Exemplo n.º 1
def phase_correlation(signal, ref):

    fft_s = fft(signal)
    fft_r = fft(ref)
    prod_of_ffts = (fft_s * np.conjugate(fft_r))
    pc = prod_of_ffts / np.abs(prod_of_ffts)
    return abs(ifft(pc))
Exemplo n.º 2
def cryo_conv_vol(x, kernel_f):
    n = x.shape[0]
    n_ker = kernel_f.shape[0]

    if np.any(np.array(x.shape) != n):
        raise ValueError('Volume in `x` must be cubic')

    if np.any(np.array(kernel_f.shape) != n_ker):
        raise ValueError('Convolution kernel in `kernel_f` must be cubic')

    is_singleton = len(x.shape) == 3

    shifted_kernel_f = np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.ifftshift(kernel_f, 0), 1), 2)

    if is_singleton:
        x = numpy_fft.fftn(x, [n_ker] * 3)
        x = numpy_fft.fft(x, n=n_ker, axis=0)
        x = numpy_fft.fft(x, n=n_ker, axis=1)
        x = numpy_fft.fft(x, n=n_ker, axis=2)

    x *= shifted_kernel_f

    if is_singleton:
        x = numpy_fft.ifftn(x)
        x = x[:n, :n, :n]
        x = numpy_fft.ifft(x, axis=0)
        x = numpy_fft.ifft(x, axis=1)
        x = numpy_fft.ifft(x, axis=2)

    x = x.real
    return x
Exemplo n.º 3
def time_to_frequency(ad, ed, td, wd, del_t, q, compensate_window=True):
    Convert time domain data to discrete Fourier transformed data,
    with normalization by del_t x q x n / k1



    # ==================================================================================================================
    # Now we get extract the data and transform it to frequency domain
    # ==================================================================================================================
    if compensate_window:
        resc = ad.shape[0] / np.sum(wd)
        resc = 1.0
    a_df = fft(wd * ad) * del_t * q * resc
    e_df = fft(wd * ed) * del_t * q * resc
    t_df = fft(wd * td) * del_t * q * resc

    return a_df, e_df, t_df
Exemplo n.º 4
    def ft1D(x,y,*,axis=0,zero_DC=False):
        """Takes in x and y = y(x), and returns k and the Fourier transform 
        of y(x) -> f(k) along a single (1D) axis
        Handles all of the annoyances of fftshift and ifftshift, and gets the 
        normalization right
            x (np.ndarray) : independent variable, must be 1D
            y (np.ndarray) : dependent variable, can be nD
            axis (int) : which axis to perform FFT
            zero_DC (bool) : if true, sets f(0) = 0
        dx = x[1]-x[0]
        k = fftshift(fftfreq(x.size,d=dx))*2*np.pi
        fft_norm = dx

        shifted_x = ifftshift(x)
        if np.isclose(shifted_x[0],0):
            f = fft(ifftshift(y,axes=(axis)),axis=axis)*fft_norm
            f = fft(y,axis=axis)*fft_norm

        if zero_DC:
            nd_slice = [slice(None) for i in range(len(f.shape))]
            nd_slice[axis] = slice(0,1,1)
            nd_slice = tuple(nd_slice)
            f[nd_slice] = 0

        f = fftshift(f,axes=(axis))

        return k, f
Exemplo n.º 5
def toeplitz_multiplication(v, first_row, first_column):

    Performs the matrix-vector product T * v where
    T is a Toeplitz matrix, using FFT

    v : array_like
        input vector of size n_data
    first_row : array_like
        first row of the Toepltiz matrix (size n_data)
    first_column : array_like
        first column of the Toepltiz matrix (size n_data)

    y : numpy array
        vector such that y = T * v


    n = first_row.shape[0]
    a_2n_fft = fft(np.concatenate((first_row,[0],first_column[1:][::-1])))

    return np.real(ifft(a_2n_fft*fft(v, 2*n))[0:n])
Exemplo n.º 6
def toeplitz_matvec(col0, vec, n):
    col0: first column of the Toeplitz matrix with shape (n,)
    vec: vector with shape (n,)
    p = (ifft(
        fft(np.r_[col0, col0[-2:0:-1]]) *
        fft(np.r_[vec, np.zeros(n - 2)])).real)[:n]
    return p
Exemplo n.º 7
def toeplitz_matvec_block(col0, vec, n):
    col0: first column of the Toeplitz matrix with shape (n,)
    vec: vector with shape (m, n)
    m, n = vec.shape
    padded_vec = np.zeros((m, n * 2 - 2))
    padded_vec[:, :n] = vec
    p = ifft(fft(np.r_[col0, col0[-2:0:-1]]) * fft(padded_vec)).real[:, :n]
    return p
Exemplo n.º 8
def csr_convolution(a, b):
    P = len(a)
    Q = len(b)
    L = P + Q - 1
    K = 2**nextpow2(L)
    a_pad = np.pad(a, (0, K - P), 'constant', constant_values=(0))
    b_pad = np.pad(b, (0, K - Q), 'constant', constant_values=(0))
    c = ifft(fft(a_pad) * fft(b_pad))
    c = c[0:L - 1].real
    return c
Exemplo n.º 9
def multiple_toepltiz_inverse(c_mat, lambda_n, a):

    Efficiently compute several Toepltiz systems with the same Toepltiz

    T xj = cj

    which is in matrix form

    T x_mat = c_mat

    Where T is a n_data x n_data Toeplitz matrix and c_mat is a n_data x n_knots matrix


    n = c_mat.shape[0]
    #zero_vect = np.zeros(n_data)

    # Cf. Step 2 of Ref. [1]
    #ae_2n = np.concatenate(([1],a,zero_vect))
    #ae_2n_fft = fft(ae_2n)
    ae_2n_fft = fft(np.concatenate(([1],a)),2*n)
    # using hermitian and real property of covariance matrices:
    # be_2n_fft = fft(be_2n)
    be_2n_fft = ae_2n_fft.conj() #np.real(ae_2n_fft) - 1j*np.imag(ae_2n_fft)

    signs = (-1)**(np.arange(2*n)+1)

    x_mat = np.empty(np.shape(c_mat))

    print("shape of c_mat is " + str(c_mat.shape))

    for j in range(c_mat.shape[1]):
        #ce_2n = np.zeros(2*n_data)
        #ce_2n[0:n_data] = c_mat[:,j]
        #ce_2n = np.concatenate((c_mat[:,j],zero_vect))
        #ce_2n_fft = fft(ce_2n)
        ce_2n_fft = fft(c_mat[:,j],2*n)
        u_2n = ifft( ae_2n_fft*ce_2n_fft )
        v_2n = ifft( be_2n_fft*ce_2n_fft )

