Exemplo n.º 1
def plot_2dhist(ax, x, y, xlim, ylim, log=False):
    bins = (100, 100)
    common_mask = ~(malib.common_mask([x, y]))
    x = x[common_mask]
    y = y[common_mask]
    H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, range=[xlim, ylim], bins=bins)
    H = np.rot90(H)
    H = np.flipud(H)
    Hmasked = np.ma.masked_where(H == 0, H)
    Hmed_idx = np.ma.argmax(Hmasked, axis=0)
    ymax = (yedges[:-1] + np.diff(yedges))[Hmed_idx]
    #Hmasked = H
    H_clim = malib.calcperc(Hmasked, (2, 98))
    if log:
        import matplotlib.colors as colors
                      norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=H_clim[0], vmax=H_clim[1]))
    ax.plot(xedges[:-1] + np.diff(xedges), ymax, color='dodgerblue', lw=1.0)
Exemplo n.º 2
def plot_2dhist(ax, x, y, xlim=None, ylim=None, xint=None, yint=None, nbins=(128,128), log=False, maxline=True, trendline=False):
    from pygeotools.lib import malib
    #Should compute number of bins automatically based on input values, xlim and ylim
    common_mask = ~(malib.common_mask([x,y]))
    x = x[common_mask]
    y = y[common_mask]
    if xlim is None:
        #xlim = (x.min(), x.max())
        xlim = malib.calcperc(x, (0.1, 99.9))
    if ylim is None:
        #ylim = (y.min(), y.max())
        ylim = malib.calcperc(y, (0.1, 99.9))
    #Note, round to nearest meter here
    #xlim = np.rint(np.array(xlim))
    xlim = np.array(xlim)
    ylim = np.array(ylim)
    if xint is not None:
        xedges = np.arange(xlim[0], xlim[1]+xint, xint)
        xedges = nbins[0]

    if yint is not None:
        yedges = np.arange(ylim[0], ylim[1]+yint, yint)
        yedges = nbins[1]

    H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x,y,range=[xlim,ylim],bins=[xedges, yedges])
    #H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x,y,range=[xlim,ylim],bins=nbins)
    #H = np.rot90(H)
    #H = np.flipud(H)
    H = H.T
    #Mask any empty bins
    Hmasked = np.ma.masked_where(H==0,H)
    #Hmasked = H
    H_clim = malib.calcperc(Hmasked, (2,98))
    if log:
        import matplotlib.colors as colors
    if maxline:
        #Add line for max values in each x bin
        Hmed_idx = np.ma.argmax(Hmasked, axis=0)
        ymax = (yedges[:-1]+np.diff(yedges))[Hmed_idx]
        ax.plot(xedges[:-1]+np.diff(xedges), ymax, color='dodgerblue',lw=1.0)
    if trendline:
        #Add trendline
        import scipy.stats
        y_slope, y_intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(x, y)
        y_f = y_slope * xlim + y_intercept
        ax.plot(xlim, y_f, color='limegreen', ls='--', lw=0.5)
Exemplo n.º 3
def cummulative_profile(xma, yma, xbin_width, limit_x_perc=(1, 99)):
    compute binned statistics for independent variable with respect to dependendent variable
    xma: masked array
        independent variable (like slope)
    yma: masked array
        dependent variable (like elevation difference)
    xbin_width: int
        bin_width for independent variable
    limit_x_perc: tuple
        limit binning of independent variable to the given percentile (default: 1 to 99 %)
    x_bins: np.array
        bin locations
    y_mean: np.array
        binned mean value for dependent variable
    y_meadian: np.array
        binned median value for dependent variable
    y_std: np.array
        binned standard deviation value for dependent varuiable
    y_perc: np.array
        binned percentage of variables within the bin
    # xclim get rids of outliers in the independent variable
    # we only look at the 1 to 99 percentile values by default
    xclim = malib.calcperc(xma, limit_x_perc)
    # this step computes common mask where pixels of both x and y variables are valid
    xma_lim = np.ma.masked_outside(xma, xclim[0], xclim[1])
    cmask = malib.common_mask([xma_lim, yma])
    # the common mask is used to flatten the required points in a 1-D array
    xma_c = np.ma.compressed(np.ma.array(xma_lim, mask=cmask))
    yma_c = np.ma.compressed(np.ma.array(yma, mask=cmask))
    # we then use pandas groupby to quickly compute binned statistics
    df = pd.DataFrame({'x': xma_c, 'y': yma_c})
    df['x_rounded'] = (df['x'] + (xbin_width - 1)) // (xbin_width) * xbin_width
    grouped = df.groupby('x_rounded')
    df2 = grouped['y'].agg([np.mean, np.count_nonzero, np.median, np.std])
    # variables are returned as numpy array
    x_bins = df2['x_rounded'].values
    y_mean = df2['mean'].values
    y_median = df2['median'].values
    y_std = df2['std'].values
    y_perc = (df2['count_nonzero'].values /
              np.sum(df2['count_nonzero'].values)) * 100
    return x_bins, y_mean, y_median, y_std, y_perc
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_offset_nuth(dh, slope, aspect, min_count=100, remove_outliers=True, plot=True):
    """Compute horizontal offset between input rasters using Nuth and Kaab [2011] (nuth) method
    import scipy.optimize as optimization

