Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_is_n_byte_aligned(self):
        a = n_byte_align_empty(100, 16)
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(a, 16))

        a = n_byte_align_empty(100, 5)
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(a, 5))

        a = n_byte_align_empty(100, 16, dtype="float32")[1:]
        self.assertFalse(is_n_byte_aligned(a, 16))
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(a, 4))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_is_n_byte_aligned(self):
        a = n_byte_align_empty(100, 16)
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(a, 16))

        a = n_byte_align_empty(100, 5)
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(a, 5))

        a = n_byte_align_empty(100, 16, dtype='float32')[1:]
        self.assertFalse(is_n_byte_aligned(a, 16))
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(a, 4))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def fftw_inplace(E):
     if np.any(np.array(E.shape[2:]) > 1):
         strides_not_identical = np.any(E.strides != fftw_vec_array.strides)
         if strides_not_identical:
             log.debug('In-place Fourier Transform: strides not identical.')
             E = self.__word_align(E.copy())
         if not pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(E, pyfftw.simd_alignment):
             log.debug('In-place Fourier Transform: Input/Output array not %d-byte word aligned, aligning now.'
                       % pyfftw.simd_alignment)
             E = self.__word_align(E)
         assert(E.ndim-2 == self.data_shape.size and np.all(E.shape[2:] == self.data_shape))
         if np.all(E.shape == fft_vec_object.input_shape) \
                 and pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(E, pyfftw.simd_alignment):
             fft_vec_object(E, E)  # E should be in SIMD-word-aligned memory zone
             log.debug('Fourier Transform: Array shape not standard, falling back to default interface.')
             E = ft.fftn(E, axes=ft_axes)
     return E
Exemplo n.º 4
    def check_alignment(array, message='NOT ALIGNED'):
        Diagnostic method for testing the word-alignment of an array to enable efficient operations.

        :param array: The ndarray to be tested.
        :param message: Optional message to display in case of failure.
        aligned = pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(array, pyfftw.simd_alignment)
        if not aligned and message is not None:

        return aligned
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self,
            nx, ny, nz = shape
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise ValueError('Expected 3D shape.')
        if nx % 2 or ny % 2 or nz % 2:
            raise ValueError('All shape dimensions must be even.')

        if data_in is not None:
            if not isinstance(data_in, np.ndarray):
                raise ValueError('Invalid type for data_in: {0}.'.format(
            dtype_in = data_in.dtype
        # Convert dtype_in to an object in the numpy scalar type hierarchy.
        dtype_in = np.obj2sctype(dtype_in)
        if dtype_in is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid dtype_in: {0}.'.format(dtype_in))

        # Determine the input and output array type and shape.
        if packed:
            if inverse:
                shape_in = (nx, ny, nz // 2 + 1)
                if not issubclass(dtype_in, np.complexfloating):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Invalid dtype_in for inverse packed transform ' +
                        '(should be complex): {0}.'.format(dtype_in))
                dtype_out = scalar_type(dtype_in)
                shape_out = (nx, ny, nz + 2) if overwrite else shape
                shape_in = (nx, ny, nz + 2) if overwrite else shape
                if not issubclass(dtype_in, np.floating):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Invalid dtype_in for forward packed transform ' +
                        '(should be floating): {0}.'.format(dtype_in))
                dtype_out = complex_type(dtype_in)
                shape_out = (nx, ny, nz // 2 + 1)
            if not issubclass(dtype_in, np.complexfloating):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Expected complex dtype_in for transform: {0}.'.format(
            shape_in = shape_out = shape
            dtype_out = dtype_in

        if data_in is not None:
            if data_in.shape != shape_in:
                raise ValueError(
                    'data_in has wrong shape {0}, expected {1}.'.format(
                        data_in.shape, shape_in))
            self.data_in = data_in
            self.nbytes_allocated = 0
            # Allocate the input and output data buffers.
            self.data_in = allocate(shape_in, dtype_in, use_pyfftw=use_pyfftw)
            self.nbytes_allocated = self.data_in.nbytes
        if overwrite:
            if packed:
                # See https://github.com/hgomersall/pyFFTW/issues/29
                self.data_out = self.data_in.view(dtype_out).reshape(shape_out)
                # Hide the padding without copying. See http://www.fftw.org/doc/
                # Multi_002dDimensional-DFTs-of-Real-Data.html.
                if inverse:
                    self.data_out_padded = self.data_out
                    self.data_out = self.data_out[:, :, :nz]
                    self.data_in_padded = self.data_in
                    self.data_in = self.data_in[:, :, :nz]
                self.data_out = self.data_in
            self.data_out = allocate(shape_out,
            self.nbytes_allocated += self.data_out.nbytes

