Exemplo n.º 1
class SPI_INTERFACE(object):
    def __init__(self, vendor, product, interface=1):
        self._ctrl = SpiController()
        self._ctrl.configure(vendor, product, interface)

    def set_port(self, cs=0):
        self.spi_port = self._ctrl.get_port(cs)

    def set_spi_frequency(self, frequency):

    def spi(self, data, readlen=0):
        #bytes = self.pack_data(data)
        return self.spi_port.exchange(out=data, readlen=readlen)

    # these two functions are obsolete now
    def pack_data(self, data):
        fmt = '<'
        for b in data:
            fmt += "B"
        return struct.pack(fmt, *data)

    def unpack_data(self, data):
        fmt = '<'
        for i in range(len(data)):
            fmt += 'B'

        return list(struct.unpack(fmt, data))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_flash_device(vendor, product, interface=1, cs=0):
     """Obtain an instance of the detected flash device"""
     ctrl = SpiController(silent_clock=False)
     ctrl.configure(vendor, product, interface)
     spi = ctrl.get_port(cs)
     jedec = SerialFlashManager.read_jedec_id(spi)
     if not jedec:
         # it is likely that the latency setting is too low if this
         # condition is encountered
         raise SerialFlashUnknownJedec("Unable to read JEDEC Id")
     return SerialFlashManager._get_flash(spi, jedec)
Exemplo n.º 3
class SerialFlashManager(object):
    """Serial flash manager.

       Automatically detects and instanciate the proper flash device class
       based on the JEDEC identifier which is read out from the device itself.

    CMD_JEDEC_ID = 0x9F

    def __init__(self, vendor, product, interface=1):
        self._ctrl = SpiController(silent_clock=False)
        self._ctrl.configure(vendor, product, interface)

    def get_flash_device(self, cs=0):
        """Obtain an instance of the detected flash device"""
        spi = self._ctrl.get_port(cs)
        jedec = SerialFlashManager.read_jedec_id(spi)
        if not jedec:
            # it is likely that the latency setting is too low if this
            # condition is encountered
            raise SerialFlashUnknownJedec("Unable to read JEDEC Id")
        return SerialFlashManager._get_flash(spi, jedec)

    def read_jedec_id(spi):
        """Read flash device JEDEC identifier (3 bytes)"""
        jedec_cmd = Array('B', [SerialFlashManager.CMD_JEDEC_ID])
        return spi.exchange(jedec_cmd, 3).tostring()

    def _get_flash(spi, jedec):
        devices = []
        contents = sys.modules[__name__].__dict__
        for name in contents:
            if name.endswith('FlashDevice') and not name.startswith('_'):
        for device in devices:
            if device.match(jedec):
                return device(spi, jedec)
        raise SerialFlashUnknownJedec(jedec)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, vendor, product, interface=1):
     self._ctrl = SpiController(silent_clock=False)
     self._ctrl.configure(vendor, product, interface)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, vendor, product, interface=1):
     self._ctrl = SpiController()
     self._ctrl.configure(vendor, product, interface)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, vendor, product, interface=1):
     self._ctrl = SpiController(silent_clock=False)
     self._ctrl.configure(vendor, product, interface)
Exemplo n.º 7
class SerialFlashManager(object):
    """Serial flash manager.

       Automatically detects and instanciate the proper flash device class
       based on the JEDEC identifier which is read out from the device itself.

    CMD_JEDEC_ID = 0x9F

    def __init__(self, vendor, product, interface=1):
        self._ctrl = SpiController(silent_clock=False)
        self._ctrl.configure(vendor, product, interface)

    def get_flash_device(self, cs=0):
        """Obtain an instance of the detected flash device"""
        spi = self._ctrl.get_port(cs)
        jedec = SerialFlashManager.read_jedec_id(spi)
        if not jedec:
            # it is likely that the latency setting is too low if this
            # condition is encountered
            raise SerialFlashUnknownJedec("Unable to read JEDEC Id")
        return SerialFlashManager._get_flash(spi, jedec)

    def read_jedec_id(spi):
        """Read flash device JEDEC identifier (3 bytes)"""
        jedec_cmd = Array('B', [SerialFlashManager.CMD_JEDEC_ID])
        return spi.exchange(jedec_cmd, 3).tostring()

    def _get_flash(spi, jedec):
        contents = sys.modules[__name__].__dict__
        devices = []
        plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        plugin_files = [
            x[:-3] for x in os.listdir(plugin_dir)
            if (x.endswith(".py") and not x.startswith("__init__"))
        sys.path.insert(0, plugin_dir)
        for p in plugin_files:
            mod = __import__(p)
            #			print "mod: " + str(mod)

            sf = getattr(mod, "SerialFlash")