    if dh.count() < min_count:
        sys.exit("Not enough dh samples")
    if slope.count() < min_count:
        sys.exit("Not enough slope/aspect samples")

    #mean_dh = dh.mean()
    #mean_slope = slope.mean()
    #c_seed = (mean_dh/np.tan(np.deg2rad(mean_slope))) 
    med_dh = malib.fast_median(dh)
    med_slope = malib.fast_median(slope)
    c_seed = (med_dh/np.tan(np.deg2rad(med_slope))) 

    x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, c_seed])
    print("Computing common mask")
    common_mask = ~(malib.common_mask([dh, aspect, slope]))

    #Prepare x and y data
    xdata = aspect[common_mask].data
    ydata = (dh[common_mask]/np.tan(np.deg2rad(slope[common_mask]))).data

    print("Initial sample count:")

    if remove_outliers:
        print("Removing outliers")
        #print("Absolute dz filter: %0.2f" % max_dz)
        #diff = np.ma.masked_greater(diff, max_dz)

        #Outlier dz filter
        f = 3
        sigma, u = (ydata.std(), ydata.mean())
        #sigma, u = malib.mad(ydata, return_med=True)
        rmin = u - f*sigma
        rmax = u + f*sigma
        print("3-sigma filter: %0.2f - %0.2f" % (rmin, rmax))
        idx = (ydata >= rmin) & (ydata <= rmax)
        xdata = xdata[idx]
        ydata = ydata[idx]

    #Generate synthetic data to test curve_fit
    #xdata = np.arange(0,360,0.01)
    #ydata = f(xdata, 20.0, 130.0, -3.0) + 20*np.random.normal(size=len(xdata))
    #Limit sample size
    #n = 10000
    #idx = random.sample(range(xdata.size), n)
    #xdata = xdata[idx]
    #ydata = ydata[idx]

    #Compute robust statistics for 1-degree bins
    nbins = 360
    bin_range = (0., 360.)
    bin_width = 1.0
    bin_count, bin_edges, bin_centers = malib.bin_stats(xdata, ydata, stat='count', nbins=nbins, bin_range=bin_range)
    bin_med, bin_edges, bin_centers = malib.bin_stats(xdata, ydata, stat='median', nbins=nbins, bin_range=bin_range)
    #Needed to estimate sigma for weighted lsq
    #bin_mad, bin_edges, bin_centers = malib.bin_stats(xdata, ydata, stat=malib.mad, nbins=nbins, bin_range=bin_range)
    #Started implementing this for more generic binning, needs testing
    #bin_count, x_bin_edges, y_bin_edges = malib.get_2dhist(xdata, ydata, \
    #        xlim=bin_range, nbins=(nbins, nbins), stat='count')

    #Mask bins in grid directions, can potentially contain biased stats
    #Especially true for SGM algorithm
    #badbins = [0, 90, 180, 270, 360]
    badbins = [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360]
    bin_stat = np.ma.masked_where(np.around(bin_edges[:-1]) % 45 == 0, bin_stat)
    bin_edges = np.ma.masked_where(np.around(bin_edges[:-1]) % 45 == 0, bin_edges)