        # Try to use pyFFTW to configure the transform, if requested.
        self.use_pyfftw = use_pyfftw
        if self.use_pyfftw:
                import pyfftw
                if not pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(self.data_in,
                    raise ValueError('data_in is not SIMD aligned.')
                if not pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(self.data_out,
                    raise ValueError('data_out is not SIMD aligned.')
                direction = 'FFTW_BACKWARD' if inverse else 'FFTW_FORWARD'
                self.fftw_plan = pyfftw.FFTW(self.data_in,
                                             flags=('FFTW_ESTIMATE', ),
                                             axes=(0, 1, 2))
                self.fftw_norm = np.float(nx * ny * nz if inverse else 1)
            except ImportError:
                self.use_pyfftw = False

        # Fall back to numpy.fft if we are not using pyFFTW.
        if not self.use_pyfftw:
            if inverse:
                self.transformer = np.fft.irfftn if packed else np.fft.ifftn
                self.transformer = np.fft.rfftn if packed else np.fft.fftn

        # Remember our options so we can create a reverse plan.
        self.shape = shape
        self.inverse = inverse
        self.packed = packed
        self.overwrite = overwrite
Exemplo n.º 6
def _Xfftn(a, s, axes, overwrite_input, 
        planner_effort, threads, auto_align_input, auto_contiguous, 
        avoid_copy, inverse, real):
    '''Generic transform interface for all the transforms. No
    defaults exist. The transform must be specified exactly.
    a_orig = a
    invreal = inverse and real

    if inverse:
        direction = 'FFTW_BACKWARD'
        direction = 'FFTW_FORWARD'

    if planner_effort not in _valid_efforts:
        raise ValueError('Invalid planner effort: ', planner_effort)

    s, axes = _cook_nd_args(a, s, axes, invreal)
    input_shape, output_shape = _compute_array_shapes(
            a, s, axes, inverse, real)

    a_is_complex = numpy.iscomplexobj(a)

    # Make the input dtype correct
    if a.dtype not in _rc_dtype_pairs:
        # We make it the default dtype
        if not real or inverse:
            # It's going to be complex
            a = numpy.asarray(a, dtype=_rc_dtype_pairs[_default_dtype])
            a = numpy.asarray(a, dtype=_default_dtype)
    elif not (real and not inverse) and not a_is_complex:
        # We need to make it a complex dtype
        a = numpy.asarray(a, dtype=_rc_dtype_pairs[a.dtype])

    elif (real and not inverse) and a_is_complex:
        # It should be real
        a = numpy.asarray(a, dtype=_rc_dtype_pairs[a.dtype])

    # Make the output dtype correct
    if not real:
        output_dtype = a.dtype
        output_dtype = _rc_dtype_pairs[a.dtype]

    if not avoid_copy:
        a_copy = a.copy()

    output_array = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(output_shape, 
            pyfftw.simd_alignment, output_dtype)

    flags = [planner_effort]

    if not auto_align_input:

    if overwrite_input:

    if not a.shape == input_shape:

        if avoid_copy:
            raise ValueError('Cannot avoid copy: '
                    'The transform shape is not the same as the array size. '
                    '(from avoid_copy flag)')

        # This means we need to use an _FFTWWrapper object
        # and so need to create slicers.
        update_input_array_slicer, FFTW_array_slicer = (
                _setup_input_slicers(a.shape, input_shape))

        # Also, the input array will be a different shape to the shape of 
        # `a`, so we need to create a new array.
        input_array = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(input_shape, 
                pyfftw.simd_alignment, a.dtype)

