Exemplo n.º 1
def _rsT(T):
    '''(INTERNAL) Helper for C{_RD}, C{_RF} and C{_RJ}.
    s = map2(sqrt, T[1:])
    r = fdot(s[:3], s[1], s[2], s[0])
    T = tuple((t + r) * 0.25 for t in T)
    return r, s, T
Exemplo n.º 2
 def sizes(self):
     '''Get the lat- and longitudinal size of this cell as
        a L{LatLon2Tuple}C{(lat, lon)} with the latitudinal
        height and longitudinal width in (C{meter}).
     n = min(len(_Sizes) - 1, self.precision or 1)
     return LatLon2Tuple(*map2(float, _Sizes[n][:2]))  # XXX Height, Width
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, knots, weight=None, name=NN):
        '''New L{HeightLSQBiSpline} interpolator.

           @arg knots: The points with known height (C{LatLon}s).
           @kwarg weight: Optional weight or weights for each B{C{knot}}
                          (C{scalar} or C{scalar}s).
           @kwarg name: Optional name for this height interpolator (C{str}).

           @raise HeightError: Insufficient number of B{C{knots}} or
                               an invalid B{C{knot}} or B{C{weight}}.

           @raise LenError: Number of B{C{knots}} and B{C{weight}}s
                            don't match.

           @raise ImportError: Package C{numpy} or C{scipy} not found
                               or not installed.

           @raise SciPyError: A C{LSQSphereBivariateSpline} issue.

           @raise SciPyWarning: A C{LSQSphereBivariateSpline} warning
                                as exception.
        np, spi = self._NumSciPy()

        xs, ys, hs = self._xyhs3(knots)
        n = len(hs)

        w = weight
        if isscalar(w):
            w = float(w)
            if w <= 0:
                raise HeightError(weight=w)
            w = [w] * n
        elif w is not None:
            m, w = len2(w)
            if m != n:
                raise LenError(HeightLSQBiSpline, weight=m, knots=n)
            w = map2(float, w)
            m = min(w)
            if m <= 0:
                raise HeightError(_item_sq(weight=w.find(m)), m)
            T = 1.0e-4  # like SciPy example
            ps = np.array(_ordedup(xs, T, PI2 - T))
            ts = np.array(_ordedup(ys, T, PI - T))
            self._ev = spi.LSQSphereBivariateSpline(ys,
        except Exception as x:
            raise _SciPyIssue(x)

        if name:
            self.name = name
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _DDDMMSS_(strDDDMMSS, suffix, sep, clip):
        S = suffix.upper()
        if isstr(strDDDMMSS):
            t = strDDDMMSS.strip()
            if sep:
                t = t.replace(sep, NN).strip()

            s = t[:1]  # sign or digit
            P = t[-1:]  # compass point, digit or dot

            t = t.lstrip(_PLUSMINUS_).rstrip(S).strip()
            f = t.split(_DOT_)
            d = len(f[0])
            f = NN.join(f)
            if 1 < d < 8 and f.isdigit() and (
                (P in S and s.isdigit()) or
                (P.isdigit() and s in '-0123456789+'  # PYCHOK indent
                 and S in ((_NS_, _EW_) + _WINDS))):
                # check [D]DDMMSS form and compass point
                X = _EW_ if (d & 1) else _NS_
                if not (P in X or (S in X and (P.isdigit() or P == _DOT_))):
                    t = 'DDDMMSS'[d & 1 ^ 1:d | 1], X[:1], X[1:]
                    raise ParseError('form %s applies %s-%s' % t)
                f = 0  # fraction
            else:  # try other forms
                return _DMS2deg(strDDDMMSS, S, sep, clip)

        else:  # float or int to [D]DDMMSS[.fff]
            f = float(strDDDMMSS)
            s = _MINUS_ if f < 0 else NN
            P = _0_  # anything except _SW_
            f, i = modf(abs(f))
            t = Fmt.f(i, prec=0)  # str(i) == 'i.0'
            d = len(t)
            # bump number of digits to match
            # the given, valid compass point
            if S in (_NS_ if (d & 1) else _EW_):
                t = _0_ + t
                d += 1
            #   P = S
            # elif d > 1:
            #   P = (_EW_ if (d & 1) else _NS_)[0]

