Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: lspr.py Projeto: vyasr/pygbe
def main(argv=sys.argv, log_output=True, return_output_fname=False,
         return_results_dict=False, field=None, lspr_values=None):
    Run a PyGBe problem, write outputs to STDOUT and to log file in
    problem directory

    log_output : Bool, default True.
        If False, output is written only to STDOUT and not to a log file.
    return_output_fname: Bool, default False.
        If True, function main() returns the name of the
        output log file. This is used for the regression tests.
    return_results_dict: Bool, default False.
        If True, function main() returns the results of the run
        packed in a dictionary.  Used in testing and programmatic
        use of PyGBe
    field : Dictionary, defaults to None.
         If passed, this dictionary will supercede any config file found, useful in
         programmatically stepping through slight changes in a problem.
    lspr_values : list, defaults to None
         If passed, provides values for `electric_field` and `wavelength`, useful to
         programmatically step through varying wavelengths

    output_fname       : str, if kwarg is True.
                         The name of the log file containing problem output

    args = read_inputs(argv[1:])
    configFile, paramfile = find_config_files(args)
    full_path = os.environ.get('PYGBE_PROBLEM_FOLDER')
    #check if a custom geometry location has been specified
    #if it has, add an ENV_VAR to handle it
    if args.geometry:
        geo_path = os.path.abspath(args.geometry)
        if os.path.isdir(geo_path):
            os.environ['PYGBE_GEOMETRY'] = geo_path
            sys.exit('Invalid geometry prefix provided (Folder not found)')
        geo_path = os.path.join(full_path, 'geometry')

    #try to expand ~ if present in output path
    args.output = os.path.expanduser(args.output)
    #if output path is absolute, use that, otherwise prepend
    #problem path
    if not os.path.isdir(args.output):
        output_dir = os.path.join(full_path, args.output)
        output_dir = args.output
    # create output directory if it doesn't already exist
    except OSError:

    results_dict = {}
    timestamp = time.localtime()
    outputfname = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}-output.log'.format(datetime.now())
    results_dict['output_file'] = outputfname
    if log_output:
        restore_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = Logger(os.path.join(output_dir, outputfname))
    # Time stamp
    print('Run started on:')
    print('\tDate: {}/{}/{}'.format(timestamp.tm_year, timestamp.tm_mon,
    print('\tTime: {}:{}:{}'.format(timestamp.tm_hour, timestamp.tm_min,
    print('\tPyGBe version: {}'.format(pygbe.__version__))
    TIC = time.time()

    print('Config file: {}'.format(configFile))
    print('Parameter file: {}'.format(paramfile))
    print('Geometry folder: {}'.format(geo_path))
    print('Running in: {}'.format(full_path))
    results_dict['config_file'] = configFile
    results_dict['param_file'] = paramfile
    results_dict['geo_file'] = geo_path
    results_dict['full_path'] = full_path

    ### Read parameters
    param = Parameters()
    precision = read_parameters(param, paramfile)

    param.Nm = (param.P + 1) * (param.P + 2) * (
        param.P + 3) // 6  # Number of terms in Taylor expansion
    param.BlocksPerTwig = int(numpy.ceil(param.NCRIT / float(param.BSZ))
                              )  # CUDA blocks that fit per twig

    HAS_GPU = check_for_nvcc()
    if param.GPU == 1 and not HAS_GPU:
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        print("Your param file has `GPU = 1` but CUDA was not detected.\n"
              "Continuing using CPU.  If you do not want this, use Ctrl-C\n"
              "to stop the program and check that your CUDA installation\n"
              "is on your $PATH")
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        param.GPU = 0

    ### Generate array of fields
    if field:
        field_array = initialize_field(configFile, param, field)
        field_array = initialize_field(configFile, param)

    ### Generate array of surfaces and read in elements
    surf_array = initialize_surface(field_array, configFile, param)

    ### Read electric field and its wavelength.
    if lspr_values:
        electric_field, wavelength = lspr_values
        electric_field, wavelength = read_electric_field(param, configFile)

    ### Fill surface class
    time_sort = 0.
    for i in range(len(surf_array)):
        time_sort += surf_array[i].fill_surface(param)

    ### Output setup summary
    param.N = 0
    param.Neq = 0
    for s in surf_array:
        N_aux = len(s.triangle)
        param.N += N_aux
        if s.surf_type in ['dirichlet_surface', 'neumann_surface', 'asc_surface']:
            param.Neq += N_aux
            param.Neq += 2 * N_aux
    print('\nTotal elements : {}'.format(param.N))
    print('Total equations: {}'.format(param.Neq))

    results_dict['total_elements'] = param.N
    results_dict['N_equation'] = param.Neq

    results_dict = print_summary(surf_array, field_array, param, results_dict)

    ### Precomputation
    ind0 = IndexConstant()
    computeIndices(param.P, ind0)
    precomputeTerms(param.P, ind0)

    ### Load CUDA code
    if param.GPU == 1:
        kernel = kernels(param.BSZ, param.Nm, param.K_fine, param.P, precision)
        kernel = 1

    ### Generate interaction list
    print('Generate interaction list')
    tic = time.time()
    generateList(surf_array, field_array, param)
    toc = time.time()
    list_time = toc - tic

    ### Transfer data to GPU
    print('Transfer data to GPU')
    tic = time.time()
    if param.GPU == 1:
        dataTransfer(surf_array, field_array, ind0, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    transfer_time = toc - tic

    timing = Timing()