        FFTW_object = _FFTWWrapper(input_array, output_array, axes, direction,
                flags, threads, input_array_slicer=update_input_array_slicer,

        # We copy the data back into the internal FFTW object array
        internal_array = FFTW_object.input_array
        internal_array[:] = 0
        internal_array[FFTW_array_slicer] = (

        # Otherwise we can use `a` as-is

        input_array = a

        if auto_contiguous:
            # We only need to create a new array if it's not already 
            # contiguous
            if not (a.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] or a.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']):
                if avoid_copy:
                    raise ValueError('Cannot avoid copy: '
                            'The input array is not contiguous and '
                            'auto_contiguous is set. (from avoid_copy flag)')

                input_array = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(a.shape, 
                        pyfftw.simd_alignment, a.dtype)

        if (auto_align_input and 
                not pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(input_array, 

            if avoid_copy:
                raise ValueError('Cannot avoid copy: '
                        'The input array is not aligned and '
                        'auto_align is set. (from avoid_copy flag)')

            input_array = pyfftw.n_byte_align(input_array, 

        FFTW_object = pyfftw.FFTW(input_array, output_array, axes, direction,
                flags, threads)

        if not avoid_copy:
            # Copy the data back into the (likely) destroyed array
            FFTW_object.input_array[:] = a_copy
    return FFTW_object
    def test_differing_aligned_arrays_update(self):
        '''Test to see if the alignment code is working as expected

        # Start by creating arrays that are only on various byte 
        # alignments (4, 16 and 32)
        _input_array = n_byte_align_empty(
                32, dtype='float32')
        _output_array = n_byte_align_empty(
                32, dtype='float32')

        _input_array[:] = 0
        _output_array[:] = 0

        input_array_4 = (
                numpy.frombuffer(_input_array[1:-4].data, dtype='complex64')
        output_array_4 = (
                numpy.frombuffer(_output_array[1:-4].data, dtype='complex64')

        input_array_16 = (
                numpy.frombuffer(_input_array[4:-1].data, dtype='complex64')
        output_array_16 = (
                numpy.frombuffer(_output_array[4:-1].data, dtype='complex64')

        input_array_32 = (
                numpy.frombuffer(_input_array[:-5].data, dtype='complex64')
        output_array_32 = (
                numpy.frombuffer(_output_array[:-5].data, dtype='complex64')

        input_arrays = {4: input_array_4,
                16: input_array_16,
                32: input_array_32}

        output_arrays = {4: output_array_4,
                16: output_array_16,
                32: output_array_32}

        alignments = (4, 16, 32)

        # Test the arrays are aligned on 4 bytes...
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(input_arrays[4], 4))
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(output_arrays[4], 4))

        # ...and on 16...
        self.assertFalse(is_n_byte_aligned(input_arrays[4], 16))
        self.assertFalse(is_n_byte_aligned(output_arrays[4], 16))
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(input_arrays[16], 16))
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(output_arrays[16], 16))

        # ...and on 32...
        self.assertFalse(is_n_byte_aligned(input_arrays[16], 32))
        self.assertFalse(is_n_byte_aligned(output_arrays[16], 32))
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(input_arrays[32], 32))
        self.assertTrue(is_n_byte_aligned(output_arrays[32], 32))

        if len(pyfftw.pyfftw._valid_simd_alignments) > 0:
            max_align = pyfftw.pyfftw._valid_simd_alignments[0]
            max_align = simd_alignment

        for in_align in alignments:
            for out_align in alignments:
                expected_align = min(in_align, out_align, max_align)
                fft = FFTW(input_arrays[in_align], output_arrays[out_align])

                self.assertTrue(fft.input_alignment == expected_align)
                self.assertTrue(fft.output_alignment == expected_align)

                for update_align in alignments:

                    if update_align < expected_align:
                        # This should fail (not aligned properly)
                                'Invalid input alignment',

