Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Kozea/pygal
 def test_64_colors():
     n = 64
     colors = [rotate('#ff0000', i * 360 / n) for i in range(n)]
     pie = Pie(style=Style(colors=colors))
     for i in range(n):
         pie(1, title=str(i) if i % 5 == 1 else None)
     return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_64_colors():
     n = 64
     colors = [rotate('#ff0000', i * 360 / n) for i in range(n)]
     pie = Pie(style=Style(colors=colors))
     for i in range(n):
         pie.add(str(i), 1)
     return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Kozea/pygal
    def test_pie_serie_radius():
        pie = Pie()
        pie.js = ('http://a.zi:2343/2.0.x/pygal-tooltips.js', )
        for i in range(10):
            pie.add(str(i), i, inner_radius=(10 - i) / 10)

        return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_64_colors():
     n = 64
     colors = [rotate('#ff0000', i * 360 / n) for i in range(n)]
     pie = Pie(style=Style(colors=colors))
     for i in range(n):
         pie(1, title=str(i) if i % 5 == 1 else None)
     return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_64_colors():
     n = 64
     colors = [rotate('#ff0000', i * 360 / n) for i in range(n)]
     pie = Pie(style=Style(colors=colors))
     for i in range(n):
         pie.add(str(i), 1)
     return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 6
def statistics():
    """ Page display data visualization about statistics for the recipes """

    # Count how many recipes have each meal time to send to the pie chart
    breakfast = mongo.db.recipes.find({'meal_time': 'breakfast'}).count()
    lunch = mongo.db.recipes.find({'meal_time': 'lunch'}).count()
    dinner = mongo.db.recipes.find({'meal_time': 'dinner'}).count()

    # Build pie chart
    pie_chart = Pie()
    pie_chart.title = 'Meal Times'
    pie_chart.add('Breakfast', breakfast)
    pie_chart.add('Lunch', lunch)
    pie_chart.add('Dinner', dinner)
    pie_chart = pie_chart.render_data_uri()

    # Count how many recipes have each training type to send to line chart
    endurance = mongo.db.recipes.find({'training_type': 'endurance'}).count()
    speed = mongo.db.recipes.find({'training_type': 'speed'}).count()
    strength = mongo.db.recipes.find({'training_type': 'strength'}).count()
    power = mongo.db.recipes.find({'training_type': 'power'}).count()

    # Build line chart
    line_chart = Bar()
    line_chart.title = 'Training Types'
    line_chart.add('Endurance', [{'value': endurance, 'label': 'Endurance'}])
    line_chart.add('Strength', [{'value': strength, 'label': 'Strength'}])
    line_chart.add('Power', [{'value': power, 'label': 'Power'}])
    line_chart.add('Speed', [{'value': speed, 'label': 'Speed'}])
    line_chart = line_chart.render_data_uri()

    return render_template('statists.html',
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     Pie.__init__(self, inner_radius=0.5,
                  style=CUSTOM_STYLE, show_legend=False)
     self.title = "Distribution"
     for label in MoodItem.objects.order_by("order"):
         value = Mood.objects(user=current_user.id, mood=label).count()
                  [{"value": value, "color": label.color}])
     print(Mood.objects(user=current_user.id, mood=label).to_json())
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self):
     self.title = "Distribution"
     for label in MoodItem.objects.order_by("order"):
         value = Mood.objects(user=current_user.id, mood=label).count()
         self.add(label.__str__(), [{"value": value, "color": label.color}])
     print(Mood.objects(user=current_user.id, mood=label).to_json())
Exemplo n.º 9
	def create_pie_chart(self, data=None, span='all', no=None):
		"""Creates a pie chart from the the data"""
		# Create the list of objects to be added to the chart
		chart_list = []
		# If the span has been specified, then get the logs only for that time
		if not span == None and not span == 'all':
			# Iterate through the log data.
			for log in self.data:
				# Get and format the information we need from the log.
				activity = log[0]
				log_start = unformat_time(tuple_time(log[1]))
				log_end = unformat_time(tuple_time(log[2]))
				color = log[3]
				minimum = unformat_time(span[1])
				maximum = unformat_time(span[2])
				# Add the time and activity to the chart_list.
				log_time = time_in_span(log_start, log_end, minimum, maximum)
				# Check if the activity has already been added to chart_list.
				in_chart_list = False
				for entry in chart_list:
					# If the activity is in the chart_list, make a note and add.
					# its time to the existing list item.
					if entry[0] == activity:
						entry[1] += log_time
						in_chart_list = True
				# If the log is not in the chart_list and it is in the span, add
				# it to the chart_list.
				if not in_chart_list and log_time > 0:
					chart_list.append([activity, log_time, color])
			# If span is not specified then the data are totals.
			# Set the chart_list equal to the total data.
			for total in data:
				chart_list.append((total[0], total[2], total[3]))
		# Add each entry is the chart_list to the chart	
		# Data must be organized for day, month, etc. before using
		# If size has been specified
		if not self.size == (None, None):
			self.chart = Pie(style=self.style,
		# If size has not already been specified
			# Let the graph dynamically resize within webview
			self.chart = Pie(style=self.style, print_values=False, fill=True,
								human_readable=True, include_x_axis=True)
		if not chart_list == []:
			for entry in chart_list:
				self.chart.add(entry[0], entry[1])
Exemplo n.º 10
def dashboard():
    #Getting all projects
    projects = Project.select()
    #Creating a pie chart
    pie_chart = Pie()
    #adding title to pie chart
    pie_chart.title = 'Project Type'
    #instatiating two variables internal and external
    internal = 0
    external = 0
    for project in projects:
        if (project.type == 'Internal'):
            internal += 1
            external += 1

