Exemplo n.º 1
def thorn(year, latitude, df, model):
    data = df.loc[df['yil'] == year][model].values
    # lat = 37
    lat = deg2rad(latitude)
    mmdlh = monthly_mean_daylight_hours(lat, year)
    evapo = np.array(thornthwaite(data, mmdlh))
    return evapo
def main(ref_raster_filepath, year, dst_filepath, align, buffer_dist):
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    suhi.settings.METEOSWISS_S3_CLIENT_KWARGS = {
        'endpoint_url': environ.get('S3_ENDPOINT_URL')

    with rio.open(ref_raster_filepath) as src:
        # get the (valid data) extent of the raster
        ref_raster_extent_geom = [
            for geom, val in features.shapes(src.dataset_mask(),
            if val != 0

        # get the monthly mean temperature data array of the reference year for
        # the raster extent
        monthly_T_da = suhi.open_meteoswiss_s3_ds(
    attrs = monthly_T_da.attrs.copy()
    monthly_T_da = monthly_T_da.resample(time='1MS').mean(dim='time')

    # select the hottest month
    hottest_month_i = monthly_T_da.mean(dim=['x', 'y']).argmax()
    hottest_month_T_da = monthly_T_da.isel(time=hottest_month_i)
    # hottest_month_T_da.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = attrs['pyproj_srs']

    # potential evapotranspiration (Thornthwaite, 1948)
    year_heat_index = monthly_T_da.groupby('time').apply(
        lambda temp: (temp / 5)**1.514).sum(dim='time')
    year_alpha = .49239 + .01792 * year_heat_index - \
        .0000771771 * year_heat_index**2 + .000000675 * year_heat_index**3
    pe_da = xr.full_like(hottest_month_T_da, np.nan)
    pe_da = pe_da.where(
        ~(hottest_month_T_da >= 26.5),
        -415.85 + 32.24 * hottest_month_T_da - .43 * hottest_month_T_da**2)
    pe_da = pe_da.where(
        ~((hottest_month_T_da > 0) & (hottest_month_T_da < 26.5)),
        16 * ((10 * (hottest_month_T_da / year_heat_index))**year_alpha))
    pe_da = pe_da.where(~(hottest_month_T_da <= 0), 0)
    pe_da *= pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(JONCTION_LAT)[
        hottest_month_i.item()] / 12
    pe_da.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = attrs['pyproj_srs']

    if align:
        # align it to the reference raster
        ref_ds = salem.open_xr_dataset(ref_raster_filepath)
        pe_da = suhi.align_ds(pe_da, ref_ds)

    # write the raster
    logger.info("dumped reference evapotranspiration raster to %s",
Exemplo n.º 3
def thorn_clima(year, latitude, df, model, senario):
    data = df.loc[(df['Yıl'] == year) & (df['Model'] == model) &
                  (df['Senaryo'] == senario), 'Ortalama_Sıcaklık'].values
    # lat = 37
    if len(data) != 12:
        data = data[0:12]
    lat = deg2rad(latitude)
    mmdlh = monthly_mean_daylight_hours(lat, year)
    evapo = np.array(thornthwaite(data, mmdlh))
    return data, evapo
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(lat, temp_mean, precip_mean, max_tsmd):	
    '''get evapotranspiration''' # taken from Richards pyeto, see doc in same folder for more informatios
    pyeto_lat = pyeto.deg2rad(lat)  # converts the degree to radians
    mean_month_list = [temp_mean[i] for i in temp_mean]
    monthly_mean_daylight = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(pyeto_lat)
    eto = pyeto.thornthwaite(mean_month_list, monthly_mean_daylight)
    '''make a "month_number" : "evapo" dic'''
    eto_dict = {}
    for n,i in enumerate(eto):
        eto_dict[n+1] = eto[n]
    print "\nWaterbalance with maximum deficientcy of", max_tsmd
    acc_TSMD = {}
    acc_factor = 0
    budget = {}
    '''The following part is still a bit hacky. 
    Two for loops that first calculates the the water buget for every mongth 
    and then starts a second loop to substract the value of the month before from the current month
    print "month \t rain \t eto \t\t TSMD"
    for month, rain, etom in zip(range(1,13),precip_mean, eto_dict):
        TSMD = precip_mean[rain] - ( eto_dict[etom] * 0.75 )
        if TSMD <= max_tsmd:
            TSMD = max_tsmd
        print month,"\t", precip_mean[rain], "\t", eto_dict[etom],"\t", TSMD        
        budget[month] = TSMD if TSMD < 0 else 0

