Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: web.py Projeto: fdev31/pyg
def download(url, msg):
    def hook(blocks, block_size, total_size):
        Callback function for `urllib.urlretrieve` that is called when connection is
        created and then once for each block.

        Display the amount of data transferred so far and it percentage.

        Use sys.stdout.write() instead of "print,", because it allows one more
        symbol at the line end without linefeed on Windows

        :param blocks: Number of blocks transferred so far.
        :param block_size: Size of each block in bytes.
        :param total_size: Total size of the HTTP object in bytes. Can be -1 if server doesn't return it.

        if block_size > total_size:
            logger.info('\r{0} [100% - {1}]', msg, convert_bytes(total_size), addn=False)
        downloaded = block_size * blocks
        ratio = downloaded / float(total_size)

        ## When the last block makes the downloaded size greater than the total size
        if ratio > 1:
            ratio = 1
            downloaded = total_size

        ## Calculate elapsed and remaining time
        elapsed = func() - starttime
        speed = downloaded / float(elapsed)
            remaining = (total_size - downloaded) / float(speed)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            remaining = ''
        if ratio == 1:
            ## When we finish the download we want this string to hide
            remaining = ''

        logger.info('\r{0} [{1:.0%} - {2} / {3}] {4}', msg, ratio, convert_bytes(downloaded), \
                    convert_bytes(total_size), format_time(remaining), addn=False)

    if is_windows():
        ## On Windows time.clock should be more precise.
        func = time.clock
        func = time.time
    starttime = func()
    path = urllib.urlretrieve(url, reporthook=hook)[0]
    with open(path) as f:
        return cStringIO.StringIO(f.read())
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: req.py Projeto: Malex/pyg
    def _download_and_install(self, url, filename, packname, e, hash=None):
        fobj = download(url, 'Downloading {0}'.format(self.name))
        if hash is not None:
            logger.info('Checking md5 sum')
            if md5(fobj.getvalue()).hexdigest() != hash:
                logger.fatal('Error: {0} appears to be corrupted', self.name)
        if e in ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.zip'):
            installer = Archive(fobj, e, packname, self.reqset)
        elif e == '.egg':
            installer = Egg(fobj, filename, self.reqset, packname)
        elif is_windows() and e in WINDOWS_EXT:
            installer = Binary(fobj, e, packname)
            logger.error('Error: unknown filetype: {0}', e, exc=InstallationError)

        ## There is no need to catch exceptions now, this will be done by `pyg.inst.Installer.install`
        self.success = True
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: inst.py Projeto: fdev31/pyg
    def from_file(filepath, packname=None):
        packname = packname or os.path.basename(filepath).split('-')[0]
        reqset = ReqSet(packname)

        e = ext(filepath)
        path = os.path.abspath(filepath)
        if e in ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.zip'):
            installer = Archive(open(path), e, packname, reqset)
        elif e in ('.pybundle', '.pyb'):
            installer = Bundle(filepath)
        elif e == '.egg':
            installer = Egg(open(path), path, reqset)
        elif e in ('.exe', '.msi') and is_windows():
            installer = Binary(open(path), e, packname)
            if tarfile.is_tarfile(path):
                installer = Archive(open(path), None, packname, reqset)
            elif zipfile.is_zipfile(path):
                installer = Archive(open(path), '.zip', packname, reqset)
                logger.fatal('Error: Cannot install {0}: unknown filetype', packname, exc=InstallationError)
        Installer._install_deps(reqset, packname)
        logger.success('{0} installed successfully', packname)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: inst.py Projeto: fdev31/pyg
    def find_files(self):
        _un_re = re.compile(r'{0}(-(\d\.?)+(\-py\d\.\d)?\.(egg|egg\-info))?$'.format(self.name), re.I)
        _un2_re = re.compile(r'{0}(?:(\.py|\.pyc))'.format(self.name), re.I)
        _un3_re = re.compile(r'{0}.*\.so'.format(self.name), re.I)
        _uninstall_re = [_un_re, _un2_re, _un3_re]

        to_del = set()
            dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(self.name)
        except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
            logger.debug('debug: Distribution not found: {0}', self.name)

            ## Create a fake distribution
            ## In Python2.6 we can only use site.USER_SITE
            class FakeDist(object):
                def __init__(self, o):
                    self._orig_o = o
                def __getattr__(self, a):
                    if a == 'location':
                        return USER_SITE
                    elif a == 'egg_name':
                        return (lambda *a: self._orig_o.name + '.egg')
                    return (lambda *a: False)
            dist = FakeDist(self)

        pkg_loc = dist.location

        glob_folder = False

        if pkg_loc in ALL_SITE_PACKAGES:

