def target_sweep_dirfile(self, save_path = '/mnt/iqstream/dirfiles', write = True, span = 100.0e3, attenuation=None): if attenuation == None: attenuation = float(raw_input("Attenuation level [dB] ?")) print " Previous attenuation setting was %.1f dB"%self.get_attenuation() self.set_atten(attenuation) print " Attenuation level is now %.1f dB"%attenuation write = raw_input('Write tones? (y/n) ') kid_freqs = np.load('/mnt/iqstream/last_kid_freqs.npy') dirfile_dir = raw_input('dirfile dir ? ') save_path = os.path.join(save_path, dirfile_dir+'_'+str(int(time.time()))) #kid_freqs = np.array(np.loadtxt('BLASTResonatorPositionsVer2.txt', delimiter=',')) center_freq = (np.max(kid_freqs) + np.min(kid_freqs))/2. #Determine LO position to put tones centered around LO self.v1.set_frequency(0,center_freq / (1.0e6), 0.01) # LO bb_freqs = kid_freqs - center_freq bb_freqs = np.roll(bb_freqs, - np.argmin(np.abs(bb_freqs)) - 1)'/mnt/iqstream/last_bb_freqs.npy',bb_freqs) rf_freqs = bb_freqs + center_freq'/mnt/iqstream/last_rf_freqs.npy',rf_freqs) channels = np.arange(len(rf_freqs)) print channels'/mnt/iqstream/last_channels.npy',channels) self.v1.set_frequency(0,center_freq / (1.0e6), 0.01) # LO print '\nTarget baseband freqs (MHz) =', bb_freqs/1.0e6 print '\nTarget RF freqs (MHz) =', rf_freqs/1.0e6 if write == 'y':\ self.writeQDR(bb_freqs) self.fpga.write_int('sync_accum_reset', 0) self.fpga.write_int('sync_accum_reset', 1) print save_path,gd.CREAT|gd.RDWR dirf = gd.dirfile(save_path,gd.CREAT|gd.RDWR) symlink_path = '/mnt/iqstream/active_dirfile.lnk' try: os.unlink(symlink_path) except: pass os.symlink(save_path,symlink_path) for chan in range(1024): dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.RAW_ENTRY,'I%04d'%chan,0,(gd.INT32,1))) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.RAW_ENTRY,'Q%04d'%chan,0,(gd.INT32,1))) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.CONST_ENTRY,'attenuation',0,(gd.FLOAT32,))) dirf.put_constant('attenuation',attenuation) dirf.close() f,i,q = self.sweep_lo_dirfile(Npackets_per = 10, channels = channels, center_freq = center_freq, span = span, bb_freqs=bb_freqs, save_path = save_path) self.write_dirfile_format_file(save_path,f,i,q) last_target_dir = save_path'/mnt/iqstream/last_target_dir.npy',np.array([last_target_dir])) self.plot_kids_dirfile(save_path = last_target_dir, channels = channels) #plt.figure() #plt.plot() return
def open_stored_dirfile(self, save_path = '/mnt/iqstream/lo_sweeps/'): df=gd.dirfile(save_path,gd.RDONLY) fields=df.field_list() numchannels = int(sorted([f for f in fields if f.startswith('Q')])[-1][1:])+1 f=[] i=[] q=[] for chan in range(numchannels): f.append(df.get_carray('sweep_f_%04d'%chan,gd.FLOAT32)) i.append(df.get_carray('sweep_i_%04d'%chan,gd.FLOAT32)) q.append(df.get_carray('sweep_q_%04d'%chan,gd.FLOAT32)) f=np.array(f) i=np.array(i) q=np.array(q) return f, i, q
def plot_sweep(sweepfile='latest', html=None): """ No slash when inputting sweepfile name HTML file - template to save in folder (as index.html) """ if sweepfile == 'latest': list_of_sweeps = glob.glob( '/data/dirfiles/roach0/20??????_??????_sweep') mysweep = max(list_of_sweeps, key=os.path.getctime) else: mysweep = sweepfile figdir = '/data/tuning/roach0/' + mysweep[-21:-6] if not os.path.isdir(figdir): os.mkdir(figdir) if html is not None: cmd = 'cp ' + html + ' ' + figdir + '/index.html' os.system(cmd) df = gd.dirfile(mysweep, gd.RDONLY | gd.UNENCODED) lo = df.get_carray('sweep.lo_freqs') off_freq = (lo - np.mean(lo)) / 1e3 for key in df.field_list(): if (key[-4] == 'K') or (key[-4] == 'B'): sweep = df.get_carray('sweep.' + key[-4:]) s21 = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(sweep)) dSdf = np.gradient(np.real(sweep))**2 + \ np.gradient(np.imag(sweep))**2 plt.figure(1, figsize=(13, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(off_freq, s21) plt.plot(np.array( [off_freq[np.argmax(dSdf)], off_freq[np.argmax(dSdf)]]), np.array([np.min(s21), np.max(s21)]), '--r', label='Max dSdf') plt.plot(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([np.min(s21), np.max(s21)]), '-k', label='Current Tone') plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('Offset Frequency [kHz]') plt.ylabel('$20*\log_{10}(|S_{21}|)$, arb. offset') plt.title('$S_{21}$') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(np.real(sweep) / 1e5, np.imag(sweep) / 1e5) plt.axis('scaled') plt.xlabel('I [arb]') plt.ylabel('Q [arb]') plt.grid() plt.title('I/Q') plt.suptitle(key[-4:] + ': ' + mysweep[-21:-6]) plt.savefig(figdir + '/' + key[-4:] + '.png') plt.clf() plt.close()
bindport = 1234 buffer_size = 8234 # int * length of roach packet NTONES = 1010 filename = os.path.join('testing', 'run', '20180416_testdatawrite_dirfile') dq = deque() if __name__ == '__main__': #if False: # generate dirfile dirf = create_format_file(filename, NTONES) dirf = gd.dirfile( filename, gd.RDWR | gd.UNENCODED) # add GD_EXCL to stop accidental overwriting # configure socket #s = funcs_network.generate_socket() #funcs_network.configure_socket_and_bind(s, bindaddress, bindport, buffer_size) eventmonitor = threading.Event() eventmonitor.set() # create multi-threaded queue filewritethread = threading.Thread(name='writer_thread', target=append_to_dirfile, args=( dirf, dq, NTONES, eventmonitor,
with open(sys.argv[1]) as handle: pc = json.loads( TSTEP = pc['samp_rate'] TSTR = pc['time_start'] TEND = pc['time_end'] ivec = np.arange(TEND+1-TSTR) tvec = ivec * TSTEP t_span = [ivec[0], ivec[-1]] ROOTDIR = "/data/mole/" FILESET = pc['fileset'] TDATASET = pc['t_dataset'] HDATASET = pc['h_dataset'] df = gd.dirfile(os.path.join(ROOTDIR, FILESET)) Tdf = df.getdata(TDATASET)[TSTR:TEND+1] Qdf = np.maximum(QMIN, np.minimum(QMAX, df.getdata(HDATASET)))[TSTR:TEND+1] i_Qon = np.where(Qdf>0.5)[0][0] t_Qon = i_Qon * TSTEP ########################################################################### # From circuit parameters, simulate timestream circ_params = np.array([pc['Ch'], pc['Rh'], pc['Ct'], pc['Rt']], dtype=float) Tb = float(pc['Tb']) sim_params = np.append(1./circ_params, Tb) T0 = [0, 0] # ODE initial conditions ([T0, Tdot0]) soln = solve_ivp(lambda t, T: HeaterIVP(t, T, updateSimParams(t, t_Qon, sim_params), Q=np.interp(t, tvec, Qdf)), t_span, T0, t_eval=tvec, max_step=TSTEP)
# center Vsig on 0 V. Accounts for amplifier offset lowAve = np.average(Vsig[np.where(Vbias < -cutoff)]) hiAve = np.average(Vsig[np.where(Vbias > cutoff)]) offset = (lowAve + hiAve) / 2 Vsig -= offset return offset ############################################################################## BUFFER = 100000 PROCESSES = 3 prefix = '/home/nick/' files = sorted(os.listdir(prefix + 'Bolometers/LJBolos/')) data = gd.dirfile(prefix + 'Bolometers/run7_dir') totalSamples = data.nframes * data.spf('UnixTime') ''' prevFrame = 0 i = 0 while (i < len(files)): f = files[i] if (not re.match('B1_([0-9]{2}-?){3}(_[0-9]{2}){3}.txt', f)): files.remove(f) continue # extract the load curve time and date from the file name date = f[3:11] Time = f[12:20].replace('_', ':') t = time.strptime('%s, %s' %(date, Time), '%m-%d-%y, %X') t = time.mktime(t)
def ctime_roach(self, roach_number, kind, mode='average', write=False): ''' Function to generate ctime for a given roach. roach_number: may be a str, int or float. List or numpy array is accepted too if time is required for multiple roaches kind: it is the method that is used to compute ctime for the roach. str for single entry and list for multiple entries Possible methods: - Packet: A method that uses only packet count information - Clock: A method that uses only clock information mode: in case of multiple methods how the time information coming from the different methods will be combined Possible modes: - average - max - min write: choose to write the created ctime in the original dirfile ''' kind_list = ['Packet', 'Clock'] mode_list = ['average', 'max', 'min'] try: if isinstance(roach_number, str) or isinstance(roach_number, int) or \ isinstance(roach_number, float): self.time_roach = {} if isinstance(roach_number, str): roach_number = roach_number.strip() roach_number = int(roach_number) elif isinstance(roach_number, list) or isinstance(roach_number, np.ndarray): roach_number = np.array(roach_number).astype(int) self.time_roach = {} for