Exemplo n.º 1
def retrieve_to_file(diagg_name=None, shot=None, subshot=None, channel=None, outdir=None, get_data=True):
    """ run the retrieve standalone program to get data to files,
    and/or extract the parameter and summary information.

    Retrieve Usage from Oct 2009 tar file:
    Retrieve DiagName ShotNo SubShotNo ChNo [FileName] [-f FrameNo] [-h TransdServer] [-p root] [-n port] [-w|--wait [-t timeout] ] [-R|--real ]
    from pyfusion.acquisition.LHD.LHD_utils import get_free_bytes, purge_old
    from time import sleep

    # The old pyfusion used None to indicate this code could choose the location
    # in the new pyfusion, it is fixed in the config file.
    #    if outdir == None:
    #        outdir = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/'

    if not (path.exists(outdir)):

    freebytes = get_free_bytes(outdir)
    if freebytes < 1e9:
        purge_old(outdir, "*dat")  # ONLY DO .DAT have to manually purge prm
        if get_free_bytes(outdir) > freebytes * 0.9:
            print("Warning - unable to clear much space!")

    cmd = str("retrieve %s %d %d %d %s" % (diagg_name, shot, subshot, channel, path.join(outdir, diagg_name)))

    if pyfusion.VERBOSE > 1:
        print("RETR: %s" % (cmd))
    attempt = 1
    while 1:
        if attempt > 1:
            print("attempt {a}, {c}".format(a=attempt, c=cmd))
        retr_pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        (resp, err) = retr_pipe.communicate()
        if (err != "") or (retr_pipe.returncode != 0):
            attempt += 1
            print(resp, err, attempt, ".")  # ,
            if attempt > 10:
                raise LookupError(
                        "Error %d accessing retrieve:"
                        "cmd=%s \nstdout=%s, stderr=%s" % (retr_pipe.poll(), cmd, resp, err)

    fileroot = ""
    for lin in resp.split("\n"):
        if pyfusion.DEBUG > 3:
            print("*******", lin)
        if lin.find("parameter file") >= 0:
            fileroot = lin.split("[")[1].split(".prm")[0]
    if fileroot == "":
        raise LookupError("parameter file not found in <<{r}>>".format(r=resp))

    return (resp, err, fileroot)
Exemplo n.º 2
def retrieve_to_file(diagg_name=None, shot=None, subshot=None, 
                     channel=None, outdir = None, get_data=True):
    """ run the retrieve standalone program to get data to files,
    and/or extract the parameter and summary information.

    Retrieve Usage from Oct 2009 tar file:
    Retrieve DiagName ShotNo SubShotNo ChNo [FileName] [-f FrameNo] [-h TransdServer] [-p root] [-n port] [-w|--wait [-t timeout] ] [-R|--real ]
    from pyfusion.acquisition.LHD.LHD_utils import get_free_bytes, purge_old

# The old pyfusion used None to indicate this code could choose the location
# in the new pyfusion, it is fixed in the config file.
#    if outdir is None: 
#        outdir = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/'

    if not(path.exists(outdir)): makedirs(outdir)

    if freebytes < pyfusion.TMP_FREE_BYTES:
         try_for = 100  # go for 100 files, assum 500k on average
         purge_old(outdir, '*',try_for)  #dat')  # ONLY DO .DAT have to manually purge prm
         if (get_free_bytes(outdir) < freebytes*(try_for * 500e3)):
              pyfusion.logger.warning("Warning - unable to clear much space! {fGb:.1f}Gb free".format(fGb=freebytes/1e9))

    cmd = str("retrieve %s %d %d %d %s" % (diagg_name, shot, subshot, channel, path.join(outdir, diagg_name)))

    if (pyfusion.VERBOSE > 1): print('RETR: %s' % (cmd))

    (dataOK, resp, err) = persevere_with(cmd, 10, quiet=False)  # these errors are bad
    cmd_t = cmd.replace('retrieve', 'retrieve_t')      
    (timeOK, trep, terr) = persevere_with(cmd_t, 10, quiet=True)  # error => retrieve_t N/A

    fileroot = ''
    for lin in resp.split('\n'):
         if pyfusion.DBG() > 3: print('*******',lin)
         if lin.find('parameter file')>=0:
              fileroot = lin.split('[')[1].split('.prm')[0]
    if fileroot == '':
         raise LookupError('parameter file not found in <<{r}>>'.format(r=resp))

    return(resp, err, fileroot, timeOK)
Exemplo n.º 3
def retrieve_to_file(diagg_name=None,
    """ run the retrieve standalone program to get data to files,
    and/or extract the parameter and summary information.

    Retrieve Usage from Oct 2009 tar file:
    Retrieve DiagName ShotNo SubShotNo ChNo [FileName] [-f FrameNo] [-h TransdServer] [-p root] [-n port] [-w|--wait [-t timeout] ] [-R|--real ]
    from pyfusion.acquisition.LHD.LHD_utils import get_free_bytes, purge_old
    from time import sleep

    # The old pyfusion used None to indicate this code could choose the location
    # in the new pyfusion, it is fixed in the config file.
    #    if outdir == None:
    #        outdir = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/'

    if not (path.exists(outdir)): makedirs(outdir)

    freebytes = get_free_bytes(outdir)
    if freebytes < 1e9:
        purge_old(outdir, '*dat')  # ONLY DO .DAT have to manually purge prm
        if (get_free_bytes(outdir) > freebytes * 0.9):
            print("Warning - unable to clear much space!")

    cmd = str(
        "retrieve %s %d %d %d %s" %
        (diagg_name, shot, subshot, channel, path.join(outdir, diagg_name)))

    if (pyfusion.VERBOSE > 1): print('RETR: %s' % (cmd))
    attempt = 1
    while (1):
        if attempt > 1: print('attempt {a}, {c}'.format(a=attempt, c=cmd))
        retr_pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
        (resp, err) = retr_pipe.communicate()
        if (err != '') or (retr_pipe.returncode != 0):
            attempt += 1
            print(resp, err, attempt, '.')  #,
            if attempt > 10:
                raise LookupError(
                    str("Error %d accessing retrieve:"
                        "cmd=%s \nstdout=%s, stderr=%s" %
                        (retr_pipe.poll(), cmd, resp, err)))

    fileroot = ''
    for lin in resp.split('\n'):
        if pyfusion.DEBUG > 3: print('*******', lin)
        if lin.find('parameter file') >= 0:
            fileroot = lin.split('[')[1].split('.prm')[0]
    if fileroot == '':
        raise LookupError('parameter file not found in <<{r}>>'.format(r=resp))

    return (resp, err, fileroot)