Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, var, *iaxes, **kwargs):
        from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
        # Get the axes to be squeezed
        if len(iaxes) == 1 and isinstance(iaxes[0], (list, tuple)):
            iaxes = iaxes[0]
        if len(iaxes) == 0:
            iaxes = [i for i, a in enumerate(var.axes) if len(a) == 1]

        # Only remove degenerate axes
        iaxes = [var.whichaxis(a) for a in iaxes]
        iaxes = [i for i in iaxes if len(var.axes[i]) == 1]

        # Slice the var along some axes (passed by keyword argument)?
        if len(kwargs) > 0:
            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                assert var.hasaxis(k), "unknown axis '%s'" % k
                a = var.whichaxis(k)
                if a not in iaxes: iaxes.append(a)
                assert isinstance(
                    v, (int, float)
                ), "expected a numerical value for keyword '%s' - received %s instead" % (
                    k, type(v))
            var = var(
                **kwargs)  # Do the slicing first, before doing this wrapper

        self.var = var

                     [a for i, a in enumerate(var.axes) if i not in iaxes],
        copy_meta(var, self)
Exemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self, var, axisdict={}, ignore_mismatch=False, newaxes=None, keep_old_name=True, **kwargs):
    from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
    from inspect import isclass
    axisdict = dict(axisdict, **kwargs)
    if newaxes is None:
      newaxes = list(var.axes)
      assert len(newaxes) == var.naxes, "wrong number of axes provided"

    for a,newa in axisdict.items():
      if not var.hasaxis(a) and ignore_mismatch: continue
      i = var.whichaxis(a)
      olda = var.axes[i]
      # Keep the old axis name?
      name = olda.name if keep_old_name else newa.name
      # Convert axis class to axis object, using the existing values?
      if isclass(newa):
        # Cram in any 'auxiliary' attributes, in case they're needed by the new class.
        # (Needed if, say, converting from StandardTime to ModelTime365)
        # Note: even if these attributes aren't pick up by the new init,
        # they'll get stored in the 'auxatts' field and stay there as benign,
        # unused values.  Ideally, if we knew ahead of time what attributes are
        # needed, we could pass only *those* attributes to the new class...
        newa = newa(olda.values, name=name, **olda.auxatts)
      # Use this new axis
      newaxes[i] = newa
    for a1, a2 in zip(newaxes, var.axes): assert len(a1) == len(a2)
    self.var = var
    Var.__init__(self, newaxes, dtype=var.dtype)
    copy_meta (var, self)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self,
     from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
     atts = atts.copy()
     plotatts = plotatts.copy()
     assert len(newaxes) == len(var.axes)
     for a1, a2 in zip(newaxes, var.axes):
         assert len(a1) == len(a2)
     self.var = var
     dtype = var.dtype
     if fillvalue is not None or scale is not None or offset is not None:
         dtype = 'float32'
     self.fillvalue = fillvalue
     self.scale = scale
     self.offset = offset
     Var.__init__(self, newaxes, dtype=dtype)
     copy_meta(var, self)
     self.atts = atts
     self.plotatts = plotatts
     if name is not None: self.name = name
Exemplo n.º 4
  def __init__ (self, var, slices):
  # {{{
    from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
    self.var = var
    copy_meta (var, self)

    #TODO: remove degenerate dimensions when slicing by integer values

    if not hasattr(slices,'__len__'): slices = [slices]
#    assert len(slices) == len(var.axes), "expected %i parameters, received %i."%(len(var.axes),len(slices))
    slices = list(slices)  # make a copy of the list

    # Append an implicit Ellipsis at the end (makes the logic a big simpler below)
#    if Ellipsis not in slices: slices.append(Ellipsis)
    if not any (sl is Ellipsis for sl in slices):