    ### Generate RHS
    print('Generate RHS')
    tic = time.time()
    if param.GPU == 0:
        F = generateRHS(field_array, surf_array, param, kernel, timing, ind0, electric_field)
    elif param.GPU == 1:
        F = generateRHS_gpu(field_array, surf_array, param, kernel, timing,
                            ind0, electric_field)
    toc = time.time()
    rhs_time = toc - tic

    setup_time = toc - TIC
    print('List time          : {}s'.format(list_time))
    print('Data transfer time : {}s'.format(transfer_time))
    print('RHS generation time: {}s'.format(rhs_time))
    print('Total setup time   : {}s'.format(setup_time))

    #   Check if there is a complex dielectric
    if any([numpy.iscomplexobj(f.E) for f in field_array]):
        complex_diel = True
        complex_diel = False

    ### Solve
    tic = time.time()

    # Initializing phi dtype according to the problem we are solving.
    if complex_diel:
        phi = numpy.zeros(param.Neq, dtype=numpy.complex)
        raise ValueError('Dielectric should be complex for LSPR problems')

    phi, iteration = gmres_mgs(surf_array, field_array, phi, F, param, ind0,
                            timing, kernel)
    toc = time.time()

    results_dict['iterations'] = iteration
    solve_time = toc - tic
    print('Solve time        : {}s'.format(solve_time))
    phifname = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}-phi_{}.txt'.format(datetime.now(), wavelength)
    results_dict['solve_time'] = solve_time
    numpy.savetxt(os.path.join(output_dir, phifname), phi)

    # Put result phi in corresponding surfaces
    s_start = 0
    for surf in surf_array:
        s_start = surf.fill_phi(phi, s_start)

    #Calculate extinction cross section for lspr problems
    if abs(electric_field) > 1e-12:

        ###Calculating the dipole moment
        dipole_moment(surf_array, electric_field)
        print('\nCalculate extinction cross section (Cext)')
        tic = time.time()
        Cext, surf_Cext = extinction_cross_section(surf_array, numpy.array([1,0,0]), numpy.array([0,0,1]),
                           wavelength, electric_field)
        toc = time.time()
        print('Time Cext: {}s'.format(toc - tic))

        print('\nWavelength: {:.2f} nm'.format(wavelength/10))
        print('Incoming Electric Field: {:.4f} e/(Ang^2 eps_0)'.format(electric_field))

        print('\nCext per surface')
        for i in range(len(Cext)):
            print('Surface {}: {} nm^2'.format(surf_Cext[i], Cext[i]))

        results_dict['time_Cext'] = toc - tic
        results_dict['surf_Cext'] = surf_Cext
        results_dict['wavelength'] = wavelength
        results_dict['E_field'] = electric_field
        results_dict['Cext_list'] = Cext
        results_dict['Cext_0'] = Cext[0]   #We do convergence analysis in the main sphere

        raise ValueError('electric_field should not be zero to calculate'
                         'the extinction cross section')

    results_dict['total_time'] = (toc - TIC)
    results_dict['version'] = pygbe.__version__

    output_pickle = outputfname.split('-')
    output_pickle = '-'.join(output_pickle)
    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_pickle), 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(results_dict, f, 2)

        with open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_pickle), 'rb') as f:
    except EOFError:
        print('Error writing the pickle file, the results will be unreadable')
    #reset stdout so regression tests, etc, don't get logged into the output
    #file that they themselves are trying to read
    if log_output:
        sys.stdout = restore_stdout

    if return_results_dict:
        return results_dict

    if return_output_fname and log_output:
        return outputfname
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(argv=sys.argv,
    Run a PyGBe problem, write outputs to STDOUT and to log file in
    problem directory

    log_output : Bool, default True.
        If False, output is written only to STDOUT and not to a log file.
    return_output_fname: Bool, default False.
        If True, function main() returns the name of the
        output log file. This is used for the regression tests.
    return_results_dict: Bool, default False.
        If True, function main() returns the results of the run
        packed in a dictionary.  Used in testing and programmatic
        use of PyGBe
    field : Dictionary, defaults to None.
         If passed, this dictionary will supercede any config file found, useful in
         programmatically stepping through slight changes in a problem

    output_fname       : str, if kwarg is True.
                         The name of the log file containing problem output

    args = read_inputs(argv[1:])
    configFile, paramfile = find_config_files(args)
    full_path = os.environ.get('PYGBE_PROBLEM_FOLDER')
    #check if a custom geometry location has been specified
    #if it has, add an ENV_VAR to handle it
    if args.geometry:
        geo_path = os.path.abspath(args.geometry)
        if os.path.isdir(geo_path):
            os.environ['PYGBE_GEOMETRY'] = geo_path
            sys.exit('Invalid geometry prefix provided (Folder not found)')
        geo_path = os.path.join(full_path, 'geometry')