                                'Invalid output alignment',

                        # This should work (and not segfault!)
Exemplo n.º 8
    N_THREADS = 2
print("N threads: %d" % N_THREADS)
al = pyfftw.simd_alignment
psi = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty((N, N), al, 'complex128')
fft_object = pyfftw.FFTW(psi, psi, flags=[flag], axes=(0, 1), threads=N_THREADS)
ifft_object = pyfftw.FFTW(psi, psi, flags=[flag], axes=(0, 1),
                          threads=N_THREADS, direction='FFTW_BACKWARD')

# copy psi0 into psi. To be safe about keeping the alignment of psi, set all the
# entries to 1 and then multiply.
psi[:] = 1.0
psi *= psi0

# Check psi is aligned
assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(psi, al)
print("Planning finished")
# Run simulation
for step in np.arange(N_TIMESTEPS):
    # Implementing split-step method
    # Update wavefunction and resovoir, record density

    # Take fft, multiply by kinetic factor and then take inverse fft.
    psi *= kineticFactorHalf
    # psi = fft.ifft2(kineticFactorHalf * fft.fft2(psi))
    currentDensity = np.absolute(psi) ** 2

    expFactorExciton = np.exp(- (gamma_R + R * currentDensity) * dt)
    n *= expFactorExciton
Exemplo n.º 9
    def solve(self, params, pumpFunction, psi0Function=None,
              potentialFunction=None, dt=0.1, T_MAX=50, continuing=False,
              method='split-step', recordEnergy=True, stepsPerObservation=10):
        Solve the GPE for the given conditions. Records the final condensate
        wavefunction and density in the GPESolver object.


            params: A dictionary containing at leas the parameters of the
            normalised GPE equation. That is, g_C, g_R, gamma_C, gamma_R, R, and

            dt: the time increment per timestep. In units of the characteristic
            time defined in ParameterContainer

            T_MAX: the maximum time. In units of the characteristic time defined
            in ParameterContainer.

            pumpFunction: A function that describes the pump power in units of
            the threshold power.

            potentialFunction: A function that describes the potential in units
            of the characteristic energy scale. Default is 0

            psi0Function: A function that describes the initial wavefunction in
            units of inverse characteristic length. Default is a random seed
            whose real and imaginary parts are both drawn from a normal
            distributions with a small (10e-2) mean and (10e-3) standard

            continue: Flag used to continue a simulation. If true, the inital
            self.psiFinal will be taken as the initial wavefunction, and the
            simulation will be continued in steps of dt until T_MAX is reached

        # TODO  Add support for making videos, recording the energy, etc. as
        # the need arises

        # Check we have the required parameters and assign them
        for key in self.__class__.__requiredParams:
            if key not in params:
                raise ValueError("Required Parameter %s missing" % key)
            self.__setattr__(key, params[key])

        # Check that we are not continuing and providing psi0
        if continuing and psi0Function:
            raise ValueError("Can't continue a simulation and provide psi0")

        # Assign the potential, pump, etc.
        P = pumpFunction(self.x, self.y)

        if not continuing:
            self.time = 0.0
            if not psi0Function:
                psi0 = (np.abs(np.random.normal(size=(self.N, self.N),
                                                scale=10e-5, loc=10e-4))
                        + 0.0j*np.random.normal(size=(self.N, self.N),
                                                scale=10e-4, loc=10e-3))
                psi0 = psi0Function(self.x, self.y)
            psi0 = np.copy(self.psiFinal)

        if not potentialFunction:
            potential = 0.0
            potential = potentialFunction(self.x, self.y)

        # Carefully copy psi0 into psi. We want to be certain that we keep the
        # alignment
        self.psi[:] = 1
        self.psi *= psi0
        # Check psi is aligned
        assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(self.psi, self.al)

        n = np.zeros_like(self.psi, dtype=np.float64) + 1.0

        # Get kinetic factor, initial density
        # TODO: Is the factor of 1/2 correct?
        kineticFactorHalf = np.exp(-1.0j * self.k * self.K * dt / 2.0)
        currentDensity = np.absolute(psi0) ** 2