        #pe_2n_fft = fft( np.concatenate((v_2n[0:n_data],zero_vect)) )
        #qe_2n_fft = fft( np.concatenate((u_2n[n_data:],zero_vect))  )
        pe_2n_fft = fft( v_2n[0:n] , 2*n )
        qe_2n_fft = fft( u_2n[n:] , 2*n  )

        we_2n = ifft( ae_2n_fft*pe_2n_fft + signs*be_2n_fft*qe_2n_fft )

        x_mat[:,j] = np.real(we_2n[0:n]/lambda_n)

    return x_mat
Exemplo n.º 10
    def update_missing_data(self, y_gw_list):
        Update the value of missing data

        y_gw_list : list
            list of waveform in the time domain for each channel

        Nothing, just update the attribute self.data_dft


        # Update Gaussian process mean
        # Impute missing data
        y_imp = self.model.impute(self.data)
        # Transform back to Fourier domain, applying the windowing for complete
        # time series, with re-scaling
        resc = self.del_t * self.resc_full
        data_dft = [
            fft(y_imp0 * self.wd_full)[self.inds] * resc for y_imp0 in y_imp
        # self.data_dft = data_dft[:]

        return y_imp, data_dft
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _encoder(self, x, decimate, axis=-1, planner_effort='FFTW_ESTIMATE'):
        Transform the time series data into a multiple sub-banded demodulated signal in frequency domain.
        Nch, Nsamp = x.shape
        Nsamp_dec = int(Nsamp / decimate)

        X = fft.fft(x, axis=axis, planner_effort=planner_effort)

        if Nsamp % 2 == 0:
            X[:, 1:Nsamp // 2] *= 2
            X[:, Nsamp // 2:] = 0
            X[:, 1:(Nsamp + 1) // 2] *= 2
            X[:, (Nsamp + 1) // 2] = 0

        X_ = fft.fftshift(X, axes=-1)[:,
                                      int((Nsamp - Nsamp_dec) // 2):int(
                                          (Nsamp + Nsamp_dec) // 2)] / decimate

        if self.n_processes > 1:
            func = self.pfunc.result
            func = self.multiply

        return func(X_[:, self.encoder_rule], np.atleast_2d(self.Hwin))
Exemplo n.º 12
def gls_covariance_time(mat, psd):
    Compute the covariance of the generalized least-square estimator for
    a stationary noise.

    mat : ndarray
        Model design matrix of size n_data x n_params
    psd : ndarray
        Noise power spectrum = PSD * fs / 2 where fs is the sampling frequency
        and PSD is the one-sided noise power spectral density.

        Description of returned object.


    # if type(wind) == str:
    #     wd = np.hanning(mat.shape[0])
    # elif type(wind) == np.ndarray:
    #     wd = wind[:]

    # Apply time-windowing
    # mat_wind = mat * np.array([wd]).T
    # Fourier transform the model
    # mat_dft = fft(mat_wind, axis=0)

    return gsl_covariance_freq(fft(mat, axis=0), psd)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def check_efield_resolution(self, efield, *, plot_fields=False):
        efield_tail = np.max(np.abs([efield[0], efield[-1]]))

        if efield_tail > np.max(np.abs(efield)) / 100:
                'Consider using larger time interval, pulse does not decay to less than 1% of maximum value in time domain'

        efield_fft = fftshift(fft(ifftshift(efield))) * self.dt
        efield_fft_tail = np.max(np.abs([efield_fft[0], efield_fft[-1]]))

        if efield_fft_tail > np.max(np.abs(efield_fft)) / 100:
                '''Consider using smaller value of dt, pulse does not decay to less than 1% of maximum value in frequency domain'''

        if plot_fields:
            fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2)
            l1, l2, = axes[0].plot(self.efield_t, np.real(efield),
                                   self.efield_t, np.imag(efield))
            plt.legend([l1, l2], ['Real', 'Imag'])
            axes[1].plot(self.efield_w, np.real(efield_fft), self.efield_w,

            axes[0].set_ylabel('Electric field Amp')
            axes[0].set_xlabel('Time ($\omega_0^{-1})$')
            axes[1].set_xlabel('Frequency ($\omega_0$)')

                'Check that efield is well-resolved in time and frequency')
Exemplo n.º 14
    def apply_gap_convolution(self, y_gw_fft_pos):
        Transform the frequency-domain waveform to account for gaps.

        y_gw_fft_pos : list[ndarray]
            list of frequency-domain waveforms for all channels.
        y_gw_masked_fft : list[ndarray]
            list of distorted frequency-domain waveforms for all channels.

        # Convert waveform to time domain
        y_gw_list = [
            for i in range(len(y_gw_fft_pos))
        # Apply mask window and Fourier transform back
        y_gw_masked_fft = [
            fft(self.wd * dat)[self.inds] * self.del_t * self.resc
            for dat in y_gw_list

        return y_gw_masked_fft
Exemplo n.º 15
    def track(self, im, pos, base_target_sz, current_scale_factor):
            track the scale using the scale filter
        # get scale filter features
        scales = current_scale_factor * self.scale_size_factors
        xs = self._extract_scale_sample(im, pos, base_target_sz, scales, self.scale_model_sz)

        # project
        xs = self.basis.dot(xs) * self.window

        # get scores
        xsf = fft(xs, axis=1)
        scale_responsef = np.sum(self.sf_num * xsf, 0) / (self.sf_den + config.lamBda)
        interp_scale_response = np.real(ifft(resize_dft(scale_responsef, config.number_of_interp_scales)))
        recovered_scale_index = np.argmax(interp_scale_response)
        if config.do_poly_interp:
            # fit a quadratic polynomial to get a refined scale estimate
            id1 = (recovered_scale_index - 1) % config.number_of_interp_scales
            id2 = (recovered_scale_index + 1) % config.number_of_interp_scales
            poly_x = np.array([self.interp_scale_factors[id1], self.interp_scale_factors[recovered_scale_index], self.interp_scale_factors[id2]])
            poly_y = np.array([interp_scale_response[id1], interp_scale_response[recovered_scale_index], interp_scale_response[id2]])
            poly_A = np.array([[poly_x[0]**2, poly_x[0], 1],
                               [poly_x[1]**2, poly_x[1], 1],
                               [poly_x[2]**2, poly_x[2], 1]], dtype=np.float32)
            poly = np.linalg.inv(poly_A).dot(poly_y.T)
            scale_change_factor = - poly[1] / (2 * poly[0])
            scale_change_factor = self.interp_scale_factors[recovered_scale_index]
        return scale_change_factor
Exemplo n.º 16
def toepltiz_mat_vect_prod(y, s_2n):
    Linear operator that calculate T y_in assuming that we can write:

    Com = F* Lambda F

    where Lambda is a P x P diagonal matrix and F is the P x n_data Discrete Fourier
    Transform matrix.