    #try to expand ~ if present in output path
    args.output = os.path.expanduser(args.output)
    #if output path is absolute, use that, otherwise prepend
    #problem path
    if not os.path.isdir(args.output):
        output_dir = os.path.join(full_path, args.output)
        output_dir = args.output
    # create output directory if it doesn't already exist
    except OSError:

    results_dict = {}
    timestamp = time.localtime()
    outputfname = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}-output.log'.format(datetime.now())
    results_dict['output_file'] = outputfname
    if log_output:
        restore_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = Logger(os.path.join(output_dir, outputfname))
    # Time stamp
    print('Run started on:')
    print('\tDate: {}/{}/{}'.format(timestamp.tm_year, timestamp.tm_mon,
    print('\tTime: {}:{}:{}'.format(timestamp.tm_hour, timestamp.tm_min,
    print('\tPyGBe version: {}'.format(pygbe.__version__))
    TIC = time.time()

    print('Config file: {}'.format(configFile))
    print('Parameter file: {}'.format(paramfile))
    print('Geometry folder: {}'.format(geo_path))
    print('Running in: {}'.format(full_path))
    results_dict['config_file'] = configFile
    results_dict['param_file'] = paramfile
    results_dict['geo_file'] = geo_path
    results_dict['full_path'] = full_path

    ### Read parameters
    param = Parameters()
    precision = read_parameters(param, paramfile)

    param.Nm = (param.P + 1) * (param.P + 2) * (
        param.P + 3) // 6  # Number of terms in Taylor expansion
    param.BlocksPerTwig = int(numpy.ceil(
        param.NCRIT / float(param.BSZ)))  # CUDA blocks that fit per twig

    HAS_GPU = check_for_nvcc()
    if param.GPU == 1 and not HAS_GPU:
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        print("Your param file has `GPU = 1` but CUDA was not detected.\n"
              "Continuing using CPU.  If you do not want this, use Ctrl-C\n"
              "to stop the program and check that your CUDA installation\n"
              "is on your $PATH")
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        param.GPU = 0

    ### Generate array of fields
    if field:
        field_array = initialize_field(configFile, param, field)
        field_array = initialize_field(configFile, param)

    ### Generate array of surfaces and read in elements
    surf_array = initialize_surface(field_array, configFile, param)

    ### Fill surface class
    time_sort = 0.
    for i in range(len(surf_array)):
        time_sort += surf_array[i].fill_surface(param)

    ### Output setup summary
    param.N = 0
    param.Neq = 0
    for s in surf_array:
        N_aux = len(s.triangle)
        param.N += N_aux
        if s.surf_type in [
                'dirichlet_surface', 'neumann_surface', 'asc_surface'
            param.Neq += N_aux
            param.Neq += 2 * N_aux
    print('\nTotal elements : {}'.format(param.N))
    print('Total equations: {}'.format(param.Neq))

    results_dict['total_elements'] = param.N
    results_dict['N_equation'] = param.Neq

    results_dict = print_summary(surf_array, field_array, param, results_dict)

    ### Precomputation
    ind0 = IndexConstant()
    computeIndices(param.P, ind0)
    precomputeTerms(param.P, ind0)

    ### Load CUDA code
    if param.GPU == 1:
        kernel = kernels(param.BSZ, param.Nm, param.K_fine, param.P, precision)
        kernel = 1

    ### Generate interaction list
    print('Generate interaction list')
    tic = time.time()
    generateList(surf_array, field_array, param)
    toc = time.time()
    list_time = toc - tic

    ### Transfer data to GPU
    print('Transfer data to GPU')
    tic = time.time()
    if param.GPU == 1:
        dataTransfer(surf_array, field_array, ind0, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    transfer_time = toc - tic

    timing = Timing()

    ### Generate RHS
    print('Generate RHS')
    tic = time.time()
    if param.GPU == 0:
        F = generateRHS(field_array, surf_array, param, kernel, timing, ind0)
    elif param.GPU == 1:
        F = generateRHS_gpu(field_array, surf_array, param, kernel, timing,
    toc = time.time()
    rhs_time = toc - tic

    setup_time = toc - TIC
    print('List time          : {}s'.format(list_time))
    print('Data transfer time : {}s'.format(transfer_time))
    print('RHS generation time: {}s'.format(rhs_time))
    print('-' * 30)
    print('Total setup time   : {}s'.format(setup_time))

    #   Check if there is a complex dielectric
    if any([numpy.iscomplexobj(f.E) for f in field_array]):
        complex_diel = True
        complex_diel = False

    ### Solve
    tic = time.time()

    # Initializing phi dtype according to the problem we are solving.
    if not complex_diel:
        phi = numpy.zeros(param.Neq)
        raise ValueError(
            'Dielectric should be real for solvation energy problems')

    phi, iteration = gmres_mgs(surf_array, field_array, phi, F, param, ind0,
                               timing, kernel)
    toc = time.time()

    results_dict['iterations'] = iteration
    solve_time = toc - tic
    print('Solve time        : {}s'.format(solve_time))
    phifname = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}-phi.txt'.format(datetime.now())
    results_dict['solve_time'] = solve_time
    numpy.savetxt(os.path.join(output_dir, phifname), phi)

    # Put result phi in corresponding surfaces
    s_start = 0
    for surf in surf_array:
        s_start = surf.fill_phi(phi, s_start)

    # Calculate solvation energy
    print('Calculate Esolv')
    tic = time.time()
    E_solv = calculate_solvation_energy(surf_array, field_array, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    print('Time Esolv: {}s'.format(toc - tic))
    ii = -1
    for i, f in enumerate(field_array):
        if f.pot == 1:
            parent_type = surf_array[f.parent[0]].surf_type
            if parent_type != 'dirichlet_surface' and parent_type != 'neumann_surface':
                ii += 1
                print('Region {}: Esolv = {} kcal/mol = {} kJ/mol'.format(
                    i, E_solv[ii], E_solv[ii] * 4.184))