        if d < 4:  # [D]DD[.ddd]
            if f:
                t = float(t) + f
            t = t, 0, 0
            f += float(t[d - 2:])
            if d < 6:  # [D]DDMM[.mmm]
                t = t[:d - 2], f, 0
            else:  # [D]DDMMSS[.sss]
                t = t[:d - 4], t[d - 4:d - 2], f
        d = _dms2deg(s, P, *map2(float, t))

        return clipDegrees(d, float(clip)) if clip else d
Exemplo n.º 5
def _DMS2deg(strDMS, suffix, sep, clip):
    '''(INTERNAL) Helper for C{parseDDDMMSS} and C{parseDMS}.
        d = float(strDMS)

    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        strDMS = strDMS.strip()

        t = strDMS.lstrip(_PLUSMINUS_).rstrip(suffix.upper()).strip()
        if sep:
            t = t.replace(sep, _SPACE_)
            for s in _S_ALL:
                t = t.replace(s, NN)
            for s in _S_ALL:
                t = t.replace(s, _SPACE_)
        t = map2(float, t.strip().split()) + (0, 0)
        d = _dms2deg(strDMS[:1], strDMS[-1:], *t[:3])

    return clipDegrees(d, float(clip)) if clip else d
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, AB, x, y):
        '''(INTERNAL) New Alpha or Beta Krüger series

           @arg AB: Krüger Alpha or Beta series coefficients
                      (C{4-, 6- or 8-tuple}).
           @arg x: Eta angle (C{radians}).
           @arg y: Ksi angle (C{radians}).
        n, j2 = len2(range(2, len(AB) * 2 + 1, 2))

        self._ab = AB
        self._pq = map2(mul, j2, self._ab)
#       assert len(self._ab) == len(self._pq) == n

        x2 = map2(mul, j2, (x,) * n)
        self._chx = map2(cosh, x2)
        self._shx = map2(sinh, x2)
#       assert len(x2) == len(self._chx) == len(self._shx) == n

        y2 = map2(mul, j2, (y,) * n)
        self._cy = map2(cos, y2)
        self._sy = map2(sin, y2)
Exemplo n.º 7
def encode(lat, lon, precision=None):
    '''Encode a lat-/longitude as a C{geohash}, either to the specified
       precision or if not provided, to an automatically evaluated

       @arg lat: Latitude (C{degrees}).
       @arg lon: Longitude (C{degrees}).
       @kwarg precision: Optional, the desired geohash length (C{int}

       @return: The C{geohash} (C{str}).

       @raise GeohashError: Invalid B{C{lat}}, B{C{lon}} or B{C{precision}}.


       >>> geohash.encode(52.205, 0.119,   7)  # 'u120fxw'
       >>> geohash.encode(52.205, 0.119,  12)  # 'u120fxwshvkg'
       >>> geohash.encode(52.205, 0.1188, 12)  # 'u120fxws0jre'
       >>> geohash.encode(52.205, 0.1188)      # 'u120fxw'
       >>> geohash.encode(     0, 0)           # 's00000000000'
    lat, lon = _2fll(lat, lon)

    if precision is None:
        # Infer precision by refining geohash until
        # it matches precision of supplied lat/lon.
        for p in range(1, _MaxPrec + 1):
            gh = encode(lat, lon, p)
            ll = map2(float, decode(gh))
            if abs(lat - ll[0]) < EPS and \
               abs(lon - ll[1]) < EPS:
                return gh
        p = _MaxPrec
        p = Precision_(precision, Error=GeohashError, low=1, high=_MaxPrec)

    s, w, n, e = _Bounds4

    b = i = 0
    d, gh = True, []

    while len(gh) < p:
        i += i
        if d:  # bisect longitude
            m = favg(e, w)
            if lon < m:
                e = m
                w = m
                i += 1
        else:  # bisect latitude
            m = favg(n, s)
            if lat < m:
                n = m
                s = m
                i += 1
        d = not d

        b += 1
        if b == 5:
            # 5 bits gives a character:
            # append it and start over
            b = i = 0

    return ''.join(gh)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def ab(self):
     '''Get the lat- and longitude of (the approximate center of)
        this geohash as a 2-tuple (lat, lon) in C{radians}.
     return map2(radians, self.latlon)