Exemplo n.º 1
    def __new__(cls, cll, precision=3, name=NN):
        '''New L{Georef} from an other L{Georef} instance or georef
           C{str} or from a C{LatLon} instance or lat-/longitude C{str}.

           @arg cll: Cell or location (L{Georef} or C{str}, C{LatLon}
                     or C{str}).
           @kwarg precision: Optional, the desired georef resolution
                             and length (C{int} 0..11), see function
                             L{wgrs.encode} for more details.
           @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).

           @return: New L{Georef}.

           @raise RangeError: Invalid B{C{cll}} lat- or longitude.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{cll}}.

           @raise WGRSError: INValid or non-alphanumeric B{C{cll}}.
        h = None

        if isinstance(cll, Georef):
            g, p = _2geostr2(str(cll))
            self = Str.__new__(cls, g)
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(*cll._latlon)
            self._precision = p  # cll._precision
            if cll._name:
                self._name = cll._name

        elif isstr(cll):
            if ',' in cll:
                lat, lon, h = _2fllh(*parse3llh(cll, height=None))
                g = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision,
                           height=h)  # PYCHOK false
                self = Str.__new__(cls, g)
                self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)
                self = Str.__new__(cls, cll.upper())

        else:  # assume LatLon
                lat, lon, h = _2fllh(cll.lat, cll.lon)
                h = getattr(cll, _height_, h)
            except AttributeError:
                raise _xStrError(Georef, cll=cll)  # Error=WGRSError
            g = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision, height=h)  # PYCHOK false
            self = Str.__new__(cls, g)
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)

        if h not in (None, MISSING):
            self._height = Height(h)
        if self._precision is None:
            self._precision = _2Precision(precision)

        if name:
            self.name = name
        return self
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __new__(cls, cll, precision=1, name=NN):
        '''New L{Garef} from an other L{Garef} instance or garef
           C{str} or from a C{LatLon} instance or lat-/longitude C{str}.

           @arg cll: Cell or location (L{Garef} or C{str}, C{LatLon}
                     or C{str}).
           @kwarg precision: Optional, the desired garef resolution
                             and length (C{int} 0..2), see function
                             L{gars.encode} for more details.
           @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).

           @return: New L{Garef}.

           @raise RangeError: Invalid B{C{cll}} lat- or longitude.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{cll}}.

           @raise GARSError: INValid or non-alphanumeric B{C{cll}}.
        if isinstance(cll, Garef):
            g, p = _2garstr2(str(cll))
            self = Str.__new__(cls, g)
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(*cll._latlon)
            self._name = cll._name
            self._precision = p  # cll._precision

        elif isstr(cll):
            if ',' in cll:
                lat, lon = _2fll(*parse3llh(cll))
                cll = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision)  # PYCHOK false
                self = Str.__new__(cls, cll)
                self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)
                self = Str.__new__(cls, cll.upper())

        else:  # assume LatLon
                lat, lon = _2fll(cll.lat, cll.lon)
            except AttributeError:
                raise _xStrError(Garef, cll=cll)  # Error=GARSError
            cll = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision)  # PYCHOK false
            self = Str.__new__(cls, cll)
            self._latlon = LatLon2Tuple(lat, lon)

        if self._precision is None:
            self._precision = _2Precision(precision)

        if name:
            self.name = name
        return self
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __new__(cls, cll, precision=None, name=NN):
        '''New L{Geohash} from an other L{Geohash} instance or C{str}
           or from a C{LatLon} instance or C{str}.

           @arg cll: Cell or location (L{Geohash} or C{str}, C{LatLon}
                     or C{str}).
           @kwarg precision: Optional, the desired geohash length (C{int}
                             1..12), see function L{geohash.encode} for
                             some examples.
           @kwarg name: Optional name (C{str}).

           @return: New L{Geohash}.

           @raise TypeError: Invalid B{C{cll}}.

           @raise GeohashError: INValid or non-alphanumeric B{C{cll}}.
        if isinstance(cll, Geohash):
            gh = _2geostr(str(cll))
            self = Str.__new__(cls, gh)

        elif isstr(cll):
            if ',' in cll:
                lat, lon = _2fll(*parse3llh(cll))
                gh = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision)
                self = Str.__new__(cls, gh)
                self._latlon = lat, lon
                gh = _2geostr(cll)
                self = Str.__new__(cls, gh)

        else:  # assume LatLon
                lat, lon = _2fll(cll.lat, cll.lon)
            except AttributeError:
                raise _xStrError(Geohash, cll=cll)  # Error=GeohashError
            gh = encode(lat, lon, precision=precision)
            self = Str.__new__(cls, gh)
            self._latlon = lat, lon

        if name:
            self.name = name
        return self