    #Remove any bins with only a few points
    min_bin_sample_count = 9
    idx = (bin_count.filled(0) >= min_bin_sample_count) 
    bin_count = bin_count[idx].data
    bin_med = bin_med[idx].data
    #bin_mad = bin_mad[idx].data
    bin_centers = bin_centers[idx]

    fit = None
    fit_fig = None

    #Want a good distribution of bins, at least 1/4 to 1/2 of sinusoid, to ensure good fit
    #Need at least 3 valid bins to fit 3 parameters in nuth_func
    #min_bin_count = 3
    min_bin_count = 90 
    #Not going to help if we have a step function between two plateaus, but better than nothing
    #Calculate bin aspect spread
    bin_ptp = np.cos(np.radians(bin_centers)).ptp()
    min_bin_ptp = 1.0 

    #Should iterate here, if not enough bins, increase bin width
    if len(bin_med) >= min_bin_count and bin_ptp >= min_bin_ptp:

        print("Computing fit")
        #Unweighted fit
        fit = optimization.curve_fit(nuth_func, bin_centers, bin_med, x0)[0]

        #Weight by observed spread in each bin 
        #sigma = bin_mad
        #fit = optimization.curve_fit(nuth_func, bin_centers, bin_med, x0, sigma, absolute_sigma=True)[0]

        #Weight by bin count
        #sigma = bin_count.max()/bin_count
        #fit = optimization.curve_fit(nuth_func, bin_centers, bin_med, x0, sigma, absolute_sigma=False)[0]


        if plot:
            print("Generating Nuth and Kaab plot")
            bin_idx = np.digitize(xdata, bin_edges)
            output = []
            for i in np.arange(1, len(bin_edges)):
            lw = 0.25
            boxprops={'facecolor':'k', 'linewidth':0}
            medianprops={'marker':'o', 'ms':1, 'color':'r'}
            fit_fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6))
            #widths = (bin_width/2.0)
            widths = 2.5*(bin_count/bin_count.max())
            #widths = bin_count/np.percentile(bin_count, 50)
            #This is inefficient, but we have list of arrays with different length, need to filter
            #Reduntant with earlier filter, should refactor
            bp = ax.boxplot(np.array(output)[idx][::s], positions=bin_centers[::s], widths=widths[::s], showfliers=False, \
                    patch_artist=True, boxprops=boxprops, whiskerprops=whiskerprops, capprops=capprops, \
            bin_ticks = [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 360]
            #Can pull out medians from boxplot
            #We are computing multiple times, inefficient
            bp_bin_med = []
            for medline in bp['medians']:

            #Plot the fit
            f_a = nuth_func(bin_centers, fit[0], fit[1], fit[2])
            nuth_func_str = r'$y=%0.2f*cos(%0.2f-x)+%0.2f$' % tuple(fit)
            ax.plot(bin_centers, f_a, 'b', label=nuth_func_str)

            ax.set_xlabel('Aspect (deg)')
            ax.set_ylabel('dh/tan(slope) (m)')
            ax.axhline(color='gray', linewidth=0.5)

            ylim = ax.get_ylim()
            abs_ylim = np.max(np.abs(ylim))
            #abs_ylim = np.max(np.abs([ydata.min(), ydata.max()]))
            #pad = 0.2 * abs_ylim 
            pad = 0
            ylim = (-abs_ylim - pad, abs_ylim + pad)
            minylim = (-10,10)
            if ylim[0] > minylim[0]:
                ylim = minylim

    return fit, fit_fig
Exemplo n.º 5
        dem2_zs = iolib.ds_getma(dem2_zs_ds)
        zs_diff = dem2_zs - dem1_zs
        dst_fn = os.path.join(outdir, outprefix + '_zs_diff.tif')
        iolib.writeGTiff(zs_diff, dst_fn, dem1_ds, ndv=diffndv)
        smb_diff = zs_diff - firnair_diff
        #dst_fn = os.path.join(outdir, outprefix+'_smb_diff.tif')
        #iolib.writeGTiff(smb_diff, dst_fn, dem1_ds, ndv=diffndv)

#Check to make sure inputs actually intersect
#Masked pixels are True
if not np.any(~dem1.mask * ~dem2.mask):
    sys.exit("No valid overlap between input data")

#Compute common mask
print "Generating common mask"
common_mask = malib.common_mask([dem1, dem2])