        # Do the simulation
        N_TIMESTEPS = int((T_MAX - self.time) // dt)

        # Set up array to record energy
        if recordEnergy:
            self.energy = np.zeros(N_TIMESTEPS // stepsPerObservation + 1)
            self.energyTimes = np.zeros_like(self.energy)

        if method == 'split-step':
            for step in xrange(N_TIMESTEPS):
                # Implementing split-step method

                # Record energy
                if step % stepsPerObservation == 0 and recordEnergy:
                    density = np.absolute(self.psi) ** 2
                    gradx = np.gradient(self.psi)[0]
                    normFactor = density.sum()
                    self.energyTimes[step // stepsPerObservation] = self.time
                    self.energy[step // stepsPerObservation] = \
                        -(0.25 * np.gradient(
                            - 0.5 * np.absolute(gradx) ** 2
                            - (self.g_C * density + self.g_R * n)
                            * density).sum() / normFactor

                # Update wavefunction and resovoir, record density

                # Take fft, multiply by kinetic factor and then take inverse fft
                self.psi *= kineticFactorHalf

                currentDensity = np.absolute(self.psi) ** 2

                expFactorExciton = np.exp(- (self.gamma_R
                                             + self.R * currentDensity) * dt)
                n *= expFactorExciton
                n += P * dt

                expFactorPolariton = np.exp((n*(0.5 * self.R - 1.0j * self.g_R)
                                             - 0.5 * self.gamma_C
                                             - 1.0j * self.g_C * currentDensity
                                             - 1.0j * potential) * dt)

                # Do the nonlinear update, take FFT, do kinetic update, and then
                # take the inverse fft
                self.psi *= expFactorPolariton
                self.psi *= kineticFactorHalf
                self.psi *= self.damping
                n *= self.damping
                self.time += dt
                if step % 100 == 0:
                    print("Time = %f" % (self.time))

        elif method == 'RK4':
            def nonLinearUpdateN(n, P, density, dt):
                Updates n (in place) to M(n, P, density, dt)
                n *= - (self.gamma_R + self.R * density) * dt
                n += P * dt

            def nonLinearUpdatePsi(psi, potential, density, n, dt):
                psi *= -1j * dt * (n * (0.5j * self.R + self.g_R) -
                                   0.5j * self.gamma_C
                                   + self.g_C * density + potential)

            def diffusionUpdate(psi, psifft, psiifft, expFactor):
                psi *= expFactor

            # Set up psiK nK, n0
            kineticFactorRK4 = np.exp(-1.0j * self.K * dt / 2.0)
            psiK = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty((self.N, self.N), self.al,
            n0 = np.zeros_like(n)
            nK = np.zeros_like(n)
            nkStored = np.zeros_like(n)
            psiI = np.zeros_like(self.psi)
            dK = np.absolute(self.psi) ** 2
            # Set up an fft object for psi_K
            fft_objectpsiK = pyfftw.FFTW(psiK, psiK,
                                         axes=(0, 1), threads=self.N_THREADS)
            ifft_objectpsiK = pyfftw.FFTW(psiK, psiK,
                                          axes=(0, 1), threads=self.N_THREADS,
            psiK[:] = self.psi
            assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(self.psi, self.al)
            assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(psiK, self.al)
            for step in xrange(N_TIMESTEPS):
                n0[:] = n
                nK[:] = n
                psiK[:] = self.psi
                dK[:] = np.absolute(self.psi) ** 2
                assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(psiK, self.al)

                diffusionUpdate(self.psi, self.fft_object, self.ifft_object,
                psiI[:] = self.psi

                # K=1 step
                # Updates on psiK and nK

                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK,
                                   nK, dt)
                nonLinearUpdateN(nK, P, dK, dt)
                diffusionUpdate(psiK, fft_objectpsiK, ifft_objectpsiK,
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 6
                n += nK / 6
                # Update psik and nK. Store things for the next step
                psiK /= 2
                psiK += psiI
                nK /= 2
                nK += n0

                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2
                self.time += dt / 2

                # K=2 step
                # Do updates
                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK, nK, dt)
                nonLinearUpdateN(nK, P, dK, dt)
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 3
                n += nK / 3
                # Update psiK and nK. Store things for the next step
                psiK /= 2
                psiK += psiI
                nK /= 2
                nK += n0

