Exemplo n.º 1
def test_matrix_inversion(mat4):
    # Confirm `__invert__` method matches long hand utility method:
    inverse_1 = inverse(mat4)
    inverse_2 = ~mat4
    assert round(inverse_1, 9) == round(inverse_2, 9)
    # Confirm that Matrix @ its inverse == identity Matrix:
    assert round(mat4 @ inverse_1, 9) == Mat4()
    assert round(mat4 @ inverse_2, 9) == Mat4()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _set_modelview_matrix(self):
        # NOTE: Matrix operations can be optimized later with transform feedback
        translate = Mat4.from_translation(*self.translation)
        rotate_x = Mat4().rotate(radians(self.rotation[0]), x=1)
        rotate_y = Mat4().rotate(radians(self.rotation[1]), y=1)
        rotate_z = Mat4().rotate(radians(self.rotation[2]), z=1)
        view = rotate_z @ rotate_y @ rotate_x @ translate

        with self.program.uniform_buffers['WindowBlock'] as window_block:
            window_block.view[:] = view
Exemplo n.º 3
    def update(self):
        width = max(1, self.view_port.width)
        height = max(1, self.view_port.height)

        pyglet.gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height)

        with self.program.uniform_buffers['WindowBlock'] as window_block:
            window_block.projection[:] = Mat4.orthogonal_projection(
                self.clip_port.left, self.clip_port.right,
                self.clip_port.bottom, self.clip_port.top, -MAX_Z_DEPTH,
            if not self._view:
                # Set view to Identity Matrix
                self._view = Mat4()
                window_block.view[:] = self._view
Exemplo n.º 4
def row_swap(matrix, r1, r2):
    lo = min(r1, r2)
    hi = max(r1, r2)
    values = (matrix[:lo * 4] + matrix[hi * 4:hi * 4 + 4] +
              matrix[lo * 4 + 4:hi * 4] + matrix[lo * 4:lo * 4 + 4] +
              matrix[hi * 4 + 4:])
    return Mat4(values)
Exemplo n.º 5
class BaseMaterialGroup(graphics.Group):
    default_vert_src = None
    default_frag_src = None
    matrix = Mat4()

    def __init__(self, material, program, order=0, parent=None):
        super().__init__(order, parent)
        self.material = material
        self.program = program
Exemplo n.º 6
    def set_modelview_matrix(self):
        # NOTE: Matrix operations can be optimized later with transform feedback
        view = Mat4()
        view = view.rotate(radians(self.rotation[2]), z=1)
        view = view.rotate(radians(self.rotation[1]), y=1)
        view = view.rotate(radians(self.rotation[0]), x=1)
        view = view.translate(*self.translation)

        self.program['view'] = view
Exemplo n.º 7
    def set_modelview_matrix(self):
        # NOTE: Matrix operations can be optimized later with transform feedback
        view = Mat4()
        view = view.rotate(radians(self.rotation[2]), z=1)
        view = view.rotate(radians(self.rotation[1]), y=1)
        view = view.rotate(radians(self.rotation[0]), x=1)
        view = view.translate(*self.translation)

        with graphics.get_default_shader(
        ).uniform_buffers['WindowBlock'] as window_block:
            window_block.view[:] = view
Exemplo n.º 8
    def set_modelview_matrix(self):
        # NOTE: Matrix operations can be optimized later with transform feedback
        view = Mat4()
        view = view.rotate(radians(self.rotation[2]), Vec3(0, 0, 1))
        view = view.rotate(radians(self.rotation[1]), Vec3(0, 1, 0))
        view = view.rotate(radians(self.rotation[0]), Vec3(1, 0, 0))
        view = view.translate(self.translation)

        # TODO: separate the projection block, and remove this hack
        block = self.program.uniform_blocks['WindowBlock']
        ubo = block.create_ubo(0)
        with ubo as window_block:
            window_block.projection[:] = pyglet.math.Mat4.perspective_projection(0, 720, 0, 480, z_near=0.1, z_far=255)
            window_block.view[:] = view
Exemplo n.º 9
def inverse(matrix):
    """The inverse of a Matrix.

    Using Gauss-Jordan elimination, the matrix supplied is transformed into
    the identity matrix using a sequence of elementary row operations (below).
    The same sequence of operations is applied to the identity matrix,
    transforming it into the supplied matrix's inverse.

    Elementary row operations:
        - multiply row by a scalar
        - swap two rows
        - add two rows together"""

    i = Mat4()  # identity matrix

    # The pivot in each column is the element at Matrix[c, c] (diagonal elements).
    # The pivot row is the row containing the pivot element. Pivot elements must
    # be non-zero.
    # Any time matrix is changed, so is i.
    for c in range(4):
        # Find and swap pivot row into place
        if matrix[4 * c + c] == 0:
            for r in range(c + 1, 4):
                if matrix[4 * r + c] != 0:
                    matrix = row_swap(matrix, c, r)
                    i = row_swap(i, c, r)

        # Make 0's in column for rows that aren't pivot row
        for r in range(4):
            if r != c:  # not the pivot row
                r_piv = matrix[4 * r + c]
                if r_piv != 0:
                    piv = matrix[4 * c + c]
                    scalar = r_piv / piv
                    matrix = row_mul(matrix, c, scalar)
                    matrix = row_sub(matrix, c, r)
                    i = row_mul(i, c, scalar)
                    i = row_sub(i, c, r)

        # Put matrix in reduced row-echelon form.
        piv = matrix[4 * c + c]
        matrix = row_mul(matrix, c, 1 / piv)
        i = row_mul(i, c, 1 / piv)
    return i
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, vertex_lists, groups, batch):
        """Create a model.

            `vertex_lists` : list
                A list of `~pyglet.graphics.VertexList` or
            `groups` : list
                A list of `~pyglet.model.TexturedMaterialGroup`, or
                 `~pyglet.model.MaterialGroup`. Each group corresponds to
                 a vertex list in `vertex_lists` of the same index.
            `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch`
                Optional batch to add the model to. If no batch is provided,
                the model will maintain its own internal batch.
        self.vertex_lists = vertex_lists
        self.groups = groups
        self._batch = batch
        self._modelview_matrix = Mat4()
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_creation_from_list(mat4):
    mat4_from_list = Mat4([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
    assert mat4_from_list == mat4
Exemplo n.º 12
def row_mul(matrix, r, x):
    values = (matrix[:r * 4] + tuple(v * x for v in matrix[r * 4:r * 4 + 4]) +
              matrix[r * 4 + 4:])
    return Mat4(values)
Exemplo n.º 13
def mat4():
    return Mat4()