#Compute relative elevation difference with Eulerian approach
print "Computing elevation difference with Eulerian approach"
diff_euler = np.ma.array(dem2 - dem1, mask=common_mask)

#Add output that has difference filter applied
#See dem_align

if True:
    print "Eulerian elevation difference stats:"
    diff_euler_stats = malib.print_stats(diff_euler)
    diff_euler_med = diff_euler_stats[5]

if True:
    print "Writing Eulerian elevation difference map"
Exemplo n.º 6
    if save:
        fig_fn = '%s_WY%i_SWE_maps.png' % (outprefix, wy)
        if prism is not None:
            fig_fn = os.path.splitext(fig_fn)[0]+'_prism.png'
        plt.savefig(fig_fn, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

#Regression analysis, 2D Histogram plots
#Needs to be cleaned up and tested
if True:
    #Compare SWE with slope and aspect, each should be optional and handled individually
    slope = geolib.gdaldem_mem_ds(dem1_ds, processing='slope', returnma=True)
    aspect = geolib.gdaldem_mem_ds(dem1_ds, processing='aspect', returnma=True)

    #Mask to preserve one set of valid pixels from all datasets
    mask = malib.common_mask([dem1, swe, slope, aspect])

    dem1 = np.ma.array(dem1, mask=mask).compressed()
    #dem_clim = malib.calcperc(dem1, (5,99.9))
    swe = np.ma.array(swe, mask=mask).compressed()
    slope = np.ma.array(slope, mask=mask).compressed()
    slope_clim = malib.calcperc(slope, (0,99))
    aspect = np.ma.array(aspect, mask=mask).compressed()
    aspect_clim = (0., 360.)
    if prism is not None:
        prism = np.ma.array(prism, mask=mask).compressed()
        #prism_clim = malib.calcperc(prism, (0,99))
        prism_clim = swe_clim

    from imview.lib import pltlib
    f, axa = plt.subplots(1, nax+1, figsize=(10,2.5))
Exemplo n.º 7
def compute_offset_nuth(dh, slope, aspect):
    """Compute horizontal offset between input rasters using Nuth and Kaab [2011] (nuth) method
    import scipy.optimize as optimization

    #mean_dh = dh.mean()
    #mean_slope = slope.mean()
    #c_seed = (mean_dh/np.tan(np.deg2rad(mean_slope))) 
    med_dh = malib.fast_median(dh)
    med_slope = malib.fast_median(slope)
    c_seed = (med_dh/np.tan(np.deg2rad(med_slope))) 

    x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, c_seed])
    print("Computing common mask")
    common_mask = ~(malib.common_mask([dh, aspect, slope]))

    xdata = aspect[common_mask]
    ydata = dh[common_mask]/np.tan(np.deg2rad(slope[common_mask]))

    #Generate synthetic data to test curve_fit
    #xdata = np.arange(0,360,0.01)
    #ydata = f(xdata, 20.0, 130.0, -3.0) + 20*np.random.normal(size=len(xdata))
    #Limit sample size
    #n = 10000
    #idx = random.sample(range(xdata.size), n)
    #xdata = xdata[idx]
    #ydata = ydata[idx]

    #Fit to original, unfiltered data
    fit = optimization.curve_fit(nuth_func, xdata, ydata, x0)[0]
    genplot(xdata, ydata, fit) 

    #Filter to remove outliers 
    #Compute median absolute difference
    y_med = np.median(ydata)
    y_mad = malib.mad(ydata)
    mad_factor = 3
    y_perc = [y_med - y_mad*mad_factor, y_med + y_mad*mad_factor]

    y_idx = ((ydata >= y_perc[0]) & (ydata <= y_perc[1]))
    ydata_clip = ydata[y_idx]
    xdata_clip = xdata[y_idx]

    fit = optimization.curve_fit(nuth_func, xdata_clip, ydata_clip, x0)[0]
    genplot(xdata_clip, ydata_clip, fit) 
    #Compute robust statistics for 1-degree bins
    nbins = 360
    bin_range = (0., 360.)
    bin_count, bin_edges, bin_centers = malib.bin_stats(xdata, ydata, stat='count', \
            nbins=nbins, bin_range=bin_range)
    bin_med, bin_edges, bin_centers = malib.bin_stats(xdata, ydata, stat='median', \
            nbins=nbins, bin_range=bin_range)