    # Handle Ellipsis argument
#    assert slices.count(Ellipsis) == 1, "can't handle more than one Ellipsis argument"
    ellipsis_index = [i for i,sl in enumerate(slices) if sl is Ellipsis]
    assert len(ellipsis_index) == 1, "can't handle more than one Ellipsis argument"

    num_missing = var.naxes - len(slices) + 1
    assert num_missing >= 0, "too many slices provided"
#    i = slices.index(Ellipsis)
    i = ellipsis_index.pop()
    slices = slices[:i] + [slice(None)]*num_missing + slices[i+1:]

    # Slice the output axes
    axes = [a.slice[s] for a,s in zip(var.axes,slices)]

    Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=var.dtype, atts=self.atts, plotatts=self.plotatts)        
Exemplo n.º 5
  def __init__ (self, var, slices):
  # {{{
    from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
    self.var = var
    copy_meta (var, self)

    #TODO: remove degenerate dimensions when slicing by integer values

    if not hasattr(slices,'__len__'): slices = [slices]
#    assert len(slices) == len(var.axes), "expected %i parameters, received %i."%(len(var.axes),len(slices))
    slices = list(slices)  # make a copy of the list

    # Append an implicit Ellipsis at the end (makes the logic a big simpler below)
#    if Ellipsis not in slices: slices.append(Ellipsis)
    if not any (sl is Ellipsis for sl in slices):

    # Handle Ellipsis argument
#    assert slices.count(Ellipsis) == 1, "can't handle more than one Ellipsis argument"
    ellipsis_index = [i for i,sl in enumerate(slices) if sl is Ellipsis]
    assert len(ellipsis_index) == 1, "can't handle more than one Ellipsis argument"

    num_missing = var.naxes - len(slices) + 1
    assert num_missing >= 0, "too many slices provided"
#    i = slices.index(Ellipsis)
    i = ellipsis_index.pop()
    slices = slices[:i] + [slice(None)]*num_missing + slices[i+1:]

    # Slice the output axes
    axes = [a.slice[s] for a,s in zip(var.axes,slices)]

    Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=var.dtype, atts=self.atts, plotatts=self.plotatts)
Exemplo n.º 6
  def __init__(self, var, axisdict={}, ignore_mismatch=False, newaxes=None, keep_old_name=True, **kwargs):
    from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
    from inspect import isclass
    axisdict = dict(axisdict, **kwargs)
    if newaxes is None:
      newaxes = list(var.axes)
      assert len(newaxes) == var.naxes, "wrong number of axes provided"

    for a,newa in axisdict.items():
      if not var.hasaxis(a) and ignore_mismatch: continue
      i = var.whichaxis(a)
      olda = var.axes[i]
      # Keep the old axis name?
      name = olda.name if keep_old_name else newa.name
      # Convert axis class to axis object, using the existing values?
      if isclass(newa):
        # Cram in any 'auxiliary' attributes, in case they're needed by the new class.
        # (Needed if, say, converting from StandardTime to ModelTime365)
        # Note: even if these attributes aren't pick up by the new init,
        # they'll get stored in the 'auxatts' field and stay there as benign,
        # unused values.  Ideally, if we knew ahead of time what attributes are
        # needed, we could pass only *those* attributes to the new class...
        newa = newa(olda.values, name=name, **olda.auxatts)
      # Use this new axis
      newaxes[i] = newa
    for a1, a2 in zip(newaxes, var.axes): assert len(a1) == len(a2)
    self.var = var
    Var.__init__(self, newaxes, dtype=var.dtype)
    copy_meta (var, self)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, var, pos, *newaxes):
   from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
   self.var = var
   self.pos = pos
   self.newaxes = newaxes
   axes = var.axes[:pos] + tuple(newaxes) + var.axes[pos:]
   Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=var.dtype)
   copy_meta (var, self)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, var, pos, *newaxes):
     from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
     self.var = var
     self.pos = pos
     self.newaxes = newaxes
     axes = var.axes[:pos] + tuple(newaxes) + var.axes[pos:]
     Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=var.dtype)
     copy_meta(var, self)
Exemplo n.º 9
def set_axistypes(dataset, dimtypes):
    # {{{
    from pygeode.axis import Axis
    from pygeode.var import copy_meta
    from types import FunctionType
    assert isinstance(dimtypes, dict)

