Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_FH_Square_1State_Fail(self):
        totalFail = 0
        expectedFail = 4
        # initial values
        x0 = [-1.0, 1.0]
        # the time points for our observations
        t = numpy.linspace(0, 20, 30).astype('float64')
        # params
        paramEval = [('a', 0.2), ('b', 0.2), ('c', 3.0)]

        ode = common_models.FitzHugh().setParameters(
            paramEval).setInitialValue(x0, t[0])

        # Standard.  Find the solution which we will be used as "observations later"
        solution, output = ode.integrate(t[1::], full_output=True)
        # initial guess
        theta = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

        wList = list()

        wList.append([2.0, 3.0])

        for w in wList:
                objFH = SquareLoss(theta, ode, x0, t[0], t[1::],
                                   solution[1::, :], 'R', w)
                totalFail += 1

        if totalFail != expectedFail:
            raise Exception("We passed some of the illegal input...")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_FH_Normal(self):
        # initial values
        x0 = [-1.0, 1.0]
        t0 = 0
        # params
        paramEval = [('a', 0.2), ('b', 0.2), ('c', 3.0)]

        ode = common_models.FitzHugh().setParameters(
            paramEval).setInitialValue(x0, t0)
        # the time points for our observations
        t = numpy.linspace(0, 20, 30).astype('float64')
        # Standard.  Find the solution which we will be used as "observations later"
        solution, output = ode.integrate(t[1::], full_output=True)
        # initial guess
        theta = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

        #objFH = squareLoss(theta,ode,x0,t0,t,solution[1::,1],'R')
        objFH = NormalLoss(theta, ode, x0, t[0], t[1::], solution[1::, :],
                           ['V', 'R'])

        w = [2.0, 3.0]
        objFH1 = NormalLoss(theta, ode, x0, t[0], t[1::], solution[1::, :],
                            ['V', 'R'], w)

        # now the weight is a vector
        w = numpy.random.rand(29, 2)
        objFH2 = NormalLoss(theta, ode, x0, t[0], t[1::], solution[1::, :],
                            ['V', 'R'], w)

Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_FH_IV(self):
        # initial values
        x0 = [-1.0, 1.0]
        t0 = 0
        # params
        paramEval = [('a', 0.2), ('b', 0.2), ('c', 3.0)]

        ode = common_models.FitzHugh().setParameters(
            paramEval).setInitialValue(x0, t0)
        # the time points for our observations
        t = numpy.linspace(1, 20, 30).astype('float64')
        # Standard.  Find the solution.
        solution, output = ode.integrate(t, full_output=True)
        # initial guess
        theta = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

        objFH = SquareLoss(theta, ode, x0, t0, t, solution[1::, :], ['V', 'R'])

        EPSILON = numpy.sqrt(numpy.finfo(numpy.float).eps)

        boxBounds = [(EPSILON, 5.0), (EPSILON, 5.0), (EPSILON, 5.0),
                     (None, None), (None, None)]

        res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fun=objFH.costIV,
                                      x0=theta + [-0.5, 0.5],

        target = numpy.array([0.2, 0.2, 3.0, -1.0, 1.0])
        if numpy.any(abs(target - res['x']) >= 1e-2):
            raise Exception("Failed!")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_FH_Obj(self):
        # initial values
        x0 = [-1.0, 1.0]
        t0 = 0
        # params
        paramEval = [('a', 0.2), ('b', 0.2), ('c', 3.0)]

        ode = common_models.FitzHugh().setParameters(
            paramEval).setInitialValue(x0, t0)
        # the time points for our observations
        t = numpy.linspace(1, 20, 30).astype('float64')
        # Standard.  Find the solution which we will be used as "observations later"
        solution, output = ode.integrate(t, full_output=True)
        # initial guess
        theta = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

        #objFH = squareLoss(theta,ode,x0,t0,t,solution[1::,1],'R')
        objFH = SquareLoss(theta, ode, x0, t0, t, solution[1::, :], ['V', 'R'])

        g1 = objFH.adjoint(theta)
        #g2 = objFH.adjointInterpolate1(theta)
        #g3 = objFH.adjointInterpolate2(theta)
        g4 = objFH.sensitivity(theta)

        EPSILON = numpy.sqrt(numpy.finfo(numpy.float).eps)

        boxBounds = [(EPSILON, 5.0), (EPSILON, 5.0), (EPSILON, 5.0)]

        res = scipy.optimize.minimize(fun=objFH.cost,

        res2 = scipy.optimize.minimize(fun=objFH.cost,

        target = numpy.array([0.2, 0.2, 3.0])
        if numpy.any(abs(target - res['x']) >= 1e-2):
            raise Exception("Failed!")

        if numpy.any(abs(target - res2['x']) >= 1e-2):
            raise Exception("Failed!")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_FH_Square(self):
        # initial values
        x0 = [-1.0, 1.0]
        # params
        paramEval = [('a', 0.2), ('b', 0.2), ('c', 3.0)]
        # the time points for our observations
        t = numpy.linspace(0, 20, 30).astype('float64')
        ode = common_models.FitzHugh().setParameters(
            paramEval).setInitialValue(x0, t[0])
        # Standard.  Find the solution which we will be used as "observations later"
        solution, output = ode.integrate(t[1::], full_output=True)
        # initial guess
        theta = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

        #objFH = squareLoss(theta,ode,x0,t0,t,solution[1::,1],'R')
        objFH = SquareLoss(theta, ode, x0, t[0], t[1::], solution[1::, :],
                           ['V', 'R'])

        r = objFH.residual()

        # weight for each component
        w = [2.0, 3.0]

        s1 = 0
        for i in range(2):
            s1 += ((r[:, i] * w[i])**2).sum()

        objFH1 = SquareLoss(theta, ode, x0, t[0], t[1::], solution[1::, :],
                            ['V', 'R'], w)

        # now the weight is a vector
        w = numpy.random.rand(29, 2)
        objFH2 = SquareLoss(theta, ode, x0, t[0], t[1::], solution[1::, :],
                            ['V', 'R'], w)

        s2 = ((r * numpy.array(w))**2).sum()

        if abs(objFH1.cost() - s1) >= 1e-2:
            raise Exception("Failed!")

        if abs(objFH2.cost() - s2) >= 1e-2:
            raise Exception("Failed!")
Exemplo n.º 6
from pygom import OperateOdeModel, common_models, odeutils, SquareLoss
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot 

x0 = [-1.0,1.0]
t0 = 0
# params
paramEval = [('a',0.2), ('b',0.2),('c',3.0)]

ode = common_models.FitzHugh().setParameters(paramEval).setInitialValue(x0,t0)
# the time points for our observations
t = numpy.linspace(1, 20, 100).astype('float64')
# Standard.  Find the solution.
solution,output = ode.integrate(t,full_output=True)

theta = [0.5,0.5,0.5]

objFH = SquareLoss(theta,ode,x0,t0,t,solution[1::,:],['V','R'])

boxBounds = [
boxBoundsArray = numpy.array(boxBounds)

xhat = objFH.fit(theta,lb=boxBoundsArray[:,0],ub=boxBoundsArray[:,1])

from cvxopt import solvers, matrix
solvers.options['abstol'] = 1e-4