Exemplo n.º 1
def _notError(inst, name, args, kwds):  # PYCHOK no cover
    '''(INTERNAL) Format an error message.
    n = _DOT_(classname(inst, prefixed=True), _dunder_name(name, name))
    m = _COMMASPACE_.join(
        modulename(c, prefixed=True) for c in inst.__class__.__mro__[1:-1])
    return _COMMASPACE_(unstr(n, *args, **kwds), Fmt.PAREN(_MRO_, m))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _all(globalocals):
        from pygeodesy.interns import NN as _NN, _attribute_, _COMMASPACE_, \
                                     _DOT_, _module_, _s_  # PYCHOK expected
        from pygeodesy.streprs import Fmt as _Fmt  # PYCHOK expected
        # collect all public module and attribute names and check
        # that modules are imported from this package, 'pygeodesy'
        # (but the latter only when not bundled with PyInstaller or
        # Py2Exe, since the file-layout is different.  Courtesy of
        # GilderGeek<https://GitHub.com/mrJean1/PyGeodesy/issues/31>)
        ns = list(lazily._ALL_INIT)
        # XXX   ps = () if _isfrozen else set([_pygeodesy_] + __name__.split(_DOT_))
        for mod, attrs in lazily._ALL_LAZY.enums():
            if mod not in globalocals:
                t = _DOT_(_pygeodesy_, mod)
                raise ImportError('missing %s%s: %s' % (_module_, _NN, t))
            # check that all other public attributes do exist
            if attrs and isinstance(attrs, tuple):
                t = tuple(a for a in attrs if a not in globalocals)
                if t:
                    s = _Fmt.SQUARE(_s_, len(t)) if len(t) > 1 else _NN
                    t = _COMMASPACE_.join(
                        _DOT_(_pygeodesy_, mod, a) for a in t)
                    raise ImportError('missing %s%s: %s' % (_attribute_, s, t))
# XXX       if ps:  # check that mod is a _pygeodesy_ module
# XXX           m = globalocals[mod]  # assert(m.__name__ == mod)
# XXX           f = getattr(m, '__file__', _NN)
# XXX           d = dirname(abspath(f)) if f else pygeodesy_abspath
# XXX           p = getattr(m, '__package__', _NN) or _pygeodesy_
# XXX           if p not in ps or d != pygeodesy_abspath:
# XXX               raise ImportError('foreign module: %s from %r' % (_DOT_(p, mod), f or p))
        return tuple(set(ns))  # remove duplicates
Exemplo n.º 3
def _xkwds_Error(_xkwds_func, kwds, name_txt, txt='default'):
    # Helper for _xkwds_get and _xkwds_pop below
    from pygeodesy.streprs import Fmt, pairs
    f = _COMMASPACE_.join(pairs(kwds) + pairs(name_txt))
    f = Fmt.PAREN(_xkwds_func.__name__, f)
    t = _multiple_ if name_txt else _no_
    t = _SPACE_(t, _EQUAL_(_name_, txt), 'kwargs')
    return _AssertionError(f, txt=t)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _fstrLL0(inst, prec, toRepr):  # in .azimuthal, .css
    # (INTERNAL) For C{_AzimuthalBase.} and C{CassiniSoldner.} C{toStr} and C{toRepr}.
    t = tuple(_streprs(prec, inst.latlon0, Fmt.F, False, True, None))
    if toRepr:
        n = inst.name
        if n:
            t += Fmt.EQUAL(_name_, repr(n)),
        t = Fmt.PAREN(inst.classname, _COMMASPACE_.join(t))
    return t
Exemplo n.º 5
    def attrs(self, *names, **kwds):
        '''Join attributes as C{name=value} pairs.

           @arg names: The attribute names (C{str}s).
           @kwarg kwds: Keyword argument for function L{attrs}.

           @return: All C{name=value} pairs joined (C{str}).
        return _COMMASPACE_.join(attrs(self, *names, **kwds))
Exemplo n.º 6
def _or(*words):
    '''(INTERNAL) Join C{words} with C{", "} and C{" or "}.
    t, w = NN, list(words)
    if w:
        t = w.pop()
        if w:
            w = _COMMASPACE_.join(w)
            t = _SPACE_(w, _or_, t)
    return t
Exemplo n.º 7
def unstr(name, *args, **kwds):
    '''Return the string representation of an invokation.