    replacements = {}

    for oldaxis in dataset.axes:
        name = oldaxis.name
        if name not in dimtypes: continue
        dt = dimtypes[name]
        # Determine axis type
        if isinstance(dt, Axis):  # Axis instance
            if len(dt) != len(oldaxis):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Provided axis instance %s is the wrong length (expected length %d, got length %d)'
                    % (repr(dt), len(oldaxis), len(dt)))
            axis = dt
        elif hasattr(dt, '__bases__') and issubclass(dt, Axis):  # Axis class
            dimclass = dt
            axis = dimclass(values=oldaxis.values)
            # Copy the file metadata (but discard plot attributes from the old axis)
            # (See issue 22)
            copy_meta(oldaxis, axis, plotatts=False)
        elif hasattr(dt, '__len__'):
            if len(dt) != 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Got a list/tuple for dimtypes, but did not have 2 elements as expected (Axis class, parameters).  Instead, got %s.'
                    % dt)
            dimclass, dimargs = dt
            dimargs = dimargs.copy()
            assert issubclass(
                Axis), "expected an Axis subclass, got %s instead." % dimclass
            assert isinstance(dimargs, dict)
            if 'values' not in dimargs: dimargs['values'] = oldaxis.values
            axis = dimclass(**dimargs)
        # Axis-creating function?
        elif isinstance(dt, FunctionType):
            axis = dt(oldaxis)
            raise ValueError(
                'Unrecognized dimtypes parameter. Expected a dictionary, axis class, or axis instance.  Got %s instead.'
                % type(dt))

        assert len(axis) == len(
        ), "expected axis of length %s, ended up with axis of length %s" % (
            len(oldaxis), len(axis))
        replacements[name] = axis

    return dataset.replace_axes(axisdict=replacements)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, var, order):
        from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
        self.var = var
        outaxes = list(var.axes)

        for iaxis, o in order.items():
            reverse = {1: False, 0: None, -1: True}[o]
            outaxes[iaxis] = var.axes[iaxis].sorted(reverse=reverse)

        Var.__init__(self, outaxes, dtype=var.dtype)
        copy_meta(var, self)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, var, fill):
   from numpy import float32, float64
   from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
   self.var = var
   self._fill = fill
   # We need floating-point values to have a nan
   if var.dtype not in (float32, float64):
     dtype = float32
   else: dtype = var.dtype
   Var.__init__(self, var.axes, dtype)
   copy_meta (var, self)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, var, fill):
   from numpy import float32, float64
   from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
   self.var = var
   self._fill = fill
   # We need floating-point values to have a nan
   if var.dtype not in (float32, float64):
     dtype = float32
   else: dtype = var.dtype
   Var.__init__(self, var.axes, dtype)
   copy_meta (var, self)
Exemplo n.º 13
  def __init__(self, var, order):
    from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
    self.var = var
    outaxes = list(var.axes)

    for iaxis, o in order.items():
      reverse = {1:False, 0:None, -1:True}[o]
      outaxes[iaxis] = var.axes[iaxis].sorted(reverse=reverse)

    Var.__init__(self, outaxes, dtype=var.dtype)
    copy_meta (var, self)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, var, newaxes, name=None, fillvalue=None, scale=None, offset=None, atts={}, plotatts={}):
   from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta 
   atts = atts.copy()
   plotatts = plotatts.copy()
   assert len(newaxes) == len(var.axes)
   for a1, a2 in zip(newaxes, var.axes): assert len(a1) == len(a2)
   self.var = var
   dtype = var.dtype
   if fillvalue is not None or scale is not None or offset is not None: dtype = 'float32'
   self.fillvalue = fillvalue
   self.scale = scale
   self.offset = offset
   Var.__init__(self, newaxes, dtype=dtype)
   copy_meta(var, self)
   self.atts = atts
   self.plotatts = plotatts
   if name is not None: self.name = name
Exemplo n.º 15
def override_values (dataset, value_override):
# {{{
  from warnings import warn
  import numpy as np
  from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
  vardict = {}
  for name, values in value_override.items():
    if name not in dataset:
      warn ("var '%s' not found - values not overridden"%name, stacklevel=3)
    values = np.asarray(values)
    oldvar = dataset[name]
    assert values.shape == oldvar.shape, "bad shape for '%s'.  Expected %s, got %s"%(name,oldvar.shape,values.shape)
    var = Var(oldvar.axes, values=values)
    copy_meta (oldvar, var)
    vardict[name] = var
  dataset = dataset.replace_vars(vardict)
  return dataset
Exemplo n.º 16
  def __init__ (self, var, iaxis):
    from pygeode.var import copy_meta, Var

