Exemplo n.º 1
def draw_multi(file_dicts):
    # 1. draw a solid gauge
    gauge = pygal.SolidGauge(half_pie=True, inner_radius=.7)
    gauge.value_formatter = lambda x: '{:.10g}%'.format(x)
    gauge.title = "Proportion of suspected files in multiple questions".title()

    for question_name in file_dicts.keys():
        file_index_dict = file_dicts[question_name]
        problem_files_num = 0
        for key in file_index_dict.keys():
            if file_index_dict[key] > 0.5:
                problem_files_num += 1
        gauge.add(question_name, [{'value': 100 * round(problem_files_num / len(file_index_dict), 2), 'max_value': 100}])


    # 2. draw a Pyramid
    args = []
    types = []
    for question_name in file_dicts.keys():
        file_index_dict = file_dicts[question_name]
        arg = [0 for x in range(RANGE+1)]  # 0 ~ 100
        for ele in file_index_dict.values():
            arg[int(ele * RANGE)] += 1

    pyramid = pygal.Pyramid(human_readable=True, legend_at_bottom=True)
    pyramid.title = "Question Suspected Files Distribution"
    pyramid.x_labels = map(lambda x: str(x / RANGE) if x % 1 == 0 else "", range(RANGE+1))
    for type, arg in zip(types, args):
        pyramid.add(type, arg)

Exemplo n.º 2
def graph():
    _charts = [
    charts = []
    for chart in _charts:
        chart.title = '% Change Coolness of programming languages over time.'
        chart.x_labels = ['2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016']
        chart.add('Python', [15, 31, 89, 200, 356, 900])
        chart.add('Java', [15, 45, 76, 80, 91, 95])
        chart.add('C++', [5, 51, 54, 102, 150, 201])
        chart.add('All others combined!', [5, 15, 21, 55, 92, 105])
    return render_template('part2/graph.html',
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.data = {}

        self.chart = pygal.Pyramid(**kwargs)
        self.chart.style = DefaultStyle(tooltip_font_size=14)
        self.chart.legend_at_bottom = True
        self.chart.legend_at_bottom_columns = 3
        self.chart.human_readable = True
Exemplo n.º 4
def export_pyramid(data, title, filename):
    values = list(data[0])
    xLabels = list(data[1])
    valuesTags = list(data[2])

    chart = pygal.Pyramid(human_readable=True, legend_at_bottom=True)
    chart.title = title
    chart.x_labels = xLabels
    for tag, value in zip(valuesTags, values):
        chart.add(tag, value)
    saveChart(chart, filename)
Exemplo n.º 5
def pyramideage():

    pgroup = {}

    pgroup['n'] = {'$sum':1}
    pgroup['_id'] = { 'sexe':'$depute_sexe','age':'$depute_age','position':'$vote_position'}
    pipeline = [{'$group':pgroup}]
    grps = []
    pchart = {'Homme':[None]*20,'Femme':[None]*20}

    for agg in mdb.votes.aggregate(pipeline):
        a = agg['_id']
        if a['age']<20:
            print a

        classeage = int(a['age']/5)
        if not pchart[a['sexe']][classeage]:
            pchart[a['sexe']][classeage] = dict(pour=0,contre=0,absent=0,abstention=0)
        pchart[a['sexe']][classeage][a['position']] += agg['n']

    #return json_response(data)
    from pygal.style import Style
    custom_style = Style(
          font_family="'Montserrat', sans-serif;"

    import datetime
    pyramid_chart = pygal.Pyramid(human_readable=True, x_title='% de participation',y_title="classes d'age",style=custom_style)
    pyramid_chart.title = u'Répartition de la participation aux scrutins publics\npar age et par sexe (au %s)' % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d/%m/%Y'))
    pyramid_chart.x_labels = ['%d-%d'% (a*5,(a+1)*5) for a in range(18)]

    for s in ['Femme','Homme']:
        items = []
        for ca in pchart[s]:
            if ca:
    from StringIO import StringIO
    chart = StringIO()
    return image_response('png',chart.getvalue())
Exemplo n.º 6
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 11, 13, 31, 34, 38,
     35, 45, 299, 295, 218, 247, 252, 254, 222, 307, 316, 385, 416, 463, 557,
     670, 830, 889, 1025, 1149, 1356, 1488, 1835, 1929, 2130, 2362, 2494, 2884,
     3160, 3487, 3916, 4196, 4619, 5032, 5709, 6347, 7288, 8139, 9344, 11002,
     12809, 11504, 11918, 12927, 13642, 13298, 14015, 15751, 17445, 18591,
     19682, 20969, 21629, 22549, 23619, 25288, 26293, 27038, 27039, 27070,
     27750, 27244, 25905, 24357, 22561, 21794, 20595),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 9, 9, 10, 20, 34, 49,
     84, 97, 368, 401, 414, 557, 654, 631, 689, 698, 858, 1031, 1120, 1263,
     1614, 1882, 2137, 2516, 2923, 3132, 3741, 4259, 4930, 5320, 5948, 6548,
     7463, 8309, 9142, 10321, 11167, 12062, 13317, 15238, 16706, 18236, 20336,
     23407, 27024, 32502, 37334, 34454, 38080, 41811, 44490, 45247, 46830,
     53616, 58798, 63224, 66841, 71086, 73654, 77334, 82062, 87314, 92207,
     94603, 94113, 92753, 93174, 91812, 87757, 84255, 79723, 77536, 74173)