    pie_chart.add('Internal', internal)
    pie_chart.add('External', external)

    chart = pie_chart.render_data_uri()

    return render_template('index.html',
Exemplo n.º 11
	def create_bar_chart(self, data, span):
		"""Creates a bar chart from the the data"""
		# Initialize the chart_list
		chart_list = []
		for log in data:
			activity_time = 0
			activity = log[0]
			log_start = unformat_time(tuple_time(log[1]))
			log_end = unformat_time(tuple_time(log[2]))
			color = log[3]
			minimum = span[1]
			maximum = span[2]	
			minimum = unformat_time(minimum)
			maximum = unformat_time(maximum)
			activity_time += time_in_span(log_start, log_end, minimum, maximum)
			in_chart_list = False
			for entry in chart_list:
				if entry[0] == activity:
					entry[1] += activity_time
					in_chart_list = True
			if not in_chart_list and activity_time > 0:
				chart_list.append([activity, activity_time, color])
		# Data must be organized for day, month, etc. before using
		# If size has been specified
		if not self.size == (None, None):
			self.chart = Bar(style=self.style, y_scale=60.0,
								print_values=False, include_x_axis=True,
								width=self.size[0], height=self.size[1])
		# If size has not already been specified
			# Let the graph dynamically resize within webview
			self.chart = Bar(style=self.style, print_values=False,
								include_x_axis=True, y_scale=60.0)
		## Add each entry is the chart_list to the chart	
		if not chart_list == []:
			for entry in chart_list:
				time = str(timedelta(seconds=entry[1]))
				if time[1] == ':':
					time = '0' + time
				self.chart.add(entry[0], [{'value':entry[1], 'label':time}])
			self.chart = Pie(style=self.style, width=self.size[0],
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_half_pie():
     pie = Pie(half_pie=True)
     for i in range(20):
         pie.add(str(i), i, inner_radius=.1)
     pie.legend_at_bottom = True
     pie.legend_at_bottom_columns = 4
     return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _generate_pie_chart(self, datas):
        After generate the pie chart,save to file and return the chart path

        Keyword arguments:
        datas -- Dict object of parsed information for a pie chart
        if not datas:
            return ""

        pie_chart = Pie(fill=True, interpolate="cubic", style=LightStyle)

        for key, value in datas.items():
            pie_chart.add(key, value)

        path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "pie{}.svg".format(str(int(time.time()))))
        logging.info("Pie chart was created successfully.")

        return path
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_half_pie():
     pie = Pie(half_pie=True)
     for i in range(20):
         pie.add(str(i), i, inner_radius=.1)
     pie.legend_at_bottom = True
     pie.legend_at_bottom_columns = 4
     return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_pie_serie_radius():
        pie = Pie()
        pie.js = ('http://a.zi:2343/2.0.x/pygal-tooltips.js', )
        for i in range(10):
            pie.add(str(i), i, inner_radius=(10 - i) / 10)

        return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 16
def plot():
    def _cmp(comp, node, field):
        comp.add(node.hostname, [d[-1] for d in node.data[field]])
        return comp

    tree_clients, pie_clients = Treemap(), Pie()
    tree_traffic_rx, pie_traffic_rx = Treemap(), Pie()
    tree_traffic_tx, pie_traffic_tx = Treemap(), Pie()

    for node in _load():
        save(node.name, node.clients(), 'clients')
        save(node.name, node.system(), 'system')
        save(node.name, node.traffic(), 'traffic')
        save(node.name, node.traffic_full(), 'traffic_full')

        save('_map', _cmp(tree_clients, node, 'clients_total'), 'clients')
        save('_pie', _cmp(pie_clients, node, 'clients_total'), 'clients')

        save('_map', _cmp(tree_traffic_rx, node, 'traffic_rx'), 'traffic_rx')
        save('_pie', _cmp(pie_traffic_rx, node, 'traffic_rx'), 'traffic_rx')

        save('_map', _cmp(tree_traffic_tx, node, 'traffic_tx'), 'traffic_tx')
        save('_pie', _cmp(pie_traffic_tx, node, 'traffic_tx'), 'traffic_tx')
Exemplo n.º 17
def pie_route():
    projects = Project.select()
    pie_chart = Pie()
    pie_chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'

    # instatiating two variables internal and external
    internal = 0
    external = 0

    for project in projects:
        if (project.type == 'internal'):
            internal += 1
            external += 1
    pie_chart.add('internal', internal)
    pie_chart.add('external', external)

    chart = pie_chart.render_data_uri()