    # Calculate surface energy
    print('\nCalculate Esurf')
    tic = time.time()
    E_surf = calculate_surface_energy(surf_array, field_array, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    ii = -1
    for f in param.E_field:
        parent_type = surf_array[field_array[f].parent[0]].surf_type
        if parent_type == 'dirichlet_surface' or parent_type == 'neumann_surface':
            ii += 1
            print('Region {}: Esurf = {} kcal/mol = {} kJ/mol'.format(
                f, E_surf[ii], E_surf[ii] * 4.184))
    print('Time Esurf: {}s'.format(toc - tic))

    ### Calculate Coulombic interaction
    print('\nCalculate Ecoul')
    tic = time.time()
    i = -1
    E_coul = []
    for f in field_array:
        i += 1
        if f.coulomb == 1:
            print('Calculate Coulomb energy for region {}'.format(i))
            E_coul.append(coulomb_energy(f, param))
            print('Region {}: Ecoul = {} kcal/mol = {} kJ/mol'.format(
                i, E_coul[-1], E_coul[-1] * 4.184))
    toc = time.time()
    print('Time Ecoul: {}s'.format(toc - tic))

    ### Output summary
    print('\n' + '-' * 30)
    print('Esolv = {} kcal/mol'.format(sum(E_solv)))
    print('Esurf = {} kcal/mol'.format(sum(E_surf)))
    print('Ecoul = {} kcal/mol'.format(sum(E_coul)))
    print('\nTime = {} s'.format(toc - TIC))

    results_dict['E_solv_kcal'] = sum(E_solv)
    results_dict['E_solv_kJ'] = sum(E_solv) * 4.184
    results_dict['E_surf_kcal'] = sum(E_surf)
    results_dict['E_surf_kJ'] = sum(E_surf) * 4.184
    results_dict['E_coul_kcal'] = sum(E_coul)
    results_dict['E_coul_kJ'] = sum(E_coul) * 4.184

    results_dict['total_time'] = (toc - TIC)
    results_dict['version'] = pygbe.__version__

    output_pickle = outputfname.split('-')
    output_pickle = '-'.join(output_pickle)
    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_pickle), 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(results_dict, f, 2)

        with open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_pickle), 'rb') as f:
    except EOFError:
        print('Error writing the pickle file, the results will be unreadable')

    #reset stdout so regression tests, etc, don't get logged into the output
    #file that they themselves are trying to read
    if log_output:
        sys.stdout = restore_stdout

    if return_results_dict:
        return results_dict

    if return_output_fname and log_output:
        return outputfname
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(argv=sys.argv, log_output=True, return_output_fname=False,
         return_results_dict=False, field=None):
    Run a PyGBe problem, write outputs to STDOUT and to log file in
    problem directory

    log_output : Bool, default True.
        If False, output is written only to STDOUT and not to a log file.
    return_output_fname: Bool, default False.
        If True, function main() returns the name of the
        output log file. This is used for the regression tests.
    return_results_dict: Bool, default False.
        If True, function main() returns the results of the run
        packed in a dictionary.  Used in testing and programmatic
        use of PyGBe
    field : Dictionary, defaults to None.
         If passed, this dictionary will supercede any config file found, useful in
         programmatically stepping through slight changes in a problem

    output_fname       : str, if kwarg is True.
                         The name of the log file containing problem output

    args = read_inputs(argv[1:])
    configFile, paramfile = find_config_files(args)
    full_path = os.environ.get('PYGBE_PROBLEM_FOLDER')
    #check if a custom geometry location has been specified
    #if it has, add an ENV_VAR to handle it
    if args.geometry:
        geo_path = os.path.abspath(args.geometry)
        if os.path.isdir(geo_path):
            os.environ['PYGBE_GEOMETRY'] = geo_path
            sys.exit('Invalid geometry prefix provided (Folder not found)')
        geo_path = os.path.join(full_path, 'geometry')

    #try to expand ~ if present in output path
    args.output = os.path.expanduser(args.output)
    #if output path is absolute, use that, otherwise prepend
    #problem path
    if not os.path.isdir(args.output):
        output_dir = os.path.join(full_path, args.output)
        output_dir = args.output
    # create output directory if it doesn't already exist
    except OSError:

    results_dict = {}
    timestamp = time.localtime()
    outputfname = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}-output.log'.format(datetime.now())
    results_dict['output_file'] = outputfname
    if log_output:
        restore_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = Logger(os.path.join(output_dir, outputfname))
    # Time stamp
    print('Run started on:')
    print('\tDate: {}/{}/{}'.format(timestamp.tm_year, timestamp.tm_mon,
    print('\tTime: {}:{}:{}'.format(timestamp.tm_hour, timestamp.tm_min,
    print('\tPyGBe version: {}'.format(pygbe.__version__))
    TIC = time.time()

    print('Config file: {}'.format(configFile))
    print('Parameter file: {}'.format(paramfile))
    print('Geometry folder: {}'.format(geo_path))
    print('Running in: {}'.format(full_path))
    results_dict['config_file'] = configFile
    results_dict['param_file'] = paramfile
    results_dict['geo_file'] = geo_path
    results_dict['full_path'] = full_path