#Array of miles each with a sub array of miles traveled.
craft_type = [
    'Apollo Rockets', 'Russian rockets', 'US Space Shuttles', 'Satellites'

pyramid_chart = pygal.Pyramid(
    human_readable=True, legend_at_bottom=True)  #Added our parameters here.
pyramid_chart.title = 'Miles traveled of earth spacecraft'

#loop thru miles_traveled for each sub-array and add them to a craft_type as a data set.
for type, miles in zip(craft_type, miles_traveled):
    pyramid_chart.add(type, miles)

Exemplo n.º 7
     21443, 16899, 13680, 11508),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 11, 13, 31, 34, 38,
     35, 45, 299, 295, 218, 247, 252, 254, 222, 307, 316, 385, 416, 463, 557,
     670, 830, 889, 1025, 1149, 1356, 1488, 1835, 1929, 2130, 2362, 2494, 2884,
     3160, 3487, 3916, 4196, 4619, 5032, 5709, 6347, 7288, 8139, 9344, 11002,
     12809, 11504, 11918, 12927, 13642, 13298, 14015, 15751, 17445, 18591,
     19682, 20969, 21629, 22549, 23619, 25288, 26293, 27038, 27039, 27070,
     27750, 27244, 25905, 24357, 22561, 21794, 20595),
    (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 9, 9, 10, 20, 34, 49,
     84, 97, 368, 401, 414, 557, 654, 631, 689, 698, 858, 1031, 1120, 1263,
     1614, 1882, 2137, 2516, 2923, 3132, 3741, 4259, 4930, 5320, 5948, 6548,
     7463, 8309, 9142, 10321, 11167, 12062, 13317, 15238, 16706, 18236, 20336,
     23407, 27024, 32502, 37334, 34454, 38080, 41811, 44490, 45247, 46830,
     53616, 58798, 63224, 66841, 71086, 73654, 77334, 82062, 87314, 92207,
     94603, 94113, 92753, 93174, 91812, 87757, 84255, 79723, 77536, 74173)

#Array of miles each with a sub array of miles traveled.
craft_type = [
    'Apollo Rockets', 'Russian Rockets', 'US Space Shuttles', 'Satellites'

pyramid_chart = pygal.Pyramid()
pyramid_chart.title = 'Miles traveled of earth spacecraft'

#loop thru miles_traveled for each sub-array and add them to a craft_type as a data set.
for type, miles in zip(craft_type, miles_traveled):
    pyramid_chart.add(type, miles)