    for month, rain, etom in zip(range(1,13),precip_mean, eto_dict):
        TSMD = precip_mean[rain] - ( eto_dict[etom] * 0.75 )
        if month == 1:
            acc_TSMD[month] = TSMD + budget[12]
            acc_TSMD[month] = TSMD + budget[month -1] 
        if acc_TSMD[month] > 0 :
           acc_TSMD[month] = 0 
        if acc_TSMD[month] < max_tsmd:
            acc_TSMD[month] = max_tsmd

    print "\nWater budget" 
    print ""    
    return acc_TSMD
Exemplo n.º 5
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
from pyeto import thornthwaite, monthly_mean_daylight_hours, deg2rad


df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df['Year'] = df['Date'].dt.year
df = df.set_index('Date')
df_m = df.resample("M").mean()

data = []
lat = deg2rad(41.3)
for i in range(2015,2019):

    mmdlh = monthly_mean_daylight_hours(lat, i)
    monthly_t = df_m['Temp'][(df_m.Year == i)]
    PET = thornthwaite(monthly_t.values.tolist(), mmdlh)

Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_monthly_mean_daylight_hours(self):
        # Test against values for latitude 20 deg N from Bautista et al (2009)
        # Calibration of the equations of Hargreaves and Thornthwaite to
        # estimate the potential evapotranspiration in semi-arid and subhumid
        # tropical climates for regional applications. Atmosfera 22(4), 331-
        # 348.
        test_mmdlh = [
            10.9,  # Jan
            11.3,  # Feb
            11.9,  # Mar
            12.5,  # Apr
            12.9,  # May
            13.2,  # Jun
            13.1,  # Jul
            12.7,  # Aug
            12.1,  # Sep
            11.5,  # Oct
            11.0,  # Nov
            10.8,  # Dec
        mmdlh = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(pyeto.deg2rad(20.0))
        # Values were only quoted to 1 decimal place so check they are accurate
        # to within 12 minutes (0.2 hours)
        for m in range(12):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(mmdlh[m], test_mmdlh[m], delta=0.15)

        # Test against values for latitude 46 deg N from Mimikou M. and
        # Baltas E., Technical hydrology, Second edition, NTUA, 2002.
        # cited in PAPADOPOULOU E., VARANOU E., BALTAS E., DASSAKLIS A., and
        test_mmdlh = [
            8.9,   # Jan
            10.1,  # Feb
            11.6,  # Mar
            13.3,  # Apr
            14.7,  # May
            15.5,  # Jun
            15.2,  # Jul
            13.9,  # Aug
            12.3,  # Sep
            10.7,  # Oct
            9.2,   # Nov
            8.5,   # Dec
        mmdlh = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(pyeto.deg2rad(46.0))
        # Values were only quoted to 1 decimal place so check they are accurate
        # to within 12 minutes (0.2 hours)
        for m in range(12):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(mmdlh[m], test_mmdlh[m], delta=0.15)

        # Test against values obtained for Los Angles, California,
        # latitude 34 deg 05' N, from
        # http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/Dur_OneYear.php
        latitude = pyeto.deg2rad(34.0833333)
        la_mmdlh = [
            10.182,  # Jan
            10.973,  # Feb
            11.985,  # Mar
            13.046,  # Apr
            13.940,  # May
            14.388,  # Jun
            14.163,  # Jul
            13.404,  # Aug
            12.374,  # Sep
            11.320,  # Oct
            10.401,  # Nov
            9.928,   # Dec

        mmdlh = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(latitude)

        # Check that the 2 methods are almost the same (within 15 minutes)
        for m in range(12):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(mmdlh[m], la_mmdlh[m], delta=0.25)

        # Test with year set to a non-leap year
        non_leap = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(latitude, 2015)
        for m in range(12):
            self.assertEqual(mmdlh[m], non_leap[m])