    ### Read parameters
    param = Parameters()
    precision = read_parameters(param, paramfile)

    param.Nm = (param.P + 1) * (param.P + 2) * (
        param.P + 3) // 6  # Number of terms in Taylor expansion
    param.BlocksPerTwig = int(numpy.ceil(param.NCRIT / float(param.BSZ))
                              )  # CUDA blocks that fit per twig

    HAS_GPU = check_for_nvcc()
    if param.GPU == 1 and not HAS_GPU:
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        print("Your param file has `GPU = 1` but CUDA was not detected.\n"
              "Continuing using CPU.  If you do not want this, use Ctrl-C\n"
              "to stop the program and check that your CUDA installation\n"
              "is on your $PATH")
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        param.GPU = 0

    ### Generate array of fields
    if field:
        field_array = initialize_field(configFile, param, field)
        field_array = initialize_field(configFile, param)

    ### Generate array of surfaces and read in elements
    surf_array = initialize_surface(field_array, configFile, param)

    ### Fill surface class
    time_sort = 0.
    for i in range(len(surf_array)):
        time_sort += surf_array[i].fill_surface(param)

    ### Output setup summary
    param.N = 0
    param.Neq = 0
    for s in surf_array:
        N_aux = len(s.triangle)
        param.N += N_aux        
        if s.surf_type in ['dirichlet_surface', 'neumann_surface', 'asc_surface']:
            param.Neq += N_aux
            param.Neq += 2 * N_aux
    print('\nTotal elements : {}'.format(param.N))
    print('Total equations: {}'.format(param.Neq))

    results_dict['total_elements'] = param.N
    results_dict['N_equation'] = param.Neq

    results_dict = print_summary(surf_array, field_array, param, results_dict)

    ### Precomputation
    ind0 = IndexConstant()
    computeIndices(param.P, ind0)
    precomputeTerms(param.P, ind0)

    ### Load CUDA code
    if param.GPU == 1:
        kernel = kernels(param.BSZ, param.Nm, param.K_fine, param.P, precision)
        kernel = 1

    ### Generate interaction list
    print('Generate interaction list')
    tic = time.time()
    generateList(surf_array, field_array, param)
    toc = time.time()
    list_time = toc - tic

    ### Transfer data to GPU
    print('Transfer data to GPU')
    tic = time.time()
    if param.GPU == 1:
        dataTransfer(surf_array, field_array, ind0, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    transfer_time = toc - tic

    timing = Timing()

    ### Generate RHS
    print('Generate RHS')
    tic = time.time()
    if param.GPU == 0:
        F = generateRHS(field_array, surf_array, param, kernel, timing, ind0)
    elif param.GPU == 1:
        F = generateRHS_gpu(field_array, surf_array, param, kernel, timing,
    toc = time.time()
    rhs_time = toc - tic

    setup_time = toc - TIC
    print('List time          : {}s'.format(list_time))
    print('Data transfer time : {}s'.format(transfer_time))
    print('RHS generation time: {}s'.format(rhs_time))
    print('Total setup time   : {}s'.format(setup_time))

    #   Check if there is a complex dielectric
    if any([numpy.iscomplexobj(f.E) for f in field_array]):
        complex_diel = True
        complex_diel = False

    ### Solve
    tic = time.time()

    # Initializing phi dtype according to the problem we are solving.
    if not complex_diel:
        phi = numpy.zeros(param.Neq)    
        raise ValueError('Dielectric should be real for solvation energy problems')
    phi, iteration = gmres_mgs(surf_array, field_array, phi, F, param, ind0,
                            timing, kernel)
    toc = time.time()

    results_dict['iterations'] = iteration
    solve_time = toc - tic
    print('Solve time        : {}s'.format(solve_time))
    phifname = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}-phi.txt'.format(datetime.now())
    results_dict['solve_time'] = solve_time
    numpy.savetxt(os.path.join(output_dir, phifname), phi)

    # Put result phi in corresponding surfaces
    s_start = 0
    for surf in surf_array:
        s_start = surf.fill_phi(phi, s_start)

    # Calculate solvation energy
    print('\nCalculate Solvation Energy (E_solv)')
    tic = time.time()
    E_solv = calculate_solvation_energy(surf_array, field_array, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    print('Time E_solv: {}s'.format(toc - tic))
    ii = -1
    for i, f in enumerate(field_array):
        if f.pot == 1:
            parent_type = surf_array[f.parent[0]].surf_type
            if parent_type != 'dirichlet_surface' and parent_type != 'neumann_surface':
                ii += 1
                print('Region {}: E_solv = {} kcal/mol = {} kJ/mol'.format(i,
                                                                      E_solv[ii] * 4.184))

    # Calculate surface energy
    print('\nCalculate Surface Energy (E_surf)')

    tic = time.time()
    E_surf = calculate_surface_energy(surf_array, field_array, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    ii = -1
    for f in param.E_field:
        parent_type = surf_array[field_array[f].parent[0]].surf_type
        if parent_type == 'dirichlet_surface' or parent_type == 'neumann_surface':
            ii += 1
            print('Region {}: E_surf = {} kcal/mol = {} kJ/mol'.format(
                f, E_surf[ii], E_surf[ii] * 4.184))
    print('Time E_surf: {}s'.format(toc - tic))

    ### Calculate Coulombic interaction
    print('\nCalculate Coulomb Energy (E_coul)')
    tic = time.time()
    i = -1
    E_coul = []
    for f in field_array:
        i += 1
        if f.coulomb == 1:
            print('Calculate Coulomb energy for region {}'.format(i))
            E_coul.append(coulomb_energy(f, param))
            print('Region {}: E_coul = {} kcal/mol = {} kJ/mol'.format(
                i, E_coul[-1], E_coul[-1] * 4.184))
    toc = time.time()
    print('Time E_coul: {}s'.format(toc - tic))

