Exemplo n.º 1
def velocity_matrix(ra: MatrixVector,
                    rb: MatrixVector,
                    rc: MatrixVector,
                    betm: float = 1.0,
                    tol: float = 1e-12):

    if ra.shape != rb.shape:
        return ValueError()

    numi = rc.shape[0]
    numj = ra.shape[1]

    ra = ra.repeat(numi, axis=0)
    rb = rb.repeat(numi, axis=0)
    rc = rc.repeat(numj, axis=1)

    a = rc - ra
    b = rc - rb

    a.x = a.x / betm
    b.x = b.x / betm

    am = a.return_magnitude()
    bm = b.return_magnitude()

    # Velocity from Bound Vortex
    adb = elementwise_dot_product(a, b)
    abm = multiply(am, bm)
    dm = multiply(abm, abm + adb)
    axb = elementwise_cross_product(a, b)
    axbm = axb.return_magnitude()
    chki = (axbm == 0.0)
    chki = logical_and(axbm >= -tol, axbm <= tol)
    veli = elementwise_multiply(axb, divide(am + bm, dm))
    veli.x[chki] = 0.0
    veli.y[chki] = 0.0
    veli.z[chki] = 0.0

    # Velocity from Trailing Vortex A
    axx = MatrixVector(zeros(a.shape, dtype=float), a.z, -a.y)
    axxm = axx.return_magnitude()
    chka = (axxm == 0.0)
    vela = elementwise_divide(axx, multiply(am, am - a.x))
    vela.x[chka] = 0.0
    vela.y[chka] = 0.0
    vela.z[chka] = 0.0

    # Velocity from Trailing Vortex B
    bxx = MatrixVector(zeros(b.shape, dtype=float), b.z, -b.y)
    bxxm = bxx.return_magnitude()
    chkb = (bxxm == 0.0)
    velb = elementwise_divide(bxx, multiply(bm, bm - b.x))
    velb.x[chkb] = 0.0
    velb.y[chkb] = 0.0
    velb.z[chkb] = 0.0

