def plot_from_context(context): do_plot, x, y, options, p = context if do_plot: if p is None: master = options.pop('master', None) title = options.pop('title', '') if master is None: master = Tk.Toplevel() master.title(title) figsize = options.pop('figsize', None) if x is None: p = pygmyplot.xy_plot(y, master=master, figsize=figsize) else: p = pygmyplot.xy_plot(x, y, master=master, figsize=figsize) options['figsize'] = figsize options['title'] = title options['master'] = master else: # xlim = p.axes.get_xlim() # ylim = p.axes.get_ylim() p.plot(x, y) # p.axes.set_xlim(*xlim) # p.axes.set_ylim(*ylim) # p.refresh() p.zoom_all() p.refresh() if 'label' in options: p.axes.legend() xlim = options.pop('xlim', None) if xlim is None: xlim = p.axes.get_xlim() p.axes.set_xlim(xlim) # trying to change number font options['xlim'] = xlim return p
def powder_main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() else: y = yaml.load(open(sys.argv[1]).read()) uicfg = y['general'] config = y['simulation'] experiment = y['experiment'] pltcfg = y['plot'] powderx_version = __version__.rsplit(".", 1)[0] if uicfg['powderx_version'] != str(powderx_version): tplt = "Config file should be version '%s'." raise VersionError(tplt % powderx_version) log_level = getattr(logging, uicfg['verbosity']) logger = phyles.basic_logger(__name__, level=log_level) tk = TK.Tk() #"Reading mtz: '%s'", config['mtz_name']) # mtz_file = mtz.object(config['mtz_name']) #"Constructing Miller dict from mtz.") # mtz_miller_dict = mtz_file.as_miller_arrays_dict() # mtz_key = tuple(config['mtz_column']) # sf_mtz = mtz_miller_dict[mtz_key]"Reading pdb: '%s'", config['pdb_name']) pdb_inp = pdb.input(file_name=config['pdb_name'])"Creating structure factors from pdb.") structure = pdb_inp.xray_structure_simple() sf_pdb = structure.structure_factors(d_min=config['d_min']).f_calc() ec_x = config.get("extinction_correction_x", None) if ec_x is not None: # sf_mtz = sf_mtz.apply_shelxl_extinction_correction(ec_x, # experiment['WAVELENGTH']) sf_pdb = sf_pdb.apply_shelxl_extinction_correction(ec_x, experiment['WAVELENGTH']) #"Plotting powder from mtz: '%s'", config['mtz_name']) # p = plot_powder(sf_mtz, config, pltcfg, experiment, master=tk) #"Plotting powder from pdb: '%s'", config['pdb_name']) # p = plot_powder(sf_pdb, config, pltcfg, experiment, master=tk)"Creating integrated intensity pattern from pdb.") pattern = integrated_intensity(sf_pdb, experiment['WAVELENGTH'], config['d_max'], config['d_min'], v=config['v'], w=config['w'], B=config['B'], apply_Lp = config['apply_Lp'], pattern_bins=config['pattern_shells'], peakwidths=config['peak_widths'], bin_reflections=config['combine_reflections']) p = pygmyplot.xy_plot(numpy.degrees(pattern[0]), pattern[1], master=tk) p.axes.set_xlabel("$2\\theta$ (degrees)") p.axes.set_ylabel("Integrated Intensity") adj = {"left": pltcfg['left'], "right": pltcfg['right'], "top": pltcfg['top'], "bottom": pltcfg['bottom'], "wspace": None, "hspace": None} _radialx.plot_adjust(p, adj) tk.title(pltcfg['window_name']) p.refresh() _radialx.write_spectrum(config['pattern_name'], config['pdb_name'], pattern[0], pattern[1], False) TK.Button(tk, text="Quit", command=tk.destroy).pack() tk.mainloop()
def plot_powder(sf, config, pltcfg, experiment, master=None, plot=None): """ Returns an instance of :class:`pygmyplot.MyXYPlot` with intensity per detector area plotted over ``config['d_max']`` - ``config['d_min']``. Args: `sf`: structure factors as a :class:`cctbx.miller.array` `pltcfg`: mapping object with keys of - ``plot_points``: number of bins for the plot - ``n_ticks``: number of ticks for the x-axis `config`: mapping object with keys of - ``d_max``: maximum d-spacing in Angstroms - ``d_min``: minimum d-spacing in Angstroms `experiment`: mapping object with keys of - ``'WAVELENGTH'``: x-ray wavelength Angstroms - ``'DISTANCE'``: detector distance in mm `master`: Tkinter widget `plot`: a :class:`pygmyplot.MyPlot` to which the plot is added """ if (master is not None) and (plot is not None): msg = "Either or both of master and plot should be None." raise GUIError(msg) max_min = sf.d_max_min() d_max = config['d_max'] d_min = config['d_min'] plot_bins = pltcfg['plot_points'] n_ticks = pltcfg['x_ticks'] I = sf.intensities() borders = _radialx.make_borders_rho(plot_bins, d_max, d_min, experiment) binner = Binner(I, borders, experiment) values = getattr(binner, config['values'])() x_labels = [("%4.1f" % c) for c in binner.centers_res] tick_step = int(math.floor(plot_bins / n_ticks)) if plot is None: plot = pygmyplot.xy_plot(binner.centers, values, master=master) else: plot.plot(binner.centers, values) plot.axes.set_xticks(binner.centers[::tick_step]) plot.axes.set_xticklabels(x_labels[::tick_step]) plot.axes.set_xlabel('Resolution ($\\AA$)') plot.axes.set_ylabel('intensity') adj = {"left": pltcfg['left'], "right": pltcfg['right'], "top": pltcfg['top'], "bottom": pltcfg['bottom']} _radialx.plot_adjust(plot, adj) plot.canvas.draw() return plot