    y : numpy array
        input data vector of size n_data
    S_2N : numpy array (size P >= 2N)
        PSD vector

    y_out : numpy array
        y_out = T * y_in transformed output vector of size N_out


    return np.real(ifft(s_2n * fft(y, len(s_2n)))[0:len(y)])
Exemplo n.º 17
    def create_filter(order,
        Create a prototype filter.
        h = firwin(order, cutoff, nyq=nyquist)

        if output == 'freq':
            w = fft.fftfreq(N)
            w *= (nyquist * 2)

            H = fft.fft(h, n=N, axis=-1, planner_effort='FFTW_ESTIMATE')

            if shift:
                return fft.fftshift(w), fft.fftshift(H)
                return w, H

            return h
Exemplo n.º 18
def delay(x, time, fs, axis=-1, keeplength=False, pad=1):
    extra_pad = 200  # add 200 samples to prevent wrapping
    samps = int(np.floor(time * fs))
    s = list(x.shape)
    sz_pre = np.copy(s)
    sz_post = np.copy(s)
    sz_fft = np.copy(s)
    sz_pre[axis] = samps
    sz_post[axis] = pad + extra_pad
    x = np.concatenate((np.zeros(sz_pre), x, np.zeros(sz_post)), axis)
    sz_fft[axis] = int(np.round(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(x.shape[axis])) -
    x = np.concatenate((x, np.zeros(sz_fft)), axis)
    new_len = sz_pre[axis] + s[axis] + sz_post[axis] + sz_fft[axis]

    # x[n-k] <--> X(jw)e^(-jwk) where w in [0, 2pi)
    if type(time) is not int:
        theta = (-np.arange(new_len).astype(float) * fs * 2 * np.pi / new_len *
                 (time - np.float(samps) / fs))
        theta[-(new_len // 2) + 1:] = -theta[(new_len // 2):1:-1]
        st = [1 for _ in range(x.ndim)]
        st[axis] = new_len
        x = np.real(fft.ifft(fft.fft(x, axis=axis) *
                             np.exp(1j * theta.reshape(st))))
    if keeplength:
        x = np.take(x, range(s[axis]), axis)
        x = np.take(x, range(s[axis] + samps + pad), axis)
    inds = tuple([slice(si) for si in sz_pre])
    x[inds] = 0
    return x
Exemplo n.º 19
def detrend(y_data, detrend_method='poly', max_order=1, n_knots=10, psd=None):
    Remove linear or polynomial trend of order max_order
    y_data : 1d array
        input data of size n
    max_order : int
        maximum order of the polynomial to fit
    psd : 1d array
        noise PSD at Fourier frequencies (size n)

    y_detrend : 1d array
        output detrended data (size n)


    t_norm = np.arange(0, y_data.shape[0])

    if detrend_method == 'poly':

        mat_linear = np.hstack(
            [np.array([t_norm**k]).T for k in range(0, max_order + 1)])
        if psd is not None:
            amp = regression.generalized_least_squares(fft(mat_linear, axis=0),
                                                       fft(y_data), psd)
            amp = regression.least_squares(mat_linear, y_data)

        trend = np.real(np.dot(mat_linear, amp))
        y_detrend = y_data - trend

    elif detrend_method == 'spline':
        # Detrending using splines
        n_seg = y_data.shape[0] // n_knots
        t_knots = np.linspace(t_norm[n_seg], t_norm[-n_seg], n_knots)
        spl = interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline(t_norm,
        trend = spl(t_norm)
        y_detrend = y_data - trend

    return y_detrend, trend
Exemplo n.º 20
    def plot2d_fft(self,
                   frequency_range=[-1000, 1000],
        w_ind = np.where((self.w > frequency_range[0])
                         & (self.w < frequency_range[1]))[0]
        w = self.w[w_ind]
        sig = self.signal_vs_delay_times[w_ind, :]

        delay_time_indices = np.where(self.delay_times > delay_time_start)[0]
        delay_times = self.delay_times[delay_time_indices]
        sig = sig[:, delay_time_indices]
        if normalize:
            sig /= np.dot(self.dipoles, self.dipoles)**2
        wT = fftshift(
                    d=(delay_times[1] - delay_times[0]))) * 2 * np.pi
        sig_fft = fft(sig, axis=1)
        if subtract_DC:
            sig_fft[:, 0] = 0
        sig_fft = fftshift(sig_fft, axes=(1))

        ww, wTwT = np.meshgrid(wT, w)

        if create_figure:

        if phase:
            plot_sig = np.arctan2(np.imag(sig_fft), np.real(sig_fft))
            plot_sig = np.abs(sig_fft)
        if color_range == 'auto':
            plt.pcolormesh(ww, wTwT, plot_sig)
        if draw_colorbar:
        plt.xlabel('$\omega_T$ ($\omega_0$)', fontsize=16)
        plt.ylabel('Detection Frequency ($\omega_0$)', fontsize=16)
        if wT_frequency_range == 'auto':
            plt.xlim([0, np.max(wT)])
        if save_fig:
            plt.savefig(self.base_path + 'TA_spectra_fft')
Exemplo n.º 21
    def plotTA_units(self,
                     frequency_range=[-1000, 1000],
        """Plots the transient absorption spectra with detection frequency on the
        y-axis and delay time on the x-axis.

            frequency_range (list): sets the min (list[0]) and max (list[1]) detection frequency for y-axis
            subtract_DC (bool): if True subtract the DC component of the TA
            color_range (list): sets the min (list[0]) and max (list[1]) value for the colorbar
            draw_colorbar (bool): if True add a colorbar to the plot
            save_fig (bool): if True save the figure that is produced
            omega_0 (float): convert from unitless variables, omega_0 should be provided in wavenumbers
        f0_thz = omega_0 * 3E10 / 1.0E12  # omega_0 in wavenumbers
        T_ps = self.delay_times / f0_thz / (2 * np.pi)
        # Cut out unwanted detection frequency points
        self.w += self.ground_to_excited_transition + self.center
        self.w *= omega_0
        w_ind = np.where((self.w > frequency_range[0])
                         & (self.w < frequency_range[1]))[0]
        w = self.w[w_ind]
        sig = self.signal[w_ind, :]

        if omega_0 == 1:
            xlab = r'Delay time ($\omega_0^{-1}$)'
            ylab = r'Detection Frequency ($\omega_0$)'
            xlab = 'Delay time (ps)'
            ylab = r'Detection Frequency (cm$^{-1}$)'

        if subtract_DC:
            sig_fft = fft(sig, axis=1)
            sig_fft[:, 0] = 0
            sig = np.real(ifft(sig_fft))
            ww, tt = np.meshgrid(T_ps, w)
        if create_figure:
        if color_range == 'auto':
            plt.pcolormesh(ww, tt, sig)
        if draw_colorbar:
        plt.xlabel(xlab, fontsize=16)
        plt.ylabel(ylab, fontsize=16)
        if save_fig:
            plt.savefig(self.base_path + 'TA_spectra_iso_ave')
Exemplo n.º 22
def teopltiz_precompute(R,p=10,Nit = 1000,tol = 1e-4):
    Solve the system T y = e1 where T is symmetric Toepltiz.
    where e1 = [1 0 0 0 0 0].T to compute the vector a and lambda_n for
    further fast Toepltiz inversions.

