensions: %s '%feat.dimension())

    return feat

## D671N ##
# Make our featurizers
feat_D671N = coor.featurizer(top_D671N)
feat_D671N = add_kinase_coords_featurizer(feat_D671N,top_D671N)

# Write out files for these features for our D671N trajs
src_D671N  = coor.source(filenames_D671N, features=feat_D671N)
calculated_features_D671N = src_D671N.get_output()

print('len(calculated_features_D671N): %s' %len(calculated_features_D671N))

for i, traj in enumerate(calculated_features_D671N):
    np.save('D671N-pro/calculated_features_D671N_%s.npy'%i, traj)
## Y755A ##
# Make our featurizers
feat_Y755A = coor.featurizer(top_Y755A)
feat_Y755A = add_kinase_coords_featurizer(feat_Y755A,top_Y755A)
def backbone(chain=0):
    ''' Bachbone Phi and Psi torsion angles '''
    featurizer = coor.featurizer(pdb)
    featurizer.add_backbone_torsions(cossin=True, selstr=f'chainid == {chain}')
    return featurizer
Exemplo n.º 20
    dirs = [ dir for key in sorted_temps for dir in organized_temps[key] ]

    topfile = "{}/ref.pdb".format(dirs[0])
    trajfiles = [ "{}/traj.xtc".format(x) for x in dirs ]

    T_labels = [ x.split("_")[1] for x in dirs ]
    T = [ float(x) for x in T_labels ]

    #tram_lag = 400  # Found from doing an MSM at one temp. For C-alpha SBM

    if not os.path.exists("dtram/dtram.pkl"):
        # estimate dtram 
        print "solving tram"
        feat = coor.featurizer(topfile)
        feat = util.default_ca_sbm_features(feat, topfile, pairsfile=pairsfile)
        dirs, dtrajs, dtram = util.multi_temperature_dtram(feat, trajfiles, T, tram_lag=tram_lag)
        util.save_multi_temperature_dtram(dirs, dtrajs, dtram)
        print "loading tram"
        dirs, dtrajs, dtram = util.load_multi_temperature_dtram()
    # define bin edges for clustering observable
    bins = np.linspace(0, 133, 50)
    mid_bin = 0.5*(bins[1:] + bins[:-1])

    # calculate the distribution of an observable from the tram MSM's.

    # get observables for each cluster at each thermodynamic state
    thermo_obs = {}
Exemplo n.º 21
    xlabel('component 1')
    ylabel('component 2')


top = '/scratch/f91/ma2374/vsite_CFTR/wt/310K/combined_pca_analysis/cov-domain-average.pdb'
#trajs = ['/scratch/f91/ma2374/vsite_CFTR/wt/310K/1/wt_ca.xtc','/scratch/f91/ma2374/vsite_CFTR/wt/310K/2/wt_ca.xtc','/scratch/f91/ma2374/vsite_CFTR/wt/310K/3/wt_ca.xtc','/scratch/f91/ma2374/vsite_CFTR/wt/310K/combined_pca_analysis/aa_wt_ca.xtc']
trajs = [

feat_Ca = coor.featurizer(top)
feat_Ca.add_selection(feat_Ca.select('name CA'))
cluster = False
if cluster:
    tica_Ca, tica_Y_Ca, tica_cl_Ca = project_and_cluster(trajs, feat_Ca)
    tica_Ca, tica_Y_Ca = project_and_cluster(trajs, feat_Ca)
    #tica_Ca, tica_Y_Ca = project_and_cluster(trajs, feat_Ca,tica=False)
    #tica_Ca, tica_Y_Ca = project_and_cluster(trajs, feat_Ca)
x = (tica_Ca.get_params())
np.save('tica_eigvec.npy', tica_Ca.eigenvectors)
np.save('tica_eigval.npy', tica_Ca.eigenvalues)
print('feat_means.npy', tica_Ca.get_params().keys())
Exemplo n.º 22
def chi(x):
	return x
	feat = coordinates.featurizer(x)
	return feat.something()
Exemplo n.º 23
def gamma(y):
	return y
	feat = coordinates.featurizer(y)
	return feat.somethingelse()
Exemplo n.º 24
                        help="minimum distance between cluster centers.")
    parser.add_argument('-log', action="store", dest="log", type=str,\
     default = "clust.log", help="log file's name: default clust.log")
    parser.add_argument('-o', action="store", dest="o", type=str, default = "./",\
    help="output path filename ")
    arg = parser.parse_args()

    #topfile = 'peptide_example.gro'
    topfile = arg.g
    #traj = 'md_example.xtc'
    traj = arg.f

    feat = coor.featurizer(topfile)
    feat.add_backbone_torsions(selstr=None, deg=True,
                               cossin=True)  # in degrees

    #List of all the angles
    #Number of dregree of freedom

    inp = coor.source(traj, feat)
    sincos = inp.get_output()[0]

    #Use a regular space clustering. Cluster centers are at least in distance of
    #dmin to each other according to the given metric.Then Voronoi discretization
    #with the computed centers is used to partition the data
Exemplo n.º 25
import pyemma.coordinates as coor
import numpy as np
import pickle

feat = coor.featurizer('act_site.pdb')
feat.add_angles(np.array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]),
inp = coor.source('prod0-as1-aligned.dcd', feat)

# Save the feature description for comparison later
pickle.dump(inp.describe(), open('nocos_desc.p', 'wb'))

# Comparisons
if True:
    fixed = pickle.load(open(
        'rb'))  # rad = rad.reshape(rad.shape[0], rad.shape[1]*rad.shape[2])
    broken = pickle.load(
        open('broken_desc.p', 'rb')
    )  # rad = rad.reshape(functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, rad.shape),)
    nocos = pickle.load(
        open('nocos_desc.p', 'rb')
    )  # rad = rad.reshape(functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, rad.shape),)
    # & cossin=False

    fixed = fixed[1:]
    broken = broken[1:]
    nocos = nocos[1:]