    return render_template('index.html',
Exemplo n.º 18
 def lapspercar_svg(self, curr_url=None):
     if not config.config.HTTP_CONFIG.enable_svg_generation:
         return ""
     stats = self.lastStat
     pie_chart = Pie(pygalConfig)
     pie_chart.title = 'Car usage (% laps driven)'
     tl = stats['numLaps']
     lapsPerTrack = sorted(stats['lapsPerCar'].items(),
                           key=lambda x: x[1],
     valueToItem = {}
     for t, nl in lapsPerTrack:
         v = nl * 100 / tl
         while v in valueToItem:
             v -= 1e-9
         valueToItem[v] = t
         pie_chart.add(t, v)
     pie_chart.value_formatter = lambda x, valueToItem=valueToItem: "%s: %.1f%%" % (
         valueToItem.get(x, '?'), x)
     return pie_chart.render()
Exemplo n.º 19
 def lapspercombo_svg(self, curr_url=None):
     if not config.config.HTTP_CONFIG.enable_svg_generation:
         return ""
     stats = self.lastStat
     pie_chart = Pie(pygalConfig)
     pie_chart.title = 'Combo usage (% laps driven)'
     tl = stats['numLaps']
     lapsPerCombo = sorted(stats['lapsPerCombo'].items(),
                           key=lambda x: x[1]['lapCount'],
     valueToItem = {}
     for t, info in lapsPerCombo:
         nl = info['lapCount']
         name = "+".join(info['cars']) + '@' + info['track']
         v = nl * 100 / tl
         while v in valueToItem:
             v -= 1e-9
         valueToItem[v] = name
         pie_chart.add(name, v)
     pie_chart.value_formatter = lambda x, valueToItem=valueToItem: "%s: %.1f%%" % (
         valueToItem.get(x, '?'), x)
     return pie_chart.render()
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _generate_pie_chart(self, datas):
        After generate the pie chart,save to file and return the chart path

        Keyword arguments:
        datas -- Dict object of parsed information for a pie chart
        if not datas:
            return ""

        pie_chart = Pie(fill=True, interpolate="cubic", style=LightStyle)

        for key, value in datas.items():
            pie_chart.add(key, value)

        path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
        logging.info("Pie chart was created successfully.")

        return path
Exemplo n.º 21
def dashboard():
    projects = Project.select()
    pie_chart = Pie()
    pie_chart.title = 'Project Type comparison'
    Internal = 0
    External = 0
    for project in projects:
        if (project.type == 'Internal'):
            Internal += 1
            External += 1
    pie_chart.add('External', External)
    pie_chart.add('Internal', Internal)
    # pie_chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    # pie_chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
    # pie_chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
    chart = pie_chart.render_data_uri()
    projects = Project.select()

    return render_template('index.html',
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_multiseries_donut():
    #this just demos that the multiseries pie does not respect the inner_radius
    file_name = '/tmp/test_graph-%s.svg' % uuid.uuid4()
    if os.path.exists(file_name):
    chart = Pie(inner_radius=.3, pretty_print=True)
    chart.title = 'Browser usage by version in February 2012 (in %)'
    chart.add('IE', [5.7, 10.2, 2.6, 1])
    chart.add('Firefox', [.6, 16.8, 7.4, 2.2, 1.2, 1, 1, 1.1, 4.3, 1])
    chart.add('Chrome', [.3, .9, 17.1, 15.3, .6, .5, 1.6])
    chart.add('Safari', [4.4, .1])
    chart.add('Opera', [.1, 1.6, .1, .5])
    with open(file_name) as f:
        assert 'pygal' in f.read()
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_donut():
    file_name = '/tmp/test_graph-%s.svg' % uuid.uuid4()
    if os.path.exists(file_name):
    chart = Pie(inner_radius=.3, pretty_print=True)
    chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'
    chart.add('IE', 19.5)
    chart.add('Firefox', 36.6)
    chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
    chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
    with open(file_name) as f:
        assert 'pygal' in f.read()
Exemplo n.º 24
class Charter:
	def __init__(self, font, filepath, webview, webview_window, 
		self.font = font
		self.filepath = filepath
		self.webview = webview
		# Turn off the right click menu for the webview
		self.webview.props.settings.props.enable_default_context_menu = False
		self.webview_window = webview_window
		self.loading_spinner = loading_spinner
		self.data = []
		self.type = None
		# Size is a tuple of (width, height)
		self.size = (450, 350)
		self.chart = None
		self.colorlist = ['#729fcf', '#ef2929', '#fce94f', '#8ae234', '#ad7fa8', 
							'#fcaf3e',	'#3465a4', '#cc0000', '#edd400', '#73d216', 
							'#75507b', '#f57900', '#204a87', '#a40000', '#c4a000', 
							'#4e9a06', '#5c3566', '#ce5c00', '#d3d7cf']
		# The custom pygal style used for the pie graph.
		self.style = Style(background='#F7F6F6',
							transition='200ms ease-in',
		self.visible = True

	def add_entry(self, label, time, color):
		"""Adds an entry to data and gives it a label, time, and color"""
		# If the color is not set
		if color == None:
			# Set the color to light grey
			color = len(self.colorlist)-1
		# If color is specified
			# Make sure it is a valid color from the colorlist
			while color >= len(self.colorlist)-1:
				color -= len(self.colorlist)-1
		# add the entry to the data
		self.data.append((label, time, color))