    Compute the prefactor lambda_n and vector a_{n-1} such that the inverse of
    T writes
    T^{-1} = (1/lambda_n) * [ 1       a*_{n-1}
                        a_{n-1}   S_{n-1} ]

    R : array_like
        autocovariance function (first row of the Toepltiz matrix)

    lambda_n : scalar float
        prefactor of the inverse of T
    a : numpy array
        vector of size N-1 involved in the computation of the inverse of T
    p : scalar integer
        maximum number of lags for the preconditionning
    Nit : scalar integer
        maximum number of iterations for PCG
    tol : scalar float
        relative error convergence criterium for the PCG algorithm

    [1] Jain, Fast Inversion of Banded Toeplitz Matrices by Circular
    Decompositions, 1978

    N = len(R)
    # First basis vector (of orthonormal cartesian basis)
    e1 = np.concatenate(([1],np.zeros(N-1)))
    # Compute spectrum
    S_2N = fft(np.concatenate((R,[0],R[1:][::-1])))
    # Linear operator correponding to the Toeplitz matrix
    T_op = toepltizLinearOp(N,S_2N)
    # Preconditionner to approximate T^{-1}
    Psolver = computeToepltizPrecond(R,p=p)
    # Build the associated linear operator
    P_op = matrixalgebra.precondLinearOp(Psolver,N,N)
    # Initial guess
    z,info = sparse.linalg.bicgstab(T_op, e1, x0=np.zeros(N),tol=tol,

    lambda_n = 1/z[0]
    a = lambda_n * z[1:]

    return lambda_n,a
Exemplo n.º 23
def phaseran(signal):
    Performs phase randomization for coherence matrices.

    NOTE: Signal input has to be nTimepoints x nElectrodes (there is a check)

    # check that it is in right orientation
    if signal.shape[1] > signal.shape[0]:
        signal = signal.T

    # Get parameters
    nTimepoints = signal.shape[0]
    nElectrodes = signal.shape[1]

    # Check to make sure that it is an odd number of samples
    if nTimepoints % 2 == 0:
        signal = signal[:-1, :]
        nTimepoints = nTimepoints - 1

    nTimepoints = signal.shape[0]
    len_ser = (nTimepoints - 1) / 2
    interv1 = np.arange(1, len_ser + 1)
    interv2 = np.arange(len_ser + 1, nTimepoints)

    # fft_A = pfft.builders.fft(signal, axis=0) # FFT of original data
        fft_A = pfft.fft(signal, axis=0, threads=15)
        fft_A = pfft.fft(signal, axis=0)

    # Create the random phases for all the time series
    ph_rnd = np.random.rand(len_ser, nElectrodes)
    ph_interv1 = np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * ph_rnd)
    ph_interv2 = np.conj(np.flipud(ph_interv1))

    # Randomize all time series simultaneously
    fft_recblk_surr = fft_A
    fft_recblk_surr[interv1, :] = fft_A[interv1, :] * ph_interv1
    fft_recblk_surr[interv2, :] = fft_A[interv2, :] * ph_interv2
    surrblk = np.float32(pfft.ifft(fft_recblk_surr, axis=0)).T

    return surrblk
Exemplo n.º 24
def fourier_transform(array,axis,new_axis,inverse=False):
    import numpy as np
    from numpy.fft import fftshift,ifftshift
    from expresso.pycas import pi
    from ..coordinate_ndarray import CoordinateNDArray

        from pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft import fft,ifft
    except ImportError:
        from numpy.fft import fft,ifft

    axi = array.axis.index(axis)
    if len(array.axis) == 1:
        if not inverse:
            new_data = fftshift(fft(array.data,axis=axi),axes=[axi])
            new_data *= 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)
            new_data = ifft(ifftshift(array.data,axes=[axi]),axis=axi)
            new_data *= np.sqrt(2*np.pi)
        from pypropagate.progressbar import ProgressBar
        axt = (axi + 1) % len(array.axis) 
        axi = axi if axt > axi else axi - 1
        transposed_data = np.rollaxis(array.data,axt,start=0)
        new_data = np.zeros(array.data.shape,dtype=complex)
        transposed_new_data = np.rollaxis(new_data,axt,start=0)
        for i in ProgressBar(range(transposed_data.shape[0])):
            if not inverse:
                transposed_new_data[i] = fftshift(fft(transposed_data[i],axis=axi),axes=[axi])
                transposed_new_data[i] *= 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)
                transposed_new_data[i] = ifft(ifftshift(transposed_data[i],axes=[axi]),axis=axi)
                transposed_new_data[i] *= np.sqrt(2*np.pi)

    sw = array.bounds[axi][1] - array.bounds[axi][0]
    tmin,tmax = array.evaluate((-(pi*array.shape[axi])/sw,

    new_bounds = [(b[0],b[1]) if i!=axi else (tmin,tmax) for i,b in enumerate(array.bounds)]
    new_axis = [a  if i!=axi else new_axis for i,a in enumerate(array.axis)]

    return CoordinateNDArray(new_data,new_bounds,new_axis,array.evaluate)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def dft(self, wind='tukey', n_wind=500, normalized=True):

        self.w = self.compute_window(wind=wind, n_wind=n_wind)

        if normalized:
            norm = np.sum(self.w) / (self.del_t * 2)
            norm = 1.0

        return fft(self * self.w) / norm
Exemplo n.º 26
 def integrated_ft(self,delay_time_start = 1,delay_time_stop = 300):
     delay_time_indices = np.where((self.delay_times > delay_time_start) & (self.delay_times < delay_time_stop))[0]
     delay_times = self.delay_times[delay_time_indices]
     sig = self.signal_vs_delay_times[:,delay_time_indices]
     integrated = np.trapz(sig,x=self.TA.w,axis=0)
     w_T = fftshift(fftfreq(delay_times.size,d=(delay_times[1] - delay_times[0])))*2*np.pi
     integrated_fft = fft(integrated)
     integrated_fft[0] = 0
     integrated_fft = fftshift(integrated_fft)
     return w_T, integrated_ft
Exemplo n.º 27
    def update(self, im, pos, base_target_sz, current_scale_factor):
            update the scale filter
        # get scale filter features
        scales = current_scale_factor * self.scale_size_factors
        xs = self._extract_scale_sample(im, pos, base_target_sz, scales,

        first_frame = not hasattr(self, 's_num')

        if first_frame:
            self.s_num = xs
            self.s_num = (1 - config.scale_learning_rate
                          ) * self.s_num + config.scale_learning_rate * xs
        # compute projection basis
        if self.max_scale_dim:
            self.basis, _ = scipy.linalg.qr(self.s_num, mode='economic')
            scale_basis_den, _ = scipy.linalg.qr(xs, mode='economic')
            U, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(self.s_num)
            self.basis = U[:, :self.s_num_compressed_dim]
        self.basis = self.basis.T