    # Get the time axis to split
    iaxis = var.whichaxis(iaxis)
    taxis = var.getaxis(iaxis)

    years, days = _splittime(taxis)

    # Construct the output axes
    axes = list(var.axes)
    axes = axes[:iaxis] + [years, days] + axes[iaxis+1:]


    Var.__init__(self, axes=axes, dtype=var.dtype)

    self.iaxis = iaxis
    self.var = var
Exemplo n.º 17
def override_values(dataset, value_override):
    # {{{
    from warnings import warn
    import numpy as np
    from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
    vardict = {}
    for name, values in value_override.items():
        if name not in dataset:
            warn("var '%s' not found - values not overridden" % name,
        values = np.asarray(values)
        oldvar = dataset[name]
        assert values.shape == oldvar.shape, "bad shape for '%s'.  Expected %s, got %s" % (
            name, oldvar.shape, values.shape)
        var = Var(oldvar.axes, values=values)
        copy_meta(oldvar, var)
        vardict[name] = var
    dataset = dataset.replace_vars(vardict)
    return dataset
Exemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, var, iaxis):
        # {{{
        from pygeode.var import copy_meta, Var

        # Get the time axis to split
        iaxis = var.whichaxis(iaxis)
        taxis = var.getaxis(iaxis)

        years, days = _splittime(taxis)

        # Construct the output axes
        axes = list(var.axes)
        axes = axes[:iaxis] + [years, days] + axes[iaxis + 1:]

        copy_meta(var, self)

        Var.__init__(self, axes=axes, dtype=var.dtype)

        self.iaxis = iaxis
        self.var = var
Exemplo n.º 19
def set_axistypes (dataset, dimtypes):
# {{{
  from pygeode.axis import Axis
  from pygeode.var import copy_meta
  from types import FunctionType
  assert isinstance(dimtypes, dict)

  replacements = {}

  for oldaxis in dataset.axes:
    name = oldaxis.name
    if name not in dimtypes: continue
    dt = dimtypes[name]
    # Determine axis type      
    if isinstance(dt, Axis):   # Axis instance
      if len(dt) != len(oldaxis):
        raise ValueError('Provided axis instance %s is the wrong length (expected length %d, got length %d)' % (repr(dt),len(oldaxis),len(dt)))
      axis = dt 
    elif hasattr(dt, '__bases__') and issubclass(dt, Axis): # Axis class
      dimclass = dt
      axis = dimclass(values=oldaxis.values)
      # Copy the file metadata (but discard plot attributes from the old axis)
      # (See issue 22)
      copy_meta (oldaxis, axis, plotatts=False)
    elif hasattr(dt, '__len__'):
      if len(dt) != 2: raise ValueError('Got a list/tuple for dimtypes, but did not have 2 elements as expected (Axis class, parameters).  Instead, got %s.'%dt)
      dimclass, dimargs = dt
      dimargs = dimargs.copy()
      assert issubclass (dimclass, Axis), "expected an Axis subclass, got %s instead."%dimclass
      assert isinstance (dimargs, dict)
      if 'values' not in dimargs:  dimargs['values'] = oldaxis.values
      axis = dimclass(**dimargs)
    # Axis-creating function?
    elif isinstance (dt, FunctionType):
      axis = dt(oldaxis)
    else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized dimtypes parameter. Expected a dictionary, axis class, or axis instance.  Got %s instead.'%type(dt))

    assert len(axis) == len(oldaxis), "expected axis of length %s, ended up with axis of length %s"%(len(oldaxis),len(axis))
    replacements[name] = axis

  return dataset.replace_axes(axisdict=replacements)
Exemplo n.º 20
  def __init__(self, var):
  # {{{
    from pygeode.var import copy_meta
    import numpy as np
    self.var = var