    ### Output summary
    print('E_solv = {} kcal/mol'.format(sum(E_solv)))
    print('E_surf = {} kcal/mol'.format(sum(E_surf)))
    print('E_coul = {} kcal/mol'.format(sum(E_coul)))
    print('\nTime = {} s'.format(toc - TIC))

    results_dict['E_solv_kcal'] = sum(E_solv)
    results_dict['E_solv_kJ'] = sum(E_solv) * 4.184
    results_dict['E_surf_kcal'] = sum(E_surf)
    results_dict['E_surf_kJ'] = sum(E_surf) * 4.184
    results_dict['E_coul_kcal'] = sum(E_coul)
    results_dict['E_coul_kJ'] = sum(E_coul) * 4.184

    results_dict['total_time'] = (toc - TIC)
    results_dict['version'] = pygbe.__version__

    output_pickle = outputfname.split('-')
    output_pickle = '-'.join(output_pickle)
    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_pickle), 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(results_dict, f, 2)

        with open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_pickle), 'rb') as f:
    except EOFError:
        print('Error writing the pickle file, the results will be unreadable')
    #reset stdout so regression tests, etc, don't get logged into the output
    #file that they themselves are trying to read
    if log_output:
        sys.stdout = restore_stdout

    if return_results_dict:
        return results_dict

    if return_output_fname and log_output:
        return outputfname
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(argv=sys.argv, log_output=True, return_output_fname=False):
    Run a PyGBe problem, write outputs to STDOUT and to log file in
    problem directory

    log_output         : Bool, default True.
                         If False, output is written only to STDOUT and not
                         to a log file.
    return_output_fname: Bool, default False.
                         If True, function main() returns the name of the
                         output log file. This is used for the regression tests.

    output_fname       : str, if kwarg is True.
                         The name of the log file containing problem output

    args = read_inputs(argv[1:])
    configFile, paramfile = find_config_files(args)
    full_path = os.environ.get('PYGBE_PROBLEM_FOLDER')
    #check if a custom geometry location has been specified
    #if it has, add an ENV_VAR to handle it
    if args.geometry:
        geo_path = os.path.abspath(args.geometry)
        if os.path.isdir(geo_path):
            os.environ['PYGBE_GEOMETRY'] = geo_path
            sys.exit('Invalid geometry prefix provided (Folder not found)')
        geo_path = os.path.join(full_path, 'geometry')

    #try to expand ~ if present in output path
    args.output = os.path.expanduser(args.output)
    #if output path is absolute, use that, otherwise prepend
    #problem path
    if not os.path.isdir(args.output):
        output_dir = os.path.join(full_path, args.output)
        output_dir = args.output
    #create output directory if it doesn't already exist
    except OSError:

    results_dict = {}
    timestamp = time.localtime()
    outputfname = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}-output.log'.format(datetime.now())
    results_dict['output_file'] = outputfname
    if log_output:
        sys.stdout = Logger(os.path.join(output_dir, outputfname))
    ### Time stamp
    print 'Run started on:'
    print '\tDate: %i/%i/%i' % (timestamp.tm_year, timestamp.tm_mon,
    print '\tTime: %i:%i:%i' % (timestamp.tm_hour, timestamp.tm_min,
    TIC = time.time()

    print('Config file: {}'.format(configFile))
    print('Parameter file: {}'.format(paramfile))
    print('Geometry folder: {}'.format(geo_path))
    print('Running in: {}'.format(full_path))
    results_dict['config_file'] = configFile
    results_dict['param_file'] = paramfile
    results_dict['geo_file'] = geo_path
    results_dict['full_path'] = full_path

    ### Read parameters
    param = Parameters()
    precision = readParameters(param, paramfile)

    param.Nm = (param.P + 1) * (param.P + 2) * (
        param.P + 3) / 6  # Number of terms in Taylor expansion
    param.BlocksPerTwig = int(numpy.ceil(param.NCRIT / float(param.BSZ))
                              )  # CUDA blocks that fit per twig

    HAS_GPU = check_for_nvcc()
    if param.GPU == 1 and not HAS_GPU:
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        print("Your param file has `GPU = 1` but CUDA was not detected.\n"
              "Continuing using CPU.  If you do not want this, use Ctrl-C\n"
              "to stop the program and check that your CUDA installation\n"
              "is on your $PATH")
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        param.GPU = 0

    ### Generate array of fields
    field_array = initializeField(configFile, param)

    ### Generate array of surfaces and read in elements
    surf_array = initializeSurf(field_array, configFile, param)

    ### Fill surface class
    time_sort = 0.
    for i in range(len(surf_array)):
        time_sort += fill_surface(surf_array[i], param)

    ### Output setup summary
    param.N = 0
    param.Neq = 0
    for s in surf_array:
        N_aux = len(s.triangle)
        param.N += N_aux
        if s.surf_type == 'dirichlet_surface' or s.surf_type == 'neumann_surface' or s.surf_type == 'asc_surface':
            param.Neq += N_aux
            param.Neq += 2 * N_aux
    print '\nTotal elements : %i' % param.N
    print 'Total equations: %i' % param.Neq

    results_dict['total_elements'] = param.N
    results_dict['N_equation'] = param.Neq

    results_dict = print_summary(surf_array, field_array, param, results_dict)