                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2

                # K=3 step
                # Do the updates
                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK,
                                   nkStored, dt)
                nonLinearUpdateN(nK, P, dK, dt)
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 3
                n += nK / 3
                # Update psiK and nK. Store things for the next step
                psiK += psiI
                nK += n0
                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2
                self.time += dt / 2

                # K=4 step
                # Do the updates
                diffusionUpdate(psiK, fft_objectpsiK, ifft_objectpsiK,
                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK, nK, dt)

                nonLinearUpdateN(nK, P, dK, dt)
                # Transform psi back
                diffusionUpdate(self.psi, self.fft_object, self.ifft_object,
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 6
                n += nK / 6

                # Apply damping
                self.psi *= self.damping
                n *= self.damping
                print("Time: %f" % self.time)

        elif method == "RK4Exact":
            def updateNtoF(n, density, dt):
                Updates n to F.
                # We have to do the assignment like this in order to actually
                # change n
                n[:] = np.exp(- (self.gamma_R + self.R * density) * dt)

            def nonLinearUpdateF(F, n0, P, density, dt):
                Updates F (in place) to F **(0.5) * n0 + P*dt/2
                F **= 0.5
                F *= n0
                F += 0.5 * P * dt

            def nonLinearUpdatePsi(psi, potential, density, n, dt):
                psi *= -1j * dt * (n * (0.5j * self.R + self.g_R) -
                                   0.5j * self.gamma_C
                                   + self.g_C * density + potential)

            def diffusionUpdate(psi, psifft, psiifft, expFactor):
                psi *= expFactor

            # Set up psiK nK, n0
            kineticFactorRK4 = np.exp(-1.0j * self.K * dt / 2.0)
            psiK = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty((self.N, self.N), self.al,
            n0 = np.zeros_like(n)
            nK = np.zeros_like(n)
            psiI = np.zeros_like(self.psi)
            dK = np.absolute(self.psi) ** 2
            # Set up an fft object for psi_K
            fft_objectpsiK = pyfftw.FFTW(psiK, psiK,
                                         axes=(0, 1), threads=self.N_THREADS)
            ifft_objectpsiK = pyfftw.FFTW(psiK, psiK,
                                          axes=(0, 1), threads=self.N_THREADS,
            psiK[:] = self.psi
            assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(self.psi, self.al)
            assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(psiK, self.al)
            for step in xrange(N_TIMESTEPS):
                n0[:] = n
                nK[:] = n
                n[:] = 0
                psiK[:] = self.psi
                dK[:] = np.absolute(self.psi) ** 2
                assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(psiK, self.al)

                diffusionUpdate(self.psi, self.fft_object, self.ifft_object,
                psiI[:] = self.psi

                # K=1 step
                # Updates on psiK and nK

                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK,
                                   nK, dt)
                diffusionUpdate(psiK, fft_objectpsiK, ifft_objectpsiK,
                updateNtoF(nK, dK, dt)
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 6
                n += (nK*n0 + P*dt) / 6
                # Update psik and nK. Store things for the next step
                psiK /= 2
                psiK += psiI
                nonLinearUpdateF(nK, n0, P, dK, dt)

                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2
                self.time += dt / 2

                # K=2 step
                # Do updates
                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK, nK, dt)
                updateNtoF(nK, dK, dt)
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 3
                n += (nK*n0 + P*dt) / 3
                # Update psiK and nK. Store things for the next step
                psiK /= 2
                psiK += psiI
                nonLinearUpdateF(nK, n0, P, dK, dt)

                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2

                # K=3 step
                # Do the updates
                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK,
                                   nK, dt)
                updateNtoF(nK, dK, dt)
                # For the next step, the derivatives will be evaluated at the
                # end of the timestep. So we need to update nK accordingly. This
                # value of nK is also the one to use to update n
                nK *= n0
                nK += P*dt
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 3
                n += nK / 3
                # Update psiK and nK. Store things for the next step
                # No need to update nK. Explained above
                psiK += psiI

                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2
                self.time += dt / 2