	def compound_other_data(self, data):
		"""Compounds smallest data entries into 'other' entry"""
		# This function is necessary to keep legend from growing larger than the 
		# widget it is contained in.
		# Get the sum of all values (the [1] index in the entries)
		sum_of_values = 0
		for entry in data:
			sum_of_values += entry[1]
		# Set the minimum amount to one percent of the total amount
		minimum_amount = 0.01 * sum_of_values
		# Create a list item 'other' and give it a value of 0 and the last color
		# in the CONST_COLOR_LIST.
		other = ['Other ', 0, len(CONST_COLOR_LIST)-1]
		entries_to_compound = []
		entries_compunded = False
		for entry in data:
			if entry[1] <= minimum_amount:
				other[1] += entry[1]
				entries_compunded = True
		# If there is more than one entry to compound into other
		if len(entries_to_compound) > 1:
			for entry in entries_to_compound:
				del data[data.index(entry)]	
		# If the data still has too many entries, compound the smallest into the
		# 'Other' entry
		if len(data) > CONST_MAX_DATA_ENTRIES:
			entries_to_compound = []
			for entry in xrange((len(data) - CONST_MAX_DATA_ENTRIES)):
				other[1] += data[entry][1]
				entries_compunded = True
			for entry in entries_to_compound:
				del data[data.index(entry)]
		if entries_compunded:

	def create_chart(self, chart_type=None, span=None):
		"""Creates a chart of the given type based the data"""
		if not chart_type == None:
			self.type = chart_type
		if self.type == 'pie':
			self.create_pie_chart(self.data, span)
		elif self.type == 'bar':
			self.create_bar_chart(self.data, span)
	def create_pie_chart(self, data=None, span='all', no=None):
		"""Creates a pie chart from the the data"""
		# Create the list of objects to be added to the chart
		chart_list = []
		# If the span has been specified, then get the logs only for that time
		if not span == None and not span == 'all':
			# Iterate through the log data.
			for log in self.data:
				# Get and format the information we need from the log.
				activity = log[0]
				log_start = unformat_time(tuple_time(log[1]))
				log_end = unformat_time(tuple_time(log[2]))
				color = log[3]
				minimum = unformat_time(span[1])
				maximum = unformat_time(span[2])
				# Add the time and activity to the chart_list.
				log_time = time_in_span(log_start, log_end, minimum, maximum)
				# Check if the activity has already been added to chart_list.
				in_chart_list = False
				for entry in chart_list:
					# If the activity is in the chart_list, make a note and add.
					# its time to the existing list item.
					if entry[0] == activity:
						entry[1] += log_time
						in_chart_list = True
				# If the log is not in the chart_list and it is in the span, add
				# it to the chart_list.
				if not in_chart_list and log_time > 0:
					chart_list.append([activity, log_time, color])
			# If span is not specified then the data are totals.
			# Set the chart_list equal to the total data.
			for total in data:
				chart_list.append((total[0], total[2], total[3]))
		# Add each entry is the chart_list to the chart	
		# Data must be organized for day, month, etc. before using
		# If size has been specified
		if not self.size == (None, None):
			self.chart = Pie(style=self.style,
		# If size has not already been specified
			# Let the graph dynamically resize within webview
			self.chart = Pie(style=self.style, print_values=False, fill=True,
								human_readable=True, include_x_axis=True)
		if not chart_list == []:
			for entry in chart_list:
				self.chart.add(entry[0], entry[1])

	def create_bar_chart(self, data, span):
		"""Creates a bar chart from the the data"""
		# Initialize the chart_list
		chart_list = []
		for log in data:
			activity_time = 0
			activity = log[0]
			log_start = unformat_time(tuple_time(log[1]))
			log_end = unformat_time(tuple_time(log[2]))
			color = log[3]
			minimum = span[1]
			maximum = span[2]	
			minimum = unformat_time(minimum)
			maximum = unformat_time(maximum)
			activity_time += time_in_span(log_start, log_end, minimum, maximum)
			in_chart_list = False
			for entry in chart_list:
				if entry[0] == activity:
					entry[1] += activity_time
					in_chart_list = True
			if not in_chart_list and activity_time > 0:
				chart_list.append([activity, activity_time, color])
		# Data must be organized for day, month, etc. before using
		# If size has been specified
		if not self.size == (None, None):
			self.chart = Bar(style=self.style, y_scale=60.0,
								print_values=False, include_x_axis=True,
								width=self.size[0], height=self.size[1])
		# If size has not already been specified
			# Let the graph dynamically resize within webview
			self.chart = Bar(style=self.style, print_values=False,
								include_x_axis=True, y_scale=60.0)
		## Add each entry is the chart_list to the chart	
		if not chart_list == []:
			for entry in chart_list:
				time = str(timedelta(seconds=entry[1]))
				if time[1] == ':':
					time = '0' + time
				self.chart.add(entry[0], [{'value':entry[1], 'label':time}])
			self.chart = Pie(style=self.style, width=self.size[0],

	def set_y_labels(self, chart_list):
		"""Sets the y labels on a bar chart"""
		# Set up the y axis
		maximum_time_in_seconds = 0
		for entry in chart_list:
			if entry[1] > maximum_time_in_seconds:
				maximum_time_in_seconds = entry[1]
		max_number_of_minutes = int(ceil(maximum_time_in_seconds/60))+2
		y_labels = []
		if max_number_of_minutes > 2:
			if max_number_of_minutes < 30:
				for minute in xrange(max_number_of_minutes+1):
			elif max_number_of_minutes >= 30 and max_number_of_minutes < 60:
				for minute in xrange((max_number_of_minutes/5)+1):
			elif max_number_of_minutes >= 60 and max_number_of_minutes < 120:
				for minute in xrange((max_number_of_minutes/10)+2):
			elif max_number_of_minutes >= 120 and max_number_of_minutes < 240:
				for minute in xrange((max_number_of_minutes/15)+1):
			elif max_number_of_minutes >= 240 and max_number_of_minutes < 480:
				for minute in xrange((max_number_of_minutes/20)+1):
			elif max_number_of_minutes >= 480 and max_number_of_minutes < 960:	
				for minute in xrange((max_number_of_minutes/30)+1):
			elif max_number_of_minutes >= 960:
				for minute in xrange((max_number_of_minutes/60)+1):
			for second in xrange((maximum_time_in_seconds)+1):
		self.chart.y_labels = y_labels