        # Test with year set to a leap year
        leap = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(latitude, 2016)
        for m in range(12):
            if m == 0:
                self.assertEqual(leap[m], non_leap[m])
            elif m == 1:  # Feb
                # Because Feb extends further into year in a leap year it
                # should have a slightly longer mean day length in northern
                # hemisphere
                self.assertGreater(leap[m], non_leap[m])
                # All months after Feb in a lieap year will be composed of
                # diffent Julian days (days of the year) compared to a
                # non-leap year so will have different mean daylengths.
                self.assertNotEqual(leap[m], non_leap[m])

        # Test with bad latitude
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(

        # Test limits of latitude
        _ = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(

        _ = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_monthly_mean_daylight_hours(self):
        # Test against values for latitude 20 deg N from Bautista et al (2009)
        # Calibration of the equations of Hargreaves and Thornthwaite to
        # estimate the potential evapotranspiration in semi-arid and subhumid
        # tropical climates for regional applications. Atmosfera 22(4), 331-
        # 348.
        test_mmdlh = [
            10.9,  # Jan
            11.3,  # Feb
            11.9,  # Mar
            12.5,  # Apr
            12.9,  # May
            13.2,  # Jun
            13.1,  # Jul
            12.7,  # Aug
            12.1,  # Sep
            11.5,  # Oct
            11.0,  # Nov
            10.8,  # Dec
        mmdlh = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(pyeto.deg2rad(20.0))
        # Values were only quoted to 1 decimal place so check they are accurate
        # to within 12 minutes (0.2 hours)
        for m in range(12):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(mmdlh[m], test_mmdlh[m], delta=0.15)

        # Test against values for latitude 46 deg N from Mimikou M. and
        # Baltas E., Technical hydrology, Second edition, NTUA, 2002.
        # cited in PAPADOPOULOU E., VARANOU E., BALTAS E., DASSAKLIS A., and
        test_mmdlh = [
            8.9,  # Jan
            10.1,  # Feb
            11.6,  # Mar
            13.3,  # Apr
            14.7,  # May
            15.5,  # Jun
            15.2,  # Jul
            13.9,  # Aug
            12.3,  # Sep
            10.7,  # Oct
            9.2,  # Nov
            8.5,  # Dec
        mmdlh = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(pyeto.deg2rad(46.0))
        # Values were only quoted to 1 decimal place so check they are accurate
        # to within 12 minutes (0.2 hours)
        for m in range(12):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(mmdlh[m], test_mmdlh[m], delta=0.15)

        # Test against values obtained for Los Angles, California,
        # latitude 34 deg 05' N, from
        # http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/Dur_OneYear.php
        latitude = pyeto.deg2rad(34.0833333)
        la_mmdlh = [
            10.182,  # Jan
            10.973,  # Feb
            11.985,  # Mar
            13.046,  # Apr
            13.940,  # May
            14.388,  # Jun
            14.163,  # Jul
            13.404,  # Aug
            12.374,  # Sep
            11.320,  # Oct
            10.401,  # Nov
            9.928,  # Dec

        mmdlh = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(latitude)

        # Check that the 2 methods are almost the same (within 15 minutes)
        for m in range(12):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(mmdlh[m], la_mmdlh[m], delta=0.25)

        # Test with year set to a non-leap year
        non_leap = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(latitude, 2015)
        for m in range(12):
            self.assertEqual(mmdlh[m], non_leap[m])

        # Test with year set to a leap year
        leap = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(latitude, 2016)
        for m in range(12):
            if m == 0:
                self.assertEqual(leap[m], non_leap[m])
            elif m == 1:  # Feb
                # Because Feb extends further into year in a leap year it
                # should have a slightly longer mean day length in northern
                # hemisphere
                self.assertGreater(leap[m], non_leap[m])
                # All months after Feb in a lieap year will be composed of
                # diffent Julian days (days of the year) compared to a
                # non-leap year so will have different mean daylengths.
                self.assertNotEqual(leap[m], non_leap[m])

        # Test with bad latitude
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(pyeto.deg2rad(90.01))

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(pyeto.deg2rad(-90.01))

        # Test limits of latitude
        _ = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(pyeto.deg2rad(90.0))

        _ = pyeto.monthly_mean_daylight_hours(pyeto.deg2rad(-90.0))