    ### Precomputation
    ind0 = IndexConstant()
    computeIndices(param.P, ind0)
    precomputeTerms(param.P, ind0)

    ### Load CUDA code
    if param.GPU == 1:
        kernel = kernels(param.BSZ, param.Nm, param.K_fine, param.P, precision)
        kernel = 1

    ### Generate interaction list
    print 'Generate interaction list'
    tic = time.time()
    generateList(surf_array, field_array, param)
    toc = time.time()
    list_time = toc - tic

    ### Transfer data to GPU
    print 'Transfer data to GPU'
    tic = time.time()
    if param.GPU == 1:
        dataTransfer(surf_array, field_array, ind0, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    transfer_time = toc - tic

    timing = Timing()

    ### Generate RHS
    print 'Generate RHS'
    tic = time.time()
    if param.GPU == 0:
        F = generateRHS(field_array, surf_array, param, kernel, timing, ind0)
    elif param.GPU == 1:
        F = generateRHS_gpu(field_array, surf_array, param, kernel, timing,
    toc = time.time()
    rhs_time = toc - tic

    setup_time = toc - TIC
    print 'List time          : %fs' % list_time
    print 'Data transfer time : %fs' % transfer_time
    print 'RHS generation time: %fs' % rhs_time
    print '------------------------------'
    print 'Total setup time   : %fs\n' % setup_time

    tic = time.time()

    ### Solve
    print 'Solve'
    phi = numpy.zeros(param.Neq)
    phi = gmres_mgs(surf_array, field_array, phi, F, param, ind0, timing,
    toc = time.time()
    solve_time = toc - tic
    print 'Solve time        : %fs' % solve_time
    phifname = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}-phi.txt'.format(datetime.now())
    results_dict['solve_time'] = solve_time
    numpy.savetxt(os.path.join(output_dir, phifname), phi)

    # Put result phi in corresponding surfaces
    fill_phi(phi, surf_array)

    ### Calculate solvation energy
    print '\nCalculate Esolv'
    tic = time.time()
    E_solv = calculateEsolv(surf_array, field_array, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    print 'Time Esolv: %fs' % (toc - tic)
    ii = -1
    for f in param.E_field:
        parent_type = surf_array[field_array[f].parent[0]].surf_type
        if parent_type != 'dirichlet_surface' and parent_type != 'neumann_surface':
            ii += 1
            print 'Region %i: Esolv = %f kcal/mol = %f kJ/mol' % (
                f, E_solv[ii], E_solv[ii] * 4.184)
            results_dict['E_solv_kcal'] = E_solv[ii]
            results_dict['E_solv_kJ'] = E_solv[ii] * 4.184

    ### Calculate surface energy
    print '\nCalculate Esurf'
    tic = time.time()
    E_surf = calculateEsurf(surf_array, field_array, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    ii = -1
    for f in param.E_field:
        parent_type = surf_array[field_array[f].parent[0]].surf_type
        if parent_type == 'dirichlet_surface' or parent_type == 'neumann_surface':
            ii += 1
            print 'Region %i: Esurf = %f kcal/mol = %f kJ/mol' % (
                f, E_surf[ii], E_surf[ii] * 4.184)
            results_dict['E_surf_kcal'] = E_surf[ii]
            results_dict['E_surf_kJ'] = E_surf[ii] * 4.184
    print 'Time Esurf: %fs' % (toc - tic)

    ### Calculate Coulombic interaction
    print '\nCalculate Ecoul'
    tic = time.time()
    i = -1
    E_coul = []
    for f in field_array:
        i += 1
        if f.coulomb == 1:
            print 'Calculate Coulomb energy for region %i' % i
            E_coul.append(coulombEnergy(f, param))
            print 'Region %i: Ecoul = %f kcal/mol = %f kJ/mol' % (
                i, E_coul[-1], E_coul[-1] * 4.184)
            results_dict['E_coul_kcal'] = E_coul[-1]
            results_dict['E_coul_kJ'] = E_coul[-1] * 4.184
    toc = time.time()
    print 'Time Ecoul: %fs' % (toc - tic)

    ### Output summary
    print '\n--------------------------------'
    print 'Totals:'
    print 'Esolv = %f kcal/mol' % sum(E_solv)
    print 'Esurf = %f kcal/mol' % sum(E_surf)
    print 'Ecoul = %f kcal/mol' % sum(E_coul)
    print '\nTime = %f s' % (toc - TIC)
    results_dict['total_time'] = (toc - TIC)

    output_pickle = outputfname.split('-')
    output_pickle = '-'.join(output_pickle)
    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, output_pickle), 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(results_dict, f)

