Exemplo n.º 1
class TestRepo(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.md = MDRepository(store=MemoryStore)
        self.datadir = resource_filename('metadata', 'test/data')
        self.xml_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'test01.xml')
        self.swamid_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'swamid-2.0-test.xml')
        self.swamid = root(parse_xml(self.swamid_source))
        self.t = parse_xml(self.xml_source)
        self.non_metadata = parse_xml(
            resource_filename("not-metadata.xml", self.datadir))

    def test_md_exists(self):
        assert (self.md is not None)

    def test_clone(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID')
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        nmd = self.md.clone()
        assert (nmd.store.size() == self.md.store.size())
        assert (nmd.lookup(entity_id) is not None)

    def test_sha1_hash(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID')
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        e = self.md.lookup(entity_id)
        assert (self.md.sha1_id(
            e[0]) == "{sha1}568515f6fae8c8b4d42d543853c96d08f051ef13")
        assert (hash_id(
            e[0], 'sha1',
            prefix=False) == "568515f6fae8c8b4d42d543853c96d08f051ef13")

    def test_entity_attribute(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID')
                                      {"http://ns.example.org": "foo"})
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        e = self.md.lookup("{%s}%s" % ("http://ns.example.org", 'foo'))[0]
        assert (e is not None)
        assert (e.get('entityID') == entity_id)

    def test_utils(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID')
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        e = self.md.lookup(entity_id)[0]
        assert (self.md.is_idp(e))
        assert (not self.md.is_sp(e))
        icon = self.md.icon(e)
        assert ('url' in icon)
        assert ('https://www.example.com/static/images/umu_logo.jpg'
                in icon['url'])
        assert ('width' in icon)
        assert ('358' == icon['width'])
        assert ('height' in icon)
        assert ('63' == icon['height'])
        assert ('62' != icon['height'])

        domains = self.md.domains(e)
        assert ('example.com' in domains)
        assert ('example.net' in domains)
        assert ('idp.example.com' not in domains)
        assert ('foo.com' not in domains)

        edup = deepcopy(e)
        name, desc = self.md.ext_display(e)
        assert (name == 'Example University')
        assert (desc == 'Identity Provider for Example University')

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert (disp == 'Example University')
        for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}DisplayName" % NS['mdui']):

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert (disp == 'The Example University')
        for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}OrganizationDisplayName" % NS['md']):

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert (disp == 'ExampleU')
        for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}OrganizationName" % NS['md']):

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert (disp == entity_id)

        e = edup

        subs = self.md.sub_domains(e)
        assert ('example.com' in subs)
        assert ('example.net' in subs)
        assert ('idp.example.com' not in subs)

        summary = self.md.simple_summary(e)
        assert (summary['title'] == 'Example University')
        assert (summary['descr'] == 'Identity Provider for Example University')
        assert (summary['entityID'] == entity_id)
        assert ('icon' in summary)
        assert ('icon_url' in summary
                and summary['icon'] == summary['icon_url'])
        assert ('domains' in summary)
        assert ('id' in summary)

        empty = self.md.simple_summary(None)
        assert (not empty)

    def test_display(self):
        swamid = root(self.swamid)
        self.md.store.update(swamid, swamid.get('Name'))
        funet_connect = self.md.lookup(
        name, desc = self.md.ext_display(funet_connect)
        assert (name == 'FUNET E-Meeting Service')
        dn = self.md.display(funet_connect)

    def test_missing(self):
        swamid = root(self.swamid)
        self.md.store.update(swamid, swamid.get('Name'))
        missing = self.md.lookup('https://connect.funet.fi/shibboleth+missing')
        assert (len(missing) == 0)

    def test_non_metadata(self):
        e = root(self.non_metadata)
        assert self.md.expiration(e) is None
            self.md.annotate(e, "kaka", "x", "y")
            self.md.set_entity_attributes(e, dict(a=1))
            assert False
        except MetadataException:
Exemplo n.º 2
class TestRepo(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.md = MDRepository(store=MemoryStore)
        self.datadir = resource_filename('metadata', 'test/data')
        self.xml_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'test01.xml')
        self.swamid_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'swamid-2.0-test.xml')
        self.swamid = root(parse_xml(self.swamid_source))
        self.t = parse_xml(self.xml_source)
        self.non_metadata = parse_xml(resource_filename("not-metadata.xml", self.datadir))

    def test_md_exists(self):
        assert (self.md is not None)

    def test_clone(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID')
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        nmd = self.md.clone()
        assert (nmd.store.size() == self.md.store.size())
        assert (nmd.lookup(entity_id) is not None)

    def test_sha1_hash(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID')
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        e = self.md.lookup(entity_id)
        assert (self.md.sha1_id(e[0]) == "{sha1}568515f6fae8c8b4d42d543853c96d08f051ef13")
        assert (hash_id(e[0], 'sha1', prefix=False) == "568515f6fae8c8b4d42d543853c96d08f051ef13")

    def test_entity_attribute(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID')
        self.md.set_entity_attributes(root(self.t), {"http://ns.example.org": "foo"})
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        e = self.md.lookup("{%s}%s" % ("http://ns.example.org", 'foo'))[0]
        assert (e is not None)
        assert (e.get('entityID') == entity_id)

    def test_utils(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get('entityID')
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        e = self.md.lookup(entity_id)[0]
        assert (self.md.is_idp(e))
        assert (not self.md.is_sp(e))
        assert (self.md.icon(e) in ['https://www.example.com/static/images/logo.jpg',
                                    'https://www.example.com/static/images/logo_eng.jpg'] )
        domains = self.md.domains(e)
        assert ('example.com' in domains)
        assert ('example.net' in domains)
        assert ('idp.example.com' not in domains)
        assert ('foo.com' not in domains)

        edup = deepcopy(e)
        name, desc = self.md.ext_display(e)
        assert(name == 'Example University')
        assert(desc == 'Identity Provider for Example University')