        # compute numerator
        feat_proj = self.basis.dot(self.s_num) * self.window
        sf_proj = fft(feat_proj, axis=1)
        self.sf_num = self.yf * np.conj(sf_proj)

        # update denominator
        xs = scale_basis_den.T.dot(xs) * self.window
        xsf = fft(xs, axis=1)
        new_sf_den = np.sum(np.real(xsf * np.conj(xsf)), 0)
        if first_frame:
            self.sf_den = new_sf_den
            self.sf_den = (
                1 - config.scale_learning_rate
            ) * self.sf_den + config.scale_learning_rate * new_sf_den
Exemplo n.º 28
def _psd2invntt(psd, bandwidth, ncorr, fftw_flag='FFTW_MEASURE'):
    Compute the first row of the inverse of the noise time-time correlation
    matrix from two-sided PSD with frequency increment fsamp/psd.size.

    fftsize = psd.shape[-1]
    fsamp = bandwidth * fftsize
    psd = (1 / fsamp) / psd
    nthreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    out = fft.fft(psd, axis=-1, planner_effort=fftw_flag, threads=nthreads)
    invntt = out[..., :ncorr+1].real / fftsize
    return invntt
Exemplo n.º 29
    def compute_periodogram(self, x):
        Compute the windowed periodogram from time series x,
        along with Fourier frequency grid
        # If size of analysed data is the same as the presets
        if (x.shape[0] == self.N):
            if self.wind == 'hanning':
                # Compute periodogram
                per = np.abs(fft(x * self.w))**2 / self.s2
            elif self.wind == 'ones':
                per = np.abs(fft(x))**2 / self.s2
            if self.wind == 'hanning':
                w = np.hanning(x.shape[0])
                s2 = np.sum(w**2)
                per = np.abs(fft(x * w))**2 / s2
            elif self.wind == 'ones':
                s2 = x.shape[0]
                per = np.abs(fft(x))**2 / s2

        return per
Exemplo n.º 30
def _psd2invntt(psd, bandwidth, ncorr, fftw_flag='FFTW_MEASURE'):
    Compute the first row of the inverse of the noise time-time correlation
    matrix from two-sided PSD with frequency increment fsamp/psd.size.

    fftsize = psd.shape[-1]
    fsamp = bandwidth * fftsize
    psd = (1 / fsamp) / psd
    nthreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    out = fft.fft(psd, axis=-1, planner_effort=fftw_flag, threads=nthreads)
    invntt = out[..., :ncorr + 1].real / fftsize
    return invntt
Exemplo n.º 31
    def add_gaussian_linewidth(self, sigma):
        self.old_signal = self.signal.copy()

        sig_tau_t = fftshift(fft(ifftshift(self.old_signal, axes=(-1)),
        sig_tau_t = sig_tau_t * (
            np.exp(-self.t**2 / (2 * sigma**2))[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] *
            np.exp(-self.t21_array**2 /
                   (2 * sigma**2))[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis])
        sig_tau_w = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(sig_tau_t, axes=(-1)), axis=-1),
        self.signal = sig_tau_w
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(
        init_target_sz = target_sz
        num_scales = config.number_of_scales_filter
        scale_step = config.scale_step_filter
        scale_sigma = config.number_of_interp_scales * config.scale_sigma_factor

        scale_exp = np.arange(
            -np.floor(num_scales - 1) / 2,
            np.ceil(num_scales - 1) / 2 + 1,
            dtype=np.float32) * config.number_of_interp_scales / num_scales
        scale_exp_shift = np.roll(scale_exp,
                                  (0, -int(np.floor((num_scales - 1) / 2))))

        interp_scale_exp = np.arange(
            -np.floor((config.number_of_interp_scales - 1) / 2),
            np.ceil((config.number_of_interp_scales - 1) / 2) + 1,
        interp_scale_exp_shift = np.roll(
            [0, -int(np.floor(config.number_of_interp_scales - 1) / 2)])

        self.scale_size_factors = scale_step**scale_exp
        self.interp_scale_factors = scale_step**interp_scale_exp_shift

        ys = np.exp(-0.5 * (scale_exp_shift**2) / (scale_sigma**2))
        self.yf = np.real(fft(ys))[np.newaxis, :]
        self.window = signal.hann(ys.shape[0])[np.newaxis, :].astype(

        # make sure the scale model is not to large, to save computation time
        if config.scale_model_factor**2 * np.prod(
                init_target_sz) > config.scale_model_max_area:
            scale_model_factor = np.sqrt(config.scale_model_max_area /
            scale_model_factor = config.scale_model_factor

        # set the scale model size
        self.scale_model_sz = np.maximum(
            np.floor(init_target_sz * scale_model_factor), np.array([8, 8]))
        self.max_scale_dim = config.s_num_compressed_dim == 'MAX'
        if self.max_scale_dim:
            self.s_num_compressed_dim = len(self.scale_size_factors)

        self.num_scales = num_scales
        self.scale_step = scale_step
        self.scale_factors = np.array([1])
Exemplo n.º 33
def _sampling2psd(sampling, sampling_frequency, fftw_flag='FFTW_MEASURE'):
    Return folded PSD without binning.

    sampling = np.asarray(sampling)
    n = sampling.size
    nthreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    psd = np.abs(fft.fft(sampling, axis=-1, planner_effort=fftw_flag,
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=1/sampling_frequency)[:n//2+1]
    freq[-1] += sampling_frequency
    psd = np.concatenate([[0.], 2 * psd[1:n//2], [psd[n//2]]]) / \
          (n * sampling_frequency)
    return freq, psd
Exemplo n.º 34
def _gaussian_sample(nsamples, sampling_frequency, psd, twosided=False,
                     out=None, fftw_flag='FFTW_MEASURE'):
    Generate a gaussian N-sample sampled at fs from a one- or two-sided
    Power Spectrum Density sampled at fs/N.