                # K=4 step
                # Do the updates
                diffusionUpdate(psiK, fft_objectpsiK, ifft_objectpsiK,
                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK, nK, dt)

                updateNtoF(nK, dK, dt)
                # Can update nK to the value at the end of the step as we don't
                # need to store the half-step estimate since we don't have to do
                # any more steps after this.
                nK *= n0
                nK += P*dt
                # Transform psi back
                diffusionUpdate(self.psi, self.fft_object, self.ifft_object,
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 6
                n += nK / 6

                # Apply damping
                self.psi *= self.damping
                n *= self.damping
                print("Time: %f" % self.time)

        elif method == 'RK4LessExact':
            def nonLinearUpdateN(n, P, density, dt):
                Updates n (in place) to M(n, P, density, dt)
                n *= np.exp(- (self.gamma_R + self.R * density) * dt)
                n += P * dt

            def nonLinearUpdatePsi(psi, potential, density, n, dt):
                psi *= -1j * dt * (n * (0.5j * self.R + self.g_R) -
                                   0.5j * self.gamma_C
                                   + self.g_C * density + potential)

            def diffusionUpdate(psi, psifft, psiifft, expFactor):
                psi *= expFactor

            # Set up psiK nK, n0
            kineticFactorRK4 = np.exp(-1.0j * self.K * dt / 2.0)
            psiK = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty((self.N, self.N), self.al,
            dK = np.zeros_like(n)
            psiI = np.zeros_like(self.psi)
            # Set up an fft object for psi_K
            fft_objectpsiK = pyfftw.FFTW(psiK, psiK,
                                         axes=(0, 1), threads=self.N_THREADS)
            ifft_objectpsiK = pyfftw.FFTW(psiK, psiK,
                                          axes=(0, 1), threads=self.N_THREADS,
            psiK[:] = self.psi
            assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(self.psi, self.al)
            assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(psiK, self.al)
            for step in xrange(N_TIMESTEPS):
                # Record energy
                if step % stepsPerObservation == 0 and recordEnergy:
                    density = np.absolute(self.psi) ** 2
                    gradx = np.gradient(self.psi)[0]
                    normFactor = density.sum()
                    self.energyTimes[step // stepsPerObservation] = self.time
                    self.energy[step // stepsPerObservation] = \
                        -(0.25 * np.gradient(
                            - 0.5 * np.absolute(gradx) ** 2
                            - (self.g_C * density + self.g_R * n)
                            * density).sum() / normFactor

                psiK[:] = self.psi
                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2

                assert pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(psiK, self.al)

                diffusionUpdate(self.psi, self.fft_object, self.ifft_object,
                psiI[:] = self.psi

                # K=1 step
                # Updates on psiK and nK

                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK,
                                   n, dt)
                diffusionUpdate(psiK, fft_objectpsiK, ifft_objectpsiK,
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 6
                # Update psik and nK. Store things for the next step
                psiK /= 2
                psiK += psiI

                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2
                self.time += dt / 2

                # K=2 step
                # Do updates
                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK, n, dt)
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 3
                # Update psiK and nK. Store things for the next step
                psiK /= 2
                psiK += psiI

                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2

                # K=3 step
                # Do the updates
                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK,
                                   n, dt)
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 3
                # Update psiK and nK. Store things for the next step
                psiK += psiI
                dK[:] = np.absolute(psiK) ** 2
                self.time += dt / 2

                # K=4 step
                # Do the updates
                diffusionUpdate(psiK, fft_objectpsiK, ifft_objectpsiK,
                nonLinearUpdatePsi(psiK, potential, dK, n, dt)

                # Transform psi back
                diffusionUpdate(self.psi, self.fft_object, self.ifft_object,
                # Update the next value of psi and n
                self.psi += psiK / 6

                dK[:] = np.absolute(self.psi) ** 2
                # Do "exact" update on n
                nonLinearUpdateN(n, P, dK, dt)