       @arg name: Function, method or class name (C{str}).
       @arg args: Optional positional arguments.
       @kwarg kwds: Optional keyword arguments.

       @return: Representation (C{str}).
    t = reprs(args, fmt=Fmt.g) + pairs(sorted(kwds.items()))
    return Fmt.PAREN(name, _COMMASPACE_.join(t))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _instr(self, prec, *attrs, **kwds):
     '''(INTERNAL) Format, used by C{Conic}, C{Ellipsoid}, C{Transform}.
     t = Fmt.EQUAL(_name_, repr(self.name)),
     if attrs:
         t += pairs(((a, getattr(self, a)) for a in attrs),
     if kwds:
         t += pairs(kwds, prec=prec)
     return _COMMASPACE_.join(t)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def toStr(self, **unused):  # PYCHOK expected
        '''Return this reference frame as a text string.

           @return: This L{RefFrame}'s attributes (C{str}).
        e = self.ellipsoid
        t = (Fmt.EQUAL(_name_,
                       repr(self.name)), Fmt.EQUAL(_epoch_, self.epoch),
             Fmt.PAREN(Fmt.EQUAL(_ellipsoid_, classname(e)),
                       Fmt.EQUAL(_name_, repr(e.name))))
        return _COMMASPACE_.join(t)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def toStr(self, **kwds):
        '''Return a C{str} representation.

           @arg kwds: Optional, overriding keyword arguments.
        d = dict(name=self.name) if self.name else {}
        d = dict(datum=self.datum.name,
        return _COMMASPACE_.join(pairs(d, **kwds))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, where, **lens_txt):  # txt=None
        '''New L{LenError}.

           @arg where: Object with C{.__name__} attribute
                       (C{class}, C{method}, or C{function}).
           @kwarg lens_txt: Two or more C{name=len(name)} pairs
                            (C{keyword arguments}).
        from pygeodesy.streprs import Fmt as _Fmt
        x = _xkwds_pop(lens_txt, txt=_invalid_)
        ns, vs = zip(*sorted(lens_txt.items()))
        ns = _COMMASPACE_.join(ns)
        vs = ' vs '.join(map(str, vs))
        t = _SPACE_(_Fmt.PAREN(where.__name__, ns), _len_, vs)
        _ValueError.__init__(self, t, txt=x)
Exemplo n.º 12
def _all_missing2(_all_):
    '''(INTERNAL) Get diffs between pygeodesy.__all__ and lazily._all_imports.
    _alzy = _all_imports(**_NamedEnum_RO((a, ()) for a in _ALL_INIT))
    return ((_DOT_('lazily', _all_imports.__name__), _COMMASPACE_.join(a for a in _all_ if a not in _alzy)),
            (_DOT_('pygeodesy', _a_l_l_),            _COMMASPACE_.join(a for a in _alzy if a not in _all_)))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def toStr(self, prec=6, fmt=Fmt.F):  # PYCHOK _Named
     '''Like C{str(dict)} but with C{floats} formatting by C{fstr}.
     t = pairs(self.items(), prec=prec, fmt=fmt, sep=_COLONSPACE_)
     return Fmt.CURLY(_COMMASPACE_.join(sorted(t)))
Exemplo n.º 14
 def toRepr(self, prec=6, fmt=Fmt.F):  # PYCHOK _Named
     '''Like C{repr(dict)} but with C{name} and  C{floats} formatting by C{fstr}.
     t = pairs(self.items(), prec=prec, fmt=fmt, sep=_EQUAL_)
     return Fmt.PAREN(self.name, _COMMASPACE_.join(sorted(t)))
Exemplo n.º 15
        import geographiclib
    except ImportError:
        import numpy
    except ImportError:
        import scipy
    except ImportError:
    x = os_path.basename(pygeodesy_abspath)
    print('%s%s (%s)' % (x, _COMMASPACE_.join(p), _COMMASPACE_.join(v)))

except ImportError:
    m = os_path.dirname(__file__).replace(os.getcwd(), _DOT_).strip()
    if len(m.split()) > 1:
        m = Fmt.QUOTE2(m)
    v = sys.version_info[0]
    if v < 3:
        v = NN
    print('usage: python%s -m %s' % (v, m))

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