            # try to detect the real package location
            if dist.has_metadata('top_level.txt'):
                pkg_loc = os.path.join( pkg_loc,
                glob_folder = True

        # detect egg-info location
        _base_name = dist.egg_name().split('-')
        for n in range(len(_base_name) + 1):
            egg_info_dir = os.path.join(
                '-'.join(_base_name[:-n if n else None]) + '.egg-info'
            if os.path.exists(egg_info_dir):
                for file in os.listdir(egg_info_dir):
                    if any(u_re.match(file) for u_re in _uninstall_re):
                        to_del.add(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, file))

        if glob_folder:
            # track individual files inside that folder

            for file in os.listdir(pkg_loc):
                if any(u_re.match(file) for u_re in _uninstall_re):
                    to_del.add(os.path.join(pkg_loc, file))
        else: # specific folder (non site-packages)
            if os.path.isdir(pkg_loc):

            # finding package's files into that folder
            if os.path.isdir(pkg_loc):
                for file in os.listdir(pkg_loc):
                    if any(u_re.match(file) for u_re in _uninstall_re):
                        to_del.add(os.path.join(pkg_loc, file))
                # single file installation
                for ext in '.py .pyc .pyo'.split():
                    _p = pkg_loc + ext
                    if os.path.exists(_p):

        ## Checking for package's scripts...
        if dist.has_metadata('scripts') and dist.metadata_isdir('scripts'):
            for script in dist.metadata_listdir('scripts'):
                to_del.add(os.path.join(BIN, script))

                ## If we are on Windows we have to remove *.bat files too
                if is_windows():
                    to_del.add(os.path.join(BIN, script) + '.bat')

        ## Very important!
        ## We want to remove console scripts too.
        if dist.has_metadata('entry_points.txt'):
            config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
            win32 = sys.platform == 'win32'
            if config.has_section('console_scripts'):
                for name, value in config.items('console_scripts'):
                    n = os.path.join(BIN, name)

                    ## Searches in the local path
                    if not os.path.exists(n) and n.startswith('/usr/bin'):
                        n = os.path.join('/usr/local/bin', name)

                    ## Check existance before adding to `to-del` set.
                    if os.path.exists(n):
                    elif win32 and os.path.exists(n + '.exe'):
                        to_del.add(n + '.exe')
                        to_del.add(n + '.exe.manifest')
                        to_del.add(n + '-script.py')
        return to_del
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: web.py Projeto: fdev31/pyg
from setuptools.package_index import PackageIndex
from pkgtools.pypi import PyPIXmlRpc, PyPIJson, real_name

from pyg.core import Version, args_manager
from pyg.utils import FileMapper, name, ext, right_egg, version_egg, is_windows
from pyg.log import logger

__all__ = ['PREFERENCES', 'ReqManager', 'get_versions', 'get_links', \
           'highest_version', 'request']

## This constant holds files priority
PREFERENCES = ('.egg', '.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.zip')
if is_windows():
    PREFERENCES = ('.exe', '.msi') + PREFERENCES

def get_versions(req):
    Return all versions the given requirement can match.
    For example, if requirement is `pyg>=0.6` it will return: [0.6, 0.7].
    When a package has no files on PyPI (but at least a release) we have to
    look for version manually, with regular expressions.
    `req` should be a Requirement object (from pyg.core).

    _version_re = r'{0}-(\d[\d\w.-]*).*'
    name = req.name
    pypi = PyPIXmlRpc()
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: req.py Projeto: fdev31/pyg
import urllib2
import operator
import urlparse

from hashlib import md5

from pyg.utils import ext, right_egg, is_windows
from pyg.web import ReqManager, get_links, download
from pyg.core import Version, Egg, Archive, Binary, ReqSet, InstallationError, args_manager
from pyg.log import logger

__all__ = ['Requirement', 'WINDOWS_EXT']

WINDOWS_EXT = ('.exe', '.msi') if is_windows() else ()

class Requirement(object):

    OPMAP = {'==': operator.eq,
             '>=': operator.ge,
             '>': operator.gt,
             '<=': operator.le,
             '<': operator.lt,
             '!=': lambda a,b: a != b,
              None: lambda a,b: True, ##FIXME: does None really work?

    version = op = None