    #reset stdout so regression tests, etc, don't get logged into the output
    #file that they themselves are trying to read
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

    if return_output_fname and log_output:
        return outputfname
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(argv=sys.argv,
    Run a PyGBe problem, write outputs to STDOUT and to log file in
    problem directory

    log_output : Bool, default True.
        If False, output is written only to STDOUT and not to a log file.
    return_output_fname: Bool, default False.
        If True, function main() returns the name of the
        output log file. This is used for the regression tests.
    return_results_dict: Bool, default False.
        If True, function main() returns the results of the run
        packed in a dictionary.  Used in testing and programmatic
        use of PyGBe
    field : Dictionary, defaults to None.
         If passed, this dictionary will supercede any config file found, useful in
         programmatically stepping through slight changes in a problem

    output_fname       : str, if kwarg is True.
                         The name of the log file containing problem output

    args = read_inputs(argv[1:])
    configFile, paramfile = find_config_files(args)
    full_path = os.environ.get('PYGBE_PROBLEM_FOLDER')
    #check if a custom geometry location has been specified
    #if it has, add an ENV_VAR to handle it
    if args.geometry:
        geo_path = os.path.abspath(args.geometry)
        if os.path.isdir(geo_path):
            os.environ['PYGBE_GEOMETRY'] = geo_path
            sys.exit('Invalid geometry prefix provided (Folder not found)')
        geo_path = os.path.join(full_path, 'geometry')

    #try to expand ~ if present in output path
    args.output = os.path.expanduser(args.output)
    #if output path is absolute, use that, otherwise prepend
    #problem path
    if not os.path.isdir(args.output):
        output_dir = os.path.join(full_path, args.output)
        output_dir = args.output
    # create output directory if it doesn't already exist
    except OSError:

    results_dict = {}
    timestamp = time.localtime()
    outputfname = '{:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}-output.log'.format(datetime.now())
    results_dict['output_file'] = outputfname
    if log_output:
        restore_stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = Logger(os.path.join(output_dir, outputfname))
    # Time stamp
    print('Run started on:')
    print('\tDate: {}/{}/{}'.format(timestamp.tm_year, timestamp.tm_mon,
    print('\tTime: {}:{}:{}'.format(timestamp.tm_hour, timestamp.tm_min,
    print('\tPyGBe version: {}'.format(pygbe.__version__))
    TIC = time.time()

    print('Config file: {}'.format(configFile))
    print('Parameter file: {}'.format(paramfile))
    print('Geometry folder: {}'.format(geo_path))
    print('Running in: {}'.format(full_path))
    results_dict['config_file'] = configFile
    results_dict['param_file'] = paramfile
    results_dict['geo_file'] = geo_path
    results_dict['full_path'] = full_path

    ### Read parameters
    param = Parameters()
    precision = read_parameters(param, paramfile)

    param.Nm = (param.P + 1) * (param.P + 2) * (
        param.P + 3) // 6  # Number of terms in Taylor expansion
    param.BlocksPerTwig = int(numpy.ceil(
        param.NCRIT / float(param.BSZ)))  # CUDA blocks that fit per twig

    HAS_GPU = check_for_nvcc()
    if param.GPU == 1 and not HAS_GPU:
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        print("Your param file has `GPU = 1` but CUDA was not detected.\n"
              "Continuing using CPU.  If you do not want this, use Ctrl-C\n"
              "to stop the program and check that your CUDA installation\n"
              "is on your $PATH")
        print('{:-^{}}'.format('No GPU DETECTED', 60))
        param.GPU = 0

    ### Generate array of fields
    if field:
        field_array = initialize_field(configFile, param, field)
        field_array = initialize_field(configFile, param)

    ### Generate array of surfaces and read in elements
    surf_array = initialize_surface(field_array, configFile, param)

    ### Fill surface class
    time_sort = 0.
    for i in range(len(surf_array)):
        time_sort += surf_array[i].fill_surface(param)

    ### Output setup summary
    param.N = 0
    param.Neq = 0
    for s in surf_array:
        N_aux = len(s.triangle)
        param.N += N_aux
        if s.surf_type in [
                'dirichlet_surface', 'neumann_surface', 'asc_surface'
            param.Neq += N_aux
            param.Neq += 2 * N_aux
    print('\nTotal elements : {}'.format(param.N))
    print('Total equations: {}'.format(param.Neq))

    results_dict['total_elements'] = param.N
    results_dict['N_equation'] = param.Neq

    results_dict = print_summary(surf_array, field_array, param, results_dict)

    ### Precomputation
    ind0 = IndexConstant()
    computeIndices(param.P, ind0)
    precomputeTerms(param.P, ind0)

    ### Load CUDA code
    if param.GPU == 1:
        kernel = kernels(param.BSZ, param.Nm, param.K_fine, param.P, precision)
        kernel = 1

    ### Generate interaction list
    print('Generate interaction list')
    tic = time.time()
    generateList(surf_array, field_array, param)
    toc = time.time()
    list_time = toc - tic

    ### Transfer data to GPU
    print('Transfer data to GPU')
    tic = time.time()
    if param.GPU == 1:
        dataTransfer(surf_array, field_array, ind0, param, kernel)
    toc = time.time()
    transfer_time = toc - tic

    phi_sol = numpy.loadtxt(args.phi_file)
    phi_vals = phi_sol[:len(surf_array[0].xi)]
    dphi_vals = phi_sol[len(surf_array[0].xi):2 * len(surf_array[0].xi)]

    dphir_x, dphir_y, dphir_z, AI = get_dphirdr_gpu(phi_vals, dphi_vals,
                                                    field_array[1], param,

    dphir = numpy.zeros((len(dphir_x), 3))
    dphir[:, 0] = dphir_x[:]
    dphir[:, 1] = dphir_y[:]
    dphir[:, 2] = dphir_z[:]

    #    numpy.savetxt(args.phi_file[:-7]+"dphir_capsid.txt",dphir)
    numpy.savetxt(args.phi_file[:-7] + "dphir.txt", dphir)