    # At present data is packed into short integers following the packing
    # algorithm described in the NetCDF Operator documentation
    dtype = np.int16

    min = var.nanmin()
    max = var.nanmax()
    self.scale = (max - min) / (2**16 - 2.)
    self.offset = 0.5 * (min + max)

    Var.__init__(self, var.axes, dtype=dtype)

    copy_meta(var, self)
    self.atts['packing_convention'] = 'NetCDF (16 bit)'
    self.atts['scale_factor'] = self.scale
    self.atts['add_offset'] = self.offset
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, var):
        # {{{
        from pygeode.var import copy_meta
        import numpy as np
        self.var = var

        # At present data is packed into short integers following the packing
        # algorithm described in the NetCDF Operator documentation
        dtype = np.int16

        min = var.nanmin()
        max = var.nanmax()
        self.scale = (max - min) / (2**16 - 2.)
        self.offset = 0.5 * (min + max)

        Var.__init__(self, var.axes, dtype=dtype)

        copy_meta(var, self)
        self.atts['packing_convention'] = 'NetCDF (16 bit)'
        self.atts['scale_factor'] = self.scale
        self.atts['add_offset'] = self.offset
Exemplo n.º 22
def dims2axes (dataset):
# {{{
  from pygeode.axis import NamedAxis
  from pygeode.var import copy_meta
  # Loop over current set of generic "dimensions"  
  replacements = {}
  for i,dim in enumerate(dataset.axes):
    # Do we have a Var with this name?
#    if dim.name in dataset:
    if any (var.name == dim.name for var in dataset.vars):
      # Get the var
      var = dataset[dim.name]
      if var.naxes != 1: continue  # abort if we have > 1 dimension
      # Turn it into a proper axis
      axis = NamedAxis (name=var.name, values=var.get())  # need the values pre-loaded for axes
      copy_meta (var, axis)
      replacements[dim.name] = axis
  dataset = dataset.replace_axes(axisdict=replacements)
  # Remove the axes from the list of variables
  dataset = dataset.remove(*list(replacements.keys()))
  return dataset
Exemplo n.º 23
  def __init__(self,x,units='days',minfreq=None,maxfreq=None,nsamples=100):
    from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
    from pygeode.timeaxis import Time
    from pygeode.axis import Freq
    import numpy as np
    from math import log, exp, ceil
    assert x.hasaxis(Time), "no time axis found!"
    assert not x.hasaxis(Freq), "%s already has a frequency axis?"%repr(x)
    self.x = x
    self.taxis = taxis = x.getaxis(Time)
    self.T = T = len(taxis)

    self.dt = dt = taxis.delta(units)

    if minfreq is None: minfreq = 1./(T*dt)
    if maxfreq is None: maxfreq = 1./(2*dt)

    F1 = int(round(minfreq*T*dt))
    F2 = int(round(maxfreq*T*dt))
    assert nsamples > 1
    stride = (F2-F1) / (nsamples-1)
    if stride == 0: stride = 1
    F = np.arange(F2, F1-1, -stride)[::-1]

    if 0 in F:
      from pygeode.progress import PBar
      print 'Calculating mean'
      # constant s-transform value for n = 0
      self.const = x.mean(Time).get(pbar=True)
    f = F / (T * dt)
    self.faxis = faxis = Freq(f, units)