            #			for sp in sf.__subclasses__():
            #				print "subclass: " + str(sp)

            #			print "plugin file: " + str(p)
            #			print "sf: " + str(sf)

            for name in dir(mod):
                if name.startswith('_'):
                obj = getattr(mod, name)

                if obj not in sf.__subclasses__():

#				for p in SerialFlash.__subclasses__():
#					print "subclass: " + p

#				print "name: " + name
#				print "base classes: " + str(inspect.getmro(obj))

#				print "\tclass: %s is class %s" % (str(obj), str(SerialFlash))

#				if not isinstance (obj, SerialFlash):
#					continue

#				if ("SerialFlash" in str(inspect.getmro(obj))):
#					print "found subclass"
#				for bn in inspect.getmro(obj):
#					print "base name: " + str(bn)

#				print "type: " + str(type(obj))
#				print "sf type: " + str(type(SerialFlash))

#				if  isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, SerialFlash) and obj is not SerialFLash :
#				if  isclass(obj) and "SerialFLash" not in str(obj) :
#				print "\t\tappend name: " + name

        for device in devices:
            if device.match(jedec):
                return device(spi, jedec)
        raise SerialFlashUnknownJedec(jedec)
Exemplo n.º 8
class SerialFlashManager(object):
    """Serial flash manager.

       Automatically detects and instanciate the proper flash device class
       based on the JEDEC identifier which is read out from the device itself.

    CMD_JEDEC_ID = 0x9F

    def __init__(self, vendor, product, interface=1):
        self._ctrl = SpiController(silent_clock=False)
        self._ctrl.configure(vendor, product, interface)

    def get_flash_device(self, cs=0):
        """Obtain an instance of the detected flash device"""
        spi = self._ctrl.get_port(cs)
        jedec = SerialFlashManager.read_jedec_id(spi)
        if not jedec:
            # it is likely that the latency setting is too low if this
            # condition is encountered
            raise SerialFlashUnknownJedec("Unable to read JEDEC Id")
        return SerialFlashManager._get_flash(spi, jedec)

    def read_jedec_id(spi):
        """Read flash device JEDEC identifier (3 bytes)"""
        jedec_cmd = Array('B', [SerialFlashManager.CMD_JEDEC_ID])
        return spi.exchange(jedec_cmd, 3).tostring()

    def _get_flash(spi, jedec):
		contents = sys.modules[__name__].__dict__
		devices = []
		plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
		plugin_files = [x[:-3] for x in os.listdir(plugin_dir) if (x.endswith(".py") and not x.startswith("__init__"))]
		sys.path.insert(0, plugin_dir)
		for p in plugin_files:
			mod = __import__(p)
#			print "mod: " + str(mod)

			sf = getattr(mod, "SerialFlash")

#			for sp in sf.__subclasses__():
#				print "subclass: " + str(sp)

#			print "plugin file: " + str(p)
#			print "sf: " + str(sf)

			for name in dir (mod):
				if name.startswith('_'):
				obj = getattr(mod, name)

				if obj not in sf.__subclasses__():

#				for p in SerialFlash.__subclasses__():
#					print "subclass: " + p

#				print "name: " + name
#				print "base classes: " + str(inspect.getmro(obj))

#				print "\tclass: %s is class %s" % (str(obj), str(SerialFlash))

#				if not isinstance (obj, SerialFlash):
#					continue

#				if ("SerialFlash" in str(inspect.getmro(obj))):
#					print "found subclass"
#				for bn in inspect.getmro(obj):
#					print "base name: " + str(bn)

#				print "type: " + str(type(obj))
#				print "sf type: " + str(type(SerialFlash))

#				if  isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, SerialFlash) and obj is not SerialFLash :
#				if  isclass(obj) and "SerialFLash" not in str(obj) :
#				print "\t\tappend name: " + name

		for device in devices:
			if device.match(jedec):
				return device(spi, jedec)
		raise SerialFlashUnknownJedec(jedec)