Exemplo n.º 8
def pyramid():
    ages = [
        (364381, 358443, 360172, 345848, 334895, 326914, 323053, 312576,
         302015, 301277, 309874, 318295, 323396, 332736, 330759, 335267,
         345096, 352685, 368067, 381521, 380145, 378724, 388045, 382303,
         373469, 365184, 342869, 316928, 285137, 273553, 250861, 221358,
         195884, 179321, 171010, 162594, 152221, 148843, 143013, 135887,
         125824, 121493, 115913, 113738, 105612, 99596, 91609, 83917, 75688,
         69538, 62999, 58864, 54593, 48818, 44739, 41096, 39169, 36321, 34284,
         32330, 31437, 30661, 31332, 30334, 23600, 21999, 20187, 19075, 16574,
         15091, 14977, 14171, 13687, 13155, 12558, 11600, 10827, 10436, 9851,
         9794, 8787, 7993, 6901, 6422, 5506, 4839, 4144, 3433, 2936, 2615),
        (346205, 340570, 342668, 328475, 319010, 312898, 308153, 296752,
         289639, 290466, 296190, 303871, 309886, 317436, 315487, 316696,
         325772, 331694, 345815, 354696, 354899, 351727, 354579, 341702,
         336421, 321116, 292261, 261874, 242407, 229488, 208939, 184147,
         162662, 147361, 140424, 134336, 126929, 125404, 122764, 116004,
         105590, 100813, 95021, 90950, 85036, 79391, 72952, 66022, 59326,
         52716, 46582, 42772, 38509, 34048, 30887, 28053, 26152, 23931, 22039,
         20677, 19869, 19026, 18757, 18308, 14458, 13685, 12942, 12323, 11033,
         10183, 10628, 10803, 10655, 10482, 10202, 10166, 9939, 10138, 10007,
         10174, 9997, 9465, 9028, 8806, 8450, 7941, 7253, 6698, 6267, 5773),
        (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, 91, 412, 1319,
         2984, 5816, 10053, 16045, 24240, 35066, 47828, 62384, 78916, 97822,
         112738, 124414, 130658, 140789, 153951, 168560, 179996, 194471,
         212006, 225209, 228886, 239690, 245974, 253459, 255455, 260715,
         259980, 256481, 252222, 249467, 240268, 238465, 238167, 231361,
         223832, 220459, 222512, 220099, 219301, 221322, 229783, 239336,
         258360, 271151, 218063, 213461, 207617, 196227, 174615, 160855,
         165410, 163070, 157379, 149698, 140570, 131785, 119936, 113751,
         106989, 99294, 89097, 78413, 68174, 60592, 52189, 43375, 35469, 29648,
         24575, 20863),
        (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 74, 392, 1351, 3906,
         7847, 12857, 19913, 29108, 42475, 58287, 74163, 90724, 108375, 125886,
         141559, 148061, 152871, 159725, 171298, 183536, 196136, 210831,
         228757, 238731, 239616, 250036, 251759, 259593, 261832, 264864,
         264702, 264070, 258117, 253678, 245440, 241342, 239843, 232493,
         226118, 221644, 223440, 219833, 219659, 221271, 227123, 232865,
         250646, 261796, 210136, 201824, 193109, 181831, 159280, 145235,
         145929, 140266, 133082, 124350, 114441, 104655, 93223, 85899, 78800,
         72081, 62645, 53214, 44086, 38481, 32219, 26867, 21443, 16899, 13680,
        (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 5, 17, 15, 31, 34,
         38, 35, 45, 299, 295, 218, 247, 252, 254, 222, 307, 316, 385, 416,
         463, 557, 670, 830, 889, 1025, 1149, 1356, 1488, 1835, 1929, 2130,
         2362, 2494, 2884, 3160, 3487, 3916, 4196, 4619, 5032, 5709, 6347,
         7288, 8139, 9344, 11002, 12809, 11504, 11918, 12927, 13642, 13298,
         14015, 15751, 17445, 18591, 19682, 20969, 21629, 22549, 23619, 25288,
         26293, 27038, 27039, 27070, 27750, 27244, 25905, 24357, 22561, 21794,
        (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 8, 0, 8, 21, 34,
         49, 84, 97, 368, 401, 414, 557, 654, 631, 689, 698, 858, 1031, 1120,
         1263, 1614, 1882, 2137, 2516, 2923, 3132, 3741, 4259, 4930, 5320,
         5948, 6548, 7463, 8309, 9142, 10321, 11167, 12062, 13317, 15238,
         16706, 18236, 20336, 23407, 27024, 32502, 37334, 34454, 38080, 41811,
         44490, 45247, 46830, 53616, 58798, 63224, 66841, 71086, 73654, 77334,
         82062, 87314, 92207, 94603, 94113, 92753, 93174, 91812, 87757, 84255,
         79723, 77536, 74173),
        (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 0, 11, 35,
         137, 331, 803, 1580, 2361, 3632, 4866, 6849, 8754, 10422, 12316,
         14152, 16911, 19788, 22822, 27329, 31547, 35711, 38932, 42956, 46466,
         49983, 52885, 55178, 56549, 57632, 57770, 57427, 56348, 55593, 55554,
         53266, 51084, 49342, 48555, 47067, 45789, 44988, 44624, 44238, 46267,
         46203, 36964, 33866, 31701, 28770, 25174, 22702, 21934, 20638, 19051,
         17073, 15381, 13736, 11690, 10368, 9350, 8375, 7063, 6006, 5044, 4030,
         3420, 2612, 2006, 1709, 1264, 1018),
        (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 6, 11, 20, 68, 179,
         480, 1077, 2094, 3581, 5151, 7047, 9590, 12434, 15039, 17257, 19098,
         21324, 24453, 27813, 32316, 37281, 43597, 49647, 53559, 58888, 62375,
         67219, 70956, 73547, 74904, 75994, 76224, 74979, 72064, 70330, 68944,
         66527, 63073, 60899, 60968, 58756, 57647, 56301, 57246, 57068, 59027,
         59187, 47549, 44425, 40976, 38077, 32904, 29431, 29491, 28020, 26086,
         24069, 21742, 19498, 17400, 15738, 14451, 13107, 11568, 10171, 8530,
         7273, 6488, 5372, 4499, 3691, 3259, 2657)

    types = [
        'Males single', 'Females single', 'Males married', 'Females married',
        'Males widowed', 'Females widowed', 'Males divorced',
        'Females divorced'

    pyramid_chart = py.Pyramid(human_readable=True, legend_at_bottom=True)
    pyramid_chart.title = 'England population by age in 2010 (source: ons.gov.uk)'
    pyramid_chart.x_labels = map(lambda x: str(x) if not x % 5 else '',
    for type, age in zip(types, ages):
        pyramid_chart.add(type, age)