    axes = list(x.axes)
    ti = x.whichaxis(Time)
    # Move time axis to the end, and include frequency axis
    axes = axes[:ti] + axes[ti+1:] + [faxis] + [taxis]
    Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=complex)
    copy_meta(x, self)
    self.name = 'Strans('+(x.name or '??')+')'
Exemplo n.º 24
def make_subgrid (var):
  import numpy as np
  from pygeode.axis import NamedAxis, YAxis
  from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
  # Skip variables with no grid coordinates.
  if not var.hasaxis('y'): return var
  y_ind = var.whichaxis('y')
  nsubgrids = len(np.where(var.y.values[:-1] > var.y.values[1:])[0]) + 1
  subgrid = NamedAxis(range(nsubgrids), name='subgrid')
  yaxis = YAxis (var.y.values[:len(var.y)/nsubgrids], name=var.y.name)
  if isinstance(var, FSTD_Var):
    # Tweak the data_funcs to reshape the field.
    # Use nk to hold the subgrids.
    nk = nsubgrids
    nj = len(yaxis)
    ni = len(var.x)
    data_funcs = var.data_funcs.flatten()
    data_funcs = [lambda shape=(nk,nj,ni), f=df: f().reshape(shape) for df in data_funcs]
    data_funcs = np.array(data_funcs,dtype='O')
    var.data_funcs = data_funcs.reshape(var.data_funcs.shape)
    axes = list(var.axes)
    axes[var.whichaxis('k')] = subgrid
    axes[var.whichaxis('y')] = yaxis
    var.axes = tuple(axes)
    var.naxes = len(axes)
    var.shape = tuple(map(len,axes))
    var.size = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, var.shape, 1)
    return var
  # Handled pre-loaded fields
  if hasattr(var,'values'):
    shape = var.values.shape
    shape = shape[:y_ind] + (nsubgrids,-1) + shape[y_ind+1:]
    values = var.values.reshape(shape)
    axes = var.axes[:y_ind] + (subgrid,yaxis) + var.axes[y_ind+1:]
    newvar = Var(axes,values=values)
    return newvar
  # Skip derived fields
  print 'warning: unhandled case for %s'%var.name
  return var
Exemplo n.º 25
  def __init__(self,x,units='days',minfreq=None,maxfreq=None,nsamples=100):
    from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
    from pygeode.timeaxis import Time
    from pygeode.axis import Freq
    import numpy as np
    from math import log, exp, ceil
    assert x.hasaxis(Time), "no time axis found!"
    assert not x.hasaxis(Freq), "%s already has a frequency axis?"%repr(x)
    self.x = x
    self.taxis = taxis = x.getaxis(Time)
    self.T = T = len(taxis)

    self.dt = dt = taxis.delta(units)

    if minfreq is None: minfreq = 1./(T*dt)
    if maxfreq is None: maxfreq = 1./(2*dt)

    F1 = int(round(minfreq*T*dt))
    F2 = int(round(maxfreq*T*dt))
    assert nsamples > 1
    stride = (F2-F1) // (nsamples-1)
    if stride == 0: stride = 1
    F = np.arange(F2, F1-1, -stride)[::-1]

    if 0 in F:
      from pygeode.progress import PBar
      print('Calculating mean')
      # constant s-transform value for n = 0
      self.const = x.mean(Time).get(pbar=True)
    f = F / (T * dt)
    self.faxis = faxis = Freq(f, units)

    axes = list(x.axes)
    ti = x.whichaxis(Time)
    # Move time axis to the end, and include frequency axis
    axes = axes[:ti] + axes[ti+1:] + [faxis] + [taxis]
    Var.__init__(self, axes, dtype=complex)
    copy_meta(x, self)
    self.name = 'Strans('+(x.name or '??')+')'
Exemplo n.º 26
  def __init__ (self, var, *iaxes, **kwargs):
    from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
    # Get the axes to be squeezed
    if len(iaxes) == 1 and isinstance(iaxes[0],(list,tuple)): iaxes = iaxes[0]
    if len(iaxes) == 0: iaxes = [i for i,a in enumerate(var.axes) if len(a) == 1]

    # Only remove degenerate axes
    iaxes = [var.whichaxis(a) for a in iaxes]
    iaxes = [i for i in iaxes if len(var.axes[i]) == 1]