	def convert_y_axis_to_time(self, label):
		"""Converts y axis labels from seconds to minutes"""
		y_value_in_time = ''
		y_value_in_time = str(timedelta(seconds=int(label)))
		if y_value_in_time[1] == ':':
			y_value_in_time = '0' + y_value_in_time
		if not self.filepath == None:
			convert_y_axis = ("sed -i 's/class=\\\"\\\">%s.0/class=\\\"\\\"" + 
								">%s/g' " + self.filepath) % (str(label), 
			# Then convert the major y axises (The zeroeth and first amounts) to
			# a formatted time if the label is a major axis.
			convert_major_y_axis = ("sed -i 's/class=\\\"major\\\">%s.0/" + 
									"class=\\\"major\\\">%s/g' " + 
										self.filepath) % (str(label), 

	def fix_tooltip(self):
		"""Changes the SVG file's default mouseover tooltip to no longer contain 
			value for time in seconds"""
		if not self.filepath == None:
			system(("sed -i 's/<desc class=\"value\">[0-9]*<\/desc>//g' " + 

	def clear(self):
		"""Resets the data and chart"""
		self.data = []
		self.chart = None

	def sort_data_by_size(self, data):
		"""Used to sort the pie slices by time from largest to smallest."""
		# Make a duplicate of the data so it does not get tampered with
		sorted_data = data
		# Sort from smallest to largest based on time.
		# Make sure that the Other entry is at the end of the list if it exists
		for entry in sorted_data:
			if entry[0] == 'Other ':
		# Then set data as the sorted data.
		data = sorted_data#[::-1]

	def sort_colorlist(self, data):
		"""Used to make the order of the color_list match the order of the 
			pie_list's activity colors"""
		# Create an empty list to put the sorted colors in
		sorted_colorlist = []
		# Iterate through the chart data
		for entry in data:
			# Get the specified color from the chart data 
			color = int(entry[2])
			# Arrange the colorlist so that the given datum recieves that color
			if color < (len(CONST_COLOR_LIST)-1) or entry[0] == 'Other ':
		# Set the colorlist to the sorted_colorlist
		self.colorlist = sorted_colorlist
		if not self.colorlist == []:
			self.style = Style(background='#F7F6F6',
						transition='200ms ease-in',

	def sort(self, data):
		"""Sort the data and colors"""
		if not data == []:

	def send_to_svg(self):
		"""Send the prepared pie graph to an SVG file"""
		# Set the font in the svg file to the font specified during __init__ 
		if hasattr(self.chart, 'y_labels'):
			for label in self.chart.y_labels:

	def fix_font(self):
		"""Changes the SVG file's default font (monospace) to the font specified
			when the charter was initialized"""
		if not self.font == None:
			system(("sed -i 's/font-family:monospace/font-family:" + self.font 
						+ "/g' " + self.filepath))

	def start_loading_animation(self):
		"""Callback to start loading animation"""      
        GLib.timeout_add(400, self.get_loading_animation)
	def get_loading_animation(self):
		"""Checks to see wheteher or not we should continue loading animation"""
		if self.visible:
	        chart_loading = not (str(self.webview.get_load_status()) == '<enum WEBKIT_LOAD_FAILED of type WebKitLoadStatus>' 
	                    or str(self.webview.get_load_status()) == '<enum WEBKIT_LOAD_FINISHED of type WebKitLoadStatus>')
	        if not chart_loading:
	        return chart_loading
	    	return False       

	def load_into_webview(self, initial=False):
		"""Load the SVG file for the chart into the webview"""
		if initial:
			if self.visible:

	def set_visible(self, visible=True):
		self.visible = visible
		if not visible:
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_half_pie():
    """Test a half pie chart"""
    pie = Pie()
    pie.add('IE', 19.5)
    pie.add('Firefox', 36.6)
    pie.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    pie.add('Safari', 4.5)
    pie.add('Opera', 2.3)

    half = Pie(half_pie=True)
    half.add('IE', 19.5)
    half.add('Firefox', 36.6)
    half.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    half.add('Safari', 4.5)
    half.add('Opera', 2.3)
    assert pie.render() != half.render()
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_half_pie():
        pie = Pie(half_pie=True)
        for i in range(10):
            pie.add(str(i), i, inner_radius=.1)