    nsamples : int
        Number of time samples.
    sampling_frequency : float
        Sampling frequency [Hz].
    psd : array-like
        One- or two-sided Power Spectrum Density [signal unit**2/Hz].
    twosided : boolean, optional
        Whether or not the input psd is one-sided (only positive frequencies)
        or two-sided (positive and negative frequencies).
    out : ndarray
        Placeholder for the output buffer.

    psd = np.asarray(psd)
    if out is None:
        out = empty(psd.shape[:-1] + (nsamples,))

    if not twosided:
        psd = _unfold_psd(psd)

    shape = psd.shape[:-1] + (nsamples,)
    gauss = np.random.randn(*shape)
    nthreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    ftgauss = fft.fft(gauss, planner_effort=fftw_flag, threads=nthreads)
    ftgauss[..., 0] = 0
    spec = ftgauss * np.sqrt(psd)
    out[...] = fft.ifft(spec, planner_effort=fftw_flag,
                        threads=nthreads).real * np.sqrt(sampling_frequency)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 35
        # For pre-channelized data, data are always complex,
        # and should have shape (ntint, nchan, npol).
        # For baseband data, we wish to get to the same shape for
        # incoherent or by_channel, or just to fully channelized for coherent.
        if fh.telescope in ('arochime','arochime-raw'):
            # take complex conjugate to ensure by-channel de-dispersion is applied correctly
            vals = np.conj(vals)

>>>>>>> e6d25c1bfcc5a3426bc62becc3b3075fbea23ebc
        if fh.nchan == 1:
            # If we need coherent dedispersion, do FT of whole thing,
            # otherwise to output channels, mimicking pre-channelized data.
            if raw.dtype.kind == 'c':  # complex data
                nsamp = len(vals) if dedisperse == 'coherent' else nchan
                vals = fft(vals.reshape(-1, nsamp, npol), axis=1,
            else:  # real data
                nsamp = len(vals) if dedisperse == 'coherent' else nchan * 2
                vals = rfft(vals.reshape(-1, nsamp, npol), axis=1,
                # Sadly, the way data are stored depends on what FFT routine
                # one is using.  We cannot deal with scipy's.
                if vals.dtype.kind == 'f':
                    raise TypeError("Can no longer deal with scipy's format "
                                    "for storing FTs of real data.")

        if fedge_at_top:
            # take complex conjugate to ensure by-channel de-dispersion is
            # applied correctly.
            # This needs to be done for ARO data, since we are in 2nd Nyquist
            # zone; not clear it is needed for other telescopes.
Exemplo n.º 36
def muenchetal(im, args):
	"""Process a sinogram image with the Munch et al. de-striping algorithm.

	im : array_like
		Image data as numpy array.

	wlevel : int
		Levels of the wavelet decomposition.

	sigma : float
		Smoothing effect.

	(Parameters wlevel and sigma have to passed as a string separated by ;)
	Example (using tiffile.py)
	>>> im = imread('sino_orig.tif')
	>>> im = munchetal(im, '4;1.0')    
	>>> imsave('sino_flt.tif', im) 

	B. Munch, P. Trtik, F. Marone, M. Stampanoni, Stripe and ring artifact removal with
	combined wavelet-Fourier filtering, Optics Express 17(10):8567-8591, 2009.

	# Disable a warning:
	simplefilter("ignore", ComplexWarning)

	# Get args:
	wlevel, sigma = args.split(";")    
	wlevel = int(wlevel)
	sigma  = float(sigma)

	# The wavelet transform to use : {'haar', 'db1'-'db20', 'sym2'-'sym20', 'coif1'-'coif5', 'dmey'}
	wname = "db5"

	# Wavelet decomposition:
	coeffs = wavedec2(im.astype(float32), wname, level=wlevel)
	coeffsFlt = [coeffs[0]] 

	# FFT transform of horizontal frequency bands:
	for i in range(1, wlevel + 1):  

		# Padding and windowing of input signal:
		n_byte_align(coeffs[i][1], simd_alignment) 
		siz = coeffs[i][1].shape
		tmp = pad(coeffs[i][1], pad_width=((coeffs[i][1].shape[0] / 2, coeffs[i][1].shape[0] / 2), (0,0)), mode='constant') # or 'constant' for zero padding
		tmp = pad(tmp, pad_width=((0,0) ,(coeffs[i][1].shape[1] / 2, coeffs[i][1].shape[1] / 2)), mode='constant')    # or 'constant' for zero padding
		tmp = _windowing_lr(tmp, siz[1])
		tmp = _windowing_lr(tmp.T, siz[0]).T	

		# FFT:
		fcV = fftshift(fft(tmp, axis=0, threads=2))  
		my, mx = fcV.shape
		# Damping of vertical stripes:
		damp = 1 - npexp(-(arange(-floor(my / 2.),-floor(my / 2.) + my) ** 2) / (2 * (sigma ** 2)))      
		dampprime = kron(ones((1,mx)), damp.reshape((damp.shape[0],1)))
		fcV = fcV * dampprime    

		# Inverse FFT:
		fcV = ifftshift(fcV)
		n_byte_align(fcV, simd_alignment)
		fcVflt = ifft(fcV, axis=0, threads=2)

		## Crop image:
		tmp = fcVflt[fcVflt.shape[0] / 4:(fcVflt.shape[0] / 4 + siz[0]), fcVflt.shape[1] / 4:(fcVflt.shape[1] / 4 + siz[1])]

		# Dump back coefficients:
		cVHDtup = (coeffs[i][0], tmp, coeffs[i][2])          

	# Get wavelet reconstruction:
	im_f = real(waverec2(coeffsFlt, wname))

	# Return filtered image (an additional row and/or column might be present):
	return im_f[0:im.shape[0],0:im.shape[1]].astype(float32)
Exemplo n.º 37
def fold(fh, comm, samplerate, fedge, fedge_at_top, nchan,
         nt, ntint, ngate, ntbin, ntw, dm, fref, phasepol,
         do_waterfall=True, do_foldspec=True, verbose=True,
         progress_interval=100, rfi_filter_raw=None, rfi_filter_power=None,
    FFT data, fold by phase/time and make a waterfall series