    # Slice the var along some axes (passed by keyword argument)?
    if len(kwargs) > 0:
      for k,v in kwargs.items():
        assert var.hasaxis(k), "unknown axis '%s'"%k
        a = var.whichaxis(k)
        if a not in iaxes: iaxes.append(a)
        assert isinstance(v,(int,float)), "expected a numerical value for keyword '%s' - received %s instead"%(k,type(v))
      var = var(**kwargs)  # Do the slicing first, before doing this wrapper

    self.var = var

    Var.__init__(self,[a for i,a in enumerate(var.axes) if i not in iaxes], var.dtype)
    copy_meta (var, self)
Exemplo n.º 27
  def __init__(self, var, yaxis, daxis):
    from pygeode.var import copy_meta, Var

    yaxis = var.whichaxis(yaxis)
    daxis = var.whichaxis(daxis)
    assert (yaxis < daxis)  # need a certain order

    years = var.getaxis(yaxis)
    days = var.getaxis(daxis)

    # Generate the joined axis
    taxis = _jointime(years, days)

    axes = list(var.axes)
    axes = axes[:daxis] + axes[daxis+1:]
    axes[yaxis] = taxis

    Var.__init__(self, axes=axes, dtype=var.dtype)

    self.yaxis = yaxis
    self.daxis = daxis
    self.var = var
Exemplo n.º 28
def dims2axes(dataset):
    # {{{
    from pygeode.axis import NamedAxis
    from pygeode.var import copy_meta
    # Loop over current set of generic "dimensions"
    replacements = {}
    for i, dim in enumerate(dataset.axes):
        # Do we have a Var with this name?
        #    if dim.name in dataset:
        if any(var.name == dim.name for var in dataset.vars):
            # Get the var
            var = dataset[dim.name]
            if var.naxes != 1: continue  # abort if we have > 1 dimension
            # Turn it into a proper axis
            axis = NamedAxis(
                values=var.get())  # need the values pre-loaded for axes
            copy_meta(var, axis)
            replacements[dim.name] = axis
    dataset = dataset.replace_axes(axisdict=replacements)
    # Remove the axes from the list of variables
    dataset = dataset.remove(*list(replacements.keys()))
    return dataset
Exemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(self, var, yaxis, daxis):
        # {{{
        from pygeode.var import copy_meta, Var

        yaxis = var.whichaxis(yaxis)
        daxis = var.whichaxis(daxis)
        assert (yaxis < daxis)  # need a certain order

        years = var.getaxis(yaxis)
        days = var.getaxis(daxis)

        # Generate the joined axis
        taxis = _jointime(years, days)

        axes = list(var.axes)
        axes = axes[:daxis] + axes[daxis + 1:]
        axes[yaxis] = taxis

        Var.__init__(self, axes=axes, dtype=var.dtype)
        copy_meta(var, self)

        self.yaxis = yaxis
        self.daxis = daxis
        self.var = var
Exemplo n.º 30
 def __init__(self, var, dtype):
   from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
   self.var = var
   Var.__init__(self, var.axes, dtype)
   copy_meta (var, self)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def __init__(self, var, alist):
     from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
     self.var = var
     Var.__init__(self, [var.axes[a] for a in alist], dtype=var.dtype)
     copy_meta(var, self)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def __init__(self, var, fill):
   from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
   self.var = var
   self._fill = fill
   Var.__init__(self, var.axes, var.dtype)
   copy_meta(var, self)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def __init__(self, var, fill):
     from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
     self.var = var
     self._fill = fill
     Var.__init__(self, var.axes, var.dtype)
     copy_meta(var, self)
Exemplo n.º 34
 def __init__(self, var, dtype):
     from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
     self.var = var
     Var.__init__(self, var.axes, dtype)
     copy_meta(var, self)
Exemplo n.º 35
 def __init__(self, var, alist):
   from pygeode.var import Var, copy_meta
   self.var = var
   Var.__init__(self, [var.axes[a] for a in alist], dtype=var.dtype)
   copy_meta(var, self)