        return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 27
def get_top_activity(target):
    if 'do' not in request.args.keys():
        return render_template('top_activity.html')
    required_source = {
        'start_date': request.args.get('start_date', '-1h'),
        'end_date': request.args.get('end_date', '-0h')
    required = {'start_date': 'datetime', 'end_date': 'datetime'}
    error, required_values = parse_parameters(required_source, required)
    if error:
        flash(f'Incorrect value: {error}')
        return render_template('top_activity.html')
    optional_source = {
        'wait_class': request.args.get('wait_class', ''),
        'event': request.args.get('event', ''),
        'session_id': request.args.get('session_id', ''),
        'user_name': request.args.get('user_name', ''),
        'sql_id': request.args.get('sql_id', ''),
        'object_name': request.args.get('object_name', '')
    _optional = {
        'wait_class': 'str',
        'event': 'str',
        'session_id': 'int',
        'user_name': 'str',
        'sql_id': 'str',
        'object_name': 'str'
    error, optional_values = parse_parameters(optional_source, _optional, True)
    if error:
        flash(f'Incorrect value: {error}')
        return render_template('top_activity.html')
    optional_values = {k: v for k, v in optional_values.items() if v}
    r = execute(
        target, "with h as (select sample_id, sample_time,"
        " sql_id, o.object_name, event, event_id, user_id, session_id,"
        " to_char(session_id) || ':' || to_char(session_serial#) sess"
        ", nvl(wait_class, 'CPU') wait_class"
        ", nvl(wait_class_id, -1) wait_class_id"
        ", wait_time, time_waited from v$active_session_history ash"
        " left join dba_objects o on o.object_id = ash.current_obj#"
        " where sample_time >= trunc(:start_date, 'mi') and sample_time < trunc(:end_date, 'mi')"
        " and sample_time > trunc(sysdate){}{}{}{}{}{})"
        " select 1 t, to_char(sample_time, 'hh24:mi') s, wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c"
        " from h group by to_char(sample_time, 'hh24:mi'), wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 2 t, sql_id s, wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c from h"
        " where sql_id is not null and sql_id in (select sql_id"
        " from (select sql_id, row_number() over (order by tc desc) rn"
        " from (select sql_id, count(1) tc from h"
        " where sql_id is not null group by sql_id)) where rn <= 10)"
        " group by sql_id, wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 6 t, to_char(h.session_id) || ':' || nvl(u.username, '') s,"
        " wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c from h"
        " left join dba_users u on u.user_id = h.user_id"
        " where sess in (select sess"
        " from (select sess, row_number() over (order by tc desc) rn"
        " from (select sess, count(1) tc from h"
        " group by sess)) where rn <= 10)"
        " group by to_char(h.session_id) || ':' || nvl(u.username, ''), wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 3 t, object_name s, wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c from h"
        " where object_name is not null and object_name in (select object_name"
        " from (select object_name, row_number() over (order by tc desc) rn"
        " from (select object_name, count(1) tc from h"
        " where object_name is not null group by object_name))"
        " where rn <= 10) group by object_name, wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 4 t, null s, wait_class v1, wait_class_id v2, count(1) c"
        " from h group by wait_class, wait_class_id union all"
        " select 5 t, null s, event v1, event_id v2, count(1) c"
        " from h group by event, event_id union all"
        " select 7 t, to_char(sample_time, 'hh24:mi:ss') s, null v1, null v2, count(distinct session_id) c"
        " from h group by to_char(sample_time, 'hh24:mi:ss') union all"
        " select 8 t, null s, null v1, null v2, to_number(value) c"
        " from v$parameter where name = 'cpu_count' union all"
        " select 9 t, null s, null v1, null v2, to_number(value) c"
        " from v$parameter where name = 'sessions' order by 1, 4, 2".format(
            " and nvl(wait_class, 'CPU') like :wait_class"
            if optional_values.get('wait_class', '') else "",
            " and event like :event" if optional_values.get(
                'event', '') else "", " and session_id = :session_id"
            if optional_values.get('session_id', '') else "",
            " and sql_id = :sql_id" if optional_values.get(
                'sql_id', '') else "", " and object_name like :object_name"
            if optional_values.get('object_name', '') else "",
            " and user_id in (select user_id from dba_users "
            "where username like :user_name)" if optional_values.get(
                'user_name', '') else ""), {
    colors = {
        'Other': '#F06EAA',
        'Application': '#C02800',
        'Configuration': '#5C440B',
        'Administrative': '#717354',
        'Concurrency': '#8B1A00',
        'Commit': '#E46800',
        'Idle': '#FFFFFF',
        'Network': '#9F9371',
        'User I/O': '#004AE7',
        'System I/O': '#0094E7',
        'Scheduler': '#CCFFCC',
        'Queueing': '#C2B79B',
        'CPU': '#00CC00'

    series = {
        k[1]: []
        for k in sorted(set((item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == 1),
                        key=lambda x: x[0])
    p = deepcopy(app.config['CHART_CONFIG'])
    p['style'].colors = tuple(colors[wait_class]
                              for wait_class in series.keys())
    p['height'] = 10 * 22
    session_count = max(tuple(item[4] for item in r if item[0] == 7) or (0, ))
    session_limit = max(tuple(item[4] for item in r if item[0] == 9) or (0, ))
    cpu_count = max(tuple(item[4] for item in r if item[0] == 8) or (0, ))
    top_activity = StackedLine(**p,
                               title=f'sessions(max): {session_count}, '
                               f'sessions(limit): {session_limit}, '
                               f'cpu cores: {cpu_count};')
    top_activity.fill = True
    top_activity.x_labels = sorted(set(item[1] for item in r if item[0] == 1))
    top_activity.x_labels_major_every = max(
        -(-len(top_activity.x_labels) // 20), 1)
    top_activity.truncate_label = 5
    top_activity.show_minor_x_labels = False
    for label in top_activity.x_labels:
        for serie in series.keys():
            v = tuple(
                item[4] for item in r
                if item[0] == 1 and item[1] == label and item[2] == serie)
            series[serie].append(v[0] if len(v) > 0 else 0)
    for serie in series.keys():
        top_activity.add(serie, series[serie], show_dots=False)