    Folding is done from the position the file is currently in

    fh : file handle
        handle to file holding voltage timeseries
    comm: MPI communicator or None
        will use size, rank attributes
    samplerate : Quantity
        rate at which samples were originally taken and thus double the
        band width (frequency units)
    fedge : float
        edge of the frequency band (frequency units)
    fedge_at_top: bool
        whether edge is at top (True) or bottom (False)
    nchan : int
        number of frequency channels for FFT
    nt, ntint : int
        total number nt of sets, each containing ntint samples in each file
        hence, total # of samples is nt*ntint, with each sample containing
        a single polarisation
    ngate, ntbin : int
        number of phase and time bins to use for folded spectrum
        ntbin should be an integer fraction of nt
    ntw : int
        number of time samples to combine for waterfall (does not have to be
        integer fraction of nt)
    dm : float
        dispersion measure of pulsar, used to correct for ism delay
        (column number density)
    fref: float
        reference frequency for dispersion measure
    phasepol : callable
        function that returns the pulsar phase for time in seconds relative to
        start of the file that is read.
    dedisperse : None or string (default: incoherent).
        None, 'incoherent', 'coherent', 'by-channel'.
        Note: None really does nothing
    do_waterfall, do_foldspec : bool
        whether to construct waterfall, folded spectrum (default: True)
    verbose : bool or int
        whether to give some progress information (default: True)
    progress_interval : int
        Ping every progress_interval sets
    return_fits : bool (default: False)
        return a subint fits table for rank == 0 (None otherwise)

    assert dedisperse in (None, 'incoherent', 'by-channel', 'coherent')
    need_fine_channels = dedisperse in ['by-channel', 'coherent']
    assert nchan % fh.nchan == 0
    if dedisperse in ['incoherent', 'by-channel'] and fh.nchan > 1:
        oversample = nchan // fh.nchan
        assert ntint % oversample == 0
        oversample = 1

    if dedisperse == 'coherent' and fh.nchan > 1:
        raise ValueError("Cannot coherently dedisperse channelized data.")

    if comm is None:
        mpi_rank = 0
        mpi_size = 1
        mpi_rank = comm.rank
        mpi_size = comm.size

    npol = getattr(fh, 'npol', 1)
    assert npol == 1 or npol == 2
    if verbose > 1 and mpi_rank == 0:
        print("Number of polarisations={}".format(npol))

    # initialize folded spectrum and waterfall
    # TODO: use estimated number of points to set dtype
    if do_foldspec:
        foldspec = np.zeros((ntbin, nchan, ngate, npol**2), dtype=np.float32)
        icount = np.zeros((ntbin, nchan, ngate), dtype=np.int32)
        foldspec = None
        icount = None

    if do_waterfall:
        nwsize = nt*ntint//ntw//oversample
        waterfall = np.zeros((nwsize, nchan, npol**2), dtype=np.float64)
        waterfall = None

    if verbose and mpi_rank == 0:
        print('Reading from {}'.format(fh))

    nskip = fh.tell()/fh.blocksize
    if nskip > 0:
        if verbose and mpi_rank == 0:
            print('Starting {0} blocks = {1} bytes out from start.'
                  .format(nskip, nskip*fh.blocksize))

    dt1 = (1./samplerate).to(u.s)
    # need 2*nchan real-valued samples for each FFT
    if fh.telescope == 'lofar':
        dtsample = fh.dtsample
        dtsample = nchan // oversample * 2 * dt1
    tstart = dtsample * ntint * nskip

    # pre-calculate time delay due to dispersion in coarse channels
    # for channelized data, frequencies are known

    tb = -1. if fedge_at_top else +1.
    if fh.nchan == 1:
        if getattr(fh, 'data_is_complex', False):
            # for complex data, really each complex sample consists of
            # 2 real ones, so multiply dt1 by 2.
            freq = fedge + tb * fftfreq(nchan, 2.*dt1)
            if dedisperse == 'coherent':
                fcoh = fedge + tb * fftfreq(nchan*ntint, 2.*dt1)
                fcoh.shape = (-1, 1)
            elif dedisperse == 'by-channel':
                fcoh = freq + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis]
        else:  # real data
            freq = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(nchan*2, dt1)
            if dedisperse == 'coherent':
                fcoh = fedge + tb * rfftfreq(ntint*nchan*2, dt1)
                fcoh.shape = (-1, 1)
            elif dedisperse == 'by-channel':
                fcoh = freq + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis]
        freq_in = freq

        # Input frequencies may not be the ones going out.
        freq_in = fh.frequencies
        if oversample == 1:
            freq = freq_in
            freq = freq_in[:, np.newaxis] + tb * fftfreq(oversample, dtsample)

        fcoh = freq_in + tb * fftfreq(ntint, dtsample)[:, np.newaxis]

    # print('fedge_at_top={0}, tb={1}'.format(fedge_at_top, tb))
    # By taking only up to nchan, we remove the top channel at the Nyquist
    # frequency for real, unchannelized data.
    ifreq = freq[:nchan].ravel().argsort()

    # pre-calculate time offsets in (input) channelized streams
    dt = dispersion_delay_constant * dm * (1./freq_in**2 - 1./fref**2)

    if need_fine_channels:
        # pre-calculate required turns due to dispersion.
        # set frequency relative to which dispersion is coherently corrected
        if dedisperse == 'coherent':
            _fref = fref
            _fref = freq_in[np.newaxis, :]
        # (check via eq. 5.21 and following in
        # Lorimer & Kramer, Handbook of Pulsar Astronomy
        dang = (dispersion_delay_constant * dm * fcoh *
                (1./_fref-1./fcoh)**2) * u.cycle
        with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()):
            dd_coh = np.exp(dang * 1j).conj().astype(np.complex64)

        # add dimension for polarisation
        dd_coh = dd_coh[..., np.newaxis]

    # Calculate the part of the whole file this node should handle.
    size_per_node = (nt-1)//mpi_size + 1
    start_block = mpi_rank*size_per_node
    end_block = min((mpi_rank+1)*size_per_node, nt)
    for j in range(start_block, end_block):
        if verbose and j % progress_interval == 0:
            print('#{:4d}/{:4d} is doing {:6d}/{:6d} [={:6d}/{:6d}]; '
                  .format(mpi_rank, mpi_size, j+1, nt,
                          j-start_block+1, end_block-start_block,
                          (tstart+dtsample*j*ntint).value))  # time since start

        # Just in case numbers were set wrong -- break if file ends;
        # better keep at least the work done.
            raw = fh.seek_record_read(int((nskip+j)*fh.blocksize),
        except(EOFError, IOError) as exc:
            print("Hit {0!r}; writing data collected.".format(exc))
        if verbose >= 2:
            print("#{:4d}/{:4d} read {} items"
                  .format(mpi_rank, mpi_size, raw.size), end="")

        if npol == 2 and raw.dtype.fields is not None:
            raw = raw.view(raw.dtype.fields.values()[0][0])

        if fh.nchan == 1:  # raw.shape=(ntint*npol)
            raw = raw.reshape(-1, npol)
        else:              # raw.shape=(ntint, nchan*npol)
            raw = raw.reshape(-1, fh.nchan, npol)

        if dedisperse == 'incoherent' and oversample > 1:
            raw = ifft(raw, axis=1, **_fftargs).reshape(-1, nchan, npol)
            raw = fft(raw, axis=1, **_fftargs)

        if rfi_filter_raw is not None:
            raw, ok = rfi_filter_raw(raw)
            if verbose >= 2:
                print("... raw RFI (zap {0}/{1})"
                      .format(np.count_nonzero(~ok), ok.size), end="")

        if np.can_cast(raw.dtype, np.float32):
            vals = raw.astype(np.float32)
            assert raw.dtype.kind == 'c'
            vals = raw