                # Apply damping
                self.psi *= self.damping
                n *= self.damping
                print("Time: %f" % self.time)

            raise ValueError("Invalid method")

        self.nFinal = np.copy(n)
        self.psiFinal = np.copy(self.psi)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, shape, dtype_in=None, data_in=None,
                 overwrite=True, inverse=True, packed=True, use_pyfftw=True):
            nx, ny, nz = shape
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise ValueError('Expected 3D shape.')
        if nx % 2 or ny % 2 or nz % 2:
            raise ValueError('All shape dimensions must be even.')

        if data_in is not None:
            if not isinstance(data_in, np.ndarray):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Invalid type for data_in: {0}.'.format(type(data_in)))
            dtype_in = data_in.dtype
        # Convert dtype_in to an object in the numpy scalar type hierarchy.
        dtype_in = np.obj2sctype(dtype_in)
        if dtype_in is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid dtype_in: {0}.'.format(dtype_in))

        # Determine the input and output array type and shape.
        if packed:
            if inverse:
                shape_in = (nx, ny, nz//2 + 1)
                if not issubclass(dtype_in, np.complexfloating):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Invalid dtype_in for inverse packed transform ' +
                        '(should be complex): {0}.'.format(dtype_in))
                dtype_out = scalar_type(dtype_in)
                shape_out = (nx, ny, nz + 2) if overwrite else shape
                shape_in = (nx, ny, nz + 2) if overwrite else shape
                if not issubclass(dtype_in, np.floating):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Invalid dtype_in for forward packed transform ' +
                        '(should be floating): {0}.'.format(dtype_in))
                dtype_out = complex_type(dtype_in)
                shape_out = (nx, ny, nz//2 + 1)
            if not issubclass(dtype_in, np.complexfloating):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Expected complex dtype_in for transform: {0}.'
            shape_in = shape_out = shape
            dtype_out = dtype_in

        if data_in is not None:
            if data_in.shape != shape_in:
                raise ValueError(
                    'data_in has wrong shape {0}, expected {1}.'
                    .format(data_in.shape, shape_in))
            self.data_in = data_in
            self.nbytes_allocated = 0
            # Allocate the input and output data buffers.
            self.data_in = allocate(
                shape_in, dtype_in, use_pyfftw=use_pyfftw)
            self.nbytes_allocated = self.data_in.nbytes
        if overwrite:
            if packed:
                # See https://github.com/hgomersall/pyFFTW/issues/29
                self.data_out = self.data_in.view(dtype_out).reshape(shape_out)
                # Hide the padding without copying. See http://www.fftw.org/doc/
                # Multi_002dDimensional-DFTs-of-Real-Data.html.
                if inverse:
                    self.data_out_padded = self.data_out
                    self.data_out = self.data_out[:, :, :nz]
                    self.data_in_padded = self.data_in
                    self.data_in = self.data_in[:, :, :nz]
                self.data_out = self.data_in
            self.data_out = allocate(
                shape_out, dtype_out, use_pyfftw=use_pyfftw)
            self.nbytes_allocated += self.data_out.nbytes

        # Try to use pyFFTW to configure the transform, if requested.
        self.use_pyfftw = use_pyfftw
        if self.use_pyfftw:
                import pyfftw
                if not pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(self.data_in,
                    raise ValueError('data_in is not SIMD aligned.')
                if not pyfftw.is_n_byte_aligned(self.data_out,
                    raise ValueError('data_out is not SIMD aligned.')
                direction = 'FFTW_BACKWARD' if inverse else 'FFTW_FORWARD'
                self.fftw_plan = pyfftw.FFTW(
                    self.data_in, self.data_out, direction=direction,
                    flags=('FFTW_ESTIMATE',), axes=(0, 1, 2))
                self.fftw_norm = np.float(nx * ny * nz if inverse else 1)
            except ImportError:
                self.use_pyfftw = False

        # Fall back to numpy.fft if we are not using pyFFTW.
        if not self.use_pyfftw:
            if inverse:
                self.transformer = np.fft.irfftn if packed else np.fft.ifftn
                self.transformer = np.fft.rfftn if packed else np.fft.fftn

        # Remember our options so we can create a reverse plan.
        self.shape = shape
        self.inverse = inverse
        self.packed = packed
        self.overwrite = overwrite