    top_sql = HorizontalStackedBar(**p)
    top_sql.show_legend = False
    top_sql.width = 400
    top_sql.show_x_labels = False
    top_sql.x_labels = sorted(set(item[1] for item in r if item[0] == 2),
                              key=lambda x: sum(
                                  tuple(item[4] for item in r
                                        if item[0] == 2 and item[1] == x)))
    top_sql.height = len(top_sql.x_labels) * 22
    series = {
        k[1]: []
        for k in sorted(set((item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == 2),
                        key=lambda x: x[0])
    for label in top_sql.x_labels:
        for serie in series.keys():
            v = tuple(
                item[4] for item in r
                if item[0] == 2 and item[1] == label and item[2] == serie)
            series[serie].append(v[0] if len(v) > 0 else 0)
    for serie in series.keys():
        # todo https://github.com/Kozea/pygal/issues/18
        top_sql.add(serie, [
            for i, item in enumerate(series[serie])

    top_objects = HorizontalStackedBar(**p)
    top_objects.show_legend = False
    top_objects.width = 400
    top_objects.show_x_labels = False
    top_objects.x_labels = sorted(set(item[1] for item in r if item[0] == 3),
                                  key=lambda x: sum(
                                      tuple(item[4] for item in r
                                            if item[0] == 3 and item[1] == x)))
    series = {
        k[1]: []
        for k in sorted(set((item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == 3),
                        key=lambda x: x[0])
    top_objects.height = len(top_objects.x_labels) * 22
    for label in top_objects.x_labels:
        for serie in series.keys():
            v = tuple(
                item[4] for item in r
                if item[0] == 3 and item[1] == label and item[2] == serie)
            series[serie].append(v[0] if len(v) > 0 else 0)
    for serie in series.keys():
            [dict(value=item, color=colors[serie]) for item in series[serie]])

    pie_type = 5 if 'wait_class' in optional_values.keys(
    ) or 'event' in optional_values.keys() else 4
    top_waits = Pie(**p)
    top_waits.show_legend = False
    top_waits.width = 140
    top_waits.width = 140
    top_waits.inner_radius = 0.5
    labels = tuple(
        for k in sorted(set(
            (item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == pie_type),
                        key=lambda x: x[0] if isinstance(x[0], int) else 0))
    for label in labels:
            tuple(item[4] for item in r
                  if item[0] == pie_type and item[2] == label)[0])

    top_sessions = HorizontalStackedBar(**p)
    top_sessions.show_legend = False
    top_sessions.width = 300
    top_sessions.show_x_labels = False
    top_sessions.x_labels = sorted(
        set(item[1] for item in r if item[0] == 6),
        key=lambda x: sum(
            tuple(item[4] for item in r if item[0] == 6 and item[1] == x)))
    top_sessions.height = len(top_sessions.x_labels) * 22
    series = {
        k[1]: []
        for k in sorted(set((item[3], item[2]) for item in r if item[0] == 6),
                        key=lambda x: x[0])
    for label in top_sessions.x_labels:
        for serie in series.keys():
            v = tuple(
                item[4] for item in r
                if item[0] == 6 and item[1] == label and item[2] == serie)
            series[serie].append(v[0] if len(v) > 0 else 0)
    for serie in series.keys():
        top_sessions.add(serie, [
                     target='_blank')) for i, item in enumerate(series[serie])

    return render_template(
        if 'sql_id' not in optional_values.keys() else None,
        if 'session_id' not in optional_values.keys() else None,
        top_waits=top_waits.render_data_uri() if labels else None)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_half_pie():
        pie = Pie(half_pie=True)
        for i in range(10):
            pie.add(str(i), i, inner_radius=.1)

        return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 29
# pie_chart.add('p2', [120])
# pie_chart.add('p3', [779])
# pie_chart.add('other', [1000])
# pie_chart.render_in_browser()
from pygal import Pie

# chart = pygal.Pie(inner_radius=.3, pretty_print=True)
# chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'
# chart.add('IE', 19.5)
# chart.add('Firefox', 36.6)
# chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
# chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
# chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
# chart.render_in_browser()

pie = Pie()
pie.add('IE', 19.5)
pie.add('Firefox', 36.6)
pie.add('Chrome', 36.3)
pie.add('Safari', 4.5)
pie.add('Opera', 2.3)

half = Pie(inner_radius=.7, half_pie=True)
half.add('IE', 19.5)
half.add('Firefox', 36.6)
half.add('Chrome', 36.3)
half.add('Safari', 4.5)
half.add('Opera', 2.3)
assert pie.render_in_browser() != half.render_in_browser()
Exemplo n.º 30
def node_apply_end(repo, node, duration=None, interactive=None, result=None, **kwargs):
    if environ.get('TERM_PROGRAM', None) != "iTerm.app" or not interactive:
        LOG.debug("skipping iTerm stats (wrong terminal)")

    if not IMPORTS:
        LOG.error("failed to import dependencies of itermstats plugin")

    css_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
    css_file.write(".text-overlay { display: none; }")

    config = Config(

    chart = Pie(config)
    chart.add('correct', result.correct)
    chart.add('fixed', result.fixed)
    chart.add('skipped', result.skipped)
    chart.add('failed', result.failed)

    png_data = cairosvg.svg2png(bytestring=chart.render())
    png_data_b64 = b64encode(png_data)


Exemplo n.º 31
def test_half_pie():
    pie = Pie()
    pie.add('IE', 19.5)
    pie.add('Firefox', 36.6)
    pie.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    pie.add('Safari', 4.5)
    pie.add('Opera', 2.3)

    half = Pie(half_pie=True)
    half.add('IE', 19.5)
    half.add('Firefox', 36.6)
    half.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    half.add('Safari', 4.5)
    half.add('Opera', 2.3)
    assert pie.render() != half.render()
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_half_pie():
    pie = Pie()
    pie.add("IE", 19.5)
    pie.add("Firefox", 36.6)
    pie.add("Chrome", 36.3)
    pie.add("Safari", 4.5)
    pie.add("Opera", 2.3)

    half = Pie(half_pie=True)
    half.add("IE", 19.5)
    half.add("Firefox", 36.6)
    half.add("Chrome", 36.3)
    half.add("Safari", 4.5)
    half.add("Opera", 2.3)
    assert pie.render() != half.render()
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_donut():
    chart = Pie(inner_radius=.3, pretty_print=True)
    chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'
    chart.add('IE', 19.5)
    chart.add('Firefox', 36.6)
    chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
    chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
    assert chart.render()
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_donut():
    """Test a donut pie chart"""
    chart = Pie(inner_radius=.3, pretty_print=True)
    chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'
    chart.add('IE', 19.5)
    chart.add('Firefox', 36.6)
    chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
    chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
    assert chart.render()
Exemplo n.º 35
def test_pie_table():
    """Test rendering a table for a pie"""
    chart = Pie(inner_radius=.3, pretty_print=True)
    chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'
    chart.add('IE', 19.5)
    chart.add('Firefox', 36.6)
    chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
    chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
    chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
    q = pq(chart.render_table())
    assert len(q('table')) == 1
Exemplo n.º 36
from pygal import Pie

pie_chart = Pie()
pie_chart.title = 'Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)'
pie_chart.add('IE', 19.5)
pie_chart.add('Firefox', 36.6)
pie_chart.add('Chrome', 36.3)
pie_chart.add('Safari', 4.5)
pie_chart.add('Opera', 2.3)
Exemplo n.º 37
    def test_pie_serie_radius():
        pie = Pie()
        for i in range(10):
            pie.add(str(i), i, inner_radius=(10 - i) / 10)

        return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 38
 def _render_pie(self, values, labels, title, filename):
     pie_chart = Pie(config=self.pygal_config)
     pie_chart.title = title
     for label, val in zip(labels, values):
         pie_chart.add(label, val)
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_pie_serie_radius():
        pie = Pie()
        for i in range(10):
            pie.add(str(i), i, inner_radius=(10 - i) / 10)

        return pie.render_response()
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_donut():
    chart = Pie(inner_radius=0.3, pretty_print=True)
    chart.title = "Browser usage in February 2012 (in %)"
    chart.add("IE", 19.5)
    chart.add("Firefox", 36.6)
    chart.add("Chrome", 36.3)
    chart.add("Safari", 4.5)
    chart.add("Opera", 2.3)
    assert chart.render()
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_multiseries_donut():
    # this just demos that the multiseries pie does not respect
    # the inner_radius
    chart = Pie(inner_radius=0.3, pretty_print=True)
    chart.title = "Browser usage by version in February 2012 (in %)"
    chart.add("IE", [5.7, 10.2, 2.6, 1])
    chart.add("Firefox", [0.6, 16.8, 7.4, 2.2, 1.2, 1, 1, 1.1, 4.3, 1])
    chart.add("Chrome", [0.3, 0.9, 17.1, 15.3, 0.6, 0.5, 1.6])
    chart.add("Safari", [4.4, 0.1])
    chart.add("Opera", [0.1, 1.6, 0.1, 0.5])
    assert chart.render()
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_multiseries_donut():
    """Test a donut pie chart with multiserie"""
    # this just demos that the multiseries pie does not respect
    # the inner_radius
    chart = Pie(inner_radius=.3, pretty_print=True)
    chart.title = 'Browser usage by version in February 2012 (in %)'
    chart.add('IE', [5.7, 10.2, 2.6, 1])
    chart.add('Firefox', [.6, 16.8, 7.4, 2.2, 1.2, 1, 1, 1.1, 4.3, 1])
    chart.add('Chrome', [.3, .9, 17.1, 15.3, .6, .5, 1.6])
    chart.add('Safari', [4.4, .1])
    chart.add('Opera', [.1, 1.6, .1, .5])
    assert chart.render()
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_multiseries_donut():
    # this just demos that the multiseries pie does not respect
    # the inner_radius
    chart = Pie(inner_radius=.3, pretty_print=True)
    chart.title = 'Browser usage by version in February 2012 (in %)'
    chart.add('IE', [5.7, 10.2, 2.6, 1])
    chart.add('Firefox', [.6, 16.8, 7.4, 2.2, 1.2, 1, 1, 1.1, 4.3, 1])
    chart.add('Chrome', [.3, .9, 17.1, 15.3, .6, .5, 1.6])
    chart.add('Safari', [4.4, .1])
    chart.add('Opera', [.1, 1.6, .1, .5])
    assert chart.render()
Exemplo n.º 44
 def test_64_colors():
     colors = [rotate("#ff0000", i * 360 / 64) for i in range(64)]
     pie = Pie(style=Style(colors=colors))
     for i in range(64):
         pie.add(str(i), 1)
     return pie.render_response()