    #Mask bins in grid directions, can potentially contain biased stats
    badbins = [0, 45, 90, 180, 225, 270, 315]
    bin_stat = np.ma.masked_where(np.around(bin_edges[:-1]) % 45 == 0, bin_stat)
    bin_edges = np.ma.masked_where(np.around(bin_edges[:-1]) % 45 == 0, bin_edges)

    #Remove any empty bins
    #idx = ~(np.ma.getmaskarray(bin_med))

    #Remove any bins with only a few points
    min_count = 9
    idx = (bin_count.filled(0) >= min_count) 

    bin_med = bin_med[idx]
    bin_centers = bin_centers[idx]

    fit = optimization.curve_fit(nuth_func, bin_centers, bin_med, x0)[0]
    f = genplot(bin_centers, bin_med, fit, xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata) 
    #genplot(xdata, ydata, fit) 

    return fit, f
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():
    parser = getparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    #This is output ndv, avoid using 0 for differences
    diffndv = np.nan

    dem1_fn = args.dem1_fn
    dem2_fn = args.dem2_fn

    if dem1_fn == dem2_fn:
        sys.exit('Input filenames are identical')

    fn_list = [dem1_fn, dem2_fn]

    print("Warping DEMs to same res/extent/proj")
    dem1_ds, dem2_ds = warplib.memwarp_multi_fn(fn_list,

    print("Loading input DEMs into masked arrays")
    dem1 = iolib.ds_getma(dem1_ds)
    dem2 = iolib.ds_getma(dem2_ds)

    outdir = args.outdir
    if outdir is None:
        outdir = os.path.split(dem1_fn)[0]
    outprefix = os.path.splitext(
        os.path.split(dem1_fn)[1])[0] + '_' + os.path.splitext(

    #Extract basename
    adj = ''
    if '-adj' in dem1_fn:
        adj = '-adj'
    dem1_fn_base = re.sub(adj, '', os.path.splitext(dem1_fn)[0])
    dem2_fn_base = re.sub(adj, '', os.path.splitext(dem2_fn)[0])

    #Check to make sure inputs actually intersect
    #Masked pixels are True
    if not np.any(~dem1.mask * ~dem2.mask):
        sys.exit("No valid overlap between input data")

    #Compute common mask
    print("Generating common mask")
    common_mask = malib.common_mask([dem1, dem2])

    #Compute relative elevation difference with Eulerian approach
    print("Computing elevation difference with Eulerian approach")
    diff_euler = np.ma.array(dem2 - dem1, mask=common_mask)

    #Absolute range filter on the difference
    # removes differences outside of a range that likely arent related to canopy heights
    diff_euler = range_fltr(diff_euler, (-3, 30))

    if True:
        print("Eulerian elevation difference stats:")
        diff_euler_stats = malib.print_stats(diff_euler)
        diff_euler_med = diff_euler_stats[5]

    if True:
        print("Writing Eulerian elevation difference map")
        dst_fn = os.path.join(outdir, outprefix + '_dz_eul.tif')
        iolib.writeGTiff(diff_euler, dst_fn, dem1_ds, ndv=diffndv)

    if False:
        print("Writing Eulerian relative elevation difference map")
        diff_euler_rel = diff_euler - diff_euler_med
        dst_fn = os.path.join(outdir, outprefix + '_dz_eul_rel.tif')
        iolib.writeGTiff(diff_euler_rel, dst_fn, dem1_ds, ndv=diffndv)

    if False:
        print("Writing out DEM2 with median elevation difference removed")
        dst_fn = os.path.splitext(
            dem2_fn)[0] + '_med' + diff_euler_med + '.tif'
        iolib.writeGTiff(dem2 - diff_euler_med, dst_fn, dem1_ds, ndv=diffndv)

    if False:
        print("Writing Eulerian elevation difference percentage map")
        diff_euler_perc = 100.0 * diff_euler / dem1
        dst_fn = os.path.join(outdir, outprefix + '_dz_eul_perc.tif')
        iolib.writeGTiff(diff_euler_perc, dst_fn, dem1_ds, ndv=diffndv)

    return dst_fn