    return veli, vela, velb
Exemplo n.º 2
def vel_doublet_matrix(av, am, bv, bm):
    adb = elementwise_dot_product(av, bv)
    abm = multiply(am, bm)
    dm = multiply(abm, abm + adb)
    axb = elementwise_cross_product(av, bv)
    axbm = axb.return_magnitude()
    chki = (axbm == 0.0)
    chki = logical_and(axbm >= -tol, axbm <= tol)
    velvl = elementwise_multiply(axb, divide(am + bm, dm))
    velvl.x[chki] = 0.0
    velvl.y[chki] = 0.0
    velvl.z[chki] = 0.0
    return velvl
Exemplo n.º 3
def vel_doublet_matrix(av, am, bv, bm):
    adb = elementwise_dot_product(av, bv)
    abm = multiply(am, bm)
    dm = multiply(abm, abm+adb)
    axb = elementwise_cross_product(av, bv)
    axbm = axb.return_magnitude()
    chki = (axbm == 0.0)
    chki = logical_and(axbm >= -tol, axbm <= tol)
    chkd = absolute(dm) < tol
    fac = zeros(axbm.shape, dtype=float)
    divide(am+bm, dm, where=logical_not(chkd), out=fac)
    velvl = elementwise_multiply(axb, fac)
    velvl.x[chki] = 0.0
    velvl.y[chki] = 0.0
    velvl.z[chki] = 0.0
    return velvl
Exemplo n.º 4
 def unsig(self, mach: float=0.0):
     if self._unsig is None:
         self._unsig = {}
     if mach not in self._unsig:
         unsig = zero_matrix_vector((self.numpnl, 2+4*self.numctrl), dtype=float)
         unsig[:, 0] = -self.nrms
         unsig[:, 1] = elementwise_cross_product(self.rrel, self.nrms)
         if self.srfcs is not None:
             for srfc in self.srfcs:
                 for sht in srfc.shts:
                     for control in sht.ctrls:
                         ctrl = sht.ctrls[control]
                         ctup = self.ctrls[control]
                         for pnl in ctrl.pnls:
                             ind = pnl.ind
                             rrel = self.rrel[ind, 0]
                             dndlp = pnl.dndl(ctrl.posgain, ctrl.uhvec)
                             unsig[ind, ctup[0]] = -dndlp
                             unsig[ind, ctup[1]] = -rrel**dndlp
                             dndln = pnl.dndl(ctrl.neggain, ctrl.uhvec)
                             unsig[ind, ctup[2]] = -dndln
                             unsig[ind, ctup[3]] = -rrel**dndln
         self._unsig[mach] = unsig
     return self._unsig[mach]
Exemplo n.º 5
 def influence_coefficients(self, pnts: MatrixVector, incvel: bool=True,
                            betx: float=1.0, bety: float=1.0, betz: float=1.0,
                            checktol: bool=False):
     grdm = self.mach_grids(betx=betx, bety=bety, betz=betz)
     vecab = self.edge_vector(grdm)
     vecaxb = self.edge_cross(grdm)
     dirxab = vecab.to_unit()
     dirzab = vecaxb.to_unit()
     diryab = elementwise_cross_product(dirzab, dirxab)
     nrm = vecaxb.sum().to_unit()
     rgcs = self.relative_mach(pnts, self.pnto, betx=betx, bety=bety, betz=betz)
     locz = rgcs*nrm
     sgnz = ones(locz.shape, dtype=float)
     sgnz[locz <= 0.0] = -1.0
     vecgcs = []
     for i in range(self.num):
         vecgcs.append(self.relative_mach(pnts, self.grds[i], betx=betx, bety=bety, betz=betz))
     phid = zeros(pnts.shape, dtype=float)
     phis = zeros(pnts.shape, dtype=float)
     if incvel:
         veld = zero_matrix_vector(pnts.shape, dtype=float)
         vels = zero_matrix_vector(pnts.shape, dtype=float)
     for i in range(self.num):
         # Edge Length
         dab = vecab[0, i].return_magnitude()
         # Local Coordinate System
         dirx = dirxab[0, i]
         diry = diryab[0, i]
         dirz = dirzab[0, i]
         # Vector A in Local Coordinate System
         veca = vecgcs[i-1]
         alcs = MatrixVector(veca*dirx, veca*diry, veca*dirz)
         if checktol:
             alcs.x[absolute(alcs.x) < tol] = 0.0
             alcs.y[absolute(alcs.y) < tol] = 0.0
             alcs.z[absolute(alcs.z) < tol] = 0.0
         # Vector A Doublet Velocity Potentials
         phida, amag = phi_doublet_matrix(alcs, sgnz)
         # Vector B in Local Coordinate System
         vecb = vecgcs[i]
         blcs = MatrixVector(vecb*dirx, vecb*diry, vecb*dirz)
         if checktol:
             blcs.x[absolute(blcs.x) < tol] = 0.0
             blcs.y[absolute(blcs.y) < tol] = 0.0
             blcs.z[absolute(blcs.z) < tol] = 0.0
         # Vector B Doublet Velocity Potentials
         phidb, bmag = phi_doublet_matrix(blcs, sgnz)
         # Edge Doublet Velocity Potentials
         phidi = phida - phidb
         # Edge Source Velocity Potentials
         phisi, Qab = phi_source_matrix(amag, bmag, dab, alcs, phidi)
         # Add Edge Velocity Potentials
         phid += phidi
         phis += phisi
         # Calculate Edge Velocities
         if incvel:
             # Velocities in Local Coordinate System
             veldi = vel_doublet_matrix(alcs, amag, blcs, bmag)
             velsi = vel_source_matrix(Qab, alcs, phidi)
             # Transform to Global Coordinate System and Add
             dirxi = Vector(dirx.x, diry.x, dirz.x)
             diryi = Vector(dirx.y, diry.y, dirz.y)
             dirzi = Vector(dirx.z, diry.z, dirz.z)
             veld += MatrixVector(veldi*dirxi, veldi*diryi, veldi*dirzi)
             vels += MatrixVector(velsi*dirxi, velsi*diryi, velsi*dirzi)
     phid = phid/fourPi
     phis = phis/fourPi
     if incvel:
         veld = veld/fourPi
         vels = vels/fourPi
         output = phid, phis, veld, vels
         output = phid, phis
     return output
Exemplo n.º 6
 def diryab(self):
     if self._diryab is None:
         self._diryab = elementwise_cross_product(self.dirzab, self.dirxab)
     return self._diryab