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert (disp == 'Example University')
        for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}DisplayName" % NS['mdui']):

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert (disp == 'The Example University')
        for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}OrganizationDisplayName" % NS['md']):

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert (disp == 'ExampleU')
        for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}OrganizationName" % NS['md']):

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert (disp == entity_id)

        e = edup

        subs = self.md.sub_domains(e)
        assert ('example.com' in subs)
        assert ('example.net' in subs)
        assert ('idp.example.com' not in subs)

        summary = self.md.simple_summary(e)
        assert (summary['title'] == 'Example University')
        assert (summary['descr'] == 'Identity Provider for Example University')
        assert (summary['value'] == entity_id)
        assert ('icon' in summary)
        assert ('icon_url' in summary and summary['icon'] == summary['icon_url'])
        assert ('domains' in summary)
        assert ('id' in summary)

        empty = self.md.simple_summary(None)
        assert (not empty)

    def test_display(self):
        swamid = root(self.swamid)
        self.md.store.update(swamid, swamid.get('Name'))
        funet_connect = self.md.lookup('https://connect.funet.fi/shibboleth')[0]
        name, desc = self.md.ext_display(funet_connect)
        assert(name == 'FUNET E-Meeting Service')
        dn = self.md.display(funet_connect)

    def test_missing(self):
        swamid = root(self.swamid)
        self.md.store.update(swamid, swamid.get('Name'))
        missing = self.md.lookup('https://connect.funet.fi/shibboleth+missing')
        assert (len(missing) == 0)

    def test_non_metadata(self):
        e = root(self.non_metadata)
        assert self.md.expiration(e) is None
            self.md.set_entity_attributes(e, dict(a=1))
            assert False
        except MetadataException:
Exemplo n.º 3
class TestRepo(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.md = MDRepository(store=MemoryStore)
        self.datadir = resource_filename("metadata", "test/data")
        self.xml_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, "test01.xml")
        self.swamid_source = os.path.join(self.datadir, "swamid-2.0-test.xml")
        self.swamid = root(parse_xml(self.swamid_source))
        self.t = parse_xml(self.xml_source)
        self.non_metadata = parse_xml(resource_filename("not-metadata.xml", self.datadir))

    def test_md_exists(self):
        assert self.md is not None

    def test_clone(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get("entityID")
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        nmd = self.md.clone()
        assert nmd.store.size() == self.md.store.size()
        assert nmd.lookup(entity_id) is not None

    def test_sha1_hash(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get("entityID")
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        e = self.md.lookup(entity_id)
        assert self.md.sha1_id(e[0]) == "{sha1}568515f6fae8c8b4d42d543853c96d08f051ef13"
        assert hash_id(e[0], "sha1", prefix=False) == "568515f6fae8c8b4d42d543853c96d08f051ef13"

    def test_entity_attribute(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get("entityID")
        self.md.set_entity_attributes(root(self.t), {"http://ns.example.org": "foo"})
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        e = self.md.lookup("{%s}%s" % ("http://ns.example.org", "foo"))[0]
        assert e is not None
        assert e.get("entityID") == entity_id

    def test_utils(self):
        entity_id = root(self.t).get("entityID")
        self.md.store.update(root(self.t), entity_id)
        e = self.md.lookup(entity_id)[0]
        assert self.md.is_idp(e)
        assert not self.md.is_sp(e)
        assert self.md.icon(e) in [
        domains = self.md.domains(e)
        assert "example.com" in domains
        assert "example.net" in domains
        assert "idp.example.com" in domains
        assert "foo.com" not in domains

        edup = deepcopy(e)
        name, desc = self.md.ext_display(e)
        assert name == "Example University"
        assert desc == "Identity Provider for Example University"

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert disp == "Example University"
        for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}DisplayName" % NS["mdui"]):

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert disp == "The Example University"
        for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}OrganizationDisplayName" % NS["md"]):

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert disp == "ExampleU"
        for elt in e.findall(".//{%s}OrganizationName" % NS["md"]):

        disp = self.md.display(e)
        assert disp == entity_id

        e = edup

        subs = self.md.sub_domains(e)
        assert "example.com" in subs
        assert "example.net" in subs
        assert "idp.example.com" not in subs

        summary = self.md.simple_summary(e)
        assert summary["title"] == "Example University"
        assert summary["descr"] == "Identity Provider for Example University"
        assert summary["value"] == entity_id
        assert "icon" in summary
        assert "icon_url" in summary and summary["icon"] == summary["icon_url"]
        assert "domains" in summary
        assert "id" in summary

        empty = self.md.simple_summary(None)
        assert not empty

    def test_display(self):
        swamid = root(self.swamid)
        self.md.store.update(swamid, swamid.get("Name"))
        funet_connect = self.md.lookup("https://connect.funet.fi/shibboleth")[0]
        name, desc = self.md.ext_display(funet_connect)
        assert name == "FUNET E-Meeting Service"
        dn = self.md.display(funet_connect)

    def test_missing(self):
        swamid = root(self.swamid)
        self.md.store.update(swamid, swamid.get("Name"))
        missing = self.md.lookup("https://connect.funet.fi/shibboleth+missing")
        assert len(missing) == 0

    def test_non_metadata(self):
        e = root(self.non_metadata)
        assert self.md.expiration(e) is None
            self.md.annotate(e, "kaka", "x", "y")
            self.md.set_entity_attributes(e, dict(a=1))
            assert False
        except MetadataException: