Exemplo n.º 1
    def from_line(cls, line):
        """:return: New RefLogEntry instance from the given revlog line.
		:param line: line without trailing newline
		:raise ValueError: If line could not be parsed"""
            info, msg = line.split("\t", 2)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("line is missing tab separator")
            # END handle first plit
        oldhexsha = info[:40]
        newhexsha = info[41:81]
        for hexsha in (oldhexsha, newhexsha):
            if not cls._re_hexsha_only.match(hexsha):
                raise ValueError("Invalid hexsha: %s" % hexsha)
                # END if hexsha re doesn't match
                # END for each hexsha

        email_end = info.find(">", 82)
        if email_end == -1:
            raise ValueError("Missing token: >")
            # END handle missing end brace

        actor = Actor._from_string(info[82 : email_end + 1])
        time, tz_offset = parse_date(info[email_end + 2 :])

        return RefLogEntry((oldhexsha, newhexsha, actor, (time, tz_offset), msg))
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse_actor_and_date(line):
	"""Parse out the actor (author or committer) info from a line like::
		author Tom Preston-Werner <*****@*****.**> 1191999972 -0700
	:return: [Actor, int_seconds_since_epoch, int_timezone_offset]"""
	m = _re_actor_epoch.search(line)
	actor, epoch, offset = m.groups()
	return (Actor._from_string(actor), int(epoch), utctz_to_altz(offset))
Exemplo n.º 3
	def blame(self, rev, file):
		"""The blame information for the given file at the given revision.

		:parm rev: revision specifier, see pygit-rev-parse for viable options.
			list: [git.Commit, list: [<line>]]
			A list of tuples associating a Commit object with a list of lines that 
			changed within the given commit. The Commit objects will be given in order
			of appearance."""
		data = self.git.blame(rev, '--', file, p=True)
		commits = dict()
		blames = list()
		info = None

		for line in data.splitlines(False):
			parts = self.re_whitespace.split(line, 1)
			firstpart = parts[0]
			if self.re_hexsha_only.search(firstpart):
				# handles 
				# 634396b2f541a9f2d58b00be1a07f0c358b999b3 1 1 7		- indicates blame-data start
				# 634396b2f541a9f2d58b00be1a07f0c358b999b3 2 2
				digits = parts[-1].split(" ")
				if len(digits) == 3:
					info = {'id': firstpart}
					blames.append([None, []])
				# END blame data initialization
				m = self.re_author_committer_start.search(firstpart)
				if m:
					# handles: 
					# author Tom Preston-Werner
					# author-mail <*****@*****.**>
					# author-time 1192271832
					# author-tz -0700
					# committer Tom Preston-Werner
					# committer-mail <*****@*****.**>
					# committer-time 1192271832
					# committer-tz -0700  - IGNORED BY US
					role = m.group(0)
					if firstpart.endswith('-mail'):
						info["%s_email" % role] = parts[-1]
					elif firstpart.endswith('-time'):
						info["%s_date" % role] = int(parts[-1])
					elif role == firstpart:
						info[role] = parts[-1]
					# END distinguish mail,time,name
					# handle
					# filename lib/grit.rb
					# summary add Blob
					# <and rest>
					if firstpart.startswith('filename'):
						info['filename'] = parts[-1]
					elif firstpart.startswith('summary'):
						info['summary'] = parts[-1]
					elif firstpart == '':
						if info:
							sha = info['id']
							c = commits.get(sha)
							if c is None:
								c = Commit(	 self, hex_to_bin(sha),
											 author=Actor._from_string(info['author'] + ' ' + info['author_email']),
											 committer=Actor._from_string(info['committer'] + ' ' + info['committer_email']),
								commits[sha] = c
							# END if commit objects needs initial creation
							m = self.re_tab_full_line.search(line)
							text,  = m.groups()
							blames[-1][0] = c
							blames[-1][1].append( text )
							info = None
						# END if we collected commit info
					# END distinguish filename,summary,rest
				# END distinguish author|committer vs filename,summary,rest
			# END distinguish hexsha vs other information
		return blames