        # For pre-channelized data, data are always complex,
        # and should have shape (ntint, nchan, npol).
        # For baseband data, we wish to get to the same shape for
        # incoherent or by_channel, or just to fully channelized for coherent.
        if fh.nchan == 1:
            # If we need coherent dedispersion, do FT of whole thing,
            # otherwise to output channels, mimicking pre-channelized data.
            if raw.dtype.kind == 'c':  # complex data
                nsamp = len(vals) if dedisperse == 'coherent' else nchan
                vals = fft(vals.reshape(-1, nsamp, npol), axis=1,
            else:  # real data
                nsamp = len(vals) if dedisperse == 'coherent' else nchan * 2
                vals = rfft(vals.reshape(-1, nsamp, npol), axis=1,
                # Sadly, the way data are stored depends on what FFT routine
                # one is using.  We cannot deal with scipy's.
                if vals.dtype.kind == 'f':
                    raise TypeError("Can no longer deal with scipy's format "
                                    "for storing FTs of real data.")

        if fedge_at_top:
            # take complex conjugate to ensure by-channel de-dispersion is
            # applied correctly.
            # This needs to be done for ARO data, since we are in 2nd Nyquist
            # zone; not clear it is needed for other telescopes.
            np.conj(vals, out=vals)

        # Now we coherently dedisperse, either all of it or by channel.
        if need_fine_channels:
            # for by_channel, we have vals.shape=(ntint, nchan, npol),
            # and want to FT over ntint to get fine channels;
            if vals.shape[0] > 1:
                fine = fft(vals, axis=0, **_fftargs)
                # for coherent, we just reshape:
                # (1, ntint*nchan, npol) -> (ntint*nchan, 1, npol)
                fine = vals.reshape(-1, 1, npol)

            # Dedisperse.
            fine *= dd_coh

            # Still have fine.shape=(ntint, nchan, npol),
            # w/ nchan=1 for coherent.
            if fine.shape[1] > 1 or raw.dtype.kind == 'c':
                vals = ifft(fine, axis=0, **_fftargs)
                vals = irfft(fine, axis=0, **_rfftargs)

            if fine.shape[1] == 1 and nchan > 1:
                # final FT to get requested channels
                if vals.dtype.kind == 'f':
                    vals = vals.reshape(-1, nchan*2, npol)
                    vals = rfft(vals, axis=1, **_rfftargs)
                    vals = vals.reshape(-1, nchan, npol)
                    vals = fft(vals, axis=1, **_fftargs)
            elif dedisperse == 'by-channel' and oversample > 1:
                vals = vals.reshape(-1, oversample, fh.nchan, npol)
                vals = fft(vals, axis=1, **_fftargs)
                vals = vals.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(-1, nchan, npol)

            # vals[time, chan, pol]
            if verbose >= 2:
                print("... dedispersed", end="")

        if npol == 1:
            power = vals.real**2 + vals.imag**2
            p0 = vals[..., 0]
            p1 = vals[..., 1]
            power = np.empty(vals.shape[:-1] + (4,), np.float32)
            power[..., 0] = p0.real**2 + p0.imag**2
            power[..., 1] = p0.real*p1.real + p0.imag*p1.imag
            power[..., 2] = p0.imag*p1.real - p0.real*p1.imag
            power[..., 3] = p1.real**2 + p1.imag**2

        if verbose >= 2:
            print("... power", end="")

        # current sample positions and corresponding time in stream
        isr = j*(ntint // oversample) + np.arange(ntint // oversample)
        tsr = (isr*dtsample*oversample)[:, np.newaxis]

        if rfi_filter_power is not None:
            power = rfi_filter_power(power, tsr.squeeze())
            print("... power RFI", end="")

        # correct for delay if needed
        if dedisperse in ['incoherent', 'by-channel']:
            # tsample.shape=(ntint/oversample, nchan_in)
            tsr = tsr - dt

        if do_waterfall:
            # # loop over corresponding positions in waterfall
            # for iw in xrange(isr[0]//ntw, isr[-1]//ntw + 1):
            #     if iw < nwsize:  # add sum of corresponding samples
            #         waterfall[iw, :] += np.sum(power[isr//ntw == iw],
            #                                    axis=0)[ifreq]
            iw = np.round((tsr / dtsample / oversample).to(1)
                          .value / ntw).astype(int)
            for k, kfreq in enumerate(ifreq):  # sort in frequency while at it
                iwk = iw[:, (0 if iw.shape[1] == 1 else kfreq // oversample)]
                iwk = np.clip(iwk, 0, nwsize-1, out=iwk)
                iwkmin = iwk.min()
                iwkmax = iwk.max()+1
                for ipow in range(npol**2):
                    waterfall[iwkmin:iwkmax, k, ipow] += np.bincount(
                        iwk-iwkmin, power[:, kfreq, ipow], iwkmax-iwkmin)
            if verbose >= 2:
                print("... waterfall", end="")

        if do_foldspec:
            ibin = (j*ntbin) // nt  # bin in the time series: 0..ntbin-1

            # times and cycles since start time of observation.
            tsample = tstart + tsr
            phase = (phasepol(tsample.to(u.s).value.ravel())
            # corresponding PSR phases
            iphase = np.remainder(phase*ngate, ngate).astype(np.int)

            for k, kfreq in enumerate(ifreq):  # sort in frequency while at it
                iph = iphase[:, (0 if iphase.shape[1] == 1
                                 else kfreq // oversample)]
                # sum and count samples by phase bin
                for ipow in range(npol**2):
                    foldspec[ibin, k, :, ipow] += np.bincount(
                        iph, power[:, kfreq, ipow], ngate)
                icount[ibin, k, :] += np.bincount(
                    iph, power[:, kfreq, 0] != 0., ngate).astype(np.int32)

            if verbose >= 2:
                print("... folded", end="")

        if verbose >= 2:
            print("... done")

    #Commented out as workaround, this was causing "Referenced before assignment" errors with JB data
    #if verbose >= 2 or verbose and mpi_rank == 0:
    #    print('#{:4d}/{:4d} read {:6d} out of {:6d}'
    #          .format(mpi_rank, mpi_size, j+1, nt))

    if npol == 1:
        if do_foldspec:
            foldspec = foldspec.reshape(foldspec.shape[:-1])
        if do_waterfall:
            waterfall = waterfall.reshape(waterfall.shape[:-1])

    return foldspec, icount, waterfall