Exemplo n.º 1
def get_line_types(repo, repo_uri, rev, path):
    """Returns an array, where each item means a line of code.
       Each item is labled 'code', 'comment' or 'empty'"""

    #profiler_start("Processing LineTypes for revision %s:%s", (self.rev, self.file_path))
    uri = os.path.join(repo_uri, path) # concat repo_uri and file_path for full path
    file_content = _get_file_content(repo, uri, rev)  # get file_content

    if file_content is None or file_content == '':
        printerr("[get_line_types] Error: No file content for " + str(rev) + ":" + str(path) + " found! Skipping.")
        line_types = None
            lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(path)
        except ClassNotFound:
                printdbg("[get_line_types] Guessing lexer for" + str(rev) + ":" + str(path) + ".")
                lexer = guess_lexer(file_content)
            except ClassNotFound:
                printdbg("[get_line_types] No guess or lexer found for " + str(rev) + ":" + str(path) + ". Using TextLexer instead.")
                lexer = TextLexer()

        if isinstance(lexer, NemerleLexer):
            # this lexer is broken and yield an unstoppable process
            # see https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/pygments-main/issue/706/nemerle-lexer-ends-in-an-infinite-loop
            lexer = TextLexer()

        # Not shure if this should be skipped, when the language uses off-side rules (e.g. python,
        # see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-side_rule for list)
        stripped_code = _strip_lines(file_content)
        lexer_output = _iterate_lexer_output(lexer.get_tokens(stripped_code))
        line_types_str = _comment_empty_or_code(lexer_output)
        line_types = line_types_str.split("\n")

    return line_types
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_line_types(repo, repo_uri, rev, path):
    """Returns an array, where each item means a line of code.
       Each item is labled 'code', 'comment' or 'empty'"""

    #profiler_start("Processing LineTypes for revision %s:%s", (self.rev, self.file_path))
    uri = os.path.join(repo_uri,
                       path)  # concat repo_uri and file_path for full path
    file_content = _get_file_content(repo, uri, rev)  # get file_content

    if file_content is None or file_content == '':
        printerr("[get_line_types] Error: No file content for " + str(rev) +
                 ":" + str(path) + " found! Skipping.")
        line_types = None
            lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(path)
        except ClassNotFound:
                printdbg("[get_line_types] Guessing lexer for" + str(rev) +
                         ":" + str(path) + ".")
                lexer = guess_lexer(file_content)
            except ClassNotFound:
                printdbg("[get_line_types] No guess or lexer found for " +
                         str(rev) + ":" + str(path) +
                         ". Using TextLexer instead.")
                lexer = TextLexer()

        if isinstance(lexer, NemerleLexer):
            # this lexer is broken and yield an unstoppable process
            # see https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/pygments-main/issue/706/nemerle-lexer-ends-in-an-infinite-loop
            lexer = TextLexer()

        # Not shure if this should be skipped, when the language uses off-side rules (e.g. python,
        # see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-side_rule for list)
        stripped_code = _strip_lines(file_content)
        lexer_output = _iterate_lexer_output(lexer.get_tokens(stripped_code))
        line_types_str = _comment_empty_or_code(lexer_output)
        line_types = line_types_str.split("\n")

    return line_types