i in range(len(roach_number)): key = 'roach'+str(roach_number[i]) self.time_roach[key] = {} else: raise InputError except InputError: print('roach_number is not a str, int, float, list or numpy.array') sys.exit(1) try: if isinstance(kind, str): kind = kind.strip() if kind in kind_list: pass else: raise InputError elif isinstance(kind, list): kind = list(map(str.strip, kind)) for i in kind: if i in kind_list: pass else: raise InputError else: raise InputError except InputError: print('The method (kind) chosen to compute ctime_roach is not correct or is not a str or a list') sys.exit(1) try: if isinstance(mode, str): if mode in mode_list: pass else: raise InputError else: raise InputError except InputError: print('The mode choosen for combininig the time methods calculation is not') print('between average, max or min. Or the mode is not a string') sys.exit(1) for i in range(np.size(roach_number)): if np.size(roach_number) == 1: if isinstance(roach_number, np.ndarray): roach_number_temp = roach_number[0] key = 'roach'+str(roach_number[0]) else: roach_number_temp = roach_number key = 'roach'+str(roach_number) else: roach_number_temp = roach_number[i] key = 'roach'+str(roach_number[i]) if write: mode_dirfile = gd.RDWR else: mode_dirfile = gd.RDONLY self.d = gd.dirfile(self.roach_path[roach_number_temp-1], mode_dirfile) ctime_roach_name = 'ctime_roach'+str(int(roach_number_temp)) self.ctime_roach_temp = (self.d.getdata(ctime_roach_name)).astype(np.float64) pps_roach_name = 'pps_count_roach'+str(int(roach_number_temp)) self.pps_roach = (self.d.getdata(pps_roach_name)).astype(np.float64) for j in range(np.size(kind)): if np.size(kind) == 1: if isinstance(kind, list): kind_temp = kind[j] else: kind_temp = kind else: kind_temp = kind[j] if kind_temp.lower() == 'clock': ctime_temp = self.clock_ctime_roach(roach_number_temp) elif kind_temp.lower() == 'packet': ctime_temp = self.packet_ctime_roach(roach_number_temp) ctime_temp += 1570000000. ctime_temp += self.ctime_roach_temp*1e-2 if j == 0: ctime = ctime_temp else: ctime = np.vstack((ctime_temp, ctime)) del self.pps_roach del self.ctime_roach_temp if j != 0: print('ROACH ', key, 'completed') if mode == 'average': self.time_roach[key] = np.average(ctime, axis=0) elif mode == 'max': self.time_roach[key] = np.amax(ctime, axis=0) elif mode == 'min': self.time_roach[key] = np.amin(ctime, axis=0) else: print('ROACH ', key, 'completed') self.time_roach[key] = ctime if write: self.write_ctime(roach_number_temp) self.d.close()
def dirfile_all_chan(self, time_interval): nchannel = len(self.freq_comb) channels = range(nchannel) data_path = "./data" sub_folder_1 = "meas" sub_folder_2 = raw_input("Insert subfolder name (e.g. single_tone): ") Npackets = * self.accum_freq) self.fpga.write_int( self.regs[np.where(self.regs == 'pps_start_reg')[0][0]][1], 1) save_path = os.path.join(data_path, sub_folder_1, sub_folder_2) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) filename = save_path + '/' + \ str(int(time.time())) + '-' + time.strftime('%b-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S') + '.dir' # make the dirfile d = gd.dirfile(filename, gd.CREAT | gd.RDWR | gd.UNENCODED) # add fields phase_fields = [] for chan in range(nchannel): phase_fields.append('chP_' + str(chan)) d.add_spec('chP_' + str(chan) + ' RAW FLOAT64 1') d.add_spec('time RAW FLOAT64 1') d.add_spec('packet_count RAW UINT32 1') d.close() d = gd.dirfile(filename, gd.RDWR | gd.UNENCODED) #nfo_I = map(lambda x: save_path + "/chI_" + str(x), range(nchannel)) #nfo_Q = map(lambda y: save_path + "/chQ_" + str(y), range(nchannel)) nfo_phase = map(lambda z: filename + "/chP_" + str(z), range(nchannel)) #fo_I = map(lambda x: open(x, "ab"), nfo_I) #fo_Q = map(lambda y: open(y, "ab"), nfo_Q) fo_phase = map(lambda z: open(z, "ab"), nfo_phase) fo_time = open(filename + "/time", "ab") fo_count = open(filename + "/packet_count", "ab") count = 0 while count < Npackets: ts = time.time() packet = self.s.recv( 8234) # total number of bytes including 42 byte header data = np.fromstring(packet[42:], dtype='<i').astype('float') packet_count = (np.fromstring(packet[-4:], dtype='>I')) for chan in channels: if (chan % 2) > 0: I = data[1024 + ((chan - 1) / 2)] Q = data[1536 + ((chan - 1) / 2)] else: I = data[0 + (chan / 2)] Q = data[512 + (chan / 2)] #fo_I[chan].write(struct.pack('i',I)) #fo_Q[chan].write(struct.pack('i',Q)) fo_phase[chan].write(struct.pack('d', np.arctan2([Q], [I]))) #fo_I[chan].flush() #fo_Q[chan].flush() fo_phase[chan].flush() count += 1 fo_time.write(struct.pack('d', ts)) fo_count.write(struct.pack('L', packet_count)) fo_time.flush() fo_count.flush() for chan in channels: #fo_I[chan].close() #fo_Q[chan].close() fo_phase[chan].close() fo_time.close() fo_count.close() d.close() return
print "linenum =", pdata["linenum"] sys.exit(1); if ("dirfile/format$", pdata["filename"]) == None): print "filename =", pdata["filename"] sys.exit(1); return pygetdata.SYNTAX_IGNORE; # create the dirfile first data=array.array("H",range(3,7000,7)) os.system("rm -rf dirfile") os.mkdir("dirfile") file=open("dirfile/data", 'w') data.tofile(file) file.close() file=open("dirfile/format", "w") file.write("data RAW UINT16 8\nbad line\n") file.close() d=pygetdata.dirfile("dirfile", pygetdata.RDONLY, callback=parser_callback, extra="extra stuff"); error=d.error; os.system("rm -rf dirfile") if (error != pygetdata.E_OK): print "error = ", error sys.exit(1)
"mult MULTIPLY data sbit\n" "div DIVIDE mult bit\n" "recip RECIP div 6.5;4.3\n" "phase PHASE data 11\n" "window WINDOW linterp mult LT 4.1\n" "/ALIAS alias data\n" "string STRING \"Zaphod Beeblebrox\"\n") file.close() file = open("dirfile/form2", 'w') file.write("const2 CONST INT8 -19\n") file.close() # 0: error check try: d = pygetdata.dirfile("x", pygetdata.RDONLY) except: CheckException(0, pygetdata.OpenError) # 1: dirfile check try: d = pygetdata.dirfile("dirfile", pygetdata.RDWR) except: CheckOK(1) # 2: getdata (int) check try: n = d.getdata("data", pygetdata.INT, first_frame=5, num_frames=1) except: CheckOK(2) CheckSimple(2, len(n), 8)
#!/usr/bin/python import time import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import pygetdata as gd import soco DEVICE_ADDRESS = "" DATAFILE = "/data/etc/mole.lnk" #sonos = soco.SoCo(DEVICE_ADDRESS) sonos = soco.discovery.any_soco() df = gd.dirfile(DATAFILE, gd.RDONLY) # find the tracks def get_current_track_title(): return sonos.get_current_track_info()['title'] class AutoSonos: def __init__(self, trackname, fieldname, trueval=None): self.trackname = trackname self.fieldname = fieldname self.trueval = trueval self.timeout = 0 self.lastval = 0 self.framenum = 0 self.changed = False self.timesteady = 0
def _process_command(self): """ Internal method to handle and process any event triggered by event.set(). Note that when running, this is a copy of the main memory space and has direct access to the daemon process memory space, Also, self in this method does not update self in the main process. """ def send_response_to_eventqueue(data_to_send): if self._eventqueue.empty(): self._cmdevent.set() _logger.debug("putting data to send on eventqueue, {0}".format( data_to_send)) self._eventqueue.put(data_to_send) else: _logger.error( "queue not empty - something bad has happened - nothing done" ) try: command_to_process = self._eventqueue.get(timeout=1.) except mp.queues.Empty: _logger.error("queue empty, nothing done") return # make sure that the command conforms to some simple requirements assert type(command_to_process) == tuple \ and len(command_to_process) == 2 \ and type(command_to_process[0]) == str, " item on queue not in expected format {0} ".format(command_to_process) command, args = command_to_process _logger.debug("\nReceived command ({0}, {1})\n".format(command, args)) #print "\nReceived command ({0}, {1})\n".format( command, args ) # a set of if statements to handle all available options. if command == "SET_DATAPACKET_DICT": # reinitialise datapacket_dict self._datapacket_dict = args if isinstance(args, dict) else None self._datapipe_in.send((command, self._datapacket_dict)) elif command == "SET_FILE": # don't proceed if the writer is currently saving data. Return the current dirfile name if self.is_writing.value: _logger.error( "writer is currently saving data. Stop and try again.") send_response_to_eventqueue(self.current_filename) return # close the current dirfile - this will probably be done in the main thread too lib_dirfiles.close_dirfile(self.current_dirfile) # extract new dirfile path from queue arguments new_filename = args if isinstance( args, str) else args[0] if isinstance(args, tuple) else None # open dirfile (note that for some reason we can't pass an open dirfilehandle between proceses) self.current_dirfile = _gd.dirfile(new_filename, _gd.RDWR) try: _logger.debug("current dirfile is {0}".format( self.current_filename = except: _logger.error("Bad dirfile. Possibly the dirfile is closed?") self.current_filename = None return # send new dirfile filename to main process self._datapipe_in.send((command, self.current_filename)) send_response_to_eventqueue(self.current_filename) elif command == "GET_FILE": send_response_to_eventqueue(self.current_filename) elif command == "START_WRITE": # clear all packets currently in data queue self._writer_queue.clear() _logger.debug("starting writing") print "Starting writing" # sets the writing flag to True (see inner loop of _writer_thread_function) self.is_writing.value = True # set cmd event to indicate that the main thread can read the queue #send_response_to_eventqueue( self.is_writing.value ) elif command == "STOP_WRITE": self.is_writing.value = False"pausing writer") send_response_to_eventqueue(self.is_writing.value) elif command == "STATUS_WRITER": send_response_to_eventqueue(self._filewritethread.is_alive()) elif command == "CHECK_PACKET": # select on the socket to see if there packets are being received. Doesn't do anything with # the packet, and so this could be triggered by stray packets if using SOCK_RAW rd, wr, err =[self._sockethandle], [], [], 1.) send_response_to_eventqueue(bool(rd)) elif command == "CHECK_PACKET_DATA": # select on the socket to see if there packets are being received. Doesn't do anything with # the packet, and so this could be triggered by stray packets if using SOCK_RAW rd, wr, err =[self._sockethandle], [], [], 1.) send_response_to_eventqueue(self._sockethandle.recv(9000)) elif command == "CLEAR_QUEUE": print "Clearing queue with {0} packets".format( len(self._writer_queue)) self._writer_queue.clear() print "Queue cleared" elif command == "SET_LOGLEVEL": level = args if isinstance(args, int) else 0 logfile.set_log_level(level=level) elif command == "TERMINATE": print "Terminating datalogger. Goodbye." else: print "command not recognised - nothing done "
def __init__(self, path, idx_start, idx_end, field_list=[], mode='frames', ref_field=None, \ roach=False, roach_num=None): ''' Class to handle dirfile: load, select a subsample or save data Parameters: - path: path of the dirfile - idx_start: first frame or sample or starting time of the subset. - idx_end: last frame or sample or final time of the subset. For the last sample of the array, it is possible to use -1 - field_list: a list of strings with the field to be loaded. If full all the fields in the dirfile are read - mode: can be frames, samples or time. If frames, idx_start(_end) are read as as first and last frame of interest. If samples, the parameters idx_start(_end) refers to the a field given by the parameter ref_field. If time the parameters idx_start(_end) refers to the starting and ending time of the slice of interest. BE CAREFUL: reading data in time with this class does not synchronize pointing and detector data. In order to do that, it is necessary to use the interpolation function in - ref_field: reference field for the mode 'samples' to assign the idx_start(_end). If None, the reference field is considered the ctime - roach: If true, the dirfile to be read is the roach file and not the master. Default is FALSE - roach_num: the number of the roach if a roach dirfile is used. Default is 3 (350um array) ''' self.d = gd.dirfile(path) if roach: if roach_num is None: roach_num = 3 time_field = 'ctime_built_roach' + str(int(roach_num)) else: time_field = 'ctime_master_built' if ref_field is None: self.ref_field = time_field else: self.ref_field = ref_field if mode == 'frames': if idx_end == -1: idx_end = self.d.nframes first_frame = int(idx_start) num_frames = int(idx_end) - int(idx_start) self.time = self.d.getdata(time_field, first_frame=first_frame, num_frames=num_frames) else: self.time = self.d.getdata(time_field) if mode == 'time': idx_start = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.time - idx_start)) idx_end = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.time - idx_end)) else: if idx_end == -1: if field_list == 'full': idx_end = self.d.array_len(time_field) else: idx_end = self.d.array_len(self.ref_field) self.time = self.time[idx_start:idx_end] if len(field_list) != 0: self.resample_completed = False self.data_values = {} if field_list == 'full': field_list = self.d.field_list() len_fields = np.array([]) for i in field_list: if mode == 'frames': self.data_values[i] = self.d.getdata( i, first_frame=first_frame, num_frames=num_frames) else: first_sample = int(idx_start * self.d.spf(i) / self.d.spf(self.ref_field)) num_samples = int((idx_end - idx_start) * self.d.spf(i) / self.d.spf(self.ref_field)) self.data_values[i] = self.d.getdata( i, first_sample=first_sample, num_samples=num_samples) len_fields = np.append(len_fields, len(self.data_values[i])) if self.ref_field in field_list: self.ref_field_array = self.data_values[self.ref_field] else: self.ref_field_array = self.d.getdata(self.ref_field, first_sample=int(idx_start), \ num_samples=int(idx_end-idx_start)) if np.all(np.diff(len_fields) == 0): self.resample_required = False else: self.resample_required = True
def _writer_thread_function(self, _logger): #, datapipe_out):#, data_queue): """ Function to run as the writer thread spawned in the daemon process. Runs self.parse_packet_and_append_to_dirfile() continuously until both is_writing is set to False and _exitevent is set. Note that this means that to terminate gracefully the writer should be stopped before the _exitevent is set. That said, if the daemon_process is terminated, as setDaemon is True by default, this thread will die at the same time, possibly not gracefully. Inner while loop is set by is_writing flag, and allows the writer to be paused by the user. From the main thread, use self.pause_writing() and self.start_writing(). TODO: Scope : thread spawned in daemon_process """ # ignore ctrl+c signals from main thread signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) i = 0 # loop iteration index, used for debugging # set niceness of this process os.nice(15) #assert isinstance(self._writer_queue, deque), "queue object doesn't appear to be correct" # check that a dirfile exists before starting wirter loop if not type(self.current_dirfile) == _gd.dirfile: _logger.warning("no dirfile set") #print datapipe_out.__repr__ datatowrite = [] # BUFFER SIZE REQUIRED BEFORE WRITING TO DISK (# TODO: be able to change on the fly?) sizetowrite = roach_config[self.roachid]["buffer_len_to_write"] while not self._exitevent.is_set(): # POLL PIPE TO CHECK FOR UPDATES TO DATAPACKET_DICT or CURRENT DIRFILE if self._datapipe_out.poll(): pipedata = self._datapipe_out.recv() if not isinstance(pipedata, tuple) and len(pipedata) == 2: _logger.debug( "data on pipe not of correct format. Found {0}".format( pipedata)) pass else: command, data = pipedata _logger.debug("command, data on pipe: {0},{1}".format( command, data)) # if command == "SET_DATAPACKET_DICT": self._datapacket_dict = data elif command == "SET_FILE": self.current_dirfile = _gd.dirfile(str(data), _gd.RDWR) else: _logger.warning( "command not recognised {0}. nothing done.".format( command)) prevcnt = 0 # MAIN DATA WRITING LOOP # last_iteration = False while self.is_writing.value or last_iteration: _logger.debug("in writing loop; {0},{1}".format( len(self._writer_queue), sizetowrite)) # WRITE TO DISK WHEN BUFFER_LEN IS REACHED if (len(self._writer_queue) >= sizetowrite) or last_iteration: datatowrite = [ self._writer_queue.pop() for i in range(len(self._writer_queue)) ] # get all data currently in queue _logger.debug("length of datatowrite {0}".format( len(datatowrite))) for packet in datatowrite: newcnt = np.frombuffer(packet[0][-9:-5], ">u4") if newcnt - prevcnt > 1: _logger.warning( "!! Dropped packets !! - {0} packets lost at packet number {1}" .format(newcnt - prevcnt, prevcnt)) prevcnt = newcnt retcode = self._parse_packet_and_append_to_dirfile( datatowrite ) # parse the packet using the datapacket_dict and append ot the dirfile datatowrite = [] last_iteration = False else: time.sleep(sizetowrite / 488. * 0.5) # <-- tidy this up? # check is_writing is still true, otherwise check flag to save data on the last iteration if self.is_writing.value == False: last_iteration = True if datatowrite: _logger.warning("{0} packets didn't get saved!!".format( len(datatowrite) )) # just in case some data is left in the buffer datatowrite = [] time.sleep(0.1)
def saveDirfile_chanRangeIQ(self, time_interval, stage_coords=False): start_chan = input("Start chan # ? ") end_chan = input("End chan # ? ") chan_range = range(start_chan, end_chan + 1) data_path = self.gc[np.where(self.gc == 'DIRFILE_SAVEPATH')[0][0]][1] sub_folder = raw_input("Insert subfolder name (e.g. single_tone): ") Npackets = int(np.ceil(time_interval * self.data_rate)) self.zeroPPS() save_path = os.path.join(data_path, sub_folder) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) filename = save_path + '/' + \ str(int(time.time())) + '-' + time.strftime('%b-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S') + '.dir' print filename # make the dirfile d = gd.dirfile(filename, gd.CREAT | gd.RDWR | gd.UNENCODED) # add fields I_fields = [] Q_fields = [] for chan in chan_range: I_fields.append('I_' + str(chan)) Q_fields.append('Q_' + str(chan)) d.add_spec('I_' + str(chan) + ' RAW FLOAT64 1') d.add_spec('Q_' + str(chan) + ' RAW FLOAT64 1') d.close() d = gd.dirfile(filename, gd.RDWR | gd.UNENCODED) nfo_I = map(lambda z: filename + "/I_" + str(z), chan_range) nfo_Q = map(lambda z: filename + "/Q_" + str(z), chan_range) fo_I = map(lambda z: open(z, "ab"), nfo_I) fo_Q = map(lambda z: open(z, "ab"), nfo_Q) fo_time = open(filename + "/time", "ab") fo_count = open(filename + "/packet_count", "ab") count = 0 while count < Npackets: ts = time.time() try: packet, data, header, saddr = self.parsePacketData() if not packet: continue #### Add field for stage coords #### except TypeError: continue packet_count = (np.fromstring(packet[-4:], dtype='>I')) idx = 0 for chan in range(start_chan, end_chan + 1): I, Q, __ = self.parseChanData(chan, data) fo_I[idx].write(struct.pack('d', I)) fo_Q[idx].write(struct.pack('d', Q)) fo_I[idx].flush() fo_Q[idx].flush() idx += 1 fo_count.write(struct.pack('L', packet_count)) fo_count.flush() fo_time.write(struct.pack('d', ts)) fo_time.flush() count += 1 for idx in range(len(fo_I)): fo_I[idx].close() fo_Q[idx].close() fo_time.close() fo_count.close() d.close() return
if (match): lst = (float("day"))*24*3600 \ + float("hour"))*3600) schedule.append( (lst,"name")) ) print "\nSchedule parsed with", len(schedule), "command lines" print print "************************************************************" print "* Starting main loop, waiting for new scans *" print "************************************************************" print #main loop. read LST_SCHED and if it crosses a schedule threshold, play the song try: while True: df = gd.dirfile(dirfilePath, gd.RDONLY) lst = df.getdata("LST_SCHED", gd.FLOAT, \ first_frame=df.nframes-1, num_frames=1)[0] df.close() newsong = False try: while lst > schedule[1][0]: schedule.pop(0) print "Passed threshold", schedule[0][0], "<", lst, \ "for region", schedule[0][1] newsong = True if newsong: #can't do direct songLookup access because names may have modifier chars for region in songLookup.iterkeys(): if schedule[0][1].find(region) >= 0: print "New song!", schedule[0][1], "matches", region
"/ALIAS alias data\n" "string STRING \"Zaphod Beeblebrox\"\n" "sarray SARRAY one two three four five six seven\n" "data/msarray SARRAY eight nine ten eleven twelve\n" "indir INDIR data carray\n" "sindir SINDIR data sarray\n" ) file.close() file=open("dirfile/form2", 'w') file.write("const2 CONST INT8 -19\n") file.close() # 1: error check try: d = pygetdata.dirfile("x", pygetdata.RDONLY) except: CheckException(1, pygetdata.IOError) # 2: dirfile check try: d = pygetdata.dirfile("dirfile", pygetdata.RDWR) except: CheckOK(2) # 3: getdata (int) check try: n = d.getdata("data", pygetdata.INT, first_frame=5, num_frames=1) except: CheckOK(3) CheckSimple(3,len(n),8)
roach_comparison = {} for i in range(len(kind)): print('Kind', kind[i]) roach = t.ctime_roach(roach_number, kind[i]) roach_comparison[kind[i]] = t.time_roach chunk = 10000 number = 10 for j in range(len(roach_number)): d = gd.dirfile(t.roach_path[roach_number[j] - 1]) ctime_roach_name = 'ctime_roach' + str(int(roach_number[j])) ctime_roach = (d.getdata(ctime_roach_name)).astype(np.float64) pps_roach_name = 'pps_count_roach' + str(int(roach_number[j])) pps_roach = (d.getdata(pps_roach_name)).astype(np.float64) length_chunk = np.floor(len(pps_roach) / number) roach_str = 'roach' + str(int(roach_number[j])) path = '/home/gabriele/Documents/pyBLASTtools/plots/' for k in range(number): min_val = j * length_chunk max_val = (j + 1) * length_chunk - 2 * chunk
def saveTimestreamDirfile(subfolder, start_chan, end_chan, time_interval): """Saves a dirfile containing the I and Q values for a range of channels, streamed over a time interval specified by time_interval inputs: float time_interval: Time interval to integrate over, seconds""" # Roach PPC object fpga = getFPGA() # UDP socket s = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(3)) # Roach interface ri = roachInterface(fpga, gc, regs, None) # UDP object udp = roachDownlink(ri, fpga, gc, regs, s, ri.accum_freq) udp.configSocket() chan_range = range(start_chan, end_chan + 1) data_path = gc[np.where(gc == 'DIRFILE_SAVEPATH')[0][0]][1] Npackets = int(np.ceil(time_interval * ri.accum_freq)) udp.zeroPPS() save_path = os.path.join(data_path, subfolder) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) filename = save_path + '/' + \ str(int(time.time())) + '-' + time.strftime('%b-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S') + '.dir' print filename'last_data_path.npy', filename) # make the dirfile d = gd.dirfile(filename, gd.CREAT | gd.RDWR | gd.UNENCODED) # add fields I_fields = [] Q_fields = [] for chan in chan_range: I_fields.append('I_' + str(chan)) Q_fields.append('Q_' + str(chan)) d.add_spec('I_' + str(chan) + ' RAW FLOAT64 1') d.add_spec('Q_' + str(chan) + ' RAW FLOAT64 1') d.close() d = gd.dirfile(filename, gd.RDWR | gd.UNENCODED) nfo_I = map(lambda z: filename + "/I_" + str(z), chan_range) nfo_Q = map(lambda z: filename + "/Q_" + str(z), chan_range) fo_I = map(lambda z: open(z, "ab"), nfo_I) fo_Q = map(lambda z: open(z, "ab"), nfo_Q) fo_time = open(filename + "/time", "ab") fo_count = open(filename + "/packet_count", "ab") count = 0 while count < Npackets: ts = time.time() try: packet, data, header, saddr = udp.parsePacketData() if not packet: continue except TypeError: continue packet_count = (np.fromstring(packet[-4:], dtype='>I')) idx = 0 for chan in range(start_chan, end_chan + 1): I, Q, __ = udp.parseChanData(chan, data) fo_I[idx].write(struct.pack('d', I)) fo_Q[idx].write(struct.pack('d', Q)) fo_I[idx].flush() fo_Q[idx].flush() idx += 1 fo_count.write(struct.pack('L', packet_count)) fo_count.flush() fo_time.write(struct.pack('d', ts)) fo_time.flush() count += 1 for idx in range(len(fo_I)): fo_I[idx].close() fo_Q[idx].close() fo_time.close() fo_count.close() d.close() return
def read_existing_sweep_file(self, path_to_sweep): # check if filename appears to be a valid dirfile assert _lib_dirfiles.is_path_a_dirfile(path_to_sweep) self.current_sweep_dirfile = _gd.dirfile(path_to_sweep, _gd.RDWR)
def intersync_roach(data, bins): start = np.append(0, np.cumsum(bins[:-1])) end = np.cumsum(bins) ln = np.linspace(start, end - 1, 488) idx = np.reshape(np.transpose(ln), np.size(ln)) idx_plus = np.append(idx[:-1] + 1, idx[-1]) return (data[idx_plus.astype(int)] - data[idx.astype(int)]) * ( idx - idx.astype(int)) + data[idx.astype(int)] path = '/mnt/d/xystage/' d = gd.dirfile(path) starting_frame = 21600 ending_frame = 42070 buffer_frame = 100 num_frames = ending_frame - starting_frame x = d.getdata('x_stage', first_frame=starting_frame - buffer_frame, num_frames=num_frames + 2 * buffer_frame) y = d.getdata('y_stage', first_frame=starting_frame - buffer_frame, num_frames=num_frames + 2 * buffer_frame) pps = d.getdata('pps_count_roach3', first_frame=starting_frame - buffer_frame, num_frames=num_frames + 2 * buffer_frame)
def sweep_lo(self, stop_event=None, **sweep_kwargs): """ Function to sweep the LO. Takes in a number of optional keyword arugments. If not given, defaults from the configuration files are assumed. Keyword Arguments ----------------- sweep_span : float Frequency span, in Hz, about which to sweep the LO around its currently set value. sweep_step : float Frequency step, in Hz, in which to sweep the LO around its currently set value. Note that some synthesiers have a minimum step size. Every attempt has been made to try to make the user know if the hardware is limiting the step, but care should still be taken. sweep_avgs : int Number of packets to average per LO frequency. This is used to calculate an approximate integration time to collect sweep_avgs. There is a 5% time addition to ensure that at least this many packets are collected. startidx : int user defined number of samples to skip after lo switch (to be read from config, or set at run time) stopidx : int same as startidx, but for the other end (None reads all samples up to lo_switch) save_data : bool Flag to turn off data writing. Mainly for testing purposes. Default is, of course, True. filename_suffix : str allows the user to append an additional string to the end of the filename """ # create the stop event for use when running all roaches at once through the muxChannelList stop_event = _multiprocessing.Event() if not isinstance( stop_event, _multiprocessing.synchronize.Event) else stop_event # configure sweep parameters and start writing sweep_params = self._configure_sweep_and_start_writing(**sweep_kwargs) # # get time for avg factor + 10% sleeptime = np.round(sweep_params["sweep_avgs"] / self.sample_rate * 1.1, decimals=3) _logger.debug("sleep time for sweep is {0}".format(sleeptime)) step_times = [] # acutally do the sweep - loop over LO frequencies, while saving time at lo_step try: sweepdirection = np.sign(np.diff(self.toneslist.sweep_lo_freqs))[ 0] # +/- 1 for forward/backward - not used right now 'Sweeping LO %3.1f kHz around %3.3f MHz in %1.1f kHz steps' % (np.ptp(self.toneslist.sweep_lo_freqs / 1.e3), np.mean(self.toneslist.sweep_lo_freqs / 1.e6), np.median(np.diff(self.toneslist.sweep_lo_freqs)) / 1.e3)) for ix, lo_freq in enumerate(self.toneslist.sweep_lo_freqs): if self.loswitch == True: # only switch if the muxchannel is configured to do so self.synth_lo.frequency = lo_freq else: # wait until synth_lo.frequency => lo_freq t0 = time.time() while self.synth_lo.frequency <= lo_freq and time.time( ) <= t0 + sleeptime: time.sleep(sleeptime / 100.) pytime = self.writer_daemon.pytime.value step_times.append(pytime) #print "lo stepped at ", pytime'LO stepped to ' + str(lo_freq/1.e6)) # check the stop event to break out of the loop if stop_event.is_set(): break #pbar.set_description(cm.BOLD + "LO: %i" % lo_freq + cm.ENDC) time.sleep(sleeptime) # should we wait for a number of samples per frequency? can sample self.current_dirfile.nframes #pbar.close() #print cm.OKGREEN + "Sweep done!" + cm.ENDC except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # sweep has finished, pause the writing and continue to process the data #time.sleep(2.5) _logger.debug("pausing writing at ", self.writer_daemon.pytime.value) self.writer_daemon.pause_writing() # get only the indexes that were swept lofreqs_that_were_swept = self.toneslist.sweep_lo_freqs[np.arange(ix + 1)] #lofreqs_that_were_swept = self.toneslist.sweep_lo_freqs # Back to the central frequency if self.loswitch == True: self.synth_lo.frequency = self.toneslist.lo_freq # save lostep_times to current timestream dirfile (why are these not arrays?) self.current_dirfile.add( _gd.entry(_gd.RAW_ENTRY, "lo_freqs", 0, (_gd.FLOAT64, 1))) self.current_dirfile.add( _gd.entry(_gd.RAW_ENTRY, "lostep_times", 0, (_gd.FLOAT64, 1))) self.current_dirfile.putdata( "lo_freqs", np.ascontiguousarray(lofreqs_that_were_swept, dtype=np.float64)) self.current_dirfile.putdata( "lostep_times", np.ascontiguousarray(step_times, dtype=np.float64)) # on mac, we need to close and reopen the dirfile to flush the data before reading back in the data # - not sure why, or if this is a problem on linux - it doesn't hurt too much though self.current_dirfile.close() self.current_dirfile = _gd.dirfile(self.writer_daemon.current_filename, _gd.RDWR) #delay appears to be required to finish write/open operations before continuing time.sleep(0.5) # analyse the raw sweep dirfile and write to disk self.reduce_and_write_sweep_data(self.current_dirfile)
"div DIVIDE mult bit\n" "recip RECIP div 6.5;4.3\n" "phase PHASE data 11\n" "window WINDOW linterp mult LT 4.1\n" "/ALIAS alias data\n" "string STRING \"Zaphod Beeblebrox\"\n" ) file.close() file=open("dirfile/form2", 'w') file.write("const2 CONST INT8 -19\n") file.close() # 0: error check try: d = pygetdata.dirfile("x", pygetdata.RDONLY) except: CheckException(0, pygetdata.OpenError) # 1: dirfile check try: d = pygetdata.dirfile("dirfile", pygetdata.RDWR) except: CheckOK(1) # 2: getdata (int) check try: n = d.getdata("data", pygetdata.INT, first_frame=5, num_frames=1) except: CheckOK(2) CheckSimple(2,len(n),8)
from astropy.modeling import rotations from astropy import wcs import pygetdata as gd import numpy as np import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Load Data path = '/mnt/c/Users/gabri/Documents/GitHub/mapmaking/2012_data/' fname = gd.dirfile(path, gd.RDONLY) ra = fname.getdata('ra', gd.UINT32, num_frames=fname.nframes) dec = fname.getdata('dec', gd.INT32, num_frames=fname.nframes) lst = fname.getdata('lst', gd.UINT32, num_frames=fname.nframes) lat = fname.getdata('lat', gd.INT32, num_frames=fname.nframes) ra = ra*5.587935447693e-09 dec = dec*8.381903171539e-08 lat = lat*8.381903171539e-08 lst = lst*2.77777777778e-04 frame1 = 1918381 frame2 = 1921000 offset = 0 raf = ra[frame1:frame2] decf = (dec[frame1:frame2]) latf = (lat[frame1+offset:frame2+offset]) lstf = lst[frame1+offset:frame2+offset]
elif option == "xsc0": xsc = 0 elif option == "xsc1": xsc = 1 elif option == "fieldrotation": fieldrotation = float(value) elif option == "minflux": minflux = float(value) elif option == "minsize": minsize = float(value) else: print("Unrecognized option " + option) sys.exit() # Load GPS data from dirfile df = gd.dirfile(dirfilename, gd.RDONLY) TIME = df.getdata("TIME", first_frame=0, first_sample=0, num_frames=df.nframes-1, num_samples=0, return_type=gd.FLOAT64) LAT = df.getdata("LAT", first_frame=0, first_sample=0, num_frames=df.nframes-1, num_samples=0, return_type=gd.FLOAT64) LON = df.getdata("LON", first_frame=0, first_sample=0,
def create_pcp_dirfile(roachid, dfname="", dftype = "stream", tonenames = [], *df_creation_flags, **kwargs): """ High level function to create a new dirfile according to the pcp standards. This creates a format file with a number of tones, and other packet information. Parameters ============ dfname: str Path to a dirfile, or directory in which to create a new dirfile. If no dirfilename is given (or ""), or if dirfilename is a valid path but not a valid dirfile, then a new dirfile will be created in this directory using the default filename format given in general_config['default_datafilename_format']. If dfname a valid dirfile path is given and exclusive = False, the dirfile will be opened and returned. If exclusive = True (default) then an error is raised. dftype: str Currently, one of ["stream", "sweep"]. Anything else raises an error. tones: list A list of field names that will be used as the dirfile fields. df_creation_flags: Bit-wise or'd args that are passed to gd.dirfile(). Valid kwargs ============ filename_suffix: str (default: "") string to add to the end of the file path, prepended by a leading underscore. This is added before checking whether the resulting path exists. exclusive: bool (default: True) Switch to handle existing dirfiles. If True, an error is raised if the given path is an existing dirfile. If False, this function opens and returns the dirfile object to continued writing/processing. array_size: int (default: 101) Used for sweep dirfiles only. Sets the array size for the sweep fields. inc_derived_fields: bool (default: False) Switch to include the derived fields relevant to the type of the dirfile requested. Returns ============ dirfile: pygetdata.dirfile Initialised and opened pygetdata dirfile object of requested type. TODO: - handle empty string with filename_suffix """ # preliminary checks assert type(dfname) == str assert dftype in ["stream", "sweep"] # --- handle kwargs --- filename_suffix = kwargs.pop("filename_suffix", "") # str to add to file path filename_suffix = "_" + filename_suffix if filename_suffix else "" dfname = dfname.rstrip("/") + filename_suffix _logger.debug("dirfile path to write: {0}".format(dfname)) exclusive = kwargs.pop("exclusive", True) # str to add to file path (only applies to new filenames) array_size = kwargs.pop("array_size", 101) # default size used for sweep file creation inc_derived_fields = kwargs.pop("inc_derived_fields", True) # option to include derived fields to dirfile if kwargs: raise NameError("Unknown kwarg(s) given {0}".format(kwargs.keys())) # ------ # parse user specified set of dirfile flags, else use defaults (note _gd.EXCL prevents accidental overwriting) dfflagint = np.bitwise_or.reduce(df_creation_flags) if df_creation_flags \ else _gd.CREAT|_gd.RDWR|_gd.UNENCODED|_gd.EXCL # check if the file path is a valid dirfile if is_path_a_dirfile(dfname): _logger.debug("{0} is a valid dirifle".format(dfname)) if exclusive: raise IOError, "{0} exists and exclusive = True. Use exclusive = False to return this dirfile".format(dfname) else: "It looks like {0} is a valid dirfile. Opening and returning dirfile.".format(dfname) ) return _gd.dirfile(dfname, _gd.RDWR|_gd.UNENCODED) # check if path exists - join new filename to existing path. Or if no path is given, create file in cwd elif os.path.exists(dfname) or dfname == "": dfname = os.path.join( dfname, time.strftime(general_config['default_datafilename_format']) + filename_suffix ) _logger.debug("path exists; assume this is a directory in which to create the new dirfile".format(dfname)) # assume that the path given is the intended path of the new dirfile else: pass # not required, but better to be explicit than implicit :) # create the new dirfile dirfile = _gd.dirfile(dfname, dfflagint) "new dirfile created; {0}".format( ) # add main fields according to the type required if dftype == "stream": dirfile = generate_main_rawfields(dirfile, roachid, tonenames, fragnum = 0)#, field_suffix = field_suffix) if inc_derived_fields: # true by default dirfile = generate_main_derivedfields(dirfile, tonenames) elif dftype == "sweep": dirfile = generate_sweep_fields(dirfile, tonenames, array_size = array_size)#, field_suffix = field_suffix) return dirfile
def __init__(self, loading_method, path_master=None, path_roach=None, roach_num=1, idx_start=0, idx_end=-1, \ time_start=None, time_end=None, time_master=None, time_roach=None, offset=0.): ''' Input parameters for interpolating the data: loading_method: a string between: - idx: Using two indices on the master file to select the data - idx_roach: Using two indices of the roach file to select data - time_val: Using two time values on the master file to select at the data - time_array: using two time arrays, one from master and one from the roach as reference path_master: path of the master file path_roach: path of the roach file roach_num: which roach is going to be analyzed idx_start: Starting index of the data that need to be analyzed. The index is from the master file if the loading method is 'idx' and is from the roach file if the loading method is 'idx_roach' idx_end: Ending index of the data that need to be analyzed. The index is from the master file if the loading method is 'idx' and is from the roach file if the loading method is 'idx_roach' time_start: Starting time of the data that need to be analyzed. The time is from the master file. The array needs to be already sliced time_end: Ending time of the data that need to be analyzed. The time is from the master file. The array needs to be already sliced time_master: Array with the time data from master file time_roach: Array with the time data from one of the roach file offset: time offset in seconds of the roach time array with respect to the master time. This is defined as the time to be added (or subctrated if negative) to the master time. This offset is not applied in case it is used the 'time_array' option for loading the time arrays. ''' loading_method_list = ['idx', 'idx_roach', 'time_val', 'time_array'] try: if loading_method.strip().lower() in loading_method_list: pass else: raise InputError except InputError: print('The loading method choosen is not correct. Choose between: idx, idx_roach, time_val, time_array') sys.exit(1) if loading_method.strip().lower() == 'time_array': self.time_master = time_master self.time_roach = time_roach else: self.d_master = gd.dirfile(path_master) self.d_roach = gd.dirfile(path_roach) self.roach_num = roach_num roach_time_str = 'ctime_built_roach'+str(int(self.roach_num)) if loading_method.strip().lower() == 'idx_roach': self.time_roach = self.d_roach.getdata(roach_time_str) self.idx_start_roach = idx_start self.idx_end_roach = idx_end self.time_roach = self.time_roach[self.idx_start_roach:self.idx_end_roach] self.time_master = self.d_master.getdata('ctime_master_built') self.idx_start_master = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.time_master-self.time_roach[0]+offset)) self.idx_end_master = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.time_master-self.time_roach[-1]+offset)) self.time_master = self.time_master[self.idx_start_master:self.idx_end_master] self.time_master += offset else: if loading_method.strip().lower() == 'idx': self.time_master = self.d_master.getdata('ctime_master_built') self.idx_start_master = idx_start self.idx_end_master = idx_end self.time_master = self.time_master[self.idx_start_master:self.idx_end_master] elif loading_method.strip().lower() == 'time_val': self.time_master = self.d_master.getdata('ctime_master_built') self.idx_start_master = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.time_master-time_start)) self.idx_end_master = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.time_master-time_end)) self.time_master = self.time_master[self.idx_start_master:self.idx_end_master] self.time_roach = self.d_roach.getdata(roach_time_str) self.idx_start_roach = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.time_roach-self.time_master[0]-offset)) self.idx_end_roach = np.nanargmin(np.abs(self.time_roach-self.time_master[-1]-offset)) self.time_roach = self.time_roach[self.idx_start_roach:self.idx_end_roach] #return the array corrected by the offset #this is the time array shifted to pointing self.time_roach -= offset self.d_master.flush('ctime_master_built') self.d_roach.flush(roach_time_str)
def open_dirfile(dirfilename, **dirfile_flags): if is_path_a_dirfile(dirfilename): return _gd.dirfile(dirfilename, **dirfile_flags) else: _logger.warning("can't open dirfile {0}".format(dirfilename))
if ("dirfile/format$", pdata["filename"]) == None): print("filename =", pdata["filename"]) sys.exit(1) return pygetdata.SYNTAX_IGNORE # create the dirfile first data = array.array("H", range(3, 7000, 7)) os.system("rm -rf dirfile") os.mkdir("dirfile") file = open("dirfile/data", 'wb') data.tofile(file) file.close() file = open("dirfile/format", "w") file.write("data RAW UINT16 8\nbad line\n") file.close() d = pygetdata.dirfile("dirfile", pygetdata.RDONLY, callback=parser_callback, extra="extra stuff") error = d.error os.system("rm -rf dirfile") if (error != pygetdata.E_OK): print("error = ", error) sys.exit(1)
B("_b2\n") + B("o3 LINCOM ") + xstring + B("_i1 ") + xstring + B("_m1 ") + xstring + B("_b1 ") + xstring + B("_i2 ") + xstring + B("_m2 ") + xstring + B("_b2 ") + xstring + B("_i3 ") + xstring + B("_m3 ") + xstring + B("_b3\n") + B("b1 BIT ") + xstring + B("_i ") + xstring + B("_bn ") + xstring + B("_nb\n") + B("e1 RECIP in ") + xstring + B("_dv\n") + B("p1 PHASE ") + xstring + B("_i ") + xstring + B("_ps\n") + B("m1 MPLEX a b ") + xstring + B("_cv ") + xstring + B("_pd\n") + B("y1 POLYNOM ") + xstring + B("_i ") + xstring + B("_y1 2 ") + xstring + B("_y3\n") + B("w1 WINDOW a b EQ ") + xstring + B("_t1\n") + B("w2 WINDOW a b SET ") + xstring + B("_t2\n") + B("w3 WINDOW a b GT ") + xstring + B("_t3\n") + B("d1 DIVIDE ") + xstring + B("_i1 ") + xstring + B("_i2\n")) f.close() try: D = pygetdata.dirfile("dirfile", pygetdata.RDONLY) except pygetdata.DirfileError: CheckOK(0) # Attempt 2: no encoding try: D.validate(estring) except pygetdata.DirfileError: CheckEOS(2, D.error_string, estring) c = D.carrays(return_type=pygetdata.NULL) CheckSimple(3, len(c), 2) CheckSimple(4, c[0][0], estring + B("_a1")) CheckSimple(5, c[1][0], estring + B("_a2"))
def dirfileToUseful(file_name, data_type): nom_path = '../roach_data' q = gd.dirfile(nom_path, gd.RDONLY) values = q.getdata(file_name, data_type) return values
def read_stream(filename): firstframe = 0 firstsample = 0 d = gd.dirfile(filename, gd.RDWR | gd.UNENCODED) #print "Number of frames in dirfile =", d.nframes nframes = d.nframes vectors = d.field_list() ifiles = [i for i in vectors if i[0] == "I"] qfiles = [q for q in vectors if q[0] == "Q"] ifiles.remove("INDEX") ivals = d.getdata(ifiles[0], gd.FLOAT32, first_frame=firstframe, first_sample=firstsample, num_frames=nframes) qvals = d.getdata(qfiles[0], gd.FLOAT32, first_frame=firstframe, first_sample=firstsample, num_frames=nframes) ivals = ivals[~np.isnan(ivals)] qvals = qvals[~np.isnan(qvals)] i_stream = np.zeros((len(ivals), len(ifiles))) q_stream = np.zeros((len(qvals), len(qfiles))) for n in range(len(ifiles)): ivals = d.getdata(ifiles[n], gd.FLOAT32, first_frame=firstframe, first_sample=firstsample, num_frames=nframes) qvals = d.getdata(qfiles[n], gd.FLOAT32, first_frame=firstframe, first_sample=firstsample, num_frames=nframes) i_stream[:, n] = ivals[~np.isnan(ivals)] q_stream[:, n] = qvals[~np.isnan(qvals)] d.close() #read in the time file with open(filename + "/time", 'rb') as content_file: content = time_val = [] for i in range(0, len(content) / 8): time_val.append(struct.unpack('d', content[0 + 8 * i:8 + 8 * i])[0]) #read in the time file with open(filename + "/packet_count", 'rb') as content_file: content = packet_val = [] for i in range(0, len(content) / 8): packet_val.append(struct.unpack('L', content[0 + 8 * i:8 + 8 * i])[0]) packet = np.asarray(packet_val) if ((packet - np.roll(packet, 1))[1:] != 1).any(): #you dropped packet print( "!!!!WARNING!!!!! you dropped some packets during your measurement consider increasing your system buffer size" ) plt.figure(1) plt.title("Delta t between packets") plt.plot((time_val - np.roll(time_val, 1))[1:]) plt.figure(2) plt.title("Delta packet") plt.plot((packet - np.roll(packet, 1))[1:]) dictionary = { 'I_stream': i_stream, 'Q_stream': q_stream, 'time': time_val, 'packet_count': packet_val } return dictionary
def sync_data(self, telemetry=True): ''' Wrapper for the previous functions to return the slices of the detector and coordinates TODs, and the associated time ''' if self.experiment.lower() == 'blast-tng': d = gd.dirfile(self.roach_pps_path) first_frame = self.startframe - self.bufferframe num_frames = self.endframe - self.startframe + 2 * self.bufferframe interval = self.endframe - self.startframe ctime_mcp = d.getdata('time', first_frame=first_frame, num_frames=num_frames) ctime_usec = d.getdata('time_usec', first_frame=first_frame, num_frames=num_frames) if self.xystage is True: #frequency_ctime = 100 sample_ctime = 100 else: #frequency_ctime = self.coord_fs sample_ctime = self.coord_sample_frame ctime_start = ctime_mcp + ctime_usec / 1e6 + 0.2 ctime_mcp = ctime_mcp[self.bufferframe * sample_ctime:self.bufferframe * sample_ctime + interval * sample_ctime] if self.offset is not None: ctime_mcp += self.offset / 1000. ctime_start = ctime_mcp[0] ctime_end = ctime_mcp[-1] coord1 = self.coord1_data[self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame:self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame+\ interval*self.coord_sample_frame] coord2 = self.coord2_data[self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame:self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame+\ interval*self.coord_sample_frame] if self.xystage is True: freq_array = np.append( 0, np.cumsum( np.repeat(1 / self.coord_sample_frame, self.coord_sample_frame * interval - 1))) coord1time = ctime_start + freq_array coord2time = coord1time.copy() else: if self.coord_sample_frame != 100: freq_array = np.append( 0, np.cumsum( np.repeat(1 / self.coord_sample_frame, self.coord_sample_frame * interval - 1))) coord1time = ctime_start + freq_array coord2time = coord1time.copy() else: coord1time = ctime_mcp.copy() coord2time = ctime_mcp.copy() if telemetry: kidutils = det.kidsutils() start_det_frame = self.startframe - self.bufferframe end_det_frame = self.endframe + self.bufferframe frames = np.array([start_det_frame, end_det_frame], dtype='int') dettime, pps_bins = kidutils.det_time(self.roach_pps_path, self.roach_number, frames, \ ctime_start, ctime_mcp[-1], self.det_fs) coord1int = interp1d(coord1time, coord1, kind='linear') coord2int = interp1d(coord2time, coord2, kind='linear') idx_roach_start, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - ctime_start) == np.amin( np.abs(dettime - ctime_start))) idx_roach_end, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - ctime_end) == np.amin(np.abs(dettime - ctime_end))) if len(np.shape(self.det_data)) == 1: self.det_data = kidutils.interpolation_roach( self.det_data, pps_bins[pps_bins > 350], self.det_fs) self.det_data = self.det_data[ idx_roach_start[0]:idx_roach_end[0]] else: for i in range(len(self.det_data)): self.det_data[i] = kidutils.interpolation_roach( self.det_data[i], pps_bins[pps_bins > 350], self.det_fs) self.det_data[i] = self.det_data[ i, idx_roach_start[0]:idx_roach_end[0]] dettime = dettime[idx_roach_start[0]:idx_roach_end[0]] else: if len(np.shape(self.det_data)) == 1: dettime = ctime_start + np.append( 0, np.cumsum( np.repeat(1 / self.det_fs, len(self.det_data)))) else: dettime = ctime_start + np.append( 0, np.cumsum( np.repeat(1 / self.det_fs, len(self.det_data[0])))) index1, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - coord1time[0]) == np.amin( np.abs(dettime - coord1time[0]))) index2, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - coord1time[-1]) == np.amin( np.abs(dettime - coord1time[-1]))) coord1_inter = coord1int(dettime[index1[0] + 200:index2[0] - 200]) coord2_inter = coord2int(dettime[index1[0] + 200:index2[0] - 200]) dettime = dettime[index1[0] + 200:index2[0] - 200] if len(np.shape(self.det_data)) == 1: self.det_data = self.det_data[index1[0] + 200:index2[0] - 200] else: for i in range(len(self.det_data)): self.det_data[i] = self.det_data[i, index1[0] + 200:index2[0] - 200] elif self.experiment.lower() == 'blastpol': dettime, self.det_data = self.frame_zoom(self.det_data, self.det_sample_frame, \ self.det_fs, np.array([self.startframe,self.endframe]), \ self.offset) coord1time, coord1 = self.frame_zoom(self.coord1_data, self.coord_sample_frame, \ self.coord_fs, np.array([self.startframe,self.endframe])) coord2time, coord2 = self.frame_zoom(self.coord2_data, self.coord_sample_frame, \ self.coord_fs, np.array([self.startframe,self.endframe])) dettime = dettime - dettime[0] coord1time = coord1time - coord1time[0] index1, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - coord1time[0]) == np.amin( np.abs(dettime - coord1time[0]))) index2, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - coord1time[-1]) == np.amin( np.abs(dettime - coord1time[-1]))) coord1_inter, coord2_inter = self.coord_int(coord1, coord2, \ coord1time, dettime[index1[0]+10:index2[0]-10]) dettime = dettime[index1[0] + 10:index2[0] - 10] self.det_data = self.det_data[:, index1[0] + 10:index2[0] - 10] if isinstance(self.hwp_data, np.ndarray): if self.experiment.lower() == 'blastpol': hwptime, hwp = self.frame_zoom(self.hwp_data, self.hwp_sample_frame, \ self.hwp_fs, np.array([self.startframe,self.endframe])) hwptime = hwptime - hwptime[0] index1, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - hwptime[0]) == np.amin(np.abs(dettime - hwptime[0]))) index2, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - hwptime[-1]) == np.amin( np.abs(dettime - hwptime[-1]))) hwp_interpolation = interp1d(hwptime, hwp, kind='linear') hwp_inter = hwp_interpolation(dettime[index1[0] + 10:index2[0] - 10]) else: hwp = self.hwp_data[self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame:self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame+\ interval*self.coord_sample_frame] freq_array = np.append( 0, np.cumsum( np.repeat(1 / self.hwp_sample_frame, self.hwp_sample_frame * interval - 1))) hwptime = ctime_start + freq_array hwp_interpolation = interp1d(hwptime, hwp, kind='linear') hwp_inter = hwp_interpolation(dettime) del hwptime del hwp else: hwp_inter = np.zeros_like(coord1_inter) del coord1time del coord2time del coord1 del coord2 if self.lat_data is not None and self.lat_data is not None: if self.experiment.lower() == 'blastpol': lsttime, lst = self.frame_zoom(self.lst_data, self.lstlat_sample_frame, \ self.lstlatfreq, np.array([self.startframe,self.endframe])) lattime, lat = self.frame_zoom(self.lat_data, self.lstlat_sample_frame, \ self.lstlatfreq, np.array([self.startframe,self.endframe])) lsttime = lsttime - lsttime[0] index1, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - lsttime[0]) == np.amin(np.abs(dettime - lsttime[0]))) index2, = np.where( np.abs(dettime - lsttime[-1]) == np.amin( np.abs(dettime - lsttime[-1]))) lst_inter, lat_inter = self.coord_int(lst, lat, \ lsttime, dettime[index1[0]+10:index2[0]-10]) else: lst = self.lst_data[self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame:self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame+\ interval*self.coord_sample_frame] lat = self.lat_data[self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame:self.bufferframe*self.coord_sample_frame+\ interval*self.coord_sample_frame] lsttime = ctime_mcp.copy() lattime = ctime_mcp.copy() lstint = interp1d(lsttime, lst, kind='linear') latint = interp1d(lattime, lat, kind='linear') lst_inter = lstint(dettime) lat_inter = latint(dettime) del lst del lat if np.size(np.shape(self.det_data)) > 1: return (dettime, self.det_data, \ coord1_inter, coord2_inter, hwp_inter, lst_inter, lat_inter) else: return (dettime, self.det_data, \ coord1_inter, coord2_inter, hwp_inter, lst_inter, lat_inter) else: if np.size(np.shape(self.det_data)) > 1: return (dettime, self.det_data, \ coord1_inter, coord2_inter, hwp_inter) else: return (dettime, self.det_data, \ coord1_inter, coord2_inter, hwp_inter)
if (match): lst = (float("day"))*24*3600 \ + float("hour"))*3600) schedule.append((lst,"name"))) print "\nSchedule parsed with", len(schedule), "command lines" print print "************************************************************" print "* Starting main loop, waiting for new scans *" print "************************************************************" print #main loop. read LST_SCHED and if it crosses a schedule threshold, play the song try: while True: df = gd.dirfile(dirfilePath, gd.RDONLY) lst = df.getdata("LST_SCHED", gd.FLOAT, \ first_frame=df.nframes-1, num_frames=1)[0] df.close() newsong = False try: while lst > schedule[1][0]: schedule.pop(0) print "Passed threshold", schedule[0][0], "<", lst, \ "for region", schedule[0][1] newsong = True if newsong: #can't do direct songLookup access because names may have modifier chars for region in songLookup.iterkeys(): if schedule[0][1].find(region) >= 0: print "New song!", schedule[0][1], "matches", region
def write_dirfile_format_file(self,dirfile_path, f, i, q): print f print i print q print "Writing format file" dirf=gd.dirfile(dirfile_path,gd.RDWR) print 'including format file fragments...','format_sweep','format_calibration' sweepfrag = dirf.include('sweep',flags=gd.CREAT) calfrag = dirf.include('calibration',flags=gd.CREAT) for chan,(ff,ii,qq) in enumerate(zip(f,i,q)): di = np.diff(ii) dq = np.diff(qq) mididx=ff.size//2 df = ff[mididx+1]-ff[mididx] f_tone = ff[mididx] i_tone = ii[mididx] q_tone = qq[mididx] di_tone = di[mididx] dq_tone = dq[mididx] #di_tone = np.mean(di[mididx-1:mididx+1]) #dq_tone = np.mean(dq[mididx-1:mididx+1]) didf_tone = di_tone/df dqdf_tone = dq_tone/df c,r = self.least_sq_circle(ii,qq) phi_tone = np.arctan2(q_tone-c[1],i_tone-c[0]) #Sweeps dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.CARRAY_ENTRY,'sweep_f_%04d'%chan,sweepfrag,(gd.FLOAT32,ff.size))) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.CARRAY_ENTRY,'sweep_i_%04d'%chan,sweepfrag,(gd.FLOAT32,ff.size))) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.CARRAY_ENTRY,'sweep_q_%04d'%chan,sweepfrag,(gd.FLOAT32,ff.size))) dirf.put_carray('sweep_f_%04d'%chan,ff) dirf.put_carray('sweep_i_%04d'%chan,ii) dirf.put_carray('sweep_q_%04d'%chan,qq) ##Resonant Frequency #dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.CONST_ENTRY,'cal_res_freq_%04d'%chan,calfrag,(gd.FLOAT32,))) #dirf.put_constant('cal_res_freq_%04d'%chan,fres) #Tone Frequency dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.CONST_ENTRY,'_cal_tone_freq_%04d'%chan,calfrag,(gd.FLOAT32,))) dirf.put_constant('_cal_tone_freq_%04d'%chan,f_tone) #i-i0 q-q0 dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'_cal_i_sub_i0_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (("I%04d"%chan,),(1,),(-1*i_tone,)))) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'_cal_q_sub_q0_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (("Q%04d"%chan,),(1,),(-1*q_tone,)))) #Complex values dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'_cal_complex_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (("I%04d"%chan,"Q%04d"%chan),(1,1j),(0,0)))) #Amplitude dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.PHASE_ENTRY,'amplitude_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (('_cal_complex_%04d.m'%chan),0))) Phase dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'phase_raw_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (('_cal_complex_%04d.a'%chan,),(1,1j),(0,)))) #Complex_centered: dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'_cal_centred_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (("_cal_complex_%04d"%chan,),(1,),(-c[0]-1j*c[1],)))) #Complex_rotated dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'_cal_rotated_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (("_cal_centred_%04d"%chan,),(np.exp(-1j*phi_tone),),(0,)))) #Phase dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'phase_rotated_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (('_cal_rotated_%04d.a'%chan,),(1,),(0,)))) #df = ((i[0]-i)(di/df) + (q[0]-q)(dq/df) ) / ((di/df)**2 + (dq/df)**2) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.CONST_ENTRY,'_cal_didf_mult_%04d'%chan,calfrag,(gd.FLOAT32,))) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.CONST_ENTRY,'_cal_dqdf_mult_%04d'%chan,calfrag,(gd.FLOAT32,))) dirf.put_constant('_cal_didf_mult_%04d'%chan,didf_tone/(didf_tone**2+dqdf_tone**2)) dirf.put_constant('_cal_dqdf_mult_%04d'%chan,dqdf_tone/(didf_tone**2+dqdf_tone**2)) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'_cal_i0_sub_i_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (("I%04d"%chan,),(-1,),(i_tone,)))) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'_cal_q0_sub_q_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (("Q%04d"%chan,),(-1,),(q_tone,)))) dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY, 'delta_f_%04d'%chan, calfrag, (("_cal_i0_sub_i_%04d"%chan,"_cal_q0_sub_q_%04d"%chan), ("_cal_didf_mult_%04d"%chan,"_cal_dqdf_mult_%04d"%chan), (0,0)))) #x = df/f0 dirf.add(gd.entry(gd.LINCOM_ENTRY,'x_%04d'%chan,calfrag, (('delta_f_%04d'%chan,),(1./f_tone,),(0,)))) dirf.close()
# Quickly plot up last sweep and save pngs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pygetdata as gd import glob import os list_of_sweeps = glob.glob('/data/dirfiles/roach0/20??????_??????_sweep') latest_sweep = max(list_of_sweeps, key=os.path.getctime) figdir = '/data/tuning/roach0/' + latest_sweep[-21:-6] if not os.path.isdir(figdir): os.mkdir(figdir) df = gd.dirfile(latest_sweep, gd.RDONLY | gd.UNENCODED) lo = df.get_carray('sweep.lo_freqs') for key in df.field_list(): if (key[-4] == 'K') or (key[-4] == 'B'): sweep = df.get_carray('sweep.' + key[-4:]) plt.figure(1) plt.plot((lo - np.mean(lo)) / 1e3, 20 * np.log10(np.abs(sweep))) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('Offset Frequency [kHz]') plt.ylabel('20*log10(mag)') plt.title(key[-4:] + ': ' + latest_sweep[-21:-6])